星期五, 3月 31, 2023

Advancing Justice – AAJC Mourns the Lives Lost and Harmed in Ciudad Juarez Migrant Detention Facility Fire, Calls for Action on Behalf of Immigrants and People Seeking Asylum

Advancing Justice – AAJC Mourns the Lives Lost and Harmed in Ciudad Juarez Migrant Detention Facility Fire, Calls for Action on Behalf of Immigrants and People Seeking Asylum


Washington, D.C. – Earlier this week, a fire broke out in a migrant detention facility along the U.S. southern border in Ciudad Juarez, resulting in the deaths of at least 38 people and 29 injured. According to reports, the migrants were confined to a cell intended for a maximum of 50 people and deprived of access to drinking water.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC issues the following statement:

“Our hearts are broken by this tragedy that has left dozens of people dead, dozens more injured, and countless more in mourning. We offer our deepest condolences to the families of the fallen victims and are praying for the survivors.

“Immigrants, frontline defenders at the border, and advocates have always said human lives are the cost of restrictive border policies. But instead of heeding their warnings, the U.S. continues to keep punitive policies of deterrence in place and put more on the table, while some members of Congress persist in a campaign to end asylum altogether.

“Many of these migrants died exercising the human and legal right to seek safety. Other innumerable lives have been and will be lost because of U.S. immigration policies that embrace cruelty over humanity.

“It is painfully clear deterrence policies do not stop people fleeing violence and persecution from needing to seek asylum or make it safe for them to wait in danger or return to the conditions they escaped from. Policies of deterrence do, however, push migrants into vulnerable situations and cause harm.

“Our elected leaders must ensure there is not one more tragedy. The Biden Administration must end policies restricting access to asylum, such as Title 42 and the use of expedited removal, and abandon plans for any other harmful regulations, including the proposed asylum ban. Congress must not consider any legislation that propels or keeps such policies in place. Detention, deterrence, and asylum bans simply hurt the most vulnerable.


          (Boston Orange) 昆士市329日呼籲市民申請在自家門前種樹,可洽該市自然資源局 (Department of Natural Resources)

               昆士市長柯奇 (Tom Koch) 曾在市府預算中撥款40萬元,種植新的街道樹木,因此一直未能滿足居民請求種樹的申請,名單於是每年重建。


               昆士市自然資源局局長Dave Murphy表示,「很感謝柯奇市長和市議會持續支持我們在鄰里內種樹的工作,過去4年來,我們已經每年種了500顆新樹,希望今秋也能種到同樣數目,就看預算如何。



               居民查詢可洽617-376-1251,獲發電郵給Mike Caslinellimcasinelli@quincyma.gov來索取新樹。

City Compiling Street Tree Planting Requests

QUINCY, MA – March 29, 2023 The Department of Natural Resources is encouraging residents

that want a tree planted in front of their property to contact the department and get on a future

planting list.

For the past number of years, Mayor Koch has appropriated $400,000 in the City budget for the

planting of new street trees. As a result, the list of requests from residents has been consistently

fulfilled and rebuilt every year. The Department of Natural Resources will be working with the

Department of Public Works to plant along streets that have been recently renovated but will likely

have the ability to accommodate additional requests.

“We are grateful to Mayor Koch and the City Council for their ongoing support of our efforts for tree

planting in our neighborhoods,” said Natural Resources Commissioner Dave Murphy. “We have

planted more than 500 new trees every year for the past four years and hope to do the same this Fall,

pending the budget process.”

The Department of Natural Resources will investigate each requested location to identify any issues

that would influence the species planted and specific location of planting. Issues investigated include

underground utilities, overhead wires, adjacent trees, sight lines, and other considerations. The DNR

team will select the most appropriate species and location based on those factors in order to give the

tree the best opportunity to thrive.

Species selected for planting in the next round of planting include: Autumn Blaze Maple, Sweet Gum,

Japanese Lilac, Armstrong Red Maple, Eastern Red Bud, and Snow Goose Cherry. Paperbark Maple and

Black Gum will be planted in parks and cemeteries.

Residents can call (617) 376-1251 to request a new tree or email Mike Casinelli at


星期四, 3月 30, 2023


波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)
              (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 和工人賦權內閣330日宣佈,投資 400 萬美元擴辦免學費社區學院 (TFCC) 計劃。所有波士頓市居民,不分年齡,或身份狀態,申請並獲准進6所社區學院中的任何一所者,都可享有最多3年的免學費等優惠。


                      工人賦權長 (Chief of Worker Empowerment) Trinh Nguyen表示,波士頓市把TFCC計畫的資格,擴大給所有居民,將增加社區學院的註冊量,為關鍵工業提供更高技能人才,鼓勵以前的社區學院學生重新入學。

                    6所社區學院為邦克丘 (Bunker)MassasoitMassBayRoxburt等社區學院和波士頓市區學院 (Urban College of Boston),以及班傑明法蘭克林科技學院 (Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology)




                    波士頓市政府擴辦免費社區學院計畫的經費,有300萬元來自聯邦美國援救計劃法 (ARPA)100萬元來自國會議員普利斯萊 (Ayanna Pressley)去年爭取來的社區計畫經費。

                    波士頓市府同時宣佈,和麻州藝術設計學院 (Massachusetts College of Art and Design) 合作一試驗計畫,為符合 PELLTFCC計畫資格,曾獲該校錄取的學生,以轉學生身份從合作的社區學院轉學入讀該校,讓中低收入學生有更多機會以可負擔價格完成學市學位課程。


 All residents are now eligible to pursue an associates degree program or a short-term certificate program free of cost at one of six partner community colleges 


BOSTON - Thursday, March 30, 2023 - Mayor Michelle Wu and the Worker Empowerment Cabinet today announced a $4 million investment to expand the Tuition-Free Community College (TFCC) Plan, a City initiative that pays for up to three years of college for Boston’s income-eligible students. The expanded plan will cover costs for all residents – regardless of their year of graduation, income, or immigration status – enrolled in an associate degree program or a short-term certificate program at one of six partner colleges. Mayor Wu made this announcement today at Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt), a new institution that has launched a pilot program in partnership with the City of Boston. 

"Expanding Boston's Tuition Free Community College is a critical step in ensuring more of our city's residents are eligible to pursue a higher education right here in the City. This funding will  increase community college enrollment, and connect more residents with quality jobs," said Mayor Michelle Wu. "I want to thank Congresswoman Pressley for her leadership and all of our partner institutions for their critical work ensuring that we are closing gaps and expanding access to education for all.” 

Managed by the Office of Workforce Development (OWD), a department within the Worker Empowerment Cabinet, the Tuition-Free Community College (TFCC) Plan covers the balance owed after financial aid and other funding has been applied and provides students with a stipend at six partner community colleges: Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology, Bunker Hill Community College, Massasoit Community College, MassBay Community College, Roxbury Community College, and Urban College of Boston. TFCC will continue providing selected students with a $250 stipend per semester for up to three years. 

This $4 million investment is funded by $3 million from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and an additional $1 million investment is made possible through the Community Project Funding secured by U.S. Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley last year. With this new investment, TFCC will now start paying off up to $2,500 of debt for students with an outstanding balance at a partner college if the balance prevents them from re-enrolling.  

“Not only will expanding Boston’s tuition-free community college program help more students earn a college degree, but it will also help us address the college affordability crisis,” said Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley. “I am proud to have secured these federal funds to expand this program, and I’m grateful to Mayor Wu, Mayor Janey, community leaders, and our students for their close partnership.” 

“By spending Boston’s American Rescue Plan funds on tuition-free community college, we’re making a long-term investment in Boston’s greatest resource, our people,” said City Councilor Kenzie Bok, chair of the Council’s Committee on Boston’s Covid-19 Recovery. “I’m very proud that the Council and the Mayor could work together with Congresswoman Pressley to expand resident access to free high-quality educational opportunities, which is critical to bridging economic and racial inequality while meeting the needs of our growing industries. This initiative will have huge positive ripple effects in our local economy and community.” 

This expansion aims to address the pandemic’s impact on community college enrollment, completion rates, and eliminate barriers to re-enrollment for aspiring students. Since 2016, the program has served over 1,000 students. With these investments, TFCC’s eligibility requirements will now include all Boston residents, including older adults and undocumented immigrants. The City of Boston will be partnering with an immigrant-serving organization to provide support directly to undocumented students seeking to take advantage of the program. 

“All immigrants are key members of our community who contribute to our vibrant culture and economy,” said Monique Tú Nguyen, Executive Director of the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Advancement. “They kept our essential industries running throughout the pandemic, despite the disproportionate impacts of COVID-19 on our BIPOC communities. Providing equal access to all residents, regardless of migratory status, honors their current contributions and invests in their potential in shaping Boston’s future. Now that all Bostonians are eligible to take tuition free community college classes – we hope many undocumented residents will enroll in this program.” 

In an effort to meet the growing demand for industry-recognized certification, TFCC will now cover costs for any short-term certificate programs at its partner colleges that lead to an industry recognized credential. Certifications offer a pathway to in-demand, quality employment but are often not covered by federal financial aid. With the addition of short term certifications, students have the opportunity to receive credentials in industries such as healthcare, renewable energy, and information technology in as little as six months.  

"Boston is expanding TFCC eligibility to include all residents, which will increase community college enrollment, facilitate upskilling in key industries, and re-engage former community college students by incentivizing them to re-enroll," said Trinh Nguyen, Chief of Worker Empowerment. "Everyone deserves access to higher education and credentials that lead to quality, good paying jobs." 

The City has also launched a pilot program in partnership with the Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt). The program will cover tuition, fees, and mandatory supplies for PELL-eligible students transferring from a partner community college to a bachelor's degree program at MassArt. The college will also provide wrap-around services and coaching for students through their existing transfer support program. The MassArt pilot program is open to students who meet the transfer admissions and TFCC eligibility requirements. This partnership aims to make the completion of a bachelor's degree more accessible and affordable for low to moderate income students. 

“As MassArt celebrates its 150th anniversary, we are proud to partner with Mayor Wu and the City of Boston to provide access to a world class education in art, design and art education that is affordable to everyone admitted here,” said Dr. Mary Grant, MassArt President. “Removing economic barriers for these students ensures that these future artists, designers, makers, and innovators will enhance the economic, creative, and cultural vitality of the City and beyond.” 

This announcement complements Mayor Michelle Wu and Boston Public Schools’ (BPS) announcement last year regarding a partnership with higher education institutions and employers across Boston, adding six new Early College and Innovation Pathway programs for the 2022-2023 school year. These programs provide new opportunities for BPS students to gain foundational college credits and work experience while still in high school in fields ranging from life sciences and health care, to computer science and finance. Since that announcement, Boston Public Schools continues its efforts to expand high-quality college and career pathways, most recently celebrating the designation of fourth new Early College pathways at Boston Community Leadership Academy, Brighton High School, Fenway High School, and New Mission High School set to launch in the 2023-2024 school year.  

Early College programs are a critical strategy in increasing the number of Boston Public Schools graduates who enroll in post-secondary education and obtain a first credential of value and we are seeing tremendous gains across the Commonwealth.  

"Expanding access to tuition-free community college in Boston is a vital milestone in equipping our city's residents with the tools they need to pursue their dreams and secure a brighter future,” said Boston Public Schools Superintendent Mary Skipper. “By removing a financial barrier, this investment adds another option for our students to access a postsecondary opportunity immediately following high school graduation and increase our overall college-going rates. Having a professional certification and credentials will also enable individuals to access high-quality jobs in high-demand industries. I extend my gratitude to Mayor Wu and Congresswoman Pressley for their unwavering commitment to this cause and our partner institutions' tireless efforts to close gaps and advance equitable access to education." 

There is no longer a separate application required for the Tuition Free Community College (TFCC) Plan. Students simply need to apply and be admitted to their desired program, and the partner colleges will identify Boston residents and apply the funds as a part of their financial aid process. This approach streamlines the implementation of the funds by eliminating administrative barriers.  

To learn more about the TFCC Plan expansion, visit boston.gov/tuition-free.


Mass Cultural Council Awards 740 Cultural Projects, Programs & Festivals $1.85M in Grant Support

BOSTON – Mass Cultural Council today announces the 740 recipients of FY23 Festivals & Projects grant program. The $2,500 awards are going to cultural projects, programs, and festivals across the Commonwealth, totaling $1,850,000.

“Community festivals, local arts programming, and creative projects are essential to celebrating, understanding, and sharing our vibrant cultural assets across Massachusetts,” said Michael J. Bobbitt, Executive Director, Mass Cultural Council. “I am thrilled to support these creative initiatives and look forward to participating in many of them and encourage all residents and visitors to engage in these events and activities as they take place in communities near you.”
Mass Cultural Council, an independent state agency, is charged with bolstering the Commonwealth’s creative and cultural sector. The Agency’s efforts advance economic vitality, support transformational change, and celebrate, preserve, and inspire creativity across all Massachusetts communities. 
The Festivals & Projects program awards $2,500 grants to support publicly available cultural activities taking place between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. The program is often an entryway for organizations who have not previously received Mass Cultural Council funding; fifty-two percent (52%) of the FY23 Festivals & Projects recipients are receiving a Mass Cultural Council grant for the first time.
“I’m pleased to note that we are funding every eligible first-time applicant as well as all eligible applicants who had previously applied for Agency support but were unsuccessful,” said Bobbitt. “I am so glad to welcome these new grantees and I hope they will continue to engage with our programs and services.”
Eligible projects, festivals, or activities for funding are primarily focused on promoting access, diversity, or education in the arts, humanities, or interpretative sciences and are available to the public in Massachusetts.

Examples of Festivals & Projects grant recipients this year include:

Community Celebrations

North Adams Pride Night (North Adams) - This grant will be used for a project to help foster a sense of community and support for LGBTQIA+ individuals and their allies in the Northern Berkshires by producing a Pride parade, educational and celebratory community event, and dance party. 
Westborough Cultural Council's Arts in Common (Westborough) - "Inspiring Creative Expression" Arts in Common, sponsored by the Westborough Cultural Council since 2009, brings together people from all over New England to experience and celebrate creativity in all forms of artistic medium and expression such as visual arts, culinary arts, music and more. By using the universal language of art, the community works to ignite creative expression in children and adults. 

Cultural Festivals

Asian Festival (Worcester) - The Asian Festival is an annual event hosted by the Southeast Asian Coalition of Central Massachusetts to celebrate Worcester’s cultural diversity and the more than 14 local Asian communities represented in the area. The festival is a community-based cultural event which celebrates Worcester’s diversity, reconnects community members to their cultural roots, and provides an opportunity to learn about the cultures and traditions of Southeast Asia. 
Puerto Rican Festival of MA (Boston) - The annual Puerto Rican Festival brings together people from all heritages to share Puerto Rican culture. The festival consists of live performances by local and international artists, kiosks selling typical Puerto Rican food, local arts and crafts, mechanical Rides, and different activities for the entire family.  


Marshfield Lobster Festival (Marshfield) - Hosted by the Marshfield Chamber of Commerce, Inc., Marshfield Lobsterfest is a celebration of the local coastal community and the Town's rich fishing and lobstering history while supporting small businesses.  Their goals are to highlight and support our local fishermen, to provide educational materials, interactive learning activities and to highlight the vibrant arts landscape in the area. 
Martha’s Vineyard Flavors: A Food History Symposium (Tisbury) - Martha’s Vineyard Flavors is the first-ever convening focused on tracing the diverse cultural influences on the island’s food history, from early Wampanoag lifeways through the contributions of colonial European settlers, Portuguese Cape Verdeans, African Americans migrating from the American South, Brazilians, and Caribbeans. Hosted by The Martha's Vineyard Museum, Inc., the event will link past, present, and future through participatory experiences with MVM collections and archives, demonstrations and workshops, and discussions on stewardship for healthy, just food systems. 


Wampanoag Heritage and Archaeology Fair (Middleborough) - The Massachusetts Archaeological Society will use this grant expenses related to hosting the Wampanoag Heritage and Archaeology Fair and the Massachusetts Archaeological Society Annual Meeting, two free, public events that introduce visitors to Wampanoag cultural history through archaeological artifacts, traditional crafts, foods, tours, and discussions, highlighting members of the Wampanoag community themselves, who interpreted displays and activities in accord with their cultural values. 

Interpretive Sciences

First Day Hikes Cape Cod (Barnstable) - This grant will be used by the Barnstable Land Trust, Inc. to support First Day Hikes Cape Cod 2023, the only regional collaboration of its kind in the nation representing 10 nonprofit conservation/environmental organizations, which encourages all people to get outdoors and connect to the land in new ways through free guided walks and special activities as they explore Cape Cod’s parks, trails, and natural resources on the first day of the new year. 
Lowell Learning Sustainability Trail (Lowell) - Lowell City of Learning will use this grant to support a project that maps and creates an urban Learning Trail that highlights and increases awareness of sustainability practices and challenges in Lowell. Focusing on science, art, and history, the Trail will be self-guided or a guided “Lowell Walk,” and will draw in partners such as the Lowell National Historical Park, and UMass Lowell’s Sustainability Office. 

Public Art

Northampton Public Art Festival (Northampton) - The Northampton Public Arts Festival is a unique 2-day event hosted by the Paradise City Cultural District aimed at promoting public arts through live mural painting, street art workshops for the community, and permanent mural installations. The festival will bring local and nationally recognized street artists and muralists to convene and create beautiful public art for the city of Northampton. 

Small Business Grantees

From Jazz to Hip-Hop: A Black Music Month Celebration (Holyoke) - This grant will be used by Genuine Culture, LLC to produce a public show featuring local Jazz and Hip-Hop artists and connect the community through music in the heart of Holyoke. 

Next Funding Opportunity

Mass Cultural Council plans to offer a FY24 Festivals & Projects grant round, subject to appropriation by the state Legislature and the approval of a FY24 Spending Plan by the Agency’s governing Council. Those interested in applying should note the following key dates:

Tuesday, April 25, 2023 – FY24 Festivals & Projects Application Opens

Thursday, June 8, 2023 – FY24 Festivals & Projects Application Deadline

FY24 Program Guidelines, FAQs, and additional information will be available on MassCulturalCouncil.org, and program staff will host informational webinars for potential applicants. For more information sign up for Mass Cultural Council’s monthly Power of Culture E-newsletter or follow the Agency on social media @MassCultural.


             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙伍胥山公所326日中午在波士頓華埠泰勒街會址祭祖,隆重宣佈等了26年,每4年一度的第18屆全美伍胥山公所懇親大會,訂811-13日來到波士頓舉行,籌備工作正如火如荼進行中。僑委會委員長徐佳青預定屆時出席。

紐英崙伍胥山公所為懇親大會做準備,試拉橫額。 (出席者提供)

黃伍兩姓宗親和嘉賓也來試拉橫額,預沾喜氣。 (出席者提供)
並以書法寫就所有名牌、賀詞。 (伍氏公所提供)

              祭祖儀式十分傳統,黃伍兩姓一家親的宗親首長,包括黃氏元老黃官羨,黃國威,主席黃健國、黃光沐,以及伍氏自己的主席伍偉業,伍輝民等人,和到賀宗親及嘉賓,在四壁掛滿 「光宗耀祖」、「建堂紀念先人為盡孝思、非恃財雄爭出色」、「勒石留芳後代同垂景仰,因懷義氣得留名,」等牌匾,警語的氛圍中、上香、敬酒、燒紙錢,獻金豬。



伍振中夫婦親自試試伍振中為懇親大會寫得各部名牌。 (周菊子攝)
李伍碧香 (右二)等人熱心捐款支持全美伍氏懇親大會來波士頓舉辦。

年輕一輩的生力軍。 (周菊子攝)

波士頓慈濟人文學校宣佈成立台灣華語文學習中心 12週課程才300元

                      (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州牛頓市報導)波士頓慈濟人文學校開辦25年後再上層樓,325日揭牌,成立台灣華語文學習中心 (Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning),將從330日起至619日,推出第一期12週課程,學費才300元。




陳裕逢 (左起) 奉茶給潘昭榮、孫儉元、蘇煜升、長金滿、游勝雄、彭淑敏。
允諾捐款一千元。 (周菊子攝)

波士頓慈濟人文學校校長彭淑敏()和教務主任柳品貝() 說明該校成立
台灣華語文學習中心的過程、願景。 (周菊子攝)

                     波士頓慈濟人文學校的台灣華語文學習中心課程,一期12週,每週3小時,共有2個上課地點,一個在波士頓慈濟人文學校所在的貝德福高中 (Bedford),一個在位於牛頓市的波士頓慈濟會所,除了語文課之外,還開有文化課,包括陳裕逢的茶道、黃素玲的花道,許聰玲的國畫及書法,以及介紹台灣節慶的傳統民俗課。




                     在波士頓經營商業地產有成,最近出版了傳記的游勝雄,當場允諾捐款1000元,以示支持波士頓慈濟人在教育志業上的熱心、努力。 (部分內容轉載自僑務電子報,https://ocacnews.net/article/336151?cid=2 )

僑務委員郭競儒。 (周菊子攝)
講解插花知道。 (周菊子攝)
陳裕逢示範茶道。 (周菊子攝)
波士頓慈濟負責人長金滿 (中)來看看教務主任柳品貝(右)
等人布置的台灣節慶攤位。 (周菊子攝)
款待出席嘉賓。 (周菊子攝)
款待出席嘉賓。 (周菊子攝)


               (Boston Orange 節譯) 麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 和波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 等政要,29日聯袂出現在牙買加平原鄰里發展公司總部 (Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation) ,宣佈發放聯邦及州政府補助,以及額外的抵稅優惠等共6200萬元,支持12項可負擔住宅發展計畫。

            州政府估計,經由「永久支持性住宅補助 (The Permanent Supportive Housing Grant program)」的資助,將建成共460個房屋單位,幾乎全部都會保留給低收入家庭,其中317戶要給收入非常低的居民,包括無家可歸的人、殘障成年人、從無家可歸轉型的家庭、弱勢青少年和低收入老年人。


            副州長Kim Driscoll表示,州政府很高興有個像吳弭市長和牙買加平原鄰里發展公司這樣的有力夥伴,一起邁向居者有其屋這目標。



            麻州住宅及社區發展副廳長 Jennifer Maddox表示,這12個獲得支持的發展項目,遍及麻州各地,從Pittsfield到鱈魚角 (Cape Cod),將建造450戶以上新住宅單位。

            獲得獎勵的12項發展計畫,分別為在Mount EverettHamilton;在波士頓Grove Hall社區的Cheney家庭公寓;在波士頓牙買加平原的華盛頓街3371號;在Chelsea市的Cottage170號;在Dennis的「在岩向前 (Forward at the Rock) 」第二期;在GreenfieldWells60號;在Lynn市中心的Hennessey屋;在北亞當斯 (North Adams) 翻修2家庭屋 Bracewell 屋;在Pittsfield的第一街公寓 (First Street Apt.);在Pittsfield的西豪沙通公寓(West Housatonic Apt.);春田市Worthington775號;屋斯特 (Worcester)的改建一史蹟建築2樓的Chandler237號。

Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces Funding for 450 New Affordable Housing Units Across Massachusetts 

More than $60 million will advance 12 projects from Pittsfield to Cape Cod  

BOSTON – Today, Governor Maura Healey and Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll joined Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, Department of Housing and Community Development Undersecretary Jennifer Maddox, JPNDC CEO Teronda Ellis and local officials to announce this year’s Permanent Supportive Housing Grant Awards at the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation headquarters. The awards total more than $62 million in state and federal subsidies and additional state and federal tax credit allocations.  

These awards will support 12 affordable projects that offer specialized services to residents. In total, they will create more than 460 housing units, nearly all of which will be reserved for low-income households and include 317 units for very low-income residents. Permanent supportive housing provides affordable housing for vulnerable populations with targeted supportive services to address a diverse range of needs, including case management, job training, childcare, health and support services. Today’s awards include projects for chronically homeless individuals, adults with disabilities, families transitioning from homelessness, vulnerable youth, and low-income seniors.   

“Our administration is committed to ensuring that Massachusetts residents have access to safe, secure and affordable housing,” said Governor Healey. “We’re proud to support projects in every region of our state that are providing permanent supportive housing for families, seniors, veterans, young people and people experiencing homelessness. This is the type of housing production that we want to drive in communities across the state to lower costs and address our housing crisis.”  

“The Permanent Supportive Housing Grant program support projects that are affordable and accessible, close to transit and retail amenities, and offer a sense of community. These are the types of projects that our proposed housing secretariat will support while expanding our capacity to drive housing production at all income levels,” said Lieutenant Governor Driscoll. “We’re grateful to have strong partners like Mayor Wu and JPNDC who share our goals of expanding access to housing for all.”  

“Our older adults deserve to retire and live where they already call home, and these three projects will help our beloved community members stay in Boston,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I’m thrilled for this partnership of State and City funding to add more than 100 affordable housing units designed to meet the needs of Boston’s older residents.”  

Today’s awards include $62 million in direct subsidies, including federal ARPA funding, and state and federal housing tax credits which will create an additional $74 million in equity for projects. In addition, DHCD will support projects with more than 120 project-based housing vouchers, which help operate housing over the long-term.   

“We are proud to support 12 strong projects across the Commonwealth, from Pittsfield to Cape Cod, which will bring more than 450 new housing opportunities with essential services for our most vulnerable populations,” said Housing and Community Development Undersecretary Jennifer Maddox. “Strong neighborhoods have quality, affordable housing options for residents across the income spectrum and the Healey-Driscoll Administration is committed to increasing development at every level and working with talented partners like JPNDC, CEDAC, and all of today’s awardees.”  

“This announcement represents the first ARPA funding awards for supportive housing in Massachusetts, which will make a significant impact on the crisis of homelessness across the state,” said Roger Herzog, CEDAC’s Executive Director. “The new housing made possible through ARPA and other state funding sources comes at a time of vital need. CEDAC is pleased to collaborate with Governor Healey, Lt. Gov. Driscoll and Undersecretary of Housing Jennifer Maddox to increase the supply of supportive housing for our most vulnerable populations.”  

“The lack of affordable housing places the health of low-income BIPOC seniors at risk every single day,” said JPNDC CEO Teronda Ellis. “We are thrilled that with the State’s and City’s partnership we will create 87 new homes in two Boston neighborhoods – Grove Hall and Jamaica Plain – complete with in-house services where low-income seniors can age with dignity in a caring community.”  

The Healey-Driscoll Administration is committed to increasing housing opportunities for all Massachusetts households. The FY2024 budget recommendations include increased funding for Massachusetts housing vouchers, increased commitment to homeless families, and emergency rental assistance. Through the creation of a new Housing Secretariat, the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities, the administration will pursue more comprehensive strategies to address the Commonwealth’s housing supply and affordability challenges.   

2023 PSH Awardees:  

Hamilton at Mount Everett is a new construction project for seniors in Boston’s Dorchester neighborhood. The non-profit sponsor is Viet-AID, working with Hebrew SeniorLife as the service provider. The sponsor will build 36 units for low-income seniors, including 16 units for very low-income seniors. In addition to DHCD tax credits and subsidies, the city of Boston will support this project with local funding. The completed project will include comprehensive services from Hebrew SeniorLife and will replace an existing abandoned house with new housing. The project is also designed to Passive House standards.  

Cheney Homes Apartments is a new construction project for seniors in Boston’s Grove Hall neighborhood. The non-profit sponsor is Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation, working with the Uphams Corner Health Committee (UCHC) as the service provider. The project will feature 48 units for low-income seniors, including 20 units for very low-income seniors. In addition to DHCD tax credits and subsidies, the city of Boston will support this project with local funds. UCHC will operate a satellite PACE (Alternative Program for All Inclusive Care for the Elderly) on the first floor of the new building. Many residents as well as nonresidents will receive PACE services on-site.  

3371 Washington Street is a new construction project for seniors to be built in Boston (Jamaica Plain). The Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation is the non-profit sponsor and has hired Peabody Properties to coordinate service staff, including a resident service coordinator and a part-time wellness nurse. The project will feature 39 affordable one-bedroom units, with 12 further restricted for very low-income seniors. In addition to DHCD subsidies, the city of Boston will support this project with local funds. The Washington Street project is transit-oriented, it is two blocks from the MBTA’s Green Street Orange Line Station and is served by many retail amenities. The project is an excellent location for age-restricted housing. The JPNDC team designed the project to Passive House standards.  

170 Cottage Street is a new construction family project in Chelsea. The non-profit sponsor, The Neighborhood Developers, will construct 66 units, primarily two- and three-bedroom apartments, and will work with Housing Families to deliver services to 15 units set aside for homeless families. In addition to DHCD tax credits and subsidies, the city of Chelsea will support this project with local funds. The location is within walking distance of Bellingham Square and is one block from the MBTA Eastern Avenue Silver Line stop. The project is designed to Passive House standards.  

Forward at the Rock Phase 2 is the new construction and expansion of a project located in Dennis designed to serve adults with autism. The non-profit sponsor is FORWARD, Inc. When completed, the second phase will offer eight additional units for the target population. The town of Dennis is supporting the project with its own funds and DHCD is supporting phase two with state project-based housing vouchers.  

60 Wells Street is a combined renovation and new construction project in Greenfield. The non-profit Clinical Support Options (CSO) will renovate and expand an existing state-funded homeless shelter for individuals from 30 beds to 40 beds and will construct a new three-story addition to create 36 new studios for homeless individuals. Shelter guests and permanent residents will have access to a variety of 24/7 services, designed to meet the needs of formerly homeless -- including chronically homeless -- individuals. CSO, with its affiliate, Friends of the Homeless, will provide the services and operate the expanded shelter, which currently is managed by ServiceNet. In addition to DHCD tax credits and subsidies, the city of Greenfield is expected to commit local funds to the project.  

Hennessey House is an existing historic single-room occupancy (SRO) property in downtown Lynn. Affordable Housing Associates of Lynn, the non-profit affiliate of the Lynn Housing Authority, will convert this traditional SRO to 51 studios with private kitchens and bathrooms and will improve the overall accessibility of the building by adding an elevator. A total of 23 studios will be restricted for very low-income individuals, many of whom will be transitioning from homelessness. A local service provider will continue to use first-floor commercial space to serve homeless and at-risk youth and young adults. The city of Lynn has committed local HOME funds to the project, which also will receive DHCD subsidies.  

Bracewell House is the renovation of a two-family house in North Adams. The nonprofit sponsor, Louison House, will convert the existing building into seven units for homeless and at-risk youth and young adults ages 18-24. The sponsor will provide comprehensive services funded through EOHHS and HUD’s Continuum of Care grants.  The building is located within a few blocks of downtown. The city of North Adams has donated the property to the sponsor, and DHCD will support the project with subsidy funds.  

First Street Apartments is a project located in Pittsfield and intended to serve homeless adults. The non-profit sponsor is Berkshire Housing Development Corporation. The project consists of the conversion of part of an existing church into nine units of housing and a resource center. The city of Pittsfield is providing the project with $1.4 million in local funds, and DHCD will support the project with state project-based vouchers.  

West Housatonic Apartments is a new construction project to be built in Pittsfield. The nonprofit Berkshire Housing Development Corporation will build 28 studios for very low-income individuals, the majority of whom have experienced chronic homelessness. Supportive services will be provided by Berkshire Housing in collaboration with ServiceNet and the Brien Center, with service funding provided by Home and Healthy for Good and other sources. The city of Pittsfield has committed ARPA funds to the project, which DHCD will support with tax credits and subsidy funds.  

775 Worthington Street is a new construction project to be built in Springfield. Clinical Support Options (CSO) and the Friends of the Homeless (FOH) will demolish an existing one-story building and construct a four-story building to create 36 studios and a 40bed congregate shelter. The new structure will be built adjacent to Friends of the Homeless’ existing shelter/permanent housing project called Worthington Street. The city of Springfield has committed local funds to the project, which DHCD will support with tax credits and subsidy funds.  

237 Chandler Street consists of the conversion of the second story of a historic building in Worcester. The non-profit South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC) will convert a portion of the second floor of their current administrative building into 20 studio units for chronically homeless individuals. SMOC will provide supportive services supported by the CSPECH program funded through MassHealth/Medicaid. The city of Worcester has committed local ARPA and HOME funds, and DHCD will support the project with subsidy funds