星期日, 12月 31, 2023

假期間使用自助結帳或提款機 得更小心些

               (Boston Orange 編譯) 上超市,使用自助結帳的人,最近得提高一下警覺。在麻州波士頓市以西,已至少有5個市鎮,在聖誕節週末發現有超市的自助結帳機被人安裝了竊取信用卡資料的設備。

              雀喜市 (Chelsea) 警察在本月稍早時發出警告,稱該市的市場籃子 (Market Basket)”超市發現了偷資料設備 (skimmer device),而且11月時在新罕布夏州 (NH) 康可鎮的Walmart市場籃子,以及麻州的Haverhill, Reading, 尚莫維爾 (Somerville)等市鎮。發現了偷資料設備


              根據聯邦調查局 (FBI),偷盜資料設備 (skimmer) 從磁條偷取信用卡的卡號,以及其他資訊,然後就用來偷取受害者的身分,或者做出假的信用卡,借記卡,或EBT卡,從受害者的帳戶偷錢。竊賊也可能安裝假的鍵盤蓋,或者針孔相機來記錄個人識別號碼,或密碼。估計每年從銀行及消費者那兒盜取了10億多元。


              根據全國戶會保險公司 (Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company),這些偷盜資料設備可能很難察覺,消費者使用信用卡或借記卡來付款,或者從提款機取錢時,最好仔細檢查設備,以確保那上面沒有額外的讀卡機或相機。聯邦貿易委員會( FTC)建議消費者比較一下鄰近的讀卡機,看看是不是可能外加了些甚麼東西兒看起來不一樣。





星期五, 12月 29, 2023

Massachusetts Awarded $4.6 Million to Support North Atlantic Right Whale Recovery and Lobster Industry

 Massachusetts Awarded $4.6 Million to Support North Atlantic Right Whale Recovery and Lobster Industry 

State expects to receive $23 million through 2028 subject to Congressional appropriations 


BOSTON - The Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game’s Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) will receive more than $4.6 million from a congressional appropriation through the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to enhance the division’s nation-leading conservation program for the endangered North Atlantic right whaleDMF will use this funding and an additional $475,000 grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), to bolster development of innovative fishing gear technologies, increase ongoing research and monitoring, and provide 

fishing gear to lobster industry participants to reduce harm to the right whales. As part of a 5-year program, DMF anticipates receiving more than $23 million from NOAA Fisheries between now and the end of 2028 subject to annual Congressional appropriations.  


We have a special responsibility to help these endangered animals, and to promote innovative measures to support whale recovery and Massachusetts' important lobster industry,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Rebecca Tepper. “Massachusetts near-shore waters annually host up to 80 percent of the total population of North Atlantic right whales in late winter and early spring, as the whales migrate north and feed in the nutrient-rich waters of Cape Cod Bay and Massachusetts Bay. These funds are particularly beneficial to the small boat fishers who contribute so much to our economy, food security, and heritage of Massachusetts coastal communities. 


“Massachusetts has long been a leader in conservation efforts for North Atlantic right whale, as evidenced by the ‘Partner in the Spotlight Award’ given to the Division of Marine Fisheries by NOAA Fisheries earlier this year for right whale conservation efforts,” said Department of Fish and Game Commissioner Tom O’Shea. “We are very grateful to Massachusetts lobster fishers who have sacrificed and worked with us in implementing a closed season, the use of modified rope, and other important measures to protect right whales.” 


“This funding will provide critical assistance to the Commonwealth’s dual efforts to both protect the North Atlantic Right Whale and help innovate our fishing industry to develop safer fishing methods,” said Rep. Josh S. Cutler (D-Duxbury). “The Commonwealth needs to be a partner with the fishing industry to tackle this issue and I applaud the Division of Marine Fisheries for their ongoing efforts.”   


Under the U.S. Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, Congress appropriated $25 million to nine Atlantic Coast states from Maine to Maryland to support right whale recovery. Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries has put together a spending plan for 2024allocating $2.8 million for right whale research and monitoring; $1.1 million for on-demand gear research; and $472,000 for lobster gear to be used by lobster fishers to reduce entanglement risks. The $475,000 NFWF grant will provide a detailed picture of the economic costs and benefits of on-demand gear systems for which testing has been undertaken. 


The funding will support Massachusetts’ lobster industry and other trap fisheries as they adapt to existing and new regulations that will be developed by NOAA Fisheries and DMF by December 31, 2028, to protect the federally endangered North Atlantic right whale and comply with the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 and the Endangered Species Act of 1973. 


DMF’s program will help researchers better understand the seasonal distribution and density of right whales in state and adjacent federal waters, as well as the seasonal distribution of fixed fishing gear in these areas. It will enable fishery managers to reduce entanglement risk to right whales based on robust distribution data. This program will reduce the potential for injury to right whales through development, promotion, and outreach regarding “weak rope, “weak inserts,” and on-demand fishing technology. Finally, it will improve understanding of capabilities, limitations, socioeconomic factors, and opportunities for on-demand fishing. 


DMF will increase the ranks of its staff focused on North Atlantic Right Whale conservation from to 7 to implement a broadscale researchmonitoring, and outreach program. This will include an on demand fishing research program focused on solving gear marking, gear conflict, and efficiency issuesThe Division will implement a coastwide archival passive acoustic  monitoring network and deploy three passive acoustic listening buoys. Working with the Center for Coastal Studies, DMF will enhance its long-established right whale aerial surveillance program, expanding from 180 to 225 hours of flight time annually. Collectively, the enhanced acoustic and aerial surveillance programs will dramatically enhance DMF’s understanding of right whale seasonal distribution in the coastal waters of the CommonwealthDMF will also be expanding outreach to the commercial fishing industry on methods to reduce entanglement injury risk to right whales. This work will include distribution of weak rope and marking supplies to fishers and the initiation of an on-demand fishing grants program to encourage researchers to address key questions and allow fishers to purchase on-demand fishing gear.


Massachusetts has long been a leader in right whale protection efforts and has the most stringent state regulations to protect right whales in the countryDMF regulates both fishing activity and vessel activity to protect right whales, the official state marine mammal of Massachusetts. DMF limits  participation in commercial fixed gear fisheries that may entangle right whales; requires fixed gear be removed from state waters at times and in places when right whales are known to aggregate; and requires fixed gear be modified at other times of the year to reduce the risk of injury or mortality, should a large whale become entangled. DMF also seasonally regulates smalvessel speed in Cape Cod Bay to reduce interactions with right whales. For more information on DMF’s efforts to protect right whales check out our webpage. 

Healey-Driscoll Administration Opens $4 Million for Large Scale Renovations at Early Education and Out-of-School Time Programs

 Healey-Driscoll Administration Opens $4 Million for Large Scale Renovations at Early Education and Out-of-School Time Programs 

BOSTON — The Healey-Driscoll Administration announced today that the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) has opened an application with $4 million in total funding available for large scale capital projects at early education and care programs. Center-based nonprofit child care and out-of-school time programs that serve low-income families can apply for $500,000 - $1,000,000 per project to acquire property or renovate a facility, expanding capacity and promoting quality learning environments for young children. These grants will improve program facilities, add classrooms, and aim to increase the number of state-subsidized child care spots across Massachusetts.


“In November we announced $14 million in capital funding for Early Education and Out-of-School Time programs – and I am pleased we are adding another $4 million for larger scale projects to improve and expand affordable child care offerings for families,” said Governor Maura Healey. “We are focused on making early education and care more affordable, accessible and equitable across the state. Providing capital funding to programs is an essential part of that work, helping families struggling with the high cost of living make ends meet and ensuring their kids can get a high-quality education.”


“The Governor and I have had the privilege to travel around the state and visit some of our incredible child care programs, where kids have access to innovative and high-quality outdoor and indoor spaces that spark curiosity and promote learning and exploration. I am grateful that we are able to provide more programs the financial resources they need to invest in our youngest learners and strengthen local early education and care infrastructure, promoting economic mobility for families and stimulating our economy,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll.


These grants are available through the Early Education and Out-of-School Time (EEOST) capital funding to offset expenses to acquire property or expand, repair and/or renovate existing early education and out-of-school time facilities. This can include major systems replacements, reconfiguration of classrooms, administrative and staff spaces, and redesign and renovation of outdoor space. Further, programs can make physical environment modifications to address accessibility or other improvements to support inclusion of children and adults with disabilities. For a program to be eligible, at least half of the children enrolled must receive a public subsidy, like child care financial assistance.


“The Healey-Driscoll Administration is committed to advancing affordability and equity in early education. This critical grant funding will support child care centers and community organizations that provide accessible, safe, and inclusive spaces for children of all backgrounds and abilities,” said Secretary of Education Patrick Tutwiler. “By infusing funds into our local communities to renovate, repair, and expand child care facilities, we are making Massachusetts a better place to live, go to school, work, raise a family, and build a better future.”


“Our goal is to increase affordability and expand access to high quality programming for all families in the Commonwealth. A critical tool in this work is providing capital opportunities for programs to create updated, child focused spaces for children to learn and play and for their educators to work,” said Early Education and Care Commissioner Amy Kershaw.


The EEOST grants are financed through the state's capital budget and leverage private investments with matching funds. They are administered by EEC in partnership with the Children’s Investment Fund (CIF), an affiliate of the Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation (CEDAC). The Healey-Driscoll Administration's FY24 - FY28 Capital Investment Plan increased these grants by $4 million a year for 4 years. This large-scale grant opportunity builds off the $14.3 million the Administration announced for smaller scale early education and care capital projects in November 2023.


“This program invests in high-quality, large-scale improvements to early childhood education facilities. We are thrilled to offer these grants of up to $1M for the first time since 2020,” said Theresa Jordan, Director of the Children’s Investment Fund.


The grant application for large scale projects opened December 20, 2023 and closes February 1, 2024. Find the application online and sign up for an information session.


波士頓市辦公大樓改住宅露眉目 3建商正計畫建170戶

               (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 波士頓市府鼓勵發展商把市中心辦公大樓改建成住宅的計畫,露出眉目了。波士頓計畫發展局 (BPDA) 最近收到的申請案,至少有3家地產發展商計畫把市中心及西端 (West End) ,共104000平方英尺的辦公室空間,改建成170個公寓單位。


              波士頓頂點物業 (Boston Pinnacle Properties)董事長Adam Burns指出,許多到處看樓找機會的商業經紀都注意到B級和C級樓宇的空置率大增這情況,但是建造全新住宅大樓的成本效益行不通,所以他開始找可以改建成公寓的BC級辦公大樓。

              波士頓頂點物業在金融區Franklin281號,有棟6層高的磚樓,正在以比估價330萬元低的280萬元,商洽買賣合約中。Adams Burns計畫把那棟樓改建成15戶出租公寓。

              Franklin281號這棟樓裏面,還有5家公司有租約。其中3家租約6月到期,另一家11月到期,還有一家要到2027年中,租約才到期。波士頓頂點物業得先安置這些租戶,才能動手把辦公大樓改建成公寓。不過Adam Burns指出,租戶現在有機會以更低價格找到新地方,甚至可能比他們現在付出的每平方英尺50多元低20元。

              如果順利,波士頓頂點物業的這Franklin 281號,將成為波士頓計畫發展局短期抵稅優惠項目 (short-term tax break program)的第一個合作夥伴,並從202510月開始改建。


              不過,儘管稅率優惠很大,改建仍面對不少挑戰。根據Adam Burns的說法,波士頓市中心有一大半樓宇都不適合改建成住宅,因為窗戶太少,樓板 (floor plate) 太深,現有租戶的租約效期還很長等等。減稅計劃並不能夠讓一個在財務上行不通的項目做成功。

              美國最大的公寓擁有者,位於芝加哥的房地產投資信託公司住宅權益 (Equity Residential)”公司提議改建靠近麻省總醫院 (MGH),目前在4Equity公寓大樓內的幾層醫療辦公室空間。

              住宅權益計畫把位於Emerson Place 110號的MGH和其相關醫療事務所,以及Longfellow Place 25號,改建成57戶綜合單位,估計約需2000萬元。



              BPDA主任Arthur Jemison上個月在一場公聽會中表示,如果2024房地產經紀狀況持續惡化, BPDA會在秋季重新評估實施新的可負擔住宅規定。