星期六, 9月 14, 2024

中華耆英會白禮頓樓慶中秋 逾百耆英同歡樂

              (Boston Orange) 中華耆英會白禮頓樓 99日在布魯克蘭鎮 (Brookline)老人中心慶祝中秋節,逾百耆英齊聚一堂,欣賞豐富多元的表演,享用美食,歡樂非常。

              中華耆英會白禮頓樓主任梅麗梨,中華耆英會活動統籌文麗青和和布魯克蘭老人中心社會工作主管Julie Washburn先一一致詞,歡迎耆英到場,為慶祝會拉開序幕。







              慶祝會最後在梅麗梨主任和布魯克蘭老人中心項目經理Jamie Jensen致謝詞,全體出席者跳集體舞,歡笑聲此起彼落中落幕。


麻州長Healey 哀悼培訓中殞命實習州警Enrique Delgado-Garcia

              (Boston Orange 綜合摘譯) 麻州第90屆實習州警Enrique Delgado-Garcia在防禦戰術訓練演習中,身體突發狀況,送院搶救不治。麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 今早發聲明哀悼。

              麻州州警Tim McGuirk表示,Enrique Delgado-Garcia是在培訓實習中突然沒了反映。學校的現場醫療團隊立即上前救助,並安排救護車送去當地的醫療場所,不幸的是,儘管專業人員努力以赴,仍回天乏術。

              麻州州警發聲明表示,將盡力照顧Enrique Delgado-Garcia的家人。

              麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 聞訊,發佈「心碎」聲明,表示對所有認識Enrique Delgado-Garcia的人來說,這都是個令人傷心欲絕的時刻,州政府和州警部門向其家人虔誠致意。

Statement from Governor Healey on the Death of Massachusetts State Police Academy Trainee Enrique Delgado-Garcia

BOSTON – Governor Maura Healey issued the following statement on the death on Massachusetts State Police Trainee Enrique Delgado-Garcia:

“I’m heartbroken about the loss of Massachusetts State Police Trainee Enrique Delgado-Garcia, who had committed himself to a career protecting the people of Massachusetts. He was a beloved member of his academy class, known for his compassion and devotion to service. This is a devastating time for all who knew and loved him, and we are holding Enrique’s family and his State Police community in our hearts.”

星期五, 9月 13, 2024

第14屆亞美節表演,展攤精采紛陳 再引人潮

               (Boston Orange) 亞美聯誼會 97日在波士頓廣場舉辦第14屆亞美節,現場逾百攤位和33個多元、豐富的表演節目,從早上9點半表演至下午4點多,吸引了成千上萬人駐足欣賞,體會不同族裔文化,感受主辦單位宣導民族融合的理念。





歌唱有女中音王略,女高音Shinhee Kim,女高音張瀞丹,馮麗麗唱歌工作室的波士頓美少女組合,男高音黃顥,葛艾倫,吳皓和孫振竣的男生二重唱,王蓓蓓、葛艾倫男女生二重唱,郭嘉穎樂隊五重奏,烏克蘭Stellar 聲音團。


這天的亞美節,不但表演節目之多,讓人看到大波士頓地區社團組織之琳瑯滿目,也藉安排有印度古典舞,菲律賓民間舞蹈,韓國跆拳道等不同族裔的文化表演,讓人看到主辦單位促進亞裔融合的心意。 (更新版,訂正潘飛為亞美聯誼會執行會長)

耗資逾2億美元歷時12年 昆士中學新校舍 9/12 啟用剪綵

昆士中學校長張可仁(左三)、Stephen Cirasuolo和波士頓市長吳弭等人一起
           (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓華埠翹首以待12年,歷經3任市長,耗資2.236億美元建造,高130英尺,有6層樓的昆士中學新校舍,912日在前校長黃伯勳敲鑼,現任校長張可仁主持,波士頓市長吳弭等政要齊賀中剪綵,啟用。

昆士中學新校舍造價2億餘美元,座落在高速公路旁。 (周菊子攝)
昆士中學是前校長黃伯勳當年為了讓昆士小學畢業生有機會一以貫之,繼續研讀國際文憑課程 (IB),中文 (Mandarin),接受文化薰陶,從1999年借用波士頓華人佈道會土地,蓋臨時校舍,招收6年級學生開始試辦,2006年才有第一屆中學畢業生的學校。


然而從萬寧路市長到馬丁華殊市長,校地和經費都是問題,於是一拖再拖,期間還傳出過要和波士頓藝術學校共用25號地段的計畫,最後在波士頓市府向華人教會買下土地,麻州政府學校樓宇局 (MSBA) 撥款5400萬元資助下,終於在Kim Janey代理波士頓市長期間破土動工,如今在吳弭就任市長的第3年,剪綵啟用。

麻州財政廳廳長Deb Goldberg (中)透露,她父親當年和昆士中學前校長黃伯勳(左)
一起推動Pilot School,連她都被拉去當董事。(周菊子攝)
吳弭市長為剪綵致詞時,特地詳細介紹了這昆士中學新校舍的特色,稱之為波士頓市最綠化的新大樓之一,整棟大樓都不用石化燃料,還安裝有可以減少碳排放的暖氣泵,保護空氣品質,正在申請LEED 鉑金認證,將是波士頓公校樓宇的新標準,所有設計都是為了讓每名學生都能盡其所長發揮。


從2009年起就代表華埠的麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)還記得

在剪綵致詞中,麻州財政廳廳長Deb Goldberg特地把黃伯勳校長邀到台前。她說1990年代,她父親和黃伯勳一起推動試驗 (pilot)學校,成為好友,還把她也拉進董事會行列,成為實際參與人之一。她讚許黃伯勳校長的遠見,造福了社區。

麻州財政廳廳長 Deb Goldberg、波士頓市長吳弭、麻州眾議員
麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz聯袂出席昆士中學新校舍啟用剪綵。(周菊子攝) 
麻州眾議會財政委員會主席麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz)2009年當選為麻州眾議員開始,一直代表華埠,在這天的出席政要中,他服務華埠時間最長。他還記得自己十四、五年前參加為籌建昆士中學所召開的第一次會議。他慨言真的是很長一段時間,得感謝華埠社區民眾堅持不懈推動,昆士中學才終於有了新校舍



              出席剪綵儀式的政要嘉賓,除前述各人外,還有波士頓公校總監Mary Skipper,波士頓市議會議長Ruthzee Louijeune,不分區市議員Erin MurphyHenry Santana,第二區市議員愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn),前任波士頓市第二區市議員Bill Linehan,以及昆士小學校長司徒玉英。

紐英崙中華公所主席雷國輝 (左二起),僑聲音樂社社長李伍碧香,紐英崙至孝篤親公所
主席陳文珊,前任波士頓市議員Bill Linehan都來參加剪綵儀式。(周菊子攝)

昆士中學的2名校長張可仁、Stephen Cirasuolo已共事18年。 (周菊子攝)
昆士中學新校舍入口,國旗飄揚。 (周菊子攝)

星期四, 9月 12, 2024

麻州亞裔餐館協會增聘4顧問 籲選民第五號選票問題投反對票

               (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導) 麻州亞裔餐館協會 (MARA) 910日晚在索格斯鎮的九龍餐廳舉辦2024年度晚會,介紹新會員,宣佈新增4名顧問,呼籲亞裔餐飲業加入該會,擴大力量,向今年大選的第五號選票問題說「No」。

              麻州亞裔餐飲協會共同會長黃子興,鄺炎彬,以及董事Tran Le為晚會開場致詞。JP富士(Fuji)集團創辦人梁戰士和電視台記者Tiffany Chan擔任大會司儀。


麻州亞裔餐飲協會共會長鄺炎彬(右起)、黃子興(Bob Wong)和會員
大米谷線老闆林斌,和分享經驗的會員Clovers Kitchen Incubator 周子遊。(周菊子攝)
晚會也請得麻州稽核長Diana DiZoglio,麻州眾議員陳德基 (Tackey Chan)Vanna Howard致詞,安排有新英格蘭武術學院的武術表演,華悅現代音樂演藝學院創辦人朱鴻所安排的Amber Sang琵琶演奏「春江花月夜」,Stellar Voice Group的三重唱「穿上麗茲」、,「媽媽咪呀」,以及戴晨康律師主持,食品安全專家陳利杏,聯邦政府小企業局專員伍少武,Chopstick Murphys部落格博主Christian Doan的分享經驗座談,以及Clovers Kitchen Incubator老闆周子遊的會員見證。

當晚出席者,一進場就每人領到一個Clovers Kitchen Incubator做的月餅,經過商家常貴展示「茵菲妮特小球藻」保健品,中城房地產公司創辦人潘樹仁的介紹房地產、餐館買賣生意等攤位。

在今年麻州大選的5個選票問題中,第5號選票問題是要在5年內,把小費工人的最低時薪翻倍。由於這選票問題和餐館業直接有關,MARA會長黃子興和麻州餐飲業協會 (MRA)董事長Steve Clark一前一後的加強說明。


戴晨康(左起)主持座談,陳利杏、伍少武、Christian Doan分享經驗。(周菊子攝)
麻州餐飲業協會 (MRA)董事長Steve Clark則指出,第五號選票問題應該投反對票有3個非昂簡單的理由,一是這作法事實上是把錢從小費工人的口袋中拿走,因為服務員及酒吧服務員的基本薪資將提高至最低時薪之際,餐館收到的所有小費將必須平均分配給所有工作人員。今年3MARA做過一次民意調查,結果90%的服務員都反對。此外,一旦實施,聘用每名餐館員工的平均成本,將達到18500
麻州眾議員陳德基(左起) 、Vanna Howard為MARA會議致詞後,進餐館和眾議員黃子安



麻州餐飲協會董事長Steve Clark呼籲人們11月大選時,選票問題第5號投反對票。(周菊子攝)
JP 富士集團創辦人梁戰士(右)率核心團隊成員,最近在昆士市新開張
Niveaux Patisserie的曹明 (左)等人聯袂出席MARA活動。(周菊子攝)

華悅音樂 Amber Sang 演奏琵琶。(周菊子攝)
麻州稽核長Diana DiZoglio(左)出席MARA嘉年華會。(周菊子攝)

Governor Healey Appoints Melissa Pullin as Chief Human Resources Officer

 Governor Healey Appoints Melissa Pullin as Chief Human Resources Officer

Pullin’s appointment is effective September 16, 2024
BOSTON – Governor Maura Healey has appointed Melissa Pullin as Chief Human Resources Officer of the Human Resources Division (HRD), the agency responsible for attracting, developing, and retaining the state’s high-performing and diverse workforce.  
Pullin’s public service career spans over 30 years and includes her current position as HRD’s Interim Chief Human Resources Officer. In her capacity as Interim Chief, Pullin has led HRD in delivering a skills-based hiring initiative and policy, renegotiating fair and balanced collective bargaining agreements, and unveiling a successful civil service recruitment campaign aimed at attracting diverse candidates to the police workforce. 
“Our best-in-class state workforce is the key to the success of every one of our administration’s efforts to make Massachusetts more competitive, equitable, and affordable,” said Governor Maura Healey. “With Melissa Pullin at the helm of the Human Resources Division, we have the ideal team in place to continue delivering wins to the people of Massachusetts.” 
“Across our administration’s executive branch team, we rely on leaders who are accomplished in their fields and driven to better the lives of Massachusetts families and individuals,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. “Melissa Pullin is no exception, and we are proud to have her assume a role that she has already performed so well in an interim capacity.” 
“Melissa has done a fantastic job leading the Human Resources Division on an interim basis,” said Administration and Finance Secretary Matthew J. Gorzkowicz. “She has been a great partner to me and my colleagues across state government and has the strategic and managerial capabilities to help us make the Commonwealth an even greater place to work and serve for all current and future employees.”
“It is an honor to lead the talented HRD team in our work to shape, support, and energize the Healey-Driscoll administration’s workforce,” said incoming Chief Human Resources Officer Melissa Pullin. “I’m proud of the diverse, accomplished teams we have across the Commonwealth’s Executive Department, and I’m eager to continue strengthening our workforce with innovative HR tools and forward-thinking policies and practices.”    
Pullin’s previous leadership roles include her tenure as Deputy Chief Human Resources Officer at HRD, and Chief of Staff in the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA), the agency within the Executive Office of Health and Human Services that serves one in six Massachusetts residents with food assistance (SNAP benefits) and direct economic assistance (cash benefits), as well as workforce training opportunities. She has also served as Director of the Office of Massachusetts Client Relations at Commonwealth Medicine (now ForHealth Consulting).
In 2018, Pullin was awarded the Manuel Carballo Governor’s Award for Excellence in Public Service from the Commonwealth for her contributions to the Interagency Hurricane Relief Task Force, which assisted Hurricane Maria evacuees. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Emerson College and a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Public and Nonprofit Management from Boston University. 
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Department is one of the state’s largest employers, with over 45,000 employees that span eleven Secretariats and more than 70 agencies. The Commonwealth employs people in all types of roles, in a vast array of sectors including healthcare, transportation, education, public safety, and technology. 
The Human Resources Division (HRD) is an agency within the Executive Office for Administration and Finance. HRD provides support to state agencies in all matters relating to the Commonwealth’s classification, compensation, benefits, recruitment, training and employee development, civil rights, collective bargaining, and workers compensation administration. Among HRD’s functions is delivering learning opportunities for state employees, and ensuring an inclusive, safe, and productive workplace.

Governor Healey Signs Legislation Renaming Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission to ‘MassAbility’

 Governor Healey Signs Legislation Renaming Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission to ‘MassAbility’ 

New name reflects a more expansive effort to break down stigma and increase equity and access for people with disabilities 

BOSTON –Today, Governor Maura Healey signed legislation that renames the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission to MassAbility. Governor Healey filed this bill last year to reflect the administration’s goal ofexpanding the agency’s reach and ushering in a new, more inclusive model for disability career services and independent living. The legislation also removes outdated terms from the general laws like “handicap,” “handicapped,” and “retarded,” replacing them with “barrier,” “person with a disability,” and person with an “intellectual disability.” 

“Words matter. This legislation ensures that the names and terms we use accurately reflect the strength and capabilities of the disability community, supports our goal of helping the people we serve achieve autonomy and independence, and breaks down stigma,” said Governor Maura Healey. “I’m grateful to our partners in the Legislature for advancing this legislation, and to the members of the disability community and our team at MassAbility and the Executive Office of Health and Human Services who advocated to make this a reality in Massachusetts” 

“MassAbility exemplifies a sense of community and belonging,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. “By updating these laws, we are putting outdated terms aside while honoring the disability community’s tenacity. MassAbility today provides services that break down barriers, cultivate diversity and empower people to thrive in their workplaces and their communities.” 

The new name directly resulted from feedback from the disability community and was selected following significant research, focus groups, surveys, and conversations with the community, businesses, providers, and advocacy organizations. 

“The new name MassAbility and language changes reflect both the state and agency’s commitment to inclusivity, because we know that words matter,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Kate Walsh. “MassAbility represents pride and self-determination. It’s about rights and equal access. It’s about building a future and being fully present and counted in the world.” 

The name directly resulted from feedback from the disability community and was selected following significant research, focus groups, surveys, and conversations with the community, businesses, providers, and advocacy organizations. 

“This historic legislation represents the state’s commitment to propelling the disability movement forward,” said MassAbility Commissioner Toni Wolf. “Language has the power to shape people and culture, tackle stigmas, biases, and stereotypes. For too long, the words we’ve used have not reflected the strengths, resilience, and determination of the disability community. This legislation changes that. We are changing life in Massachusetts for the better, making it more equitable, accessible, and inclusive for people with disabilities.”  

“MassAbility signals the intentionality of the Healey-Driscoll Administration for driving a more inclusive workforce, workplace, and work opportunities for individuals with all capabilities,” saidLabor and Workforce Development Secretary Lauren Jones. “Massachusetts is dedicated to fostering an equitable workforce system, and the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development looks forward to building on shared strategies to achieve this in collaboration with MassAbility.”  

“Every person has the right to live an independent and meaningful life regardless of ability, with the same access to work, housing, and services that every resident deserves,” said Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland). “With the Governor’s signature, we change this name to one which reflects the strong work of MassAbility to deliver that access to every individual who works with them, and we remove archaic laws — an important step towards becoming a more equitable Commonwealth. I am deeply grateful to the Governor for her signature, my colleagues for their support, Speaker Mariano, and our partners in the House.”  

“This legislation is our latest effort to ensure that our state laws do not use antiquated words that carry negative connotations, words that also serve as a reminder of past injustices,” said Speaker of the House Ronald J. Mariano (D-Quincy). “I would like to thank Governor Healey for filing the bill originally, as well as all my colleagues in the House and our partners in the Senate for working to pass this important legislation.”  

Working alongside the disability community, MassAbility provides services that break down barriers, cultivate diversity, and empower people to thrive in their workplaces and their communities.  

To learn more, visit mass.gov/MassAbility