生物醫藥 - BTBA Mentor/Mentee 招募 開跑

📢📢Mentorship 火熱開跑~~ 你還在猶豫什麼!加入BTBA認識更多來自各方的生技人教學相長吧!
小編偷偷分享個BTBA的好康:前幾日碰上研究瓶頸的小編無意中發現有該專業的人才在BTBA裡面,馬上大腿抱起來獲得許多建議與啟發(雖然data沒有因此就生出來QQ),這樣難得的經驗通過mentorship program會更有機會擁有唷!
🚀🚀 BTBA 2022-2023 Mentor/Mentee 招募 開跑🚀🚀
BTBA 將在今年秋天成立mentorship program,讓在特定生醫領域的導師們提供來自該領域的專業意見,帶領mentee 一起成長!
我們目標招募來自生醫學術界與業界的mentors,以包含生醫領域的各個面向。我們將以group meeting 的形式來配對mentor and mentee,以提高彼此之間的互動機會。期待各位舊識與新知加入我們的行列!
Are you in Boston area and want to explore more possibilities of your career in biotech? Are you looking for a career change or career development opportunities?
BTBA is starting a mentorship program this fall. Mentors from different biomedical fields will share their experiences in their fields to help mentees' growth.
We are recruiting mentors from both academia and industry, to include different aspects of biotechnology. To match mentors and mentees, there will be a group meeting to facilitate the interactions between them. We are excited to see all old friends and new friends to join us in the mentorship program!
Fill up the form before Dec. 4th to participate in the program:
May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'Together, ve can ၅၀ further 2022 BTBA Mentorship Program Deadline to register: Dec. 4th SCAN SCANME ME'
Yu-Tien Hsu, Jerry Lin and 17 others

The Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association–New England/Boston (SAPA-NE) is glad to announce that SAPA-NE 2022 Bimonthly Workshop - November Efficient on-target delivery of oligonucleotides (and beyond): in vitro and in vivo performance of Sapreme’s endosomal escape enhancers for various tissues and targets, will be held in 7 days. The workshop will be presented by Dr. Miriam Bujny, Chief Development Officer at Sapreme Technologies BV. This event will be held virtually on Wednesday, Nov 2, 2022, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT (美东时间).


Please contact us at info@sapa-neweb.org if you have any membership or registration-related questions. 



  • Sapreme’s endosomal escape enhancers optimize cytoplasmic release to reveal full efficacy

  • Delivery of oligonucleotides and protein therapeutics with broad applicability

  • Targeting through ligand-conjugation to increase cell/tissue-specificity



For most current therapeutic oligonucleotide formats, attaining sufficiently high levels of cytoplasmic or nuclear target engagement while keeping off-target toxicities at bay remains problematic, as most compound remains trapped in the endosomes. Sapreme’s technologies allow for highly relevant improvements in potency by enabling efficient endosomal escape. Moreover, it allows for exquisite tissue- or cell selective targeting through the use of targeting ligands, including GalNAc for hepatic targeting, and antibodies or other ligands for non-hepatic tissues.

Here, we will present select in vitro and in vivo data to illustrate the versatility and general applicability of Sapreme’s endosomal escape technologies for different tissues and targets. Specifically, we will show data to support that in vivo gene expression knock-down achieved with Sapreme’s endosomal escape technology occurs at substantially reduced oligonucleotide doses, for example in the liver. Furthermore, we will share data showing longer term persistence of relevant downstream biomarkers, demonstrating improved cytoplasmic delivery does not preclude convenient dosing schedules. Combined with a benign tox profile, this supports an attractive developability profile. Lastly, we will highlight how such concepts translate to extrahepatic tissue targeting for diverse payloads, including oligonucleotides and protein payloads, to illustrate the general applicability of Sapreme’s platform.



Miriam Bujny, PhD, Chief Dev. Officer, SapremeTechnologies BV

Dr Miriam Bujny joined Sapreme as CDO in 2020. She is an experienced translational science lead with background in RNA and antibody therapeutics, and uses this background at Sapreme to drive the development of next-generation macromolecules that circumvent endosomal entrapment.

Over the last twelve years, Miriam has held leadership positions in various drug discovery and early clinical development roles. At ProQR Therapeutics, she headed the Translational Science department with early development activities for several RNA therapy programs. Most recently, as Senior Director R&D at ProQR, she served as project leader responsible to lead an oligonucleotide candidate for a front-of-eye indication from research into the clinic. From 2012 to 2016, she worked in various roles for The Janssen Pharmaceutical companies of Johnson&Johnson, including anti-viral antibody therapy development and as Principal Scientist Predictive Biomarkers. From 2010 to 2012, Miriam worked as Scientist at Crucell, before its acquisition by Johnson & Johnson, in the Innovation & Discovery Labs on therapeutic antibody discovery. Miriam holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Bristol with a specialization in endosomal transport. She completed postdoctoral training in the lab of Dr. Xiaowei Zhuang at Harvard University.

Wednesday, Nov 2, 2022, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT (美东时间)



SAPA-NE 24th Annual Conference

Saturday, Sep 24, 2022, 9 AM – 4 PM EDT (美东时间)


Dear SAPA-NE Members and Friends,


Welcome to the SAPA-NE 24th Annual ConferenceNew Era and Unprecedented Opportunities for Developing Novel Therapies. This year’s conference comprises a full-day scientific program that focuses on RNAi Based Therapeutics and Novel RNA Bioengineering. The event features a series of lectures and presentations as well as panel discussions to be delivered by distinguished experts and leaders from both academic and industry. This annual conference will be held virtually on Saturday, Sep 24, 2022, 9 AM – 4 PM EDT (美东时间).


Topics include:

•            Future of Drug Discovery and Development

•            New Modality Platforms and Frontiers 

•            Enabling Technology Advancement and Applications 

•            Targeted Drug Delivery and Regulatory Issues


During the lunch session, we are delighted to hold career development panel discussion to help you build a successful career in the bio-pharmaceutical industry. Panelists from Moderna, BMS and Beam Therapeutics are looking forward to seeing many of you and are excited to share their diverse career experiences in developing gene, cell, mRNA and biologics therapies.


SAPA-NE Annual Conference is a great platform for participants to share their knowledge, wisdom, and viewpoints on science, technology, and business in the biomedical/pharmaceutical field. We sincerely thank all the keynote speakers and conference sponsors who have made this exciting program possible. Regardless of your interest in the subject matter, you would find their talks in the program stimulating and insightful, which may help to generate new ideas, innovations, and collaborations in your drug discovery and development efforts.


Please plan to register for the event early to ensure a visual seat is available for you!! Also, contact us at info@sapa-neweb.org if you have any membership or registration-related questions.


Thank you,


SAPA-NE 24th Annual Conference Organizing Committee

Saturday, Sep 24, 2022, 9 AM – 4 PM EDT (美东时间)


How to become a SAPA-NE Member?

Paid Membership Rate

Student & Postdoc (Annual): $15

Professionals (Annual): $30

Life-time: $300

Note: Paid membership will be effective immediately after purchase

Get Our Latest Updates

SAPA Annual Election of President-Elect and Executive Council (EC) Members

Dear SAPA member and friends,

SAPA is a not-for-profit and non-political organization registered in the State of New Jersey in the United States. The primary purpose of SAPA is to serve its membership, the pharmaceutical sciences as a whole, the biomedical and biotechnological communities, the health professions, and public interests.

The election of SAPA President and EC is an important annual step to ensure the success and continuity of SAPA operation. The election process has already started until 5 pm ET, Sunday, September 25, 2022. The election results will be announced during the SAPA 2022 Annual Conference at the Plenary Session on Saturday Oct 1st.

Only the active SAPA members are eligible to vote. The voting links have already been distributed to the official SAPA members based on the emails we have on file (including members from the SAPA chapters). If you are a SAPA member and have not received the link after checking Spam Folder, or have any questions related to the voting please email election2022@sapaweb.org.

Together we can make SAPA stronger and better. 

SAPA Election Committee

Jian Liu, PhD

Chair, Board of Director

John Sun, PhD


Xiaodong Chen, PhD


Yongmei Li, PhD


Greetings from BTBA! 
Time is running out to secure the best rate for the
2022 BTBA Annual Symposium, which will be held in Cambridge, MA at the Harvard University Northwest Building, from July 23-24. We are now accepting abstract submission, this is a great opportunity for you to build connections, establish potential collaborations, and discuss your research with experts and
journal editors in the relevant fields.

By submitting the abstract, you will have a chance to be selected as “selected speakers” and awarded a $30 gift card and a waiver of registration fee. In addition to 3 selected speakers, we will also select a few “best poster awards” from other poster presenters. (Number of awardees depends on the total number of presenters). Whether selected or not, these presentation experiences could help in building up the resume/CVs. 

The deadline for both abstract submission and early bird registration is June 1

By registering today, you'll get access to great sessions and workshops on:

  • Keynote speeches by Dr. Robert Langer and Dr. Jo Viney

  • Special talk in the advancement in individualized therapies by Dr. Timothy Yu

  • Leadership & management skills

  • Academia career development

  • Getting internship & Co-Op opportunities

  • Starting up a biotech company

  • Data-driven innovation in healthcare industry 

  • Poster & oral presentations

  • Networking and more!

Also, don't miss our Gala celebrating BABA's 10th anniversary in the evening on July 23. See the full schedule

Register Now to Secure Early Bird Registration Fee (Ends 6/1/2022) 

Registration: https://btbatw.org/2022/

Abstract Submission Site (Ends 6/1/2022) 

Please read carefully the following instructions before proceeding with the online submission.

  1. Abstract should be 500 words or less in a single page.

  2. 2. A complete abstract should include background, methods, results, and conclusions.

  3. Please prepare your abstract submission using the template. Download MS-Word Template.

  4. If this is your first time using the EasyChair system, please create a new account.

  5. The person who submits the abstract should mark him/herself as the corresponding author. (Due to the constraints of the EasyChair system settings, only the corresponding author is allowed to submit the abstract.)

Click HERE to learn more and register today!

We are looking forward to seeing you in Boston this summer!


2022 BTBA Annual Symposium Organizing Committee

General Co-Chairs: Yu-Tien Hsu & Chih-Hung Chou

BTBA Committee

*If you don't wish to receive emails from us, please reply to unsubscribe.
**Please use AmazonSmile to buy your Amazon products. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.  

2022 波士頓臺灣人生物科技協會十週年年會將於723-24哈佛大學舉辦

麻州波士頓 – 2022711波士頓臺灣人生物科技協會 (Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association, BTBA) 將於72324日於麻州劍橋哈佛大學 Northwest Building 舉行 BTBA2022 十週年年會,並於723日晚間舉辦十週年慶祝晚宴。年會採實體型式,搭配線上直播部份講座,讓世界各地生醫人能共襄盛舉。

十週年會邀請到兩位重量級學者、創業家擔任重點演講嘉賓,包含麻省理工學院學院教授,有「生醫界愛迪生」之稱的 Robert Langer 博士,其為莫德納 (Moderna) 等多家公司的聯合創始人,本次演講將講述從奈米科技至mRNA疫苗的發展及其影響力;以及在波士頓創下連續創業佳績的企-科學家 Jo Viney 博士,其新創公司致力於應用AI技術於免疫藥物開發。此外,哈佛醫學院個人化基因治療專家Timothy Yu (游維文) 醫師將擔任特別演講講者,其為罹患罕見疾病貝登症(Batten disease) 的病童提供量身打造的治療藥物,開創了將個人化精準醫療應用於極罕見疾病的治療典範,游醫師將於年會分享為孤兒疾病的個體化治療的心得

除了三位知名講者外,年會安排五大橫跨學業界的座談,邀請在美國生技醫藥界成功人士擔任座談者,包含Broad Institue核心成員、前基因科技生化研究公司 (Genentech Inc.) 副總沈華智教授(Morgan Sheng)、安博生物 (Ambrx Inc.) 法規事務副總裁洪筱玲博士、醫乘智慧有限公司

(AIXMED Inc.) 創辦人陳聖雄博士等。主題包括學業界職涯規劃與軟實力、創業經驗談、研究生的業界實習經驗分享等,涵括不同階段、學業界的需求。座談講者們更將與參與者一同參與午餐圓桌對談,與參與者們深入交流。


今年度是波士頓臺灣人生物科技協會創會十週年,協會將於723日晚間於 Boston Marriott Cambridge 飯店舉辦十週年紀念晚宴。晚宴邀請到於新英格蘭音樂學院 (New England Conservatory) 任教的小提琴家黃竹君博士 (Jean Huang) 以及黃崇校先生帶領的 Boston You & Me 樂團擔任演出嘉賓,慶祝協會十年的積累、展望協會的成長與發展。

波士頓臺灣人生物科技協會創立於2012年,由在美的生醫領域留學生、博士後研究員、科學家、學業界專業人員組成的非營利組織。其創會理念為創造一個能讓生醫領域人士交流、互助、合作的平台,並作為台美兩地生技交流的橋樑。協會每月固定舉辦講座等活動,主題包括小型學術研討會分享、職涯發展講座,並於每年夏季舉辦年會。本次年會與哈佛臺灣學生會共同主辦,由駐波士頓科技組、駐波士頓教育組共同指導,感謝駐波士頓經濟文化辦事處、波士頓華僑文教中心、iHistoAST Products、波克萊臺灣商會、新英格蘭玉山科技協會、BioLegendVizuroLantheus Medical Imaging支持贊助。了解更多波士頓台灣人生物科技協會活動資訊及會議註冊,請洽年會官網:https://btbatw.org/2022/


New England Healthcare
     Executive Network

12th Annual Summer Social with Lightning Pitches


August 1st, 2022

8:00am - 10:00am

Foley Hoag LLP
155 Seaport Boulevard, Boston
For Driving and Parking Information, CLICK HERE
Register Now!

Program Description
We are thrilled to return to an in-person event. 
We are pleased to announce the 12th Annual Summer Social Networking Event, Including Lightning Pitches and Keynote Speaker Kendalle Burlin O’Connell, Esq., President & Chief Operating Officer, MassBio, to be held on August 1st. 

This is the event of the year that you don't want to miss! 
This program features several snapshot presentations, or lightning pitches, from local pre-venture and early-stage Life Science and Medical Device companies. Each pitching company will have 1 minute to impress us with their value proposition, and there will also be plenty of opportunities to network with the companies and fellow members.

Keynote Speaker 

Kendalle Burlin O’Connell, Esq., President & Chief Operating Officer, MassBio
The Boston area is the number one life science cluster in the U.S. As President and COO, Kendalle leads the strategic direction, global expansion, and business operations of the organization, ensuring that Massachusetts life sciences companies have the best environment possible to research, develop, and commercialize breakthrough therapies and cures for people around the world.

Pitching Companies
Abionic USA, Inc. - The fastest, laboratory-quality point of care sepsis test based on cutting-edge nanotechnology
Breathe BioMedical - Developing an accessible, non-invasive, and accurate breath test for early disease screening in Oncology and Neurology.
Cellens Inc - A next-generation diagnostic company developing non-invasive cancer diagnostics test for bladder cancer
Curadel Surgical Innovations - Injectable contrast agents that target tumors and anatomic structures during surgery using NIR light
Embrace Prevention Care - A value-based suite of preventive telehealth and pharmacy services designed to reduce hospitalizations and improve health for older adults
Enchanted Pursuit - We are invested in developing clothing and accessories for our customers who are restricted due to their medical devices
Genomic Expression - RNA Platform for detecting disease, monitoring health, and designing the next generation cures
HydroSpire Medical Inc - Hydrogen gas therapy to ameliorate ischemia/reperfusion injury from cardiac arrest and stroke
Imagine Scientific, Inc. - Monochromatic X-ray source for high quality, low dose imaging for radiology.
IMMAD LLC  - Impairment Measurement of Marijuana
KevaHealth - SaaS platform for remote monitoring of patients with respiratory illness
Navigation Sciences, Inc. - Real-Time Margin Measurement for Precision Cancer Surgery
Neuronasal, Inc - Clinical phase biotech company with novel short-term drug treatment for Parkinson's and concussions with approved IND, phase 1 protocol
Novaurum Biosciences - Cell-based Coatings for Medical Devices
Predictive Healthcare - Connected Postoperative Wound Care Management
StetPulse LLC - Automatic UVC lightbox for use in hospital settings to disinfect medical equipment within 60 seconds
Svyet - Developing the first handheld, high-intensity, laser light therapy device to alleviate musculoskeletal pain and reduce recovery time
Synthera Health - We provide a virtual care and at home diagnostic solution for iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia
VF24 - an innovative, science-based, on-the-go juice with demonstrated ability to promote well-being and healthy aging

Please register now for the event. This has been one of the most well-attended events of the year, with health innovation professionals from all backgrounds coming to see what's new and exciting in the local biotech, med-tech, pharma, and health IT economy.

We are looking forward to seeing you on August 1st. Please share this with your network!

Foley Hoag requires anyone that visits their office to be fully vaccinated, including the booster, if eligible (per CDC guidelines) that is, 14 days past the second Moderna or Pfizer shot or 14 days past the single J&J. They also require confirmation on you registration ticket of such vaccination status. In addition, no one will be permitted to come into their offices who have within the last ten days either tested positive for Covid or been in close contact with someone who tested positive for Covid.  Masks are optional at this time, but guests should have one with them in case they are asked to wear one.
* Visitors cannot claim a religious or medical exemption to this policy.
* Walk-ins are not permitted at this time. 

If you have any questions, please let me know. 

NE Healthcare Executive Network

Sign Up Now!

SAPA Members and Friends


Greetings from the Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association (SAPA). Over two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, life science and pharmaceutical innovations have brought hopes and miracles to humans. This year, we witnessed special hardship in the financial condition of start-up ventures due to economical fluctuations. As a global pharmaceutical professional organization, SAPA has always been committed to promoting the advancement of pharmaceutical science and biotechnology. To this end, the SAPA Healthcare Investment Forum and Roadshow is intended to bridge break-through science and capital investment, helping companies to grow, prosper, and succeed.


On June 18th, we are pleased to have conducted a successful Roadshow showcasing 15 promising start-up ventures. We are now looking forward to building on that event with Roadshow II, taking place this coming Friday, June 24th and further support the healthcare industry entrepreneurs and investors through our 2022 SAPA 5th Healthcare Investment Forum on Saturday, Jun 25th.


A reminder that registration is still open for this year’s Healthcare Investment Forum and Roadshow.

For Roadshow II, we will be highlighting start-ups from biopharma and medtech to showcase their portfolio of innovations and business plans for further development. Seasoned investors have also been invited to provide professional feedback for each of our highlighted ventures.


In addition to Roadshow II, Friday, June 24th, we will host a variety of events featuring renowned speakers and investment experts in the 2022 SAPA 5th Healthcare Investment Forum on Jun 25th both in person and online. This year’s forum highlights entrepreneur crash courses, a round table clinic, and discussions between key experts around cross-border collaboration between the US and China across healthcare. Whether you are an entrepreneur, an investor, or an industry professional, we welcome you to join and learn the latest trends in healthcare and pharmaceutical industry!


Seats are limited, so make sure you claim your spot if you have not yet registered!

Event Schedule

Sat, Jun 18

Roadshow I (Virtual, completed)

8 – 11 pm EDT

Healthcare Investment Roadshow Nights

Fri, Jun 24

Roadshow II (Virtual)

8 – 11 pm EDT

Healthcare Investment Roadshow Nights

Sat, Jun 25

Investment Forum (Hybrid)

9 am – 11:55 am EDT

Morning Session

     Plenary session

     Fireside Chats

1 – 4:25 pm EDT

Afternoon Session

  Entrepreneurship Crash Course

  Round Table Clinics

4:45-5:45pm EDT

Networking Session

  Reception & networking at Hilton

  East Brunswick, sponsored by Medicilon

Fri, Jun 24 – Tue, Jun 28

Private 1:1 Meetings with Investors

Registration for Investment Forum and Roadshow

Online access to the Investment Forum on June 25th is complimentary to SAPA members.


Registered Projects and Investors have complimentary access to the Forum, all Roadshows, and Private 1:1 Meetings. Details will be sent shortly to emails registered in applications.

Register by 5 pm EDT, Jun 24th



Join SAPA*


* We encourage you to join SAPA as a member to enjoy the member benefits for a whole year, including discounts to attend other SAPA events.

Investor Registration by Jun 24th

US investors: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdPwCe5ktFaXzIivG5D2s4XiuIcBb3_27lIivjhpXnZGwMerg/viewform?usp=pp_url

Investors based in China: https://sapaweb.org/investor-contact-form

More details including the event brochure can be found on SAPA website.

Sneak Peek at Participating Companies in Roadshow II (Jun 24th)

Partial List of Investors and Corporate BDs

Sponsors and collaborators

We look forward to meeting you onsite and virtual soon!



2022 SAPA Healthcare Investment Forum & Roadshow Organizing Committee

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The Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association (SAPA) was established in 1993 and is headquartered in the center of the pharmaceutical corridor in New Jersey, USA. Since its inception, SAPA rapidly became one of the most active Chinese professional associations in the US with seven chapters and more than 6,000 members.


SAPA’s members are primarily from large and mid-sized pharmaceutical and biotech companies in the US, with areas of expertise covering almost every aspect of pharmaceutical research and development as well as production.


The organization’s large membership base and superb scientific and technical abilities have allowed SAPA to be a key source for knowledge exchange on the latest developments in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and generic drug industries.


As a non-profit organization registered in the US, SAPA receives generous sponsorship and support from numerous multinational companies in the US and overseas. SAPA will continue to provide a broad platform for scientific and technical discussion, talent exchange, and training for colleagues in the pharmaceutical industry from the US and China.

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You are in for a treat!  Yes, instead of a “fireside chat”, we will have a “piano-side chat”  with the same concept and relaxed atmosphere but with a tune-twist in it, to warm up your heart and soul, and to light your paths forward. 

We are delighted to invite back the keynote speaker Margaret Wacyk from last year’s SAPA Career Development Workshop Mater Class, and this time joined by one of her students who is also a truly seasoned executive and an exemplary leader in the pharma industry  Dr. Andreas Jessel to join this engaged conversation.  We will learn from both of them the joy and essence of integrating art and leadership to enhance our capabilities and communication styles, and we invite you to be part of this unforgettable conversation.

Time: Tuesday, February 8, 2022, 8 – 9:30 pm.


Andreas Jessel, MD

VP, Global Project Head

Dr. Jessel is the Global Project Head at Sanofi.  A physician-scientist with broad experience across the full pharmaceutical R&D value chain with focus on project leadership in multiple therapeutic areas, including immunology, cardio-vascular, and oncology.

Dr. Jessel has advanced analytical skills, strategic thinking capabilities and strong team leadership competencies. He is independent, engaged, with a positive and goal-directed work style.

Margaret Wacyk

Classical Pianist, Author, Educator,
and Founder of TheGrandManner.com

Hailed by the American Music Guide for her “versatility in many styles that emphasize chameleon-like transformations” Margaret is a trailblazer who is breathing new life into the art of piano playing.

Margaret is a concert pianist trained in the 19th century tradition of Golden Tone. Additionally, she is the author of two books, a composer and recording artist. Her second recording, Piano Works was chosen as Gramophone Magazine’s Best New Releases from North America.


SAPA Executive Council


© 2022 SAPAweb.org All Rights Reserved.

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1. Go to settings.
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If you would like to unsubscribe from SAPA, please send an email to sapa-announce@sapaweb.org with the subject “UNSUBSCRIBE”

Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association
P.O. Box 3228, 213 Carnegie Center, Princeton, NJ 08540

Public Anyone on or off Facebook
【Career Development Series】How to Interview Like a Pro?

✨ How to make your application stand out?
❓ What are the top interview mistakes?
👉 “You are hired!” learn from the perspective of a hiring manager
Welcome to the first workshop of the Career Development Series! This workshop will focus on practical tips to help you stand out in your interviews. Join the workshop to learn key skills and career strategies to improve future possibilities!

▶️ 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲: January 23 (Sun), 2 pm to 4:00 pm EST
▶️ 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲: Virtual event
▶️ 𝗥𝗦𝗩𝗣: https://forms.gle/35PWZniogrjaMLbX6

*** 本活動將會以英文進行 ***
✨ 想知道如何才能從眾多履歷中脫穎而出嗎?
❓ 想知道面試中大家經常犯哪些錯誤呢?
👉 「你被錄取了!」想知道主管在面試時,都會看哪些眉眉角角呢?

想得到理想中的工作嗎?絕不要錯過 Career Development Series 的第一場講座 – How to Interview Like a Pro? 我們邀請到曾任職於以Co-op著稱的東北大學職涯顧問及三位藥廠主管,他們將分享如何在面試中脫穎而出的技巧,以及面試中的常見誤區,讓你求職過程更加如虎添翼!

▶️ 時間: 1/23 (日), 東岸時間下午 2-4點
▶️ 地點: 線上活動
▶️ 報名: https://forms.gle/35PWZniogrjaMLbX6

✽ Nancy Waggner. Former Graduate Coop & Internship Coordinator, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Northeastern University
✽ Yvonne Meng, PhD. Principal Scientist, Biologics Discovery, Janssen Biotherapeutics (JBIO) at Johnson & Johnson
✽ Ho-Chou Tu, PhD. Associate Director, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
✽ Shian-Huey Chiang, PhD. Director, Head of Emerging Science Biology, Target Sciences, ES&I, Pfizer Inc.

✽ Yvonne Meng, PhD. Principal Scientist, Biologics Discovery, Janssen Biotherapeutics (JBIO) at Johnson & Johnson (https://www.linkedin.com/in/hwyvonnemeng/)

▶️ Event agenda:
2:05 pm - 2:30 pm Speech by Ms. Nancy Waggner
2:30 pm - 3:10 pm Panel discussion
3:10 pm - 3:25 pm Q & A
3:25 pm - 3:45 pm Networking

▶️ Next Career Development Series Event:
1/25 (Tue) 8:30 pm - 10:00 pm Professional Career – Where Do We Go From Here? (Hosted by NEACP)

▶️ Co-Host Organizations:
Education Division, TECO in Boston
Harvard GSAS Taiwan Student Association (HTSA)
New England Association of Chinese Professionals (NEACP)
The Federation of Taiwanese Students Association of New England (FTSANE)

▶️ Guest Bio
Nancy has over 25 years of experience helping students and alumni prepare for success in their chosen fields or discovering new fields of interest if the need arises. Nancy is recently retired, after working at Northeastern University for nearly twenty years, as well as Brandeis University and Roger Williams School of Law. In her most recent position at Northeastern’s Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, she developed and taught a course to prepare students, most of whom were international, for looking for and finding jobs. She enjoys helping people find their talents and learning how to help potential employers know what those talents are.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nancy-waggner-125922a/

Dr. Ho-Chou Tu is an Associate Director at Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, where she is a research lead in multiple early-stage pre-clinical programs using RNAi-based therapies. These include interdisciplinary approaches combining clinical, in vitro & in vivo models, bioinformatics & data analysis to address important topics in the drug discovery process, including exploratory biomarker identification & validation.
Ho-Chou holds a B.S. in Zoology from National Taiwan University and a Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology from Washington University. Previously, Ho-Chou worked as a Research Fellow at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (2010-2011) and Boston Children’s Hospital (2011-2015).
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ho-chou-tu/

Dr. Shian-Huey Chiang, is currently Director and Head of Emerging Science Biology, Target Sciences, in Emerging Science & Innovation (ES&I) organization in Pfizer, Boston. Her research focuses on target validation in inflammatory diseases, rare diseases, cancers, metabolic syndrome, and fibrosis.
Shian-Huey received her bachelor’s degree from the Department of Agriculture Chemistry, National Taiwan University in 1991 and a master’s degree in Biochemistry from National Yang-Ming University in 1994. Shian-Huey received her PhD in the Cellular and Molecular Biology Program at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 2001, where she studied the insulin signaling pathway. During her tenure at the University of Michigan, she published numerous first-author papers in Nature, Cell, and Nature Medicine. After that, she joined GlaxoSmithKline as an investigator in North Carolina (2011-2015) and joined Pfizer as a Principal Scientist and Senior Principal Scientist at Centers for Therapeutic Innovation (CTI) in Boston (2015~2019).
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shianhueychiang/

Dr. Yvonne Meng is currently a Principal Scientist of Janssen Biotherapeutics (JBIO) at Johnson & Johnson in Boston. Her research interests focus on therapeutic biologics discovery and protein engineering.
Prior to Johnson & Johnson, Yvonne received her BSc in Life Sciences from the National University of Kaohsiung in 2006, and her PhD in Biomedical and Biological Sciences from Cornell University in 2013. After graduation, she joined the industry as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Pfizer (2014-2015), Staff Scientist at Takeda (2015-2016), Senior Scientist at Merck (2016-2020), and a Senior Scientist Group Lead at Entrada Therapeutics (2020).
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hwyvonnemeng/

▶️ Co-Host Organizations:
◆ Education Division, TECO in Boston
◆ Harvard GSAS Taiwan Student Association (HTSA)
◆ New England Association of Chinese Professionals (NEACP)
◆ The Federation of Taiwanese Students Association of New England (FTSANE) 
See less

Thank you very much for attending the first 2022 BTBA Academic Seminar! We want to thank the speakers -- Drs. Ya-Yun Cheng and Meng-Ju Wu -- for sharing their research with us! Special thanks to the moderator, Dr. Fan-Yun Lan, for hosting and facilitating the panel discussion.

If you miss the workshop, check out
������ https://youtu.be/LInxDLriykc
Save the dates!!

Career Development Series

PART I: How to Interview Like a Pro?

▶️ Time January 23 (Sun), 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm EST
▶️ Host Organization: BTBA; HTSA
▶️ RSVP: https://forms.gle/DutEGitzx6xXst5H9

PART II: Professional Career: Where Do We Go From Here?

▶️ Time January 25 (Tue), 8:30 pm to 10:00 pm EST
▶️ Host Organization: NEACP
▶️ RSVP: https://forms.gle/Dr8ARV9GGagZwwWT6

BTBA January Monthly Meeting

Link:  https://harvard.zoom.us/j/95162985672?pwd=SmpHRS9VSHNRVzNha2hBanVieWdzUT09

World Medical Innovation Forum | May 2–4, 2022



Happy Innovative Holidays!



Have a safe and happy holiday season! The World Medical Innovation Forum is coming in the New Year. Gene and cell therapy – medicine’s game changer, is the focus.


MAY 2–4, 2022

Join us for three unrivaled days in May.

Early bird rates expire January 15.





The Forum team will continue to monitor COVID-19 and event safety protocols. Updates regarding the format of our event will be shared later this winter.




Confirmed Speakers


Global leaders will share their insights on GCT, biotech and the future of care.


Albert Bourla, PhD

CEO, Pfizer


Robert Bradway

CEO, Amgen


Marc Casper

CEO, Thermo Fisher Scientific


Sekar Kathiresan, MD

CEO, Verve Therapeutics


Anne Klibanski, MD

CEO, Mass General Brigham

Stephen Knight, MD

President & Managing Partner, F-Prime Capital


Peter Marks, MD, PhD

Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, FDA


Andrew Plump, MD, PhD

President, R&D, Takeda


John Reed, MD, PhD

EVP, Global Head of R&D, Sanofi


Ned Sharpless, MD

Director, National Cancer Institute




Selected Topics


Featured topics include:


Capital Formation | Shaping Innovation


Cell Therapy | CAR-T to Stem Cells


Chronic Neuroinflammation


Clinical GCT Trial Design | Risk vs Hype


Covid-Driven mRNA Opportunities


Creating the Enduring Framework to Ensure GCT Safety Mitigating


Disrupting Surgical Interventions | Robotic Surgery

Expert Briefings on the Components of GCT – Leading Clinicians Explain the Potential and Challenges


GCT Development Centers | Academia’s Unique Contribution


GCT Patient Perspectives 


GCT’s Historic Context – How Much Will it Change Medicine


Gene and Cell Therapy | The World Speaks


The Global Biotech Epicenter | New England Now and in 2030


Manufacturing | Process Control – It's Harder Than You Think



World Medical Innovation Forum

感謝您這一年對BTBA的支持,讓我們在2021年持續成長。12/11() BTBA將有兩場活動:Academia Panel - The Journey from Postdoc to PI 以及呂家鋒律師的特別演講曲速行動的背後 - COVID19醫藥品全球開發供應的考量。歡迎各位報名參加!演講內容及報名資訊附於下方。




曲速行動的背後 - COVID19醫藥品全球開發供應的考量 (實體活動)

Greenberg Traurig資深合夥律師呂家鋒將分享COVID-19疫苗和藥品的開發和商業化過程的考量。呂律師將提供其第一線參與曲速行動的觀察,解釋美國決定採取曲速行動 (Operation warp speed) 的來由,以及其代表廠商參與跟國家及超國家組織的談判中如何建構產品的供應和採購的過程。


講者:呂家鋒 (Chia-Feng Lu) 律師 (Greenberg Traurig國際法律事務所 資深合夥人)

主持人: 杜荷洲 (Ho-Chou Tu) 博士 (Associate Director, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals)

報名表: https://forms.gle/dfzuteXCV5ZCnyCK8 (報名截止於 129日晚上11點,或額滿為止)

時間: 12/11 (Sat) 2:00PM - 4:00PM (EST)

地點: Mount Auburn Room, 2F, Harvard Smith Campus Center (1350 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138)


2021 BTBA Dec Workshop The Journey from Postdoc to PI (線上活動)


四位分別在美國及台灣學術界擔任PI的優秀學者齊聚一堂。將在短短一個半小時中,不藏私地與大家分享當上PI前後的心境轉折、需要克服的困難等等,絕對滿足你對於美國及台灣學術界的好奇心,還有可能會聽到一些網路上搜尋不到的學術界小秘密喔!如果你正佇足於學術界與業界的交叉路口,別再猶豫了!快來報名參加BTBA 12月的線上學術專題論壇:從博後變身為PI的心路歷程大分享。


時間: 1211 () 上午十點 (東岸時間); 晚上十一點 (台灣時間)

地點: Online event via Zoom

報名: https://reurl.cc/RbGR5D 


  • 鄭佳瑋: Assistant Professor at Columbia University Irving Medical Center 
  • 王志豪: 助理教授, 中國醫藥大學醫學院-生物醫學研究所 
  • 蔡佩珊: Assistant Investigator, Lilly Diabetes Center of Excellence at the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute
  • 郭瑋庭: 助理教授, 台灣大學醫學院-口腔生物科學研究所 


  • 程吉安, 博士後研究人員, 布萊根婦女醫院及Wyss Institute 
  • 吳孟儒, 博士後研究人員, 麻省總醫院癌症中心 



✨【2021 BTBA Dec Workshop】The Journey from Postdoc to PI ✨

(The workshop will be conducted in Mandarin)

🎓 Are you interested in a career in academia but still have doubts or questions? Come and hear from our group of panelists, who will share their first-hand experiences of what an academic life looks like when transitioning from postdoc to PI!

▶️ 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲: Dec 11 (Sat), 10-11:30 am (EST) 11-12:30 pm (Taiwan Time)
▶️ 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲: Online event via Zoom
▶️ 𝗥𝗦𝗩𝗣: https://reurl.cc/RbGR5D
▶️ 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗿:
❖ Chia-Wei Cheng, Assistant Professor at Columbia University Irving Medical Center
❖ Chih-Hao Wang, Assistant Professor at Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, China Medical University
❖ Erica Cai, Assistant Investigator in the Lilly Diabetes Center of Excellence at the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute
❖ Wei-Ting Kuo, Assistant Professor at Graduate Institute of Oral Biology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University
▶️ 𝗠𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿:
❖ Annie Cheng, Postdoctoral research fellow, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Wyss Institute
❖ Meng-Ju Wu, Postdoctoral research fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center

🎧 聽完 #生技來一刻「學界PI迷思大破解」後覺得意猶未盡嗎?
❓ 想更深入了解自己究竟適不適合學術界嗎?
🧐 想聽聽台灣與美國學術界的差異與秘辛嗎?
🔬 究竟擔任PI的一天是什麼樣子呢?

如果你正佇足於學術界與業界的交叉路口,別再猶豫了!快來報名參加BTBA 12月的線上學術專題論壇:從博後變身為PI的心路歷程大分享。

▶️ 時間: 12月11日 (日) 上午十點 (東岸時間); 晚上十一點 (台灣時間)
▶️ 地點: Online event via Zoom

▶️ 講者:
❖ 鄭佳瑋: Assistant Professor at Columbia University Irving Medical Center
❖ 王志豪: 助理教授, 中國醫藥大學醫學院-生物醫學研究所
❖ 蔡佩珊: Assistant Investigator, Lilly Diabetes Center of Excellence at the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute
❖ 郭瑋庭: 助理教授, 台灣大學醫學院-口腔生物科學研究所

▶️ 主持人:
❖ 程吉安, 博士後研究人員, 布萊根婦女醫院及Wyss Institute
❖ 吳孟儒, 博士後研究人員, 麻省總醫院癌症中心
Dr. Cheng conducted her doctoral research in Dr. Valter D. Longo's laboratory at the University of Southern California (USC). She completed her postdoctoral training in Dr. Omer H. Yilmaz's laboratory at Koch Institute at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Dr. Cheng was a fellow of Helen Hay Whitney Foundation (HHWF) and is an awardee of the NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99), with Dr. David M. Sabatini's co-mentorship. Earlier this year, Dr. Cheng joined Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) as an assistant professor in the Department of Genetics and Development (G&D) and Columbia Stem Cell Initiative (CSCI). Her Lab studies the molecular machinery that translates nutritional cues into cell-fate determinants. Her goal is to decipher the nutrigenomic underpinning of stem cell identity in the hopes of inspiring new therapeutic strategies.
Dr. Wang received his Ph.D. degree in Taiwan and finished his postdoctoral training at Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. He is currently an assistant professor in the Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences at China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan. His research focuses on using pharmacological and genetic approaches to activate brown fat and/or white fat browning and investigating the underlying mechanisms. His ultimate research goal is to apply those basic scientific findings to regulate whole-body energy metabolism for the treatment of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic disorders.
Erica Cai, PhD, obtained her bachelor’s degree in medical technology from Taipei Medical University and her master’s degree in biochemistry and molecular biology from National Taiwan University. She was trained by Dr. Minna Woo and received her Ph.D. in medical science from the University of Toronto, Canada.
Cai was an instructor in medicine at the Harvard Medical School. She worked in the laboratory of Dr. Peng Yi and the CRISPR screen core facility at the Joslin Diabetes Center. Her research projects used a multidisciplinary approach to investigate beta-cell physiology, including cell regeneration, cell function, stress response, and autoimmune protection. Dr. Cai joined the Lilly Diabetes Center of Excellence within the IBRI Diabetes Center in April 2021. She also is a member of the Indiana University Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases. Cai’s current research focuses on beta-cell protection and diabetes prevention. Her ultimate research goal is to better understand diseases and help improve patients' quality of life.
Dr. Kuo is an assistant professor in the Graduate Institute of Oral Biology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University. His laboratory investigates the physiological and pathological mechanisms of tight junction (TJ) protein regulation in epithelial organisms and mucosal homeostasis. Their research interests focus on the role of TJ proteins in mucosal repair and cancer pathogenesis.
Dr. Annie Cheng obtained her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in chemistry from National Taiwan University. She was trained by Dr. Jeffrey Zink and received her Ph.D. in bioengineering from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). During her Ph.D. training, she was awarded the UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship. Annie is now a postdoctoral research fellow at Brigham and Women’s Hospital of Harvard Medical School and Wyss Institute. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, her research has focused on COVID-19 serology studies such as COVID-19 vaccine evaluation.
Dr. ​​Meng-Ju Wu obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from National Yang-Ming University. He conducted his doctoral research in Dr. Alice Chang’s laboratory at Purdue University. Meng-Ju is now a postdoctoral fellow of the American Cancer Society (ACS) with Dr. Nabeel Bardeesy and Dr. Robert Manguso's co-mentorship at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). His research focuses on how tumor metabolism affects tumorigenesis and the tumor microenvironment.

2021年12月11日, 週六下午1-3點
Zoom ID: 988 5791 1027, password 062663
茅建人醫師(MD,PHD)是哈佛醫學院麻醉研究Richard J. Kitz 冠名教授,他獲得了麻醉學和疼痛醫學委員會的認證,自 1999 年以來一直在麻省總醫院 (MGH) 執業。茅博士是麻省總醫院的疼痛醫學部主任,作為首席研究員曾獲得十項 NIH R01 資助、一項 NIH P20 計劃項目資助、一項 NIH U24 資助,並且還是十多項 NIH R01 和 R21 資助的共同研究者。茅博士曾擔任多個專業期刊的執行編輯或副主編,四十餘種專業期刊的審稿人,以及美國國立衛生研究院和加拿大研究委員會等的資助申請審核人等。茅博士是1997年美國疼痛學會傑出早期職業獎的獲得者和 2012 年美國區域麻醉和疼痛醫學學會John J. Bonica獎的獲得者,他撰寫或合著了超過 200 篇出版物、100 多篇摘要,並作為唯一編輯出版了四本書。
劉西平博士(PHD)畢業於上海第一醫科大學(復旦大學)藥學院,在中南大學湘雅醫學院獲分子生物學博士,美國南加州大學和國家癌症研究中心博士後。他曾擔任新基生物製藥公司免疫學部主管和高級科學家。目前在加州 美國南特凱捷健生物技術有限公司擔任生物藥理和免疫部主任。劉西平博士曾參加過病毒以及腫瘤疫苗的研究和開發,對疫苗的特性有獨到認識。 2021年,在美國華裔教授學者協會和南加州華人科技協會年會上就SARS-CoV-2和疫苗進行了多次科普講座。

謝謝你們有表達加入2021-2022 BTBA年會籌備小組的意願,很誠摯邀請各位的加入,為明年年添加更多的能量與多元的專才!我們歡迎各個職涯階段的專業人士、學生的加入,讓BTBA可以提供不同階段的生醫人士成長學習的空間。


第一次的籌備會議將於11/21 () 下午3:40-4:40進行。屆時將會介紹各大組的負責人給大家認識,並介紹各大組今年度的工作項目與目標。我們也將腦力激盪明年度年會安排。期待大家的加入!若這次不方便參加,12月份也會有籌備會議,到時候會再跟大家告知細節。

另外,11/21 () 下午2:00-3:40有介紹 Computational biology 的職涯講座,歡迎各位參與、分享給親朋好友喔!!


  • 學術組/業界組:規劃月會活動、年會內容、講座安排
  • 募款組:代表BTBA向各大企業投遞募款申請書
  • 宣傳組:經營BTBA社群媒體 (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin)、宣傳活動
  • 新聞組/Content editor: 撰寫活動記錄、編輯、校閱、翻譯BTBA的對外正式文件
  • 生技來一刻 Podcast 組:策劃節目內容、邀請與訪談講者、編輯後製
  • IT組:更新與維護官方網站、售票
  • 財務組
  • 稅務組

期待11/21能見到大家!如果有什麼建議或是想法,都歡迎聯絡祐湉 (yutienhsu@g.harvard.edu; Messenger: Yu-Tien Hsu) 或致宏 (chchou23@gmail.com; Messenger: Chih-Hung Chou)

2021 SAPA-NE and SAPA-CT Joint Annual Conference

Lynk Pharmaceuticals announced the completion of Series B financing of $50 million 


Lynk Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.

2021-08-27 08:00  1848

 Lynk Pharmaceuticals announced the completion of Series B financing of $50 million - PR Newswire APAC (prnasia.com)

HANGZHOU, ChinaAug. 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Lynk Pharmaceuticals CO., LTD (hereinafter referred to as "Lynk Pharmaceuticals"), an innovative pharmaceutical R&D company, today announced that it has successfully completed Series B financing of $50 million, with Lilly Asia Ventures (LAV) as lead investor, New Alliance Capital and Hangzhou HEDA Biological Medicine Venture Capital Partnership (L.L.P.) as co-investors, and its original shareholders Legend Capital and Med-Fine Capital as participating investors. The proceeds from this round of financing will mainly be used to conduct Phase I and II clinical trials for multiple programs in the R&D pipeline of Lynk Pharmaceuticals. In addition, the funding will be used to expand international business, strengthen international collaborations with leading companies and support preclinical development of new projects. CEC Capital acted as the exclusive financial advisor to Lynk Pharmaceuticals in this transaction.

Founded in 2018, Lynk Pharmaceuticals is a globally leading innovative drug R&D company. Based on the team's world-leading experience in medicinal chemistry and small molecule clinical development, it is dedicated to the development of global FIC/BIC small molecule drugs for autoimmune diseases, inflammation and cancers. In three and a half years since its establishment, Lynk has obtained IND approvals for three original products in China and the United States, launched global clinical development efforts, and completed the ex-Chinese rights out-license of LNK01001 to a US company and the in-license of the first-in-class RAS program from Japan's Kobe University and RIKEN, both in 2020.

Dr. Zhao-Kui (ZK) Wan, Chairman and CEO of Lynk Pharmaceuticals, said, "We are very much grateful for the recognition and support from the top investors in the industry. Since the establishment of Lynk Pharmaceuticals, we have been advancing our projects with efficient execution, and we have made significant progress in just three and a half years. This round of financing will lay a solid foundation for us to further develop our pipeline and continue to advance innovative therapies. Owing to the great efforts of many scientists and investigators, I believe that we will benefit patients with innovative therapies as soon as possible."

According to Dr. Ting Feng, Vice President of Lilly Asia Ventures (LAV), "We are deeply impressed by the efficient execution and global vision of Lynk Pharmaceuticals' management team. We are also very optimistic about the future huge market space and the unmet patient needs in the field of autoimmune disease and cancer. We are excited to partner with the Lynk team to accelerate its growth and look forward to more breakthroughs and successes in the future with our innovation capability."

Lei Cai, Managing Director at New Alliance Capital, commented"there have been huge unmet needs as well as great potential for small molecule drugs to treat autoimmune disease and cancer. Lynk's international vision and strong team execution have left a deep impression on us; we are very happy to have the opportunity to work with Lynk. New Alliance Capital will provide full support in all aspects of capitals and industry resources to support the company to become a global leader and bring more effective solutions to benefit patients across the world."

[This Thu] SAPA-NE 2021 Bimonthly Workshop

July 22, 2021, Thursday, 8:30 PM - 10:00 PM EDT



Dear SAPA-NE Members and Friends,

The Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association–New England/Boston (SAPA-NE) is glad to announce that SAPA-NE 2021 Bimonthly Workshop, 
Recent Individual Tax Development in the US and China, will be held in 4 days. The workshop will be presented by EY China overseas investment, people advisory services. This event will be held virtually on Thursday, July 22, 2021 and will be delivered in Mandarin.


Please contact us at info@sapa-neweb.org if you have any membership or registration-related questions. 


Agenda Topics


·       US individual tax filing and disclosure requirements

·       Outlook for Biden’s proposed tax plans on impacts on individuals

·       US expatriation rules for US citizens and green card holders

·       China individual income tax reform and annual tax filing requirements

·       Individual tax planning considerations, such as US citizens and greencard holders working / investing in mainland China

·       Q&A 

July 22, 2021, Thursday, 8:30 PM - 10:00 PM EDT


How to become a SAPA-NE Member?

Paid Membership Rate

Student & Postdoc (Annual): $15

Professionals (Annual): $30

Life-time: $300

Note: Paid membership will be effective immediately after purchase

 BIO Digital Taiwan Day

Accelerating Biotech innovation through global collaboration with healthcare, VC and though leaders

About this event

Taiwan Start-up Pitch

Chung-Chu Chen, CEO of Somnics

Ed Deng, Health2Sync

Panel 1 : Post-COVID Solution and Challenges in Healthcare

Salman Al-Sabah, Chairman of Surgery of Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Hospital, Kuwait

Helen Chen, CMO of Hewbrew SeniorLife

Peter Lee, Medical Director, Amazon

Po-Shun Lee, CMO of PlateletBio

Panel 2 : Digital Transformation with Pharma

Tony Chan, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, Partner and Leader, DC Corporate Group

Robert Lake, Managing Director, Runway Growth Capital

Kevin Lalande, Santé Ventures, Founding Managing Director & CIO

Sandeep M Menon, SVP and Head of Early Clinical Development, Pfizer Tony Chan, Partner, Morgan Lewis

𝐁𝐓𝐁𝐀 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐲𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐮𝐦
July 10 & 11 (Saturday and Sunday) 2021
12:50 pm to 6:30 pm EDT
Eventbrite: ibit.ly/AZSJ
**Free event! Space is limited, REGISTER TODAY!**
[Webinar link and password will be sent to you on 7/10/2021 morning]
This online symposium will bring experts from academia and industry to share their experiences and knowledge on their research/responsibility, personal career development, and lessons learned for young scientists. This year, we are honored to have Dr. Herren Wu, Ph.D., the Senior Vice President of AstraZeneca, and Dr. Jeannie T. Lee, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Genetics of Harvard Medical School.
𝐊𝐞𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐬
𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒏 𝑾𝒖, 𝑷𝒉.𝑫. | 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐙𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐚
𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒆 𝑻. 𝑳𝒆𝒆, 𝑴.𝑫., 𝑷𝒉.𝑫. | 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐁𝐓𝐁𝐀
As a non-profit organization, we appreciate your consideration of giving a small gift to support BTBA! Your donation qualifies for tax-exemption and grants you guaranteed access to the 2021 BTBA Virtual Symposium meeting rooms.
*Keynote, academia, and industry sessions will be conducted in English*


Dear SAPA-NE members:


We are pleased to inform you the result of the SAPA-NE leadership election in 2021 as below:

James Jianming Chao

Secretory general:
Kehao Zhao

The team is looking forward to working closely with you to build the community together!

2021 Election Committee

The 22nd SAPA-NE Annual Conference

A New Era in Biotech and Life Science


Sat, Jan 23 | Free Zoom Webinar

9:00 AM – 6:00 PM EST

Seats are limited

Please register ASAP

Time: Sat, Jan 23rd, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM EST

Language: English

Venue: Zoom Webinar, Spatial Chat (Virtual Networking, Job Hunting, Vendor Show)

Speakers & Presentation Topics


Morning Sessions: 9:00AM-12:30PM

Noon Sessions: 12:30PM-2:00PM

Afternoon Sessions: 2:00PM-6:00PM

Speaker Bio

Dan Barouch, M.D., Ph.D.

Member, National Academy of Medicine; William Bosworth Castle Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Director, Center for Virology and Vaccine Research, BIDMC; Member, Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard

Eric Fischer, Ph.D. 

Eric Fischeris an Independent Investigator at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Associate Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School, and Co-Director of the DFCI Center for Protein Degradation. He and his lab have significantly contributed to our understanding of small molecule mediated protein degradation, and its widespread application in academia and industry. Dr. Fischer has co-founded Civetta Therapeutics, Jengu Therapeutics, and Neomorph and serves on the scientific advisory board for the Institute for Protein Innovation.

John Evans, MBA

John Evans joined Beam in 2017 as CEO, bringing significant experience as a company builder, dealmaker, and drug developer in the biotechnology industry. Mr. Evans is also a Venture Partner with ARCH Venture Partners.

Mr. Evans was previously an early employee and member of the leadership team at Agios Pharmaceuticals, most recently serving as Senior Vice President for Corporate Development and Portfolio Leadership. Prior to joining Agios, Mr. Evans worked at Infinity Pharmaceuticals, McKinsey & Company (Pharmaceuticals practice) and MedImmune.

Mr. Evans holds an M.B.A. in Healthcare Management from Wharton, a Masters in Biotechnology from the University of Pennsylvania, and a B.A. in English with distinction from Yale University.

Jamie Stokes, Ph.D.

Jamie received his PhD from University of Cambridge in 2014. Between 2014 and 2017 Jamie was a Roche Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Cambridge where he worked on a number of projects at the chemistry-biology interface including the design and synthesis of de-novo antibiotic-quorum sensing small molecule conjugates and the development of methodology to allow access to diverse collections of small molecule screening collections. Jamie has worked at Concept Life Sciences since 2017 on a number of different medicinal chemistry programs and has a special interest in new approaches to synthesis and antibody drug conjugates.

Zonghai Li, M.D., Ph.D.

Zonghai Li is the Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Scientific Officer and Founder of CARsgen Therapeutics. He is dedicated himself to develop curable treatment for the patients with cancer. One of his early career achievements is the identification of GE11, a peptide ligand of EGFR which has become one of the most widely used peptides in antitumor study now. He has a leading role in the research on CAR T cell therapy against solid tumors by publishing the first paper and advancing the first clinical trial of CAR T cell therapy against GPC3, Claudin18.2 and EGFR/EGFRvIII worldwide. He earned a M.D. and M.S. from Xiangya Medical School of Central South University and a Ph.D. from Fudan University.

Liang Schweizer, Ph.D.

Liang Schweizer is the co-founder, President and CEO of HiFiBiO Therapeutics, an emerging multinational biotherapeutics company. Previously, she was a co-founder and CSO for Harbour Biomed. Before launching her entrepreneurial career, Liang served as Head of Asian Cancer Research at Sanofi and Director of Leads Evaluation at Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. Under her leadership, her various teams made significant contributions to 4 marketed drugs and impacted over 20 clinical candidates. She is also a co-inventor of multiple immunomodulation drug candidates.

Dian Su, Ph.D.

Dian is a Senior Scientist in Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (DMPK) at Genentech. Her research focus has been on ADC/small molecule/peptide DMPK areas mainly in the pre-clinical stage. At DMPK, her primary focus lies in small molecule and peptide drug metabolism in discovery stage. In this role, her responsibilities include: 1) developing new generation assays for metabolite identification (Met ID) to improve the throughput and tackle challenges associated with drug metabolite ID; 2) exploring deep understanding of metabolite formation and biological impact, and establish structure−metabolism relationship (SMR) for drug metabolites. 

Yan Chen, Ph.D. Founder, President and CEO of Elpis Biopharmaceuticals

Yan brings more than 20 years of expertise in both mRNA display technology and biologic drug discovery in the oncology disease area. She was Biotherapeutics Discovery Head at Juno Therapeutics in Boston and Senior Vice President of Research at X-Body Biosciences which was acquired by Juno in 2015. Previously, she was an investigator and project leader in Oncology Biotherapeutics at Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research. Earlier in her career, she was a scientist at Phylos and Adnexus playing instrumental roles in establishing the mRNA antibody and protein display technology platforms. Yan was a postdoctoral trainee in Immunology at Tufts Medical School and received her PhD in Tumor Immunology from National University of Singapore. She is the co-inventor of more than 20 antibody technologies and biologic therapeutics patents.

Sanchayita Ghose, Ph.D.

Sanchayita Ghose is currently the Executive Director of Global Downstream Bioprocess Development at Bristol Myers Squibb.  She leads a multi-site team responsible for downstream process development of BMS’ entire clinical biologics portfolio. Sanchayita has > 20 years of experience in bioprocess development with increasing roles of responsibility in a variety of biopharmaceutical companies: BMS (9), Amgen (6), Biogen (5). Over her career, she has made numerous technical contributions in this field and is the author of > 100 conference presentations, publications, book chapters and patents. She has a PhD in Chemical & Biological Engineering from Prof. Steve Cramer’s lab at Rensselaer (Troy, NY) and a BS in Chemical Engineering from Jadavpur University, India. Sanchayita is the mom of two-school aged kids and has lived if four US states across both coasts. In her free time, she enjoys travel, reading and hiking.

Brad Warsen

Brad Warsen is the Executive Director of Quality for the Devens Cell Therapy Facility at Bristol Myers Squibb.  Brad joined Bristol Myers Squibb in 2013 and previously served as the Head of Quality for US Biologics overseeing quality operations at the Devens and Syracuse sites.  Previous to this, he served as the Director of Quality at Devens, interim Director of Quality at Syracuse and as head of Quality Control Operations and Quality Assurance Operations both at Devens.  Brad has over 20 years of quality experience and previously served in quality leadership roles overseeing external manufacturing of biologics drug product at Shire and internal manufacturing of drug substance at Pfizer (including raw materials, compliance and QA Operations roles).  Brad began his career in manufacturing and process development at Pharm-Eco Laboratories and has a BS in Chemistry from Wheaton (IL) College.

Ji Li, Ph.D.

Ji Li is a Principal Scientist at BMS Kendall square site, Mechanism of Cancer Resistance TRC. He currently services as the Biology Lead for two drug discovery projects. He also leads a DepMap data analysis effort and leverages a genome-wide CRISPR screening platform to discover novel cancer targets. Prior to BMS, he worked at the Broad Institute and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, where he led efforts in functional cancer genomics and the identification of synthetic lethality in breast cancer. Ji received his Ph.D in Cell Biology from NYU School of Medicine and a Bachelors’ degree in Biomedical Sciences from Peking University.

Chun Shao, Ph.D.

Chun Shao is a Principal Scientist at BMS Devens site, who joined Bristol-Myers Squibb in 2018. Chun interfaces closely with biologics process development upstream/downstream team and provides mass spec analytical support for bioprocess optimization. Chun is also co-leading Devens PAN chapter to drive Diversity & Inclusion initiatives. Prior to BMS, Chun worked at GlaxoSmithKline between 2016 and 2018 as characterization lead to support biologics process development. Chun received her PhD degree in Biochemistry from Boston University in 2016.  Chun is a big fan of Boston Celtics and Bruins and looking forward to shouting out loudly in TD garden soon with crowds!

Robert Flaumenhaft, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Flaumenhaft is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Chief of the Division of Hemostasis and Thrombosis. His laboratory focuses on endothelial & platelet biology and mechanisms of thrombus formation. Dr. Flaumenhaft is director of the T32 training program, “Blood Coagulation and Vascular Biology” and has editorial positions at Blood, JCI Insight, Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Thrombosis Research, and Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis. He is Chairperson of the Hemostasis, Thrombosis, Blood Cells, and Transfusion NIH Study. He was the scientific co-chair of the ASH 2019 meeting and was the Chairman of the FASEB meeting on Functional Disulfide Bonds in Health and Disease. He has received awards from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, the American Society of Hematology, and the American Heart Association. He was elected to the American Society for Clinical Investigation and subsequently to the American Association of Physicians. He is the recipient of an Outstanding Investigator Award from NIH.

Ai-Min Hui, MD, Ph.D. President of Global R&D, CMO, and Chair of the Scientific Committee of Fosun Pharma;Director of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stem Cell Therapy; Former global Vice-President of Clinical Development Oncology at Sanofi

   Dr. Hui has 30 years of experiences in cancer treatment and innovative drug development in world's top medical centers and pharmaceutical companies. He has led the global development and registration of multiple small molecule and biologic anti-cancer drugs including Ixazomib, Isatuximab (anti-CD38) et al. He has recently led the deal of the joint development of an mRNA vaccine against COVID-19 BNT162 between BioNTech and Fosun Pharma and the execution of the program.

Julia Ding, Ph.D.

Julia Ding is leading process analytical development at Bristol Myers Squibb biologic development sites in US. She is leading diverse and cross-functional teams responsible for: Establishing strategic vision and implementation of global biologic PAT and rapid analysis technology development; Establishing and advancing new technologies in PAT and real-time release of biologic process; Developing and implementing analytical methodologies to enable and support bioprocess development and characterization; Advancing analytical CMC control strategies throughout biologic clinical development phases.

Prior to joining Bristol Myers Squibb, Julia Ding led a multifunctional analytical development team responsible for analytical assay development/validation/life cycle management, characterization and cGMP quality control testing of biologic products at PPD. Julia obtained her Ph.D. in physical organic chemistry from Emory University and postdoc from University of California at Berkeley.

Qingcong Lin, Ph.D.

Dr. Qingcong Lin is SVP of Biocytogen and CEO of Biocytogen Boston Corporation, focusing on providing services on gene-targeting and humanized mouse models, using cutting-edge ESC and CRISPR-Cas9 technology for immuno-oncology antibody candidate in vivo efficacy and toxicity assessment. Prior to joining Biocytogen, Dr. Lin was SVP of Shenogen Pharma Group. Dr. Lin has extensive expertise in multiple therapeutic areas, including cancer, CVMD, neurology, immunology & inflammation and various technologies, including genetically engineered mouse models, therapeutic antibody engineering, affinity maturation and optimization. Prior to joining Sheongen, Dr. Lin worked at Pfizer as a principal research scientist II and group leader of antibody engineering group. Before joining Pfizer, he worked at Wyeth and Harvard Medical School as Director of Gene Modification Lab of Harvard-Partners Center for Genetics and Genomics. Dr. Lin received Ph.D. from Albert-Einstein College of Medicine and completed his postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School.

Ambar Boodhoo
Ambar is Americas Life Sciences Strategy and Transactions Leader at EY. He advises life sciences and health care clients on their capital and transaction agendas from strategy through execution, primarily focusing on large, complex investments. Over the last 20 years, he has supported private equity funds and corporate clients in transformational transactions to realize their strategic objectives and improve growth. His experience includes financial and operational diligence in taking companies private, leveraged recapitalizations, carve-outs, rollups, divestitures, PIPE and public financing. He has worked extensively in the UK and the US, and has led global engagements with clients and transaction teams in Europe, India, the Middle East and Asia.

Alex Li, Ph.D. Managing Director of TF Capital

Board Director of SAPA, previous president of SAPA-NE

Dr. Alex Li is a venture capital investor with investing experience in both United States and China. He specialized in the life science industry with focus on cutting edge technology and first-in-class therapeutic medicine. He currently serves on the boards of five innovated companies. TF Capital, one of the premium venture capital fund in China, have invested in near 100 companies, with successful exits like Zai Lab, Hua Medicine, Henlix, and Frontage, etc. Alex is one of the three investment decision committee members in TF Capital. Before Joining TF Capital, Alex was Managing Director of Fosun Pharma for three years. Alex worked as a research scientist in Biogen for seventeen years. Alex obtained his Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology (BCMB) from the University of Tennessee.

How to become a SAPA-NE Member?

Paid Membership Rate

Student & Postdoc (Annual): $15

Professionals (Annual): $30

Life-time: $300

Note: Paid membership will be effective immediately after purchase.

2021摩根会议周期间 SAPA与BioNJ联合推出网络研讨会(链接更新)


2021年J. P. Morgan会议周期间, 美中药协SAPA与BioNJ将联合推出网络研讨会,关注医药领域美中企业间的合作。












1月14日, 2021
8:30-10:30 AM EST







Modified on 2021-01-10
2020 SAPA-NE Career Development Webinar















































2020年12月2日 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM 
(EDT, 美国东部时间)








Jason S French

Managing Director, People Advisory Services

Jason is a Managing Director in the People Advisory Services practice of EY, with 15 years of experience related to the analysis, design and implementation of compensation and benefit matters for both US domestic and internationally mobile employees. Jason’s areas of expertise are specifically within the compensation and benefits space for both US and multinational companies around the globe, equity compensation, global equity, golden parachutes, annual & long-term incentive plan and design, payroll and tax withholding, and US tax technical matters. Jason also advises companies on SEC Executive Compensation Proxy Disclosure rules and director compensation matters.

Claudia Timmermans

Senior Manager, People Advisory Services

Claudia has over 8 years of experience advising clients regarding (global) compensation and benefits arrangements. Claudia has significant experience on assisting clients with maximizing the benefits of equity compensation plans for mobile employee workforces, which includes advising clients on equity plan design and implementation, tax feasibility and due diligence, risk mitigation, global payroll transformation and employee education. She also advises clients on the implications of Internal Revenue Code Sections 162(m), 280G (golden parachutes), 409A, and 457A. 

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Reads 272

2020 CABA Boston BioForum Online

 Jo Lee CABA 




在疯狂的2020年压抑了太久,CABA Boston BioForum Online将于12月19日举行,为这不平凡的一年做个强势收官,总结COVID-19带来的危与机,预测生物医药投资趋势,并展望美中两个大经济体生物医药业的未来。会议邀请了数位行业大咖与大家齐聚线上,与您分享探讨2020年生物医药大事件!




Chuan He, PhD, Professor, HHMI, University of Chicago

RNA Methylation in Human Diseases

Speaker Bio:

Dr. He is the John T. Wilson Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Chicago. He received his bachelor of science degree in 1994 from the University of Science and Technology of China and his Ph.D. in chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2000, studying under professor Stephen J. Lippard. After training as a Damon-Runyon postdoctoral fellow with professor Gregory L. Verdine at Harvard University, he joined the University of Chicago as an assistant professor, rising to associate professor in 2008 and full professor in 2010. He was selected as an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in 2013. Dr. He’s research spans a broad range of fields including chemical biology, RNA biology, epigenetics, biochemistry, and genomics. His recent research concerns reversible RNA and DNA methylation in biological regulation. In 2011, his group discovered reversible RNA methylation as a new mechanism of gene expression regulation. His laboratory has spearheaded the development of enabling technologies to study the biology of RNA and DNA modifications.


Robert DeLuccia, 

Managing Partner and Founder, Acurx Pharmaceuticals

Acurx Developing a New Class of Antibiotics: Preparedness for the Next Infectious Disease Pandemic, Antimicrobial Resistance

Speaker Bio:

Bob DeLuccia has 50 years’ executive and hands-on experience in the pharmaceutical industry involving sales, marketing, manufacturing and new product development with global pharmaceutical companies (Pfizer and Sanofi). Mr. DeLuccia has held senior executive positions in both companies and has also been Chief Executive Officer of two publicly (NASDAQ) traded biopharmaceutical companies (Immunomedics, Inc. and MacroChem CORP). He was most recently Executive Chairman of publicly-traded (NASDAQ) Dipexium Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a development-stage biopharmaceutical company based in New York City which he co-founded and subsequently took public. In April, 2017, Dipexium closed a merger with PLx Pharma Inc. (PLXP-NASDAQ), a late-stage specialty pharmaceutical company focused on developing AspertecTM, its aspirin product in its proprietary PLxGuardTM drug delivery system to provide high-risk cardiovascular and stroke patients with more reliable and predictable antiplatelet efficacy and better tolerated treatment. He is currently Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Acurx Pharmaceuticals, a New York-based, development-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing a new class of antibiotics to treat common infections caused by certain Gram- positive bacteria and to combat the global crisis of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to currently available antibiotics. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of IBEX Pharmaceuticals, a publicly- traded (IBT.V/TSXV.IBT), Montreal-based company involved in the manufacture and marketing of proteins for biomedical use and arthritis assays widely used in osteoarthritis research. 

His therapeutic areas of marketing experience include new product introductions and drug development in the following areas: Antibiotics and antidiabetic agents: (doxycycline, bacampicillin, cefaperazone, chlorpropamide and glypizide); Cardiovasculars: amrinone, iohexol contrast media, clopidogrel. New drug development areas included: topical creams/gels for erectile dysfunction, testosterone, onychomycosis and diabetic foot infection. 

Mr. DeLuccia received his undergraduate degree and MBA from Iona College, New York. Military Service, Officer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 


Ricky Sun, PhD, Partner, Bain Capital Life Sciences

Life Science Investing, a Global Perspective