
星期五, 12月 30, 2016


右起,麻州港務局執行長Tom Glynn,國泰航空公司美國資深副總裁Philippe Lacamp大波士頓會議旅遊局董事長Patrick Moscaritolo,波士頓喜來登酒店總經理Angela Vento,海南航空北美執行總經理梁浦斌(Pubin Liang)。(大波士頓會展中心提供)

       (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)儘管川普(Donald Trump)上台後,中美關係是否持續走高,仍待觀察,麻州旅遊業對中國遊客的期待,可是十分高昂。大波士頓會議旅遊局(Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau)訂了5年計畫,希望到2021年時,可以吸引到50萬中國遊客來訪。
      為達到這一目的,大波士頓會議旅遊局12月中辦了一場研討會,還預定20173月組織一個行銷團(Sales Mission)訪問中國。
旅遊市場洞察(Travel Market Insights)董事長Scott Johnson。
      中國遊客人數多,出手闊綽,人們早已耳聞。旅遊市場洞察(Travel Market Insights)董事長Scott Johnson在會中陳述的2015年約有21萬名中國遊客到波士頓,約佔中國訪美遊客的10分之一,總共花了24600萬元等統計數據,加上到2020年時,中國大概會有25000萬人出國旅遊,每年成長幅度約14%的估計,讓大波士頓旅遊業人士無不摩拳擦掌。
大波士頓會議旅遊局董事長Patrick Moscaritolo。(周菊子攝)
      大波士頓會議旅遊局在201612月安排的這場為期一日中國友好研討會,邀有波士頓喜來登酒店總經理Angela Vento擔任早上環節主持人。請得標誌旅遊(Trademark Tours)執行長Daniel Andrew,波士頓海港遊團體銷售主任Doug Hall,梅西百貨旅遊行銷全美主任Keri Hanson,聯邦地產副總裁Andi Simpson,波士頓喜來登酒店房間主任Charlie York等人分享他們接待中國遊客的經驗。
海南航空公司貨運經理王森水,歐洲渠道經理鹿岳森(Joseph Colby)
麻州港務局執行長Tom Glynn,國泰航空公司美國資深副總裁Philippe Lacamp,海南航空北美執行總經理梁浦斌(Pubin Liang)等人也特地出席午餐座談。
從協助與會者拓展市場的角度出發,大波士頓會議旅遊局還邀來Mailman的客戶主任Michael LinLobsBoston客戶主任Justin Wei分享如何以社交媒體,數位行銷來爭取中國遊客。
逍遙道(Attract China)執行長David Becker。(周菊子攝)
      大波士頓會議旅遊局Patrick Moscaritolo表示,該局早從2012年就開始參加活躍美國中國(Active America China)這類的行業展覽,和中國的旅遊業者接洽,還製作了中文網站,中文視頻。2013年,為因應海南航空的即將開通波士頓直飛北京航線,他們還在波士頓喜來登酒店總經理Angela Vento率領下,組成一個中國友好市場行銷委員會。由於波士頓是設在北京的世界旅遊城市聯盟所認可,僅有的5個美國城市之一,波士頓有著比美國其他地區更好的機會來爭取中國遊客。該局因此訂定到2021年要吸引50萬名中國遊客的這5年計畫。

128華人科技企業家協會歡迎創會會長張曉明 (圖片)


Appointment establishes first-ever Director of Public Records for the City of Boston
BOSTON - Thursday, December 29, 2016 - Building on his commitment to transparency and good governance, Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the appointment of Shawn Williams as the City of Boston's first-ever Director of Public Records. As Director of Public Records, Williams will coordinate and streamline the City's procedures to receiving and responding to public records requests.

"Shawn has written the book on public records law, and I'm thrilled he will be joining City Hall to ensure openness, transparency and compliance around all public records matters," said Mayor Walsh. "With his experience and dedication, Shawn is a wonderful addition to our public records team, and I welcome him to City Hall."

Williams will work closely with the Press Office, Department of Information and Technology and additional departments throughout the City. Williams will report to the City's Corporation Counsel.  

Key responsibilities for the Director of Public Records include serving as the main point of contact for all public records requests, ensuring timely compliance with all requests, identifying potential responsive records, determining appropriate fees for records requests, coordinating with City departments to gather records, providing training to City employees, and conducting any other necessary reviews to confirm compliance with all public records laws.

Prior to joining City Hall, Williams served as Director-Supervisor of Records for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the last five years, and worked in the division for 11 years in total, beginning as a staff attorney. While working for the Commonwealth, Williams also served as chair of the State Records Conservation Board, a member of the Massachusetts Historical Records Advisory Board and presented workshops on public records to municipal and state organizations, cities and towns. Williams received his undergraduate degree from Boston University, and his juris doctor from Suffolk University Law School.

"Public records statutes are key to creating an open, transparent, thriving democracy, and I am grateful for the opportunity to lead the City of Boston's public records division," said Williams. "As Director of Public Records, I look forward to ensuring Boston is the leader in public records good practices."

Williams lives in Beacon Hill with his wife and son.


(Boston Orange)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)(30)日宣佈,波士頓市的免學費社區學院計畫擴增為3所了,包括新加入的麻州灣區社區學院(MassBay Community College),都可讓符合資格的波士頓公校畢業生最多3年,免費上學。
該校校長David Podell表示,在提供可負擔的上大學高品質通道上,該校有很長的歷史。
波士頓市另外兩所為波士頓公校畢業生提供免學費優惠的學校是邦克丘(Bunker Hill)社區學院,以及洛士百利(Roxbury)社區學院。麻州灣區社區學院的加入,將容許學生們在研修科目上有更多選擇,包括汽車科技,室內設計,市場行銷。

With addition of MassBay, three options now available for BPS graduates

BOSTON - Friday, December 30, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that the City of Boston's Tuition-Free Community College Plan, which pays for up to three years of community college for eligible Boston Public School graduates, has expanded its participating schools to include MassBay Community College.

"I'm proud to announce the addition of MassBay to Boston's Tuition-Free Community College Plan. We're committed to increasing access to higher education and providing more pathways to economic stability for all of Boston's students," said Mayor Walsh. "Now, with an increase in location and program options, this plan opens more doors for young people to learn and develop the skills necessary to join Boston's talented workforce."

MassBay Community College is a multi-campus college with a 55-year history of preparing students for transfer to four-year colleges or universities, direct entry into the workforce, and ongoing education.

"MassBay has a long tradition of providing affordable, high-quality pathways to top-notch bachelor degree programs and meaningful careers," said Dr. David Podell, president of MassBay Community College. "We are thrilled to partner with the city to increase college access and expand options for the Boston students who need it most."

The Tuition-Free Community College Plan had previously only enrolled eligible students attending Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) and Roxbury Community College (RCC). The inclusion of MassBay Community College provides plan enrollees with greater choice of both location and academics. MassBay operates campuses in Wellesley, Framingham and Ashland.  MassBay also adds more available programs of study, such as automotive technology, interior design and marketing.

Mayor Walsh announced the launch of the Tuition-Free Community College Plan last spring with the goal of helping more Boston students afford and complete college. In order to assist students in completing college, the plan matches all enrolled students with Success Boston coaches who can help them navigate the challenges of higher education. In its first semester, the Tuition-Free Community College Plan has enrolled 41 students, a number that is expected to rise as the plan's benefits become more widely known.

The Tuition-Free Community College Plan is funded by the Mayor's Office of Workforce Development (OWD) part of the the Boston Planning & Development Agency, and the Neighborhood Jobs Trust, a public charitable trust fed by linkage fees generated by large-scale commercial building projects in the city.

"Providing opportunities for Boston's residents to attend community college tuition-free is a direct benefit of Boston's building boom and strong economy," said Director of the Boston Planning and Development Agency Brian Golden. "We know that there are profound benefits - economic and otherwise -  to the recipients of community college degrees throughout their lives. I am pleased we are able to use funds from the Neighborhood Jobs Trust to make positive investments that will have long lasting impacts in our community."  

To learn more about the Tuition-Free Community College Plan, or to apply, please visit: http://www.bostonpublicschools.org/tuition-free-college

Quincy Saves Program a Success More than 900 Quincy Households receive Energy Upgrades

Quincy Saves Program a Success
More than 900 Quincy Households receive Energy Upgrades

In 2016, Quincy Saves helped nearly 1,000 families save energy and money at home.  The City of Quincy kicked off this program last January with the goal of completing 701 home energy assessments. The Quincy Saves program surpassed this and many more energy efficiency goals in October, including insulating over 200 homes, replacing 100 older heating systems, etc.. Final numbers will be tabulated soon.

Reducing energy and greenhouse gas emissions is a priority for the coastal community of Quincy, where rising sea levels and increasing severity of storms have a strong impact.  Participants lowered their electricity and gas use and their bills, and helped slow the advance of climate change.

Quincy Saves thanks all of the households who helped to lower Quincy’s impact on our environment through this program. Each home benefitted from a no-cost Mass Save Home Energy Assessment, which offers free LED light bulbs, programmable thermostats, and rebates toward high impact projects, including up to $2,000 toward insulation.

How much energy has Quincy Saves conserved this year? Simply switching out old light bulbs for more efficient bulbs has saved more than $200,000 total for city residents. This measure alone has reduced Quincy’s greenhouse gas emissions in an amount equivalent to taking 200 cars off the road for a whole year!

“While the yearlong Quincy Saves program is officially over now, I continue to encourage all households to get a Mass Save Home Energy Assessment soon.  Reducing energy use, lowering your impact on the environment, and saving money are always a good idea.” says Shelly Dein, Quincy’s Energy and Sustainability Director. “Households who had home energy assessments in the past should have new assesssments done every few years because technologies change as do the conditions in your home as weatherstripping wears out and heating systems age.”

The City of Quincy, in partnership with Homeworks Energy and the non-profit HEET, would especially like to thank those in our community who graciously hosted our Quincy Saves outreach table many times throughout the year. Their generosity made this program possible and made a real difference in the community:
·        Good Health Natural Food
·        New York Mart
·        Thomas Crane Library
·        Kam Man Food
·        Eastern Bank
·        Stop & Shop
·        Star Market
·        Mignosa’s Fruit Basket
·        Quincy Farmers Market
Do you want to save energy at home and save money? It is not too late to make a difference by signing up for the ongoing Mass Save Home Energy Assessment program at www.homeworksenergy.com or by calling (781) 305-3319.






星期四, 12月 29, 2016


      (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導)跨入2017,就是南京大屠殺80週年了。儘管聯合國教科文組織在2015年已把中國申報的南京大屠殺檔案,列入世界記憶名錄,日本卻迄今從未就此向中國正式道歉。促使麻省理工學院教授鄭洪以英文寫作南京不哭(Nanjing Never Cries)”一書的原因,如今依然在。
      鄭洪的努力,得到很多人的幫助。他的鄰居愛麗霞(Alexa Fleckenstein)每星期二下午和他一起修改稿建的英文,前後十年,稿件大修不下10次之多。MIT出版社負責人Ellen Faran原本回覆是麻省理工從來不出版小說,但二個月,把書看過兩遍後,她決定以MIT前任校長姓名,成立了Killian Press這個部門,來出版英文版的南京不哭




Boston's youth participatory budgeting process recognized as top civic engagement practice
Francesco Tena, left, accepts the Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation on behalf of the City of Boston from Parks Tau, right, former Mayor of Johannesburg.

BOSTON -  Thursday, December 29, 2016 - Mayor Walsh today announced the City of Boston was awarded the top prize at The Guangzhou Institute for Urban Innovation's international convening held in Guangzhou, China. Boston's youth participatory budgeting process, "Youth Lead the Change," was selected from 301 innovation projects submitted by 171 cities to receive the Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation. Boston is the first city in the United States to receive this award.

"We know Boston is a forward-thinking, innovative city, and I'm proud that our work has been recognized by this international award," said Mayor Walsh. "Through Youth Lead the Change, we are involving our young, bright residents in local government, and empowering them to make positive changes in their neighborhoods. Congratulations to everyone involved in this initiative."

The Mayor's Youth Council, a key initiative of Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) Division of Youth Engagement & Employment, has facilitated Youth Lead the Change since 2014. Youth Lead the Change has gone through three voting phases and funded 17 projects totalling $2.8 million. Projects funded include providing laptops in schools, park renovations, adding trash cans and recycling bins, and installing wifi in schools and community centers. Since the program began, delegations from countries around the world have visited Boston to learn from its approach to youth engagement.

The Guangzhou Award recognizes innovation in improving social, economic and environmental sustainability in cities and regions that advance the prosperity and quality of life of their citizens. Presented bi-annually, the award encourages and recognizes outstanding innovative projects and practices in the public sector.

"The Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation has made a very positive impact," said Parks Tau, president of United Cities and Local Governments, a co-organizer of the event. "The whole world is experimenting with innovative projects on sustainable development," Tau said. "We need to learn from each other, to copy, promote and share new concepts."

Francesco Tena, Manager of the Mayor's Youth Council, was sponsored by the Guangzhou Institute to travel to China on behalf of the City of Boston to compete for and accept the award.

"Boston is providing a platform for young people to lead today while also making government more accessible and responsive," said Tena. "Cities around the world are realizing that there are huge benefits to engaging young people meaningfully in local government."

Youth Lead the Change has received other honors in the past: in 2015, the U.S. Conference of Mayors awarded the program the City Livability Award and in 2016 it received the Civies Award from MassVote.

The Mayor's Youth Council is currently collecting ideas on how to spend this year's allotment of $1 million. The funding is placed in BCYF's budget each year specifically for this project. To submit an idea, visit https://www.boston.gov/departments/boston-centers-youth-families/youth-lead-change.

星期三, 12月 28, 2016


       (Boston Orange)冬天,真的來了。麻州正準備迎接今冬的第一場暴風雪。國家氣象局發出了冬季風暴警告,表示星期四,1229日這天,麻州有些地方可能降雪18吋。


麻州點亮以色列光明燈 市長強調波士頓歡迎所有人

      (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)2017年即將來臨,雞鳴聲也將響起,麻州州長和波士頓市長等人1227日晚在波士頓柯普利廣場,聯袂點亮猶太人的9燭光明燈(Menorah Lighting),為未來的世界自由、和平祝禱。
      由於聯合國才剛在1223日時通過決議案,指以色列佔領東耶路薩冷,移民屯墾是非法行為,以色列總理南特亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)立即譴責美國在聯合國安理會中投棄權票,有個猶太女婿Jared Kushner的美國候任總統川普(Donald Trump),也馬上表示美國應該動用否決權。2017年看來不會很平靜。
      關心麻州科技界的人,大概都知道,麻州挑戰(Massachusetts Challenge)”的第一個國外分支,設在以色列,麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)上任2年後,率領出訪的首個貿易團,也是去以色列。麻州和以色列的關係,勢必更將備受矚目。
右起,麻州州長查理貝克,以色列駐新英格蘭領事Yehuda Yaakov,
波士頓市長馬丁華殊,波士頓市議員查金,麻州眾議員Jay Livingston
      波士頓市市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)說,在波士頓我們歡迎所有不同背景,不同信仰的人,致力推廣把人們團結在一起的光明,溫暖,付出和友誼,希望每點亮一根蠟燭,都能帶動對抗黑暗,引人向善的力量。
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)。(周菊子攝)
      過去33年來,倡議正統猶太運動的大波士頓加巴德猶太中心(Jewish Center Chabad Boston)和大波士頓加德屋(Chabad House of Greater Boston)每年都在麻州地鐵公園街站附近,舉辦燭光慶祝會。今年更請動麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker),波士頓市市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),本身是猶太人的波士頓市議員查金(Josh Zakim)出席,搭著雲梯,升到22尺高的光明燈檯頂端,點亮燈檯上的蠟燭。

      以色列駐新英格蘭領事Yehuda Yaakov,這晚也應邀出席。他在致詞時感謝查理貝克前些日子接受WGBH訪問,談以色列之旅時,對以色列的稱讚,強調以色列已再次拿回(reclaim)耶路撒冷,也將永遠不再讓需要重新拿回的情況出現。耶路薩冷將保持為領土統一的以色列國首都。
波士頓加巴德猶太中心牧師Mayer Zarchi說明光明燈節慶祝以色列獲

剛結婚的波士頓市議員查金(Josh Zakim)也是猶太人。(周菊子攝)

以色列駐新英格蘭領事Yehuda Yaakov強調耶路薩冷是以色列國的統一

麻州將建全美最大種大麻廠 參眾議會暫緩大麻上路

      (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)前兩天才為麻州將建全美最大的大麻工廠高興的人,這會兒得等一年再高興了。麻州議會1228日修訂提案,決定把零售大麻的第一張證照,延遲到20187月再發。
      因為這一行動,麻州財政廳廳長高柏珂(Deb Goldberg)可以等到20179月,再組成管轄大麻種植,銷售的大麻管制委員會(Cannabis Control Commission)”
加州在藥用大麻上,一向走在美國前端,2015年的毛收入已達28億元,估計2020年時還可高達65億元。加州最大的種大麻工廠G Farms今年(2016)6月也宣佈,要在沙漠溫泉(Desert Hot Spring)鎮上,建造一個佔地10萬平方呎,包括在7畝地上有3個溫室的大麻工廠。
和來自科羅拉多州AmeriCann公司的計畫一比,加州G Farms的計畫黯然失色。

AmeriCann執行長Tim Keogh表示,20173月,要在Freetown建造一個佔地53畝的大麻工廠。那是該公司今年秋季以4475000元買下的100萬平方呎Canna企業園,要在那建效率更高的溫室,檢測實驗室,研發訓練中心,企業辦公室。

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Seafood Marketing Program Partnership with Massachusetts Farm to School

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Seafood Marketing Program Partnership with Massachusetts Farm to School

BOSTON – December 28, 2016 – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced the Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF)’s Massachusetts Seafood Marketing Program has partnered with the nonprofit Massachusetts Farm to School Project to promote the consumption of local seafood in schools.

“The Massachusetts commercial fishing and seafood industries provide delicious food and employment for thousands of people in the Commonwealth,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “This is a great connection to make and we look forward to the partnership between Massachusetts fishermen and farm-to-school programs to provide the Commonwealth’s children with fresh, nutritious seafood products that support cognitive development.”

“Increasing sales of local seafood to schools will not only help find new markets for Massachusetts fishermen, but will also address the critical issue of access to healthy food, and introduce future consumers to the benefits of incorporating seafood into their diet,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “The Baker-Polito Administration is proud to launch this initiative that will both help keep our children healthy, and support the Commonwealth’s vital fishing industry.”

During the two-year partnership, the partners will promote seafood as part of Massachusetts Farm to School’s Massachusetts Harvest of the Month campaign, hold a series of local seafood cooking demonstrations for institutional food service providers, and offered a seafood focus track at the Massachusetts Farm & Sea to Cafeteria Conference in November 2016.

This partnership helps DMF better increase awareness and preference of Massachusetts seafood to support the Commonwealth’s seafood industry and communities by reaching schools, universities, and hospital food service staff, educators, and families though Massachusetts Farm to School’s network,” said DMF Director David Pierce.

The Baker-Polito Administration launched the Massachusetts Seafood Marketing Program in August 2016 to increase awareness and demand for local seafood products and support Massachusetts’ fishing and seafood industries.
“Promoting a joint venture of locally produced seafood, fruit, vegetables, and other produce is not only a great way to support fishermen and fishing families the port communities that support the seafood industry, it also reduces environmental impacts of transporting foods long distances, gives a real boost to our quality of life and it promotes a healthy diet,” said Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester). “This partnership between harvesters of the land and sea will bring good nutrition to our students and yield many benefits including a greater awareness of the excellent results of Massachusetts produce.”
“The Farm to School program has been immensely successful in the Commonwealth and including locally sourced seafood into the mix is a necessary and welcome progression,” said State Representative Paul Schmid III (D-Westport), House Chair of the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture.  “I am thrilled to see that the Baker-Polito Administration is further promoting seafood products here in Massachusetts while providing schools with fresh, local food.”

“The Farm to School Project was discussed at our Massachusetts Seafood Marketing Steering Committee meeting earlier this month.  I am delighted to see this official partnership facilitated by the Baker-Polito Administration,” said State Representative Susan Gifford (R-Wareham).  “Massachusetts seafood is some of the best in the world and locally sourced seafood will be a healthy and delicious addition to menus across the Commonwealth in our schools.”

Massachusetts Farm to School is a statewide organization that strengthens the connections that communities have with fresh, healthy food and local food producers by influencing food purchasing and education practices at schools. In October 2016, Governor Baker declared October as Massachusetts Farm to School Month to support Massachusetts’ farm to school programs and the Massachusetts agricultural industry.

“We are very excited to add seafood to our successful Harvest of the Month campaign as the featured item for the month of May,” said Simca Horwitz, the Eastern Massachusetts Director of the Massachusetts Farm to School Project. “Over 150 K-12 schools, colleges, and hospitals in Massachusetts are participating in the campaign, which we expect to translate into at least 800,000 servings of locally caught seafood just during the month of May. We hope this can be the starting point for sustained purchases of local seafood by institutions across the Commonwealth.”

Click here for more information about the Massachusetts Seafood Marketing Program. Find more information about Massachusetts Farm to School and the Harvest of the Month campaign here.


Minimum Wage Set to Increase to $11 on Jan. 1, 2017

            BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey is reminding the public and employers in Massachusetts about the increase in the minimum wage that is set to go into effect on Jan. 1, 2017. The AG’s Office has updated its wage and hour poster that employers are required to display. It will be available in 14 languages and in formats that employers, workers, members of the public, and organizations can access. 

“We are advising people about the minimum wage increase so that employers are aware of their obligations under the law and so that workers know their rights,” AG Healey said. “Through education, outreach, and enforcement actions where appropriate, we will continue our work to protect the economic security of Massachusetts workers and their families.”

In July 2014, the Legislature passed the first increase to the minimum wage since 2008. Pursuant to that legislation, effective Jan. 1, the minimum wage will increase to $11 per hour.

Also effective Jan. 1, tipped employees (those who receive more than $20 a month in tips) must be paid a minimum of $3.75 per hour, provided that, with tips, the employee receives at least $11 per hour. If the total hourly rate for the employee, including tips, does not equal $11, then the employer must make up the difference.

Hard copies of the AG’s Wage and Hour poster will be available in Chinese, English, Haitian Creole, Khmer, Portuguese, Spanish, and Vietnamese. To request a copy, please visit www.mass.gov/ago/fldposter or call (617) 963-2250. Additionally, the following languages will be available to print on the AG’s website: Arabic, Cape Verdean Creole, Chinese, English, French, Haitian Creole, Italian, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

The Attorney General’s Fair Labor Division enforces laws that protect workers, including minimum wage, payment of wages, overtime, tip pooling, child labor, Sunday and holiday premium pay, and the public construction bid laws.

The Division has broad powers to investigate violations and enforce these laws through criminal and civil actions. The Division protects employees from exploitation, prosecutes employers who are failing to follow state wage and hour laws, and sets a level playing field for law-abiding employers. The AG’s Office ensures that strong economic growth and fairness for workers go hand-in-hand.

In September, AG Healey issued the first-ever Labor Day Report on her office’s efforts to combat and prevent wage theft. The report shows that in fiscal year 2016 alone, the office recovered $3.8 million in restitution and penalties on behalf of working people in Massachusetts.
To increase resources available to victims of wage theft, the AG’s Office is working with community partners, law schools, and private bar attorneys to host free monthly wage theft clinics at Suffolk Law School. These clinics are part of an effort to address wage theft and worker exploitation among vulnerable populations, including low wage and immigrant workers in the state. The goal of the clinics is to help workers get the wages and benefits they deserve. More than 70 workers have attended the first three clinics and received assistance with a range of wage theft issues. The next clinic is scheduled for Jan. 30, 2017. For more information on these clinics, please click here.

The AG’s Office has also revamped its workplace rights website with a new design and innovative features, including searchable public data and content in various languages. The new easy-to-navigate website allows workers to better understand their rights and for employers, their obligations under state law.
Workers who believe that their rights have been violated in their workplace can also call the office’s Fair Labor Hotline at (617) 727-3465. More information about the state’s wage and hour laws is also available in multiple languages atwww.mass.gov/ago/fairlabor.