星期五, 11月 30, 2018






歐宏偉主任說,目前已加入波士頓地區僑胞卡特約商店的業者,包括有波士頓和昆西市的「龍鳳大酒樓」、牛頓市的「珠媽廚房」、摩頓市的「一品香」、麻州西部春田市的「Ginger Blossom」和佛蒙特州南伯靈頓市的「Zen Garden」,都已提供持卡人消費優惠,「功夫茶」是波士頓地區第六家特約商店,而且有9家營業據點,很感謝竹前佳佑的支持。(圖與文:波士頓僑教中心提供)

Minority Business Development Agency Awards $1.8 Million To Tackle Opportunity Gaps

Minority Business Development Agency Awards $1.8 Million To Tackle Opportunity Gaps

WASHINGTON (November 30, 2018) – Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) is announcing the five organizations that received grant funds to support three MBDA initiatives – Access to Capital, Research, and Sustainable Business Models. The call for proposals under each initiative sought solutions for constraints, disparities, and opportunity gaps that impact a minority business enterprises’ (MBEs) ability to build scale and capacity and ensure business sustainability.
“MBDA is focused on creating new opportunities for minority-owned businesses,” said MBDA National Director Henry Childs, II. “Providing greater access to financial resources, data analytics, and world-class business models will help companies grow to scale and remain competitive in the global marketplace.”
The grant recipients include:
Access to Capital:
  • Harbor Bank of Maryland Community Development Corporation ($400,000) to facilitate MBEs receiving equal opportunity to participate in the opportunity zones provisions.
  • National Association of Investment Companies, Inc. ($350,000) to provide diverse investment managers innovative and proven methods for greater exposure to increase the likelihood of MBE firms receiving capital from public and private institutions.
  • The Enterprise Center ($500,000) to introduce new financing and investment models and provide patient growth capital to help MBEs hire more local employees and build their businesses to be more stable, competitive, and profitable for the long term.
  • Research Foundation of the City University of New York ($200,000) to create an interactive visual database that maps the journey of minority entrepreneurs from inception to funding.
Sustainable Business Model:
  • Metropolitan Economic Development Association ($382,896) to develop a playbook for developing sustainable revenue generation for other minority development organizations with a focus on merger and acquisition consulting, accounting services, and loan servicing.
These programs are part of the 2018 MBDA Broad Agency Announcement, a new initiative this year. More than $13 million was awarded for 35 projects focused on Department of Commerce and MBDA priorities from resources that increase disaster preparedness and relief to programs that increase access to capital. For a full listing of MBDA’s 2018 grant awards, visit www.mbda.gov/news.


CAPAC Applauds Historic Asian Pacific American Representation in the 116th Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The 116th Congress will bring tremendous milestones for the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, including a record number of AAPI Members of Congress and the inclusion of an Asian American Member in House Leadership. Earlier today, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) Member Ted Lieu (CA-44) was elected to House Leadership as a Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC) Co-Chair. In this role, Lieu will help guide messaging strategy for the entire House Democratic Caucus and will be the only Asian American Member in House Leadership. Next Congress will also bring three new AAPI Members to the U.S. House of Representatives, including Representative-Elects Andy Kim (NJ-03), Michael San Nicolas (Guam), and T.J. Cox (CA-21). CAPAC Chairwoman Judy Chu (CA-27) released the following statement:

“Since its founding in 1994, CAPAC has always strived to ensure that diverse voices are represented in the halls of Congress, and we are thrilled that the American people voted overwhelmingly to elect candidates who better reflect the diversity of our nation. As a result, the 116th Congress will be the most diverse in history and will include a record 20 Asian American and Pacific Islander Members of Congress. Earlier today, House Democrats also voted to elect Congressman Ted Lieu as a Democratic Policy and Communications Committee co-chair. With these victories, CAPAC will have its highest AAPI membership in history and an important seat at the table within House Leadership.

“I want to congratulate Congressman Ted Lieu on his well-deserved victory and welcome our newly elected AAPI Members, Andy Kim, T.J. Cox, and Michael San Nicolas. I look forward to working with all of my colleagues to continue to strengthen our nation and move our country forward.”


WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Ted. W. Lieu (D-Los Angeles County) issued the following statement after his Democratic colleagues elected him to House Leadership as a Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC) Co-Chair. As DPCC Co-Chair, Rep. Lieu will help guide messaging strategy for the House Democratic Caucus. Rep Lieu received the highest amount of votes for DPCC Co-Chair and is the only Asian American Member and only veteran in House Democratic Leadership.
“Thank you to my colleagues for electing me to House Democratic Leadership as a DPCC co-chair. I am honored to join David Cicilline, Debbie Dingell, and Matt Cartwright in shaping Democrats’ bold and inclusive messaging to move America forward.
Democrats made history in 2018 by winning the largest popular vote margin in a midterm in recent U.S. history. We’re ushering in the most diverse, dynamic and enthusiastic caucus we’ve ever had. It’s an exhilarating time to be in the House and I’m honored to have a leadership role.
Starting in January, the majority House Democratic Caucus will endeavor to stop any harmful policies of the Trump Administration and Republicans; work on a bipartisan basis to advance positive legislation to move our country forward; and execute our oversight responsibilities. I look forward to collaborating with my Democratic colleagues in the 116th Congress."

星期四, 11月 29, 2018



BOSTON – A retired Massachusetts State Police Trooper pleaded guilty today to collecting over $29,000 in overtime pay that he did not work.

Paul Cesan, 50, of Southwick, who was previously arrested and charged on June 27, 2018, pleaded guilty to one count of embezzlement from an agency receiving federal funds. U.S. Senior District Court Judge Douglas P. Woodlock scheduled sentencing for March 12, 2019.

            Cesan was a Massachusetts State Police (MSP) Trooper assigned to Troop E, which was responsible for enforcing criminal and traffic regulations along the Massachusetts Turnpike, Interstate I-90. In 2016, Cesan earned $163,533, which included approximately $50,866 in overtime pay. 

            Cesan was paid for overtime shifts that he did not work at all or from which he left early. Cesan concealed his fraud by submitting fraudulent citations designed to create the appearance that he had worked overtime hours that he had not, and falsely claimed in MSP paperwork and payroll entries that he had worked the entirety of his overtime shifts.

            Cesan has admitted collecting $29,287 for overtime hours that he did not work. 

            The overtime in question involved the Accident and Injury Reduction Effort program (AIRE) and the “X-Team” initiative, which were intended to reduce accidents, crashes, and injuries on I-90 through an enhanced presence of MSP Troopers who were to target vehicles traveling at excessive speeds. 

            In 2016, MSP received annual benefits from the U.S. Department of Transportation in excess of $10,000, which were funded pursuant to numerous federal grants.
            Cesan is the fourth Trooper to plead guilty as a result of the ongoing investigation. On July 2, 2018, former Trooper Gregory Raftery, 47, of Westwood, pleaded guilty, on Sept. 14, 2018, suspended Trooper Kevin Sweeney, 40, of Braintree, pleaded guilty, and on Oct. 11, 2018, suspended Trooper Gary Herman, 45, of Chester, pleaded guilty. Three others have been charged: former Lieutenant David Wilson, 57, of Charlton; retired Trooper Daren DeJong, 56, of Uxbridge; and suspended Trooper Eric Chin.     

Pursuant to the plea agreement, the government will recommend a sentence of between 10 and 16 months in prison. The charge of theft of government funds provides for a sentence of no greater than 10 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss. Sentences are imposed by a federal district court judge based upon the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.   

United States Attorney Andrew E. Lelling; Harold H. Shaw, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Boston Field Division; and Douglas Shoemaker, Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Office of Inspector General, made the announcement today. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Dustin Chao and Mark Grady of Lelling’s Public Corruption Unit are prosecuting the case.

The details contained in the court documents are allegations. The remaining defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

星期三, 11月 28, 2018

波城經文處舊友 今皆台灣高官

            (Boston Orange 周菊子報導) 波士頓是福地,奉調回台的經文處官員,幾乎都步步高升,也都和波士頓人保持友誼。波士頓劍虹體育會創辦人之一的阮浩鑾最近赴台探訪,1128日傳回如今全為高官的三名波城舊友消息。
             席間,他們暢談舊事,包括攜手促成波士頓、台北的姊妹市關係,在華埠牌樓重建銅碑,贊助北美華人排球邀請賽,祖輩支持孫中山的歷史,李大維和當年的波士頓市長萬寧諾(Tom Menino),市議會議長金凱利(Jim Kerry)的交情,為經文處和波士頓市府關係奠定基礎,也懷想已辭世的黃述沾,胡國新在擔任紐英崙中華公所主席期間,是多麼忠貞的中華民國之友。

星期日, 11月 25, 2018

波士頓華埠社區議會改選 225人投票 7名議員同額當選

               (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 波士頓華埠/南灣社區議會 (CNC)的年度改選,甫於今(25)5點結束,共有225人出席投票,7名候選人同額當選。
               在新當選的7名議員之外,將繼續服務的其他14名議員為余麗媖,曾雪清,阮鴻燦,黃競雄,游誠康,梅沛傑,梅伍銀寬,陳文浩,陳灼鋆,李洪文,陳魯誠,司徒文信,John Leung,鄺炎彬。

小心詐騙 微信語音也能克隆

               (Boston Orange 綜合報導) 微信語音現在也能克隆,收到親朋好友微信語音要求借錢、轉帳,千萬別輕易相信,最好另以電話或互動視頻核實。
             網易視頻的一段社會透明度” (https://3g.163.com/v/video/VM0FHST64.html),也提示耳聽不為實,微信語音能克隆

星期四, 11月 22, 2018

波士頓正體漢字文化節 鼓勵多管道學習


(Boston Orange) 1117日在波士頓僑教中心舉行的2018年「波士頓地區正體漢字文化節」,共有10餘所中文學校,200多名學生參加。正體字抄寫比賽中、高年級組,勒星頓中文學校學生第一名,低年級組文誠及牛頓中文學校第一名。
活動中的朗誦比賽以指定題目方式進行,低年級組朗讀《小元元 做湯圓》,中年級組朗讀名作《念奴》,高年組朗讀余光中江湖》。每名參賽學生朗讀時都聲情並茂、十分動聽,評委老師和觀眾紛紛報以熱烈掌聲。

波士頓華埠社區議會2018年訂11月25日改選 7議員將同額當選


                         (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 波士頓/南灣華埠社區議會 (CNC)將於1125(週日)辦理年度議員改選。由於應選7人,而參選人數也是7名,無論投票結果如何,都將同額當選。
凡年滿16歲,住在麻州的華人,1125日當天的早上9點至下午5點,都可到波士頓華埠,夏利臣街(Harrison Ave.)的桑坦德銀行(Santander)投票。
任期屆滿不再競選連任的議員有四人,分別為Raymond Ptau、李麗嫦及陳偉民,以及鄺炎彬。
2015年有八名議員同額當選,分別為雷國輝,周樹昂,李有香,李麗嫦,陳偉民,其他類的梅麗梨,居民類的Raymond Ptay,商戶類鄺炎彬。
2017年當選的七名議員為當年競選連任的梅伍銀寬,陳文浩,陳灼鋆,李洪文,陳魯,以及波士頓華埠退伍軍人會前會長司徒文信,塔芙茨醫療中心醫師John Leung

海外華人企業家聯合會第19屆年會 從中美貿易戰談起

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 海外華人企業家聯合會(OCEAN)日前在達娜法伯癌症研究所(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)舉行第19屆年會,並以潮起潮落,華人創業與之共舞為主題,安排七場嘉賓演講,彰顯隆重。
會議開場先由新接主席職位的麻州大學醫學院教授盧山,和該會顧問,金門超市總經理胡運炤博士一起,頒發顧問證書給曾任該會主席的波士頓應用科技及IOptron等公司創辦人蔣華。卸任主席蘇壯因人在中國,當天未克出席。                                            2016年當選會長並連任迄今的會場楊洪芳和該會企業管理培訓班講師,麻州大學市場行銷學教授劉瑞明分別主持當天的七場講座。
劉瑞明主持的下半場講座,有移民律師余輝談時代工作及移民簽證的變化及其對創業的影響,中關村波士頓區塊鍊創新中心總監蔣紅波談區塊練技術和家密經濟的炒作和真相,美國普克藥業創辦人暨執行長郭大海談01,建立一個世界級的製藥企業,以及根據OCEAN年會場刊英文部分介紹,在美國的Pan Pacific Holdings GroupMiami Palm Investment Group擔任執行主管,個人擁有71.4億美元基金的萬穎談數字化歐洲-藝術品或壁畫重塑歐洲文明價值
盧山從2018年的長生生物科技違規生產凍乾人用狂犬病疫苗說起,指中國藥企近年發展迅速,其中利潤增長最快的是疫苗和化學原料藥,疫苗相關弊案也從2010年中國經濟時報報導的山西疫苗亂象調查開始,一而再,再而三的發生。這類消息以往因為不要妖魔化國產企業的要求,並未廣泛傳播,但新媒體崛起後,以獸爺為名的自媒體一篇 疫苗之王長文,引發連鎖反應,連中國中央政府都出面關注。本身是疫苗專家的盧山,在講談中還特地比較了中美疫苗事件的處理及管理。
2017107日在哈佛醫學院舉辦年會,2018331日在麻州屋本市West Cummings Park舉辦換屆選舉及春季講座,20181110日在達娜法伯癌症研究所舉辦年會。查詢OCEAN概況,可上官網http://www.oceanusa.org。(圖片已於11月16日發表)

麻州開始合法賣大麻 兩家店首日營業額44萬元

(Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州合法銷售大麻的第一天,2家店就賣出44萬元。
麻州大麻控制委員會(Cannabis Control Commission)21日下午公佈了相關數據。
這兩家大麻店所在的Leicester Northampton,各自另徵收了3%的地方銷售稅。
位於北安普頓(Northampton)New England Treatment Access (NETA),早前表示20日服務了2000名客戶。在LeicesterCultivate則表示約有1000名客戶。兩家店在感恩節這天都將休業,週五再繼續開門營業。
Cultivate董事長Sam Barber表示,該公司團隊為銷售產品已籌備兩年,這首兩天的銷售成績很讓人欣喜。
NETA的政府事務主任Norton Arbelaez表示,真是非常非常成功的第一天,無論是銷售總額,各種軟體系統運作,企業流程都很順利。

星期三, 11月 21, 2018

波士頓市提醒市民注意風雪 安全過感恩節

Winter Preparedness Press Conference

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Utilities Will Adopt Comprehensive Pipeline Safety Management Standards

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Utilities Will Adopt Comprehensive Pipeline Safety Management Standards
Massachusetts Becomes First State in Nation to Fully Adopt Federally Recommended Management System

BOSTON – As part of efforts to ensure the safety of the Commonwealth’s natural gas distribution system, the Baker-Polito Administration today announced that the Northeast Gas Association (NGA) has committed to adopting a Pipeline Safety Management System, the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) Recommended Practice 1173. This marks the first time an entire state has committed to Recommend Practices 1173, which was developed in the aftermath of high-profile natural gas incidents like the San Bruno gas disaster in 2010. After the gas explosions in the Merrimack Valley on September 13th, the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) requested that all natural gas companies adopt these comprehensive standards and review their safety protocols, including an examination of the feasibility of implementing a safety management system.

“Our administration is pleased that the Northeast Gas Association has complied with the DPU’s request to adopt the nation’s first statewide Pipeline Safety Management System to ensure the safety of our communities,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We are proud to work with the Northeast Gas Association and its members to ensure that a culture of safety is in place at every level of utility business operations, and that the best possible policies and oversight are in place to protect public safety.”

The purpose of the Safety Management System is to help pipeline operators create a framework for developing a comprehensive, process-oriented approach to safety, emphasizing continual assessment and improvement. Backed by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), the Safety Management System is not a singular rule or requirement, but rather a formal business approach to managing safety risks that includes a commitment from management and organizational structures, policies, and procedures. The NGA’s adoption of these standards in the Commonwealth exceed federal requirements for pipeline safety set by the NTSB and PHMSA, and this organizational change will promote increased safety by identifying and mitigating safety risks and continuously assessing processes to improve safety performance.

“One of the goals of adopting the Safety Management System is to change the culture of safety by moving away from being reactive and becoming proactive and predictive on safety issues,” said Department of Public Utilities Chair Angela O’Connor. “The Department of Public Utilities looks forward to working with the natural gas distribution companies to fully implement this system, and to continually reassess whether the right protocols are in place to ensure the safety of our pipeline system.”

Implementation of the Safety Management System will include safety culture training of all employees and leadership, analysis and management of pipeline safety risks, implementation of better operational controls of the pipeline system and use of contractors, development of a plan for stakeholder engagement regarding safety risks, creation of a process to investigate incidents and near-misses and implement corrective actions, development of effective emergency preparedness and response procedures, development of an oversight system to continually improve the Safety Management System, and improvement of record keeping, among other actions.

“The Northeast Gas Association, representing all the natural gas distribution companies operating in Massachusetts, wishes to convey to the Commonwealth that the natural gas distribution companies are committed to working continuously and actively to implement Pipeline Safety Management Systems (PSMS), the ANSI/API Recommended Practice 1173, or RP 1173,” said Northeast Gas Association President, Thomas Kiley.

The Northeast Gas Association is a regional trade association, of which all of Massachusetts’ natural gas companies (Berkshire Gas, Blackstone Gas, Columbia Gas, Eversource Energy, Liberty Utilities, National Grid, and Unitil) are members.  NGA focuses on education and training, technology research and development, operations, planning and increasing public awareness of natural gas in the Northeast United States.

In addition to Safety Management System adoption, the Baker-Polito Administration filed legislation that will ensure continued public safety by requiring natural gas work in the Commonwealth to be reviewed and approved a by a licensed professional engineer.

In an effort to promote public safety following the incident in the Merrimack Valley, the Department of Public Utilities ordered both Columbia Gas and National Grid to impose a moratorium on all work, except for emergency and compliance work, across the companies’ entire service territory. Additionally, the Department of Public Utilities recently announced the selection of Dynamic Risk Assessment Systems, Inc. to conduct an independent statewide examination of the safety of the natural gas distribution system and the operational and maintenance functions of natural gas companies in the Commonwealth. The review is intended to assess, out of an abundance of caution, the current safety of pipeline infrastructure throughout the Commonwealth.