星期五, 1月 31, 2020

麻州政府華裔高官更少了 住房及社區發展副廳長陳潔瀅二月離任

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Leadership Transition at the Department of Housing and Community Development

BOSTON — Today, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy announced the departure of Undersecretary of Housing and Community Development Janelle Chan, who leaves the Department for Housing and Community Development (DHCD) to join the Massachusetts Housing Partnership (MHP) as a Senior Policy Fellow. Chief Financial Officer Jennifer Maddox will serve as Acting Undersecretary, effective as of February 4, 2020.
“We are grateful for the leadership that Janelle has shown in executing on the Administration’s deep commitment to increasing the production of housing across income levels,” said Housing and Economic Secretary Mike Kennealy. “Through her collaborative efforts across state agencies and with local community partners, Janelle has worked tirelessly to improve the lives of those with disabilities, alleviate the effects of benefit cliffs, and address youth homelessness.”
Undersecretary Chan oversaw five divisions with resources totaling $1.2 billion, and nearly 300 people dedicated to providing affordable housing options through housing development, rental assistance, and public housing, sheltering our most vulnerable families and residents, and empowering Massachusetts communities with planning and technical support.
“It has been a privilege to work with Governor Baker, Lt. Governor Polito, and Secretary Kennealy in tackling the pressing issue of providing quality, affordable housing for the residents of Massachusetts,” said Undersecretary Chan. “As Undersecretary, I held a broad perspective on housing issues by listening to the varying challenges residents and communities face and working together to leverage their strengths. I am excited to focus on promoting equitable and sustainable development, particularly near transit, in my next role with Massachusetts Housing Partnership (MHP) as a Senior Fellow.”
"Janelle Chan brings a unique blend of experience that will enhance MHP efforts to expand the supply of affordable housing," said Clark Ziegler, MHP's executive director. "As a former nonprofit leader, she has a great feel for what neighborhoods need and combines that with a deep knowledge of how to get things done at the state level through her work in housing and transit-oriented development.  She will help us work with the Baker-Polito Administration to create innovative policy and financing solutions that result in good homes and better lives for the people of Massachusetts."
During her tenure as Undersecretary, Chan prioritized increasing affordable housing production across divisions, improving access to and the interface with the Commonwealth’s housing resources, and investing in the economic mobility of the next generation. Key accomplishments under Chan’s leadership include:
  • Spurred innovation and leveraged hot markets to create hundreds of new units of mixed-income housing on state-funded public housing land, while infusing new investments in current public housing units through the Partnership to Expand Housing Opportunities program;
  • Established DHCD’s economic prosperity agenda to include new pilots such as Launch and Supporting Neighborhood Opportunity in Massachusetts (SNO Mass), which uses data-driven research to structure the appropriate support for thousands of families with vouchers so their children will be set up for success;
  • Launched technology projects across the agency to better administer programs and serve clients, with millions of annual savings reinvested in housing programs. For the first time ever, the CHAMP system enables applicants for state-aided public housing to apply from anywhere in the Commonwealth through a single, transparent, electronic portal, lending guidance to the current development of the Housing Navigator – a one-stop portal to find available affordable housing across the Commonwealth; 
  • Expanded resources for households with extremely low incomes (ELI) by increasing the requirement for ELI units within affordable housing developments and increasing the utilization of AHVP and MRVP rental assistance programs, with the Governor’s budget proposing a 12% increase to $120M in program funding for FY21;
  • Increased sustainability and resiliency of the state-supported housing portfolio by making first Comprehensive Sustainability Initiative capital grants to improve public housing, and encouraging more green features in private housing production with an updated LIHTC QAP.
Jennifer Maddox has been with the Department of Housing and Community Development for over 20 years; as Chief Financial and Administrative Officer since 2008 and as Acting Undersecretary in two other instances. Previously, Ms. Maddox was the Budget Director for DHCD and Assistant Budget Director for the MA House Ways & Means Committee. She is a graduate of La Salle University in Philadelphia.
The Baker-Polito Administration has shown a deep commitment to increasing the production of housing across income levels. Since 2015, the administration has invested more than $1 billion in affordable housing, resulting in the production and preservation of more than 18,000 housing units, including 16,000 affordable units. In 2018, Governor Baker signed the largest housing bond bill in Massachusetts history, committing more than $1.8 billion to the future of affordable housing production and preservation, which included more than $600 million to address capital needs in our state-aided public housing portfolio. DHCD works closely with quasi-public agencies, including MassHousing, MHP, and CEDAC, to preserve existing affordable housing and secure long-term affordability extensions. The administration has also advanced the development of more than 14,000 mixed-income housing units through the successful MassWorks Infrastructure Program, reformed the Housing Development Incentive Program, and worked with communities to implement smart-growth development and planning efforts.

星期三, 1月 29, 2020

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Details for Implementation of Evidence Kit Tracking System

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Details for Implementation of Evidence Kit Tracking System

BOSTON—The Baker-Polito Administration today announced that the Commonwealth’s sexual assault evidence collection kit (SAECK) tracking system has been successfully launched in six Massachusetts counties, with a second regional launch next week and the state fully covered by March. State officials provided an overview of the tracking system and its ongoing rollout today at a meeting of the Governor’s Council to Address Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence, chaired by Lt. Governor Karyn Polito.

“This comprehensive tracking system is an important advancement in services that Massachusetts can now provide to survivors of sexual assault and the network of public health and public safety agencies that support them,” said Governor Charlie Governor Baker. “This tracking system is the product of incredible teamwork between the medical community, law enforcement agencies and survivor advocates and we are hopeful this tool will make a meaningful difference.”

“Since taking office, our administration has been committed to providing resources and support for survivors through the Governor’s Council to Address Sexual Assault and Domestic violence,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “For survivors facing a traumatic experience in the wake of a sexual assault, this new tracking system offers timely access to meaningful, reliable and helpful information.”

Known as Track-Kit, the confidential, mobile-friendly, web-based tracking system allows survivors to follow an evidence kit from the point of collection through the testing process. The system also makes tracking information available to the medical personnel, investigators, crime labs and prosecutors responsible for each kit along the way. It went live Jan. 6 in southeastern Massachusetts and will be rolled out in central and western Massachusetts next week after authorities monitor its initial progress.

In addition to providing kit tracking information for every SAECK administered after the regional launch date, Track-Kit also provides survivors with local rape crisis center resources; specific contact information at the hospital, police department and district attorney’s office involved in their case; and 24-hour access to technical tracking system support should they need it.

In preparation for this first phase of statewide implementation, the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) and the Executive Office of Technology Services and Security (EOTSS) provided training for personnel from the State Police Crime Laboratory and stakeholder agencies. Those agencies include 23 medical facilities, 112 police departments, and four district attorneys’ offices serving Region A – Barnstable, Bristol, Dukes, Nantucket, Norfolk and Plymouth counties. The system is expected to go live in Region B (Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire and Worcester counties) on Feb. 3, followed by Region C (Essex, Middlesex and Suffolk counties) a few weeks later, with trainings for stakeholder agencies in each region.

“By providing accurate information at every stage of the process, Massachusetts’ kit tracking system is delivering transparency to survivors and enhancing efficiency for stakeholder agencies,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Security Thomas A. Turco. “This is a major development for anyone concerned with victim advocacy, services and support.”

“We appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with stakeholders in the public health, public safety, and survivor community to implement a SAECK tracking system that provides confidentiality, transparency and efficiency throughout the process,” said Secretary of Technology Services and Security Curtis M. Wood. “This is a powerful example of how technology solutions can provide meaningful benefits to the residents of the Commonwealth.”

Governor Baker signed legislation in 2018 granting EOPSS the authority to establish and maintain a statewide SAECK tracking system. EOPSS then sought input from a broad spectrum of key stakeholders that included survivors, victim advocates, public health and public safety officials, crime lab personnel and information technology specialists to identify the project’s requirements. Following the procurement process, EOPSS last year contracted with STACS DNA, which has developed similar tracking systems for Arizona, Michigan, Washington, Nevada and Texas.

星期二, 1月 28, 2020

波士頓三佛中心走春 600餘人欣賞多國傳統文化表演

多國傳統文化表演吸睛  650眾到三佛中心走春 


佛光山波士頓三佛中心迎新春,連續三天舉辦辭歲與禮千佛法會,除夕夜普佛法會吸引近70信眾前來禮佛、上頭香,翌日與星期天更有超過600位香客與信眾前來朝聖,接受佛光加被;其中包括:美國麻州劍橋市市長Ms. Sumbul SiddiquiJeffrey Williams先生、劍橋市財政長David Kale、台北文化經濟辦事處組長施維鈞、榮獲麻州最高榮譽建築師王本仁居士、祥茂企業有限副董事長Huan. Chung Li、波士頓台灣商會副會長黃千姬等,皆聞訊前來感受佛門慶新春活動。
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24日起,便有 45 人陸續前來圍爐、近70人參加新春除夕普佛法會,朗誦星雲大師的祈願文,透過監寺覺謙法師的開示,大眾也同步了解佛光山慶祝盛況。翌日大年初一,近 350 香客和信眾到道場走春,參觀了道場所佈置的觀世音菩薩祈福敲鑼許願區、新春素食義賣、剪紙、書法臨摹、佛法遊戲、傳統文化擺飾等攤位;此外,今年更增加了日本藝術攤位、廣東舞龍舞獅、印度信眾的舞蹈表演,新進義工 Amelia 的小提琴演奏、基督教徒路永宜彩帶舞演出,以及國際佛光會波士頓協會所舉辦的「募款抽獎活動」r皆讓大眾驚喜連連。美國麻州劍橋市市長Ms. Sumbul Siddiqui也給予新春祝福,希望能與當地的華人居民有更多的互動,讓她可以給大家更好的服務,同時市長也邀請覺謙法師在過年後到她的辦公室。
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Baker-Polito Administration Awards $3 Million in Violence Against Women Act Grant Funds

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $3 Million in
Violence Against Women Act Grant Funds

LAWRENCE – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced that it has awarded grants totaling more than $3 million to 37 community-based organizations, police departments and state agencies as part of the Violence Against Women Act, Services Training Officers Prosecutors (VAWA STOP) Grant Program. This program is administered by the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security’s Office of Grants and Research (OGR).

“Sexual assault, domestic violence and any form of violence against women have no place in our society,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “These grants reflect our strong commitment to ending gender-based violence and supporting the organizations that work every day to help women and girls live in safety and peace.”

“Each one of these awardees has an essential role in protecting the lives and welfare of at-risk women and girls, and we are very pleased to be able to support the important work they do every day,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, Chair of the Governor’s Council to Address Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence.

“The strong partnerships that exist between law enforcement agencies and these community organizations provide that key network of support that helps us to prevent, identify, and respond to violent crimes against women,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Security Thomas Turco.

“Vital funding received through a VAWA grant allows RESPOND to bring its resources to those in need,” said Victoria Helberg, Law Enforcement Parnership Coordinator of Respond Inc. “As part of our Law Enforcement Partnership program, a domestic violence advocate is able to be on-site at the Malden District Court one day, each week to provide support for survivors. We recently heard from a former client who said, ‘If it wasn't for you getting my attention that day at court and giving me your card, I would have never known this program existed. I felt so hopeless then.”

“Our Homelessness Response Program addresses the overwhelming challenges of homelessness, housing instability and poverty faced by survivors working to escape and recover from violence. Because of VAWA funding, we are able to provide services to address immediate and short-term needs, individual and group transitional follow-up, and long-term financial stability,” said Janis Broderick, Executive Director of the Elizabeth Freeman Center.

“The VAWA STOP Grant Award has had a profound impact on the amount of services that the Yarmouth Police Department has been able to offer through our full-time Victim Advocate, who has reached out to more 1,000 victims over the past two years,” said Annie Catalano, Victim Services Specialist/Advocate for the Yarmouth Police Department. “The funding has also allowed our Special Victims Unit to receive and host trauma informed training that would never been possible otherwise.”

“VAWA STOP Grant program funding has enabled the Boston Police Department to reach some of the most vulnerable victims of domestic violence in Boston by directly supporting a Spanish-speaking civilian advocate who serves the East Boston and Jamaica Plain districts– two neighborhoods with high concentrations of Spanish-speaking and immigrant populations,” said Jenna Savage, Deputy Director of the Boston Police Department’s Office of Research & Development. “In 2019 alone, that advocate provided safety planning and advocacy within the criminal justice system to nearly 300 DV survivors – nearly half of whom identified as Hispanic/Latino – regardless of their immigration status, sexual orientation, or willingness to prosecute their batterer.”

The Violence Against Women Act was passed by Congress in 1994 and marked a turning point in the federal recognition of the extent and seriousness of violence against women, and solidified a commitment by the government to address the problem by providing federal resources for the issue.

Over the last four years, nearly $10 million in VAWA funds have been granted statewide to support domestic and sexual assault victims and their families.

The VAWA STOP grant is a vital resource that supports a variety of specialized and innovative projects throughout the Commonwealth. Some initiatives supported by these grant funds include:

·       Services specifically devoted to preventing, identifying, and responding to violent crimes against women;
·       Training opportunities for judiciary, court, and probation personnel, in addition to law enforcement and victim service providers;
·       Partnerships between law enforcement and victim service providers, to provide compassionate outreach to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking; and
·       Supporting prosecutors working closely with victim witness advocates, probation, law enforcement, and state agencies, to target high-risk cases and increase offender accountability.

Attached below is the list of 2019–2020 VAWA STOP recipients. Each organization received an increase total award amount for year three:

Funding Category
Recommended Award
Project Description
Administrative Office of the Trial Court

Training for judges, clerks of court, probation officers, and all other appropriate court personnel
Category Total

Adams PD
Partnership between PD and Elizabeth Freeman Center advocate

Asian Task Force
Legal and community-based advocacy services to LEP Pan-Asian immigrants and refugees

Bedford Police Department
Partnership between PD and Domestic Violence Services Network advocate

Behavioral Health
Civilian police advocate

DOVE, Inc.
Civilian police advocates

Jewish Family & Children’s Services
$35 ,759.87
Advocacy for Russian-speaking victims while conducting trainings for community partners and law enforcement

Martha’s Vineyard Community Services
Domestic violence victim response enhancement program

Northeast Legal Aid, Inc.
Legal services

Our Deaf Survivors Center
Direct advocacy services to Deaf survivors

The Network/La Red
Outreach, education and training to improve systems and community responses to LGBQ/T survivors
Category Total

Law Enforcement
Assumption College PD
Partnership between PD and Pathways for Change sexual assault advocate

Boston PD
Civilian police advocate

Cambridge PD
Civilian police advocate

Fitchburg PD
Civilian police advocate

Hampden County Sheriff
Direct services for incarcerated victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking

MA Department of Corrections
Direct services for incarcerated victims of sexual assault

MA Department of Public Health
SANE forensic nursing services

Mashpee PD
Civilian police advocate

Pittsfield PD
Partnership between PD and Elizabeth Freeman Center advocate

Worcester PD
Partnership between PD and YWCA

Yarmouth PD
Partnership between PD and Independence House advocate
Law Enforcement
Category Total

Bristol County DA
Domestic violence victim witness advocates

MA District Attorney’s Association
Statewide prosecutor training

Norfolk County DA
Specialized domestic violence/sexual assault prosecutors

Northwestern DA
Immediate law enforcement and advocacy response for victims

Worcester County DA
Specialized domestic violence prosecutor and victim witness advocate team

Category Total

Victim Services
Boston Area Rape Crisis Center
Increase survivors’ access to accurate forensic information: hotline/website

Boston Medical Center Domestic Violence Program
Multi-lingual direct advocacy services

De Novo 
Legal services

Elizabeth Freeman Center, Inc.
Trauma informed services for homeless/battered victims

Independence House, Inc.
Crisis intervention, safety planning, advocacy, group and individual counseling

Pathways for Change, Inc.
Direct services to survivors of sexual violence who are deaf, hard of hearing, late deafened, and deaf/blind

High-risk team coordinator

RIA House, Inc.
Services for sexually trafficked victims

Safe Passage, Inc. 
Counseling, advocacy, and legal assistance for Latina/immigrant survivors

Direct services to survivors of domestic violence who traditionally face barriers to receiving services
Victim Services
Category Total

All Categories
Total Amount to be Awarded