星期四, 10月 31, 2024



           (Boston Orange 綜合報導) 1971年發表的聯合國2758號決議文到底該怎麼詮釋? 53年後的今日,竟然又成熱議話題。哈佛大學甘迺迪政府學院1030日也為此特地舉辦了一場「「再思聯大第2758號決議與台灣的國際參與(Rethinking UN Resolution 2758 and Taiwan’s International Participation)研討會」。

               哈佛大學甘迺迪政府學院的這場研討會,邀請了中華民國駐美代表處公使姜森和布魯金斯研究院 (Brookings Institution)中國研究中心主任何瑞恩 (Ryan Hass)主講,由TVBS國際新聞評論員余文琦主持。包括波士頓經文處處長廖朝宏,現場約有70人。

               聯合國2758號決議文很短,全文不過182字,重點是回顧聯合國憲章原則"修復” People’s Republic of China (中華人民共和國)”的合法權利,認可中華人民共和國的政府代表是聯合國唯一合法的中國代表….並立即驅逐蔣介石的代表。

布魯金斯研究院 (Brookings Institution)中國研究中心主任何瑞恩 (Ryan Hass)。




               有意思的是,1945年聯合國成立時,在51個創辦會員國之中的中國,明明是Republic of China (中華民國),大多數人在討論2758號決議文時,卻都沒有質問,這決議文否定中華民國會籍,修復中華人民共和國合法權益的合法性。

美國選定「紐約創造」為首個晶片研發旗艦廠 安置8.25億元規模的EUV加速器

Biden-Harris Administration Announces NY CREATES’ Albany NanoTech Complex as the first CHIPS for America R&D Flagship Facility and Planned Site for the estimated $825 Million CHIPS for America EUV Accelerator

New York Facility Will be Key Part of the NSTC and Expected to Drive Innovation in EUV Technology and Strengthen U.S. Semiconductor Leadership

October 31, 2024 – Washington, D.C. – Today, the Department of Commerce and Natcast, the operator of the National Semiconductor Technology Center (NSTC), announced the expected location for the first CHIPS for America research and development (R&D) flagship facility. The CHIPS for America Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Accelerator, an NSTC facility (EUV Accelerator), is expected to operate within NY CREATES’ Albany NanoTech Complex in Albany, New York, supported by a proposed federal investment of an estimated $825 million. The EUV Accelerator will focus on advancing state of the art EUV technology and the R&D that relies on it.

As a key part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, CHIPS for America is driven by the growing need to bolster the U.S. semiconductor supply chain, accelerate U.S. leading-edge R&D, and create good quality jobs around the country. This proposed facility will bring together NSTC members from across the ecosystem to accelerate semiconductor R&D and innovation by providing NSTC members access to technologies, capabilities, and critical resources.

“With this first proposed flagship facility, CHIPS for America is providing access to cutting-edge research and tools to the NSTC and its launch represents a key milestone in ensuring the United States remains a global leader in innovation and semiconductor research and development,” said Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo. “The research and development component of the CHIPS and Science Act is fundamental to our long-term national security and ensuring the U.S. remains the most technologically competitive place on earth. Thanks to President Biden and Vice President Harris, we are not just producing the world’s most advanced semiconductors; we are building a resilient ecosystem that will power everything from smartphones to advanced AI, safeguarding U.S. national security and keeping America competitive for decades to come.”

"This $825 million investment from the Biden-Harris Administration will cement Albany's leadership as a world class hub for entrepreneurs, researchers, and engineers in semiconductor innovation and R&D” said National Economic Advisor Lael Brainard. 

EUV Lithography is essential for manufacturing smaller, faster, and more efficient microchips. As the semiconductor industry pushes the limits of Moore’s Law, EUV lithography has emerged as a critical technology to enable the high-volume production of transistors beyond 7nm, previously unattainable. As the NSTC develops capabilities and programs, access to EUV lithography R&D is essential to meet its three primary goals 1) extend U.S. technology leadership, 2) reduce the time and cost to prototype, and 3) build and sustain a semiconductor workforce ecosystem.

“With two decades of proven experience fostering effective public-private partnerships and more than $25 billion invested in semiconductor R&D, manufacturing, and workforce development since its founding, NY CREATES is uniquely positioned to support the NSTC’s mission to provide an open environment to accelerate research, reduce time to commercialization, and grow a sustainable semiconductor ecosystem in the U.S.,” said Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and National Institute of Standards and Technology Director Laurie E. Locascio.

“The CHIPS for America EUV Accelerator underscores our commitment to developing and advancing next-generation semiconductor technologies here in the U.S.,” said Deirdre Hanford, Natcast CEO. “Through this collaboration with NY CREATES, Natcast and NSTC members will have access to essential EUV lithography tools and processes to facilitate a wider range of research and accelerate commercialization of the technologies of tomorrow.”

Natcast and NY CREATES, a non-profit advancing semiconductor R&D and workforce development that operates the Albany NanoTech Complex, expect to establish the EUV Accelerator for NSTC members to conduct next-generation semiconductor research and development activities. The EUV Accelerator, which will have initial operations available in 2025, will allow Natcast, NY CREATES, and NSTC members to work collaboratively to conduct research and development activities essential to enabling faster commercialization of innovative semiconductor technology and strengthening the U.S.’s technology leadership. Key capabilities at the EUV Accelerator are expected to include:

  • Access to cutting-edge EUV lithography tools and next generation R&D capabilities, including high numerical aperture (NA) EUV systems, with standard NA EUV expected by 2025 and High NA EUV in 2026.
  • Convening and spurring collaboration with industry, academic and government partners to advance technological innovation.
  • Dedicated NSTC on-site offices to support Natcast and NSTC member researchers.
  • Support for programs that provide, foster, and grow a talented workforce.
  • Efforts to grow NSTC membership and engagement while fostering an open, collaborative R&D environment with all NSTC facilities.

The CHIPS for America NSTC Prototyping and National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program (NAPMP) Advanced Packaging Piloting Facility, and CHIPS for America Administrative and Design Facility are still forthcoming. The Department and Natcast expect to announce information in the coming months about the process for selecting affiliated technical centers.

Natcast and NY CREATES have signed a nonbinding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and expect the final contract to have an expected term of 10 years. The final contract is subject to due diligence, continued negotiations, and refinement of certain terms. The terms contained in the final contract may differ from the terms of the MOU being announced today. Learn more about the CHIPS for America R&D facilities here.

Learn more about the NSTC, membership, and how to join, at natcast.org/NSTCmembership.

Read the NSTC Strategic Plan here.

亞裔美國科學工程院頒傑出獎及新星獎 表揚朱棣文、陳鋼及陳俊、Haotian Wang

              (Boston Orange 編譯) 亞裔美國科學與工程院 AAASE)宣佈首屆傑出獎,表揚朱棣文、陳剛、陳軍 (Jun Chen)、王浩天( Haotian Wang) 4名對科學、工程及領導力有貢獻者。

               AAASE將於11 15 日至 17 日,在加利福尼亞州爾灣的貝克曼國家科學院中心舉行 AAASE 年度峰會,正式表彰前述4名獲獎者。

               朱棣文 (Steven Chu) 是諾貝爾獎得主、前美國能源部長,獲頒首屆吳健雄終身成就獎章,以及 20,000 美元獎金。

此獎旨在表彰對科學和工程做出非凡貢獻,對科學界和人類都有深遠而持久影響的個人。朱棣文博士在鐳射冷卻和原子捕捉方面的開創性工作,讓他在 1997



吳健雄獎章是為紀念傳奇物理學家吳健雄而命名的獎項,吳健雄的開創性工作重塑了核物理學領域。 2021 年,美國特地印製吳健雄頭像郵票,以紀念她對科學和社會的巨大貢獻。

陳剛 (Gang Chen)麻省理工學院 Carl Richard Soderberg 電力工程教授,獲頒首 朱棣文金獎章,以及獎金 10,000 美元。此獎表彰在科學、工程和社會領導方面取得重大成就的有影響力個人。陳剛教授在熱能和納米級傳熱方面的開創性工作,塑造了能源技術未來,他的當選為美國國家工程院和美國國家科學院院士,彰顯了他的領導力。


陳軍(Jun Chen)博士和王浩天 (Haotian Wang)博士是首屆新星獎得主,有獎金5000元。新星獎是頒給在獲得博士學位後的10年內,在科學和工程領域有傑出貢獻,表現出非凡潛力的個人。

陳俊 (Jun Chen)博士是加州大學洛杉磯分校的生物工程副教授,因為在生物電子和材料創新上的革命性發現而備受認可。他在阮材料上發現巨大的磁效應,已改變了可穿戴生物電子及能源收穫領域。他對個人化醫療保健的貢獻,讓他獲得國際認可,包括籌帷引用率為高者,獲得無數傑出獎。

                                                                                             汪淏田 (Haotian Wang) 博士是萊斯大學化學工程教授。他因電催化和二氧化碳利用方面的開創性研究而受到表彰。他在 CO2 電解和下一代電解槽設計方面的工作對脫碳和可持續化學品生產具有重大意義。王浩天博士被引用超過 37,000 次,被評為史隆 (Sloan)研究員、帕卡德(Packard) 研究員和福布斯 30  30 歲以下精英。

星期三, 10月 30, 2024

BTPA談職涯發展 建立人脈關係仍是關鍵

              (Boston Orange) 波士頓台灣人醫師協會 (BTPA) 日前首次舉辦醫師職涯發展研討會,請到專長於生物醫藥研發策略顧問公司,Pharmagellan的創辦人暨董事總經理Frank S. David博士,在哈佛大學史密斯家庭中心做分享,許多出席者會後讚嘆,真的很有啟發性。

BTPA會長謝宜瑾 (Tina Hsieh ,右)送感謝狀給Frank S. David博士。
               Frank S. David博士同時也士塔芙茨大學 (Tufts) 生物科技實務教授,寫過許多本關於在生物藥業如何最大化價值的藥業手冊。他的研究重心聚焦於生物醫藥策略及政策,也曾經在AstraZeneca當過腫瘤研發策略領導,在Leerink Partners這家醫療保健投資銀行做過交易諮詢實務的共同領導。

               Frank S. David博士從哥倫比亞大學取得碩士、博士學位後,進了布里根婦女醫院 (Brigham and Women’s Hospital)做解剖病理學住院醫師,接著在貝斯以色列狄肯醫療中心 (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)和哈佛醫學院做博士後研究。

               這天,Frank S. David博士以「我在生物製藥研發策略方面的多方面職業生涯 (my multifaceted career in Biopharma R&D strategy)」為題,闡述了他從醫學院轉進諮詢業的學術及職業發展過程。

               當年,他覺得自己在住院醫師中,不會是成績最好的那5%,但是他知道自己可以在某些東西上是最好的那5% 於是他參考了「你的降落傘是什麼顏色 (What Color is Your Parachute)」這本書,藉以幫助查察自己想要做什麼,喜歡做什麼,擅於做什麼,然後和市場想要什麼,別人會因為什麼而付費給自己等做綜合思考。







               他寫了本書,最近接受了塔芙茨大學的工作邀約。他說人到50出頭,還會多想全職工作的來把事業打磨成功? 所以當塔芙茨大學來邀約時,他保留20%的時間繼續做諮詢顧問,80%在塔芙茨大學教書,幫助年輕的醫學預科生為自己的職業找出路。


               波士頓台灣人醫師協會 (BTPA)今年8月才慶祝成立2週年。創會會長陳思達和羅盈智把會長棒子,交給了謝宜瑾 (Tina Hsieh) 和林敬軒,期待強調合作、多元化和創新的協會宗旨,在新人接手後繼續發揚。

大陳同鄉會吃便當唱卡拉OK 半年敘舊一次

               (Boston Orange) 大陳同鄉會30多名鄉親,10月27日下午假波士頓國民黨黨部會址,舉辦便當茶會,高唱卡拉OK,談近況、敘舊情,歡度一下午。




星期二, 10月 29, 2024

麻州長Healey發表聲明支持猶太人 指派2人加入打擊反猶太主義委員會

                (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 在「打擊反猶太主義委員會 (Commission on Combatting Antisemitism) 1029日第一次開會時,發表聲明,支持猶太人社區,並指派David Friedman Dara Kaufman進入該委員會。

               奚莉州長在今年7月簽署的2025年度預算案中,新設了這「打擊反猶太主義委員會」。她說「反猶太主義氛圍的在麻州、全美及世界高漲,令人警醒、心碎,覺得不可接受。我們認識到這給我們的猶太社區帶來痛苦和創傷,我們致力於與之對抗」。她很感謝麻州議會設立了這個重要的委員會,並期待Chairs Velis Cataldo, Dave, Dara,以及所有委員會成員會在如何對抗社區內的反猶太主義及仇恨上,給人忠告,以確保麻州內的每一個人都安全,受到尊重。

               David Friedman是波士頓紅襪隊的法律及政府事務執行副總裁暨符合法規長。他曾經是麻州總檢察長Martha Coakley的第一助理檢察長,管理490名員工,督導各種刑事及民事案件。他1993年畢業於哈佛大學本科,獲得過世界大學辯論賽冠軍,1996年畢業於哈佛法學院,擔任哈佛法律評論( Harvard Law Review)董事長。他也是麻州莎士比亞公司的董事會主席,從2012年起就在哈佛法學院教授政府法,管理及領導力議題等課程。

               Dara Kaufman2013年起就擔任Berkshires猶太聯盟執行主任,監管包括項目發展,財政管理,籌款,領導力發展,策略計畫,社區關係,以及出版Berkshire 猶太之聲等一系列營運操作。


Governor Healey Issues Statement on Combatting Antisemitism 

BOSTON – As the Commission on Combatting Antisemitism meets for the first time today, Governor Maura Healey issued the following statement in support of Massachusetts’ Jewish community. She has also appointed David Friedman and Dara Kaufman to the Commission, which was created in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget that she signed in July. 

“The rise in antisemitism across our state, the nation and the world has been alarming, heartbreaking and unacceptable. We recognize the pain and trauma this has caused for our Jewish community, and we are committed to combatting it,” said Governor Maura Healey. “I’m grateful to the Legislature for creating this important Commission and look forward to the important work that Chairs Velis and Cataldo, Dave, Dara and the entire membership will do to advise us on how we can combat antisemitism and hate in our communities and make sure everyone in Massachusetts is safe and respected.” 

David Friedman 

David S. Friedman serves as Executive Vice President, Legal & Government Affairs and Chief Compliance Officer for the Boston Red Sox. He handles a wide variety of legal matters, including regulatory compliance issues and oversight of litigation, and assists with the club's interactions with Major League Baseball and other teams on legal-related issues. He is responsible for government and neighborhood relations, and he also serves as counsel for the Red Sox Foundation, handling a wide range of Foundation legal and governance matters. David is part of the Fenway Sports Group leadership team on initiatives to use sports as a platform to combat all forms of hate. 

David previously served as First Assistant Attorney General for Massachusetts, where he advised A.G. Martha Coakley and managed an office of 490 staff. In the A.G.’s office he supervised a wide array of criminal and civil issues, including civil rights and civil liberties matters. Prior to that, he served as Counsel and Chief Policy Advisor to Massachusetts Senate President Robert Travaglini, where he worked on the state's landmark health care law, same-sex marriage, economic development, and a broad range of other issues. David worked for several years at the law firm of Hill & Barlow and served as a law clerk to Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens and federal appeals court Judge Michael Boudin. 

David is a 1993 graduate of Harvard College, where he won the World Universities Debating Championship, as well as a 1996 graduate of Harvard Law School, where he was President of the Harvard Law Review. He is Chair of the Board of Commonwealth Shakespeare Company, and since 2012, he has taught courses at Harvard Law on government, management and leadership issues.   

Dara Kaufman 

Since 2013, Dara Kaufman has served as the Executive Director of the Jewish Federation of the Berkshires, where she oversees a diverse range of operations including program development, fiscal management, fundraising, leadership development, strategic planning, community relations, and the publication of the Berkshire Jewish Voice. Under her leadership, the Federation has spearheaded a community collaboration with the Anti-Defamation League and the Berkshire County Superintendents Roundtable to enhance anti-bias education in middle and high schools throughout Berkshire County. 

Before assuming her current role, Kaufman was the Director of Member Services for the Berkshire Visitors Bureau, where she played a key role in developing a new membership investment model during the Bureau's merger into 1Berkshire. Previously, Kaufman lived in Israel, where she held the position of Advertising and Sales Director at Jerusalem Report Magazine and also worked for the Jerusalem Post.   

Kaufman previously served on the Pittsfield Tourism Commission and the Board of the Jewish Federation of the Berkshires. In 2017, Governor Charlie Baker appointed Kaufman to the MA Taskforce on Hate Crimes where she continues to serve and contributes to the Education and Victim Support Subcommittees. A graduate of the University of Massachusetts, she resides in Pittsfield, MA, with her husband, Ofer.

波士頓市府提醒選民 11月5日為大選投票日

波士頓市 在選舉日前發出的提醒

提前投票將於 11 月 1 日(星期五)之前 在全市各個地點進行。

波士頓 - 2024 年 10 月 29 日(星期二) - 波士頓選舉部門提醒選民,選舉日為 2024 年 11 月 5 日(星期二)。選民也可以投票, 決定五個全州選票問題的結果。第 6 個公共政策選票問題將在州衆議員第 2、10 和 14區域出現。

親自提前投票現場提前投票將持續到 11 月 1 日 (星期五)。(週一、週三和週五) 上午 9:00點 至下午 5:00點, (週二和週四) 上午 9:00點 至 晚上 8:00點。鼓勵選民使用 國會街(Congress Street)的 乾草市場(Haymarket)入口 進入市政廳。

全市各社區均設有其他提前親自投票地點: 10 月 29 日(星期二)和 10 月 31 日(星期四) 中午

12:00點 至晚上 8:00點,如需提前投票地點的完整列表,請點擊這裡。




郵寄投票申請截止日期為 10 月 29 日(星期二)下午 5:00時,選民可以通過 麻州州務卿網站 申

請郵寄投票, 通過市政廳 241 室的選舉部門,或郵寄申請表。 所有申請表必須在 10月29日下午

5:00點 之前提交至選舉部門。



選民,我們鼓勵您,透過其他方式寄回選票。選票必須在 2024 年 11 月 5 日之前加蓋郵戳,波士

頓選舉部門需要在不遲於 2024 年 11 月 8 日下午 5:00點 前收到選票。

波士頓選舉部門在全市放置了 23 個選票回收箱,包括波士頓市政廳一樓和三樓入口處。所有選

票回收箱均受到24小時視訊監控。若要尋找選票回的收箱位置, 參考這裡。

選民可以在晚上 8 點前親自交回選票。在選舉日提交至全市 23 個選票回收箱中的任何一個,或


從 10 月 31 日上午 9:00點 時開始,選票回收箱將於萬聖節期間關閉,至 11 月 1 日中午 12:00時


選民可以透過州政府的網站這裡追蹤您的選票 。 如果「追蹤我的選票」系統沒有顯示任何更新



無障礙電子投票系統允許及協助 無法獨立閱讀、書寫、持有或操作,或標記選票的選民,透過安

全的電子傳送系統,提交選票。有資格獲得無障礙電子選票的選民, 可以通過 這裡申請。 申請

無障礙選票的截止日期為 2024 年 10 月 29 日(星期二) 下午 5:00時。



投票站在上午 7:00時 開放,晚上 8:00時 關閉。可以通過 這裡找到投票站的列表。溫馨提示:選

民應該透過以下方式,檢查您的選民登記狀態:麻州州務卿網站。 紙張印刷的選票將提供英語和

西班牙語版本。中文和越南文的選票如有需要可提供使用 。如有要求,投票站還可提供口譯員協




選區和小/轄區   以前的地點    新地點

第6選區 的第10 小區 

詹姆斯·F·康登學校 (James F. Condon School)200 D 街,South Boston (南波士頓)

人類服務藝術家機構(Artists for Humanity)100 West Second (西二街), South Boston (南波士頓)

第6選區的第11 小區和 第12 小區 

位於 55 Pier Four Blvd大樓.(55 Pier Four Blvd.) South Boston Waterfront(南波士頓海濱區)

波士頓碼頭路 1 號大樓(Building at 1 Boston Wharf Road) 1 Boston Wharf Road, (波士頓碼頭路)South Boston Waterfront(南波士頓海濱區)

第15選區的第2 小區和 第2 小區

消防局7 教區 (Parish) 街,Dorchester (多切斯特市)

消防局44 冬季(Winter) 街,選民從教區(Parish)街進入,Dorchesterr (多切斯特市)

第17選區的第1小區和 第 3 小區

科德曼廣場健康中心大廳(Great Hall at Codman Square Health Center) 6 Norfolk(諾福克) 街

Dorchester (多切斯特市)

科德曼廣場技術中心(Codman Square Tech Centre) 450 華盛頓街 Dorchester (多切斯特市)


2024 年 10 月 28 日(星期一) 開始,波士頓市會從 州選舉選票的信封中取出, 並將這些選票放入



投票於晚上8時 結束後,選舉部門將接收,並上傳從每個選區收回的非官方投票清點結果。 投票


等到直至晚上 10:00 時之後才會開始。

選舉日晚上 網站的報告之初步結果將包括:

● 在選舉日親自投票的選票結果;

● 提前投票和郵寄選票,包括市政廳中央點票統計設備的選區選票結果。

非官方結果已上傳至 www.boston.gov/election 選舉日晚上 將不包括以下幾個組別的選票結果


● 郵寄選票及缺席選票在選舉日準時送達,但來不及送往投票地點進行點票;

● 選舉當晚 8:00pm 從投遞箱取回的選票;

● 美國國內郵寄選票在 11 月 5 日之前蓋上郵戳,並在 11月8日下午5:00 時 之前到達市政廳;

● 美國國外郵寄的選票,郵戳日期為 11 月 5 日,並於 11月15日下午5:00時 之前到達市政廳。

根據州法律允許,按時到達了 選舉部的郵寄選票或缺席選票,將在選舉委員會的確定日期,在市政廳進行計點計選票。(市政府提供的中文翻譯)


Early voting will take place at sites throughout the city until Friday, November 1.

BOSTON - Tuesday, October 29, 2024 - The Boston Election Department is reminding voters that Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024. The State Election determines the winner of various state and federal races, including the presidency. Voters can also decide the result of five statewide ballot questions. A sixth public policy question will appear in State Representative Districts 2, 10, and 14. Early voting will continue through November 1 at sites around the City.

In-Person Early Voting

In-person early voting will continue through Friday, November 1. City Hall is Boston's primary early voting site, with voting from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Voters are encouraged to enter City Hall using the Haymarket entrance on Congress Street. 

Additional early voting locations are available in neighborhoods throughout the city on Tuesday, October 29, and Thursday, October 31 from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. For a full list of early voting locations click here.

All early voting sites are equipped with electronic poll books for voter check-in. Early voting locations are well-staffed with poll workers and interpreters. All sites are fully accessible to voters with disabilities.

Vote By Mail Application

The vote by mail application deadline is Tuesday, October 29 at 5:00 p.m. Voters may apply for a vote by mail ballot through the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s website, by visiting the Election Department in room 241 at City Hall, or by mailing an application.  All applications must reach the Election Department by 5:00 p.m. on October 29.

Ballot Return

Voters who planned to return their ballots by U.S. Mail and have not mailed their ballots within one week of Election Day are encouraged to return their ballots through other means, to ensure they will be counted. Ballot packages must be postmarked by November 5, 2024, and received by the Boston Election Department no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 8, 2024.

The Boston Election Department has placed 23 ballot drop boxes across the City, including at both the first and third floor entrances of Boston City Hall. All drop boxes are monitored under 24-hour video surveillance. To find a ballot drop box location, visit here. 

Voters may return their ballots in person until 8:00 p.m. on Election Day to any of the 23 drop boxes across the City, or in person at the Election Department in City Hall. Ballots cannot be returned to a polling location on Election Day.

Ballot drop boxes will be closed on Halloween, beginning at 9:00 a.m. on October 31 and reopening by 12:00 p.m. on November 1. 

Voters can track their ballot through the state's website here. If there is no movement indicated in the “Track My Ballot” system, voters should plan to vote in person on Election Day.

Accessible Voting

The Accessible Electronic Voting System allows voters who are unable to independently read, write, hold, or physically manipulate or mark ballots to submit their ballot via a secure electronic delivery system. Voters who qualify for an Accessible Electronic Ballot may apply hereThe deadline to apply for an accessible ballot is Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.

Please note: To get access to the electronic ballot, you will need to provide your email address.

Voting On Election Day 

Polling locations open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. A list of polling locations can be found here. As a reminder, voters should check their registration status via the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s websitePrinted ballots will be available in English and Spanish. Chinese and Vietnamese ballots will be available where required. Language interpreters will also be available upon request. All voting locations are wheelchair accessible and are equipped with an AutoMark Voter Assist Terminal for voters with disabilities to assist with marking the ballot independently.

Polling Location Changes 

Ward 6, Precinct 10

Previous Location: James F. Condon School

200 D Street,               

South Boston

New Location: Artists for Humanity

100 West Second Street, 

South Boston

Ward 6, Precincts 11 & 12

Previous Location: Building at 55 Pier Four Blvd.

55 Pier Four Blvd., 

South Boston Waterfront

New Location: Building at 1 Boston Wharf Road

1 Boston Wharf Road, 

South Boston Waterfront

Ward 15, Precincts 2 & 3

Previous Location: Fire Station

7 Parish Street,


New Location: Fire Station

44 Winter Street, voters enter from Parish Street,


Ward 17, Precincts 1 & 3

Previous Location: Great Hall at Codman Square Health Center

6 Norfolk Street, 


New Location: Codman Square Tech Centre

450 Washington Street, 


Central Tabulation

On Monday, October 28, 2024, the City of Boston began removing State Election ballots from their envelopes and depositing these ballots into a tabulator at Boston City Hall. The city will process ballots to the extent feasible during the dates and times listed here.

Unofficial Results

After polls close at 8:00 pm, the Election Department will receive and upload unofficial results of ballots counted at polling places as they are returned from each precinct. Poll workers need time to tally election results and transport materials from polling places to City Hall. Uploading of election results may not begin until after 10:00 p.m.

The initial results reported on the website on election night will include:

  • Ballots cast in person on election day;
  • Early voting and mail-in ballots, including those from precincts being centrally tabulated at the City Hall central tabulation facility.

The unofficial results uploaded to www.boston.gov/election on election night will NOT include the following groups of ballots:

  • Mail and absentee ballots that arrive on time on election day, but too late to be sent to polling locations to be counted;
  • Ballots retrieved from the drop boxes at 8:00 p.m. on election night;
  • Ballots postmarked by November 5 that arrive at City Hall by November 8 at 5:00 pm for domestic mail;
  • Ballots postmarked by November 5 that arrive at City Hall by November 15 at 5:00 pm for foreign mail.

Mail or absentee ballots that arrive on time at the Election Department as allowed by state law, will be counted at City Hall on a date determined by the Board of Election Commissioners.