星期一, 3月 31, 2014


女健康Asian Women For Health)三月廿七日在塔芙茨醫療中心舉辦「感謝亞裔會(AppreciASIANS),表揚魯家珍,甄碧鳳,胡涵婷,說明該會從為亞裔患癌婦女提供支援開始,現已擴大為全方位的促進婦女健康。
女健康會創辦者黃千姬,本身是乳癌幸存者,原本辦理亞裔乳癌項目(Asian Breast Cancer Project),以她曾有的親身經歷,更切中要點的為患乳癌婦女提供精神支持,協助他們獲取適當醫療服務等,去年才以教育(Educate)、倡Advocate)、報答(Reciprocate)為標語,擴大為亞裔婦女健康會。
Friends of Mel基金會是女健康會的第一個捐款者。該會行政主任Paulin Alighieri這晚擔任主講人。她透露去年參加女健康會活動,聽到亞裔婦女分享得知患癌後的恐懼,礙於語言障礙,和醫護人員難以溝通時的無助,深受震撼,也為亞裔婦女健康會的致力為這些婦女提供各種幫助而感動。
Friends of Mel基金會原本就是個以“梅爾手環(Mels Bracelet)“籌款,支持癌症患者的機構該會當晚宣佈,捐款一千元之外,月份的出售梅爾手環收入,也將捐給女健康會。
即將到華府做證,籲請國會增加癌症研究經費的Vandana Sharma,當晚應黃千姬邀請到會,述說即使只是出門搭便車,也不宜搭男性駕駛的車等文化習俗,讓患癌的她遭遇更多生活困難。她邊說邊流淚,令人難過,也更感到抗癌需要許多勇氣。
            女健康會目前有黃千姬,陳寶來(Selena Tan),陳王錫萍,曾惠珠,袁立達,Sujata Ghosh等六名董事,將於五月十六日在西蒙斯學院參加第五屆亞太裔太平洋島民精神健康論壇,五月廿一日在塔芙茨大學舉辦第二屆“麻州亞裔婦女健康狀況”會議。


            感謝會主講人,Friends of Mel基金行政主任Paulin Alighieri(前中)和部分出席者合影。(菊子攝)
            亞裔婦女健康會董事,左起,袁立達,陳寶來,Sujata Ghosh,黃千姬,曾惠珠,陳王錫萍。(菊子攝)
            Vandana Sharma述說自己患癌後的經歷。(菊子攝)

 Over 100 of us were there to help celebrate AWFH's collective accomplishments in the past year. It gave me great pleasure to present this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVezP7E_37c, and to hear the inspirational stories shared by our members and supporters.

Our keynote speaker, Pauline Alighieri, the Executive Director of Friend of Mel Foundation, one of the first donors to AWFH, pledged continued support with a $1,000 gift and also named AWFH the recipient of "Mel's Magic": Purchase bead bracelets during the month of June to benefit AWFH!

We have created a new community in which Asian women aspire to lead happy, healthy lives through peer education, advocacy and support. If you share the same vision, please join us in advancing our mission by volunteering and contributing to our common cause.

By practicing the "Daffodil Principle" every day - as long as we stay focused and persistent with acts small and large, we will make a big impact together.

News/Upcoming Events:

JEarley's Brookline Hair Salon donated "Style, Allure & Rejuvenate" Monday series of 30-minute workshops held between 9am-1pm, with all proceeds to benefit AWFH ($15/workshop or $60 for the entire series, waivers available for cancer survivors and patients by request.)  This is a perfect gift for yourself or your friends, and you may book your preferred date(s) and time(s) via jearleyshairsalon@gmail.com or by calling 617-734-4247:
  • 3/31: Hair Styling, how to blow dry, use products and hair trims
  • 4/14: Makeup, lips, eyes, eye brows
  • 4/21: Hair/Wig, styling & cutting in shape
  • 4/28: Skincare, foundations for skin & balancing tone
  • 5/5: How to decide the right cut for you or your wig style
  • 5/12: Hair cut & color type for you & your skin type
Friday, May 16, 8-4pm
5th AAPI Mental Health Forum "Healing through Arts: Breaking Silences & Lifting Spirits" CEU available
Simmons College, Linda K. Paresky Conference Center
for more information, email: COStaffDev@massmail.state.ma.us

Wednesday, May 21, 8-4pm
2nd State of Asian Women's Health in MA
Tufts University, Sackler Building, Room 114
145 Harrison Ave., Boston 02111
Jean Yang, the ED of Health Connector and Lisa Wong, Mayor of Fitchburg, will be keynote speakers!
Register to attend now at http://2014awhinma.eventbrite.com
Sponsors and advertisers please contact: cch@asianwomenforhealth.org

During month of June, buy bracelets for yourself and as gifts and benefit AWFH here:  Friend of Mel Foundation

Saturday, June 7, 3-6pm
ExprASIANS Talent Show and Fair to benefit ABC Project
Boston Medical Center, Shapiro Ambulatory Care lobby
Performers, volunteers and exhibitors please contact: cch@asianwomenforhealth.org

In the coming weeks, we will post conference presentations and notes at www.asianwomenforhealth.org. We'll let you know when they are available.

We still have more to do:
  • To keep the conversation going, we will hold focus groups in targeted communities to gather more granular information on the gaps that most impact our ability to improve and maintain our health and wellness.  If you are interested in helping us organize a focus group let me know at: cch@asianwomenforhealth.org.
  • If you've already raised your hand to volunteer, we will be contacting you to help prepare for the upcoming events, and for our 2nd annual fundraiser in October. Let us know if you want to volunteer in any of these areas:
    • Resource Development/Fundraising
    • Financial Management/Operations
    • Event Planning
    • Communication/Social Media/Outreach
    • Research/Data Gathering
    • IT/Database Management
    • Translation/Interpretation
    • Providing Transportation
    • Providing/Preparing Food
  • If you would like to attend the Annual Board Meeting on the evening of 6/18, please let me know.
  • Like us on Facebook!
  • Tell others about AWFH and what we're doing.
On behalf of everyone at AWFH, thank you for your continued participation, and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

Chien-Chi Huang
Executive Director
Asian Women for Health
Educate. Advocate. Reciprocate.
Direct line:  617-870-4056

紀念波士頓馬拉松賽爆炸案展覽 4/7 開幕

"Dear Boston: Messages from the Marathon Memorial" Exhibition to Open at Boston Public Library on April 7 

Mayor Martin J. Walsh and organizing partners to open month-long exhibition

BOSTON – In the days and weeks following the 2013 Boston Marathon, a makeshift memorial grew in downtown Boston’s Copley Square. Comprised of thousands of items like flowers, posters, notes, t-shirts, and running shoes, the memorial offered messages of love, support, and hope to the victims and their families as well as the broader city of Boston. Beginning April 7, select pieces from that memorial will be on display at the Boston Public Library in an exhibition called "Dear Boston: Messages from the Marathon Memorial," which aims to provide visitors with a place for reflection. The exhibition will open with a special ceremony led by Mayor Walsh at 10:00 a.m. in the Library’s McKim Exhibition Hall, located in the Central Library in Copley Square, 700 Boylston Street. Dear Boston is open to the public beginning at 11:00 a.m. on April 7. 

"Dear Boston represents our strength and solidarity not only as a city, but also as a community that supports one another through even the most difficult of times," said Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "I encourage people – residents and visitors alike – to visit the exhibition, experience the resilience of the people of Boston, and view the messages of hope and healing."

Open from April 7 through May 11, the exhibition invites visitors to experience the profound emotions and solidarity evoked by the original memorial. Divided into three major sections, it transitions visitors from reflection to action and from memories of the tragedy to messages of hope and courage for the future as they move through the exhibition and out into their community. The exhibition, curated by Rainey Tisdale, is organized by a partnership that includes the Boston City Archives, Boston Art Commission, New England Museum Association, Boston Public Library, and Iron Mountain. For more information, visit www.bpl.org/dearboston.  

"Boston Public Library is proud to host this exhibition," said Amy E. Ryan, President of the Boston Public Library. "Libraries are places for community gathering and lifelong learning, in good times and in challenging times. We invite Bostonians and Bostonians at heart to visit our Copley Square location during this important time of remembrance."

In June of 2013, thousands of items from the memorial were transferred to the Boston City Archives for safekeeping after the memorial was dismantled. Now, after months of preservation and organization, selected iconic items will be displayed in the exhibition, including personal notes of condolence; signs and posters from towns all over Massachusetts and the world with messages of support and encouragement; items left by spectators, runners, and Marathon volunteers; declarations of hope and compassion; and 150 pairs of running shoes. Following the exhibition, all of the items will be preserved by Iron Mountain and available to the City for as long as needed.

"As a company with its global headquarters in Boston, the events of April 15, 2013 resonated with us deeply," said William Meaney, president and CEO of Iron Mountain. "We are honored to be an organizing partner by providing our resources and expertise to the city of Boston’s Marathon Memorial, affording us an opportunity grounded in the principles Iron Mountain was founded upon over 60 years ago: protecting, preserving and creating access to some of the world’s most treasured ideas, information and memories. Rest assured these precious items are safe with us."

The Dear Boston exhibition is one part of a larger community arts effort called #BostonBetter, where area museums, libraries, and archives will host various programs associated with the one-year anniversary of the 2013 marathon. For more information on this project, visit bostonbetter.org.

"Like the original memorial in Copley Square, exhibitions like ‘Dear Boston’ can help us find meaning from tragedy and bring us closer together," said New England Museum Association Executive Director Dan Yaeger. "We hope that #BostonBetter can provide that, helping to inspire people to act for the betterment of their communities moving forward. We’re happy to help bring together the museums and museum professionals who made the exhibition and supporting events possible."

星期日, 3月 30, 2014

波士頓冒雨反黑箱服貿 守護台灣民主


在電子郵件中,他們還指出,多名哈佛大學教授,包括科技與社會研究權威 Sheila Jasanoff教授 比爾蓋茲講座教授兼中研院院士孔祥重教授法學院教授 Duncan M. Kennedy 等人,都參加聯署,呼籲台灣以和平且民主的方式對待太陽花學生運動知名法律學者,哈佛法學院教授 Duncan Kennedy 發表了“ 憂心警察暴力、支持台灣民主”的聲明。










星期六, 3月 29, 2014



        本地來自台灣的留學生,民眾,日前發起過一次“反服貿黑箱作業”集會。現因“鎮暴“事件,決定發起”捍衛台灣民主“集會,呼籲民眾在三月三十日這天,穿黑衣,到哈佛廣場,Lexington Battle Green等地集合,響應台灣年輕學生計劃三月三十日上凱道抗議的”全球零時差接力,支持太陽花學運“。
            發起人在臉書上公佈的資訊指出,目前已有十八個國家,四十九個城市將加入串聯活動,求「反貿黑箱作譴責政府暴力鎮壓」。重申太學運的四項訴求: 一、退回服貿協議二、協議監督法制化,先立法、再查服貿協議,三、召公民會議四、要求朝野立委站出響應人民的求。 


4 points below, thank you!

1. Web links:


【330・和平・堅定・護民主】 波士頓台灣人不沉默

「萊辛頓Battle Green」與「哈佛廣場」兩場地接力聲援活動

1775年4月19日,在波士頓的萊辛頓 (Lexington)響起了美國獨立戰爭的第一槍響後,美國義勇軍從此風起雲湧致使英軍節節敗退,美軍在氣勢磅礡之下於隔年宣讀了《美國獨立宣言》。波士頓被譽為美國自由民主的搖籃地,除了有這段戰史,也在於全美最古老的高等教育哈佛大學的屹立不墜,它自1636年建校來便以「真理」(Veritas)為校訓培育許多接續維護民主自由的領導者,包括美國歷代八位總統。⋯⋯





我們在波士頓這兩個具有歷史民主意義的地方「萊辛頓Battle Green」與「哈佛廣場」,由波士頓老中青台灣人串聯接力聲援台灣太陽花學運活動,同聲嚴正譴責國家暴力、要求府院重視學生訴求:





Lexington Battle Green 14:00-14:30
Harvard Square 14:30-16:30


1.    為了讓這次的訴求得到具體的傳達,我們製作了海報,布條,小型的看板可以提供給大家。也歡迎大家自製標語,並帶著熱情與熱血來參加。
2.    為了讓世界上更多人了解台灣目前狀況,我們會準備英文傳單,發給現場的各國朋友。請您一起把這些訊息傳送出去。
3.    本次活動會合唱的歌曲包括為: 請朋友在活動前抽空練習喔
太陽花學運 主題曲 滅火器《島嶼天光》http://newtalk.tw/news/2014/03/28/45789.html

4.    肥皂箱演說: 歡迎各位參與的朋友,行前可以準備簡短的講稿,英文或各國語言皆可,主軸為捍衛台灣民主,譴責台灣政府暴力。讓我們勇敢的發聲,用行動給與在台灣的學生和民眾滿滿的支持和鼓勵!
5.    活動最後我們將步行至Harvard Yard, 在John Harvard 銅像前獻上太陽花,表達我們在哈佛支持太陽花學運的精神。
6.    現場提供標語布條給打大家簽名,此布條將寄回台灣為在台灣的學生與民眾加油打氣,表達我們的支持。

1.    活動當天建議身穿黑衣,表達暴力鎮壓後對民主之悼念。
2.    天氣預報活動當天會下雨,請攜帶雨具和注意保暖。
3. 歡迎攜帶與活動內容相關的海報與道具,也可以帶太陽花喔!
4.    請保持環境整潔,垃圾不落地
5.    若遭遇挑釁,請保持冷靜,切勿與挑釁者衝突

We are inviting all friends in Boston to the rally for Taiwan's democracy and future. We will dress in black and gather in Harvard Square on March 30 to support "Sunflower Movement" in Taiwan. 18 countries and 49 cities will join the global protest. The purpose of this protest is to oppose the controversial trade deal with China and condemn the illegal violence of Taiwanese government. We also would like to stress the objectives proposed in "Sunflower Movement":
1. Withdraw the cross-strait service trade agreement
2. Pass a bill to monitor all cross-strait negotiations
3. Hold a citizens's constitutional conference
4. Urging lawmakers across party lines to refrain from reviewing the trade agreement before the legislation is adopted

You are welcome to prepare protest boards and posters in the rally.
3. [新聞稿] 哈佛大學師生校友 連署呼籲台灣政府民主和平對待太陽花學運
連署人包括重量級講座學者 : 甘迺迪政府學院 Sheila Jasano⋯⋯ff 教授(Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies,科技與社會研究權威)及工程與應用科學學院比爾蓋茲講座教授兼中研院院士孔祥重教授(William H. Gates Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering)。法學院之法律哲學大師 Duncan M. Kennedy 教授(Carter Professor of General Jurisprudence)也親自出具短函聲援本次聯署。此外,曾任教於哈佛大學,目前在加州大學 Davis 分校之科技與法律史權威 Mario Biagioli 教授亦具名支持。
We Urge Peaceful and Democratic Resolution
of the Sunflower Student Movement in Taiwan
We write to express our concerns for the use of force deployed by law enforcement officials toward peaceful and unarmed student protesters in Taiwan. Taiwan’s vibrant democracy has allowed for robust political discussions on important social issues. We therefore urge the government in Taiwan to act in accordance with the fundamental principles embodied in its Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in dealing with peaceful protests. We hope that the government in Taiwan can continue to engage in constructive dialogues with its protesters and take active steps to reach a peaceful and democratic resolution.

知名法律學者,哈佛法學院教授 Duncan Kennedy 發表聲明: 憂心警察暴力、支持台灣民主

Duncan Kennedy, distinguished legal scholar, professor at Harvard Law School, expresses concern about police violence and supports Taiwan's democracy

March, 27, 2014
"My name is Duncan Kennedy and I am a professor of law at Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I am writing to express my concern over the use of force deployed by law enforcement officials toward peaceful and unarmed student protesters in Taiwan. Taiwan's vibrant democracy has allowed for robust political discussions on important social issues. I join those urging the government in Taiwan to act in accordance with the fundamental principles embodied by its Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in dealing with peaceful protests. We hope that the government in Taiwan can continue to engage in constructive dialogues with its protesters and take active steps to reach a peaceful and democratic resolution."

at 2:30pm - 4:30pm

Show Map
Harvard Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

所有在波士的朋友,的民主主一起站出! 身穿黑衣,在Harvard Square響應 330 全球零差接力活,支持太學運! 目前全球已有18個國家,49城市加入串。本活動訴「反貿黑箱作譴責政府暴力鎮壓」,再次重申太學運的四項訴求:

流程及細節將在稍後公布,迎自行攜帶標語poster。另外,台鄉會於同日下午2:00Lexington Battle Green聚集響應
細節請詳見 https://www.facebook.com/events/1480796915469373/?notif_t=plan_user_invited


We are inviting all friends in Boston to the rally for Taiwan's democracy and future. We will dress in black and gather in Harvard Square on March 30 to support "Sunflower Movement" in Taiwan. 18 countries and 49 cities will join the global protest. The purpose of this protest is to oppose the controversial trade deal with China and condemn the illegal violence of Taiwanese government. We also would like to stress the objectives proposed in "Sunflower Movement":
1. Withdraw the cross-strait service trade agreement
2. Pass a bill to monitor all cross-strait negotiations
3. Hold a citizens's constitutional conference
4. Urging lawmakers across party lines to refrain from reviewing the trade agreement before the legislation is adopted

Agenda and details will be announced later. You are welcome to prepare protest boards and posters in the rally.