星期六, 11月 30, 2024


麻州長Maura Healey在TD Garden位遊民分發感恩節大餐。

             (Boston Orange 綜合報導)麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey)和波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)1127日和一眾家賓在TD 球場,為一千多名無家可歸人士切火雞,備大餐,過好節,讓第28屆「朋友桌 (Table of Friend)」成為波士頓有史以來規模最大的感恩節活動。

             這第28屆「朋友桌」感恩節活動由TD 花園鄰里慈善會 (TD Garden Neighborhood Charities)主辦,準備了800磅火雞,500多磅的南瓜派,以及數以百磅計的附餐,還另外捐款5千元給「住房啟動基金 (Housing Start-Up Fund)」,期以幫助無家可歸者成為有殼蝸牛。

             包括波士頓警察局局長Michael Cox等,許多政要都參加了這場感恩大活動。

波士頓市長吳弭(中)和聯邦參議員Ed Markey (右)在松街克債切火雞。
             感恩節對美國人來說,是個比聖誕節還重要的全家團聚大日子。為照顧無家可歸者在這節假日也得享溫暖,奚莉州長和吳弭市長在11月初還和麻州副州長Kim Driscoll,麻州財政廳廳長Deb Goldberg等人出席過波士頓食物銀行的年度送火雞活動「給予鍊 (Chain of Giving)」,共送出46,000隻火雞。1128日,吳弭市長又趕到松街客棧,和聯邦參議員Ed Markey等人一起為遊民切火雞,讓更多人能夠過個溫馨的感恩節。

星期五, 11月 29, 2024

波士頓聖誕列車訂12月8日開進華埠 麻州長Healey 訂12月4日點亮聖誕燈

              (Boston Orange綜合報導) 從感恩節開始,波士頓市進入迎接新年節慶模式,市政府安排有開放紐百利街 (Newbury )、聖誕列車進社區,波士頓廣場聖誕樹點燈等一系列假日節慶活動。

                                                                   麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey)和第一夫人Joanna Lydgate則12月4日下午5點,在州政府大樓前舉辦年度聖誕節亮燈儀式,邀請Hamilton-Garrett青年合唱團表演。


               波士頓市府的聖誕列車,今年跨入第28年,由美國銀行贊助,將於127日及8 日,帶著聖誕老人到16個地點拜訪民眾,舉行聖誕樹點燈儀式,為民眾帶來節慶氣氛。

               聖誕列車拜訪華埠夏利臣街 (Harrison Ave.) 的時間排在128日的下午3點。

               波士頓市每年迎接來自加拿大新斯科細亞省 (Nova Scotia) 聖誕樹的點燈儀式,今年跨入第83屆,日期訂在125日的下午6點至8點,照例在波士頓廣場遊客資訊中心旁舉行 (139 Tremont Street) 。贊助這活動的機構包括加拿大新斯科細亞省,亞馬遜 (Amazon),藍捷航空公司 (Jet Blue),遇見波士頓(Meet Boston),以及美國銀行, Constellation,還有WCVB 5號頻道,波士頓環球報(The Boston Globe)等。

               活動現場將有由藍捷航空、H.P. Hood,新英格蘭咖啡,Harry Potter,展覽,以及舉起手杖(Raising Cane)等提供的試吃、贈品及茶點。

               晚上7點開始,WCVB 5號頻道將直播由該頻道"編年史 (Chronicle)”節目主播Anthony Everett Shayna Seymour主持的現場表演。美國作者American Authors),以及出身自伯克利音樂學院的5x 白金唱片藝術家,2x葛萊美獎獲提名者將演唱我一生中最好的日子(Best Day of My Life)聖誕卡拉OK (Christmas Karaoke)”等歌曲。在現場演唱者還將包括Halifax流行樂歌手Ria Mae,麻州莎士比亞公司演唱聖誕頌歌(A Christmas Carol)民謠藝術家及提琴手Morgan Toney表演米克馬克深情的旋律,還有波士頓的爵士樂及福音歌曲傳奇歌手,波士頓兒童合唱團等的表演。

               波士頓市長吳弭當晚將親自出席,並點亮聖誕燈。查詢詳情可上網boston.gov/boston-common-tree-lighting。 (更新版)


Enchanted Trolley Dates and locations

Saturday, December 7

11 a.m. - Hastings Lot, West Roxbury 

12 p.m. - Wolcott Square, Readville

1 p.m. - Mattapan Square

2 p.m. - Hyde Square, Jamaica Plain 

3 p.m. - J.P. Monument, Jamaica Plain

3:45 p.m. - Brigham Circle, Mission Hill

4:30 p.m. - Bolling Building, Roxbury

5:45 p.m. - Blackstone Square, South End

6:45 p.m. - Oak Square, Brighton  

Sunday, December 8

12 p.m. - Codman Square, Dorchester

1 p.m. - Adams Corner, Dorchester

2 p.m. - M Street Park, South Boston

3 p.m. - Beach Street and Harrison Ave, Chinatown

4 p.m. - Paul Revere Mall, North End

5 p.m. - Winthrop Square (the Training Field), Charlestown

6:15 p.m. - Maverick Square, East Boston 

星期四, 11月 28, 2024




United American Indians of New England (UAINE) has called for the 54th National Day of Mourning in Plymouth, Massachusetts on Thursday, November 28, 2024 at 12 o'clock noon. Participants will gather by the statue of Massasoit on Cole's Hill above the Plymouth waterfront.

 Since 1970, hundreds of Native people and non-Native allies have gathered annually in Plymouth on U.S. Thanksgiving Day. 

 According to UAINE co-leader Kisha James, who is Aquinnah Wampanoag and Oglala Lakota and the granddaughter of Wamsutta Frank James, the founder of National Day of Mourning, “Native people have no reason to celebrate the arrival of the Pilgrims. We want to educate people about the true origins of the first Thanksgiving, which were far bloodier than the ‘Pilgrims and Indians’ story in the Thanksgiving myth. The first official day of ‘thanksgiving’ was declared in Massachusetts in 1637 by Puritan Governor Winthrop to celebrate the massacre of over 700 Pequot men, women and children on the banks of the Mystic River in Connecticut. Wampanoag and other Indigenous people have certainly not lived happily ever after since the arrival of the Pilgrims. To us, Thanksgiving is a Day of Mourning, because we remember the millions of our ancestors who were murdered by the Pilgrims and subsequent generations of settlers. Today, we and many Indigenous people around the country say, ‘No Thanks, No Giving.’"

James explained that much of the day will also be devoted to speaking about contemporary issues. “More than 400 years after the arrival of the Mayflower, Indigenous people are still denied basic human rights and full control of their own homelands. Change is long past due. We are still facing many of the issues that our elders talked about in 1970 at the first National Day of Mourning. We call on non-Native people to listen to Indigenous voices, especially about how to address the climate crisis, and to join us in trying to stop the continued destruction of our homelands and waterways by greedy corporations. Native lands must be returned to our control in order to ensure a future for all of life on earth.”

 UAINE co-leader Mahtowin Munro spoke about some of the current issues that affect Indigenous communities. “Participants in National Day of Mourning this year will speak about many things. We will mourn and honor the thousands of Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Two-Spirit (#MMIWG2S) and other Indigenous Relatives. We will join the thousands demanding the identification and return of the remains of thousands of Indigenous children from the residential schools and boarding schools that were sponsored by Canada and the US in order to ‘kill the Indian’ in the children and destroy Indigenous communities. From Peru to British Columbia, from Boston to the Amazon, Indigenous peoples are defending their sovereignty, calling for land back, and insisting that nothing should happen on their lands without their freely given consent. Indigenous solidarity and resistance are international. We stand in solidarity with all the Indigenous nations opposing pipelines, mines and megadams. And I’m also sure that many of those in attendance will support the call of millions around the world to end the genocide in Gaza.”

 North American Indian Center of Boston president Jean-Luc Pierite spoke on community and coalition building among the relocated and displaced Indigenous peoples within the context of American imperialism, “The history of urban Indian centers in the United States follows the legacy of termination by Congress and forced assimilation through relocation. Since 1969, Boston Indian Council and North American Indian Center of Boston foster space and time for Native organizing, cultural and social services, and Indigenous resistance through continued presence. Our membership has joined with United American Indians of New England since the first march. Today, the relocation to urban centers is not exclusive to federal Indian policy. We now see our relatives in all places touched by American imperialism. Regardless of whether we are Indigenous to Turtle Island or displaced from homelands by wars, climate change, and extractive economies, we will strive to foster community with all relations. Together, we know that now more than ever the world needs Indigenous peoples.”

Jay Teba, a representative of  Albuquerque-based The Red Nation, said “National Day of Mourning is a counter-narrative that cuts through colonialism. It is sensible for the settler state to create the national holiday of so-called Thanksgiving because it is the white lie that blankets the genocide of Indigenous Peoples and perpetuates our erasure. In a world where the ruling class uses mainstream media narratives to perpetuate genocide without consequence and where education is cut to serve the idealogy of the settler state, our power is in our truth and presence. The Red Nation is traveling to so-called Massachusetts to witness the resistance of Wampanoag people and to stand hand in hand in solidarity. We wish to share this feeling with the world and make our way to amplify the truth that National Day of Mourning provides.”

星期三, 11月 27, 2024

Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces over $600,000 in Grants to Support Greater Food Access in Massachusetts

 Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces over $600,000 in Grants to Support Greater Food Access in Massachusetts

Funding will expand urban farms, community gardens, and food infrastructure improvements across the state


BOSTON – The Healey-Driscoll Administration today announced over $600,000 in funding to support greater food access to residents in underserved Massachusetts communities by expanding urban farms, community gardens, and food business operations in the state. The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) is awarding grants through the Urban Agriculture Program and the Massachusetts Food Ventures Program to 16 organizations including urban farms and community gardens that will help strengthen the local food system and address food insecurity. The two programs are essential to increasing the production of locally grown food, expanding retail and distribution channels, and distributing healthy, nutritious, local food to underserved communities across Massachusetts.


“These two MDAR grant programs make our local food system more resilient by lessening our dependency on outside food production,” said MDAR Commissioner Ashley Randle. “More local food production in our urban neighborhoods will ensure that residents have greater access to fresh produce, improving their well-being. Providing resources to help food enterprises grow enhances their ability to feed their communities.”


The Urban Agriculture Program supports urban agriculture initiatives in cities of all sizes in Massachusetts. The grants will fund projects to urban farms and community gardens to increase their capacity for food production, allowing them to provide more fresh, healthy, local food to  low- to-moderate income communities.


The Massachusetts Food Ventures Program helps increase food access by funding processing infrastructure, distribution channels, and retail outlet strategies at local food enterprises. Awardees will receive funds for capital expenditures ranging from specialized equipment needed to scale up food production to food packaging and commercial kitchen/incubator space. These projects will also foster job creation and expansion of food access and distribution in low- to moderate-income areas.


“Investing in urban agriculture and food ventures is not just about increasing food access; it’s about empowering

communities to build healthier, more resilient futures,” said Senator Robyn Kennedy (D - First Worcester). “These funds will help close the gap in food equity by supporting innovative solutions that bring fresh, local food to neighborhoods that need it most through programs at REC, SECMA, and Common Ground.”


“I’m thrilled to see Eastie Farm and other local organizations benefit from the incredible support of the Healey Administration and its commitment to strengthening our food systems,” said State Representative Adrian C. Madaro (D – East Boston). “These grants will support critical food access in communities across the Commonwealth and address food insecurity.” 


The following are the Urban Agriculture Program grant recipients for 2025: 


Organization Name

Project Type



Purchase of farmland


Codman Square NDC

Building of retaining walls on urban farm


Eastie Farm

Build-out of mushroom production center


We Grow Microgreens

Build-out of permanent farm stand


Groundwork Southcoast

Raised beds, tools for community garden


The Southeast Asian Coalition of Central Massachusetts

Infrastructure for mushroom production


Mill City Grows

Soil, fencing


Trustees of Reservations

Irrigation, soil


Groundwork Lawrence

Soil, tools


City of Salem

Tools, equipment, and small greenhouse


Mattapan Food & Fitness Coalition

Small greenhouses, food production equipment


Worcester Common Ground

Building insulation and equipment





The following are the Massachusetts Food Ventures Program grant recipients for 2025:


Organization Name

Project Type


Franklin County CDC

Blast freezer, equipment


Boston Area Gleaners

Build out of loading dock    


Eastie Farm

Electric Vehicle


Chatham Light Fisheries

Refrigerated delivery van


Massachusetts Leads U.S. in Growth of Outdoor Recreation, Contributing Over $13 Billion to Massachusetts Economy

Massachusetts Leads U.S. in Growth of Outdoor Recreation, Contributing Over $13 Billion to Massachusetts Economy  

States Outdoor Recreation Economy Rose by 13.3% last year, providing over 103,600 jobs 

BOSTON- New figures from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) emphasizes the significant expansion of Massachusetts’ outdoor recreation economy. According to the BEA’s Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account, the sector generated $13.2 billion in value added to the state’s economy in 2023 and created 103,600 jobs. Massachusetts has distinguished itself as a leader in outdoor recreation, achieving a growth rate of 13.3 percent from 2022 to 2023, the highest among all U.S. states. This growth marks a 73 percent increase since 2012. 

“This incredible growth in our outdoor recreation economy highlights our communities’ strong commitment to promoting outdoor activities,” said Governor Maura Healey. “Massachusetts is leading the charge nationwide, delivering substantial economic value and creating jobs that grow our local economies.”  

“Local communities are the backbone of our outdoor recreation economy,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. “Their passion for preserving our natural spaces and encouraging active lifestyles is key to our success. We are proud to watch towns and cities across Massachusetts transform into vibrant hubs of outdoor activity, while boosting jobs.” 

“Since launching our Office of Outdoor Recreation, we have made it our mission to ensure that the outdoors is accessible and inclusive to everyone,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Rebecca Tepper. “Our approach is fueling local economies and empowering communities and organizations. This report demonstrates that we can drive business growth and foster connections with our natural resources at the same time.” 

“Outdoor Recreation is a vital part of Massachusetts economic future,” said MOOR Director Paul Jahnige. “This data emphasizes the importance of outdoor recreation, not just for individuals, but for our communities as a whole. Continuing to invest in the accessibility of our outdoor spaces, is planting a seed for economic growth in our rural towns and strengthening our states public health.” 

"Massachusetts' outdoor recreation is a key component of our tourism industry," said Executive Director at the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism Kate Fox. "Our breathtaking coastlines, lush forests, and vibrant parks draw visitors worldwide, boosting local economies and creating unforgettable experiences. This data underscores the importance of investing in our outdoor spaces for economic growth and is a testament to Massachusetts' beauty and spirit." 

Established in December 2022, MOORcollaborates with agencies and private partners to promote outdoor activities across the state, including hunting, fishing, horseback riding, paddling, swimming, and more.Last year, BEA reported that outdoor recreation contributed over $11 billion to the economy, creating over 102,000 jobs, and boosting tourism. 

 “With over $1.2 trillion in economic output and generating over 5 million jobs, this marks another year of growth for the outdoor recreation economy, underscoring its resilience and importance across the nation,” said Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR) President Jessica Turner. “The new BEA data highlights outdoor recreation as a cornerstone of our economy, generating jobs, supporting small businesses, and providing essential opportunities for Americans to engage with the outdoors for health, connection, and quality of life. This new data should signal to policymakers that investing in outdoor infrastructure and access must remain a national, bipartisan priority." 

Outdoor recreation continues to solidify its position as a critical sector in the Massachusetts economy. BEA’s new report demonstrates the outstanding growth of outdoor recreation over the last decade as residents have flocked to the outdoors, seeking benefits to their health and wellbeing. The positive economic impact of outdoor recreation highlights the industry’s value, particularly for rural communities in Massachusetts- supporting job creation and boosting tourism. Additionally, outdoor recreation infrastructure investments in urban and rural communities and improvements to accessibility build resilient and diversified economies, connect residents, and improve public health. The industry’s contributions are essential to the economic vitality and social health of Massachusetts’ towns and cities.



BOSTON - Tuesday, November 26, 2024 - Mayor Michelle Wu, the Boston Parks and Recreation Department, and title sponsor The Province of Nova Scotia will host Boston’s signature holiday celebration, the 82nd annual Boston Common Tree Lighting, on Thursday, December 5, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in Boston Common, adjacent to the Visitor’s Information Center at 139 Tremont Street. Mayor Wu will be joined by friends from Nova Scotia. This celebration marks the 53rd year that Nova Scotia has given a tree to the people of Boston as thanks for relief efforts following the December 6, 1917 explosion of a munitions ship in Halifax Harbor. Within 24 hours of the disaster, a train loaded with supplies and emergency personnel traveled from Boston to Nova Scotia to aid in recovery efforts. 

“Every holiday season we celebrate a special tradition with our friends in Nova Scotia to commemorate the warm and meaningful connection between our two communities dating back more than a century,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I want to thank Hugh & Liz Ryan and Nova Scotia for donating this beautiful treasure that will shine brightly throughout the holiday season in Boston. The Boston Common Tree lighting brings our residents together through compassion and holiday cheer each winter, and we’re excited to continue the tradition.”

WCVB Channel 5’s Chronicle co-anchors Anthony Everett and Shayna Seymour will host Channel 5’s live broadcast of the event beginning at 7:00 p.m. American Authors, 5x platinum recording artists, and 2x Grammy nominees who got their start in Boston at Berklee College of Music, will headline with hit songs like “Best Day of My Life” and “Christmas Karaoke”. This year’s entertainment includes Halifax pop singer-songwriter Ria Mae, songs from A Christmas Carol performed by the Commonwealth Shakespeare Company, the soulful melodies of Mi’kmaq folk artist and fiddler Morgan Toney, the legendary vocals of Boston-based jazz and gospel icon Renese King, a heartwarming performance by the Boston Children’s Chorus, and more. 

The official holiday season kick-off in Boston includes the lighting of the City of Boston's official Christmas tree with approximately 5,000 lights, and the lighting of more than 50,000 lights throughout the Boston Common and Public Garden. This year’s tree is a 48-year-old, 45-foot-tall white spruce donated by Liz and Hugh Ryan of Mattie Settlement, Nova Scotia. 

The holiday lights throughout both parks will light up in sequence shortly before 8:00 p.m. when Mayor Wu is joined onstage by Santa Claus and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. The show will close with a pyrotechnic display by Pyrotecnico.

The event is supported by title sponsor Province of Nova Scotia, presenting sponsor Amazon, signature sponsors JetBlue and Meet Boston, community sponsors Bank of America and Constellation, and media partners WCVB Channel 5 and The Boston Globe. A sampling village will feature giveaways and refreshments from JetBlue, H.P. Hood, New England Coffee, Harry Potter, The Exhibition, and Raising Cane’s while supplies last. Sponsors of the “Make the Common Glow for the Holidays” who make the lighting of the Common and Public Garden possible include The Lynch Family Foundation, the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority, the Friends of the Public Garden, and Gilbane Building Company. 

Immediately following the celebration on the Boston Common, the Friends of the Public Garden and the Committee to Light Commonwealth Avenue Mall will flip the switch to light up Commonwealth Avenue Mall in the Back Bay. This event marks the second year that the lights on Commonwealth Avenue Mall will extend all the way to Kenmore Square. 

Please call (617) 635-4505 or visit boston.gov/boston-common-tree-lighting for more information about the festivities. To stay up to date with news and events in Boston parks, sign up for the email list at bit.ly/Get-Parks-Emails and follow the social channels @bostonparksdept on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

波士頓體育會更新支持清潔體育行動 受影響運動員可獲補償金

Boston Athletic Association Update in Support of Clean Athletes 

BOSTON – The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) has elected to issue voluntary payments to athletes who were adversely affected by doping offenses at B.A.A. events.


“While the multi-step process to reclaim and redistribute prize money has been complex and time consuming for all involved, we have worked – and continue to work—diligently towards a resolution that supports clean athletes while still holding all athletes accountable,” said Jack Fleming, President and CEO of the B.A.A. “Athletes will receive the prize money they rightfully earned at our races with these payments.”


The B.A.A. is identifying and contacting athletes whose results were re-ranked due to a disqualification within prize money placings since 1986, when prize money was first offered.


The B.A.A. is working to ensure voluntary payments are received by impacted athletes. For any athlete whose finishing place among the prize money positions was adversely affected by the ultimate disqualification of another athlete, the B.A.A. will issue a voluntary payment for the difference the athlete did not receive due to re-ranked results.


The B.A.A. continues to attempt to re-claim prize money that has been paid out in the past. The process of identifying all affected athletes has begun. Athletes can find additional information and apply for voluntary payments at baa.org/prize-money-voluntary-payments.


“We are supporting athletes who competed in our events, and who believed they would be rewarded for their top finishing place,” said Fleming. “We are doing what we can to ensure fair competition among athletes, and we will always seek to play host to the fairest of playing fields at all of our events.”


Payments will commence in January 2025. Any athlete who believes they were adversely affected and who has not been contacted by the B.A.A. by the end of 2024 are encouraged to contact the B.A.A. at voluntarypayments@baa.org.


Top finishers at all B.A.A. events are tested in accordance with the guidelines set forth by World Athletics, USA Track and Field, the World Anti-Doping Agency, the United States Anti-Doping Agency, and the Athletes Integrity Unit.


If an athlete has ever been sanctioned for anti-doping offenses (before, during, or after the re-ranking of B.A.A. event results) then they are not eligible to receive any voluntary payment. If an athlete who is provided with a voluntary payment is later disqualified, the B.A.A. will seek to recoup the payment.

麻州長Healey提名眾議員Jeald Parisella出任地方法院副法官

               (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 1126日遞出上任以來第50位法官提名,一旦州長委員會 (Governor’s Council) 確認,麻州眾議員 Jerald Parisella就可真除地方法院副法官。

                奚莉州長表示,Jerald Parisella擔任州議員,作為美國陸軍退伍軍人超過30年,是一位名符其實的公僕,知道為麻州人民服務的意義,相信他有這知識、熱情及經驗來做好地方法院的工作。麻州眾議會議長Ron Mariano也說,Jerald Parisella對事物有深入了解,是眾議會的無價資產。

            麻州副州長Kim Driscoll也指出,Jerald Parisella在與人合作,致力使得麻州人民生活更好上,有跡可循。他們很感激他能持續展現領導力。


在民事案件中,地方法院審理損害賠償金額不太可能超過 50,000 美元的案件,以及最高 7,000 美元的小額索賠案件。地方法院遍布全州 62 個法院。

奚莉州長迄今已提名了 12 名地方法院律師:Heath AntonioLeo Fama, Francis V. Kenneally, Courtney C. Linnehan, Marjorie P. Tynes, Sarah Kennedy, Edward Krippendorf, Frederick DeCubellis, Gregory Teran, Amanda Ward, Stuart Hurowitz and Polly Phillips等人。

            麻州眾議員 Jerald Parisella2011年起擔任Essex6選區眾議員,起草過許多法案,包括體育博彩合法化,設立有利於退伍軍人的項目。他是麻州議會經濟發展及新興科技聯席會議的眾議會主席,也是Cherry Tree Title and Law的律師,專注於住宅及商業房地產權轉讓,區域規劃和總體遺產規劃等業務。最近他從服務了29年的麻州國家陸軍衛隊退休,官至中校,是一位法官辯護及陸軍律師。2011年時,他因為在伊拉克戰爭服役獲得銅星獎。他畢業於愛默生學院新聞系,還是新英格蘭法律學院的法學博士 (J. D. )

星期一, 11月 25, 2024

川普即將上任 生物安全法命運備受矚目

                (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 美國國會正在審議「生物安全法 (Biosecure Act)」,很可能大幅限制美國生命科學公司和中國生物科技共應商合作,即將就任的川普總統態度如何,備受人矚目。

               「生物安全法」已於9月在眾議院中以30681票通過了,但代表麻州,來自牛頓市的國會眾議員Jake Auchincloss,反對目前通過的這版本。

這法案將禁止拿取聯邦經費的美國公司和某些中國生物科技公司合作,包括一些著名大廠,生物研發製造商無錫藥明康德 (WuXi AppTec),以及基因測試公司華大基因 (BGI)。此法一旦通過,許多波士頓地區的生命科學公司都將被迫轉換合約商。

