
星期五, 4月 21, 2023

大波士頓商會總裁 Rooney 讚揚 Healey 州長的MBTA董事指派

             (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 才剛公佈指派3名麻州地鐵新董事的名單,大波士頓商會總裁兼執行長James E. Rooney立即發表聲明讚揚。

             大波士頓商會總裁兼執行長James E. Rooney在聲明中說, 雖然還有很多年的工作要做,但奚莉州長在重建大眾對麻州地鐵的信心上,已於過去一個月中向前邁出一大步,先是指派了伍華偉 (Phillip Eng) 單任麻州地鐵總經理,現在又為麻州地鐵指派了一批新董事。 

即將上任的董事會主席Tom Glynn 確實是麻州的一筆財富,他將再次挺身而出,承擔這既有挑戰性又復雜的任務。 

 任命 Tom Glynn Tom McGee 這兩位了解麻州地鐵在麻州經濟中的作用和緊迫性的交通專家,以及經驗豐富的金融專業人士 Eric Goodwine,是對此刻所需領導力和技能的完美注入。 

Statement from James E. Rooney 

Appointment of New MBTA Board Members 

“While there are years of work to do, Governor Healey has taken large steps forward over the past month to rebuild public confidence in the T with the appointment of Phillip Eng as GM and now these board appointments.   

The incoming board chair, Tom Glynn, is truly an asset in the Commonwealth, and he is once again stepping up to take on a challenging and complex task.  

The appointments of Tom Glynn as chair and Tom McGee, two Massachusetts transportation experts who understand the role of the T in our economy and the need for urgency, along with Eric Goodwine, an experienced finance professional, is the perfect infusion of leadership and skills needed in this moment,” said James E. Rooney, President & CEO of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce.
