星期四, 3月 31, 2016


麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker)感嘆藥價太貴。 (周菊子攝)
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)麻州生物協會(MassBio)今(31)日在皇家索尼斯塔(Royal Sonesta)酒店舉行年會。主講人麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)強調“讓人們得到(delivery)“的重要,聲言將在教育,交通及能源等多方面與生物醫藥界攜手合作。
Travis McCready。
查理貝克在會中的致詞,長約20分鐘,有一半頗為沈重。他質疑藥價之貴,藥監局(FDA)批審藥物之慢,對人們生活造成很大影響。他指出,市面上70%的藥,都是學名藥(generic drug),在過去幾年間價格上漲不下二、三倍。目前排隊等藥監局審批的學名藥,大約有4000種,但平均要等48個月到四年,才輪到審批。
教育上,要培養不只是博士的各種層次人才, 以改善業界有空缺,卻找不到適當人才的狀況。交通上,他的政府將花較往年多二,三倍的經費,來改善車軌,燈號等所有基礎設施。能源上要在未來可見數年間,推動產電量倍增。
會上,查理貝克也稱許麻州生命科學中心新任董事長Travis McCready,直指前任州長派屈克(Deval Patrick)的十年十億元推動生命科學發展,固然是一筆大數目,但如何促使業界與政府,民眾攜手合作,將更重要。
麻州生物協會(MassBio)今年的這場年會,主題為“醫藥創新的承諾與價值”,約450人出席。會上改選出新一屆董事,包括主席,11 生物療法的Abbie Celniker,以及輝瑞(Pfizer)的Mike Ehlers,夏爾(Shire)製藥的Michele Galen5名新董事。
            會中還頒發Joshua Boger年度創新學校獎給Diman 區域職業科技高中,頒發Termeer創新領袖獎給Alnylam製藥公司執行長John Maraganore,頒發麻州生物協會領導影響獎給諾華帝生物醫藥研究公司全球傳播主管Jeffrey Lockwood

AACA Craft Beer fundraiser 4/1

Asian American Civic Association

Come join us in Chinatown on Friday, April 1st for an exciting night of food, libation and FUN ! Pair the wildly versatile beverages of the craft beer world with the exotic spices of Asian food at the historic China Pearl.


About Us
The Asian American Civic Association provides limited English speaking and economically disadvantaged people with education, occupational training and social services enabling them to realize lasting economic self-sufficiency.
AACA has served and advocated for the needs of immigrants and other economically disadvantaged people since 1967. Today AACA serves clients from over 80 countries.Focused on economic self-sufficiency and participation in American society, AACA provides a range of services, including English classes, social services, job training, college preparation and a post-graduate retention program.

薩福克大學“如何在香港讀書及工作”講座 4/5

What is it like to work, study, and live in Hong Kong? 
In this interesting program, Chak Fu Lam in Management and Entrepreneurship and Micky Lee in Communication and Journalism have organized a session in cooperation with Suffolk’s Career Development Center, and co-sponsored by Study Abroad and the Rosenberg Institute.
There are opportunities to study in Hong Kong, to build a working career, and to live there as well. Undergraduates and grad students in all disciplines are welcome to attend.  In the future many of the best jobs will be in Asia, and recruiting for those jobs has already started.
Tuesday 5 April 2016 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm in Room 929 of the Sawyer Building on the Suffolk campus. The meeting is Free.  Food will be Provided.


Consent Judgment Settles Lawsuit Against Patriots Environmental, Corp., Patriots Realty, LLC,  Demo Realty Co., Inc., and CRB Demolition Corp.

BOSTON — Four affiliated Worcester-area companies will pay up to $129,000 to settle allegations that their workers illegally removed, stored, and handled asbestos-containing material during two demolition projects, and that one of the companies failed to pay a $54,714 penalty for prior asbestos violations, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today.

The consent judgment, entered today by Suffolk Superior Court Judge Dennis Curran, settles a lawsuit originally brought by the AG’s Office in July 2014 against the Oxford-based Patriots Environmental for failing to follow proper procedures and safety precautions while removing asbestos-containing materials from a home in Sturbridge, and for failing to pay a $54,714 penalty assessed by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) for asbestos and hazardous waste violations.

“Improper handling of asbestos during construction and demolition work can cause serious health hazards,” said AG Healey. “In order to prevent the exposure of workers, the public, and the environment to dangerous asbestos fibers, such projects must be conducted in strict accordance with state regulations, and we will vigorously pursue those who fail to comply with those safety requirements.”

“Licensed asbestos contractors must follow the proper removal practices and storage requirements to protect workers and the public from being exposed to this known carcinogen,” said MassDEP Commissioner Martin Suuberg. “As this settlement reflects, MassDEP and the Attorney General’s office work together to take strong enforcement against companies that fail to comply with the asbestos regulations and put citizens of the Commonwealth at risk of exposure.”

The proper handling of asbestos-containing materials during construction and demolition work is necessary to protect human health. Airborne asbestos fibers taken into the lungs by breathing may over time cause serious lung diseases, including asbestosis, lung cancer, or mesothelioma. Asbestosis is a serious, progressive, long-term, non-cancer disease of the lungs for which there is no known effective treatment. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that is found in the thin membranes of the lung, chest, abdomen, and heart, and may not show up until many years after exposure.

The complaint was amended by the AG’s Office in July 2015 to include allegations that the owners of Patriots Environmental were operating with three other companies they owned – Demo Realty in Oxford, CRB Demolition Corp. in Charlton, and Patriots Realty, LLC, in Worcester – including when conducting the illegal asbestos removal projects alleged in the complaint. The AG’s Office alleged that because Patriots Environmental shared finances, employees, ownership, and demolition and asbestos work with the other companies, they are also responsible for the violations.

In July 2013, Patriots Environmental was allegedly hired to remove asbestos shingles from the exterior walls of a single-family home in Sturbridge. During the project, Patriots Environmental, using workers from Demo Realty, allegedly caused the asbestos shingles to break apart, dropping asbestos-containing debris onto the ground and into unsealed plastic bags exposed to the air. Patriots Environmental also allegedly failed to wet, cover, or seal in containers the shingles and debris to prevent the release of asbestos fibers to the air during the work.

The amended complaint also alleged that both Demo Realty and CRB Demolition failed to properly remove asbestos-containing material during demolition of the Somerset Berkley Regional High School in Somerset. According to the complaint, the companies allegedly released asbestos fibers from the building into the air during the demolition and left piles of rubble containing asbestos on the ground without properly wetting or placing it in sealed storage containers.

Under the terms of today’s consent judgment, Patriots Environmental, Patriots Realty, Demo Realty, and CRB Demolition will pay a $129,000 civil penalty to the state, of which $65,000 will be paid out over a two-and-a-half year period, starting with an initial $20,000 due by May 1, 2016, and continuing with $9,000 payments every six months until November 1, 2018. The remaining $64,000 will be suspended if the defendants comply with the payment schedule and cause no further asbestos violations.

This case was handled by Assistant Attorneys General Tracy Triplett and Meghan Davoren, of AG Healey’s Environmental Protection Division, with assistance from Anne Blackman, Chief Regional Counsel, Gregory Levins, and Donald Heeley of MassDEP’s Central Regional Office, and Daniel d’Hedouville and Andrew Cooney of MassDEP’s Southeast Regional Office.

波士頓南端狂建新樓 濠江芽菜也將變身豪華公寓

(Boston Orange  周菊子波士頓綜合報導)波士頓市南端(South End)墨水塊(Ink Block)旁邊,將再蓋起一座新住宅大樓。
發展商瑞聯置業(Related Beal)今(31)日向波士頓重建局(BRA)遞交計劃,要在現已關門,座落在夏利臣街和東柏克萊街交界處附近的“Quinzani的烘培店”所在地上,建一座14層高住宅大樓,包括175戶出租,105戶出售的共280戶公寓,一樓將有零售店面,地下將建停車場。
瑞聯置業董事長Kimberly Sherman Stamler表示,那兒有很多令人興奮的是正在進行中。該公司期盼加入行列。

這一地區在數年前做過重新規劃,已容許建造更高大樓。瑞聯置業若建14層高公寓,將成為鄰近地區的最高樓宇之一。相隔不遠處的新Troy Boston公寓,高19層。

Governor Baker Issues Statement Regarding Senate’s Proposed Charter School Legislation

Governor Baker Issues Statement Regarding Senate’s Proposed
Charter School Legislation
BOSTON – Governor Baker today issued a statement on the charter school legislation proposed by the Massachusetts State Senate:

While I thank the Senate for their work, the proposal offers no relief to 34,000 students currently on a waiting list to access high-performing public charter schools and the new mandates for local spending in this proposal could place a further burden on taxpayers. I look forward to continuing to work with the legislature to provide high quality educational options for these tens of thousands of kids and families, most who live in low-income urban neighborhoods, but have been clear that these families need relief now, regardless of how it is achieved.


Project at 180 Eastern Avenue Breaks Ground

Thursday, March 31, 2016

摩頓市東方大道180號破土動工了。摩頓市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson),市議員安德森(Neal Anderson)等地方民代和發展商Sagebrook高管Rebecca Mattson等人日前聯袂舉鏟。

“The Point at 180” located at 180 Eastern Avenue recently kicked off construction with a groundbreaking ceremony. Mayor Gary Christenson, City Councillor Neal Anderson, and local elected and City officials joined Rebecca Mattson, principal of Developer Sagebrook Development LLC for the ceremonial groundbreaking.
The Point at 180 will be built on a 14,000 square foot site at 180 Eastern Avenue, walkable to the MBTA Malden Center station. Eighty-six one and two bedroom units, ranging in size from 650 to 1,200 square feet, will begin at $1,900 per month. Amenities will include fitness and club rooms, an extensive private landscaped patio with gas fire pits and grills, indoor parking, and a private resident bike room along the Bike to the Sea Path, which is located immediately adjacent to the property. Completion of the project is slated for May 2017. For further information, please visit: www.thepointat180.com.
Jenna Gerstlauer, SoundMark Partners; Patrick Keefe, First Niagara; Michael Liu, The Architectural Team; Becky Mattson, Sagebrook Development; Mayor Gary Christenson; City Councillor Neal Anderson; Deborah Burke, Malden Redevelopment Authority; Ben Raymond, Candlewood Partners; Jim DiGiorno, Rubicon Builders; Brian Barringer, Whitewood Ventures

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Grants for Watershed Restoration Projects

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Grants for Watershed Restoration Projects

BOSTON– March 31, 2016 – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced $45,000 in state grant funds for two river restoration efforts in Chester and Halifax. These funds will leverage more than $190,000 in federal and foundation grants to enhance stream habitats for fish and wildlife and improve water quality.

“These restoration efforts will improve water quality, increase climate change resiliency, boost recreation and tourism and help sustain commercial and recreational fishing,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “This funding announcement reflects our commitment to conserving the Commonwealth’s land and wildlife, as well as proactively taking steps to increase our resilience to the effects of climate change.”

“These projects will enable these water bodies to be restored to their natural state, improving ecological conditions and allowing wildlife to thrive,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “By leveraging funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, this grant will help make these important local conservation efforts possible.”

The Department of Fish and Game’s (DFG) Division of Ecological Restoration (DER) coordinates these grants for priority river restoration projects. DER is awarding $40,000 to Trout Unlimited for the restoration of Kinne Brook in Chester by replacing two undersized culverts and $5,000 to the Town of Halifax for improvements to Stump Brook.

“Smart infrastructure, such as properly sized culverts, will help us better adapt to climate change, prevent flooding and reduce damage to roads and other infrastructure,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “By awarding funds to these culvert replacement and water quality protection projects we can improve stream habitat, water quality and public health in Chester and Halifax.”

“Healthy rivers and streams support recreational pursuits such as fishing, canoeing and kayaking, and small brooks are often the source of our drinking water,” said DFG Commissioner George Peterson. “Keeping them clean, healthy and free-flowing is a priority of our Department.”

Trout Unlimited is leading the effort to design and replace two undersized culverts on Kinne Brook, a tributary of the Westfield River. When complete, the project will reconnect over 30 miles of coldwater stream habitat. State funding will help match a $134,429 grant from the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation’s New England Forests & Rivers FundFunds will facilitate final designs and permit applications for the culvert replacement projects and will support outreach and on-going monitoring efforts.

“Great partnerships between the state and active grassroots organizations like Trout Unlimited are the cornerstone of maintaining the pristine natural resources that make the Berkshires so special,” said Senator Benjamin B. Downing (D-Pittsfield).

“I am pleased that the Department of Fish and Game’s Division of Ecological Restoration has selected Trout Unlimited to receive $40, 000,” said State Representative Stephen Kulik (D-Worthington). “This grant money will go a long way in helping complete their project in Chester. In addition to protecting a delicate natural ecosystem, long term this project will ultimately reduce maintenance costs for the Town, reconnect access for residential and emergency vehicles, and protect municipal and private infrastructure.”

“Undersized culverts are barriers to many species that call our rivers home, and more than 60% of culverts in our local watersheds are undersized,” said Erin Rodgers, Ph.D., Western New England Project Coordinator of Trout Unlimited. “These structures not only keep animals from their habitat, during floods they can act like dams and eventually wash out, creating expensive emergency repair work. Replacing these culverts before they become a problem helps everyone.” 

The Town of Halifax is working with multiple partners in the management of Monponsett Ponds and Stump Brook to optimize water quality and quantity. These water bodies are subject to harmful seasonal algal blooms. State funding will match an EPA grant of $57,338 through the EPA’s Southeast New England Coastal Watershed Restoration Program.

“I want to thank the Baker Administration, Secretary Beaton of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and Commissioner Peterson of Department of Fish and Game for aiding state and local officials and members of the Monponsett Pond Working Group in their efforts involving the Stump Brook Restoration and Sustainable Flow Management Project in the town of Halifax and Hanson,” said State Senator Michael D. Brady (D-Brockton).

“I am pleased that the Town of Halifax is receiving assistance to identify sources discharging into Monponsett Pond and Stump Brook,” said State Representative Thomas Calter (D-Kingston). “I applaud the Town and its partners who continue to be actively engaged in finding solutions to improve water quality and quantity in these valuable community resources.”

“State funds will identify, map, and prioritize the stormwater outfalls and other sources discharging to the East and West Monponsett Ponds, ponds that feed into Stump Brook,” said Halifax Town Administrator Charlie Seelig. “By doing so, the amount of nutrients and other chemicals flowing into Monponsett Pond can be reduced, thereby improving the water quality of Monponsett Pond and Stump Brook.” 

The Priority Projects Program is one of the vehicles by which the Division of Ecological Restoration pursues wetland and river restoration, urban river revitalization, and stream flow restoration projects that present the greatest benefit to the Commonwealth, ecologically, socially and economically. 

The mission of the Division of Ecological Restoration is to restore and protect the Commonwealth’s rivers, wetlands and watersheds for the benefit of people and the environment.  The Department of Fish and Game (DFG) is responsible for promoting the conservation and enjoyment of the Commonwealth’s natural resources. DFG carries out this mission through land protection and wildlife habitat management, management of inland and marine fish and wildlife species, and ecological restoration of fresh water, salt water, and terrestrial habitats. DFG promotes enjoyment of the Massachusetts environment through outdoor skills workshops, fishing festivals and other educational programs, and by enhancing access to the Commonwealth's rivers, lakes, and coastal waters.