開路者(Mind Opener)、
All rights of articles and photos on this website are reserved.
It’s been wonderful to begin my new role at the State House. January has been an eventful month filled with legislative briefings, community events, and bill filing. I look forward to connecting with all of you. I will have office hours at Newton City Hall Room 211 as follows:
Friday, February 7, 11 - 12:30PM
Friday, March 7, 11-12:30
Friday, April 4, 11-12:30
If you’d like to schedule an appointment another time, please reach out to Denise Chan at denise.chan@mahouse.gov or Jay Harney at jwharney@gmail.com. I am happy to meet with you either in Newton or at the State House.
New Legislation This Session
You can go to my page on the Mass legislature website to see the bills that I’ve sponsored and co-sponsored so far. There were many bills filed, and I will likely add to the list of co-sponsored bills.
HD 1036: An Act to update the public shade tree law - co-presenter of this bill with Representative Steve Owens.
HD 1451: An Act relative to preventing home insurers from forcing tree removal
HD 1453: An Act warning consumers of the health risks of gas stoves
HD 4331 An Act relative to historic districts and commissions
HD 2690 Resolution providing for the ratification of the Child Labor Amendment to the Constitution of the US of America - filed on behalf of Alex Jablon
HD 1452 An Act to remodel public school athletics through social-emotional learning
Upcoming Events
State of the City Address,TONIGHT at 8:00 PM: Mayor Fuller will be giving her final State of the City address at Newton City Hall with special guest, Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll.
Newton Corner Rotary Long-Term Planning Study,Wednesday, February 5 at 4:00 PM: Working group meeting #3. MassDOT will host the third virtual (Zoom link) working group meeting (open to the public) as part of the Newton Corner long-term planning study.
Lunar New Year Celebration, Saturday, February 8 at 5:00 PM: The Chinese American Association of Newton (CAAN) and the Newton Education Support Network (NESN) will host this celebration of the Year of the Snake at the Zervas Elementary School.
Food & Plastics: The Cry of the Earth, February 6 at 7:30 PM at Our Lady Help of Christians Church, Lower Hall (573 Washington Street, Newton). Enter parking lot from Adams Street. The SHOL Newton Creation Care Team, Green Newton, FUUSN, Eliot Church of Newton UCC, Mass. Interfaith Power & Light, and Boston Catholic Climate Movement are co-sponsoring a panel discussion. The panel will be moderated by Professor Philip Landrigan, MD, director of Boston College’s Program for Global Public Health and the Common Good. Panelists include Amber Schmidt, Newton England Zero Waste Organizer for Clean Water’s ReThink Disposable program and Justice Sandler, Black Earth Compost’s coordinator for larger commercial compost customers.
West Newton Family Navigation Center Ribbon Cutting, Wednesday, February 12, 12:00-2:00 PM. 1650 Washington Street, West Newton: Celebrate the opening of 42 new transitional family housing units.
Douglass Day Transcribe-a-thon, Friday, February 14, 12-3 PM, Computer Lab at the Newton Free Library, 330 Homer Street, Newton Centre. Participants can celebrate African-American history and help transcribe historical documents from the Library of Congress collection. This event is part of Douglass Day, a collaborative program in partnership with the Library of Congress and its By the People crowdsourcing project. Participants can stop by at any time during the event to participate.
Newton Corner Long-Term Planning StudyPublic Meeting, February 25 at 6:30 PM via Zoom. Register here. The study team will review the future conditions, issues, constraints, and opportunities within the study area, and discuss first-stage alternatives development. They will also solicit feedback from the public about the trajectory of this study.
Newton Corner Neighborhood Association meeting, Wednesday, February 26 at 7:30 PM.
Newtonville Area Council meeting, Thursday, February 27 at 7:00 PM. Zoom link.
It’s been a busy month!
Governor Healey’s State of the State Address
Black History Month Lecture, Cabot Park Village
Mass Women’s Political Caucus Annual Meeting
Newton Community Pride Soup Social
Newton Police Swearing in Ceremony
Newton for Everyone presentation with Jason Korb
Rev. Brandon Crowley speaks at MLK, Jr. Day Celebration
It’s been hard to watch the news unfold recently, but we are doing what we can at the state and local level to support and protect the residents of Massachusetts. Wishing for a peaceful and safe new year for all.
Warm regards,
State Representative, 11th Middlesex District
Copyright (C) 2025 Representative Amy Sangiolo. All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.
Our mailing address is: Representative Amy Sangiolo 389 Central St Auburndale, MA 02466 USA
Mail in voting has begun! If you received a mail-in ballot, you can send it in, drop it in the box at City Hall, or bring it inside to the City Clerk’s Office.
Early voting starts Saturday, August 24, at City Hall. The Democratic Primary is September 3. Find details below.
“I am thrilled to endorse Amy Mah Sangiolo for state representative. Amy has been an active member of our community and I know she will be a great partner in representing the residents of Newton on
Beacon Hill.”
Cynthia Stone Creem
Senate Majority Leader
Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus PAC Endorsement
“The MWPC PAC is proud to endorse Amy Sangiolo for State
Representative in the 11th Middlesex District. We need strong leaders like Amy Sangiolo who recognize that transparency in government is critical, while also embodying our core values of representative governance, civil rights, and women’s reproductive freedom. A vote for Amy Sangiolo is a vote for our state’s brighter future.”
Shannon Montanez, Chair of the MWPC PAC Board of Directors.
Please vote on or before the Democratic Primary, September 3!
Thank you so much for your support!
With gratitude,
Amy Mah Sangiolo
Candidate for State Representative, 11th Middlesex District
It was great to see so many families and friends turn out for the Gath Memorial Pool reopening!
Dear Friend,
My team and I have knocked on over 6,000 doors, and I’ve attended over 40 community events since this race began. The warm welcome from Newton voters has been incredible! Our list of supporters is growing day by day. Will you add your name to my list of endorsers?
Deborah Goldberg, State Treasurer • Cynthia Stone Creem, State Senator • Marc Laredo, City Council President • David Kalis, City Council Vice President • Lisle Baker, City Council President Emeritus Newton City Councilors: Alison Leary • John Oliver • Tarik Lucas • David Micley • Andrea Kelley • Julia Malakie • Pam Wright • Lenny Gentile • Josh Krintzman • Randy Block • Rena Getz • Alan Lobovits • Stephen Farrell Newton School Committee Members: Rajeev Parlikar • Anping Shen • Emily Prenner • Paul Levy • Tamika Olszewski
Former Elected Officials
Steve Grossman, Former State Treasurer and DNC Chairman • Michael Malec • John A. Businger • Peter Harrington • Bob Gerst • Steve Linsky • Paul Snyder • Barbara Brousal Glaser • Jay Harney • Chris Markiewicz • John Stewart • John Rice • Dick Blazar • Ken Parker • Margaret Albright • Richard Alfred • Matt Hills
Community Endorsers
Ralph Abele • Mark Alpert • Terry Altherr • Bruce Apotheker • Jeffrey Armstrong • Susan Blandy • Nancy Brown • Melissa Brown• Betty Chan • Stella Chin • Allan Cole • Alison Conant • Marcia Cooper • Ann Cornaro • Chuck Cossaboom • Dana D'Agostino • Rose Day • Allyson Donohoe • Beverly and Thomas Droz • Shelah Feiss • Howard Fineman • Kevin and Susan Fitzgerald • Sally Fleschner • Cheryl Forte • Gita Foster • Jane Frantz • Jeremy Freudberg • Carolyn Gabbay • Rich Gallogly • Lori and Steve Gans • Gloria Gavris • Nate Gibson • Ellie Goldberg • Maureen Grace • Ricky and Rob Greenly • Kathleen Grieser • Ted Gross • Barbara Wallace Grossman • Jane Hanser • Phil Hanser • Martha Harney • John and Kate Haworth • Jeff and Lois Hecht • David Hedison • Susannah Heschel • Nancy Horwitz • Julie Jakubowski • Barbara John • Bonnie Katz • Diane Kemsley • Ken and Carol Krems • Meryl Kessler • Anna and Mitchell King • Ted Kuklinski • Kathy Laufer • Doris and Fred Lewis • Mary Lewis • Janet Linder • Jack Lovett • Arlene Lowney • Myrna Malec • Elaine Mandell • Marian Mandell • Rona Mayor • Joan McGrath • Josephine McNeil • Carie and David Michael • Karen Mondell • Natalie Moran • Naomi Myrvaagnes • Audrey Paek • Martin and Susan Paley • Amanda Park • Nathan Persampieri • Bob Persons • Chris Pitts • Maria Plati • Lionel Porter • Jack Porter • Tyrone Powell • Chuck Proia • Arrianna Proia • Daniel and Rebecca Proskauer • Lynne White Robbins • Rachel Rosenbaum • Linda Ross • Gary and LIsa Rucinski • Bill Sage • Monica Sangiolo • Sharon Sasanow • Matt Selig • Joel Shames • Lynn Slobodin • Dale Smith • Dena Snyder • Charlie and Kit Stover • Ruhina Tahir • Irene Tanzman • Janet Taylor • Tammy Tsikar • Jane Walsh • Keith Worthley • Rose Yesu and more…
Please vote on or before Election Day, September 3!
Candidate for State Representative, 11th Middlesex District
Thank you to my youngest supporters for decorating this great sign for me!
Dear Friends,
There are 40 days until the Democratic Primary on September 3 and voting by mail has already begun. It's time to make a plan to vote. Here's how:
Vote Early by Mail
To vote early by mail, fill out the form you received in the mail. If you did not receive a form, you can fill out an application here. The deadline to apply to vote by mail is Monday, August 26, at 5 PM.
Register to Vote
The deadline to register to vote in the Sept. 3 Primary Election is 5:00 p.m., Saturday, August 24. Not sure whether you are registered? Find your status here. Not registered? Register online here.
Early In-Person Voting
In-person early voting begins at Newton City Hall on Saturday, August 24 and continues through Friday, August 30. More details here.
Vote on Election Day, September 3
Polls will be open on election day, Tuesday, Sept. 3, across Newton from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Find your polling location here.
I’m continuing to knock on doors throughout the district, meeting with residents and listening to their concerns.
Combating our climate crisis, addressing our housing shortage, improving public transit, increasing funding for education, and improving access to services for our most vulnerable are high priorities for our district's residents. As your State Representative, I pledge to use my experience leading in these areas to make Newton and the entire Commonwealth a great place for residents of all ages and businesses of all sizes to thrive.
If you haven’t already signed up to support my campaign, please do so now. If you’ve already signed up, a huge thank you! And please remind your friends and neighbors to vote, too!
Candidate for State Representative, 11th Middlesex District
Good Morning Newton Residents!
Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend!
Campaign season is in full blast! We completed our village Run with Amy events this week with a 1.5 mile run in Newton Centre! It was great meeting residents and speaking about the issues many residents about - schools, transparency or lack of transparency in government, housing and development, and the state of the city in general. Please visit my website to find out about more events or just send me an email so we can meet! I'd love to hear from you about any issues or concerns you may have and what you'd like to see in the next four years!
By the way, our Let's talk about West Newton Square on Wednesday was a huge success! We had a huge turnout (about 70% within a 10-minute walk of West Newton Square) and guests including City Councilors Pam Wright, Julia Malakie, and Andrea Kelley along with Michael Halle, Chair of the Transportation Advisory Group, and developer Robert Korff, who shared information about the Dunstan East project and plans for the Santander Bank and the West Newton Armory. You can watch the video here and see poll results here. Please feel free to visit my campaign website at www.sangiolo.org or contact me by email at teamsangiolo@gmail.com to learn more about me and my vision for Newton.
Below you will find this week's Newton Community and Local Government update. I hope the information contained in these weekly newsletters will provide you with a snapshot of the policies, programs, and services our elected and appointed officials/bodies are working on and keep you informed and engaged in local government and our community.
And now, here is this week's Newton Community and Local Government Update:
Kindly forward this to your friends, family, and anyone you think might be interested. If someone forwarded this to you, you may click here to subscribe. You can find all previous issues at amysangiolo.com.
Please stay safe, take care of yourselves and your loved ones, be happy, and most of all - be kind.
With the Delta variant upon us and COVID-19 numbers on the rise here in Newton, please mask up - even if you are vaccinated!
With warm regards,
Amy Mah Sangiolo
What’s Up in Newton this Week – COVID-19 Update; City Council to vote on Levingston Cove Improvement Project (Fishing Wall); Land Use to hold public hearing on another 275 Grove Street Special Permit Application for Lab and Research Facility; Public Safety to discuss Police Reform Task Force Recommendations and Implementation; and more…..
COVID-19 Update: The number of COVID-19 confirmed cases have increased to 5,122 and the number of confirmed deaths has sadly risen to 217. The Newton data can be found here and the NPS data can be found here.
Full Council to vote Levingston Cove Improvement Project: The City Council will take up the $1.4 million CPA-funded, controversial Levingston Cove Improvement Project that is intended to bring accessibility and other improvements to Crystal Lake. See project documents here. Members of the Crystal Lake Conservancy and Friends of Crystal Lake appear to agree that there needs to be improvements but they believe that the project proposed by the Parks and Recreation Commission is too intrusive to the environment and believe that an alternative would be less intrusive and still create accessibility to the Lake. See the Programs and Services Report here and the Finance Committee Report here.
Lab and Research Space for 275 Grove Street? Yes – 275 Grove is back and now asking to amend their special permit again but this time to allow for a height up to 8 stories. See Land Use Committee agenda here.
Three Police Reform Task Force items on Public Safety and Transportation Agenda on Wednesday: The Public Safety and Transportation Committee will take up three items docketed related to recommendations contained in the Police Reform Task Force Report. The Public Safety and Transportation Agenda can be found here.
Weekly Road Construction Schedule: This week’s road construction schedule can be found here.
Community News:
What is the freedge and what is the Drive for Five? The freedge is a community refrigerator & pantry that is open 24/7 and provides free food and personal care products to anyone who needs them, no questions asked and no sign up needed. The freedge is organized by Newton Food Pantry in collaboration with many local organizations, including Newton Neighbors. It is a volunteer-led, community-supported resource, with the motto “take what you need, leave what you can”.
The Drive for Five is a project organized by Newton Neighbors to support the freedge. It is a community-wide effort to stock the freedge with five particularly high-demand items.
How can I help? We encourage families to shop for items together and to use this as an opportunity to talk about food insecurity in our community and beyond, and how we can come together to support our neighbors.
What to donate: The five items to donate for the drive are cooking oil, pasta, pasta sauce (your choice), toothpaste, and liquid hand or body soap. If you’d like, feel free to add more groceries or personal care items. This is a great way to get kids engaged in thinking about the foods they like to share with others and picking things to donate. We also encourage you to remember that Newton is a diverse and multicultural community, and to consider donating additional culturally-specific foods (e.g., tortillas, sauces or spices, Asian vegetables, etc.). The freedge accepts a wide range of items, but there are some limits for food safety – please review the donation guidelines for details.
Where to donate: You can bring your donations directly to the freedge, which is located at 420 Watertown Street (the parking lot of Central Drapery and Dry Cleaning in Nonantum) or to 174 Oliver Rd, 39 Berkshire Rd, or 184 Islington Rd.
When to donate: The Drive for Five will run from October 1-13. After that, we will no longer be collecting items at the homes listed but you are welcome to bring donations directly to the freedge anytime.
Is your family experiencing food insecurity? If your family needs food, the freedge is a resource for you. It’s free, and you can visit it anytime day or night (420 Watertown Street in the parking lot of Central Drapery and Dry Cleaning in Nonantum). The freedge has milk, eggs, produce, bread, rice, pasta, beans, peanut butter, prepared foods and much more! Please take only what you need on the day you visit and leave the rest for your neighbors. You can see this multilingual freedge flyer for more information.
Indigenous Peoples Day Newton 2021
October 11, 2021 – 12 PM – 5 PM, Albermarle Field
The Indigenous Peoples Day Newton, Massachusetts Ceremonial Celebration will spotlight and celebrate the music, dance, poetry, and the visual art of diverse Native artists that currently live in the Northeast. It will be an outdoor, daytime, family-oriented cultural and spiritual celebration that is open, accessible, and welcoming to all Newton residents and neighboring towns.
(See Marathon info below)
Harvest Fair October 16 & 17, Newton Centre Green As the fall winds begin to blow, leaves change colors and one hundred or more tents “set up shop” on Newton Centre green, it hits you ……it’s Harvest Fair time! For 46 years this Autumnal celebration has brought our community together in one place to share good food, peruse unique hand- crafted goods, learn about local businesses, discover ways to create a “greener Newton” and of course watch the kiddies delight in their first ride on the ever popular caterpillar rollercoaster courtesy of Cushing Amusements. This year’s Harvest Fair will be October 16 and 17. Saturday the 16th will be amusement rides only (purchase tickets at the event). On Sunday the rides will be joined by crafters and vendors, food trucks and live entertainment on two stages.
The annual Halloween Window Painting Event is on Saturday, October 23, 2021! (Rain Date: Sunday, October 24)
Now in its 22nd year, the event provides a safe, fun opportunity for Newton area students, as well as their friends and family, to creatively celebrate Halloween.
The window painting event is open to Newton youth in Grades 3-8. Each artist is assigned a space on the outside of a business’ window in Newton’s participating villages on which to paint their masterpiece. The subject matter ranges from jack o’ lanterns, ghosts, goblins, witches, owls, to black cats and more, and each artist has their own particular take on the haunted holiday.
Dia De Los Muertos Celebration at the New Art Center 10/31, 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM New Art Center in collaboration with Zaira Meneses, a Mexican musician and recipient of the 2018 Boston Foundation Award, will be presenting a three day opportunity to create an authentic Day of the Dead experience. Students of all ages are encouraged to participate in the art of making traditional Mexican altar pieces expressing gratitude to loved ones no longer with us. From paper cutting to piñata making, everyone is encouraged to take part in this three-day celebration being supervised by Zaira Meneses & Friends. Contact info@newartcenter.org if you’re interested in participating.
The exhibition date to view the altars will be open to the public on October 31st. Welcoming everyone will be the sounds of Son Jarocho, authentic music that originated in Mexico’s coastal Veracruz. Traditional customary dress is optional, but we encourage everyone to be creative and participate!
No registration is necessary! You are welcome to drop in any time between 11 AM and 3:15 PM.
The 125th Boston Marathon will run through Newton on Monday, October 11th.
Information about how and where to watch the race is available here.
Municipal Election November 2nd, 2021 Information on the upcoming municipal general election is available from our friends at the League of Women Voters here. Also visit the city’s election department.
Flu Shot Clinics
Helping neighbors
Supporting resettling Afghan families: Newton Neighbors is working with local initiatives, including the Social Action Committee of Temple Shalom, to help with the search for housing for resettling Afghan families. As you may know, hundreds of families from Afghanistan will be arriving in Massachusetts in the coming week (starting as early as next week!!) and there is an urgent need for housing. If you might have a place to offer for a while, could you please fill out this form? If you are a realtor, broker, or otherwise might know folks who might have a space to offer, can you please send them this form? Thank you!
Find local events & learn more about what’s happening in town:
There are lots of great resources to find out what’s happening in Newton – check out some that might interest you below!
We’ve created a landing page for those new to town, featuring important apps to download and helpful email lists to sign up for. Check it out here: www.newtonneighbors.org/welcoming-neighbors
In addition, visit the following web pages and subscribe to these newsletters to find out more info about what’s happening in town – events, important city discussion and decisions, and more.
Village 14: https://village14.com/ They aim to be “the “go to” place for discussion of any issue in Newton, but there’s also plenty of room for humor and a bit of fun too. We welcome you all to join the conversation – the more voices, the better the conversation.”
The Charles River Chamber of Commerce has a regular “Need to Know” newsletter covering local business issues and other topics of local interest https://www.nnchamber.com/
The Newton Senior Center’s “Coming of Age” newsletter has info of interest to local seniors. Subscribe here.
Love a local newsletter, website, or other news source you don’t see here? Email us at newtonneighborshelping@gmail.com to suggest it!
Need Support?
Food assistance: information on the three food pantries, grab and go, and more available on the city’s website here. Info on the Newton Community Freedge (free fridge), a 24/7 free community food resource, is available here.
The Horace Cousens Industrial Fund is a charitable trust, established in 1930, which gives financial help to Newton residents who are faced with a temporary but severe financial problem. Grants are for one-time specific needs.https://www.newtonma.gov/home/showpublisheddocument?id=41413
Newton Neighbors has a Facebook group – Newton Neighbors Helping Neighbors to connect community members to support one another and share resources for people who live, work, pray, play and/or learn in Newton. Join here.
Support the Work of Newton Neighbors
You can now make tax-deductible contributions to us! Thank you to Newton Community Pride, our fiscal sponsor. If you would like to make a donation, please do so here.
Or mail a check to: 1294 Centre Street, Newton 02459
Recommendation for a discussion and adoption of a proposed revision to the Ward and Precinct lines for the City to respond to the recent federal census and growth of population, both within the city and within the eight wards. See Memo
Land Use Committee Agenda – The Land Use Committee will meet virtually on Tuesday, October 5th at 7:00 p.m.
Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to construct a single-story rear addition, increasing the nonconforming FAR and lot coverage and further reducing the nonconforming open space at 100 Exeter Road – See Special Permit documents and Planning Department Memo
Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to allow the construction of a two-story, 317 sq. ft. side addition, further increasing the nonconforming FAR at 107 Hobart Road – See Special Permit documents and Planning Department Memo
Request to amend a previously approved Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to allow a lab and research facility use and to allow height up to 96’ and 8 stories at 275 Grove Street – See Special Permit documents and Planning Department Memo
Request to rezone 11 Florence Street from Multi Residence 1 to Business Use 2 – See Special Permit documents and Planning Department Memo
Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to construct elderly housing with services, to allow a development in excess of 20,000 sq. ft., to allow a fourstory building, to allow a retaining wall greater than 4’ in height within a setback, to allow free-standing signs, to allow parking in the front setback, to reduce the required parking stall length, to waiver perimeter screening requirements and to waive one foot candle lighting at 11 Florence Street – See Special Permit documents and Planning Department Memo
Rules Subcommittee: The Rules Subcommittee will meet virtually on Wednesday, October 6th at 6:00 p.m.
Chair’s Note: The Rules Subcommittee will continue its discussion from the meeting on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. For additional information, please see the attached memo and meeting backup.
Public Facilities Committee: The Public Facilities Committee will meet virtually on Wednesday, October 6th at 7:00 p.m.
Appointment of Alan Gordon to the Sustainable Materials Management Commission
Request for a Grant of Location to install and maintain gas main in Carlson Ave
Request for a Grant of Location to install and maintain 260’+ of 8” plastic main extending from Linwood Avenue to #90 Bridge Street
Reappointment of Kare Slote to the Sustainable Materials Management Commission
Chair’s Note: It is the Chair’s intent to entertain a motion of no action necessary on the following item:
Request to appropriate and expend $150,000 from Acct # 6200-3240 Stormwater Management Fund Surplus for the purpose of funding engineering design services and permitting fees for the rehabilitation of the Bullough’s Pond Dam.
Chair’s Note: The Committee will meet jointly with Programs & Services to discuss the following two items. The link for this portion of this meeting is as follows: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82134981403
Request for NewCAL project update to the Public Facilities and Programs & Services Committees
Request for Lincoln-Eliot Elementary School project update to the Public Facilities and Programs & Services Committees.
Public Safety & Transportation Committee: The Public Safety and Transportation Committee will meet virtually on Wednesday, October 6th at 7:00 p.m.
Appeal of the approval of Traffic Council petition TC54‐21 on July 22, 2021, for a stop sign Parker Road at Parker Street, eastbound
Request by Mass General Brigham, for 6 new bus licenses
Request a discussion with the Administration on the Newton Police Reform Task Force recommendations
Request for quarterly updates from the Mayor and Police Chief to the Police Reform Task Force and Public Safety and Transportation Committee on the progress toward implementing Task Force recommendations
Request for a discussion with the Newton Police Department on training including discussion of training that supports the Police Reform Task Force recommendations for additional training for officers on systemic racism, behavioral health and cultural responsiveness to marginalized communities. Discussion should include what training officers and others are attending (internal and external) including overview of the content, who is receiving the training, and an assessment of the effectiveness
Programs & Services Committee: The Programs and Services Committee will meet virtually on Wednesday, October 6th at 7:00 p.m.
Request to set early voting hours for the November 2, 2021 Municipal Election for one of the following options for dates, location, and times both at Newton City Hall(1) Monday, October 25, 2021 to Friday, October 29, 2021 from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM or; (2) Monday, October 25, 2021 to Friday, October 29, 2021 from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM and Saturday, October 30, 2021 from 8:30 AM to Noon
Request for a discussion with Planning and Health and Human Services Departments in order to understand the process and controls under Chapter 30 and Chapter 12 of the City of Newton Ordinances, for obtaining Lab, Research and Development facility permits. (Ordinance 30 and Ordinance 12)
Request to amend Sec. 27-21 of Newton City Ordinances to increase the income limits for participation in the Senior Tax Work-off Program to adjust for wage and price inflation.
Reappointment of Lucille Chansky as a member of the Commission on Disability
Reappointment of Gloria Mastrocola Gavris to the Parks and Recreation Commission
Chair’s Note: The Programs & Services Committee will be joined by the Public Facilities Committee for discussion on the following two (2) items:
Request for NewCAL project update to the Public Facilities and Programs & Services Committees
Request for Lincoln-Eliot Elementary School project update to the Public Facilities and Programs & Services Committees
FY2021 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)– Follow-up
Zoning Redesign Updates
City Updates
Minutes: Review and Approval of meeting minutes from • August 16, 2021 • September 13, 2021
Upcoming Meetings • October 5—Joint with Land Use Committee for 11 Florence Street Rezoning Request (Required) • October 14—ZAP Meeting: Review & Amendments to MU4 Special Permit Criteria, Demo Delay, Natural Grade/Retaining Walls/PreConstruction Survey Requirements • October 25—ZAP Meeting: #528-20 – Local Preference Public Hearing, Zoning Redesign Results and Findings from the Village Center Engagement (Required)
Joint Meeting of the Land Use Committee and the Planning and Development Board: The Planning and Development Board will join the Land Use Committee on Tuesday, October 5th at 7:00 p.m.
Newton Human Rights Commission: The Newton Human Rights Commission will meet virtually on Tuesday, October 5th at 7:00 p.m. (NOTE: The agenda doesn’t say what time – but the link says 7:00 p.m.)
The agenda is not posted on the Electronic Posting Board, but according to the Planning Department’s Friday Report, the Committee will discuss the 2021-2022 Fair Housing Committee goals as well as other items and will approve draft meeting minutes.
Conservation Commission: The Newton Conservation Commission will meet virtually on Thursday, October 11th, at 7:00 p.m.
The Full City Council will meet virtually on Monday, October 4th at 7:45 p.m.
To join the Zoom meeting, go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83620293203 One tap mobile US: +13126266799,,83620293203# Land line US: +1 301 715 8592 Meeting ID: 836 2029 3203 You may also:
Watch a live broadcast of the meeting on NewTV’s government channel (Comcast 9, RCN 13, 614(HD), Verizon 33).
Request to amend a previously approved Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to remove the appointment only conditions, amend the hours of operations to allow business operations, to remove the sign plan as a control document and to amend the site plan and landscape plan at 697 Washington Street – Garden Remedies. See Special Permit Documents here and Draft Council Order here. NOTE: The item was split into four parts:
Hours of Operation – Approved 6-0
Removal of Appointment Only – Approved 3-2-1 (Lucas and Greenberg opposed, Kelley abstained)
Signage – Approval failed to carry (Laredo, Lucas, Greenberg, Kelley opposed, Downs and Lipof abstained)
Landscape Plan – Approved 6-0
Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to allow an accessory building with a ground floor area greater than 700 sq. ft., to allow a detached accessory apartment with reduced setbacks, to allow a dormer wider than 50% of the exterior wall below and to allow a dormer within 3’ of the intersection of the roof and the wall plane at 39 Adella Avenue – See Special Permit Documents here and Draft Council Order here.
Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan approval to demolish the existing detached garage and replace it with an attached garage and second story addition, increasing the non-conforming FAR and non-conforming lot coverage at 158 Parmenter Road. See Special Permit Documents here and Draft Council Order here.
Appointment of John Synnott to the Designer Selection Committee
Request for the disposition of an easement on City property adjacent to 39-41 Terrace Ave for the purposes of allowing the owner of 39-41 Terrace Ave to allow connection to the public sewer system in accordance with Section 2-7 of the City of Newton Ordinances.
Request authorization to appropriate and expend $138,620 for the purpose of funding engineering design services for the rehabilitation of the Bullough’s Pond Dam.
Reappointment of Puja Vohra, 130 Day Street, Newton to the Citizens Commission on Energy
Appointment of Nancy Kritzman to the Commission on Disability
Appointment of Cynthia Greene to the Human Rights Commission
Request to approve the Community Preservation Committee’s recommendation to appropriate $1,440,344 in Community Preservation Act funds, with $288,068.80 to come from the Open Space Prior Year Reserve (Act# 5840-3599) and $1,152,275.20 to come from the Prior Year Undesignated Fund (Acct# 5800-3599), to the control of the Planning & Development Department for the implementation of the approved and permitted designs for Levingston Cove including the construction of new erosion controls, plantings, accessibility improvements and the installation of new public amenities including new pathways, benches and decks.
Request to approve the Community Preservation Committee’s recommendation to appropriate $420,000 in Community Preservation Act funds from the FY22 Budget Reserve (Account# 58R10498-579000) to the control of the Planning & Development Department for the completion of the Athletic Fields Capital Improvements Plan Design FY2022-2025 Project which includes the hiring of on-call consultants to complete the studies, plans, and design work necessary to construct new fields and restore four to six existing sites.
The Committee voted No Action Necessary on the following items:
Request that the City Administration develop additional initiatives to its proactive and holistic approach to rodent control applicable to residential, municipal and commercial properties. Areas to consider potentially include, but are not limited to public education, enforcement, special permits and building permits, construction and excavation management, and assistance to private property owners of limited means.
Request for a discussion about the resources necessary for a speedy and safe return to in person learning, in compliance with the March 9, 2021 guidance from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and in anticipation of more than $48 million in Federal Aid from the American Rescue Plan
Request for a comparison of Newton’s fine for failure to license a dog to other communities. In addition, requesting an increase in the fine for failure to license a dog
Request for a review and possible changes to the off-leash dog ordinance to include:
raising fees required by dog walking companies in order to better maintain sites heavily used by dog walkers; and
requiring background checks on dog walkers to assure safety of dog owners and dogs; and
requesting the development of regulations for dog walking and dog daycare companies to assure appropriate care for dogs.
Appointment of David Micley to the Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust Fund
Requesting authorization to appropriate and expend $138,620 for the purpose of funding engineering design services for the rehabilitation of the Bullough’s Pond Dam
Request to approve the Community Preservation Committee’s recommendation to appropriate $1,440,344 in Community Preservation Act funds, with $288,068.80 to come from the Open Space Prior Year Reserve (Act# 5840-3599) and $1,152,275.20 to come from the Prior Year Undesignated Fund (Acct# 5800-3599), to the control of the Planning & Development Department for the implementation of the approved and permitted designs for Levingston Cove including the construction of new erosion controls, plantings, accessibility improvements and the installation of new public amenities including new pathways, benches and decks
Appointment of Nancy Kritzman to the Commission on Disability
Appointment of Cynthia Greene to the Human Rights Commission
Request to approve the Community Preservation Committee’s recommendation to appropriate $1,440,344 in Community Preservation Act funds, with $288,068.80 to come from the Open Space Prior Year Reserve (Act# 5840-3599) and $1,152,275.20 to come from the Prior Year Undesignated Fund (Acct# 5800-3599), to the control of the Planning & Development Department for the implementation of the approved and permitted designs for Levingston Cove including the construction of new erosion controls, plantings, accessibility improvements and the installation of new public amenities including new pathways, benches and decks.
Request to approve the Community Preservation Committee’s recommendation to appropriate $420,000 in Community Preservation Act funds from the FY22 Budget Reserve (Account# 58R10498-579000) to the control of the Planning & Development Department for the completion of the Athletic Fields Capital Improvements Plan Design FY2022-2025 Project which includes the hiring of on-call consultants to complete the studies, plans, and design work necessary to construct new fields and restore four to six existing sites.
Request to transfer funds from several different departments to the Law Department Judgements and Settlements Account in full and final settlement of Carresi et al v. City of Newton, 20-cv-11538-DJC and associated grievances
The Committee voted No Action Necessary on the following:
Request that the City Administration develop additional initiatives to its proactive and holistic approach to rodent control applicable to residential, municipal and commercial properties. Areas to consider potentially include, but are not limited to public education, enforcement, special permits and building permits, construction and excavation management, and assistance to private property owners of limited means.
Request for a discussion about the resources necessary for a speedy and safe return to in person learning, in compliance with the March 9, 2021 guidance from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and in anticipation of more than $48 million in Federal Aid from the American Rescue Plan
Request for a comparison of Newton’s fine for failure to license a dog to other communities. In addition, requesting an increase in the fine for failure to license a dog
Request for a review and possible changes to the off-leash dog ordinance to include:
raising fees required by dog walking companies in order to better maintain sites heavily used by dog walkers; and
requiring background checks on dog walkers to assure safety of dog owners and dogs; and
requesting the development of regulations for dog walking and dog daycare companies to assure appropriate care for dogs.
Request to appropriate and expend $150,000 from Acct # 6200-3240 Stormwater Management Fund Surplus for the purpose of funding engineering design services and permitting fees for the rehabilitation of the Bullough’s Pond Dam.
Request to transfer funds from several different departments to the Law Department Judgements and Settlements Account in full and final settlement of Carresi et al v. City of Newton, 20-cv-11538-DJC and associated grievances
Request for an Extension for Special Permit Board Order #105-95 approved by the City Council on July 13, 2020 for the construction a five-story addition with 18 new units and common accessory use space, 280 Newtonville Avenue
Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to amend a previously approved Special Permit Council Order #106-13 to allow for construction of a third garage bay at 414 Watertown Street – See Special Permit documents and See Draft Council Order
Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to construct a new garage, greater than 700 sq. ft., to accommodate more than three vehicles, and to exceed FAR at 50 Wachusett Road – See Special Permit documents and seeDraft Council Order
Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to convert the existing single-family dwelling unit and carriage house into two, two-unit single-family attached dwelling units, to reduce require side and rear setbacks, to allow a driveway within 10’ of the side lot line and parking within 20’ of a boundary, to waive two parking stalls and to allow reduced parking stall width and depth at 34 Prescott Street – See Special Permit documents – NOTE: this was approved Subject to 2nd Call and there is no Draft Council Order posted online
Below you will find this week's Newton Community and Local Government update. I hope the information contained in these weekly newsletters will provide you with a snapshot of the policies, programs, and services our elected and appointed officials/bodies are working on and keep you informed and engaged in local government and our community.
And now, here is this week's Newton Community and Local Government Update:
Kindly forward this to your friends, family, and anyone you think might be interested. If someone forwarded this to you, you may click here to subscribe. You can find all previous issues at amysangiolo.com.
Please stay safe, take care of yourselves and your loved ones, be happy, and most of all - be kind.
With warm regards,
Amy Mah Sangiolo
What’s Up in Newton this Week – COVID-19 Update; Lincoln-Eliot/NECP Building Committee to meet; School Superintendent’s End of Cycle Summative Evaluation Report on the SC agenda; Lincoln-Eliot/NECP Building Committee to meet; Election Commission to Create Area Council election calendar, and more….
COVID-19 Update: The number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases has risen to 4,409 and the number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths remains at 214. The Newton data can be found here and the NPS data can be found here.
School Committee reviews Superintendent’s Performance: The School Committee will meet twice on Tuesday. First, it will meet in Executive Session to review non-aligned salary adjustments (8:00 a.m. meeting) and then, it will meet at 7:00 p.m. for its regularly scheduled meeting which will include discussion of the Lincoln-Eliot project but also review the Superintendent’s End of Cycle Summation Evaluation. The SC Executive Committee agenda can be found here and the SC regular meeting agenda can be found here.
Speaking of Lincoln-Eliot….The Lincoln-Eliot/NECP Building Committee is also scheduled to meet on Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. The agenda includes a progress report on NECP (Newton Early Child Program), a progress report on the Feasibility Study for Lincoln-Eliot, and a public comment period.
Election Commission to Set Area Council election calendar: It is an election year and it seems like everyone is running for office! This week, the Elections Commission will set the dates for the Area Council elections – including when nomination papers will be available, the due date, and the last day to withdraw papers. The agenda can be found here.
Weekly Construction Schedule: This week’s Road Construction Schedule can be found here.
Community News:
Freedge volunteer opportunities
Every other Thursday Newton Neighbors helps keep the Freedge stocked and ready for clients. We need your help this summer! Sign up to help early in the morning, late at night, or anytime in between. There’s a volunteer opportunity to fit every schedule.
We thank you for your continued support of the Newton Neighbors Helping Neighbors food delivery program. Many of you have asked about ongoing volunteer opportunities. We are currently recruiting for July and August drivers and we have many open slots. The summer schedule is:
Every Wednesday afternoon from Newton Food Pantry, pick up food 1:30-4:30pm
The 3rd Friday of the month from the American Legion Nonantum Post 440 Mobile Food Bank, pick up food 9-9:15am
The 3rd Saturday of the month from Centre Street Food Pantry, pick up food 12-2pm (with assigned timeslots)
Newton Neighbors accepts tax-deductible donations through our fiscal agent, Newton Community Pride. If you would like to make a donation, please do so here. Thank you for your support! Welcoming Newton and Newton Neighbors Helping Neighbors are projects of Newton Neighbors, Inc.
Ongoing: Home Goods Donations
Welcome Home is a home goods pantry based in Newton. Volunteers clean and donate gently used housewares to people who need them—new immigrants, families in transition, and anyone experiencing financial hardship. Do you have any home goods to share? Currently, there is an urgent need for kitchen utensils, toasters, blenders, and blankets. For more information and to set up a donation, go to welcomehomemass.org.
Kid’s Snack Bags
Kid’s Snack Bags is a new initiative that began in January 2021. Each week, a small snack bag is distributed to every child in a family that shops on Wednesday afternoons. The bags, which are filled once a month on a Saturday morning at the NFP, include a variety of child-friendly snack foods meant to be enjoyed by kids between meals during the school week. There is also an opportunity for your kids to take part by decorating these Kid’s Bags; instructions on how to do that can be found HERE. If you would like to volunteer to help with Kid’s Bags, please contact Marilyn Crone at mmc1335@gmail.com.
Supporting our Local Businesses
Check outAllOverNewton: A Consumer’s Guide to Food & Shopping Resources Serving the Newton Community. Please be sure to visit the website and subscribe to the newsletters!
Due to Tropical Storm Elsa, last Friday night’s concert and movie were postponed and moved to TONIGHT – June 19th at 6:00 p.m. The movie will be “War with Grandpa”.
Request for approval of the public way improvements at Pettee Square at the intersection of Chestnut Street and Oak Street as part of the Pettee Square streetscape enhancements in accordance City Ordinance 26-51. Intersection improvements include pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular safety in keeping with the city’s complete streets initiative
Request to appropriate and expend $325,900 and authorize a general obligation borrowing of an equal amount for the purchase of one new front end loader
Request to appropriate and expend $725,000 and authorize a general obligation borrowing of an equal amount for the purhcase of two swap loader trucks.
Request authorization to borrow up to $20,837,000 from the MWRA Local Water System Assistance Program Phase 3 as an interest-free 10-year loan to be paid in equal, annual installments.
Traffic Council: The Traffic Council will meet virtually on Thursday, July 22nd at 7:00 p.m.
Request to modify Section TPR 194 – Time limits in municipal off-street parking areas, and possibly modify Sec. TPR-176 – Parking regulations pertaining to particular streets, in order to move forward with a long-term trial of a parking permit plan for Newton Centre employees.
Request approval and installation of new stop signs at the following locations: Allen Avenue southbound at Woodward Street; Pine Ridge Road eastbound at Allen Avenue; Plainfield Street eastbound at Allen Aenue; Avalon Road eastbound at Allen Avenue; and Woodhaven Road eastbound at Allen Avenue
Request to install a “STOP” sign at the Druid Hill Road approach to Upland Avenue
Request to approve Safety Zones at the following locations: Walnut Street between Hull Street and Austin Street, Albemarle Road between Watertown Street and Crafts Street, East Side Parkway, Brandeis Road in the vicinity of Newtn South High School, and Ellis Street
Request to update the TPR-146 – Flashing warning light locations to include the overhead flashing signal at the intersection of St. James Street/Charlesbank Rd/St. James Terrace, which flashes yellow for St. James Street NB and Charlesbank Rd WB, and Flashes red for St. James Terrace SB. – NOTE: No changes in the field and fixes an omission in the TPR.
Request to update the TPR to add a new stop sign into TPR-147 Obedience to isolated stop signs, at St. James Terrace SB, since the Section 4L.02 of the MUTCD requires a stop on approaches that have a flashing red indication for intersection control
Request to update various part of the TOR to reflect new public school start and end times, including the change to the weekly early-release day and later High School start times
Request to remove the following restriction from Sec. TPR-146 – Flashing warning light locations. Dedham Street and Spiers Road: Flashing yellow. NOTE: No changes in the field and fixes an error in the TPR.
Request to add the following restriction into Sec. TPR-87 – Left turns prohibited: Centre Street SB onto Rice Street. NOTE: No change in the field and fixes an omission in the TPR.
Request to delete from the TPR, the No Turn on Red sign, on Walker Street at Watertown Street NB, and to add No Turn On Red signs into the TPR for all approaches at the intersection of Watertown Street, Walker Street, and Edinboro Street. This item will supersede the previous approval of the Traffic Council docket item TC41-21 on June 24, 2021.
Request to review and potentially approve stop signs at the following locations as they intersect with Parker Street: Howe Road, WB; Marcellus Drive, EB; Whitlessey Road, WB; Melina Road, WB; Howley Avenue, EB; Parker Terrace; WB; Roosevelt Road, WB; Parker Road, EB; Truman Road; EB; Kendall Road, EB; Parker Avenue, EB; Stearns Street, EB. Walter Street, SB; Browning Road, EB; Ridge Avenue; WB.
School Committee to Meet – Tuesday, July 20th at 8:00 a.m. for Special Meeting and again at 7:00 p.m.
The School Committee will meet virtually twice on Tuesday, July 20th. It will hold a virtual special meeting at 8:00 a.m. and go into Executive Session for a discussion on non-aligned salary adjustments. See agenda.
City Board and Commission Meetings – Week of July 18th
Newton Retirement Board: The Newton Retirement Board will hold a special virtual meeting on Monday, July 19th at 9:30 a.m.
To join the Zoom meeting, go to:
To view this meeting use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85267601661?pwd=T1F4QWJjNldvN1ZmNDg3RmhwbjdTUT09 Meeting ID: 852 6760 1661 Passcode: 761740
The Meeting Notice can be found here and the agenda can be found here.
Board of License Commissioners: The Board of License Commissioners will meet on Tuesday, July 20th at 7:30 p.m.
Review and Approval of the June 15, 2021 meeting minutes, the June 22, 2021 special meeting minutes, and the July 6, 2021 special meeting minutes.
Request for a One Day Temporary wine and Malt License for employee appreciation at Lifecare Advocates on Thursday, August 12th, with a rain date of Thursday, August 19th from 2:00 pm – 6:00 p.m. to be held at 180 Wells Avenue
Request for four one-day wine and malt licenses to be held at Fessenden School – 250 Waltham Street
Cocktail Reception for Parents (Gibson Field) – Tuesday, September 14, 2021 – raindate – Wednesday, September 15, 2021 – 5:30 – 8:00 pm
Memorial Service – (Gibson Field) – Saturday, September 18, 2021 – raindate – Sunday, September 19, 2021 – 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Donor Dedication – School Room – Thursday, October 21, 2021 – 3:00 – 6:00 pm
Request for a One-Day Temporary Wine and Malt and Entertainment Licenses
BBQ clambake 0o Auburndale Cove – Saturday, August 21, 2021 – 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. and entertain – dancin by entertainers/performers, live music and juggler.
Request for a Seasonal Farmer’s Market Winery License for Westport Rivers, to be exercised at the Newton Farmer’s Market on 352 Lowell Avenue – Saturdays – July 24, August 7 August, 21, September 4, September 18, and October 2 from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Two requests for a New Common Victualler License:
Dan’s Amigos, Inc., 335 Walnut Street – Mon – Sun – 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m./39 seats
Fresh Good Holdings, LLC, 141 Needham Street – Tues – Sun – 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. /120 seats
Application filed for Alteration of Premises at the Charles River Country Club, 483 Dedham Street
Applicationfiled for Change of Manager, Stock Interest, and Change of Officers/Directors/LLS Managers – OP Enterprise, Inc. d/b/a/ Mr. K’s Wine & Spritis, 980 Boylston Street
Two Applications for Transfer of All Alcohol License, New Common Victualler and Annual Entertainment Licenses
Stone L’Oven Waban Inc to 1649 Beacon, LLC d/b/a/ Stone L’Oven Pizza Co to be exercised at 1649 Beacon Street – Mon – Sun – 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. /46 seats inside/8 seats outside
PP&C Enterprises, Inc to La Farina, LLC d/b/a/ Da LaPosta to be exercised at 825 Washington Street – Mon – Sun from 11:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m./80 seats
Application filed for New All Alcohol License, New Common Victualler and Annual Entertainment License to be exercised at Wild Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a/ Cafe Martin, 7 West Street – Mon – Sun – 1:00 a.m. – 1:00 a.m./62 seats
Notice of Violation – Hearing on alleged violations of MGL Chapter 138 and the City of Newton Board of License Commissioners – Shogun Associates, LLC d/b/a/ Shogun Restaurant – 1385 Washington Street
Lincoln-Eliot and NECP Project Meeting: The Lincoln-Eliot and NECP Project Building Committee will meet virtually on Tuesday, July 20th at 6:00 p.m.
To join the Zoom meeting, go to: https://newton-k12-ma-us.zoom.us/j/84448439635 Meeting ID: 844 4843 9635 Passcode: Newton One tap mobile +16465588656,,84448439635#,,,,348207# US (New York) +13017158592,,84448439635#,,,,348207# US (Washington DC)
Review and Approval of draft october 24, 2019 Meeting Minutes
NECP – Progress Report
Lincoln-Eliot – Feasibility Study Progress Report
Public Comment
Scheduling – Future Meeting
Newton Cultural Council: The Newton Cultural Council will meet virtually on Tueday, July 20th at 9:30 a.m.
To join the Zoom meeting, go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81779750188?pwd=U1JSSFR5Y3grWGRDWUEzeVpnb0ZGZz09 Meeting ID: 817 7975 0188 Passcode: 849815 One tap mobile +16465588656,,81779750188#,,,,849815# US (New York) +13017158592,,81779750188#,,,,849815# US (Washington DC)
Board of Election Commissioners: The Board of Election Commissioners will meet virtually on Wednesday, July 21st at 4:00 p.m.
To join the Zoom meeting, go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87249641370 Meeting ID: 872 4964 1370 One tap mobile +13017158592,,87249641370# US (Washington DC) +13126266799,,87249641370# US (Chicago)
Request to make accessibility alterations to the Newton Highland MBTA Station property at 18 Station Avenue
Request to nominate the property located at 206-208 Concord Street for designation as a local landmark
Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install new hardscaping, porch, and mailbox at 31 Greenwood Street (Local Landmark)
5 Requests for full demolition
60 Etsy Farm Road
34 Etsy Farm Road
18 Annawan Road
172 Pearl Street
56 Littlefield Road
Request for Partial Demolition – to add a second story at 6 Brush Hill Road
3 REquests to Waive the Demolition Delay
46-48 Athelstane Road
134 Fairway Drive
1917-1919 Commonwealth Avenue
Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install hardscaping, landscaping, and pool at Westfield Road (Local Landmark)
Administrative Items
Annual Election of NHC Chair
Discussion re: fines
The Staff Memo can be found here, the Packet documents can be found here, and the Supplemental Document – Preservation Restriction for 18 Station Avenue can be found here.