星期六, 9月 30, 2017

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Mobilization of Massachusetts National Guard to Puerto Rico for Hurricane Response and Recovery

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Mobilization of Massachusetts National Guard to Puerto Rico for Hurricane Response and Recovery
Puerto Rico accepts Massachusetts offer for specialized communications team

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced Puerto Rico’s official acceptance of an offer from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) to mobilize a six person Massachusetts National Guard (MANG) communications unit to Puerto Rico for up to 30 days. The Joint Site Incident Satellite Communications Capability (JISCC) team will support satellite-based data and mobile communications on the island, where communication lines have been severely damaged. 

“We are proud that members of the Massachusetts National Guard will mobilize to Puerto Rico to assist in the recovery operations on the island where lines of communications have been badly damaged,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Massachusetts is ready and willing to offer additional support to Puerto Rico with personnel and equipment as requested and is preparing to welcome disaster survivors seeking temporary or permanent residence in Massachusetts.  We will remain in contact with Puerto Rican officials and federal authorities throughout response and recovery efforts during this devastating time for all affected by Hurricanes Maria and Irma.”

The request for assistance from Puerto Rico came through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), which is the national emergency management mutual aid system that facilitates state-to-state disaster assistance. A JISCC provides satellite-based Internet and radio capabilities to support interoperable civil-military communications.  Multiple National Guard JISCCs from around the U.S. have been mobilized or are in the process of mobilizing to Puerto Rico to support disaster relief operations. The mission is officially accepted and travel details, including the mobilization date, are being organized by the Massachusetts National Guard.

“The mobilization of this specialized National Guard team from Massachusetts will provide direct support to recovery operations and the citizens of Puerto Rico during this trying time,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “As we prepare to help with relief efforts for Puerto Rico and those residents who choose to self-evacuate to Massachusetts through the Massachusetts United for Puerto Rico Fund, we will continue to monitor requests for emergency assistance, and urge everyone looking to help to support disaster relief operations through cash donations listed on the state’s website.”

“In recent years, Massachusetts emergency response personnel have been mobilized to states across the nation to assist in the aftermath of all manner of natural disasters,”said Secretary of Public Safety Dan Bennett. “We are proud to continue this tradition by sending personnel to Puerto Rico and thank the emergency management personnel who represent the finest ideals of service to others.”

"The Massachusetts National Guard is committed to building enduring relationships with all our national and state partners. Our service members are prepared to assist and maximize transparency of Department of Defense and Commonwealth of Massachusetts National Guard activities in response to these tragic hurricanes that have struck Puerto Rico," said Major General Gary Keefe, Adjutant General of the Massachusetts National Guard. "We are honored to offer our personnel and resources in this critical time of need and anticipate future mission taskings as we help the citizens of Puerto Rico recover from the devastation caused by these hurricanes."

“EMAC is a key component of our national emergency management enterprise,” said MEMA Director Kurt Schwartz. “We have used EMAC many times to bolster our disaster response and recovery operations in Massachusetts, and as we did for Texas after Hurricane Harvey, we are able to support Puerto Rico as it deals with the impacts of these powerful storms.”

MEMA is preparing an additional EMAC offer to Puerto Rico of bilingual law enforcement officers. Further details will be provided when and if the offer is accepted by Puerto Rico. MEMA continues to monitor the EMAC system and look for opportunities to offer personnel, equipment and resources to Puerto Rico. 

Earlier today, Governor Baker, Mayor Martin J. Walsh, Representative Jeffrey Sánchez and members of the Boston Foundation announced the Massachusetts United for Puerto Rico Fund to support and respond to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricanes Maria and Irma.  The fund has been formed in partnership with the Latino Legacy fund and in cooperation with the Alliance for Puerto Rico. Funds raised will be distributed for reconstruction and relief on the island of Puerto Rico and to support self-evacuees arriving in Massachusetts from Puerto Rico for temporary or permanent residence.

Additionally, the Baker-Polito Administration yesterday announced the formation of a task force that will ensure that the state is prepared to support the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for individuals who chose to self-evacuate the island and seek temporary or permanent residence in Massachusetts. State officials remain in communication with the Government of Puerto Rico and federal authorities and are ready and willing to offer emergency assistance, such as personnel and equipment, at the request of Puerto Rico. 

Volunteers, Donations:

·       Donations - Donating cash to recognized disaster relief organizations is the best way to help people in need after a disaster. Cash donations are efficient, flexible to use, and require no transportation. Consider donating to the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, or other disaster relief organization that is a member of the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD): https://www.nvoad.org/current-disasters/werespond/

·       Volunteers – Those looking to volunteer are encouraged to get involved with an established disaster relief organization.  This ensures that volunteer efforts are coordinated and that the needs of disaster communities and survivors are met.  People are asked not to self-deploy to a disaster area.  Information on volunteering is available through the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD): https://www.nvoad.org/current-disasters/werespond/

星期五, 9月 29, 2017



WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) issued the following statement on the resignation of Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price.
“It’s great that Price took responsibility for his reckless actions but this doesn’t change the Trump Administration’s culture of self-dealing. Tom Price was just one example of numerous department heads who were more concerned with their comfort than with serving the public. At a time when agency heads are slashing programs for sick people, veterans, children, and the elderly, theseswamp flyers are sticking the American people with the bill for wasteful – and possibly illegal – travel in private jets around the country.
 If Trump were serious about draining the swamp, he would also fire Secretary Mnuchin and Administrator Pruitt, who have also taken luxury private travel on the taxpayer’s dime. I couldn’t believe I had to introduce a bill this week curbing private plane travel for senior political appointees. What a ridiculous state of affairs we’re in that we have to push to codify basic standards of ethics and good governance.”






There are two symposiums. One is in Taipei on Dec. 30th and the other is in Tainan on Dec. 23rd. Which one would you like to participate in? Please let us know which event you are interested in participating 

State, City Officials And The Boston Foundation Announce the Massachusetts United for Puerto Rico Fund

State, City Officials And The Boston Foundation Announce the
Massachusetts United for Puerto Rico Fund

BOSTON - Today, Governor Charlie Baker, Mayor Martin J. Walsh, Representative Jeffrey Sánchez and members of the Boston Foundation announced the Massachusetts United for Puerto Rico Fund to support and respond to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricanes Maria and Irma.  The fund has been formed in partnership with the Latino Legacy fund and in cooperation with the Alliance for Puerto Rico. Funds raised will be distributed for reconstruction and relief on the island of Puerto Rico and to support self-evacuees arriving in Massachusetts from Puerto Rico for temporary or permanent residence.

“Our hearts break for the people of Puerto Rico and their Massachusetts-based families and friends, whose lives were turned upside down by the devastation of these merciless hurricanes,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “As the proud home of one of the largest groups of Puerto Rican American communities in the country, the Commonwealth is pleased to join the City of Boston and the Boston Foundation to create the ‘Massachusetts Puerto Rico Fund.’ We stand ready to extend heartfelt welcomes to disaster survivors who seek temporary or permanent residence in Massachusetts and will provide any and all personnel and equipment requested throughout the recovery process. Lieutenant Governor Polito and I encourage all in Massachusetts to join us in supporting Governor Rosselló and our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico throughout this incredibly challenging time.”

"Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the Puerto Rican people, those who live here and those who are on the island, as they recover from the devastating impacts of Hurricane Maria," Mayor Martin J. Walsh said. "We have been in close communication with officials from Puerto Rico and, with such a strong Puerto Rican community here in Boston, they know we are here to help, for as long as they need." 

This fund will be advised by an Advisory Committee of 10-12 experts from the Massachusetts Puerto Rican diaspora community, with Vanessa Calderon-Rosado serving as the Chairwoman and Representative Jeffrey Sánchez serving as the honorary Vice Chairman.  Governor Baker and Mayor Walsh will serve as honorary co-chairs to encourage all in Massachusetts to support this effort and Aixa Beauchamp and Juan Carlos Morales will serve on the executive committee.

“The apocalypse hit Puerto Rico and Puerto Rico's people are crying for help,” said Representative Jeffrey Sánchez. “The Puerto Rican community of our Commonwealth of Massachusetts is rallying with Gov. Baker and Mayor Walsh and myself in a unified guarantee that the community's vision becomes a reality. That vision is to assure that we rally together to make an impact with those organizations and individuals that are making a difference on the ground in helping the people of Puerto Rico.  Together, we can make a lasting impact in the lives of Puerto Rican families from our Commonwealth to our sister Commonwealth in the Caribbean.”

Massachusetts United for Puerto Rico Fund will work to collect donations from foundations, corporations and individual donors, and quickly direct funds to effective resettlement, recovery and relief organizations supporting the people of Puerto Rico impacted by these devastating hurricanes.  Initial gifts will be used as challenge grants to the community for a wide-ranging fundraising appeal and up to one third of funds raised will be immediately distributed.  The remainder of the fund will be deployed through 2018, for reconstruction and economic recovery projects on the island of Puerto Rico and to support resettlement efforts in Massachusetts. 

Additionally, the Baker-Polito Administration yesterday announced the formation of a task force that will ensure that the state is prepared to support the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for individuals who chose to self-evacuate the island and seek temporary or permanent residence in Massachusetts. State officials remain in communication with the Government of Puerto Rico and federal authorities and are ready and willing to offer emergency assistance, such as personnel and equipment, at the request of Puerto Rico. 

星期四, 9月 28, 2017


TREASURER GOLDBERG ANNOUNCES LATEST UNCLAIMED PROPERTY EBAY AUCTIONProperties To Be Showcased Across The State Starting Monday, October 2nd In Boston

BOSTON, MA – Treasurer Deborah Goldberg today announced that her office will be displaying select items from the Unclaimed Property Division that will soon be auctioned on eBay.com.  The items will first be displayed at the State House in Boston on Monday, October 2nd, and will subsequently be shown in Cape Cod, New Bedford, Springfield and Worcester, all leading up to the online auction starting on Saturday, October 7th.

“We are excited to showcase these items in different regions across the state,” said Treasurer Deb Goldberg. “The Unclaimed Property Division’s eBay offerings are a proven success for maximizing revenue for the Commonwealth. This year’s auction is gearing up to be another big hit.”

The traveling showcase, which represents only a portion of the lots up for bid, will include items such as gold, silver, jewelry, collectible currency and high-end wristwatches.  The vast majority come from abandoned safe deposit boxes with contents that have gone unclaimed for a period of at least nine years. 

Treasurer Goldberg will host a preview of the auction items to the press on Monday, October 2nd at 11 a.m. in her office at the Massachusetts State House in room 227.      

The times and locations for the displays are as follows:

·            Monday, October 2nd from noon to 5:00 p.m. – State House Nurse’s Hall, Massachusetts State House, Boston, MA.
·            Tuesday, October 3rd from noon to 6:00 p.m. – Irish Village Cape Cod, 822 MA-28, South Yarmouth, MA.
·            Wednesday, October 4th from noon to 5:00 p.m. – Massachusetts State Lottery offices, 200 Theodore Rice Blvd, New Bedford, MA.
·            Thursday, October 5th from noon to 5:00 p.m. – Springfield State Building, 436 Dwight St., Springfield, MA.
·            Friday, October 6th from noon to 5:00 p.m. – Worcester State Lottery Office, 151 West Boylston Drive, Worcester
This is the eleventh time that the Commonwealth has used eBay to liquidate its unclaimed tangible property holdings.  Prior to that, the Treasury held a live auction for such items, a process that was far less profitable because of its limited reach to potential bidders. Since November 2005, the eBay auction has raised $2,469,576.32 for the state’s General Fund through the sale of 9,439 separate bid lots.

On Saturday, October 7th, at noon, 100 lots will be posted followed by a gradual release of additional items over the course of two months. In all, we expect to put out around 1,200 lots out to bid which can be viewed by using the eBay seller id “mass.state.treasury.”

Goldberg said that the Treasury needs to regularly liquidate older portions of its tangible property holdings due to storage constraints and logistical needs.  She noted that if an individual or their heirs later prove that a piece of sold property belonged to them, they will be fully compensated the sale price of the item. 

The Treasury also maintains a comprehensive list of approximately $2 billion in unclaimed monetary property, such as stock, insurance payments, and unclaimed bank accounts.  Individuals can search to see if they own such property at www.findmassmoney.com  or by calling 1-(888)-344-MASS.


Please Note:

Members of the media will have an advanced opportunity to view and film items at each of the five locations one hour prior to the lots being opened to public viewing.  The locations and times are as follows:

  • Monday, October 2nd from noon to 5:00 p.m. – State House Nurse’s Hall, Massachusetts State House, Boston, MA.
  • Tuesday, October 3rd from noon to 6:00 p.m. – Irish Village Cape Cod, 822 MA-28, South Yarmouth, MA.
  • Wednesday, October 4th from noon to 5:00 p.m. – Massachusetts State Lottery offices, 200 Theodore Rice Blvd, New Bedford, MA.
  • Thursday, October 5th from noon to 5:00 p.m. – Springfield State Building, 436 Dwight St., Springfield, MA.
  • Friday, October 6th from noon to 5:00 p.m. – Worcester State Lottery Office, 151 West Boylston Drive, Worcester

MAYOR WALSH ANNOUNCES LAUNCH OF INTERGENERATIONAL HOMESHARE PILOT PROGRAM Pilot provides affordable housing to graduate students while assisting local homeowners and increasing community stability BOSTON - Thursday, September 28, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced today the launch of the Intergenerational Homeshare Pilot, a collaboration with the Elderly Commission, the Mayor's Housing Innovation Lab, and nesterly, a local social enterprise working to make existing homes work better for today's households. The Intergenerational Homeshare Pilot will match households with a spare bedroom to students who are seeking an affordable place to stay during their studies, as well as an opportunity to engage with the local community. This pilot program is a goal from Mayor Walsh and the Elderly Commission's Age-Friendly Boston Action Plan, which aims to encourage age-friendly development along with alternative housing options by exploring the creation of an Intergenerational Homeshare, matching older homeowners with extra rooms to rent with people who need to rent a room. The pilot currently has eight pairings, and will run through December to determine the impact, feasibility, and resources needed to potentially scale this initiative into a City-wide program. "Boston is home to a growing number of seniors and students. We know that many of our older residents want to stay in their homes -- but need companionship and some simple home maintenance," said Mayor Walsh. "By matching established adults with extra space with students who are eager to engage with their communities, we're creating an innovative housing pilot that provides more affordable options for everyone." Seniors are the fastest-growing cohort of Boston's population, as outlined in the Walsh Administration's housing plan: Housing a Changing City: Boston 2030. In addition, AARP reports that nearly ninety percent of older households want to age in their homes and communities, but face challenges with social isolation, declining incomes and home maintenance. A national report by the Trulia housing economics research team estimates that there are more than 3.6 million spare bedrooms in the homes of U.S. Baby Boomers in metropolitan areas that have the potential to be rented out. More than 38,000 of these rooms are located in Boston. The study also demonstrates that graduate students could potentially save up to $24,000 annually by renting a room rather than a one-bedroom apartment. With the current demographic shifts and the need to increase affordable housing, the City and nesterly are collaborating to bring the innovative housing solution of intergenerational homesharing to the City of Boston. Demand for the program has been strong. Working in collaboration with local organizations and universities, nesterly received more than 80 applications to participate in only three weeks. nesterly then worked closely with the host and guest applicants to help them find housing opportunities that would go beyond logistical matching to create stronger community relationships. To date, eight successful matches have been made across Boston and surrounding towns through a newly developed website that helps hosts and guests easily connect with each other and agree to a mutually beneficial exchange. "It's going great!" said Brenda Atchison, one of the first participants in the program. "The City and nesterly were so thoughtful, and matched me with a wonderful architecture student from Greece. I'm an empty-nester, and Phoebus brings a presence into my home that makes it feel so much more alive and full. We're cooking dinner together; I'm showing him Roxbury's beautiful architecture. Not only am I learning from him, but I also like being able to feel as though I'm helping in another way -- his PhD program might have been a reach if he had to pay for a room alone, but now there is another alternative." "As our population ages, we need creative housing solutions that will support older adults' wellbeing and engagement in their communities, as well as help those who wish to remain in their homes to do so affordably," said Jennifer Molinsky, Senior Research Associate at the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University. "The model for Intergenerational homesharing that nesterly and the City are putting forward has the potential to help people afford to stay in their homes while also forging new social connections that will enrich their lives-as well as their communities." The City and nesterly will continue to evaluate the pilot over the coming months to determine the program's success and to assess potential ways to expand it. In the meantime, residents can sign up up to host or rent at www.nesterly.io today. About nesterly nesterly is an award-winning social enterprise founded by recent MIT graduates Noelle Marcus and Rachel Goor. Their model offers a unique approach to solving the housing affordability crisis by capitalizing on the millions of empty spare bedrooms across the country. nesterly's digital community connects households who have spare space with young people willing to exchange help around the house for lower rent. They were named an Idea to Change the World in 2017 by MIT's IDEAS Global Challenge, and have been featured in The Atlantic, Forbes and NPR's Marketplace. To learn more or join the community, visit www.nesterly.io, or contact them directly at info@nesterly.net. About Age Friendly Boston We want to create an environment where older adults can continue to lead healthy, independent and productive lives in Boston. We're challenging the City's public agencies, businesses, cultural, educational, and religious institutions, and community groups to consider how they can change policy and practices to enhance the quality of life for our residents. About the Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics and the Housing Innovation Lab The Mayor's Housing Innovation Lab was facilitated by a collaboration between the Department of Neighborhood Development and the Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics (MONUM). The Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics serves as Mayor Walsh's civic innovation group. A City agency that was formed in 2010, New Urban Mechanics pilots experiments that offer the potential to improve the quality of life for Boston residents. The Housing Innovation Lab focuses their work on reducing the cost of housing. To learn more about MONUM, follow the office on Twitter or visit their website. To learn more about the Housing Innovation Lab, follow the office on Twitter or visit their website.

Pilot provides affordable housing to graduate students while assisting local homeowners and increasing community stability
BOSTON - Thursday, September 28, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced today the launch of the Intergenerational Homeshare Pilot, a collaboration with the Elderly Commission, the Mayor's Housing Innovation Lab, and nesterly, a local social enterprise working to make existing homes work better for today's households. The Intergenerational Homeshare Pilot will match households with a spare bedroom to students who are seeking an affordable place to stay during their studies, as well as an opportunity to engage with the local community.

This pilot program is a goal from Mayor Walsh and the Elderly Commission's Age-Friendly Boston Action Plan, which aims to encourage age-friendly development along with alternative housing options by exploring the creation of an Intergenerational Homeshare, matching older homeowners with extra rooms to rent with people who need to rent a room. The pilot currently has eight pairings, and will run through December to determine the impact, feasibility, and resources needed to potentially scale this initiative into a City-wide program.

"Boston is home to a growing number of seniors and students. We know that many of our older residents want to stay in their homes -- but need companionship and some simple home maintenance," said Mayor Walsh. "By matching established adults with extra space with students who are eager to engage with their communities, we're creating an innovative housing pilot that provides more affordable options for everyone."

Seniors are the fastest-growing cohort of Boston's population, as outlined in the Walsh Administration's housing plan: Housing a Changing City: Boston 2030. In addition, AARP reports that nearly ninety percent of older households want to age in their homes and communities, but face challenges with social isolation, declining incomes and home maintenance.

national report by the Trulia housing economics research team estimates that there are more than 3.6 million spare bedrooms in the homes of U.S. Baby Boomers in metropolitan areas that have the potential to be rented out. More than 38,000 of these rooms are located in Boston. The study also demonstrates that graduate students could potentially save up to $24,000 annually by renting a room rather than a one-bedroom apartment.

With the current demographic shifts and the need to increase affordable housing, the City and nesterly are collaborating to bring the innovative housing solution of intergenerational homesharing to the City of Boston. Demand for the program has been strong. Working in collaboration with local organizations and universities, nesterly received more than 80 applications to participate in only three weeks. nesterly then worked closely with the host and guest applicants to help them find housing opportunities that would go beyond logistical matching to create stronger community relationships. To date, eight successful matches have been made across Boston and surrounding towns through a newly developed website that helps hosts and guests easily connect with each other and agree to a mutually beneficial exchange.

"It's going great!" said Brenda Atchison, one of the first participants in the program. "The City and nesterly were so thoughtful, and matched me with a wonderful architecture student from Greece. I'm an empty-nester, and Phoebus brings a presence into my home that makes it feel so much more alive and full. We're cooking dinner together; I'm showing him Roxbury's beautiful architecture. Not only am I learning from him, but I also like being able to feel as though I'm helping in another way -- his PhD program might have been a reach if he had to pay for a room alone, but now there is another alternative."

"As our population ages, we need creative housing solutions that will support older adults' wellbeing and engagement in their communities, as well as help those who wish to remain in their homes to do so affordably," said Jennifer Molinsky, Senior Research Associate at the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University. "The model for Intergenerational homesharing that nesterly and the City are putting forward has the potential to help people afford to stay in their homes while also forging new social connections that will enrich their lives-as well as their communities."

The City and nesterly will continue to evaluate the pilot over the coming months to determine the program's success and to assess potential ways to expand it. In the meantime, residents can sign up  up to host or rent at www.nesterly.io today.

About nesterly
nesterly is an award-winning social enterprise founded by recent MIT graduates Noelle Marcus and Rachel Goor. Their model offers a unique approach to solving the housing affordability crisis by capitalizing on the millions of empty spare bedrooms across the country. nesterly's digital community connects households who have spare space with young people willing to exchange help around the house for lower rent. They were named an Idea to Change the World in 2017 by MIT's IDEAS Global Challenge, and have been featured in The AtlanticForbes and NPR's Marketplace. To learn more or join the community, visit www.nesterly.io, or contact them directly at info@nesterly.net.

About Age Friendly Boston
We want to create an environment where older adults can continue to lead healthy, independent and productive lives in Boston. We're challenging the City's public agencies, businesses, cultural, educational, and religious institutions, and community groups to consider how they can change policy and practices to enhance the quality of life for our residents.

About the Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics and the Housing Innovation Lab
The Mayor's Housing Innovation Lab was facilitated by a collaboration between the Department of Neighborhood Development and the Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics (MONUM). The Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics serves as Mayor Walsh's civic innovation group. A City agency that was formed in 2010, New Urban Mechanics pilots experiments that offer the potential to improve the quality of life for Boston residents. The Housing Innovation Lab focuses their work on reducing the cost of housing. To learn more about MONUM, follow the office on Twitter or visit their website. To learn more about the Housing Innovation Lab, follow the office on Twitter or visit their website.

國慶晚會首度移師台中 吳新興邀民眾與僑胞同慶雙十

2017一起更好 全民狂歡夜」國慶晚會記者會今天在台中市政府舉辦,僑委會委員長吳新興出席表示,為了讓更多民眾與僑胞同歡,今年除擴大國慶晚會的規模,並首度移師台中市舉辦。 



2017一起更好 全民狂歡夜」晚會將於109日在國立台灣體育運動大學田徑場舉行。除了廣邀全世界的僑胞返國參加,也歡迎全國各地民眾到台中市來一起歡慶雙十。(僑委會提供)

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Relief And Recovery Resources For The Citizens Of Puerto Rico

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Relief And Recovery Resources For The Citizens Of Puerto Rico

BOSTON— In the wake of the devastating impacts of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, the Baker-Polito Administration today outlined the efforts Massachusetts is undertaking to provide assistance to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, including the formation of a task force that will ensure that the state is prepared to support residents of Puerto Rico who chose to self-evacuate the island and seek temporary or permanent residence in Massachusetts. State officials remain in communication with the Government of Puerto Rico and federal authorities and are ready and willing to offer emergency assistance, such as personnel and equipment, at the request of Puerto Rico. 

My heart breaks for the people of Puerto Rico, whose lives were turned upside down by the devastation of these merciless hurricanes,” said Governor Baker.  “Puerto Rican communities across Massachusetts have also been traumatized by images of the destruction and by fears that loved ones there are in danger.  Massachusetts is ready to welcome disaster survivors and our administration is preparing to support those who seek temporary or permanent residence in Massachusetts. We stand 100% ready to send help to Puerto Rico, including personnel and equipment and will remain in constant communication with Puerto Rican officials as well as the federal authorities managing recovery efforts.”

“The damaging impacts of the back-to-back Hurricanes in Puerto Rico is unimaginable and our hearts go out to everyone affected by the storms, especially as many are still trying to make contact with loved ones,” said Lt. Governor Polito.  “Massachusetts is ready and willing to offer emergency management support to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico at their request, and we urge everyone looking to help to heed the requests of Puerto Rico by supporting disaster relief operations through cash donations to organizations listed on our state website.”
MEMA is in the process of working with federal and state agencies and non-profit  organizations to ensure that the state is ready to provide support for people who self-evacuate to Massachusetts from Puerto Rico.  The Baker-Polito Administration is committed to meeting the needs of disaster survivors who seek temporary or permanent residence in Massachusetts by providing financial, housing, health care, jobs, and reunification services, as necessary. Representatives from MEMA, Housing and Community Development, Health and Human Services, Education and several other state and local agencies are convening to start preparations to support those who seek assistance in Massachusetts.  

"The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency and the Massachusetts National Guard​ have assets and personnel at the ready and can mobilize them post-haste if called upon to do so," said Executive Office of Public Safety and Security Secretary Dan Bennett, who oversees both agencies. "Puerto Rico and her citizens are foremost in our minds and we have made all necessary preparations to provide maximum support to ease the terrible suffering there."​

The administration has been informed by the National Emergency Management Association (NEMA), which works closely with FEMA and coordinates state-to-state mutual aid through the EMAC system, that due to extreme logistical challenges in Puerto Rico, such as damaged infrastructure and reduced capabilities at air strips, officials are strongly discouraging self-deployment of personnel and unsolicited donations of goods.  At this time, Puerto Rico’s mutual aid needs are being met by the deployment of federal resources, and by using the EMAC system to facilitate assistance from states.  The public, which is eager to help, is being asked by Puerto Rico to make cash donations as follows:  

·       You can help support the recovery & reconstruction of Puerto Rico by directing donations to United for Puerto Rico, at http://unitedforpuertorico.com.

·       Donate to the Red Cross, which is deeply involved in Puerto Rico’s relief operations, by visiting http://www.redcross.org 

·       Donate to other disaster relief organizations working in Puerto Rico.  Many of these organizations are listed on the website of the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD): https://www.nvoad.org/current-disasters/werespond/. The National VOAD asks people not to send unsolicited donated items.

Massachusetts is a member of the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), which functions as a national online system available for all states and territories, including Puerto Rico, to facilitate mutual aid and coordinate the provision of certain emergency management assets.  MEMA continues to regularly monitor and respond to EMAC requests and is ready, willing, and able to assist if a request is made that the Commonwealth is able to fulfill; indeed, MEMA responded to an EMAC request from Puerto Rico to provide an EMAC support team, but Puerto Rico confirmed that the capability had been filled by another state. 
The Commonwealth is willing and able to deploy a wide array of personnel and equipment at the request of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, including but not limited to:

·        Sworn state and local police officers
·        National Guard personnel and resources
·        Hazardous Materials Technicians
·        Environmental Assessment Teams
·        Building, road and bridge inspectors
·        Incident Management Assistance Teams
·        Shelter supplies (cots, blankets, comfort kits) and Support Teams
·        Animal Rescue, Veterinarian Teams and Animal Shelter Teams
·        Swift and Moving Water Rescue Teams (personnel and boats)
·        Heavy equipment (dump trucks, plows, front end loaders, etc.)
·        Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Support Teams
·        Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) A-Team
·        Public Assistance Coordinators
·        Fire-Based Technical Rescue Teams
·        Mobile Command Centers
·        Public Safety Communications Support/Restoration Teams
·        Public Health Inspectors
·        Geographic Information Systems (GIS) specialists
·        Coastal Zone Impact Assessment Personnel
·        Fire and Fire Code Inspectors
·        Saw crews
·        Public Information Officers
·        Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) staff
·        Disaster Mental Health Teams
·        Dive Teams
The Massachusetts National Guard (MANG) is in contact with the National Guard Bureau (NGB) as they work to identify and prioritize military resources needed for response operations in Puerto Rico.  Similar to the EMAC program, MANG is willing and able to assist in recovery efforts should federal officials identify and request one of their resources.