星期二, 12月 31, 2013


Mayor Menino Kicks off 38th Annual First Night Boston

Mayor Thomas M. Menino today held the city’s annual First Night public safety press conference, encouraging people to come to Boston to ring in the New Year during the 38th Annual First Night celebration. Officials from the Boston Police Department, Boston Fire Department, Emergency Medical Services and the MBTA reminded revelers to celebrate the holiday safely and encouraged visitors to take advantage of public transportation when traveling through the city.

"Boston is the best place to ring in the New Year, and this year will be particularly special," Mayor Menino said. "The amazing teamwork that has gone into planning First Night 2014 shows just how great our City is. We have the best business and cultural communities in the country, and they have worked hard with City leaders to make sure this year’s celebration is the biggest and most memorable yet."

Mayor Menino and city officials are working closely with the MBTA to ensure that First Night Boston 2013 is a safe and fun experience for all. The MBTA will be free after 8 p.m., and visitors should expect an increased presence of public safety personnel and services, including police, fire and EMS.

City officials reminded residents and visitors of the following safety precautions:
·         Families should create a meeting place and phone number to use in case someone gets lost – A lost child station will be located at the Hynes Convention Center. The Hynes Convention Center and the Boston Common will also have a medical aid station.
·         Expect traffic delays in certain parts of the city
·         Public drinking will not be permitted
·         Do not drink and drive
·         Dress warm and in layers with hats and gloves, as temperatures will drop throughout the evening
·         Drink plenty of warm, non-alcoholic liquids
·         Utilize the MBTA, which will be free after 8 p.m. and will run with additional service until approximately 2 a.m.

All First Night outdoor events are free, with the purchase of a First Night button. Buttons are $10 and children under four are free. The buttons are available at participating Boston-area CVS stores, Bank of America, the City Hall ToGo Truck, BosTixBooths and online at www.firstnightboston.org.

Festivities will kick off at 10 a.m., where families can visit various sites and museums around the city, such as the Boston Children’s Museum or the Old South Meeting House. The Puppet Showplace Theatre will present an all-day Puppet Festival at the Hynes Convention Center, and performances throughout the day will include Patti Smith and Her Band, The Blind Boys of Alabama, Anaïs Mitchell, Donald Harrison, and many more.

At 5:30 p.m., the Bank of America Grand Procession will begin with marching bands, puppets, inflatables, dancers, duck boats and, for the first time, the Gay Pride Parade.

Families can enjoy more than 15 ice sculptures, centered in Copley Square and located around the city. Fireworks over Boston Common at 7 p.m. will be presented by The Mugar Foundation and produced by Boston 4 Productions. Midnight Harbor Fireworks are being presented by State Street Bank.

The Boston Transportation Department is advising drivers that parking and traffic restrictions will be implemented in Downtown Boston throughout the day on Tuesday, December 31.The use of public transportation is strongly encouraged.  Those who must bring cars into the city should plan to park in off-street lots and garages. Additional details regarding parking restrictions can be found at:cityofboston.gov/transportation.

First Night was started in 1976 by a group of local artists who sought an alternative to traditional New Year's Eve celebrations and has grown from a small arts event into an arts organization that showcases work by local, national and international artists.  Originally drawing crowds of about 25,000 people, in recent years First Night has attracted crowds of more than 1 million people, generating nearly $47 million in revenue for businesses in the City of Boston.  The First Night concept now serves as a model for approximately 200 celebrations worldwide.


On December 31, the City of Boston will welcome the New Year with its annual First Night Celebration.  To accommodate the festivities, street closures and parking bans will be in effect at various locations.  Those coming into the City of Boston to join in the celebration are strongly encouraged to leave their personal cars at home and take the T.  MBTA service information can be found at www.MBTA.com.


  • Boylston Street, from Massachusetts Avenue to Tremont Street, will be closed to vehicular traffic from 4 to 8 PM
  • Charles Street, from Park Plaza to Beacon Street, will be closed to vehicular traffic from 5 to 8 PM
  • Dartmouth Street, from St. James Avenue to Boylston Street, will be closed to vehicular traffic from 12 Noon to 2 AM
  • Atlantic Avenue, from Milk Street to Cross Street, will be closed to vehicular traffic from 11:30 PM to 12:30 AM


“Tow Zone No Stopping Boston Police Special Event Friday through Wednesday” signs will be posted at the following locations.

  • Boylston Street, Copley Square side, from opposite #585 to opposite #575
  • Blagden Street, Copley Square Library side, at the first two parking meters adjacent to Dartmouth Street.
“Tow Zone No Stopping Tuesday” signs will be posted at the following locations.

  • Arlington Street, both sides, from Beacon Street to Boylston Street
  • Atlantic Avenue, east side, from East India Row to Commercial Street, and west side, from Commercial Wharf to Cross Street
  • Beacon Street, Public Garden side, from Charles Street to Arlington Street, and, both sides, from Charles Street to Walnut Street
  • Berkeley Street, both sides, from Boylston Street to Newbury Street
  • Boylston Street, both sides, from Dalton Street to Arlington Street, north side, Public Garden side, from Arlington Street to Charles Street, and, both sides, from Charles Street to Tremont Street. (*Note the Friday through Wednesday restriction for a portion of Boylston Street as well.)
  • Cambridge Street, both sides, from Court Street to Sudbury Street
  • Central Street, both sides, from Old Atlantic Avenue to the Dead End
  • Charles Street, Public Garden side, from Boylston Street to Beacon Street
  • Clarendon Street, both sides, from Newbury Street to Boylston Street
  • Court Street, both sides, from Washington Street to Cambridge Street
  • Cross Street, both sides, from Atlantic Avenue to Hanover Street
  • Dartmouth Street, both sides, from Boylston Street to Newbury Street
  • Exeter Street, both sides, from Newbury Street to Boylston Street
  • Fairfield Street, both sides, from Boylston Street to Newbury Street
  • Gloucester Street, both sides, from Newbury Street to Boylston Street
  • Hereford Street, both sides, from Boylston Street to Newbury Street
  • Milk Street, both sides, from J.F.K. Surface Road to Old Atlantic Avenue
  • Old Atlantic Avenue, both sides, from Milk Street to State Street
  • Surface Road, both sides, from Sudbury Street to State Street

四校友會訂1/20 合辦 松柏梅竹滑雪會

活動籌辦者表示,該活動歡迎其他院校校友及朋友參加,預定在一月廿日,馬丁路德日假期的下午一點至九點舉行,旨在同樂。活動選在距離波士頓約九十分鐘遠的Pats Peak滑雪場(686 Flanders Road , Henniker , NH 03242),相信初學者及滑雪老手都會滿意。
活動費用團體價每人四十二元,包括租雪具費用。如果少於十五人,費用為四十八元。查詢或報名,可洽各校友會。 北京大學新英格蘭校友會(松)http://pkuaa-ne.org/,波士頓南開校友會(柏)https://sites.google.com/site/nankaialumniboston/,波士頓清華校友會(梅)http://www.tsinghua-boston.org/,交通大學新英格蘭校友會(竹)groups.google.com/JTUAlumniNE

主要聯繫人為清華ZHANG, JieXi,電郵為thaa_ski@tsinghua-boston.org


波士頓今冬興溜冰。波市頓廣場的蛙塘(Frog Pond)之外,喜歡溜冰的人,有許多去處。  SAV
 在波士頓海港酒店(Boston Harbor Hotel)的3000平方尺溜冰場以外,今年有許多其他地方,都弄出個溜冰場,來促銷商品。Lynnfield市場街(MarketStreet)的外商場,Avon的約丹(Jordans)傢俱店等,都做了個溜冰場出來。
J.P. Licks 店總經理表示,在附近開了個溜冰場後,二天之內,該店就賣出了廿磅的熱巧克力。後來他把存貨增加到三十到六十磅,都還常常賣光 攝)﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽“梅”取字﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽
溜冰場活動公司(Ice Rink Events收費七萬到十萬元來建造,並維護溜冰場一整個冬季。


Marty Walsh 就職前將率千名義工進社區服務

波士頓候任市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh)昨(三十)日與兩名非牟利機構領導聯合會見記者,強調一連四天的就職慶祝,將以關懷貧困人民,服務社區揭開序幕,預計有一千名義工前往不下25 地點。
            波士頓社區發展行動(ABCD)董事長John Drew,大波士頓食物銀行(Food Bank)外部事務副總裁Susan Battit昨日分別表示,兩機構每年為不下九萬人提供服務。寒冬漸近,許多人的確更需要社區大眾的關心,幫助。波士頓候任市長想得很周到。
到南端的松街客棧,洛士百利的蘿絲的地方,多徹斯特的Kit Clark耆英中心等地,做午飯,送餐。
到羅森岱爾和“仁人家園(Habitat for Humanity)”一起蓋房子。
為牙買加平原的公民世代(Generation Citizen)準備辦公空間,以及文件。






            BOSTON – As a result of an investigation by Attorney General Martha Coakley’s office, the state pension fund will receive $11.3 million this week as part of a settlement with Countrywide Securities Corporation (CSC). This case is part of the AG’s industry-wide review of residential mortgage securitization practices in Massachusetts.

            AG Coakley’s settlement with CSC includes a total payment of $17.3 million, including the $11.3 million to compensate government investors with the Pension Reserves Investment Management Board (PRIM), as well an additional $6 million paid to the Commonwealth. 

            “We are pleased to return these critical public funds to the state pension system,” AG Coakley said. “It is important to hold Wall Street accountable for its role in the subprime lending crisis. Our office will continue its leading role in this area as we work to help homeowners and others harmed by investment banks.”

            In addition to the payment provided to PRIM, the state pension fund can expect to receive another $7 million by early 2014 as a result of the AG’s recent settlement with JPMorgan announced last month.
            AG Coakley’s office was the first in the nation to investigate and hold Wall Street securitization firms accountable for their role in the subprime mortgage crisis. These investigations have resulted in six settlements to date with total payments of more than $300 million. The initiative began with a $60 million recovery against Goldman Sachs relating to its securitization of “doomed to fail” Massachusetts subprime loans.
            Today’s announcement is the most recent development in this on-going investigation into the role of Wall Street investment banks in funding, purchasing and securitizing unfair residential mortgage loans. It follows the resolution of similar matters that include consumer relief directed to homeowners, money used to compensate investors, and payments to the Commonwealth:
            AG Coakley’s office has been a national leader in pursuing banks and investment giants for their role in the economic crisis. In addition to recoveries involving the securitization of loans, AG Coakley has also obtained settlements with CountrywideFremont Investment and LoanOption One and others on behalf of Massachusetts homeowners. In 2012, AG Coakley’s office joined a $25 billion nationwide settlement with the five major lenders over unlawful foreclosure practices.
            AG Coakley’s first-in-the-nation HomeCorps program, established with funds from the national mortgage settlement, continues to provide assistance to borrowers across the state with dedicated loan modification specialists and through a series of grants.
            More information about AG Coakley’s work during the lending crisis can be found here.
            The investigation of CSC’s securitization practices was handled by Assistant Attorneys General Aaron Lamb, Peter Leight, and Glenn Kaplan of Attorney General Martha Coakley’s Insurance and Financial Services Division.