星期三, 10月 31, 2018


     (Boston Orange 周菊子貝爾蒙鎮報導)論語有云,子不語怪力亂神。紐英崙玉山科技協會1028日在勒星頓中文學校內的一場量子科技與身心靈文化整合的可能性講座,卻上下古今的舉證,宇宙或許同時並存1218度空間,許多不可思議傳聞,可能真有其事,中西文化整合已是趨勢。
            他從谷歌(Google)旗下生命醫學研究所Verily20168月宣佈和GSK藥廠合作,共投資7.1億美元,創辦葛凡尼生物電子公司(Galvani Bioelectronics),研發可穿戴醫療設備開始說起。
他指出,紐約Feinstein醫學研究院院長Kevin J. Tracey2015年出版的電子醫療:用電流刺激取代藥物治療發炎與自體免疫的症狀一書,促使許多醫生思考生物電子醫學,電子針灸,以及頻率醫學的關係。
            他還例舉量子物理學家包立(W. Pauli)關於人的內部心理與外部物質之間關聯的看法,榮格(C. G. Jung)的認為人有集體潛意識,且其中充滿神的形象,羅伯特蘭莎(Robert Lanza)2016年出版的新書,超越生命中心論,認為人的意識和周遭環境可能是合一的,以及蘇立(Surrey)大學物理學家Jim Al-Khalili和基因生物學家Johnjoe McFadden2015年出版的解開生命之謎(Life on the Edge)”,把量子物理帶到了量子生物,指人的頭腦透過神經微館或電離子通導做量子計算,也開始把醫療帶進量子世代。

助台灣青年搭橋有功 僑委會表揚羅德島華協、欖城安良

主任歐宏偉,黑石谷旅遊協會負責人畢靈頓(Bob Billington),波士頓
            (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長徐佑典和波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉,1030日走訪羅德島州,送上表揚狀,感謝當地僑團,個人支持僑委會主辦的台灣青年海外搭僑計畫

            來到波士頓參訪的搭橋學生,經波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉居間聯繫,曾赴羅德島州參訪,由羅德島華人協會主席葉超,會長吳子平,黑石谷旅遊協會負責人畢靈頓(Bob Billington),以及欖城安良工商會會長陳任卓,黃超炎盛情接待。

星期二, 10月 30, 2018

CAPAC Members Condemn Trump Proposal to End Birthright Citizenship

CAPAC Members Condemn Trump Proposal to End Birthright Citizenship

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) Chair Judy Chu (CA-27) and CAPAC Immigration Task Force Chair Rep. Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) released the following statements in response to President Trump’s plan to use an Executive Order to end the 14th Amendment’s promise of birthright citizenship:

Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27), CAPAC Chair:

“With one statement, Donald Trump displayed the bigotry and the ignorance that have made his presidency so dangerous.

“I implore the President to read the case U.S. v. Wong Ark. In this case, despite the Chinese Exclusion Act being in place, the Supreme Court upheld birthright citizenship for an individual who was born to immigrants. ‘All persons’ means ‘All persons’. The Constitution’s meaning could not be more clear. And the Supreme Court has agreed, ruling multiple times to uphold birthright citizenship. But Trump’s action isn’t about what’s good or moral or legal or even effective. It’s just President Trump’s latest attempt to fuel anger in order to win votes. I can imagine no lower aspiration in government. What he wants is a debate on who does and does not belong here, because he knows xenophobia helps him win elections. But xenophobia also creates tension and increases the risk of violence.

“Like all prejudice, this proposal is not rooted in logic or reality, but that does not make it any less dangerous.”

Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), CAPAC Immigration Task Force Chair:

“President Trump should take a high school government class before so confidently claiming he can eliminate the 14th Amendment though executive action. Constitutional scholars and even members of his own party agree – this simply isn’t possible. This is nothing more than a desperate attempt to fan the flames of anti-immigrant rhetoric, sow division and distract voters from this administration’s very real infringements against working families. To Senator Lindsey Graham and anyone looking to encroach on basic citizenship rights legislatively: we will fight tooth and nail against any kind of regressive action, in the streets, in Congress and beyond. Our country’s fabric is stronger because of the protections provided in the 14th Amendment. These efforts are nothing more than attempts to harm children who are just as American as any other child born in the United States of America.” 

星期一, 10月 29, 2018

Baker-Polito Administration Proposes Fentanyl Interdiction Program

Baker-Polito Administration Proposes Fentanyl Interdiction Program
$5 million pilot will support a regional approach to fentanyl interdiction

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker today filed legislation seeking $5 million to support a regional, multi-agency approach to fentanyl interdiction and crime displacement by Massachusetts municipal police departments. The pilot program was developed in concert with many Massachusetts police departments interested in a regional approach to the epidemic.

“The presence of fentanyl and the drug dealers who sell it continue to be fueling factors in the deadly heroin and opioid epidemic,” said Governor Baker. “We are confident that the increased communication and coordinated police work this legislation supports will lead to safer communities and we urge the Legislature to enact this bill promptly.”

“This legislation will begin a regional approach to go after dealers who too often can evade authorities by moving to another nearby location in a different municipality,” said Lt. Governor Polito. “We are grateful to the brave first responders on the front lines of this epidemic every day and are eager to see the results that a regional approach can produce.”

Historically, when law enforcement conducts multiple coordinated drug arrests in a particular community, the drug dealers not caught up in the sweep move their operation to a neighboring community and continue to sell. Participating police departments will coordinate regionally to execute arrests that take dealers off the streets. The funding will help supplement surveillance work and overtime costs for units engaged and officers in the field will also work to get buyers into treatment.

“Communication and information sharing in a coordinated fashion among local police departments will multiply our ability to stop this deadly drug from reaching the streets,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Security Daniel Bennett. “We are grateful for the strong interest shown by local law enforcement in this partnership and look forward to achieving positive results in these communities.”

“Communities and Police Departments across the Commonwealth deal with the impact of the heroin and fentanyl epidemic facing our country,” said Dudley Police Chief Steven Wojnar, President or the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association. “Every city and town has illicit drug activity and often limited financial resources to address it adequately. The constant movement of dealers from place to place adds to the challenge of apprehending those responsible for distributing these deadly substances on our streets. Thanks to the efforts of the Baker-Polito Administration and the Legislature, we are pleased to have funding opportunities, such as this, to assist us in easing the financial burden associated with drug interdiction efforts. Equally as important, this program encourages the sharing of data and resources amongst agencies to have law enforcement work together more effectively to combat this serious problem on a regional basis.”

“The Governor’s innovative regional approach will go a long way to promote enhanced cooperation among law enforcement agencies and departments which will benefit every community in the Commonwealth with their efforts to combat the scourge of fentanyl and addiction,” said Donald Caisey, President of the Boston Police Detectives Benevolent Society. “This is truly great news. Unfortunately fentanyl is one of many nightmares we all share.”

“The Massachusetts Coalition of Police appreciates the efforts of the Governor and the Lt. Governor in their attempts to assist law enforcement in stemming the flow of Fentanyl to our communities. This legislation will save lives and protect the people we serve,” said Scott Hovsepian, President of MASSCOP.

Overall in 2017, there was a 4 percent decrease in opioid-related overdose deaths from 2016, according to the latest quarterly opioid-related deaths report released by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH). However, the presence of fentanyl in overdose deaths rose to nearly 90 percent in 2018, underscoring its impact as the driving force behind the opioid epidemic in Massachusetts.

In April, Governor Baker signed legislation that included a long overdue “fentanyl fix” to allow law enforcement to go after fentanyl traffickers.

In August, Governor Baker signed An Act for prevention and access to appropriate care and treatment of addiction. The law is the Baker-Polito Administration’s second major legislative action to address the opioid crisis since taking office in 2015, and expands the Commonwealth’s prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery strategies. Building on the STEP Act which instituted the nation’s first seven day limit on new opioid prescriptions resulting in a 30 percent decline in opioid prescriptions, the law creates a commission to establish credentialing standards for recovery coaches; expands the use of medication assisted treatment in emergency departments, five Houses of Correction, and four facilities at the Department of Correction; and requires all prescribers to convert to secure electronic prescriptions by 2020.

世界首富亞馬遜Jeff Bezos現身波士頓 在"素描湘"用餐

Jeff Bezos(右)和素描湘營運長莫晨輝(左)。

            (Boston Orange周菊子麻州整理報導)亞馬遜(Amazon)到底會不會在波士頓設立第二個總部,目前還沒確定答案。已是世界首富的亞馬遜創辦人Jeff Bezos倒是先在波士頓現身了,而且還到了劍橋市的高級中餐館素描湘(Sumiao Hunan Kitchen)”,和家人一起享用中餐。
             Jeff Bezos和家人,小孩,1027日晚,在兩名保鑣保護下,來到素描湘用餐。當晚餐廳很忙,沒人上前打擾Bezos一家人。直到他們準備離開時,餐廳股東兼營運長莫晨輝和餐廳經理Patrick Chhoy才上前要求合照,並獲悉Jeff Bezos很讚賞湖南脆皮鴨,炸秋葵。
             今年六月,Jeff Bezos和,JP摩根執行長Jamie Dimon,伯克希爾·哈撒韋(Berkshire Hathaway)的華倫巴菲特(Warren Buffett)等人才投資,在波士頓成立了一家以員工醫療護理為重心,並找來Brigham & Women's醫院醫生Atul Gawande當執行長的醫療公司。這也可能是Jeff Bezos在波士頓出現的原因。
             最近這一,兩年,被福布斯和三名管理學教授選為全美最創新企業領袖的Jeff Bezos,一直是熱門新聞人物。根據彭博新聞社,20173月,他才把華倫巴菲(Warren Buffet)擠下寶座,成為世界富豪排行榜上的第二名,並由於股價升至18.32,個人總資產跳升至756億美元。然而才不過2018年,他的資產總值就超過1000億美元,再躍升至1600億元,把微軟比爾蓋茲遠拋在後的成為世界首富,還承諾捐款20億元來幫助無家可歸的家庭,以及在美國建造受蒙特梭利啟發的幼稚園。
             今年(2018)Jeff Bezos還和妻子MacKenzie聯名捐出3300萬元給Dream.us,要發獎學金給1000名高中畢業,持有DACA身分的無證件移民,給他們上大學機會。
             5天前,又傳出Jeff Bezos出資1000萬元成立了一個支持退伍軍人競選公職,要求候選人宣誓誠信,文明,有勇氣的超級政治行動委員會(super PAC)-“有榮譽(With Honor Fund)”,還發佈廣告攻擊民主黨國會議員候選人Lauren Baer是叛徒。
             20181026日時,亞馬遜的股價波動,公司總值縮減8%,讓Jeff Bezoa的個人資產也在一日之內減少110億元,從1600億元降至1358億元,不過還是比微軟比爾蓋茲多。
             貝佐斯(Bezos)是一名酒鬼父親,青少年母親的小孩。他父母結婚一年後就離異。母親在他四歲時改嫁給Mike Bezos,一名15歲才來到美國的古巴移民,也是一名有野心,工作勤奮的人。

星期日, 10月 28, 2018

Massachusetts Political Leaders to Delegate Marriott Management, Call for Meaningful Negotiations to End Strike

Massachusetts Political Leaders to Delegate Marriott Management, Call for Meaningful Negotiations to End Strike
Local politicians show strong support for striking Marriott hotel workers, out fighting for one job that’s enough to live on for almost a full month

What: Led by City Councilors Ed Flynn and Michelle Wu, local politicians plan to give Marriott management a letter urging meaningful movement at the negotiating table. Striking Marriott hotel workers have been out since October 3, sacrificing to win a new contract from the biggest and richest hotel company in the world.
When: Monday, October 29, 2018 at 11:00 am
Where: Ritz-Carlton Boston, 10 Avery St, Boston, MA 02111
Who: Local elected leaders and UNITE HERE Local 26 striking hotel workers across Boston, including hotel housekeepers, front desk reception, bellmen, cooks, dishwashers, and more.
Note: Marriott workers impacted by the contract fight will be available for interview in person at the event as well as by phone.

Why: Massachusetts and Boston politicians see striking Marriott hotel workers as “ambassadors for the Greater Boston area.” Their letter to President and CEO of Marriott, Arne Sorenson, states “Like all workers, they deserve to be paid a living wage and enjoy basic protections from unfair scheduling practices, sexual harassment, and other workplace abuses.” The letter continues, “We urge you to negotiate in good faith with the representing union, UNITE HERE Local 26, to reach a fair compromise that will end the strike and allow both parties to move forward amicably as soon as possible.”

Marriott is the largest and most profitable hotel chain in the world, but Boston’s Local 26 workers have been in contract negotiations since March as they fight to win basic job security, safer working conditions, and jobs that are enough to support their families.

On October 3, workers walked out at seven Marriott-operated hotels, including the Aloft Boston Seaport District, the Element Boston Seaport District, the Ritz-Carlton Boston, the Sheraton Boston, the W Hotel Boston, the Westin Boston Waterfront, and the Westin Copley Place. This is the first hotel strike in Boston’s history. The last time Local 26 workers went on strike was at Harvard in October 2016, when dining hall workers struck for 22 days and successfully settled a contract with the world’s richest university.

Marriott workers are also on strike in San Francisco, Detroit, San Jose, San Diego, Oakland, and Hawaii, totaling nearly 8,000 workers demanding that One Job Should Be Enough.

星期六, 10月 27, 2018



星期四, 10月 25, 2018


Governor Baker and Merrimack Valley Local Officials Announce $2 Million Recapitalization of Small Business Emergency Loan Fund

Governor Baker and Merrimack Valley Local Officials Announce $2 Million Recapitalization of Small Business Emergency Loan Fund
Combined with SBA-issued disaster declaration, significant increase in funding and support available to impacted businesses

ANDOVER – Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito joined Andover Town Manager Andrew Flanagan, North Andover Town Manager Andrew Maylor and Lawrence Mayor Daniel Rivera to announce an additional $2 million for the Merrimack Valley Small Business Emergency Loan Fund. Governor Baker also announced the U.S. Small Business Administration issued a disaster declaration to make its Economic Injury Disaster Loans available to businesses and private nonprofits in the effected region.

The announcement took place at Yella Restaurant in Andover and was attended by community leaders, participating lenders, small business owners and local elected officials.

“As the recovery process continues for impacted homes and businesses, boosting this fund serves as a critical tool to help business owners keep their doors open and navigate through this difficult time,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We appreciate the support from regional leaders to provide resources and capital for this critical emergency fund and welcome news that the U.S. Small Business Administration has approved our request for economic injury disaster to significantly increase resources for the communities of Lawrence, Andover and North Andover.”

“I applaud the contributions and committments of the 22 lenders that have contributed to the emergency loan fund,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “With increased access to capital, businesses can also expect more resources and technical support – not just for this immediate recovery period, but for years to come, as they work towards getting back on their feet.”

Last month, the Baker-Polito Administration announced the creation of the Emergency Loan Fund. Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC) and ten lenders provided the initial $1 million in capital, partnering with the Lawrence Partnership and Mill Cities Community Investments (MCCI) to develop the fund. MCCI administers the fund and reports over 20 applications received from eligible businesses.

"We're working aggressively to support our business community through this incredibly difficult time, and the emergency loan fund provides an invaluable resource that can support their recovery effort," Town Manager Andrew Flanagan said. "I hope businesses will take advantage of this resource to support their efforts to reopen and recovery from the disaster.  Our small businesses are a critical part of Andover's economy and essential to the lifeblood of our community.”

"A crucial part of this relief effort is to help businesses get back on their feet and open their doors,” said Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera. “It is clear with the usage of the emergency loan fund to date, there is a real demand and need for access to capital for these businesses.  The expansion the loan fund will allow for more businesses to gain access to these funds as they wait for their claims to be processed."

"North Andover prides itself in being a close-knit community. It is the small businesses in our town that create the bonds that make this possible", said North Andover Town Manager Andrew Maylor. "Having access to capital may be the most important resource that these businesses need to survive and prosper."

The $2 million recapitalization of this fund is supported by 15 lenders contributing a total of $1.55 million, combined with $450,000 from MGCC:

Lenders contributing $250,000:

•      Berkshire Bank
•      Eastern Bank
•      Northern Trust
•      People’s United Bank

Lenders contributing $50,000:

•      Century Bank
•      East Boston Savings Bank
•      Enterprise Bank
•      First Ipswich
•      Leader Bank
•      Lowell Five
•      North Shore Bank
•      Northmark Bank
•      Reading Cooperative
•      South Shore Bank
•      Wakefield Co-operative Bank

MGCC and three lenders - Eastern Bank, Enterprise Bank and Reading Cooperative - participated in the initial capitalization, as well as the recapitalization announced today.

An additional $500,000 loan loss reserve for this fund has been contributed by Columbia Gas, totaling $750,000 since the fund formation. 

“We are so grateful for the collaborative partnerships of every involved organization, from banks and credit unions to local nonprofits to statewide agencies,” said Assistant Secretary of Business Development and International Trade Nam Pham. “We thank the Mayor of Lawrence and the town managers of Andover and North Andover, and most of all MGCC for their leadership to make this loan and recapitalization happen quickly.  They have set a perfect model for how communities should respond to a disaster.”

In response to Governor Baker’s formal request, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) made a disaster declaration, approving Massachusetts for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) for impacted businesses in the region.

“The SBA is strongly committed to providing the people of Massachusetts with the most effective and customer-focused response possible to assist small businesses with federal Economic Injury Disaster Loans,” said SBA Administrator Linda McMahon. “Getting businesses and communities up and running after a disaster is our highest priority at SBA.”

“SBA Economic Injury Disaster loans of up to $2,000,000 are now available and the SBA can help affected small businesses and nonprofit organizations overcome their economic losses by offering working capital loans,” said SBA’s Massachusetts District Director, Bob Nelson. “These loans offer fixed rates with a maximum of 3.675% for small businesses and 2.5% for nonprofits with maximum terms of up to 30 years.”

These SBA loans are available up to $2 million (per loan) based on the amount of economic injury, with a maximum term of 30 years, at low interest rates. The EIDL program will be administered by the SBA and will be available for uninsured or otherwise uncompensated losses. It provides relief from economic injury caused directly by the disaster and permits the business or private nonprofit to maintain a reasonable working capital position during the period affected by the disaster. These loans do not replace lost sales or revenue.

“This disaster assistance from the SBA is another resource to assist impacted businesses in Lawrence, North Andover and Andover as they move forward in the recovery process,” said Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency Director Kurt Schwartz.

Today's announcement follows a recent meeting of impacted business owners, NiSource/Columbia Gas; the Municipalities of Lawrence, Andover and North Andover; the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; and local non-profit service providers convened by the Lawrence Partnership on Tuesday evening.

“Recognizing the urgent need to deploy a broad scope of services to effected businesses, a coalition of local stakeholders has come together to develop, implement, and coordinate customized business support services to not only help these businesses get their doors open again, but to ensure that they have access to the resources to get their customers back in the future and even further down the road,” said Lawrence Partnership Executive Director Derek Mitchell.

“MCCI is pleased to provide ongoing support, including managing the emergency loan fund for the businesses that were affected by the gas disaster,” said Mill Cities Community Investments Executive Director Frank Carvalho. “MCCI is properly staffed culturally and linguistic to provide this most needed service and we thank our community lending partners and MGCC for making this resource available to help our business community.”

“The participation of 22 financial institutions responding to small businesses during this crisis is unprecedented,” said Mass Growth Capital Corporation President Larry Andrews. “It is a testament of their commitment to the communities that these banks and credit unions serve. More importantly, it shows their acknowledgement to the vital role of small businesses in the Commonwealth. And now with the SBA economic injury disaster loan, small businesses will benefit from more options, access to increased capital and support, both in the near- and long-term.”

“This incident has been catastrophic for our restaurant,” said Danielle Berdahn, owner of Yella Restaurant in Andover. “The resources have been crucial in assisting us in the remediation and reconstruction of my business. It has given me hope that we can rebound from this incident.”

Merrimack Valley Small Business Emergency Loan Fund Details

Any business that has been impacted by the recent gas disaster will qualify for the funds, including businesses from Lawrence, Andover and North Andover.

This fund is being offered with no payments and no interest for the first 6 months.  For businesses that extend beyond a 6 month period, market rates will apply and loans can be extended or restructured for multi-year term loans. Businesses can apply for up to $50,000. There is no minimum loan amount.

How to Apply
The fund is designed to create an expedited application and approval process, with the goal of getting all applications processed within 24 to 48 hours. 

Mill Cities Community Investments will receive all applications for this fund and will process internally. 
Contact MCCI by phone, email, or in-person at:
50 Island Street, Suite #103
Lawrence, MA 01840

For a full listing of required documentation go to www.wearelawrence.org/lawrencegasresponsebusiness.

SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan Details

Businesses and private nonprofits impacted by the September 13th gas line incident in Lawrence, North Andover and Andover can apply for Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL), low-interest loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The loans will be available to businesses and private non profits of Essex County and all contiguous counties (Middlesex and Suffolk Counties in Massachusetts and Hillsborough and Rockingham County in New Hampshire).

EIDLs provide operating funds until a business or private, non profit organization returns to normal operations. To the extent a business could have made payments had the disaster not occurred, it may use the loan to make payments on short-term notes, accounts payable and installment payments on long-term notes. These loans are for economic losses due to the declared disaster.

Loan maximum is $2 million (actual loan amounts are based on amount of economic injury): 30 year maximum term; interest rates TBD for new declarations, however, historically EIDLs have offered 4% fixed (small businesses) and 2.65% (non profits); no upfront fees; no prepayment penalties.

How to Apply
SBA Customer Service Representatives will be available at the SBA Disaster Loan Outreach Center in Lawrence to answer questions about the loan program, explain the application process and help individuals complete their application. Applications will subsequently be reviewed by SBA to determine if the applicant is qualified for the loan.  No appointment is necessary.

Olde Station Square Building
65 Merrimack Street
Lawrence, MA 01843

Hours of Operation:
Thursday, October 25, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (opening day)
Friday, October 26, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, October 27, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Sunday, October 28 CLOSED
Monday – Wednesday, October 29 – 31, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 1, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (closing day)

SBA Applicants may also apply online, receive additional disaster assistance information and download applications at https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela.

Applicants may also call SBA’s Customer Service Center at (800) 659-2955 or email disastercustomerservice@sba.gov (link sends e-mail) for more information on SBA disaster assistance. Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing may call (800) 877-8339. Completed applications should be mailed to U.S. Small Business Administration, Processing and Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport Road, Fort Worth, TX  76155.

Resources for Impacted Businesses
Impacted businesses should also contact the Columbia Gas claims line or visit a Columbia Gas “Back-to-Business” Center to file claims and for other business recovery resources and information.

About Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation
MGCC is a quasi-public corporation of the Commonwealth that saves and creates jobs at small businesses, including women, immigrant, veteran and minority owned businesses, by providing financial services and managerial assistance.  MGCC also promotes economic development throughout the state, focusing on Gateway Cities and low to moderate income communities.  MGCC works with traditional financial institutions to make challenging loans bankable, working with community development corporations and other non-profits to provide financing for job-producing projects, and assisting a wide range of small businesses find the growth capital they require.  Since inception, we have served over 8,850 small businesses, positively impacted more than 21,200 jobs with customized working capital financing commitments totaling over $120,000,000. For more information, visit: empoweringsmallbusiness.org.

About Lawrence Partnership
The Lawrence Partnership is a private/public sector collaboration for the economic development and general improvement of the City of Lawrence. Lawrence Partnership, is a 2016 winner of the Gateway Cities Innovation Award. For more information, visit lawrencepartnership.org.

About Mill Cities Community Investments
Mill City Community Investments, a local Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) is the lender, underwriter and servicer of all loans under the newly created MCCI Merrimack Valley Emergency Loan Relief Loan Fund. The fund will service businesses in Andover, North Andover and Lawrence areas negatively impacted by the natural gas tragedy. MCCI is certified as a CDFI by the U.S Treasurer Department CDFI Fund, licensed as mortgage lender by the MA Division of Bans and as a Community Development Corporation by the Department of Housing and Community Development in Massachusetts. In addition to the loans, MCCI provides technical assistance to the businesses, an educational component that add value to the businesses helping them to stabilize or grow and prosper. For more information, visit mccinvest.org.


(TYCCNE)會長歐怡君(右)推出"A Pitch Day"。(周菊子攝,檔案照片)
                    (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)新英格蘭台灣商會(TCCNE)和新英格蘭台灣青年商會(TYCCNE)將於1111()下午在波士頓大學LSEBo1推出首屆投案日(A Pitch Day)”創業比賽,目前已經有來自三州的9隊報名,優勝隊將獲得獎金3000元。


             “A Pitch Day”的網站,是由劍橋合唱團團長屠澤寬支援製作的。在網站上,有7名籌辦團隊成員。
             1111日那天,將先由Proteostasis的執行副總裁李伯勳(Po-Shun Lee)Origin Wireless的主席兼執行長李政峰這兩位博士,分享他們的科研,創業經歷,為年輕人提供他山之石可以攻錯的借鑑。
             接下來,將由已報名參賽的9隊,無人機空間(Dronespace),張宣業律師創辦,讓螢屏可雙向顯示Bidirectional Display,致力減少嬰兒死亡率與發病率的Breegi Scientific,做人工智能資金管理A.I. Capital Management,讓數據更安全的Iterate Labs,整合電腦輔助設計的BlocksCAD,揚言更能釣,黏客戶的網站製作公司Fisherman,嘗試創新慈善募款方式,追蹤社會影響的Globr,有心要把癌症死亡率降低90%Angiex
             由於這活動的基本宗旨是幫助年輕人,報名參賽或出席活動,都不收費用。1111日當天,活動將從中午12點半起辦理入場報到,1點開始兩場主題演講,3點開始團隊競賽。活動地點地址為波士頓大學LSE-B01,地址為24 Cummington Mall, Boston MA查詢活動詳情可洽台商會,台青商兩位會長,歐陽露和歐怡君。(10月25日更新版)。