星期五, 8月 31, 2018

波士頓添新組織 世界華僑總會8/28成立


Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 逾百年來被稱為革命之母的華僑,在世界各地成立有數難以計,名稱不同的組織。828日,波士頓地區又成立了一個新的華僑組織,名為世界華僑總會
波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)出席致詞,恭賀。(周菊子攝)




玉山科協創意工作坊 (圖片)


BOSTON - Friday, August 31, 2018 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the findings of the independent audit conducted by Ernst & Young (EY) of student activity accounts at Boston Public Schools (BPS). The EY audit analyzed fund activity and use, assessed key internal controls and reviewed historical transactions at 118 schools in the BPS system, excluding the six Horace Mann Charter schools due to their autonomy, for School Years 2013 through 2018, or the past five years.

"Student activity accounts were launched in the early 1990s and, while they are in most of our schools in Boston, these accounts have never been audited or reviewed until now," Mayor Walsh said. "Trust, transparency and being fiscally responsible for the residents of Boston is what drives our priorities, and this in-depth review has allowed for the creation of substantial and comprehensive new policies and procedures. I want to thank our school leaders for their partnership in this review and for embracing these new guidelines as we begin the new school year."

EY was retained by the City of Boston following an audit by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that included a review of student activity accounts at 16 randomly chosen schools. Several operational changes were made at the City of Boston and BPS as a result of the IRS audit, including eliminating the use of local accounts, requiring all student activity funds to be held and managed through the City of Boston's financial system, enhancing controls and clearer communication to school leaders regarding the rules surrounding student activity accounts.

"The Boston School Committee is committed to implementing and upholding policies and practices to ensure all funds in the Boston Public Schools are safeguarded and being used appropriately," Boston School Committee Chairman Michael Loconto said. "We thank Mayor Walsh, BPS staff, and Ernst & Young for their continued cooperation and assessment of student activity accounts. The School Committee looks forward to reviewing the upcoming proposal to ensure stronger accounting practices in the district, and working with the Internal Audit Task Force that was approved by the Committee last winter to advance prudent fiscal oversight for our school system."

As EY's work was ongoing, the City of Boston and BPS took significant steps to address any potential risks uncovered by their review and ensure the proper policies and procedures were in place before the beginning of the school year. These actions are in addition to the changes already made in response to the IRS audit and include the following:
  • Created a Superintendent Policy and a Student Activity Account Operating Manual that provides a comprehensive set of rules and procedures for student activity fund management;
  • Drafted a policy that will be presented to the School Committee for approval in September that complies with all statutory and regulatory requirements for student activity accounts;
  • Provided comprehensive training on the new rules and procedures to school leaders in August that will be held annually by BPS;
  • Created a Master Agency Account that provides the necessary financial controls by requiring all student activity deposits and expenditures to be managed through the City of Boston's financial system; and,
  • In addition to including the Master Agency Account as part of the City of Boston's annual financial auditing process, put in place a requirement for operational audits that will be conducted at schools on a rotating basis by BPS to ensure ongoing compliance with all policies.  
EY also identified several specific control and procedural gaps that presented the highest potential risk, including those related to segregation of funding sources, expenditures and duties, tax reporting process, appropriateness of fund usage, cash collection and on-hand cash procedures. Each of these priority issues have been addressed through the new policies and operating manual, the Master Agency Account that requires all expenditures to go through the City of Boston's payment system, the new internal auditing process that will be implemented at BPS, new guidelines on maintaining appropriate documentation on the sources of funds, a stated procedure for the handling and reconciliation of funds prior to and after deposit and the elimination of local accounts.

"The structures and protocols we have implemented as a result of the EY audit will ensure that, going forward, student activity accounts are used to empower educators to provide BPS students with opportunities for well-rounded and engaging educational experiences in a transparent and thoughtful manner," Interim Superintendent Laura Perille said. "BPS is grateful to all those who participated in and worked on this important initiative to maintain sound fiscal stewardship over these modest but important components of spending in our schools."

The proposed School Committee policy will be presented to the Boston School Committee for approval at their meeting on September 12, 2018. The Student Activity Operating Manual and Superintendent Policy was presented to school leaders at the August Leadership Institute and can be found here.

Student activities are broadly defined to be co-curricular in nature, contingent on a fee or on external fundraising and for the sole benefit of students. BPS recognizes the following as student activities:

  • Socials, for instance a prom or student pizza party;
  • Special events, for instance a graduation or a Science Fair;
  • Field trips, for instance transportation costs or entry fees;
  • Approved student clubs, for instance student council or debate club;
  • Bookstores, only when the bookstore is run by students and proceeds will benefit students directly;
  • Athletics, only when funds are student-driven or student-initiated and proceeds will benefit students directly; and,
  • Certain miscellaneous, student-related activities.

EY spent three to five days at each school during their review and produced a summary of school specific findings in addition to their overall report. These school specific summaries are available online for further review by school leaders and the school community.

星期四, 8月 30, 2018







WuXi Biologics Selected into the Hang Seng HK 35 Index

Hong Kong, August 30, 2018 WuXi Biologics (2269.HK), a leading global open-access biologics technology platform company offering end-to-end solutions for biologics discovery, development and manufacturing, announced that the company has been selected by Hang Seng Indexes as a constituent of the Hang Seng HK 35 Index (“HSHK35”) effective 10 September, 2018.

Hang Seng HK 35 comprises the 35 largest companies listed in Hong Kong market which derive the majority of their sales revenue from areas outside mainland China. The Hang Seng HK 35 provides a tradable index reflecting the performance of large-cap Hong Kong companies and it features low volatility which is the best choice for diversification.

WuXi Biologics’ inclusion in HSHK35 signifies that our company is recognized as a global company by the market. Besides China, WuXi Biologics has recently announced plans to execute our globalization strategy to build state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Ireland, Singapore and the U.S. WuXi Biologics will continue to focus on expanding our capabilities and capacities to enable our customers to transform biologics discovery, development and manufacturing to benefit patients worldwide.

Prior to joining the Hang Seng HK 35, WuXi Biologics was selected into Hang Seng Composite Index, Hang Seng Healthcare Index and Hang Seng Global Composite Index in September 2017, and was selected into Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong Index, Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong MidCap & SmallCap Index, Hang Seng SCHK HK Companies Index and Hang Seng SCHK ex-AH Companies Index in March 2018.

About WuXi Biologics

WuXi Biologics, a Hong Kong-listed company, is the only open-access biologics technology platform in the world offering end-to-end solutions to empower organizations to discover, develop and manufacture biologics from concept to commercial manufacturing. Our company history and achievements demonstrate our commitment to providing a truly ONE-stop service offering and value proposition to our global clients. As of June 30, 2018, there were a total of 187 integrated projects, including 98 projects in pre-clinical development stage, 78 projects in early-phase (phase I and II) clinical development, 10 projects in late-phase (phase III) development and 1 project in commercial manufacturing. With total estimated capacity of biopharmaceutical production planned in China, Ireland, Singapore and US reaching 220,000 liters by 2021, we will provide our biomanufacturing partners with a robust and premier-quality global supply chain network. For more information on WuXi Biologics, please visit www.wuxibiologics.com.



僑 務 簡 訊 中華民國1078月第3
Culture Center of TECO in Boston
90 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands, MA 02461
Tel: 617-965-8801
Fax: 617-965-8815   


  ()  僑胞可就「個別僑胞」或「組團」擇一報名登記,個別僑胞自本年6
  () 組團回國參加十月慶典之僑胞,無須重複填寫個別僑胞登記表,請依組團注意事項填妥慶賀團團冊及團員清冊,並於831日前送交地區館處及華僑文教服務中心資格初審。
()  組團人數每團以1040人為原則團員清冊中如有親屬關係者,以及非屬同一國家或地區之僑胞,請於備註欄詳細註記,以利作業。
  ()  個別僑胞可自行組團或委託旅行社組團參加
二、   報到事項:完成報名登記之僑胞,請於105日至8日每日上午9時至下午6時及109日上午7時至晚上10時至中央聯合辦公大樓南棟(地址:臺北市徐州路5)1樓大廳辦理報到。
三、   參加國慶晚會注意事項:
(一)   國慶晚會預定於本年109(星期二)晚上630分至9時在宜蘭運動公園田徑場舉行。
(二)   參加僑務委員會甄選旅行社旅遊活動且行程包含國慶晚會之慶賀團,交通由旅行社規劃安排。
(三)   個別前往之僑胞,僑務委員會將提供定點接駁專車(地點另行通知),惟請務必於報名表乘車需求欄上註明,並於報到時確認,以利保留座位。
(一)   本年十月慶典活動僑務委員會對回國僑胞提供參訪旅遊之經費補助,並
   ()  僑胞申請上揭旅遊補助應依「僑務委員會補助十月慶典回國僑胞參加旅
   ()  僑務委員會甄選合格旅行社名單及相關旅遊行程資訊,陸續分批公告核   
)  僑胞有意參加僑務委員會甄選旅行社所提供之旅遊行程者,報名時請務
      理;為維護僑胞個人權益,務請僑胞於啟程回國參加十月慶典前, 在僑居
地先行辦妥旅遊平安保險,並視需要辦理醫療保險,109日至10 日間




羅德島州龍舟賽暨臺灣日 展現多元文化

駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處與羅德島州黑石谷旅遊局聯合舉辦的「2018年羅德島州龍舟賽暨臺灣日節慶」將於98日(週六)上午9時至下午4時在羅州普塔吉市(Pawtucket)普塔吉河畔(Pawtucket River)舉行(地點:Festival Pier, Pawtucket, RI 02860),歡迎大家前往觀賞龍舟賽、跳繩、吃餃子與吃西瓜比賽、欣賞中華民俗技藝表演、體驗台灣童玩與手工藝創作。



http://www.garoc.org/ShowCal.aspx?id=6050 下載聯絡人: 蘭嵐先生,電話:02-2516-561117


為協助本地區台灣僑胞(甫至本地區工作、經商或依親之新僑為主)、旅外國人、度假打工青年及留學生在本地區遭遇緊急危難事件時必要與即時的關懷與救助倘有僑胞鄉親願意成為聯繫窗口,請洽僑教中心張小慧小姐(電話617-965-8801) 或請直接以電子郵件(請傳送至ocacboston@gmail.com)提供您居住地區、中英文姓名、手機電話及EMAIL等資料

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