星期二, 10月 31, 2023

"科技回家"獲新英格蘭愛國者基金撥給50萬元 助波士頓居民連網

Tech Goes Home Receives Major Grant from the New England Patriots Foundation to Expand Internet Connectivity for Boston Residents

BOSTON, October 31, 2023 -- Tech Goes Home (TGH), a leading nonprofit committed to advancing digital equity across Massachusetts, announced that it has received a major new grant from the New England Patriots Foundation. While visiting a TGH program in Dorchester, Josh Kraft, President of the Foundation, announced the $500,000 grant to support ongoing efforts to connect more households in Boston with affordable, high-quality internet access. 

Across Boston, 13 percent of all households currently lack a home broadband connection, which means that more than 80,000 people in the city – children, adults, and seniors – face the daily prospect of trying to work, find educational resources, access healthcare, and more without easy, reliable access to the internet. 

“Digital inequity remains an urgent challenge in the City of Boston – especially in communities of color, among our low-income neighbors, for seniors, immigrants, and others who face systemic barriers to access,” said TGH CEO Dan Noyes. “Providing more residents with affordable, reliable internet access is one critical ‘leg of the stool’ to achieve more sustainable, equitable digital access – along with providing digital devices and relevant digital skills training. The generous support of the Patriots Foundation will enable us to provide internet to thousands of currently disconnected Bostonians, and to continue working with our committed partners to create long-term pathways to digital access.” 

The new grant funding from the Patriots Foundation – which follows an initial grant made in 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic – will enable TGH to provide one-year internet subscriptions to more than 1,000 households across Boston. It will also allow TGH to ramp up outreach, enrollment, and education efforts to help connect residents to resources like the Affordable Connectivity Program, a federal program that provides subsidized internet and digital devices.

“The New England Patriots Foundation is deeply committed to strengthening our local communities and supporting efforts that build bridges to opportunity and equity for those in greatest need,” said Josh Kraft. “Internet access is something many of us take for granted, but for hundreds of thousands of people across New England it remains the difference between getting a job or being unemployed, between succeeding in school or being shut out, between connecting with loved ones or being isolated. We are proud to partner with Tech Goes Home to make affordable, reliable internet access a reality for thousands more people and uplift all of our communities.”  

Equipped with a stable home internet connection, more Bostonians will be able to apply for jobs, complete school work, access telehealth, find essential community resources, connect with loved ones, and more. TGH survey results demonstrate the impact: after participating in a TGH course – and earning free internet access – 60 percent of students improved their grades, 73 percent of graduates participated in telehealth, and the unemployment rate went from 27 percent before the program to 15 percent after the program. Within a year of completing a TGH program, 81 percent of graduates got a new job, got a better job, had a pay raise, entered a work training program, entered a new education program, or started a business.   

麻州文化協會 11/6 舉辦"創意零工經濟" 座談

Mass Cultural Council Hosts "The Creative Gig Economy," a moderated Panel Discussion in Boston on Nov 6

BOSTON – Mass Cultural Council announces its upcoming convening for the creative and cultural sector and partners, The Creative Gig Economy, to be held next week at the Pao Arts Center in Boston’s Chinatown neighborhood. This event will feature a discussion of what the gig economy means for individual artists and for the Commonwealth’s economy writ large.
As the Commonwealth’s independent state arts agency, Mass Cultural Council is charged with bolstering the creative and cultural sector, thereby advancing economic vitality, supporting transformational change, and celebrating, preserving, and inspiring creativity across all Massachusetts communities. The Agency pursues this mission through a broad range of programs, services, advocacy, and the equitable investment of public resources.
Mass Cultural Council is excited to bring economic development, higher education, and public policy leaders together with artists and creative individuals for a panel discussion to examine this creative gig economy. The panel will be moderated by Michael J. Bobbitt, Executive Director of Mass Cultural Council and speakers include:

  • Terry Borderline, Teaching Artist, Transformative Culture Project
  • Sara Hartmann, Program Director for Creative Entrepreneurship, Mass College of Art and Design
  • Doug Howgate, President, Mass Taxpayers Foundation
  • Emily Ruddock, Executive Director, MASSCreative
Following the discussion, all are welcome to participate in a break-out room to learn more about some programs Mass Cultural Council is offering this fiscal year:
  1. Grants for Creative Individuals – Learn more about this new grant program to support creative expression, providing $5,000 grants to artists, culture bearers, and creative individuals in all artistic/creative disciplines
  2. Local Cultural Council Members – For members of Local Cultural Councils to meet with members of our Communities Initiative Team to learn more about administering the LCC grant program
WHAT: The Creative Gig Economy 

  • Michael J. Bobbitt, Executive Director, Mass Cultural Council
  • Marc Carroll, Acting Chair, Governing Council, Mass Cultural Council
  • State Representative Mindy Domb, Chair, Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts & Cultural Development
  • Terry Borderline, Teaching Artist, Transformative Culture Project
  • Sara Hartmann, Program Director for Creative Entrepreneurship, Mass College of Art and Design
  • Doug Howgate, President, Mass Taxpayers Foundation
  • Emily Ruddock, Executive Director, MASSCreative
  • Maddie Lam, Singer/Songwriter
WHERE: Pao Arts Center, 99 Albany Street, Boston 

WHEN: Monday, November 6 from 10am-12:30pm (doors open 9:30am) 

PRESS: Open to the press

RSVP: Please contact Christian Kelly. Space is limited.

Healey州長宣佈刑事司法系統新寬大準則 再特赦2人

          (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) (1031) 日宣佈,符合其政府致力公平與公正承諾,刑事司法系統中的寬大新準則。



                         麻州州長奚莉今日也建議再特赦2人,Robert Miller Eric Nada。這將使得奚莉州長在就任10個月,就建議特赦13人。之前的特赦11人,已獲得州長的協會 (Governor’s Council)通過。





                                Robert Miller1992年,他21歲時偽造牌照,被判入懲教所1年,最終服刑30天,緩刑1年。目前他和妻子,已及正就讀佛蒙特學院的兒子住在麻州Reading市。他獲有麻州大學羅爾分校的電腦科學學士學位,如今是一家他自己創辦的再生能源公司執行長及科技長。他還藉著擔任兒子的體育及樂高機器人隊教練,和父親駕駛新英格蘭天使航機載運有需要的人到波士頓地區醫院,接受醫療護理來回饋社區。

                                Eric Nada1996年,他22歲時,被判犯有銷售A級管制藥品罪,處緩刑2年。犯案時,他在吸毒失調和經常流離失所中掙扎。自從19961月以後,他無其他犯行,而且一職保持興醒。目前他和妻子、女兒住在奧勒岡州波特蘭市。他從Pepperdine大學獲得心理學碩士學位,目前自己開業擔任心理治療師。Eric Nada以贊助上癮恢復所,為家暴案的婦女及兒童受害者提供治療,輔導青少年來回饋社區。

星期一, 10月 30, 2023


MaFLA前會長)、黃薳玉組長。 (波士頓經文處教育組提供)
               (Boston Orange) 駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處教育組1028日在麻州外語協會 (Massachusetts Foreign Language Association, MaFLA) 於春田市舉辦的2023年會中,頒發華語文教育獎,表揚威斯頓劍橋中學。

              麻州外語協會 (MaFLA) 是個由麻州外語教育者及新英格蘭地區外語教師協會攜手於1967年成立,旨在推廣外語學習的組織。在新冠病毒疫情趨緩後,該會於20231026日至28日在麻州春田市舉辦了近3年來的第一次實體年會。



              1028日這天,經文處教育組黃薳玉組長敦請經文處副處長施維鈞出席MaFLA頒獎午餐會,把特別製作的獎座頒給代表威斯頓劍橋中學領獎的該校教務主任Diana Baruni


麻州政府將和國土安全局合作 13日那週為移民提供工作授權協助

(Boston Orange) 麻州政府今日 (30) 宣佈,將和美國國土安全部合作,在 2023 11 13 日的這個星期,為住在緊急家庭避難所的移民舉辦工作授權門診。麻州還將安排預約並提供從收容所到位於米斗塞郡門診的交通工具。拜登-哈里斯政府將提供現場支援,協助收集資料和處理工作授權申請。

麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 表示,麻州很高興拜登-哈里斯政府和麻州一起主辦這門診活動,以盡可能有效率的處理工作授權事宜。許多助在庇護所的人都想要工作,卻面對著取得工作授權這重大障礙。這門診對麻州已經在做的為移民提供工作機會來說很重要,將幫助移民養家活口,從緊急避難所搬到更穩定的居所。


1.     麻州企業基金 (Commonwealth Corporation Foundation): 麻州政府和企業合作的新項目,把企業和庇護所內還在等工作許可證,但想要得到就業培訓或技能發展的居民連結起來。這項目將從Salem市,以實驗方式開始,再隨著時間演進,和有興趣的其他企業和庇護所合作。有興趣的雇主或企業,可以聯 LWDBusinessinfo@mass.gov

2.     麻州聘僱 (MassHire) : 這是把「麻州聘僱」的區域人力委員會和職業中心和麻州內的庇護所連接起來的計畫,目的在評估庇護所內已有工作授權居民之技能,以及是否已做好就業準備。初期階段將以麻州內,代表大約1500個家庭的14個庇護所為重心。這計畫已經展現出成果。例如南岸「麻州聘僱」和鄧肯甜甜圈 (Dunkin Donuts) 填滿了30個職位空缺,和Plymouth區域聯盟的庇護所提供者合作,為庇護所居民提供工作機會。有興趣的雇主和企業應聯繫 LWDBusinessinfo@mass.gov

3.     移民援助服務 (Immigrant Assistance Services):  七月時,麻州政府經由麻州移民及南民援助聯盟 (MIRA),推出移民援助服務  (IAS)。這項目目前大部分在有工作人員的庇護所辦理,提供個案管理及工作授權、特赦,以及申請臨時保護等協助。

4.     安置機構服務 (Resettlement Agencies Services): 九月時,麻州政府推出由安置機構主導,額外的法律援助服務。這項目主要目標為新來到家庭,由於聯邦政府政策最近的變動,也由於在邊境時是使用CBP1應用程式入境,他們可以立即申請工作授權。

5.     無償項目 (Pro Bono Program): 麻州政府在本月份稍早前,和移民組織合作無償,為大型庇護所為100多個家庭提供服務。

6.     法律服務合約 (Legal Services Contract) : 麻州政府最近開始和法律服務機構簽約,在25個庇護所提供服務。

 Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces Upcoming Work Authorization Legal Clinic in Partnership with DHS 


BOSTON – The Healey-Driscoll Administration, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, will be hosting a work authorization clinic for migrants staying in emergency family shelter during the week of November 13, 2023. The state will be organizing appointments and providing transportation from shelter sites to the clinic, which will take place in Middlesex County. The Biden-Harris Administration will be providing onsite support to help collect and process work authorizations.    


“We are glad that the Biden-Harris Administration is hosting this clinic with us, which will help process work authorizations as efficiently as possible. Many shelter residents want to work but face significant barriers to getting their work authorizations,” said Governor Maura Healey. “This clinic will be critical for building on the work that our administration has already been leading to connect more migrants with work opportunities, which will help them support their families and move out of emergency shelter into more stable housing options.” 


This clinic will build on several programs currently operated by the state to provide legal assistance to EA families and help shelter residents start working, including: 

1.     Commonwealth Corporation Foundation: The administration has launched a new partnership with Commonwealth Corporation Foundation to connect businesses to individuals in shelter who are still waiting for their work authorization but looking to gain on-the-job training and skills development. This new program is beginning as a pilot, starting with Salem but with interest in building business partnerships in other shelters and communities over time. Interested employers and businesses should contact LWDBusinessinfo@mass.gov. 

2.     MassHireThis program connects MassHire Regional Workforce Boards and careers centers to shelters statewide with the goal of assessing skills and work readiness of residents who have their work authorization. The initial phase of this new program is focused on 14 shelter sites across the state, representing approximately 1,500 families. The program is already showing results. For example, MassHire South Shore is working with Dunkin Donuts to fill 30 employment openings and coordinating with Plymouth Area Coalition shelter provider to connect shelter residents to jobs. Interested employers and businesses should contact LWDBusinessinfo@mass.gov. 

3.     Immigrant Assistance Services: In July, the administration launched the Immigrant Assistance Services (IAS) Program led by the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA). The IAS program currently operates largely in staffed shelters, assisting with case management and work authorization, asylum, and Temporary Protected Status applications.  

4.     Resettlement Agencies Services: In September, the administration launched additional legal aid services led by resettlement agencies. This program focuses on new arrivals who, because of recent changes in federal policy and because these families entered at the border using the CBP1 app, can immediately apply for work authorization.   

5.     Pro Bono Program: Earlier this month, the administration launched a Pro Bono Program with immigration organizations to provide services for more than 100 families at large shelters    

Legal Services Contract: The administration recently began contracting with legal services agencies to provide services in 25 shelter sites across the state. 

星期六, 10月 28, 2023


               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所今年的職員改選,1027日晚截止提名。在競選連任的5名現任職員之外,全無任何其他提名。由於參選人數與出缺席位同額,這5名現任職員將毫無懸念的連任一屆。


蔡倩婷,關麗莎。 (周菊子攝)







中華公所中文書記翁宇才宣讀收到的提名表。 (周菊子攝)



              紐英崙中華公所麾下的姓氏公所有昭崙公所,三益公所,溯源公所,黃氏宗親會,余風采堂,甄氏宗親會,阮氏公所,李氏公所,梁忠孝堂,龍岡親義公所,梅氏公所,伍胥山公所,鳳倫公所,至孝篤親公所,朱沛國堂,至德三德公所。僑團組織有華裔退伍軍人會,洪門致公堂,華人商會,僑生音樂社,榮光會,台山鄉親聯誼會,大同村聯誼會,王氏青年會,協勝公會,國民黨波士頓分部,廣東同鄉會,藝聯慈善社,華人經濟發展協會,安良工商會,婦女新運會,美東國術會,港澳之友社。 (更新版)

緬因州找到槍擊案嫌犯屍體 宣佈威脅解除

               (Boston Orange 編譯) 緬因州州長Janet Mills週五晚宣佈,涉嫌在Lewiston 擊斃18人的大規模槍擊案兇手Robert R. Card II死了,當局在Lisbon附近發現他的屍體,搜尋行動也就此結束。



              Lewiston警察長David St. Pierre告訴民眾,Robert R. Card II的屍體找到了,威脅也解除了。

              緬因州公安局局長Michael Sauschuck說,Robert R. Card II顯然死於自己造成的槍傷。警方是在晚上745分左右發現屍體的,但還有許多問題沒有答案,包括Card到底是什麼時候死了的,法醫辦公室還有很多工作要做。

              Janet Mills說,這晚開始,Lewiston市和緬因州的人將向前邁進,開始冗長而困難的療癒過程,但是大家會一起療癒的。


              一名接近調查的執法人員透露,Card的屍體是在回收中心附近發現的。緬因回收中心業主Leo Madden確認了週五晚,Card在那工廠工作。他說,Card是一名普通員工,沒什麼不正常的地方,也沒做任何會讓人有不同想法的事。他還補充道,Card最近停止了在那工廠工作,儘管他不確定Card是自願離職,還是被解雇的。


              兒子Joseph Walker也是18名犧牲者之一的Auburn市市議員Leroy Walker說,他原本希望警方能活抓Card,現在Card為什麼要奪走這許多人生命的問題,永遠得不到答案了,這是很懦弱的結局。

星期五, 10月 27, 2023

波士頓市府宣佈LINDSEY SANTANA出任鄰里服務辦公室副主任 LYDIA POLASKI 出任南波士頓聯絡員


BOSTON - Friday, October 27, 2023 - Today, Mayor Michelle Wu announced Lindsey Santana as a new Deputy Director of the Office of Neighborhood Services (ONS) and Lydia Polaski as the new South Boston Neighborhood Liaison. The Office of Neighborhood Services plays an integral role in connecting residents to City services and resources, facilitating resident input in all aspects of local government, ensuring the appropriate City departments respond to constituent service requests, attending neighborhood meetings, and responding to emergencies such as fires to help displaced residents. 

“I’m thrilled these two accomplished leaders are joining our Office of Neighborhood Services. Lindsey knows every corner of City Hall and leads with compassion and expertise,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “Lydia has a proven track record of advocating on behalf of South Boston families and building community. I look forward to working with both of them to better address the daily concerns of our residents.”

Lindsey Santana

Lindsey Santana started her career in City Hall as a Community Project and Marketing Coordinator for the Office of Public Service, which is now known as the Mayor’s Office of Civic Organizing. She later became the Jamaica Plain liaison in ONS and served in that role for two years. Santana has also served as Community Engagement Manager for the Environment Department and most recently served as the Chief of Staff for City Councilor Brian Worrell. 

“Lindsey’s return to the Office of Neighborhood Services is a win for the team,” said Community Engagement Cabinet Chief Brianna Millor. “Her background as a former neighborhood liaison and her experience in local government makes her fit to be an effective leader to support our neighborhood liaisons in delivering impactful constituent services.” 

In her new role within the Office of Neighborhood Services, Santana will build on the Office’s work to provide essential services to constituents and work towards deepening the City’s relationship with local businesses, organizations, and residents. She currently resides in Brighton and is pursuing her Master’s in Public Relations at Boston University. 

I am excited to contribute my knowledge and expertise to make the Office of Neighborhood Services stronger than it has ever been,” said Office of Neighborhood Services Deputy Director Lindsey Santana. “As the deputy director, I will empower liaisons to continue to be motivated leaders that deliver excellent constituent services for our neighborhoods.”

Lydia Polaski

Lydia Polaski is a proud resident of South Boston. She earned her Master’s degree in Communication Management from the University of Southern California. Her professional background is in the nonprofit sector in Boston with a focus on communication strategy and community events. Polaski is the founder of Friends and Neighbors, a nonprofit dedicated to strengthening community through events and opportunities that create new bonds and offer resources to those in need.

“Lydia’s ties to South Boston and passion for its community makes her a great fit for the role of neighborhood liaison,” said Community Engagement Cabinet Chief Brianna Millor. “Neighborhood Services is thrilled to welcome her to our team to represent South Boston to support residents, local businesses and civic organizations.”

Polaski served on the Andrew Square Civic Association leadership team, where she liaised with the MBTA to advance improvements at Andrew Station and increased confidence in public transportation within the South Boston community. She also served on the board of the South Boston MOMS Club and Paraclete Center. 

“What an honor to serve a neighborhood that is dear to my heart,” said South Boston Liaison Lydia Polaski. “I look forward to focusing on neighborhood livability and can’t wait for all the opportunities to celebrate our great community together.” 


The Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services (ONS) encourages, facilitates and maximizes citizen input and participation through service requests, neighborhood meetings, mailings, and emergency responses. To report non-emergency issues to the City, residents are encouraged to connect with BOS:311 by dialing 3-1-1 or by downloading the free BOS:311 app on iOS or Android platforms. 

摩頓市華人支持Gary Christenson連任摩頓市長

李豐(左)和Thomas Xie(右)在他倆經營的MT迷你超商中,
為競選連任的摩頓市市長何建生 (Gary Christenson)舉辦籌款會。

               (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州摩頓市報導) 摩頓市在麻州的351個市鎮中,是個人口只有65千左右的小城市,已在位12年的市長何建生 (Gary Christenson) ,今年競選連任,將在117日和挑戰市長席位的杜麗茜 (Lissette Aracely Alvarado) 一決勝負。

摩頓市市長何建生 (Gary Christenson,中)和Thomas Xie (右二),
吳雲德(左二),楊兆雄(左一) 等支持者合影。 (周菊子攝)

              2011年當選後,2015年無人競爭,2019年以5062票擊敗當年參選市長一職,已連任4屆,拿到3482票的該市第3區市議員John Matheson

              今年再次競選連任的何建生 (Gary Christenson) ,雖然有曾於奧巴馬總統任內,在白宮任職的杜麗茜 (Lissette Aracely Alvarado)成為競爭對手,但以他已在位12年的資歷,競選財庫還有6萬餘元現金在手,比杜麗茜的競選財庫只剩1000多元強太多,他應無懸念的可順利連任。

羅祖德(左二) 和朋友都來支持和建生市長。 (周菊子攝)
              過去這許多年來,何建生市長和摩頓市的華裔市民關係很好,無論是華林功夫學校創辦人余翠梅 (Mai Du),和余翠梅一起創辦大摩頓市亞裔聯盟的張仲荷 (Diana Jeong),或是華夏文化協會的洪梅,都建立了很好的關係。他和住在摩頓市的羅祖德,紐英崙中華公所英文書記阮鴻燦,也曾經十分親密。

摩頓市市長何建生 (Gary Christenson (左一)感謝所有的支持者。 (周菊子攝)

              在波士頓市經營有蓮花快餐店,在昆士市經營有汽車維修公司,在摩頓市和李豐合作經營MT迷你商店的Thomas Xie25日這晚,就和李豐一起,在他們的店裏,為何建生市長舉辦了一場籌款會,拉來許多潛在選民及支持者,為何建生助陣。

摩頓市市長何建生 (Gary Christenson (左起) 和李豐輪流致詞。 (周菊子攝)
              Thomas Xie還把他在昆士市,波士頓市,摩頓市的商人朋友都找來去助陣,包括波士頓家和超市的王乾,摩頓市水管暖氣工程公司老闆吳雲德,Anda房地產估價師楊兆雄等人,都應邀出席。

支持者陸續來到MT迷你超商。 (周菊子攝)
              何建生強調,摩頓市的改善成績,絕不是他一個人造成的,全靠大家團結合作,例如李豐和Thomas Xie,接手MT迷你超商這地點之後,翻修得那麼好,以前他到Walgreen買東西,以後可要改到MT迷你超商來買了,因為這兒甚麼都有。他也提醒眾人,今年的摩頓市選票,印有候選人姓名的簡體中文音譯,方便選民辨認。

李豐是2000年從馬里蘭州搬來摩頓市的。他認為這些年來,看到何建生市長對亞裔社區的支持力度之大,又為摩頓市帶來許多新建設,甚至使得他和伙伴Thomas Xie想在摩頓市在開一家餐廳。他提醒到會民眾,投票是市民的權利,希望大家都能善用手中選票,選出能夠使摩頓市變得更好的人當市長。


在波士頓市有華裔吳弭 (Michelle Wu)當市長,昆士市有華裔梁秀婷當不分區市議員之際,亞裔人口已增長到佔全市人口27%的摩頓市,在從政這條路上,有待急起直追,即使是像劍橋市今年有來自台灣的許正翰醫師,來自中國大陸的汪浩那樣的有人參選市議員,也好。