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波士頓FASCA學員與駐波士頓辦事處處長孫儉元 (中)、波士頓文教中心主任潘昭榮 (左一)留影。(周菊子攝) |
波士頓經文處處長孫儉元 (左)與波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮為海外青年大使協會培訓致詞。 (周菊子攝) |
波士頓海外青年大使協會培訓由彭奕嘉、陳美樺、許凱菲策畫。(由左至右)。(周菊子攝) |
從2011年首次開辦迄今,「海外青年文化大使協會 (FASCA)」已陸續在休士頓、芝加哥、洛杉磯、舊金山、華府、紐約、西雅圖、溫哥華、波士頓、橙縣、亞特蘭大等11個地區成立。
FASCA諮詢導師蕭靖穎教學員們自為防身術。 (周菊子攝) |
張君芳介紹文化,講解中秋節由來。 (周菊子攝) |
美國和台灣在1912到1978年間,有正式外交關係,但自從尼克森總統於1972年訪問中國大陸後,美國開始正常化與中國大陸的關係,並於1979年轉為承認與中國大陸有外交關係。但1974年時,卡特總統簽署了台灣關係法 (TRA),從此這就成為了台美關係的法律基礎。
![]() |
波士頓臺灣龍舟隊隊長李鴻宇(左一)教學員划龍舟。(周菊子攝) |
波士頓海外青年大使協會學員結業領證書。(波士頓文教中心提供) |
加入FASCA已有4年的會長許凱菲和即將入讀威廉斯學院 (Williams)彭奕嘉都表示,參加FASCA既給了他們機會培養領導,策畫活動的能力,也學到很多原本不知道,有關台灣的種種文化習俗,社會狀況,認識了許多新朋友,很希望有更多台灣人子弟加入這一陣容。 (部分內容轉載自僑務電子報: https://ocacnews.net/article/318817) (刪節更新版)
Baker-Polito Administration Files $840 Million Fiscal Year 2022 Supplemental Budget
BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker today is filing a final Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) supplemental budget that proposes investments in transportation, health and human services, school safety and other fiscal year closeout needs.
The proposal includes approximately $1.622 billion gross / $840 million net spending and is supported by an FY22 state revenue surplus of $2.3 billion – up from a preliminary surplus figure shared in early August of $1.9 billion. This surplus figure accounts for $2.941 billion in refunds that will be returned to taxpayers under Chapter 62F, the state law that requires net state tax revenues that exceed allowable revenues be returned to taxpayers. The Department of Revenue today submitted this amount in its annual report to the State Auditor for certification. The Auditor is required to certify if the threshold under 62F has been met by September 20.
Revenues in FY22 exceeded Fiscal Year 2021 revenue collections by approximately 20.5%. This fiscal year, $2.3 billion was deposited into the Stabilization Fund, bringing the FY22 balance to a historic $6.9 billion.
“With tax revenues coming in far above budgeted amounts this year, the Commonwealth is well-positioned to deliver relief to taxpayers, while still making investments in key areas, like transportation, as we close the fiscal year,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Our administration is confident that with these high surplus revenues, there remains more than enough funding to support the tax relief, economic development and climate infrastructure proposals that are under consideration in the Legislature.”
“The supplemental budget proposal will fund many important priorities including strengthening school infrastructure, making significant investments in transportation and providing more resources for individuals dealing with substance misuse issues,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “We look forward to working with the Legislature to enact this proposal to address these needs throughout the Commonwealth.”
The supplemental budget proposed today does not fully allocate the FY22 state surplus. Instead, it leaves $1.5 billion of the surplus available, which in combination with $2.2 billion remaining in American Rescue Plan Act Funds, is sufficient to support the tax relief measures and other critical investments in the FORWARD/economic development bill pending with the Legislature.
The supplemental budget proposal includes targeted investments in transportation, with $200 million proposed to support the MBTA’s work to address the Federal Transit Administration’s safety directives and $10 million to establish a training academy that will create a talent pipeline to address MBTA staffing challenges.
The proposal also recommends $37.3 million to support a number of school safety initiatives announced last week by the Administration, which includes $20 million for matching grants that will enable security and communications upgrades in K-12 schools and public higher education institutes and $10 million for child care providers to support safety measures and multi-hazard emergency planning.
Other notable investments include:
Outside policy sections propose necessary corrections that will allow for the successful implementation of various new statutes that became law earlier this month, including related to new offshore wind development tax credits, the employment of Massachusetts National Guard personnel, and the 1% allocation of the retail sales price of marijuana based on social equity businesses. Another correction proposed follows other similar statutes to allow the Department of Revenue to intercept sports wagering winnings for outstanding child support and tax debts.
The legislation also includes several other policy proposals, including those that would:
Baker-Polito Administration Awards Over $32 Million in Climate Change Funding to Cities and Towns Bringing Total Investment to $100 Million
97% of Communities Now Participating in Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program
WILLIAMSBURG – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced $32.8 million in grants to cities and towns through the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs’ (EEA) Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program, continuing its historic investment in building climate change resilience throughout the Commonwealth. The grant program, which was launched in 2017 as part of Governor Baker’s Executive Order 569, provides communities with funding and technical support to identify climate hazards, develop strategies to improve resilience, and implement priority actions to adapt to climate change. With today’s announcement, the Administration has now awarded $100 million to 97% of the Commonwealth’s cities and towns through the MVP program.
“Since we started the program in 2017, the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program has played a large role in helping cities and towns across the state fight climate change by investing $100 million in 341 municipalities, or 97% of the Commonwealth’s communities,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “With this latest round of MVP funding, we are making the single largest investment in the program by directing nearly $33 million towards critical climate resilience projects throughout Massachusetts.”
“This is the sixth round of MVP funding, and we are making a major push forward by funding more climate resilience implementation projects than ever before,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “It has been rewarding to see projects move through the phases from planning to design to construction and implementation over the last five years, and we are starting to see the tangible difference these projects are making in our communities as we prepare for a changing climate.”
The MVP Program pairs local leadership and knowledge with a significant investment of resources and funding from the Commonwealth to address ongoing climate change impacts, such as inland flooding, increase in storm events, sea level rise, drought, and extreme temperatures. Of the $32.8 million in grants announced, $32.6 million was awarded to 73 municipal projects that build local resilience to climate change in the Commonwealth’s sixth round of MVP Action Grant funding. Additionally, $157,700 was awarded to six towns to pursue a community-led planning process to identify vulnerabilities to climate change and priority actions. When complete, these municipalities will be eligible for the next round of implementation funding.
“Every year the real need for climate resilience funding becomes even more important for our municipal partners, who have remained steadfast in their commitment to the hard work of preparing their communities for climate change,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Beth Card. “It is extremely gratifying to see more dollars than ever before being put towards local projects, such as drought mitigation, stormwater and culvert upgrades, and land acquisitions, which will have numerous positive impacts on the state’s residents for many years to come.”
The following communities will receive funding to complete the MVP planning process:
Grantee | MVP Program Region | Total Award |
Hancock | Berkshires & Hilltowns | $27,000 |
Hanover | Greater Boston | $36,700 |
Lee | Berkshires & Hilltowns | $27,000 |
Middlefield | Berkshires & Hilltowns | $27,000 |
Monroe | Berkshires & Hilltowns | $25,000 |
West Stockbridge | Berkshires & Hilltowns | $15,000 |
Total (6) |
| Total: $157,700 |
The following projects are receiving Action Grants:
Grantee | Project Title | Grant Award |
Andover & Lawrence | Shawsheen River Nature-Based Flood Resilience | $271,705 |
Ayer & Devens | Ayer-Devens Main Streets Regional Pocket Forests Pilot Project | $282,624 |
Belchertown | Scarborough Brook Watershed Improvements | $139,500 |
Berlin | Horseshoe Pond Acquisition Project | $874,268 |
Beverly | Bass River District Resilience Plan | $200,000 |
Boxford | Increasing Watershed Scale Resiliency in Boxford Through Culvert Upgrades in the Howlett Brook Watershed | $265,900 |
Brockton | Trout Brook Flood Resilience | $157,300 |
Brookline | Climate Crisis Action and Resilience Plan Update | $75,000 |
Cambridge | Cambridge Community Corps Climate Readiness Initiative | $150,000 |
Chatham, Provincetown, Harwich, Mashpee, & Falmouth | Regional Low Lying Road Assessment and Feasibility | $205,479 |
Chatham Brewster, Harwich, & Orleans | Pleasant Bay Climate Adaptation Action Plan | $292,710 |
Chelsea, Revere, & Winthrop | Envisioning Resilience in the North Suffolk Region through Community Preparedness | $87,500 |
Chelsea | Eastern Ave. Alternatives Analysis + Conceptual Design | $333,492 |
Chelsea, Somerville, Everett, Malden, Revere, & Winthrop | Equitable Coastal Resilience and Redevelopment in Lower Mystic | $556,000 |
Chester, Blandford, & Middlefield | Evaluating & Planning for Resilient Rural Dirt Roads | $317,550 |
Dedham & Neponset Watershed Communities | Neponset Watershed Regional Adaptation Strategy and Flood Model | $389,457 |
Dennis | Pound Pond - Flood Mitigation and Storm Drainage Improvements Dennis, Massachusetts - Phase 2 Final Design | $73,628 |
Dracut | Design and Permitting for Collinsville Dam Removal Project | $174,000 |
Easthampton | Emerald Place Resiliency | $117,800 |
Essex | Apple Street Roadbed Elevation and Culvert Replacement Project | $222,037 |
Everett & Chelsea | Island End River Flood Resilience Project | $2,998,600 |
Everett, Malden, Chelsea, & Arlington | Beat the Heat: Wicked Cool Outdoors / Venza el Calor: Súper Fresco Afuera | $339,915 |
Fairhaven | Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment | $40,000 |
Fall River & Westport | South Watuppa Pond Green Infrastructure Blue Water Restoration | $379,875 |
Fall River | Fall River CSO Treatment Study | $1,163,000 |
Fitchburg | Generating Resiliency in Downtown Fitchburg with Nature-Based Solutions | $109,000 |
Framingham | Walnut Street Neighborhood Flood Mitigation -Permits & Easements | $155,000 |
Great Barrington | Lake Mansfield Recreation Area Improvements Phase 1 | $992,500 |
Hatfield | Climate-Smart Comprehensive Planning for Hatfield | $283,900 |
Hudson, Framingham, & Natick | SuAsCo Natural Climate Solutions Project | $314,393 |
Hull | Hull Climate Adaption Roadmap; Alternatives Analysis for the Hampton Circle Area | $198,624 |
Lincoln | Town of Lincoln Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (L-CAP) Proposal | $100,000 |
Longmeadow | Toward the New Normal: Envisioning an Inclusive & Resilient Longmeadow | $235,555 |
Lowell | Resilient Urban Forest Master Plan and Urban Heat Island Assessment | $93,000 |
Malden | Malden River Works for Waterfront Equity and Resilience | $200,550 |
Mashpee | Increasing Resilience to Harmful Algal Blooms in Santuit Pond Stormwater Retrofit Implementation - Phase 1 | $469,037 |
Mattapoisett, Fairhaven, Marion, Rochester, & Acushnet | Mattapoisett River Valley Water Supply Resilience Project | $4,500,000 |
Medford | Interconnected Resiliency Network & Resilient Communications | $416,738 |
Medford | Andrews School Resilient Emergency Shelter | $670,568 |
Middleborough | Picone Farm Preservation for Climate Resiliency, Flood Storage, Water Quality & Food Security | $1,364,325 |
Monson | Chicopee Brook Flood Resilience Improvements | $295,000 |
Montague | Incorporating Climate Resiliency into the Montague Comprehensive Plan | $80,000 |
Monterey | Enhancing Flood Resiliency Through the Evaluation and Redesign of Critical Infrastructure Along the Konkapot River - Phase II Final Design & Permitting | $124,071 |
Natick & Charles River Watershed Communities | Building Resilience Across the Charles River Watershed Phase III | $333,070 |
New Bedford | Kempton Street Corridor Green Infrastructure | $161,800 |
Northampton | Climate Resilient Downtown Affordable Housing | $921,300 |
Oak Bluffs | Vulnerability Assessment and Permit Level Design of Coastal Resilience Improvements for Dukes County Ave Pump Station | $69,529 |
Plympton | Preserving Turkey Swamp: A Keystone Goal | $502,500 |
Reading & Mystic River Watershed Communities | Maillet, Sommes, Morgan Constructed Stormwater Wetland | $2,116,578 |
Revere | Diamond Creek Catchment Improvements Investigation and Assessment | $235,509 |
Revere, Saugus, Malden, Everett, & Lynn | Regional Saugus River Watershed Vulnerability and Adaptation Study | $150,872 |
Richmond & West Stockbridge | Resilient Stormwater Action and Implementation Plan | $265,408 |
Rowe, Heath, Shelburne, & Conway | Community Driven Forest Climate Adaptation: Implementing the Forest Climate Resilience Program in the Mohawk Trail Woodland Partnership | $164,450 |
Salem | Collins Cove to Willows Resilience Study | $234,565 |
Seekonk | Attleboro Dye Works Dam Removal: Design & Permitting | $191,000 |
Sherborn | Sherborn's Climate Activation and Resilience Plan- A Model for Climate Mobilization for the MetroWest Region | $38,145 |
Shrewsbury | Regulatory Update for Sustainable Parking Requirements | $90,000 |
Shrewsbury | Climate Action and Resilience Plan | $100,000 |
South Hadley | Queensville Dam and Buttery Brook Restoration | $162,000 |
Stoneham | Stoneham High School Wetland Restoration | $108,700 |
Stoughton | Stoughton Town-wide Drainage Model, Vulnerability Assessment, and Adaptation Strategies to Mitigate Future Flooding | $218,175 |
Stow | Stow Acres North Acquisition and Climate Resilience Master Plan | $1,135,000 |
Sutton | Manchaug Village Water Resource Resiliency Action Plan | $75,000 |
Templeton | Old Royalston Road Culvert Replacement | $503,225 |
Uxbridge | Home Brew Dam and Whitin Pond Dam Removal | $185,450 |
Waltham | Designing a Resilient Chester Brook Corridor | $143,900 |
Ware | Muddy Brook Subwatershed Resiliency Master Plan | $42,740 |
Whately | Whately Energy Resilience and Education | $304,778 |
Williamsburg | Williamsburg Public Safety Complex | $1,831,137 |
Woburn & Mystic River Watershed Communities | Hurld Park - Heat Resilient Park | $271,425 |
Worcester | Drainage and Green Infrastructure Master Plan | $1,253,091 |
Wrentham & Norfolk | Eagle Dam Removal Phase II | $41,337 |
Yarmouth | Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan | $80,089 |
Total: 73 |
| Total: $32,640,374 |
“The MVP grant program is among the most relevant and the most effective in the Commonwealth,” said State Senator Jo Comerford (D-Northampton). “I'm absolutely delighted to see substantial funds flowing to western Massachusetts thanks to the stellar work of EEA officials and municipal leaders alike. I look forward to offering sustained support for this critical initiative.”
“We are witnessing the elevated impact of climate change in our small towns, including storms that wipe out culverts, bridges, and roads,” said State Senator Adam Hinds (D-Pittsfield). “I am proud of the relationship between the legislature and the administration to act forcefully in support of our municipalities that often struggle to keep up with demand.”
“Communities often struggle with figuring out how to stretch dollars to fund critical projects. The infusion of funds to Northampton, Williamsburg, and Hatfield in my district will go a long way to support projects that will help ensure these communities are climate ready,” said State Representative Lindsay Sabadosa (D-Northampton). “I am extremely grateful that the Commonwealth has acknowledged the importance of offering tangible support to these cities and towns today.”
As the MVP program reaches its five-year anniversary, EEA is formulating a process, trainings, and resources, called “MVP Planning 2.0,” for updating MVP plans and the priority actions identified within them. EEA is seeking to develop an updated process that is inclusive, engaging, equitable, collaborative, and actionable. The update process will take into account newly available climate change tools and projections, the ongoing Massachusetts Climate Assessment, data from the first iteration of MVP planning grants, and feedback from the many MVP stakeholders who have made the program a success to date. The revamped process and resources are expected to launch in Spring 2023.
Furthermore, MVP supports the implementation of the State Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plan (SHMCAP), released in September 2018, which provided a national model of integrating hazard mitigation priorities with forward-looking climate change data and solutions. The plan is implemented within state government by the Resilient MA Action Team (RMAT), an inter-agency team led by EEA and the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, and staffed by designated Climate Change Coordinators from each Executive Office. The Resilient MA Action Team provides guidance and decision-making for plan implementation, further refines priority actions, and ensures actions are integrated into agency practice and policy. Recently, the RMAT launched the Climate Resilience Design Standards Tool to integrate best available statewide climate change projections to inform climate resilient planning and design of infrastructure, buildings, and natural resource assets. This tool was used in the 2022 MVP Action Grant and Community One Stop for Growth application processes.
Currently, RMAT and EEA are developing the MA Climate Change Assessment, a statewide analysis detailing how Massachusetts people, environments, and infrastructure may be affected by climate change and related hazards through the end of the century. This assessment will directly inform the first five-year update to the SHMCAP, which will be released in Fall 2023.