星期一, 2月 29, 2016

麻州華裔民代點將錄 年輕女性從政興趣大

陳毓璇的主要影響力,來自當年擔任麻州參議會議長的威廉鮑傑,陳毓禮的主要影響力則來自他和波士頓市任期最長,逾20年的市長萬寧路(Tom Menino),以及延伸到後來的前任麻州州長派屈克(Deval Patrick),現任州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker),現任波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh的友誼
麻州本地的華人參政,早在1985年就有司徒其安(Kai Shang)當選過亞特柏羅(Attleboro)市市長,但過去這30年來,參政華人仍屈指可數,包括90年代起先後當選牛頓市市議員的馬惠美,談繼欣,2007年當選費奇堡(Fitchburg)市長的黃素芬(Lisa Wong),2009年 當選麻州眾議員的黃子安,陳德基,曾參選麻州副州長,當選連任劍橋市議員已四屆的張禮能。
去年,緬因州也有一名混血華裔陳樂(Ben Chin)參選路易斯頓市市長,十一月大選時得票最高,卻因得票率未超過半數,最後在依照市府規定辦理的二選一複選中,不幸落敗。
今年跳進選戰中的華人,還有刻正參選麻州參議員的黃子瑜(Diana Hwang)。根據麻州政府規定,年滿30才能競選州參議員。


Programs take place at six locations throughout the system

http://api.ning.com/files/88iYmLuVXsrBhYsMpV8qKoELXCwkSDQZk1ytVnQoiddU6Qy3*jab2Hk2rApraKf2Be3DygQBo52qdPRLt7ljEQVxRy4oiUyX/150916TTW16logo.jpgBOSTON – February 29, 2016 – Boston Public Library celebrates Teen Tech Week March 6-12, an annual national initiative of the Young Adult Library Services Association. Six neighborhood locations in the Boston Public Library system, including the recently renovated Teen Central at the Central Library, have events planned with the theme “Create it at your library.” Through these programs, learning is extended beyond the classroom and teens have a space in which they can explore, create, and share content, and learn to be competent and ethical users of digital media.
“Teen Tech Week is a great opportunity for our young residents across the city to participate in free programs that will advance their skills in using modern technology,” said Mayor Walsh. “I encourage all of our teenage learners to participate in these programs that will help them expand their knowledge of digital media and technology, and gain a competitive advantage that will help them achieve their future goals.”
“Boston Public Library joins libraries across the nation in supporting the digital literacy needs of teens everywhere,” said Boston Public Library Interim President David Leonard. “Boston teens across the city have a variety of programs to choose from and can further their education and skill development in a safe learning environment.”
”Teen Tech Week is a prime opportunity for teens across the city to have a hands-on experience with technology and hone their skills; teens participating in technology programs at Boston Public Library locations will help support their college and 21st century career needs,” said Farouqua Abuzeit, Manager of Youth Services.
Programs offered March 6-12 include music making through code, building robot hardware, blogging, and coding with Minecraft in conjunction with the Rhode Island Computer Museum. The six Boston Public Library locations participating in Teen Tech Week are: Dudley, East Boston, Grove Hall, Hyde Park, Mattapan, and Teen Central, Central Library in Copley Square. The complete schedule of events for Teen Tech Week and beyond can be found by searching for “Teen Tech Week” in the Boston Public Library calendar, which is available via www.bpl.org/calendar.

Minuteman Lands $500,000 Competitive State Grant to Help Launch New Career and Technical Program

Minuteman Lands $500,000 Competitive State Grant
to Help Launch New Career and Technical Program

LEXINGTON – With the help of a $500,000 state grant, Minuteman High School will launch a new Advanced Manufacturing & Metal Fabrication program to train high school students and adults for high-wage, high-demand jobs in the field of advanced manufacturing in the MetroWest region. 

The competitive grant was announced by Governor Charles D. Baker during ceremonies at the State House on February 24.  The Governor announced grants totaling $9.3 million from the new Massachusetts Skills Capital Grant Program.  He was joined at the event by Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, Labor and Workforce Development Secretary Ronald Walker II, Education Secretary James Peyser, and Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash.

Some 68 schools and training programs applied for grants.  Only 35 were successful.

“This is terrific news for our school and for our region,” said Dr. Edward A. Bouquillon, Superintendent at Minuteman High School.  “We are grateful to Governor Baker and his Workforce Skills Cabinet for making this investment in high-quality vocational-technical education.”

Minuteman received $500,000, the largest grant possible under the program.  Only one other school received the maximum award.

With the grant, Minuteman will purchase 10 industry-standard machines and 15 ancillary training simulators.  The equipment will include five Mini Mills, four CNC Tool Room Lathes, and one CNC Lathe with Y Axis.   

The equipment will help Minuteman serve vocational high school students, academic high school students, unemployed and underemployed adults, and incumbent workers seeking to earn industry credentials.

"Securing this highly-competitive state grant helps reduce costs to local taxpayers,” said Dr. Bouquillon.  “Minuteman will continue to aggressively pursue opportunities like this one to get grants.” 

Instruction will be delivered at Minuteman High School by Chapter 74 state-licensed teachers and will follow state curriculum frameworks and guidelines from the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS).  The new program will be guided by a Program Advisory Committee of business, education and community leaders that will review curriculum, equipment, instruction, and industry trends.

Dr. Bouquillon noted that nine companies or agencies wrote letters supporting Minuteman’s grant application.  These include the Boston Tooling & Machining Association, Inc.; Vaccon Vacuum Products; Mach Machine, Inc.; Lexington Public Schools; Wentworth Institute of Technology College of Professional and Continuing Education; Partnerships for a Skilled Workforce; North Central Massachusetts Workforce Investment Board; Metro North Regional Employment Board; and the Minuteman Futures Foundation, Inc.

Several business people and educators have already agreed to serve on the Program Advisory Committee for the new program.

According to Michelle Roche, Director of Career and Technical Education at Minuteman, the school will be ordering and installing equipment and designing the new program over the next several months.  The school is hoping to have initial course offerings in the fall.

Minuteman officials are currently planning a new 628-student high school consisting of two Career Academies supporting a total of 16 high-quality career and technical education programs.  Advanced Manufacturing will be part of the new school’s Engineering, Construction and Trades Academy.

Minuteman is an award-winning regional high school that integrates robust academic and career & technical learning to deliver a revolutionary competitive advantage. The school serves a diverse student body with multiple learning styles, expanding opportunities for college and career success.

As an accredited member of the New England Association of Schools & Colleges (NEASC), Minuteman challenges all students to aspire to their full potential, accelerate their learning, and achieve success in the 21st-century global community.

星期日, 2月 28, 2016

吳弭接連締造歷史 掀麻州講普通話華人參政意識

             (Boston Orange周菊子報導)數十名麻州郊區華人,228日下午匯聚在波士頓市聖詹姆士街的忍者快車餐廳(Samurai Express),支持波士頓市有史以來的首名華裔市議長弭(Michelle Wu),為麻州華人團結合作,支持華裔參政,發揮華人在美國政界影響力跨出更大一步。


那時候的她,其實還很害羞。巧的是她在哈佛大學的合約法教授,伊莉莎白沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)也正走在從沒想過從政,卻開始參選的路上。 為老師助選的經歷,有如她從政的啟蒙老師。吳弭坦言,在敲開不善英語的選民大門,以中文和這些人溝通時,她更深刻認識到亞裔社區與政治的距離。