
星期四, 6月 14, 2018


(Boston Orange)

該院8名員工,Lalit Wu, Yanli Chen, Ruihua Kwan, Qingyin Lin, Shuyi Hu, Ling Lin, Yingzhong Xue, Xiuxie Ma等持證護士助理,一連15週,上課30小時後,圓滿結束課程。該院院長陳力(左一)特地出席結業儀式,和教師Celia Valada(右一)一起頒給證書(圖由中華頤養院提供)

South Cove Manor at Quincy Point, a non-profit rehabilitation and care community, celebrates staff who successfully completed an English for Speakers of Other Languages course. The 15 week, 30 hour program was designed by faculty from Bunker Hill Community College, and generously funded by a grant from the South Cove Community Health Center Foundation.

Pictured are (l-r) Li Chen, Administrator, and ESOL graduates Lalit Wu, Yanli Chen, Ruihua Kwan, Qingyin Lin, Shuyi Hu, Ling Lin, Yingzhong Xue, Xiuxie Ma, all certified nursing assistants, and ESOL instructor Celia Valada.(From South Cove Manor)
