星期三, 2月 12, 2025

Department of Early Education and Care Data Shows Continued Stability and Growth for Massachusetts Child Care System

Department of Early Education and Care Data Shows Continued Stability and Growth for Massachusetts Child Care System 

Massachusetts added over 8,700 new child care seats in the last year with support from C3 program 

FRAMINGHAM — At today’s meeting of the Board of Early Education and Care, the Healey-Driscoll Administration presented data analysis that shows that the Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) program continues to drive growth across the state’s early education and care system. C3 supported more than 7,500 programs in Massachusetts this fiscal year, helping them employ more than 45,000 educators. With support from C3, the state added 8,700 center-based and family child care seats for children in the last year, continuing to expand beyond pre-pandemic license capacity and helping to make costs more affordable. The system has now grown by 45,000 seats compared to the pandemic-low in spring of 2021.  

“Under our administration, Massachusetts is the only state to maintain C3 funding at the same level the federal government did. I am proud that we made this program permanent last year – which has been a gamechanger for not only maintaining but growing the number of child care seats in every region of the state,” said Governor Maura Healey. “I want to thank the Legislature for their continued partnership. Thanks to C3, more families are able to enroll their children in affordable child care, more parents can return to the workforce and more educators are being hired at higher wages.” 

“Two years ago, C3 funding helped our child care system expand beyond pre-pandemic capacity. I’m excited to see the system continued to grow this past year, adding more affordable seats across the state, increasing educator wages and reducing the number of open staff positions,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. “Child care is an essential part of our economy – it’s good for families and it’s good for business.” 

C3 supports early education and care providers’ day-to-day operational costs, including compensation and additional workforce and quality investments that enable programs to better recruit and retain staff while mitigating increased costs for families. Over 87% of licensed and funded early education and care programs completed EEC’s survey between August and September 2024. The main findings from the data analysis include: 

  • Child care licensed capacity continues to increase, with the capacity to serve 8,700 more children (4 percent increase) compared to the same time last year. 

    • Licensed capacity is continuing to grow in all types of communities in Massachusetts, especially in areas that have historically lacked resources and opportunities. 

    • Over the last two years, the state added 17,423 center-based and family child care seats for children. 

  • Providers are directing a larger proportion of C3 funding to workforce-related expenses, increasing the workforce-related percentage from 66 in 2023 to 68 this past year. This includes providers investing in existing payroll and benefits and investments in salary increases. 

    • Educator compensation continues to grow, increasing almost 20% in the last two and a half years, exceeding average inflation over that same time period. 

    • Signs of improvement are also seen broadly in the early education and care workforce as the percentage of vacant positions across the system decreased from 11% to 9% compared to 2023. 

  • C3 has helped programs operating in low- and moderate-opportunity communities maintain affordability, with approximately 50% of center-based programs in very low/low Child Opportunity Index areas reporting they have not increased tuition in the past 6 months and don’t plan to do so in the next 6 months. 

  • A majority of programs receiving C3 continue to report providing financial support to families beyond the state’s Child Care Financial Assistance programs, including 72% of center-based providers offering reduced tuition for educators and staff. 

The data shows that C3 effectively helped to stabilize the child care system and continues to support system-wide growth through investments in workforce, quality, and affordability. The survey findings also highlight where more work is still needed: while educator wages have continued to rise, they remain low. 

“Today’s survey data shows that C3 investments continue to have a positive impact on Massachusetts’ early education and care programs, families, and our larger economy. The Healey-Driscoll administration has prioritized accessible, affordable and equitable child care, and I am proud to see the progress that we have made. We will continue the work to ensure that our youngest learners receive the highest quality education they deserve and that early childhood educators can meet their economic mobility goals,” said Education Secretary Dr. Patrick Tutwiler

“Under Governor Healey’s leadership, and in partnership with the Legislature, C3 continues to be an essential part of the early education and care infrastructure, helping us move towards the accessible and affordable child care system families deserve in Massachusetts,” said Early Education and Care Commissioner Amy Kershaw. “These data demonstrate that C3 is a smart and critical investment in our educators and our working families, contributing directly to the State’s economic competitiveness.” 

"Today's data reaffirms what we’ve known: the C3 program is a transformative investment in Massachusetts’ children, families, and educators. By stabilizing and strengthening early education and care programs, we are not only increasing access to high-quality learning opportunities but also ensuring that our workforce is supported and fairly compensated. The continued expansion of child care capacity reflects our commitment to making early education more equitable and accessible across the Commonwealth. I look forward to continuing this work alongside our partners to build a system that meets the needs of all families," said Paul Belsito, Chair of the Board of Early Education and Care.  

In Massachusetts, the C3 Program was originally created to distribute federal child care stabilization funds from the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan Act. After preserving the program’s full funding amid sunsetting federal funding, Governor Healey, with the support of the Legislature, signed a final fiscal year 2025 budget that codified the program in state law. The Governor’s FY26 budget includes sustained funding for C3 at $475 million. 

The initial findings from the fall 2024 survey will be available here and will be updated as EEC does further analysis. 



City invites visionary ideas for transforming vacant spaces in Downtown Boston into a hub of creativity, commerce, and community.

BOSTON - Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - Mayor Michelle Wu, the Downtown Business Alliance (DBA), and the Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture (MOAC) today unveiled a new effort to bring Boston’s creative enterprises to Downtown Boston. This new effort aims to support the revitalization of the neighborhood by transforming vacant office and retail spaces into affordable, dynamic spaces for artistic production, performance, and community engagement. The Request for Information (RFI) issued today is open to all interested parties, focusing on artists, creative professionals, cultural space operators, property owners, and developers. Proposed uses might include studio space for visual artists, recording studios, performance venues, or art galleries. Mayor Wu and MOAC are investing in these spaces to foster a thriving cultural ecosystem, fuel creative industries, and encourage new business opportunities.

“Boston has long been a city that leads with innovation and creativity,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “Home to the country's most creative and entrepreneurial individuals, our City is committed to expanding accessible culture space across Boston. Whether you’re an artist collective, an arts-tech innovator, or a property owner looking to breathe new life into your space, this is an opportunity to collaborate in revitalizing one of Boston’s most dynamic neighborhoods.”

"Downtown Boston is where our city and region come together - to work, dine, shop, take in a show, enjoy an art exhibition, and much more,” said Mike Nichols, President of Downtown Boston Alliance. “Focusing on bringing new creative enterprises Downtown will play a pivotal role in the evolution of the neighborhood and the Downtown Boston Alliance is eager to work alongside the Wu Administration to pair a new generation of artists and creative entrepreneurs with economic and cultural opportunities in the heart of our city."

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Downtown Boston has seen an increase in office and retail vacancy rates, leaving many spaces underutilized. This new initiative led by the city aims to support Creative Enterprise Downtown as part of a broader effort to help strengthen and revitalize the neighborhood, including efforts to increase foot traffic and activity downtown. Key components of this strategy include the Office to Residential Conversion Program, which is currently slated to create 760 new apartments, unlocking more than $300 million in private investment, and the SPACE grant program, which provides opportunities for small business owners to open their new or next storefront location in major commercial districts like Downtown. To date, it has directly invested $1.8 million into 15 small and diverse businesses specifically in the Downtown area. This effort also builds upon the Chinatown Cultural Plan, a multi-pronged project to protect cultural activity within the Chinatown community and to create more coordination across Chinatown’s arts and culture stakeholders.

There is a global precedent for leveraging the creative economy and enterprise to revitalize Downtowns, including in London and Austin, Texas. The City is partnering with the DBA to learn from these models and adapt them to Boston’s unique context. Following the close of the RFI, the MOAC Cultural Planning Team intends to invest $200,000 in pilot initiatives that support the growth of the creative economy Downtown.

The Space for Creative Enterprise Downtown RFI has three main objectives:

  • Supporting Economic Revitalization: Boost foot traffic in the downtown area, stimulate new business opportunities, and create jobs in the creative industries.
  • Creating Community Gathering Spaces: Enhance public spaces and foster community pride through active, accessible cultural programming.
  • Nurturing an Innovation Ecosystem: Attract and support talent and investment from the tech and creative sectors, positioning Downtown Boston as a vibrant center for cultural and economic activity.

“Boston is overflowing with creatives of all types who need affordable spaces to do their work,” said Kenny Mascary, Interim Chief of the Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture. “These cultural spaces provide the infrastructure that artists, creative workers, and cultural organizations need to make Boston their home. I’m excited to harness the incredible energy and imagination of our creative community to offer new solutions and create an equitable and exciting Downtown space that Boston needs and deserves.”

"By transforming vacant space into hubs for artists, entrepreneurs, and small businesses, we are nurturing a more vibrant and equitable Downtown,” said Segun Idowu, Chief of Economic Opportunity and Inclusion. “This initiative works in tandem with other initiatives to revitalize the neighborhood. Through these strategies, we’re creating a dynamic Downtown where everyone has a chance to thrive."

"I am excited about this new effort from the City and the Downtown Business Alliance to partner with local business and real estate leaders to bring fresh creative life to the neighborhood. This sort of collaboration bringing fresh ideas can help transform vacant spaces, and bring new vitality to Downtown Boston" said John Rattigan, Partner at DLA Piper and the first chairman of the Downtown Boston Alliance. 

“Boston is my hometown – I’ve been working and creating in this city for over 20 years. As a working artist and entrepreneur, affordable housing and creative space have been among my biggest challenges to navigate,” said Ashton Lites, also known as Stiggity Stackz. “My goal is to continue creating spaces that facilitate community building/bonding, creativity, and innovation. Having affordable space in downtown Boston would allow me to expand my dance and creative entrepreneurship programs, providing a dedicated space for mentorship, collaboration, and growth. It would help me continue to develop the next generation of dancers, artists, and community leaders while contributing to the strength and diversity of Boston's creative scene” 

Interested parties should submit their proposal here by 11:59 a.m. on April 18, 2025. Local, national, and international submissions are welcome. Questions can be directed to arts@boston.gov anytime before the submission deadline. Please use the following subject line: “[Respondent Organization’s Name] - Query Space for Creative Enterprise in Downtown.” 

e MOAC website.

紐英崙中華公所9隊醒獅賀歲 巾幗出動金蛇最搶鏡

               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所 (CCBA-NE) 29日在波士頓華埠菲立普廣場舉行的年度醒獅賀歲,有9名州市議員出席,9隊醒獅團鑼鼓喧天的輪番上陣,還有金蛇、財神現身,波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 等政要陸續趕到現場,向華埠民眾送上新年祝福。


              波士頓市長吳弭(Michelle Wu)載著Celtic球隊的綠帽子,比原定時間遲了將近一小時的從另一場活動中匆匆趕來,簡短致詞。她說今年的瑞雪,降得時間真完美,感謝市府工作人員及時清掃街道,讓大家仍然可以欣賞醒獅賀歲活動。

中華公所董事余麗媖(右起)和最早到場的嘉賓,麻州眾議員Aaron Michlewitz,
波士頓經文處黃耀良組長,僑教中心主任高家富,波士頓市議員Ed Flynn,
Erin Murphy,廣教學校校長王焰彬,麻州眾議員黃子安。(周菊子攝)





              波士頓安良醒獅隊有超武館人馬打底,由Sorat Ly帶隊,拋出了新年快樂"恭喜發財”Happy New Year”的祝福春聯。


              華林派有Bob Rosen和余翠梅 (Mai Du)師徒率領5頭七彩瑞獅出場,在顏色上最是搶鏡。黃氏醒獅團有美東副總理黃偉健和波士頓黃氏主席黃光沐率隊演出。廣教學校有校長王焰彬和副校長余仲強率隊。南派華美文化中心有創辦人麻州眾議員黃子安坐鎮。             

              到賀的州市議員有每年例必到會的麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz)、黃子安 (Donald Wong),波士頓市議會議長Ruthzee Louijeune Erin MurphyHenry Santana,議員愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn)等人。



星期二, 2月 11, 2025



City celebrating 10 years of annual spring neighborhood cleanups

BOSTON - Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - Mayor Michelle Wu and the Office of Civic Organizing (OCO) today announced the 2025 Love Your Block spring cleanups will take place on Saturday, April 5 and Saturday, April 12. This year marks the 10th anniversary of Love Your Block, a program that has mobilized thousands of residents in community-led cleanups to beautify Boston’s neighborhoods. Originally launched as Boston Shines and rebranded in 2015, Love Your Block has become a key initiative for civic engagement in Boston. Over the past decade, the program has empowered residents to take ownership of their public spaces, fostering community pride and connection through hands-on neighborhood beautification projects. These projects include street cleanups, park revitalization, planting flowers, and mulching.

The Love Your Block registration is now open for volunteers to sign up as hosts here. Alternatively, individuals who wish to join an existing neighborhood cleanup as a volunteer can pre-register here. After registration closes on March 3, 2025, the Office of Civic Organizing (OCO) will provide registered volunteers with a list of cleanup sites in their neighborhood that are accepting participants.

“Love Your Block cleanups have been a fantastic way of bringing communities together across Boston and one I have personally enjoyed taking part in,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “For the past 10 years, this program has empowered residents to take pride in their communities by giving them the tools to keep their neighborhoods sparkling. Together we celebrate the start of spring and take ownership of keeping our public spaces beautiful.”

The Love Your Block program was established in 2015 through a three-year grant awarded to the City of Boston by Cities of Service. Following the expiration of the grant in 2018, Love Your Block was integrated as a permanent city program.

Cleanups will take place in every neighborhood of Boston over the course of two weekends. The 2025 dates are as follows:

Saturday, April 5: Allston, Brighton, Charlestown, Chinatown, Dorchester, Downtown, Leather District, Mattapan, Mid-Dorchester, North End, Roslindale, South Boston, West End, West Roxbury and Wharf District.

Saturday, April 12: Bay Village, Back Bay, Beacon Hill, East Boston, Fenway-Kenmore, Hyde Park, Jamaica Plain, Mission Hill, Roxbury, and South End.

"Love Your Block is a reflection of Boston's spirit, neighbors coming together not only to care for the places we call home but also to strengthen the bonds that connect us,” said Nathalia Benitez-Perez, Director of the Office of Civic Organizing. “I am deeply grateful for the dedication of our volunteers who work closely with us to keep this tradition alive."

Love Your Block had record participation numbers last year, with more than 2,000 volunteers across 121 sites citywide. After last year’s success, the Office of Civic Organizing is partnering again with Boston Public Library and Boston Centers for Youth & Families to serve as centralized locations where community members can conveniently pick up and return cleanup tools. All participating sites are listed on the Love Your Block page, along with tips on how to host your own Love Your Block cleanup site. Tool collection is scheduled from 9:00-10:00 a.m., with returns to the same location between 12:00-2:00 p.m.

On Friday, April 4, the Downtown Boston Alliance (DBA) will kick off this year’s Love Your Block cleanups with its annual Friday beautification project, marking the official start of the citywide initiative. The DBA coordinates this cleanup, but people can sign up through the City as individual volunteers here.

“For ten years, the City of Boston's Love Your Block event has brought the community together to celebrate the emergence of spring and to take pride in our respective neighborhoods through an annual day of service. The Downtown Boston Alliance congratulates the City on this milestone, and for the leadership of each city official who has supported the ongoing success of this treasured volunteer activity," said Michael J. Nichols, President of the Downtown Boston Alliance. “Further, our organization has been honored to host a volunteer site downtown since 2008, back when Love Your Block was known as Boston Shines, and we look forward to continuing to bring together residents, students and Downtown's business community in support of beautifying our shared neighborhood.” 

"The Codman Square Neighborhood Council and the BOLD Teens have participated in Love Your Block for all of the years that it has been Love Your Block and before that with Boston Shines. We truly appreciate the resources and energy this city initiative brings to our neighborhood,” said Cynthia Loesch-Johnson of Dorchester. “It has helped us to take care of both Codman Square Park and the Dr. Loesch Family Park over the decades. Residents of all ages look forward to this event each year where they get to clean, paint, plant and beautify our neighborhood parks and have the support of the city in doing so."

The Office of Civic Organizing will provide volunteers with cleanup tools including trash bags, gloves, brooms, rakes, trash pickers and a Love Your Block t-shirt. Hosts leading a cleanup can request tools until Friday, March 3 at 5:00 p.m. here.

“The Community Engagement Cabinet is thrilled to celebrate 10 years of our city’s Love Your Block initiative,” said Brianna Millor, Chief of the Community Engagement Cabinet. “This initiative inspires Boston residents, community leaders, and volunteers each year to think about a street, local park, or neighborhood that could use some extra care. Together, we collaborate to beautify Boston, one block at a time.”

新英格蘭臺學聯"聯合春酒" 跳"阿帕次"與"外交小尖兵"同樂

新英格蘭臺灣同學會聯合會在MIT舉辦"聯合春酒",逾200人出席。 (周菊子攝)
               (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州劍橋市報導) 新英格蘭台灣同學會聯合會 (FTSANE) 5所學校攜手,28日晚在麻省理工學院學生中心舉辦聯合春酒,節目精彩、獎品豐富,讓踏雪而來的150多名同學及嘉賓笑鬧成一團,嗨到不行。


              臺學聯會長江孟辰說明,這次春酒有MIT,伯克利(Berklee)及新英格蘭音樂學院(NEC)、薩福克大學(Suffolk)和麻州大學Amherst分校合作後,司儀蔡沛蓁和陳碩文報告,當晚的菜餚、飲料、獎品有海之味加量不加價,十一( Ten One)酸奶喝到飽、華碩 (ASUS)大力贊助抽獎品,笑說這尾牙越到後面,獎品越厲害,同學們千萬別早走。

              當晚的表演節目,有高名震和伯克利音樂學院的劉昕甯、葉子萱、依序以小提琴、鋼琴、大提琴演奏張育瑞作曲的四月望雨,有MIT春酒總召陳韋同、哈佛春酒總召蔡沛蓁和陳碩文和哈佛學生會副會長林晴若表演「阿帕次 (APT)」流行歌熱舞,劍橋合唱團演唱,李佳蓉、李孟杰、顧宗浩、楊智晴、黃嚴樞、Erica Sun等人表演的搖滾舞,從靜到動,讓同學們嗨翻了天。

              其中的「阿帕次 (APT)」,原來是Bruno MarsROSÉ合作的新歌,油管(Youtube)上推出後,10天點閱量就打破10億次。陳韋同等一整隊人在台上配合著身後大螢幕所播放卡通影片,搖頭擺手的「嗯呵,嗯呵」,洋溢著現代感青春氣息,就像這首歌的席捲全球一般,很魔性的感染了現場同學,全都站了起來,一起舞動。

陳韋同(中)等人熱舞"阿帕次 (APT)",全場嗨翻。 (臺學聯圖片)
右起,李孟杰、李佳蓉、顧宗浩、楊智晴、黃嚴樞、Erica Sun等六人示範

               李佳蓉事後透露,去年他們成立了Boba Sqing搖擺舞團,辦過哈佛聖誕舞會等兩場活動,目前在正找場地,歡迎想要體驗搖擺舞的人上IG搜尋boba_swing







