人生一定要有的八個朋友: 推手(Builder)、 支柱(Champion)、 同好(Collaborator)、 夥伴(Companion)、 中介(Connector)、 開心果(Energizer)、 開路者(Mind Opener)、 導師(Navigator)。 chutze@bostonorange.com ******************* All rights of articles and photos on this website are reserved.
- 包氏文藝中心 Four Ways to Celebrate the Year of the Snake
- 大波士頓時事新聞
- 波士頓華埠社區中心/華美福利會/華埠社區聯盟/ 華人醫務中心/ 亞美社區發展協會/ 華夏文化協會
- 波士頓亞美電影節/波士頓台灣電影節
- 音樂 - 中華表演藝術基金會 3/1 周穎、張薇聰
- Plays - Huntington, Boston Lyric, Company One
- 商會 - ACE Nextgen, 128 Cute, OCEAN, TCCNE, TCCYNE,波克萊台商會,波士頓華商會,波士頓亞裔房東會
- 創業 - Startup Boston
- 博物館 - Guggenheim
- Greentown Labs newsletter /MIT ClimateTech
- BIOVision/ Boston MedTech / Mass Life Sciences
- Mass BIO / LaunchBIO
- 麻州州長動態 -
- 波士頓市、昆士市,摩頓市、羅爾市
- 波士頓移民進步辦公室通訊/ Office of Women's Advancement/ Community Preservation Act
- Boston City Councilor's updates
- 馬惠美 - 麻州眾議員
- MIPIM 2025 -
- 大學沙龍 第22期 歸泳濤-大國競爭時代的中美日關係 2/21
- 朱学渊 - 為中國史學的實證化而努力
星期六, 5月 30, 2020
中華民國(台灣)政府捐口罩五萬 助新罕布夏州抗疫
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波士頓經文處處長徐佑典(左一)把來自台灣的口罩送給新罕布夏州 州政府,由該州參議長(左二)眾議長(左三)參議院交通委員會主席 (右一)代表接受。(波士頓經文處提供) |
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波士頓經文處處長徐佑典(中)送交口罩給曼徹斯特市長 Joyce_Craig(左一)。(波士頓經文處提供) |
(TECO Boston)為響應新罕布夏州(NH)州長蘇努努(Chris
of Safety),後續將由新州政府陸續分送予第一線醫療照護人員使用,以實際行動展現台灣協助新州政府共同抗疫!
捐贈儀式於該廳戶外廣場舉行,在州政府安全廳官員Paul Raymond Jr.、Judith Emmert及州參議會交通委員會主席David
Watters見證下,由參議會議長Donna Soucy及眾議會議長Steve
星期五, 5月 29, 2020
餐飲住宿業 週一起將可復業 州政府公佈規定
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麻州州長查理貝克宣布下週進入第二階段復業。 |
Orange)麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)5月29日公佈餐飲住宿業復業準則,並預告6月6日將決定,包括餐飲業和住宿業的第二階段復業何時開始。
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麻州政府復業第二階段概要。 |
查詢復業的相關流程,可上網 www.mass.gov/reopening。
Baker-Polito Administration Provides Update on
Phase II of Re-opening Plan, Releases Guidance for Restaurants and Lodging
On Monday, Governor Charlie Baker will issue an executive order with a detailed list of sectors that fall into each phase. The order will allow Phase II businesses to bring back employees in preparation for re-opening. Through this order, professional sports teams can begin practicing at their facilities in compliance with the health and safety rules that all the leagues are developing. Facilities remain closed to the public.
Learn more about the reopening process: www.mass.gov/reopening
Restaurant and Lodging Guidance: The Administration today issued workplace safety standards for restaurants and lodging. These workplace specific safety standards are organized around four distinct categories covering Social Distancing, Hygiene Protocols, Staffing and Operations and Cleaning and Disinfecting.
Restaurants: Outdoor dining will begin at the start of Phase II. Indoor dining will begin later within Phase II, subject to public health data. Even when indoor seating is permitted, use of outdoor space will be encouraged for all restaurants.
Social distancing guidance includes spacing tables six feet apart with a maximum party size of six people. The use of bars, except for spaced table seating, will not be permitted. For hygiene protocols, utensils and menus should be kept clean through single use or with strict sanitation guidelines, reservations or call ahead seating is recommended and contactless payment, mobile ordering or text on arrival for seating will also be encouraged.
Restaurants will be expected to follow cleaning and disinfecting guidelines, in accordance with CDC guidance. This includes closing an establishment temporarily if there is a case of COVID-19 in an establishment.
For full restaurant guidance, click here.
Lodging: Hotels, motels and other lodging businesses will be allowed to expand their operations in Phase II. Lodging safety standards apply to all forms of lodging including hotels, motels, inns, bed and breakfasts, short term residential rentals including Airbnb and VRBO.
Event spaces, like ballrooms and meeting rooms, will remain closed. On-site restaurants, pools, gyms, spas, golf courses and other amenities at lodging sites may operate only as these categories are authorized to operate in accordance with the phased re-opening plan. Lodging operators also must inform guests of the Commonwealth’s policy urging travelers to self-quarantine for 14 days when arriving from out-of-state.
For full lodging guidance, click here.
On May 18th, the Baker-Polito Administration released Reopening Massachusetts, the Reopening Advisory Board’s report, which details a four-phased strategy to responsibly reopen businesses and activities while continuing to fight COVID-19.
星期四, 5月 28, 2020
(Boston Orange )波士頓體育會(BAA)今(28)日正式宣佈,第124屆波士頓馬拉松賽將轉為網上舉行,之前已報名參加原定4月20日舉行的本屆馬拉松賽者,都可在9月7日至14日的波士頓馬拉松週內,以虛擬方式參賽。
波士頓體育會執行長Tom Grilk表示,該會的優先考慮也一直是社區,工作人員與參賽者,觀賽者,支持者的健康,現在既然不能在9月時把”世界”帶到波士頓來,他們計畫把波士頓帶到世界去,創造一個歷史性的第124屆波士頓馬拉松賽。
124th Boston Marathon to be Held Virtually
Participants encouraged to bring Boston to the world during week of virtual events
Participants encouraged to bring Boston to the world during week of virtual events
BOSTON—The Boston Athletic
Association (B.A.A.) has announced that the 124th Boston Marathon will be
held as a virtual event, following Boston Mayor Martin Walsh’s cancellation of
the marathon as a mass participation road running event due to the COVID-19
pandemic. The virtual Boston Marathon will be complemented by a series of
virtual events throughout the second week of September.
“Our top priority continues to be
safeguarding the health of the community, as well as our staff, participants,
volunteers, spectators, and supporters,” said Tom Grilk, C.E.O. of the B.A.A.
“While we cannot bring the world to Boston in September, we plan to bring
Boston to the world for an historic 124th Boston Marathon.”
All participants who were
originally registered for the April 20, 2020 event will be offered a full
refund of their entry fee associated with the race and will have the
opportunity to participate in the virtual alternative to the 124th
Boston Marathon, which can be run any time between September 7–14. The B.A.A. will also offer a series of virtual events and
activities throughout September’s Marathon Week in an effort to bring the
Boston Marathon experience to the constituencies that the organization serves
here in Boston, across the United States, and around the world.
Virtual offerings for participants during that week will
include exclusive panel discussions, champions interviews, and a
downloadable Boston Marathon toolkit that includes signature race elements such
as a printable finish line, winner's breaktape, and more. Further details will
be sent to all entrants in the near future.
Participants in the virtual 2020 Boston Marathon will be
required to complete the 26.2 mile distance within a six hour time period and
provide proof of timing to the B.A.A. All athletes who complete the virtual
race will receive an official Boston Marathon program, participant t-shirt,
medal, and runner’s bib.
The B.A.A. 5K scheduled for September 12 has also been
canceled due to coronavirus. All participants who were originally registered
for the April 18, 2020 event will be offered a refund. More information will be
sent to participants.
The 2020 Boston Marathon, originally scheduled for April
20, was postponed to September 14, 2020 by Boston Mayor Martin Walsh due to the
COVID-19 pandemic. The B.A.A. has been regularly
communicating with city and state officials to discuss all efforts to stop the
spread of the coronavirus. For the 35th year, John Hancock will serve as
principal sponsor of the Boston Marathon.
BOSTON - Thursday, May 28, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Boston Resiliency Fund Steering Committee today announced over $780,200 in grant funding from the Boston Resiliency Fund that will support 20 organizations working to help individuals most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Continuing the Boston Resiliency Fund's commitment to equity, 60 percent of the organizations receiving funding this week are led by a person of color, and 45 percent are led by a woman.
Since the first round of fund distribution, the Fund has raised over $30.8 million from 6,000 donors. The Fund has now contributed over $19.2 million to over 230 organizations. In total, 46 percent of grantee organizations are led by a person of color and 59 percent of grantee organizations are led by a woman.
"This week, we are funding organizations that are bringing fresh, nutritious and culturally appropriate food to seniors and homebound families, expanding critical testing, supporting individuals experiencing homelessness, and so much more," said Mayor Walsh. "I am especially proud of our work to use these funds to support grassroots organizations in communities of color, that hire locally, contract locally, and support neighbors helping neighbors, including seniors, at-risk youth, and people who have experienced trauma."
"What is required to effectively address the needs of people as a result of COVID-19's impact on already vulnerable communities has, at times, felt impossible as a smaller community-based organization," said Cathy Draine, Executive Director of Neighborhood Network Center, Inc. "However, when you get the fretful calls from the older adult who is homebound due to their diabetes or the single parent who just lost their job, you know you have to find a way to keep doing the work. Further, you realize the boxes of food, the packages of supplies, etc. let people know they are not forgotten. By funding the Neighborhood Network Center, Inc and smaller organizations like ours, Mayor Walsh and the Boston Resiliency Fund is not only strengthening our collective response to COVID-19 but also demonstrating how to build an exceptional system of support in our city."
About Fresh: The funding will allow About Fresh to sustain door-to-door delivery of 'Fresh Boxes' to approximately 2,500 Boston households through the end of June, and hire staff needed to increase the number and operating hours of Fresh Air Mobile Markets in neighborhoods throughout the City.
Boston Public Market Association & Pine Street Inn: The funding will extend the partnership between Boston Public Market and Pine Street Inn for two additional weeks. Funds cover the cost of ingredients and staff time to assemble and pack around 560 meals a day for Pine Street Inn, as well as transportation, delivery and operational/administrative costs.
Breakfast IV Brothers: Breakfast IV Brothers (BIVB) will use the funding to partner with Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (HPHC), DoorDash, and Fresh Foods for meal delivery and grocery store gift cards for BIVB community members in Mattapan, Roxbury, and Dorchester. BIVB will support connectivity for multiple young men and veterans in Mattapan, Roxbury, Dorchester, who relied on libraries, employers, and community center computers and are unable to invest in their own personal computer. The organization will also provide coordinated sessions with mental health professionals of color, as well as facilitate targeted conversations related to the trauma males of color in Boston are facing both personally and culturally during the pandemic.
Caribbean Integration Community Development: Caribbean Integration Community Development (CICB) will hire part-time staff who speak Haitian Creole to work with individuals/families and assist with applications and referrals to appropriate agencies.
Catholic Charities Boston & Teen Center at St. Peter's: Catholic Charities and the Teen Center at St. Peter's will use the funding to continue the delivery of food and prepared meals to the families of over 350 youth who live in Bowdoin-Geneva and support the increased need at the agency's two Boston food pantries in Dorchester and the South End, which are now serving more than 10 times as many people as they were before the pandemic.
Circle of Hope, Inc.: Circle of Hope (COH) will use the funding to purchase essential supplies like towels, toiletries, underwear, and clothing and make emergency deliveries to homeless and domestic violence shelters. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, shelters no longer have the ability to sort used clothing donations. COH delivers to Bowdoin Geneva Teen Center, 112 Southampton Street, St. Francis House, ATASK, Woods Mullen, Boston Police Department (community resource officers), Casa Nueva Vida (Jamaica Plain, Roxbury, Dorchester), Cathedral Lunch Program, Fenway Health, Jewish Family & Children Services, Project Hope Shelters, Renewal House (domestic violence shelter), Rosie's Place, Dimock Center, and Women's Lunch Place.
Community Caring Clinic: Community Caring Clinic will use the funding to open up mental health services to first-line responders and low-income individuals with a focus on immigrant communities by adding a bilingual clinician. Community Caring Clinic will also provide grocery store gift cards for those clients in need.
Dignity Matters, Inc.: Dignity Matters, Inc. will use the funding to purchase and deliver one months of essential feminine hygiene products to 600 adult women in Boston in partnership with the YMCA of Greater Boston and the Mattapan Food Pantry. This will ensure these women do not experience the negative physical and social effects of a disruption in access to menstrual care.
Franciscan Children's: As the largest pediatric post-acute medical and pulmonary rehabilitation hospital in the Northeast, Franciscan Children's will use the funding for universal screening of patients to help decrease disruptions to critical care.
Greater Love Community Care: Greater Love Community Care will use the funding to provide box groceries for one week, financial support, and transportation as needed to support low-income families and seniors.
Health Care For All: Health Care For All (HCFA) runs a free multi-lingual consumer assistance HelpLine that provides health insurance enrollment support for those with public or private healthcare coverage, as well as those who are uninsured. Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the HelpLine's call volume has soared with thousands of newly unemployed and uninsured residents, the long-term uninsured seeking coverage for the first time in years, and those who disenrolled or did not renew their coverage and now need health care services. The funding will allow Health Care for All to hire multilingual health counselors in Spanish and Portuguese.
La Alianza Hispana: The funding will provide food and supplies for La Alianza Hispana's Latino senior clients, as well as support for transition to online telehealth services.
Neighborhood Network Center, Inc.: Neighborhood Network Center's 'Operation Safety Net' will use the funding to provide boxes of food to high-risk or immuno-compromised households, and provide two weeks of food and supplies for households where there is an active case(s) of COVID-19.
The PIM Project: With over 25 years of experience in dealing with servicing the City of Boston's at-risk youth, the PIM Project will provide food and financial assistance for youth who are having financial difficulty at this time.
Project Place: Project Place will use the funding to provide stipends to clients in the organization's stabilization program for access food, clothing, etc. and remote stabilization services through Zoom and Google Classroom.
Somali Development Center: The Somali Development Center will use funding to make 80 hot meals per day for 30 days from two local restaurants, Tawakal Halal Cafe in East Boston and Khadija Express Cafe in Roxbury, and hire eight out-of-work drivers to distribute the meals to seniors and other home-bound families.
South End Community Health Center: The funding will allow South End Community Health Center to expand access to neighborhood-based COVID-19 testing by funding new self-contained screening units and test kits. In addition, the Center will provide culturally-competent outreach and education to individuals, in conjunction with testing, to increase knowledge of disease transmission and ways to prevent spread.
The Urban Farming Institute of Boston, Inc: The Urban Farming Institute of Boston (UFI) will use the funding to teach families dealing with food insecurity, and who may be unemployed, in Mattapan, Dorchester and Roxbury, how to grow food, in order to add fresh food into their diets.
Wilahmena's Place, Inc: Wilahmena's Place will use the funding to provide essential and immediate services to Boston women and girls in the form of hygiene products, feminine products, diapers/baby formula, and grocery store gift cards.
Young Man with a Plan: Young Man with a Plan provides front line academic and social-emotional support for 110 young men, with an average of over three years tenure with the program. During this crisis, their weekly meetings were replaced by Zoom meetings. The funding will allow the organization to provide food, personal care and cleaning supplies to households in need.
The Fund is still accepting donations from individuals, organizations and philanthropic partners who wish to contribute and offer their support. All of the donations will be awarded to local organizations. Organizations are encouraged to complete a statement of interest to be considered for future grants.
As the effects of the coronavirus pandemic are quickly evolving and potentially long-lasting, the City and the Steering Committee will work closely with non-profit partners and service providers to understand how their needs will change. As a result, the priorities of the fund may change as the needs of Boston residents evolve.
The Boston Resiliency Fund exists within the Boston Charitable Trust, an existing 501(c)(3) designated trust fund managed by the City of Boston's Treasury Department. For more information on how to make a donation, please visit: boston.gov/resiliency-fund. For general inquiries, please emailbrf@boston.gov.
星期三, 5月 27, 2020
表揚亞裔為美國所做貢獻 國際領袖基金會設United-USA.net網站
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部分語彙者。(ILF提供) |
華府(2020年5月27日) – 國際領袖基金會(ILF)聯合全美亞太裔組織於5月26日召開線上簡報會,表揚美國亞裔社團在新型冠狀病毒大流行期間,募集捐贈個人防護抗疫物資給2547家機構的第一線工作人員,價值超過3100萬美元。
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講者合穎。(ILF提供) |
紐約),聯邦眾議員Amata Coleman
Radewagen(共和黨-美屬薩摩亞),白宮亞太裔計劃主任魏郁婷,全國亞裔總商會執行長暨國際領袖基金會會長董繼玲,百人會會長黃征 宇,慈濟基金會美國總會執行長陳濟弘,亞太公共事務會創辦人尹集成,道安基金會創辦人何道鋒,北美台灣商會會長汪俊宇等。會上播放了各大主流媒體对亞太裔社區抗疫捐贈的報導,包括ABC、NBC等。
United-USA.net這平台已在全美各地獲得許多亞太裔組織捐贈資訊,除前述各大組織外,羅德島華人協會, 美國華人愛心聯盟(ACUC),以及WeStar聯盟等團體也都十分支持。該United-USA.net網站歡迎各界亞太裔社區成員繼續提交捐贈行動的證明及詳細情況。經網站團隊確認核實後,將把捐贈成果記錄入平台資料庫,呈現在網站上。
徐紹欽博士說:“美國是一個與眾不同的國家。團結一致的精神將我們連接在一起,讓我們可以共同努力,克服困難,追求更高的成就! 歷史證明,戰鬥中的美國精神勢不可擋。冠狀病毒不會打敗美國人民,尤其是亞太裔人民。 在美國的各個角落,亞太裔人群及其強大的社區組織都在展示著這種精神,代表著美國社會的堅強力量。”
聯邦眾議員孟昭文說:“在這段時間裡,有如此多的前線工作人員願意趕赴工作場所挽救人命,其中就有大約兩百萬人是亞太裔。我認為這一點非常重要——亞裔美國人也在第一線奮鬥”。 “當我們的國家在對抗新冠病毒大流行時,我們的社群也面對著種族主義和歧視的病毒。我們必須站在一起,互相鼓勵,大聲疾呼,反對仇恨。”
魏郁婷特別引用了商務部部長羅斯本月在全美亞裔美國人和太平洋島民商業峰會中的講話:“在亞太裔傳統月中,特別感謝與冠狀病毒鬥爭的所有前線工作者,包括在我們的醫療保健行業中工作的數十萬亞裔美國人和太平洋島民。 由於對社區和同胞的承諾,他們冒著自己的生命危險(其中一些人甚至已經獻出生命)來拯救他人。 他們每天都在為使美國成為一個充滿愛心和傑出的國家做貢獻。”
羅斯還說:“許多亞太裔在全球各地擁有公司,也動用了他們在全球的個人和業務關係網,來獲取個人防護用品,並捐贈給我們國家的醫院和第一線醫療工作者。 沒有這大約2200萬美國亞太裔的捐助,我們就無法與新冠病毒這可怕的敵人作鬥爭。 ”
聯邦眾議員Amata Radewagen說:“如今正是充滿挑戰的時代,當我們同舟共濟時,便能變得更加強大。我們的亞太裔社區在國家迎接挑戰時貢獻出了他們的時間和資源,給了我們很多感謝他們的理由,我很榮幸有份參與。”
何道鋒說:“新冠肺炎來襲,吾思此乃上帝保護生命之呼召,聯合13亞裔夥伴及NGO發起“拯救生命行動”,向急需之人提供PPE抗擊新冠, 至今捲入志願者近百人,供PPE百萬。行動目標自始明確:保護醫務,拯救生命;保護弱勢社群,減速新冠傳播。任何危機來襲:連接於上帝呼召精神,我們必勝 "。
汪俊宇說:“我們國家嚴重缺乏個人防護用品。北美台灣商會籌款和購買口罩的目的,是想要盡力照顧老年人以及貧困人群, 由於他們是易感人群,死亡比例較高, 但他們得到的關注卻較少。”
ILF COVID-19工作委員會包括:創會會長董繼玲、各分會會長及委員會委員黃亞村,趙斌,王開元,吳剛等 ,總協調:覃曲鴿。COVID-19 Tracker由王洪剛提供。
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