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- 大波士頓時事新聞
- 波士頓華埠社區中心/華美福利會/華埠社區聯盟/ 華人醫務中心/ 亞美社區發展協會/ 華夏文化協會
- 波士頓亞美電影節/波士頓台灣電影節
- 音樂 - 中華表演藝術基金會
- Plays - Huntington, Boston Lyric, Company One
- 商會 - ACE Nextgen, 128 Cute, OCEAN, TCCNE, TCCYNE,波克萊台商會,波士頓華商會,波士頓亞裔房東會
- 創業 - Startup Boston
- 博物館 - Guggenheim
- Greentown Labs newsletter /MIT ClimateTech
- BIOVision/ Boston MedTech / Mass Life Sciences
- Mass BIO / LaunchBIO
- 麻州州長動態 -
- 波士頓市、昆士市,摩頓市、羅爾市
- 波士頓移民進步辦公室通訊/ Office of Women's Advancement/ Community Preservation Act
- Boston City Councilor's updates
- MIPIM 2025 -
- 大學沙龍 第224期 路江湧:家庭與企業的桌遊管理課 1/26
- 朱学渊 - 為中國史學的實證化而努力
星期五, 6月 29, 2018
(Boston Orange)麻州大麻管制局(Cannabis Control Commission)28日宣佈,估計下週投票決定,是否發出有條件執照給”培養(Cultivate)”。一旦通過,位於屋斯特市的該店,將成為麻州第一家休閒用大麻店。
目前,大麻管制局只發出了一張有條件執照,是在米爾福(Milford)種植大麻的藥用大麻公司Sira Naturals。
下週一,大麻管制局也將投票決定,是否批給Sira Naturals公司生產及運送大麻的執照。該執照將允許Sira Natural 把種植的大麻變成可食用的其他產品,並運送到各個店去。
星期四, 6月 28, 2018
Massachusetts Legislature Passes Bill to Temporarily Suspend a Gun License from Those Who Pose a Risk to Themselves or Others
Massachusetts Legislature Passes Bill to Temporarily Suspend a Gun License from Those Who Pose a Risk to Themselves or Others
(BOSTON) – The Massachusetts Legislature voted today to establish a process for family, household members or licensing authorities (petitioners) to petition the court for an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) for individuals who “pose a risk of causing bodily injury to self or others” by owning, possessing or having a firearm. An ERPO, if issued by the court, is effective for up to one year and results in the immediate suspension and surrender of all firearms and ammunition.
Licensing authorities are required to provide a list of services “relating to crisis intervention, mental health, substance abuse and counseling” upon receipt of an ERPO.
“With the passage of this legislation, Massachusetts once again leads the nation with the strongest and most effective gun laws in the country,” House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo (D-Winthrop) said. “This bill will prevent senseless tragedies and help keep Massachusetts’ children safe. I am sincerely grateful to Representative Decker, who tirelessly championed this bill, and would like to recognize Chairman Naughton, Representative Viera and the conferees for their work, as well as the students who raised their voices on this life-saving measure.”
"This legislation will give loved ones vitally needed tools to help their family members in difficult, emotional situations,” said Senate President Harriette L.Chandler. “We know that this bill will encourage mental health interventions, save lives, and reduce the risk of suicide and murder. And thank you to the thousands of students who spoke up on this issue---your advocacy made today possible."
“I would like to thank Speaker DeLeo for his incredible leadership on this bill and for his commitment to firearm safety. Thanks to his leadership, as well as a the tireless advocacy from survivors, parents, and students, we have continued to be a leader in the nation in preventing gun violence and enhancing the quality of life in the Commonwealth,” said Representative Harold P. Naughton, Jr. (D-Clinton), Chair of the Joint Committee on Public Safety & Homeland Security. “This legislation provides a tool for families to protect loved ones from harming themselves or others by preventing them from accessing a firearm in a crisis. I believe we have also managed to strike a critical balance between public safety and due process. I am incredibly proud to have been able to play a small part in crafting a policy that I firmly believe will save lives.”
“I was so pleased to be the Senate Chair of the Conference Committee on this ‘Red Flag’ bill,” said Senator Creem. “Passage of this bill will save lives and it is a credit to all those who have advocated for its passage – especially our young people – that we were able adopt this important public safety policy.
“I sleep well at night knowing this bill continues to ensure that Massachusetts is doing everything it can to lead the nation with common sense gun legislation that we know will save lives,” said Marjorie C. Decker (D-Cambridge), sponsor of the bill. “I could not be more proud or grateful for Speaker DeLeo’s leadership and courage. We can continue to look our constituents in the eyes and into the faces of parents across Massachusetts who know that their legislature is working to keep them safe.”
“We must do all that we can to keep our communities safe, and that includes keeping guns out of the hands of those who pose a risk of endangering themselves or others,” said Senator Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland), Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means. “I’m proud to join with my colleagues in the Legislature to stand up for public safety in the Commonwealth.”
While licensing authorities in Massachusetts can currently suspend or revoke a license to carry (LTC) or firearm ID (FID) card on the basis of suitability, the ERPO court process provides petitioners - particularly family and household members who are far more familiar with an at-risk individual’s behavior - an additional tool to keep the licensee and others safe. It also provides an independent avenue for petitioners who are reluctant to go to law enforcement by allowing them to directly approach the court, doing so “under the pains and penalties of perjury”.
The legislation also allows the court to issue an emergency ERPO prior to a hearing in certain situations and provides for a justice of the court to grant an ERPO on nights and weekends if it finds “reasonable cause to conclude that the respondent poses a risk of causing bodily injury to self or others”.
The bill includes a range of due process protections for licensees, including a requirement for the court to hold a hearing within ten days of a petition being filed. Respondents will be able to use all existing statutory law remedies to demonstrate that they are not at risk, including legal counsel and the appeal process.
Any person who files for an order falsely is subject to a $5,000 fine or 2 ½ years in a house of correction.
Finally, in the wake of the recent Supreme Judicial Court ruling inCommonwealth v. Ramirez, the bill repeals the ban on stun guns and puts a licensing procedure in place.
The bill now goes to the Governor for his consideration.
食品藥物管理署署長吳秀梅(右中),波士頓經文處處長徐佑典(左三)和財團法人醫藥品 查驗中心執行長高純琇(前右二)等嘉賓合影。(周菊子攝) |
Information Association,簡稱DIA)」今年(2018)再到波士頓辦年會。台灣由食品藥物管理署署長吳秀梅率30人代表團參加,並首次在這全球性會議中舉辦”TFDA城鎮會議”,向各國介紹台灣具國際競爭力的臨床試驗能量及研發資源。
DIA現任及前任董事,Angelika Joos(左二),Per Spindler(中), Andrzej Czarnecki(右一)等人也在"台灣之夜"中唱卡拉OK。(周菊子攝) |
DIA是全球最大,歷史最悠久的國際性生命科學,醫藥法規人士交流會議,強調分享藥物研發新知,經驗,交流藥政管理趨勢。今年該會議以”包括病人(Patients Included)”為主題,於6月24日至28日之間,在波士頓會議展覽中心舉行,有來自50多國的8000多名製藥,生物科技,醫療設備等領域專業人士參加,共約423家公司擺攤展示,研討19項議題。
食品藥物管理署署長吳秀梅(左),波士頓經文處處長徐佑典(右)在會中合唱。(周菊子攝) |
與會者,歐陽瑞琳(左起),李中偉等人也高歌一曲。(周菊子攝) |
根據大會資料,衛生福利部食品藥物管理署舉辦的「TFDA Town Hall」主題論壇,由吳秀梅署長擔任主持人,闡述台灣推動國際化醫藥品法規管理體系成果。另有台大醫院腫瘤醫學部主任楊志新說明「多國多中心藥品臨床試驗與資料解釋之挑戰」;財團法人醫藥品查驗中心執行長高純琇談「應用真實世界證據於法規決策經驗」;行政院科技會報辦公室主任劉祖惠介紹「台灣藥品產業之開發優質環境與政策」。台灣代表團還在會議期間發表壁報論文,說明新藥開發的新穎性臨床試驗設計、細胞治療諮詢輔導措施及台灣轉移性黑色素瘤治療之成本效益等。
6月27日晚的「台灣之夜」晚會,由財團法人醫藥品查驗中心國合公關專業經理周耿徹主持,有DIA現任理事11人中的Angelika Joos、Andrzej Czarnecki,Alberto Grignolo、Gesine Bejeuhr及前任理事長Per Spindler,駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長徐佑典,以及Health Canada代表Agnes
Klein、Michele Chadwick,強生集團Janssen項目管理部副主任莊蕾,醫藥法規撰寫主任Kent Cochran,美、德、日、韓、加拿大等國專家學者出席。
Governor Baker Signs Grand Bargain Legislation
Governor Baker Signs Grand Bargain Legislation
Compromise bill creates a permanent sales tax holiday, increase in minimum wage and a new paid family and medical leave program in Massachusetts
BOSTON – Today, Governor Baker signed H.4640 An Act relative to minimum wage, paid family medical leave and the sales tax holiday, also known as the “Grand Bargain.” The compromise legislation will create a permanent sales tax holiday, increase the minimum wage over the next five years and create a new paid family and medical leave program in Massachusetts.
“I am thankful that all parties came together, compromised and found common ground to produce a better set of policies than what the ballot questions represented,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “The Massachusetts workforce continues to grow with more and more people finding jobs and our administration is committed to maintaining the Commonwealth’s competitive economic environment.”
“Compromise on all sides made this legislation possible and our administration remains committed to making the Commonwealth the best place to live, work and raise a family,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito.
“This compromise strikes the right balance of empowering employees, supporting our hardworking residents and ensuring that businesses can continue to provide good, steady jobs,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo (D-Winthrop). “I sincerely thank the stakeholders who came to the table and the legislators who brokered this compromise.”
“This legislation is a true balance – one that reflects the real concerns facing both working families and business owners, while continuing to grow the Massachusetts economy,” said Senate President Harriette L. Chandler (D-Worcester). “I’m pleased that Massachusetts will be one of the first states with both a $15 minimum wage and a comprehensive paid family and medical leave program. I’m just as pleased that small businesses across the Commonwealth will continue to have the resources and room they need to flourish. I’m proud of the strong collaboration among stakeholders, House and Senate members in reaching this compromise, and thank them for their efforts in coming together throughout this process.”
“I’m pleased that this compromise will lift up working families in the Commonwealth, with a $15 minimum wage and a strong paid family and medical leave program,” said Senator Jason Lewis (D-Winchester), Senate Chair of the Committee on Labor and Workforce Development. “At the same time, the legislation balances the concerns of employers, particularly small businesses that form the backbone of our Main Streets. I greatly appreciate the hard work and spirit of collaboration that all the stakeholders have exhibited through this process.”
“Regardless of what happens in Washington DC, this law demonstrates that in Massachusetts we can come together to create policies which benefit working families, employers, and the Commonwealth as a whole,” said Representative Paul Brodeur (D-Melrose), Chairperson for the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development. “While this process took months, I am proud that this law strikes the right balance in delivering improved wages and expanded benefits for millions of hard working residents while providing key protections for small businesses.”
The legislation signed into law today will create a permanent 2-day weekend sales tax holiday, a provision recently proposed as part of the Baker-Polito Administration’s Economic Development Bill to provide annual relief for consumers and increased sales for retailers. The new law will begin in August of 2019 and the particular weekend will be determined by the Legislature.
The bill will also gradually raise the Commonwealth’s minimum wage to $15/hour over five years, with an initial increase taking effect in January 2019. Coupled with that increase will be a raise to the minimum base wage rate for tipped workers, up to $6.75, that will also phase in over a 5-year period commencing in January of 2019. Wage policies for Sunday and Holiday pay will also be reformed and brought inline with most other states across the country.
The third major component of H.4640 introduces a new Paid Family and Medical Leave program for in Massachusetts employers and employees. The new program will provide employees who contribute to the program the ability to take paid leave for up to 12 weeks a year care for a family member or bond with a new child, 20 weeks a year to deal with a personal medical issue, and up to 26 weeks to deal with an emergency related to deployment of a family member for military service. Weekly benefit amounts will be calculated as a percentage of the employee’s average weekly wage, with a maximum weekly benefit of $850. Self-employed persons may opt into the program. For the law to apply to municipal employees, the city or town involved must vote to accept participation in the program.
國際當代藝術中心戴明德畫展 7/8 講座
Acton, MA – Contemporary Arts International (CAI), a nonprofit art center, announces the interdisciplinary exhibition in CAI’s Gallery. Curated by Viktor Lois, the exhibition entitled “Before the End of the Journey: Paintings of My Older Brother” by Taiwanese artist Ming-Te Tai will be open to the public from July 8 to Oct 8, 2018. This is our anchor show of the year. An Opening Reception and Artist Talk will be held on July 8 at 2:00PM.
A collection of more than 40 paintings in this exhibition utters empathetically the struggle of human distress and despair. Through an artistic recording of the artist’s brother’s last period in his life journey, Tai expresses from the bottom of his soul the humanity’s deepest fear toward the end of our destiny. Each painting elucidates a level of elevation in the artist’s heart. Tai’s motive unequivocally gives a total artistic Life to his brother, and makes “before the Ending of the Journey” tangible.
As the artist’s statement stated: “… the year 2012 was the last period of my late older brother with a terminal oral cancer. I looked at his weak and fractured cheeks and body, and felt the urge to record the last of him in images. However, the section from his nasal cavity to his neck is bandaged with gauze with blood oozing out, I could not bring myself to lift the cold camera and press the shutter to the brutal scene. I started drawing his portrait on the thin wrapping paper from his medical supply kits. Needless to say, my mind was filled with chaotic thoughts and the anxiety on our rapidly approaching eternal separation...
Two years later, the doodling was transformed into this painting series.
Tai writes
further: “…My older brother and I were 17
years apart, our relationship is in many ways like that of a father and son.
His build was burly, his character with a strong sense of righteousness, he
often took a leadership role among his peers, and frequently got into fights
with local gangsters when he was young and unruly. Even though they were
outnumbered ten to one, he persisted in the bloodshed until the end. His job
took him traveling constantly until an illness drove him back to his hometown
to become a ‘good citizen’. I marveled at his value of life. To me, the
suffering state of his predicament was no different from that of a saint!
Paintings of my Older Brother perhaps are autobiographical revealing my fear in
facing my own end in the future.”
The series, though a portrait of the artist’s brother, is obviously not
a depiction of his appearance but the apprehension of his vigilance, courage,
and witness of the easy attitude he beheld when facing excruciating pain.
When asked about the process of creating these paintings, Tai
articulates that this series was first painted with trembling hands when Tai
directly faced his brother and sketched him. Based on the draft, after the
brother passed away, a large number of interpretive finer sketches were
produced. Tai freely employed diverse materials to express himself in various
stages of anxiety and despair. Tai explored the integration of acrylics and
mixed materials for presentation. Through acrylics and the cutting, covering,
filling in color, and blooming on vinyl cuttings, the resulting imagery was
extremely similar to that of woodcut prints, expressing the harshness, strength
and life-like movement of the figure in the painting. In the dark-colored area
with moist ink, the symbol of time delivers the reference and inference of the
Paintings of “My Brother” heading to the end of his Life. The linear cut marks
overlap and intersect, vacillating between certainty and uncertainty. They
weave the direct contact and treatment of the separation and pain.
The emotional imagery in the show resonates the famous print/painting
“Scream” by Edvard Munch, not only the subject matter of expressing the artist’s inner thoughts and strong feeling, but also its swirling
movement, rhythm and intensity. Munch’s extreme
despair completely override the painterly application, the “Scream” hits the
viewer with a solely direct feeling of anxiety. As Munch’s diaries read:
"I was walking down the road with two friends when the sun set; suddenly,
the sky turned as red as blood. I stopped and leaned against the fence, feeling
unspeakably tired. Tongues of fire and blood stretched over the bluish black
fjord. My friends went on walking, while I lagged behind, shivering with fear.
Then I heard the enormous infinite scream of nature." Like Munch, Tai
Ming-Te’s paintings express not merely psychological agony but also physical
suffering on the edge of insanity. Munch is from Norway, Tai is from Taiwan,
the common denominator is their extraordinary human feeling. Through art, they
both evoke the empathy in our hearts.
Both Yin and Viktor have known Tai personally
since 2005, and witnessed the dedication and even the near “madness” in which he
created and lived his art. Touched by Tai’s authenticity and artistic spirit,
they brought this series to New England to share with the Western viewers a
glimpse of this moving and critical Asian artist, whose voice and life journey we
all, at various degrees, one time or other, have encountered.
Tai has obtained his Master of Fine Arts from
the Tainan National University of the
Arts, and is an Associate Professor of Visual Art at
the National Jiayi University in Taiwan.
星期三, 6月 27, 2018
中華藝協第32屆中華民族舞蹈展 - 謝開明圖片專輯
BOSTON - Wednesday, June 27, 2018 - Tomorrow, the City of Boston invites residents to participate in a Neighborhood Career Fair in Dorchester, offering participants the opportunity to explore employment opportunities within the City of Boston and private companies. The job fair is being hosted by the City's Office of Diversity.
The event will be held at the Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) Perkins Community Center in Dorchester, and residents are encouraged to attend to learn more about career opportunities from the 30 participating employers.
WHEN: Thursday, June 28, 2018
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: BCYF Perkins Community Center
155 Talbot Ave, Dorchester
Representatives from:
波市長2019預算32.9億元 市議會無異議通過
BOSTON - Wednesday, June 27, 2018 - The Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) budget submitted by Mayor Martin J. Walsh today was unanimously approved by the Boston City Council, building on the Walsh Administration's record of presenting a balanced, sustainable and proactive budget investing in the needs of our growing city. The $3.29 billion recommended budget represents an increase of $139 million, or 4.4 percent, over the FY18 budget, and follows 28 City Council hearings that helped identify opportunities for further targeted investments and capture additional cost-savings. Mayor Walsh will sign the final budget once it reaches his desk. In this final budget, funding for city services, such as streets, parks, public health and public safety will grow by $43 million from FY18, including $12 million in new data-driven investments, and funding for the Boston Public Schools (BPS) will grow by $51 million. "This budget upholds our city's values and priorities, and is a reflection of our leadership position in growing a middle class through strong 21st century schools, good jobs and affordable homes in safe neighborhoods," said Mayor Walsh. "By investing in the strong foundation we've been able to achieve through strategic management of the city's finances, I am proud that with the support of the City Council, we are able to continue making record investments in advancing the prosperity of our city, our people and our collective future." As part of Mayor Walsh's budget, he proposed to further invest in key initiatives, including: Expanding Universal Pre-Kindergarten for over 80 new quality seats, as a result of continued advocacy at the state level that is expected to result in an increase from initial projections for Charter School reimbursement; Doubling the Youth Development Grant Program to $500,000 to promote conflict resolution skills to musical training to athletic programming, all with a spotlight on self esteem promotion. New funding to support the Elder Nutrition Program, to meet the demand in preventing malnutrition for seniors and backfill declining state and federal resources; New city funded position at the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Advancement to work on the frontlines of supporting new Bostonians, and effectively engage and serve immigrant residents and their families; New mounted park ranger to better serve our city parks and complement the new ranger position, which is also part of the the FY19 budget; New equity and inclusion staff for the Office of Economic Development New funding for workplace sensitivity training that will support expanded training on racial and gender bias, sexual harassment and employee awareness. These additional investments are made possible as a result of debt service savings realized as a result of the city's recently renewed AAA bond rating. They are also made possible through continued advocacy at the State level that has resulted in additional Charter School Reimbursement and Chapter 70 funding included in the FY2019 House and Senate budgets. Additional investments included in the final budget that aim to affirm a commitment to progress, opportunity and innovation by investing in Boston's neighborhoods, include: Adding new public safety personnel and equipment, including police and 20 police cadets, EMTs and firefighters to keep our residents safe and to respond to the City's increase of new residents and commuters. In addition, $2 million has been allocated towards a phase-in of police body cameras, and investments in new fire engines, fire houses and new ambulances. Making a permanent establishment of Boston's Engagement Center, providing space for participants to connect with recovery support services and get connected with housing services offered by the City and partners. Allocating $5 million in new revenue towards transportation projects by increasing certain parking fines that will effectively influence good driving practices and reduce congestion in high-traffic areas. Investing in the implementation of Community Choice Aggregation and single-use bags that will lower emissions, in addition to purchasing a deployable floodwall for the East Boston Greenway to help mitigate damage related to coastal storms. Doubling the size of the Department of Neighborhood Development down payment assistance program to $1 million, allowing dozens of middle-class families to access zero-interest loans to cover down payments. The final budget includes the adoption of a Boston Public Schools budget of $1.112 billion, representing a $3.5 million increase over the initial proposal of $1.109 billion, a $51 million increase over FY18, and marking the largest proposed BPS budget in the city's history. The BPS budget was approved by the City Council in a 12-1 vote today. With an increase to the projection of State Charter School Reimbursement revenue, funding will be directed towards expanding universal pre-kindergarten for over 80 new quality seats in FY19. The City of Boston's allocation to BPS has increased by $175 million, or 19 percent, over the past five years. Mayor Walsh's FY19 budget continues to invest in preserving and creating a strong middle class, and creating opportunities for all those who live in Boston. The FY19 budget supports Boston's long-term plan, Imagine Boston 2030. ABOUT IMAGINE BOSTON 2030 Imagine Boston 2030 is Boston's first citywide plan in 50 years aimed at guiding growth to support our dynamic economy and expand opportunity for all residents. The plan prioritizes inclusionary growth and puts forth a comprehensive vision to boost quality of life, equity and resilience in every neighborhood across the City. Shaped by the input of 15,000 residents who contributed their thoughts to the plan, Imagine Boston 2030 identifies five action areas to guide Boston's growth, enhancement and preservation, and is paired with a set of metrics that will evaluate progress and successes. To learn more visit, imagine.boston.gov. For more information about the budget,visit Boston's budget website at budget.boston.gov. |
波士頓最古老劇院剪綵重啟 首演"紅磨坊"
波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh,左二),愛默生學院校長 M. Lee Pelton(左三) 和殖民地劇院總經理Erica Lynn Schwartz(左一),行銷傳播主任Robert Jones(右一), 以及紅磨坊的演員們一起剪綵。(周菊子攝) |
波士頓市長馬丁華殊希望波士頓市在戲劇上名列前茅。(周菊子攝) |
2015年花旗表演藝術中心的租約到期後,愛默生學院把場地收了回來,一度打算改建成學校餐廳,但在學校教職員,校友,史學家及戲劇圈人士紛紛抗議,在change.org上收集了7000個簽名後,愛默生學院校長M. Lee Pelton在2016年3月3日宣佈,將把現場表演帶回這劇院。同年9月,愛默生學院再宣佈,將和不同集團合作,重開劇院。
愛默生學院校長M. Lee Pelton(左二),殖民地劇院總經理Erica Lynn Schwartz和紅磨坊 演員們。(周菊子攝) |
殖民地劇院內部景觀。(圖片來自劇院網站) |
Lynn Schwartz表示,”紅磨坊”音樂劇還沒正式演出,就已應觀眾要求加演,現在的演出日期改為從今日起至八月十九日。
殖民地劇院內部景觀。(圖片來自劇院網站) |
殖民地劇院入口售票聽。(周菊子攝) |
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