星期一, 9月 30, 2019

波士頓慶中國成立70週年 參賀僑團首現7姓氏公所


               (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)波士頓僑界於929日晚在帝苑大酒樓慶祝中華人民共和國建國70週年,約六百人歡聚一堂。中國駐紐約總領事館副總領事邱艦在會中談台灣,說香港,強調合作互利是中美關係的唯一選擇。

波士頓慶十一升旗 香港,西藏人舉牌抗議


              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓僑學界929日中午,在波士頓市政府廣場舉行升旗典禮,慶祝中華人民共和國成立70週年。逾百名香港,西藏,新疆人權支持者群集抗議,出動的旗幟與標語牌比慶祝者還多。
              中國駐紐約總領事館副總領事邱艦,麻州參議員賓加利(Joe Boncore),波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)等嘉賓應邀,和籌委會代表胡運炤,僑界代表李素影致詞。











波士頓南開校友辦年會慶母校百年 介紹會長孫偉 理事長王忠

           (Boston Orange周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓南開大學校友會於929日在波士頓學院Stokes大樓內舉行首屆年會,慶祝母校建校100週年。
William H. Overholt坐在第一排。(周菊子攝)
29日的波士頓南開校友會首屆年會,邀有兩名主講嘉賓,哈佛大學教授,著名數學家暨菲爾茲獎得主丘成桐,以及哈佛大學亞洲中心資深研究員歐佛霍(William H. Overholt)
丘成桐是南開名譽教授,曾師事南開大學校友暨國際數學大師陳省身。他以近年出版的自傳,生命的形狀(The Shape of Life)”為本,闡述他從1949年在汕頭出生,在香港長大,來美留學的一生經歷,以及他對數學,物理不離不棄的熱愛。
William H. Overholt是著名的亞洲問題專家,現為哈佛大學甘迺迪政府學院資深研究員,出版過6本書。他原本要以201712月出版的書,"中國的成功危機(China’s Crisis of Success)”,為講談主題,但臨時決定稍微偏離主題。
波士頓南開校友會理事文立民(右)送紀念品講者William H. Overholt。
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在職業發展環節中,曾任中美生物醫藥協會會長,現為強生與強生(Johnson & Johnson)製藥公司研發部門生物主任的楊志勇,富國資產管理新興市場團隊資深經理張毅,哥倫比亞大學助理教授劉曉,BlockTEST區塊鍊技術公司創辦人兼執行長蔣紅波,波士頓學院技術轉移及牌照辦公室主任暨世界華人暨樹經理人協會會長文立民,以及海外華人企業家聯合會生物組經理史建英,坦率的和出席校友對話,有問必答,交流得十分熱絡。



              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)北美洲舜裔篤親總公所929日在波士頓龍鳳酒樓席開20餘桌,感謝社區支持者登報恭賀陳榮良,陳順盛,陳文浩等三人當選新屆正副總理,重申二年後在波士頓辦下一屆懇親大會。

星期日, 9月 29, 2019


Acton, MA – Contemporary Arts International (CAI), a nonprofit art center, also known as YV Art Museum, presents the painting exhibition entitled FAR EAST PHENOMENON by LIN CHIA-HUNG in CAI’s Gallery. An opening reception with artist talk will be held on Sunday, October 6 at 2 PM.
After half a century of globalization and the existence of the internet, one would think the phenomena in the Far East are quite familiar to the world, but it is quite the contrary. This exhibition seeks to raise awareness, and hopefully, build a bridge for better understanding of the Far East. In this show, the paintings of “cute, little, girlish, and simplified” portraits undoubtedly confront the taboo in western art that “Art speaks the Truth,” with an assumption that the Truth of human nature is far from being cute and simplified. So the critical question is: Is it Lin the artist’s conscious confrontation or is it Lin Chia-Hung’s naiveté? 

Lin started his career as a portrait painter, however he was frustrated that viewers only wanted to see “who is the person of this portrait,” not its aesthetics, not its conceptual value, so he decided to remove individuality from the image.  His background in manga training equips him well with this stylizing technique. His bright-eyed girlish woman speaking through her stunning eyes and dainty nose and mouth, strongly suggests his influence from the Japanese manga art form.

It is common knowledge that manga is the most influential social commentary media in Japan. It reaches out to all walks of life, all ages, and backgrounds in society. In a highly structured society where rules bind everything, manga is like a little naughty devil, giving people tickles for some fun, to jump above social constraints for a little while. Overlain with visual Pop Art, it slips funky ideas or politically incorrect comments into peoples’ lives and the media know that its treacherous deeds will be forgiven. Taiwan, being under Japanese occupation for 50 years prior to the end of World War II, was certainly submersed in its influence. However, Chinese also has had its own “Maan Hua” (translated as “Manga” in Japanese) as one form of literary culture for centuries. This historical context helps us understand where Lin’s source of inspiration comes from. Evidently, from his series of paintings we have read his social commentary on “Student/ Schooling” issues, “Marriage” issues, and the “Rebels” in disguise behind the innocent face.

While in the old days, the mechanics of animation consisted of thousands of hand-drawn pictures, this process is now simplified by computers. As an experienced animation film editor, Lin expands the seemingly quiet female figure with subtle movement. She is not moving in this instance, but it looks as if she is surely about to move, her big eyes are going to blink any minute. The definition of “animation” is “bringing to life”, and Lin animates his painting, bringing us the essence that neither computer nor photograph can compare. From here on, one is equipped with sufficient information to imagine the drawings before and after this picture.

Surely, Truth can’t be all beautiful, but, fine artists seem to be the special genus of people who take on the mission to investigate deep into the not-so-beautiful part of human nature. Artists question troublesome social norms and the avant-garde, and we feel that we should carry the cross to speak up on subjects that are not “beautiful” and “comfortable”.  As a result, artwork that catches public attention is provocative by nature. It is not difficult to find evidence among renowned artworks that bravely demonstrate “Art speaks the Truth” with extreme means. One example is the use of unconventional material like elephant dung. Chris Ofili, 29, born in Manchester UK, just won the 20,000 pound Turner Award, by making shit beautiful. Another example is the human body exhibition by Gunther von Hagens, an attraction crafted out of the gruesome dead. As all material has been explored, all subjects have been examined; the Truth seems to be on the flip side of the beautiful. Being an academically trained artist with his antenna open to the art world, Lin knows what the art world is chasing after; therefore, “naiveté” is out of the question. The fact is, he bumps into the “prettiness taboo” head-on.

Furthermore, in the realm of portrait, regardless of style, Western perception of being “realistic” in terms of capturing the essence of the person is undeniably an important factor for its aesthetic value. So another question materializes: Is Lin’s portrait figure realistic? If so, in what sense is it realistic? For this question, let’s go to the market place in Asia. The millions who have traveled to the Far East surely have witnessed common places such as markets, department stores, restaurants, streets, and surely have had contacts with Lin’s “stylized” female figure. In Western countries with more diverse features, “beauty” stresses on individuality. Lin’s figure of the Far East, where features are fairly homogeneous (black hair, dainty noses and eyes, etc.), all differences have been simplified to the common denominator of femaleness. Lin’s depiction of the eyes seems to mock the fact in the Far East that big eyes are thought to be the essential trait in a beauty. But if one looks more closely, it is not so much the eyes that are big in proportion to her face, it is the rest of the features, i.e. mouth and nose, that are dramatically small. Moreover, the rest of the body is miniaturized, leaving only the round face and big eyes to advocate the story. Still, the general impression is they are too beautiful and too cute, even though one can see these are women, not little girls. Their make up and behavior captures the real women in service industries, for example restaurant’s wait staff. True, they are paid to do the job, but they are real, they are everywhere, real in the Far East and real in Lin’s painting.

From Far East classical aesthetics, the 3-D likeness of a portrait to a real person is not from the contrast of light and shadow, a technique universally valued in the West. There was never a single light source like that of Rembrandt’s painting in the Far East tradition.  In fact, prior to westernization, shadow in a painting read as “dirty smudges” that a trained fine painter would not do. In contrast to the western tradition of portraits in which an artist may do several paintings from one model, each with a different setting, facial expression, or style to articulate the artist’s ideas, Lin creates one “signature figure” with a neutral expression. There is no indication of mood except a minimal area of white on or around the pupil, sufficient to suggest its context. He gave the portrait a clean (without shadow), universal (no individuality) look. Perhaps it is passive aggression, or more appropriately, an aggressive submissiveness, which many Westerners generalize as the Asian behavior toward outsiders. As a result, we often hear the comment “an outsider will never be truly accepted in an Asian society, particularly Japan”. 

When meeting with the public, Lin appears to be shy, quiet, and humble. Like his signature figure, he is projecting a “quiet space” for his audience to create their own context, a humble motivation, and quite effective. As art critic Yi Tze Guo so appropriately compared Lin Chia-Hung to Yoshitomo Nara, she commented “The manga/cartoonish style of his (Lin’s) characters manifests the young generations’ bantering attitude/humor; while on the other hand, the emotional layers under the seemingly serene surface are reminiscent of the subtle aesthetics of classic humanism.”
One could say that Lin’s work is the Taiwanese Yoshitomo.  

Furthermore, Edward Lucie-Smith in ARTODAY stated his observation that “The main difference (between the period from 1960 to the present and the first six decades of the twentieth century) is to be found in plurality, absence of hierarchy, and a vast expansion of the cultural base.” Any art movement has to build upon a former art platform, which we call heritage or tradition. The Pop Art movement in the US in the 60s from Andy Warhol certainly was no exception. What is Warhol’s heritage? We might say the late Modernism when commercialism started rising, which is very different from Japanese Pop Art star Takashi Murakami’s heritage in Japanese art, which combines westernization with commercialism. However, in Japan and Taiwan, while the Pop Art movement permeates into all forms of traditional art, we would also expect a society so repressed with rules and discipline to be cautious and play it safe for the act of Pop Art liberty. In Murakami’s case, he stands on the shoulders of sophisticated prints from fine art in the Emperor’s court down to the fabric design in the common market place. In terms of subject he tactfully blends fashion, commercial objects, advertisements, and even western performance. While his painting in the olden days would have been taken as wallpaper, it is now deliberately portrayed as fine art work in major Museums around the world. Lin’s painting is a continuation of the Pop Art movement in the Far East, constrained, but liberated nevertheless.

Surely no one doubts that Art is an important communication tool, and if one were to measure its success by how many people an art form has reached, Pop Art would rank most highly in the West, while in Japan, Manga would be the first of the first. The sheer number of people under Manga’s influence emphasizes its importance.

Pop Art is fine art. Lin’s painting is the meeting place where painterly tradition merges into the animated computer world, a 21st century Far East phenomenon that few westerners have shifted gears to enter, look, and understand.

Lin Chia-Hung’s manga style painting has won him many awards in international Art Expos. His paintings are in the collection of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.

YV art museum is open to the public Thursday-Sunday from 1PM-6PM.  CAI’s admission fee is $5 for students & seniors and $10 for adults. 

Rally to Stop October 3 Raids and Mass Detentions of Cambodian Refugees

Rally to Stop October 3 Raids and Mass Detentions of Cambodian Refugees
Impacted Families to Protest Against 279% Spike in Cambodian American Deportations

Boston, Massachusetts—Asian American Resource Workshop and the Asian Outreach Unit at Greater Boston Legal Services will hold a rally to protest the most recent round of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids on Cambodian community members. ICE has planned raids and mass detentions targeting Cambodian Americans for removal on October 3, 2019 across the country, including in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts rally is part of a nationwide series of protests against the mass detentions and deportations of Southeast Asians next week.

Southeast Asian Americans are the largest refugee community in U.S. history. A majority of Cambodians impacted by the upcoming deportation roundups arrived in the U.S. as children with their families as refugees fleeing the war and genocide in Southeast Asia. Mass detentions and removals of Cambodian Americans have happened approximately every four months under the current administration. From 2017 to 2018, deportations of Cambodians from the U.S. jumped by 279 percent.

Who: Community organizations and impacted families
What: Rally to protest ICE raids and mass detentions of Cambodian community
When: Monday, September 30, 2019, from 11:30am to 12:30pm
Where: Outside the JFK Federal Building, located at 15 Sudbury St, Boston, MA 02114



BOSTON - Human rights activists from Hong Kong, Tibet, East Turkestan (Xinjiang), China and Taiwan today announced their opposition to the raising of China’s national flag for the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (P.R.C.) at Boston City Hall. Citing unprecedented levels of repression and violence by the Chinese government, both in China and the territories under Chinese control, along with seven decades of unrelenting repression targeting the Uyghur and Tibetan people, the activists stated their opposition to the flag-raising ceremony planned to mark the October 1st anniversary on Sunday, September 29th. 

In a joint statement the activists in Boston said: 

“We join countless people of conscience around the world who are opposed to the Chinese Communist Party and believe the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China is no cause for celebration. The unprecedented levels of violence and repression we see in China and Chinese-controlled territories today, including Tibet, East Turkestan (Xinjiang), Inner Mongolia and now even Hong Kong,  affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people and must be vigorously opposed by all freedom-loving people. Boston is the birthplace of the American independence movement and it should not play host to, nor celebrate, the totalitarian Chinese state which denies its own people their basic rights and freedoms, has at least 1.5 million Uyghur and Muslim people locked up in concentration camps, restricts access to Tibet and has made it the largest open-air prison in the world, and is now hell-bent on undermining democracy in Hong Kong and beating the people into submission.” 

A joint protest is planned at the flag-raising event at Boston City Hall Plaza from 11am-1pm,  Sunday, September 29th, 2019. Similar protests are planned for 69 cities around the world this weekend.

星期六, 9月 28, 2019


              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)第九屆中美健康峰會(U.S. – China Health Summit)的美國波士頓場,日前在400多人出席,逾百中美專家,醫院院長雲集,探討中美都面對的建立可持續發展的衛生健康體系這重要議題聲中落幕。112日至3日,該會將轉往武漢東湖賓館,舉辦中國場會議。
              馬晶表示,近年來美國人民為醫療費用高漲頭痛,中國也面對出生率下降,人口老齡化的挑戰,而與此同時,醫療科技的快速日新月異,既擴大且提高了可治癒病種,卻又可能昂貴,還不易得到,如何在人們可負擔情況下,有效率的應用創新醫療科技來治病,改善人們的身體健康,變得十分迫切。今年的峰會,因此特地聚焦在” 建立可持續發展的衛生健康體系”。
              926日及27日這為期兩日的會議,第一天是側重在創新與投融資上,分為3場論壇,另有特別邀請到會的麻省理工學院商學院副院長黃亞生,講談中美脫鉤對美國高新技術產業的影響",甘迺迪家族辦公室Park Agency企業董事Stephen Kennedy Smith相互依存時代下的醫療健康
              3場論壇的主題演講,依序由哈佛醫學院遺傳學教授George ChurchIora 健康創始人兼執行長Rushika FernandopullePear Therapeutics創始人兼執行長Corey McCann主講了成本創新、預防罕見及常見病學會飛翔:建構以人為本的新型初級醫療數位醫療,內褲侏儒和處方藥數位療法(Digital Health, Underpants Gnomes, and Prescription Digital Therapeutics)”
              George Church指出,大多數的創新生物科技,可負擔性都是關鍵問題。他提出兩種降低價格的建議,完全轉向預防,或把某些療法轉為預防,此外應該聚焦常見病,以期做臨床實驗的固定開銷,可由更多人來分攤。他擔心的是,最常見的病大都和年齡引起的衰老有關。
              Rushika Fernandopulle表示,現有的醫療服務提供模式不充足,將來的新模式大概和人們現在看到的都不一樣,關鍵是要根據消費者的需求來打造服務提供模式。新進入市場者,將在帶動行業向前上,扮演重要腳色。
梁王淵恒(右起)主持生物製藥知識產權座談。崔粲,Jonathan Darrow,
Jeffrey J. Ellison等人與談。(周菊子攝)
              Corey McCann南園(South Park)”卡通片的內褲侏儒(Underpants Gnomes)”,來形容醫療健保行業的經營。內褲侏儒的第一階段是收集內褲,醫藥健保行業數位化的第一步是收集大數據,但第二步要做什麼,最後才達到盈利目的呢?他認為,得到法規機構授權,基於所創造的價值來補償費用,將是趨勢。該公司Pear就有美國食品及藥物管理局認證的商標和功效聲明,進而藉由定價和報銷途徑來反映其在健康上的經濟價值。他表示,處方數位療法(Prescription Digital Therapeutics)是下一代的主流治療方案。
Rushika Fernandopule (左起)主持"誰為創新買單"座談,謝懿立,
湯敏超,Stephen Knight, Beth Bierbower, Michael Greeley與談。
              出席與談者,包括啟菡生物及eGenesis執行長楊璐菡,愛康國賓創始人張黎剛,阿里健康院前運長蘇凌雲等多名備受矚目的醫療健康產業年輕後進,以及復星健康控股總裁謝懿立,松禾資本合夥人吳越,易創科技執行長湯敏超,廣州達博生物執行長周曉鴻,推想科技北美執行長鄧昱楓,Partners Healthcare副總裁Joseph Kvedar等等企業首長。
David Mou (左起)主持智慧醫療座談,張犁剛,Joseph Kvedar,
Corey McCann, 蘇凌雲與談。(周菊子攝)
              另外還有一場特別論壇,邀來美富律師事務所的崔粲和哈佛醫學院政策、治療與法律中心助理教授Jonathan DarrowClark+Elbing合夥人Jeffrey J. Ellison,從法律角度談"生物製藥創新的知識產權保護與監管
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              第二天的會議主旨是建立可持續發展的衛生健康體系,有五場論壇或圓桌討論,分別是"衛生體系與醫療機構間的學習與比較建立可持續發展的整合型醫療衛生體系以價值為基礎的保險和醫療品質中國公共衛生與醫療服務的未來美國公共衛生與醫療服務的未來,以及東亞問題著名學者傅高義(Ezra Vogel)和哈佛大學法學院教授伍人英(Mark Wu)中美關係何去何從午餐討論。
美國中華醫學基金會主席陳致和(Lincoln Chen)。(周菊子攝)
              "衛生體系與醫療機構間的學習與比較這場論壇中,有兩位特邀嘉賓。美國中華醫學基金會主席陳致和(Lincoln Chen),以及湖北省人民醫院院長暨武漢大學副校長唐其柱。
哈佛格林健保研究院醫療長 Michael Sherman。(周菊子攝)
              這場論壇,另有兩名嘉賓做主旨演講,分別是哈佛大學醫學院人口醫學系系主任暨哈佛格林健保醫護研究所(Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute )主任Richard Platt,主管麻州健康(MassHealth)及麻州聯邦醫療補助計畫的麻州衛生廳助理署長蔡維翰(Daniel Tsai)
              Richard Platt真實世界證據和學習型醫療體系為主題,發表了一段演講。他簡介了過去十年來,他和人合作建立了 一個有7000萬人提供新數據的全國醫療產品監測系統,哨兵(Sentinel)”公共衛生項目,希望到2020年時,90%的門診決策可以反映出來採用了最好的可得證據。他強調,中美在健康醫療上應該,也必須合作。
              蔡維翰綜述了麻州的醫療健保體系結構,概況與開銷。他表示,麻州的全民健康醫療保險涵蓋率已高達97%,遠高於美國各州平均數,其中大約50%60%是由商業醫保提供,20%30%是由他負責承辦的麻州健康(MassHealth)項目來提供醫療保險(Medicare),以及為貧窮,殘障等等人口提供的醫療補助(Medicaid)。整個麻州的政府預算,約有40%都是花在醫療保險上。他也談到麻州健康重整架構,藉由負責任醫療護理組織(Accountable Care Organization,簡稱ACOs)來根據醫療的價值與結果付費。
甘迺迪家族辦公室Park Agency 企業董事Stephen Kennedy Smith。
              建立可持續發展的整合型醫療衛生體系論壇中,哈佛大學社區健康計劃創辦人Gorgon Moore簡述了美國初級醫療歷史。中美健康峰會理事長William Haseltine,也是中國醫改專家小組顧問和中國老年保健協會會長的北京協和醫學院公共衛生學院院長劉遠立教授,美國醫學保健改善研究院榮休主席Donald M. Berwick,中國國家衛健委衛生發展研究中心衛生服務體系研究部副部長黃二丹,中國河南省人民醫院副院長顧建欽分別做了講談。
劉遠立教授從北京協和醫學院公共衛生創始主席John B. Grant和中國的第一次健康革命開始談起,重點闡述了中國如今重視更預防,治療結果的健康中國2030: 從計劃到行動,包括15項計劃,以及如何使地方領導行動如何使人們改變生活型態等挑戰。
麻州公共衛生署助理署長蔡維翰(Daniel Tsai)和中美健康峰會財政
              以價值為基礎的保險和醫療品質這論壇中,四川省人民醫院院長鄧紹屏,深圳市人民醫院院長徐勇和密西根大學以價值為基礎的保險設計中心主任Mark Fendrick,哈佛朝聖者醫療研究所醫療長Michael Sherman
愛醫傳遞(Morre Health)創始人朱郡伶專程從加州趕來與會。
              ”美國公共衛生與醫療服務的未來環節,美國衛生及公共服務醫療研究與質量菊證據與實踐改進中心主任Arlene Bierman先發表演講,再和CVS 微診所(Minute Clinic)前任執行長Marc-David Munk,哈佛醫學院人口醫學系精準醫學研究中心主任暨副教授Christine LuAtrius 健康社區醫療聯盟醫療長Joe Kimura,麻州公共衛生署傳染病局醫學主任Alfred Demaria座談。
              中美健康峰會現有9名董事,創始主席為哈佛傑出教授Barry Bloom,現任主席為國際ACCESS健康創辦人William Haseltine,總書記為哈佛副教授馬晶,財務為奧洛瑞(Aurora)執行長何淑圭,董事有哈佛中國基金主席柯偉林(William Kirby),北京協和醫學院公共衛生學院院長劉遠立,清華大學史瓦茲雯(Schwarzman)學院院長薛瀾,北極光創投執行長鄧鋒。馬晶在會中宣佈,愛康國賓創始人張犁剛將加入成為新董事。
