星期一, 4月 30, 2018

Governor Baker, Secretary Ureña, Major General Keefe Meet with World War II Veteran Sidney Walton

Governor Baker, Secretary Ureña, Major General Keefe Meet with World War II Veteran Sidney Walton

Governor Baker meets with World War II Veteran Sidney Walton and his son Paul Walton as part of the “Go Sidney Go” National No Regrets Tour across the United States.

For more high-resolution photos, click here.

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker, Secretary of the Department of Veterans’ Services Francisco Ureña and Massachusetts National Guard Adjutant General Gary Keefe presented a citation to Sidney Walton for his years of distinguished service to the U.S. Army during World War II. Sidney was also presented with the Massachusetts Medal of Merit by the Massachusetts Army National Guard for his outstanding service to the United States Armed Forces.

As part of his National No Regrets Tour, Sidney Walton is travelling across the country with his son, Paul Walton, to meet with governors from all 50 states before concluding with a visit to the White House on his 100th birthday in February 2019.

Sidney’s one regret was missing an opportunity to meet with the last surviving Civil War veterans prior to joining the United States Army in 1941. The National No Regrets Tour gives people across the country a chance to meet with one of the last surviving WWII veterans. Last year, there were approximately 558,000 veterans still alive in the U.S. out of 16 million Americans who served in WWII.

MGM Springfield to Officially Open August 24, 2018

MGM Springfield to Officially Open August 24, 2018

$960 Million MGM Resorts International Property Marks Largest Private Investment in Western Massachusetts’ History 

SPRINGFIELD, MASS. (April 26, 2018) – Expanding its presence on the East Coast, MGM Resorts International will open the doors to MGM Springfield, New England’s first integrated luxury resort and entertainment destination, on Friday, August 24, 2018.

“A testament to a decade of collaboration between the City of Springfield and MGM Resorts, MGM Springfield will pay tribute to the city’s legacy and celebrate its bright future, while introducing a stellar array of hospitality and entertainment experiences that will attract guests from New England and beyond,” said Michael Mathis, President of MGM Springfield. “We are incredibly proud to debut what we believe will become the region’s premier entertainment destination and play a role in an exciting renaissance for Springfield.”

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno states, “I look forward to working with MGM Springfield for many years to come. They’re a world-class company and an outstanding corporate citizen. I deeply appreciate their belief and investment in our Springfield. I wish them continued success as we create another ‘Springfield first!’”

MGM Springfield will commemorate the city’s rich history through the preservation and reimagination of its most storied buildings. Locals and tourists can experience venues such as the First Spiritualist Church, Springfield Armory and Chandler Union Hotel – where Presidents Polk and Buchanan both stayed – in an entirely new way.


 BOSTON - Monday, April 30, 2018 - On Friday, Mayor Martin J. Walsh joined members of the City's Youth Action Board to launch Rising to the Challenge: Ending Youth & Young Adult Homelessness in Boston, the City of Boston's community planning process centered around preventing and ending homelessness among unaccompanied youth and young adults. The Youth Action Board is the City's consumer advisory group of youth and young adults who have current or former experience with homelessness or housing instability.  

"Whether it's attendance and graduation rates, unemployment and the local economy, youth incarceration rates, or emergency room costs, the effects of youth and young adult homelessness are broad," said Mayor Walsh. "I'm proud that our city is taking the critical first steps in ending youth homelessness. Each of the Youth Action Board members -- and their peers -- have important stories to tell us, and will contribute so much to the creation of this plan. There is a role for all of us to play in ending youth and young adult homelessness in Boston, and I look forward to working with everyone who has came together to reach this goal."

Boston's Way Home, the Walsh Administration's plan to end chronic and veteran homelessness, highlighted unaccompanied youth and young adults as a priority population and identified the need for a comprehensive plan to prevent and end youth and young adult homelessness in Boston. Rising to the Challenge gathered community partners to launch the 4-month process of developing the first draft of this comprehensive plan.

In February 2018, the City selected Matthew Aronson and his team of consultants to build on the City's work to end youth homelessness in Boston by researching and creating an action plan to support young individuals experiencing homelessness and put them on pathways towards stable housing. Aronson and his team facilitated Friday's event, which was held at the Bolling Building in Roxbury with more than 150 people in attendance, including youth and young adults and community partners from City, State, and nonprofit agencies.

At Rising to the Challenge, Mr. Aronson's team presented data they compiled in an attempt to estimate the size and scale of unaccompanied youth and young adult homelessness in Boston. In Boston, just like in most cities across the country, many youth and young adults experiencing homelessness are not sleeping in shelters or on the streets but are "doubled up" or couch surfing from one unstable situation to another. For this reason, it is challenging to estimate the full number of youth experiencing homelessness. An important part of this strategic plan will be to gather additional data about this group.

Boston's annual Homeless Census shows that on a given night, 360 youth and young adults are either sleeping in Boston's shelters or on the street. The City's data also shows that the majority of these youth and young adults stay in shelter for a week or less.

In addition to gathering additional data on youth and young adult homelessness, the City's plan will require a new understanding of the current system's capacity; identifying the unmet needs of youth and young adults; and designing a plan to address gaps in Boston's emergency assistance system that will end youth homelessness. The plan will be tied to concrete investments in housing and services necessary to end youth homelessness.

The plan will outline how to find resources for youth and young adults to access better permanent connections, education and employment, and improve their health and well-being. Creation of the plan will involve disparate stakeholders from across Boston, including law enforcement and adult and juvenile justice; healthcare providers; educators; the State's child welfare system; landlords; school programs and private foundations.

Throughout the day, attendees broke into small groups to discuss the current state of youth and young adult homeless services and an ideal future system, as well as concrete steps to take for a successful planning process.

Youth and young adults are central in the planning process. The Boston Youth Action Board participates in all planning committees and and meets monthly with representatives from the Department of Neighborhood Development.

Prior to the launch of the community planning process, Aronson and his team focused on assisting the City in applying for the U.S. Office of Housing and Urban Development's Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program, a grant that would provide an estimated $2-$3 million to the City of Boston to develop and implement its plan to end youth homelessness.

In January 2016, Mayor Walsh announced Boston had ended chronic veteran homelessness; to date, nearly 850 homeless veterans have been housed. In 2016, the City scaled up its efforts to end chronic homelessness; and since January of 2016, 425 chronically homeless individuals have been housed, representing more than 3,000 years of homelessness ended.  

星期日, 4月 29, 2018

麻州今年4人角逐州長 查理貝克金庫厚實

麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker)。(檔案照片,周菊子攝)
(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 麻州的州級選舉兩年一度,今年(2018)還要改選州長。在共和黨也出現挑戰者,民主黨還沒初選,就已三減一的有人退出下,選情發展似乎格外有趣。
麻州共和黨428日在屋斯特(Worcester)舉行了黨員大會,結果在位州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)從大約2400名出席黨代表那兒,取得69.8%的支持度。
民主黨籍的麻州州長候選人Jay Gonzalez。(檔案照片,周菊子攝)
查理貝克的唯一對手,Scott Lively,一名很邊緣,幾乎沒請任何助選員,也沒籌款的候選人,卻得到27.7%的黨代表支持,輕鬆跨過必須有15%黨代表支持,才能在初選選票上列名的門檻。
麻州共和黨的黨代表們經過兩輪投票後,還支持麻州眾議員Geoff Diehl,這麻州內支持川普聲音的領導者,作為共和黨對抗民主黨伊莉莎白沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)的聯邦參議員候選人。
民主黨籍麻州州長候選人Robert Massie。(檔案照片,周菊子攝)
不過,聯邦參議員這席位,共和黨今年也得辦初選。另外兩名爭取到15%以上黨代表支持的候選人,分別為來自Groton的前麻州政府官員Beth Lindstrom,以及來自溫徹斯特(Winchester)的商人John Kingston
麻州保守共和黨籍會會長Lou Daxland表示,Scott Lively的跨過初選門檻,說明了他們也有聲音。
貝克會後對媒體表示,Scott Lively說的,或相信的很多事,都不是主流觀點,在任何公眾生活,或是在任生活中都無地可容的。那也是為什麼他很高興在大會中,每10名黨代表,就有7人支持他今秋代表他們。
波士頓環球報指出,查理貝克拒絕回答諸如他是否會和Scott Lively辯論,會否在2020年的連任競選時支持川普。
            Scott Lively的競選戶口中只有23,000
            Scott Lively最為人知的是他寫的那些備受爭議,關於同性戀者的文章,包括他宣稱同性控制了德國納粹黨。他曾經在2014年以獨立無黨派身分參選,得票率不到1%。他似乎成了共和黨右翼不滿份子的鞭子。
麻州共和黨在黨代表大會上還支持了三名無同黨競爭對手的候選人參選州級職位,包括州務卿候選人,和州長查理貝克都住在Swampscott Anthony M. Amore,麻州稽核長候選人,住在Concord鎮的Helen Brady,以及麻州財政長候選人,住在Lakeville的現任麻州眾議員Keiko M. Orrall
麻州民主黨預定於62日舉行黨代表大會,將在曾在派區克(Deval Patrick)州長任內擔任麻州預算長的Jay Gonzalez,以及環保活躍份子,曾在1994年獲民主黨提名參選副州長的Robert Massie兩人中做一抉擇。
麻州民主黨中,原本有至少3人參選州長。2017年五月正式宣布參選的前牛頓市市長塞提華倫(Setti Warren),卻在大前天的426日宣佈退選。
今年一月卸任牛頓市長一職後,現年47歲的塞提華倫在剛被麻州大學波士頓分校買下,即將關門的Mount Ida 學院任教,年薪7萬元。他為參選州長,聘有10名員工,還有許多義工。
截至415日,民主黨的Jay Gonzalez,競選帳戶還有 $127,418.27Robert Massie則有$20,831.25。共和黨籍的查理貝克則有$7,893,135.25Scott Lively$22,952.23

美國運輸部長趙小蘭訪中國 國務院總理李克強晤見

傑龍(Joel Szabat, 左二)等人。
(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)美國運輸部部長趙小蘭(Elaine Chao)訪問中國,出席中美交通論壇期間,426日晤見了中國國務院總理李克強,談及中美貿易摩擦問題。李克強指兩國應可經由對話化解衝突,中方的談判大門一直開著。
趙小蘭這次訪問中國是為出席中美交通論壇第九次會議,會見李克強時的隨行團員包括運輸政策助理部長傑龍(Joel Szabat)
美國路透社在報導中指出,美國財政部長Steven Mnuchin已預定(五月)
 即將隨同美國財政部長到中國北京訪問的川普高級經濟顧問Larry Kudlow在上周四表示,他希望和中國的晤談會有進展,但要解決美國的抱怨,過程恐怕會很長。


【波城臺灣商會專題講座  安豐貴主講就業平等】




星期五, 4月 27, 2018

張鋒創辦的新公司Beam療法 總融資額已逾8500萬元

(Boston Orange)波士頓商業期刊(BBJ)(27)日發表獨家報導,指剛當選為美國藝術科學院院士,又是基因剪輯先驅的MIT教授張鋒,在兩家著名創投公司支持下,和人合夥,悄悄在劍橋市又創辦了一家公司,Beam Therapeutics
張鋒在哈佛大學和麻省理工學院合作創辦的博德研究院(Broad Institute)中佔有重要分量,是研發 CRISPR/Cas9DNA剪輯工具的主要人物。他的新公司是基因剪輯領域,也是科學家們用方法來改變人類DNA,以永久治癒疾病做法的新成員,
熟悉Beam早期營運的人表示,該公司採用了另一種名叫基地剪輯(base editing)”,涉及改變個人DNA卻不切割雙螺旋的方法。
最近的研究顯示,這種方法可更精確的更改DNA,在治療"點突變(point mutations)”造成的疾病時,特別有效。
至於張鋒所發現,和CRISPR/Cas9 有關的技術,目前仍涉及備受矚目,上訴中的法律訟案。加州大學稱生物學家Jennifer DoudnaMax Planck研究院的Emmanuelle Charpentier,更早發現這方法。

哈佛華人生命科學協會訂 5/5辦年會

Harvard Chinese Life Science Annual Symposium 2018
May 5th, 2018
Folkman Auditorium, Enders Building, Boston Children’s Hospital320 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115
Organizing Committee
Harvard Medical School - Chinese Scientists & Scholars Association(HMS-CSSA)
Song Yang, Qiong Ye, Linchang Huang, Wenqing Cai, Wei Li, Bin Li, Xiaoqing Wang, Shuxi Qiao, Hong Yue, Jingyu Peng, Yue Zhang, Xianrui Yang, Miao Liu, Chan Cao, Yiming Zhou, An Xiao, Yang Zhang, Yue Huang, Lijie Xing, Mohui Wei, Shengqing Gu, Tao Wang, Xiaofeng Li, Zhengnian Li, Hui Liu, Jiye Liu, Junlin Guo, Pingping Mao, Su Wang, Shuang Zhou, Jinmiao Chen, Songwei Duan, Yanan Qi
Organizing Committee Advisors
Jianzhu Chen, Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chuan He, Professor, University of Chicago
Xi He, Professor, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Zhigang He, Professor, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Frank Hu, Professor, Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health 
Xiaole Shirley Liu, Professor, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute / Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health 
Hongbo Luo, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School
William Pu, Professor, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Yang Shi, Professor, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Jiping Wang, Assistant Professor, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Hao Wu, Professor, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Yingzi Yang, Professor, Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Junying Yuan, Professor, Harvard Medical School
Yi Zhang, Professor, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Jean Zhao, Professor, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School

Invited Speakers

George Daley, MD, PhDHarvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital
Dr. George Q. Daley seeks to translate insights in stem cell biology into improved therapies for genetic and malignant diseases. Important research contributions from his laboratory include the creation of customized stem cells to treat genetic immune deficiency in a mouse model (together with Rudolf Jaenisch), the differentiation of germ cells from embryonic stem cells (cited as a “Top Ten Breakthrough” by Science magazine in 2003), and the generation of disease-specific pluripotent stem cells by direct reprogramming of human fibroblasts (cited in the “Breakthrough of the Year” issue of Science magazine in 2008). As a graduate student working with Nobel Laureate Dr. David Baltimore, Dr. Daley demonstrated that the BCR/ABL oncogene induces chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in a mouse model, which validated BCR/ABL as a target for drug blockade and encouraged the development of imatinib (GleevecTM; Novartis), a revolutionary magic-bullet chemotherapy that induces remissions in virtually every CML patient. Dr. Daley’s recent studies have clarified mechanisms of Gleevec resistance and informed novel combination chemotherapeutic regimens.
Dr. Daley received his bachelor's degree magna cum laude from Harvard University (1982), a Ph.D. in biology from MIT (1989), and the M.D. from Harvard Medical School, where he was one of twelve individuals in the school’s history to be awarded the degree summa cum laude (1991). He served as Chief Resident in Internal Medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital (94-95) and is currently a staff physician in Hematology/Oncology at the Children's Hospital and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and a member of the Hematology Division of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. He has been elected the National Academy of Medicine(NAM), the American Society for Clinical Investigation, the American Association of Physicians, and the American Pediatric Societies, and is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Xiang-Dong Fu, PhDDepartment of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of California, San Diego
Dr. Fu’s laboratory is interested in molecular and cell biology of RNA metabolism and regulation in higher eukaryotic cells. Current research interests in the Fu lab include the regulation of alternative splicing, functional RNA elements in mammalian genomes, transcription/splicing coupling, nuclear architecture, and cellular reprogramming. Dr. Fu was a major contributor for co-discovery of SR proteins, a family of RNA binding proteins involved in constitutive and alternative pre-mRNA processing. His laboratory was the first to identify a family of kinases specific for SR proteins and demonstrated that these kinases are critical for transducing external and intracellular signals to regulate alternative splicing in the nucleus. Dr. Fu's group elucidated a series of regulatory mechanisms for splice site selection in mammalian cells and developed multiple key technologies for high throughput analysis of gene expression, mRNA isoforms, and genomic interactions. Dr. Fu's current research is focused on integrated regulation of gene expression at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. Dr. Fu's contribution to biomedical science has been recognized by selection for the Searle Scholar award (1994) and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Scholar award (1997) and election to Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (2010).
Dr. Fu is a Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at University of California, San Diego. Dr. Fu received his MS degree in Virology from Wuhan University, China in 1982, PhD degree in Biochemistry from Case Western Reserve University in 1988 (via the CUSBEA program), and postdoctoral training at Harvard from 1988 to 1992. Dr. Fu joined the faculty of University of California, San Diego in 1992 (Assistant Professor, 1992-1998; Associate Professor, 1998 to 2002; and Full Professor, 2002-present).

Rudolf Jaenisch, PhD
Founding Member of Whitehead InstituteDepartment of Biology, MIT
Dr. Jaenisch lab’s expertise is in epigenetics, reprogramming and stem cells. Dr. Jaenisch began his research career as a pioneer making transgenic mice, some of which have produced important advances in understanding cancer, neurological and connective tissue diseases, and developmental abnormalities. These methods have been used to explore basic questions such as the role of DNA modification, genomic imprinting, X chromosome inactivation, nuclear cloning, and, most recently, the nature of stem cells. In addition, using mice as a model and a technique called “altered nuclear transfer,” Dr. Jaenisch has demonstrated that it is possible to procure embryonic stem cells without harming a viable embryo. More recently he has demonstrated that somatic cells can be reprogrammed in vitro to pluripotent ES-like cells and that these cells are suitable to correct both genetic and induced defects in mice by transplantation therapy. Using this technique for turning skin cells into stem cells, the lab has been able to cure mice of sickle cell anemia -- the first direct proof that these easily obtained cells can reverse an inherited disease.
Dr. Jaenisch is a Professor of Biology at MIT and a founding member of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. He has been granted numerous awards from organizations across the world. He is a pioneer of transgenic science, in which an animal’s genetic makeup is altered. Jaenisch has focused on creating genetically modified mice to study cancer and neurological diseases. Dr. Jaenisch received his doctorate in medicine from the University of Munich in 1967. He became a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute in Munich, studying bacteriophages. He left Germany in 1970 for research positions at Princeton University, Fox Chase Institute for Cancer Research and the Salk Institute. He returned to Germany in 1977 to become the head of the Department of Tumor Virology at the Heinrich Pette Institute at the University of Hamburg. He arrived at MIT in 1984. He participated in the 2005 science conference on human cloning at the United Nations and serves on the science advisory boards of the Genetics Policy Institute and Stemgent.

Xi He, PhDBoston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Dr. He’s laboratory seeks to understand the molecular basis of cell-to-cell communication, and how this communication regulates embryonic and neural development in vertebrates. Dr. He is also interested in learning how defective regulation of cell communication causes human cancers and diseases. In particular, Dr. He is investigating signaling mechanisms employed by secreted growth factors of the Wnt family, which play critical roles in establishing the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo and underlie the formation of head versus trunk regions during early embryogenesis. Wnt signaling pathways are also pivotal in the development of human cancers--as several key Wnt signaling components are encoded by human oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes--and in the pathogenesis of many human diseases, such as osteoporosis and degenerative disorders. Dr. He aims to identify molecular components of Wnt signaling pathways and the mechanisms by which Wnt pathways are activated and governed during embryonic development and human tumorigenesis. 
Dr. He received his bachelor’s degree in engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China, and Ph.D. in Dr. Michael G. Rosenfeld’s lab at University of California, San Diego (UCSD). After his postdoctoral training with Dr. Harold Varmus at National Cancer Institute (NCI), Dr. He became an Assistant Professor at Boston Children’s Hospital in 1997. He was promoted to professor in 2007. Dr. He was a Pew Scholar, a Klingenstein Fellow, a W. M. Keck Distinguished Young Scholar and a Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Scholar. Dr. He received the Young Investigator Award from the Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA) in 2004, and holds a Chang Jiang Guest Professorship and 1000 Talent Plan (B) Professorship at HUST. Dr. He is an elected Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science and an American Cancer Society Research Professor. He has served on numerous review and advisory boards in academia and the biopharmaceutical industry in the USA, Canada, EU, UK and China.

William Pu, MDBoston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
The Pu lab is interested in the regulation of gene expression and cell lineage specification in heart development, disease, and regeneration using various technologies including genetically engineered mice, conditional gene inactivation, genome-wide chromatin occupancy analysis, and RNA expression profiling. The major goals of Dr. Pu's research include: 1. To understand the transcriptional network regulating heart development and disease; 2. To understand cell lineage specification in heart development and regeneration; 3. To understand genetic contributions to congenital heart disease.
Dr. Pu received an MD from Harvard Medical School. He completed his internship, residence, and pediatric cardiology training at Boston Children’s Hospital. Dr. Pu has been an independent PI since 2004 and has an established track record of innovation in cardiovascular biology. Dr. Pu has 19 successful postdoctoral fellow “alumni”. Among those, 12 remain in academic medicine, 11 have faculty appointments, and 8 are PIs of independent research labs in Europe, North America, and China. Dr. Pu is also the contact PI of the Boston Children’s Hospital Department of Cardiology T32 training grant and the Director of Basic and Translational Cardiovascular Research for the Department of Cardiology at Boston Children’s Hospital.

Jean Zhao, PhDDana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School 
Dr. Zhao’s research centers on understanding kinase signaling pathways in cancer. Her laboratory has pioneered a new front for understanding signal transduction by integrating mouse genetics, chemical biology and immunology in the field of translational cancer research. Her productive and insightful work on deciphering the role of PI3-kinase isoforms and the cyclin D1-CDK4/6 pathway in cancer not only addresses important basic science questions, but also has had a significant clinical impact. By providing a mechanistic understanding of the synergies gained for targeting PI3K isoforms and CDK4/6 in combination with immune checkpoint blockade in cancer, her lab has guided the design of current clinical trials of integrating immunotherapy and targeted therapy both here at DFCI and internationally. 
Dr. Jean Zhao is a Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI). Dr. Zhao has been widely recognized for her innovation and excellence in the field. After obtaining her Ph.D. degree with honors from Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, Dr. Zhao completed her postdoctoral training in the laboratory of Dr. Thomas M. Roberts at DFCI. Dr. Zhao began her independent research at HMS and DFCI in 2006. Her honors and awards include the Career Development Awards from NIH/NCI, the V Scholar Award, the Starr Foundation Award and, recently, the Outstanding Investigator Award from NIH/NCI. Dr. Zhao serves as a member on multiple scientific boards and committees, including the Executive Committee for Research and the Committee for Women Faculty at DFCI, the Steering Committee of Breast Cancer at DF/Harvard Cancer Center and the Advisory Council of the National Brain Tumor Society.

Wenyi Wei, PhDBeth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School
The major focus of research in Dr. Wei’s laboratory is aimed at understanding how APC and SCF activities contribute towards cell cycle regulation and subsequent tumor formation. More specifically, Dr. Wei is interested in elucidating the underlying mechanisms that define the oscillation of APC and SCF activity in different cell cycle phases. Currently, he is pursuing the underlying mechanisms that timely regulate APC/Cdh1 activity in different cell cycle phases. Additionally, Dr. Wei is also interested in understanding whether other layers of crosstalk between the APC and SCF complex exist. Furthermore, Dr. Wei would like to identify novel downstream targets for both APC and SCF complexes, which will help pinpoint their functions in both cell cycle control and tumor formation. To this end, Dr. Wei has developed biochemical purification approaches that would allow him to identify novel downstream targets for APC/Cdh1 and SCF/Fbw7 complexes. In addition, he is also interested in defining the tumor suppressor function of Cdh1 utilizing conditional Cdh1 knockout mice. To achieve these goals, Dr. Wei’s lab will use multidisciplinary approaches including biochemical and genetic analysis. 
Dr. Wenyi Wei received his B.A. degree from Shandong University in 1993 and then obtained his M.S. training in Chinese Academy of Science from 1993 to 1996. Afterwards Dr. Wei received his Ph.D. training in the Department of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology & Biochemistry (MCB) at Brown University and his postdoctoral training in the laboratory of Dr. William Kaelin, Jr. at DFCI and Harvard Medical School. Dr. Wei became independent from 2006 in Department Pathology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Department of Pathology at Harvard Medical School. 

Nathanael Gray, PhD
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School
Dr. Nathanael Gray’s research utilizes the tools of synthetic chemistry, protein biochemistry, and cancer biology to discover and validate new strategies for the inhibition of anti-cancer targets. Dr. Gray’s research has had broad impact in the areas of kinase inhibitor design and in circumventing drug resistance. Dr. Gray has established a discovery chemistry group that focuses on developing first-in-class inhibitors for newly emerging biological targets, including resistant alleles of existing targets, as well as inhibitors of well-validated targets, such as Her3 and RAS, that have previously been considered recalcitrant to small molecule drug development. Amongst the additional notable achievements of Dr. Gray’s research laboratory are: development of the first T790M selective EGFR inhibitors, ATP-competitive mTor inhibitor, Torin1, and its use to discover that rapamycin is an incomplete inhibitor of mTOR; development of the first inhibitors of ERK5 (BMK1), CDK7 and CDK12. 
Dr. Gray received his PhD in organic chemistry from the University of California at Berkeley in 1999 after receiving his BS degree with the highest honor award from the same institution in 1995. After completing his PhD, Dr. Gray was recruited to the newly established Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation (GNF) in San Diego, California. In 2006, Dr. Gray returned to academia and accepted a faculty appointment at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School in Boston. Dr. Gray’s scientific contributions have been recognized through numerous awards including the Career Award of the National Science Foundation in 2007, the Damon Runyon Foundation Innovator award in 2008, the American Association for Cancer Research for Team Science in 2010 and for Outstanding Achievement in 2011 and the American Chemical Society award for Biological Chemistry in 2011.

Jiahuai Wang, PhDDana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School
Dr. Wang’s lab has been focusing on structures of cell surface receptors that play critical roles in the immune system and nervous system. In collaboration with colleagues within Dana-Farber and Harvard Medical School, the Wang lab has worked out structures of a number of key immune molecules, including T cell receptors, MHC molecules, co-receptors and their interacting complexes. His group has also determined structures of many cell adhesion molecules, such as CD2, CD58, Cadherin, ICAM family members and the complexes with their interacting partners. More recently he begins to turn his interests into neuronal receptors. Most recently in collaboration with a group at EMBL, Hamburg, Dr. Wang has determined the structure of netrin-1 in complex with DCC, uncovering the molecular mechanism of netrin-1 bi-functionality, a long-standing puzzle in the neuroscience field.
Dr. Jiahuai Wang obtained his B.A from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1963 and an equivalent Ph.D. from the Beijing Biophysics Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1979. He had worked in Biophysics Institute in the period of 1963-1979. During 1979-1982, he was a visiting scholar at University of Wisconsin at Madison and at Harvard University, the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. In 1982-1988 he was back in Beijing Biophysics Institute, promoted to Associate Professor and later Professor. He served as director of Protein Crystallography Department there in 1987-1988. He was appointed as a member of National 863 Committee of Biotechnology of China in 1986-1990. He came to the United States again late in 1988 working at Harvard Medical School, the same department till 1996 before moving to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute as a Principal Investigator. In 2001, he was promoted as an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School.

Xiaoliang Sunney Xie, PhDDepartment of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University
Dr. Xiaoliang Sunney Xie received a B.S. from Peking University in 1984, and his Ph.D. from the University of California at San Diego in 1990, followed by a short postdoctoral experience at the University of Chicago. In 1992, Xie joined Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, where he later became a Chief Scientist. In 1999, he was appointed Professor of Chemistry at Harvard University. He was the first full professor at Harvard University from the People's Republic of China since China's reform in 1978. He is currently the Mallinckrodt Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard, and the Director of Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Genomics at Peking University.
Xie is among the first to conduct fluorescence studies of single molecules at room temperature in the early 1990s. He has made major contributions to the emergence of the field of single-molecule biophysical chemistry and its application to biology. His team also pioneered the development of coherent Raman scattering microscopy and single cell whole genome sequencing.
His honors include the Albany Prize in Medicine and Biomedical Research, the U. S. Department of Energy E. O. Lawrence Award, the Biophysical Society’s Founders Award, the National Institute of Health Director’s Pioneer Award, the Sackler Prize for Physical Sciences and the American Chemical Society’s Peter Debye Award. Xie is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the National Academy of Sciences. He is also an honorary fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society and has received scholarly awards from China, Germany and Israel. 

2018 Harvard Chinese Life Sciences YONGJIN Distinguished Research Award Awardees

Harvard Chinese Life Sciences YONGJIN Distinguished Research Award is sponsored by Yongjin Group, which is to reward Chinese scientists whose research and discoveries were published or accepted for publication in 2017 & 2018 and well recognized by the scientific community. After tons of applications and some seriously stiff competition, we're super excited to announce that the following twelve researchers are awarded 2018 Harvard Chinese Life Sciences YONGJIN Distinguished Research Award! 
They will be awarded at the Harvard Chinese Life Science Annual Research Symposium on May 5, 2018, the symposium will take place at the Folkman Auditorium, Enders Building, Boston Children’s Hospital, 320 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115.

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