星期一, 6月 30, 2014


Mayor Walsh will host his second World Cup Viewing Party, featuring USA against Belgium. 
City Hall Plaza, Boston



BOSTON - Monday, June 30, 2014 - In light of today's Supreme Court decision in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. v. Sebelius that ruled that for-profit corporations are not required to provide contraceptive coverage to their employees, Attorney General Martha Coakley, candidate for governor, today issued the following statement:

"I am deeply disappointed by Monday’s ruling by the Supreme Court that puts at risk the right of women to access affordable contraceptive services.  Healthcare decisions should be made between a woman and her doctor, not based on the views of a corporation or employer. As Governor, I will do everything in my power to ensure that women in Massachusetts have access to affordable contraceptive services, no matter where they work.  As a first step, I will work to require any company that contracts with the Commonwealth to offer employees insurance that covers contraceptive services.  I will also look at ways for the state to make these services available for women no matter the views of their employer."

MA Legislature Passes Balanced FY15 Budget

Legislature Passes Balanced FY15 Budget
Focuses on Reforms and Enhancing Support for Commonwealth’s Most Vulnerable Citizens

BOSTON – The Massachusetts Legislature today enacted a $36.5 billion state budget for Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15) focused on economic growth and increased government accountability and oversight.

The spending plan makes important investments in local aid, education, and human services including substance abuse treatment and prevention and mental health care. Building on a responsible yet proactive approach to combatting the recession, the Legislature’s budget contains multiple measures to achieve sustainable economic growth and provide essential services that support the Commonwealth’s citizens.

“This budget reflects and extends the fiscally-prudent, targeted and inventive initiatives that have led to Massachusetts’ recent economic growth,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo (D – Winthrop). “The Legislature continues to invest in key areas like education and local aid that strengthen towns and businesses and benefit residents. We propose strong measures to care for the state’s most vulnerable residents, including increased resources for DCF and funding to improve mental health and substance abuse programs. I thank Senate President Murray, the conferees and my colleagues in the Legislature for their thoughtful work.”

“I am proud of Chairman Brewer and the entire Legislature for all the hard work and collaboration that went into this budget process,” Senate President Therese Murray (D-Plymouth) said. “While we took care to remain cautious in our spending, we were still able to significantly increase support for some of our most critical services and programs – both on the state and local levels. The result is a comprehensive and fiscally-responsible final budget for the 2015 fiscal year that reflects the many and varied priorities of the Commonwealth.”
“Our FY15 budget agreement strikes a careful balance between making vital investments in our Commonwealth and continuing our practice of fiscal responsibility, which has served us well through challenging financial times,” said Representative Brian S. Dempsey (D-Haverhill), House Chair of the Joint Committee on Ways & Means. “This year, we support and strengthen the services that are most vital to our fellow residents – services like child welfare, higher education, and substance abuse treatment – while ensuring that the implementation of those services is efficient and comprehensive. Accomplishing this task required judicious spending based on sustained principles as we continue to prioritize the well-being of citizens across the Commonwealth.”

“This is a conscientious budget that promotes long-term investments and provides critical services throughout the Commonwealth,” said Senator Brewer (D-Barre), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means. “As Massachusetts continues to improve from the Great Recession, we continue to invest in needed services, such as local aid, substance abuse relief programs, and mental health funding, all while maintaining the highest bond rating in state history.”

“This budget’s strong focus on local aid, particularly the significant investment in Chapter 70 school funding, positions the Commonwealth for sustainable growth,” said Representative Stephen Kulik (D-Worthington), House Vice-Chair of the Joint Committee on Ways & Means. “Additionally, the full funding of the Special Education Circuit Breaker, and the major increase in funding for Regional School Transportation to a 90 percent reimbursement rate, will allow our schools to continue to improve as Massachusetts distinguishes itself as a national educational and economic leader.”

“I applaud Chairman Brewer on a fiscally responsible and sustainable budget which invests in every corner of the Commonwealth,” said Senator Jennifer L. Flanagan (D-Leominster), Vice Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means. “This budget is a commitment to the prevention and treatment of substance abuse addictions, to the safety of children throughout the commonwealth, and to the protection of the state’s most vulnerable populations. Strong investments in our communities, education of our children, and the health of our economy will assist and support residents throughout Massachusetts.”

This budget enhances the Commonwealth’s partnerships with cities and towns through numerous funding streams including $945.8 million to Unrestricted General Government Aid (UGGA), a $25.5 million increase from FY14 and $4.4 billion for Chapter 70, a record funding level. The spending plan provides $257.5 million for the Special Education Circuit Break, ensuring full funding for the third consecutive year and $70.3 million for Regional School Transportation to reimburse municipalities at 90 percent, marking the highest rate in the program’s history.

In addition to educational investments through local aid, this year’s budget extends Massachusetts ongoing commitment to strengthening its educational systems to foster equality and provide residents with a competitive edge. The budget allocates $15 million to expand access to early education and funds a grant program at $9.1 million to support Early Head Start and Head Start programs. The budget also prioritizes higher education through investments in state universities, community colleges and the University of Massachusetts and includes $519 million for UMass which will enable a freeze in tuition and fees for the second year. In addition, the budget dedicates money to implement the STEM Starter Academy, an initiative created in the FY14 budget aimed at strengthening and expanding STEM programming in community colleges.

This year’s budget emphasizes the importance of enhanced fiscal predictability and sustainable investments, a practice that has raised Massachusetts bond rating to AA+, the highest in the state’s history. In an extension of this fiscal prudence, the spending plan makes the lowest draw from the Stabilization Fund in four years and contributes about $1.79 billion to Massachusetts’ unfunded pension liability to accelerate the timetable for full funding. Additional economic development measures include:

·      Codifies the Massachusetts Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Advisory Council;
·      Travel and tourism is one of the state’s largest industries, generating almost $17 billion in travel related expenditures and supporting 124,700 in-state jobs. The budget allocates $18 million for the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism and$7.5 million in regional tourism funding to promote statewide initiatives and increased international travel;
·      Supports the Massachusetts Cultural Council with $12 million in funding;
·      Provides $18.8 million for local libraries, representing an increase of $2.4 million from the previous fiscal year;
·      Establishes a process for all in-state and out-of-state direct shippers to receive a direct wine shipper’s license from the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (ABCC) and allows for the collection of state taxes; and,
·      Provides $2 million for the Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership that will benefit programs designed to assist small and mid-sized manufacturers.

To heighten accountability and streamline operations, the budget establishes the Massachusetts Office of Information Technology (MOIT) to be administered by a Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the Commonwealth. The CIO will be responsible for supervising all IT services of state agencies and will review any proposed IT expenditure costing more than $200,000. The Massachusetts Health Connector Authority will be considered a state agency for the purposes of MOIT oversight.

This budget reflects the Legislature’s pledge to combat the alarming rise in mental health problems and substance addiction. It allocates almost $18 million in new spending to help combat substance addiction including $10 million for the Substance Abuse Services Trust Fund to provide substance abuse services to an additional 10,000 individuals in need of treatment. The spending plan also includes the following investments in substance abuse services and treatment:

·      Creates a multi-year grant program at $5 million to fund mental health and substance abuse counselors within schools;
·      Increases funding for specialty courts, including drug courts, to $3 million;
·      Places addiction specialists in the Brockton, Plymouth and Quincy courts;
·      Funds training and purchase of Nasal Narcan™;
·      Creates a voluntary accreditation program for sober homes; and,
·      Provides additional funding for the Prescription Monitoring Program to prevent the over-prescription of medications.

To improve quality of care for people suffering from mental illness, the budget provides $10 million for the expansion of community-based placements for at least 100 discharge-ready patients in the Department of Mental Health system, while maintaining sheltered workshops for those individuals who wish to remain in a residential setting. It also creates a Behavioral and Mental Health Special task Force to identify impediments to the delivery of comprehensive treatment.

The budget includes numerous additional health and human services provisions including $60 million in MassHealth investments and:

·      $47.5 million for nursing homes to reduce the gap between Medicaid payments and uncompensated care;
·      $35 million for Disproportionate Share Hospitals;
·      $3 million in funds for employments programs for clients of the Department of Developmental Services;
·      Requires the implementation of a hearing process for long-term facilities before there is any intent to close;
·      Creates a legislative and executive working group to examine and make recommendations concerning Bridgewater State Hospital; and,
·      Maintains 45 beds at Taunton State Hospital and funds the opening of two additional wings at Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital.

Building on the continued leadership in reforming and strengthening the Department of Children and Families (DCF), the budget provides $185.6 million to reduce social worker caseloads. It also includes initiatives to improve communications, IT and record keeping practices, and ensure initial medical screenings of all children entering DCF care within 72 hours. Background checks will now be required for all current and future foster parents. Individuals will be precluded from becoming foster parents if convicted of serious crimes, including those involving violence or sexual in nature.

The budget also:

·      Provides $65 million for the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program and permits for unexpended FY14 funds to carry forward, allowing hundreds of new families to access safe and permanent housing;
·      Expands the Veterans Motor Vehicle Excise Exemption to include leased cars;
·      Places a moratorium on the issuance of a Chapter 91 tidelands license permitting the development of rail lines or rail facilities for the transportation of ethanol to storage or blending facilities in the cities of Cambridge, Chelsea, Revere, Everett, Somerville and East Boston until January 1, 2017; 
·      Establishes a permanent commission on the future of metropolitan area beaches;
·      Establishes a memorial to honor Massachusetts Iraq and Afghanistan Fallen Heroes; and,

·      Reestablishes the Water Supply Protection Program to promote the safety and purity of the Commonwealth’s water supplies and the protection of watershed lands.


1996年他們在麻州屋本市(Woburn)買下一棟陸軍大樓(army building),並由熱心家長們協助翻修得煥然一新後,中華藝術協會才從此有了個永久的家。
小品方面有陳嘉琪編導的漢族舞蹈「小丫頭」,排練的「土家女」、藏族舞蹈「萬物生」,以及「貓鼠之夜」; 馬嘉老編導的「花與蜜蜂」、排練的「春江花月夜」、「魚兒」、 「阿咪子」與「船歌」; 楊夢希老師編導的「堅韌旳花朵」與排練的「茉莉花」等。









星期六, 6月 28, 2014

MIT-CHIEF 展示項目太陽能板凳將登陸波市公園

波士頓新市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)擁抱科技,廿六日才宣布新聘Jascha Franklin-Hodge資訊長,昨(廿七)日就傳出,波市將推出“聰明沙發”,利用太陽能,改善人民的生活環境。
          “改變環境(Changing Environments)”的共同創辦人,Sandra Richter和趙楠,在麻省理工學院中國創新創業論壇(MIT-CHIEF)展示日中,介紹這太陽能板凳項目時,指出他們和波士頓市長辦公室的新城市機械(New Urban Mechanics),MIT媒體實驗室,以及蘿斯甘迺迪綠路合作,從2013年起進行研發
            這些板凳可以利用委瑞森網路無線上網,上傳與所在地點有關的環境資訊,諸如空氣品質,噪音程度等數據。波士頓市府官員表示,設置在波士頓市的第一批太陽能板凳,將由發展智慧城市解決方案的領導者之一的思科系統(Cisco System)資助,不花波士頓市府的錢。
            下星期,波士頓市的數個公園,將安裝這些板凳,試試這新做法。安裝板凳的地點將包括南端(South End)的泰特斯麻雀公園(Titus Sparrow Park),波士頓廣場(Boston Common),以及蘿斯甘迺迪綠路(Rose Kennedy Greenway)。
波士頓市府官員籲請市民在七月十一日前建議,還有哪些公園應該安裝這些太陽能板凳“Soofas“。民眾可上網bit.ly/bosbench,上推特 @newurbanmechs提意見,也可以透過推特@mysoofa,或網站soofa.co,提供各個公園內的這些Soofas該叫什麼名字的意見。


            Sandra Richter()和波士頓市長馬丁華殊(右)討論太陽能板凳計劃。(圖由波士頓市府提供)

            Sandra Richter(右)和趙楠(左)今年四月在麻省理工學院中國創新創業論壇(MIT-CHIEF)展示日中介紹太陽能板凳項目。(菊子攝,檔案照片)