星期二, 6月 30, 2020

波士頓首任公平長出爐 Karilyn Crockett博士就位

波士頓市首名公平長Karilyn Crockett。
(Boston Orange整理報導)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)629日的疫情簡報中宣佈,在多徹斯特(Dorchester)長大,曾任波士頓市經濟政策,研究及小企業發展主任四年的非洲裔Karilyn Crockett博士,將出掌公平內閣(Equity Cabinet)”這市府新設機構。
             馬丁華殊上週宣佈新設公平內閣,以加速消除系統性種族歧視,並為所有波士頓居民創造公平機會。29日他進一步宣佈由非洲裔的Karilyn Crockett博士擔任首名公平長(Chief of Equity)”
             馬丁華殊稱讚Karilyn Crockett博士是一名聰慧的創新者,熱情的製造改變者,更是一名提升社區,把民眾聲音帶進政府大堂,企業及學術界的人。
             波市府形容Karilyn Crockett博士曾經擔任波士頓市經濟政策,研究及小企業發展主任四年,任上協助推出波士頓市首個全市的小企業計畫,以及經濟平等及包容議程。她也加強了市府的居民就業政策。她是波士頓市黑人社區的驕傲,在多徹斯特長大,從幼稚園到中學12年級,上的幾乎都是波士頓市公立學校。大學進耶魯,包括博士,拿了3個美國研究學位,創辦了我的城鎮(MYTOWN)”這雇用高中生研究本地歷史,辦理徒步遊的開創性組織。
波士頓市長Martin Walsh 介紹首名公平長。
             在波士頓市的公平及市區計畫上,她也是名領頭學者,出版過開創性,名為高速公路前的人們(People Before Highways)”這本書,改變了人們對市區更新的理解,把社區放回故事中心。過去這兩年,她在麻省理工學院的公共政策及市區計劃系擔任講師。

麻州進一步開放 7鄰州居民來訪免14天隔離

            (Boston Orange)麻州真的開放了。麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)剛剛在疫情簡報中宣佈,71(週三)起,鄰近7州居民進出麻州,將不再需要自我隔離14天。

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Updated Travel Guidelines to Support COVID-19 Response

BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced new COVID-19 public health guidelines on travel and transportation.

Effective Wednesday, July 1, all travelers arriving to Massachusetts, including residents returning home, are instructed to self-quarantine for 14-days. This guidance does not apply to travelers from Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, New York or New Jersey. Additionally, workers designated by the federal government as essential critical infrastructure workers are also exempt from this directive.
Travelers who are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 are instructed to not travel to Massachusetts. 

All visitors and residents of Massachusetts are also reminded that the use of masks or face coverings in public places where individuals cannot socially distance from others remains required.

These new guidelines replace previously announced Massachusetts travel guidance. For national travel information, please visit www.travel.state.gov



City of Boston to offer 97 youth meal sites, issue RFP for food distribution at BHA sites; Boston Resiliency Fund to provide funding to support food access this summer

BOSTON - Tuesday, June 30, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Office of Food Access today announced programs and resources for individuals and families in need of food this summer. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 public health emergency and the closing of Boston Public Schools (BPS), the City of Boston has provided more than two million free meals at youth and adult meal sites at 68 sites across the City through a partnership between BPS, Boston Centers for Youth and Families (BCYF), Boston Housing Authority (BHA), YMCA, and other community organizations.

"Our work in providing food during the COVID-19 public health emergency is a great example of our City coming together to support our residents and their biggest and most immediate needs," said Mayor Walsh. "We look forward to continuing to meet residents' food needs during the summer and beyond, while increasing their purchasing power and supporting our local economy."

With the launch of these new programs and services for the summer, adult meal sites opened in response to COVID-19 will stop services on Friday, July 3. The City of Boston will continue offering meal sites for youth throughout 97 locations opening on July 6, 2020, including sites in Boston Public Schools, Boston Centers for Youth & Families, Boston Housing Authority, YMCA and community-based organizations. BPS will continue providing meals delivery to students who regularly receive door-to-door transportation. As COVID-19 continues to impact the City of Boston, the following efforts are underway to support individuals and families in Boston experiencing food insecurity: 

Summer Eats 2020 to provide 97 youth meal sites:

On July 6, 97 youth meal sites will open through the City of Boston's Summer Eats 2020 program. Launched by Mayor Walsh in 2017, Boston Summer Eats, in partnership with Boston Children's Hospital, provides nutritious breakfast and lunch at no cost to Boston youth 18 and under during the summer months. No ID or registration is required. Unlike previous years where many youth meal sites were limited to participants in summer programming, this year all sites are open to all youth in the City of Boston. For locations, please visit here

Support from the Boston Resiliency Fund:

The Boston Resiliency Fund (BRF) has granted over $13 million to organizations devoted to helping Bostonians with access to food and other basic needs. The BRF's $2 million of contributions to the Greater Boston Food Bank have supported the distribution of enough food for 1.2 million meals, with a portion of that funding helping to establish a City program that has delivered over 375,000 pounds of food to public housing and senior households. Another BRF grantee, Fresh Truck, has delivered almost 28,000 fresh produce boxes. Organizations receiving funding that will support food access this summer include: 
  • Funding for Mass Farmers Market will provide access to farm fresh local fruit and vegetables for families, seniors, and individuals this summer. The program will provide weekly coupons to those in need regardless of immigration status, while supporting the local economy and urban agriculture. A map of farmers markets in the City, days and hours of operation, and available payment methods can be found here.
  • Funding for Fair Foods to continue providing perishable vegetables, fruit and bread for free at community organizations in East Boston, Dorchester and Allston
  • Funding for Fresh Truck to expand their Fresh Air Market sites to more than 15 Boston sites in Hyde Park, Dorchester, Mattapan, Roxbury, Charlestown, and other neighborhoods around the city. Fresh Air Markets are also an eligible vendor for the Healthy Incentives Program (HIP)
  • Funding for Project Bread will develop and implement a public awareness campaign to promote Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) enrollment and utilization, targeting SNAP gap households and other eligible but unenrolled families. These funds will provide operational and additional language support to the FoodSource Hotline to meet the increased demand on SNAP applications and train community-based organizations and health centers to screen for SNAP eligibility and support with applications 
 Boston Housing Authority to issue RFP for $3 million in food distribution: 
  • The Boston Housing Authority (BHA), in partnership with the City of Boston, has issued a request for proposal for qualified firms to distribute up to $3 million worth of meals to BHA sites across the city. The proposed food distribution program envisions daily distribution of varied and culturally relevant meals, Monday through Friday, at BHA sites around the city.
  • Leveraging federal aid, the new initiative will help address a variety of short- and long-term nutritional needs for low-income families in Boston's public housing communities. The funding is expected to help finance logistical help to feed up to 430,000 meals to 4,100 extremely low-income households through December 2020.
  • Since the beginning of the COVID-19 public health emergency, BHA, the City of Boston, and many private partners have stepped up efforts to provide much-needed meals to low-income communities facing economic hardship and food insecurity, and this investment is expected to help BHA and the City to streamline these efforts.
With the launch of these new programs and services, adult meal sites opened in response to COVID-19 will stop services on Friday, July 3. Adults accessing these sites are also encouraged to utilize existing resources including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program. For Information on eligibility and applications, please call the Project Bread Food Source Hotline at 1-800-645-8333. A list of food pantries can be found at www.gbfb.org/need-food/ and resources will be available through the Office of Food Access at boston.gov/food.

波士頓大學250人安可賭場3000人 新冠疫情裁員潮仍延燒

(Boston Orange編譯)新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)在麻州的疫情正日漸趨緩,629日僅新增101宗確診案例,35人死亡,但是疫情造成的經濟影響,裁員潮,卻仍在持續。波士頓大學剛宣佈250名員工得休假,或被裁,麻州最新賭場安可波士頓海港(Encore Boston Harbor)也要3000名員工休假。
波士頓大學校長羅伯布朗(Robert Brown)在發給該校師生的一封信中表示,新型冠狀病毒大流行導致經濟持續衰落,學校下年度預算估計短缺26400萬元,將安排250人裁撤或放假,並取消或延緩200個職位的聘僱。
             安可波士頓海港(Encore Boston Harbor)這家位於艾佛瑞(Everett)市,成立才剛一年的麻州最新賭場,629日也宣佈,3000名員工放假。
             因為新型冠狀病毒大流行,由永利度假村(Wynn Resorts)斥資26億元建成的安可波士頓海港賭場,已從315日起暫時歇業,一天花300萬元的付薪給大約4,200名員工,從3月中到5月,已經花了大約22000萬元。
             安可和春田市的米高梅(MGM),以及Plainridge Park等賭場一直在和麻州賭博局協商,為重新開放做準備。其中的安可原本預定629日要重新開張的。現在,安可賭場計畫在麻州重新開放的第三階段,陸續恢復營業,估計最早會是76日,而且只有賭場一樓,以及某些用餐區會重新開放,賭場的18個出口,有8個會繼續關閉,旅館服務也只限一週4晚。賭場的夜總會懷舊(Memoire)則要等到麻州第四階段的重新開放,才會開始營業。也因此安排了3000名員工放假。

星期一, 6月 29, 2020

波士頓台灣人生物科技協會 2020年會 7/1


波士頓市電視台(Xfinity 24RCN 13Verizon FIOS 1962
BNNXfinity 9RCN 13Verizon FIOS 1961

預定演出的音樂家包括Albino Mbie, Allegra Fletcher, Christiane Karam, Fabiola Mendez, Korex.O, Marcus Santos, Nev and Kalina and Zihan Xu Lia. 詩人 Amanda Gorman Alondra Bobadilla也將參加演出。
What: Immigrant Heritage Month Virtual Celebration
When: Tuesday, June 30 at 7pm
Where: Watch on Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/BOSImmigrants
Boston City TV (Xfinity 24, RCN 13, Verizon FIOS 1962)
BNN (Xfinity 9, RCN 13, Verizon FIOS 1961)
Listen: WBCA Community Radio (102.9-FM)

BOSTON - June is Immigrant Heritage Month and this year, the City of Boston and the Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Advancement (MOIA) are holding a virtual concert to celebrate the diversity, talent, and strength of our City. 
Several very talented local musicians and poets from diverse backgrounds will be performing their original work and sharing their immigrant stories. The Immigrant Heritage Month Virtual Celebration will be on Tuesday, June 30th at 7pm, and will be on the City's broadcast channels
as well as on MOIA’s Facebook Live. Please go to MOIAs Facebook event page for more details, and contact paien.yu@boston.gov if youd like to hold a watch party. 
Musicians who are scheduled to perform includes Albino Mbie, Allegra Fletcher, Christiane Karam, Fabiola Mendez, Korex.O, Marcus Santos, Nev and Kalina and Zihan Xu Lia. Poets Amanda Gorman and Alondra Bobadilla will join the performance too!

星期日, 6月 28, 2020

NECINA 2020年會談疫情後創新 戴晨康接任會長

        (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)紐英崙中華資訊網路協會(NECINA)627日在網上舉行2020年會,請得該會榮譽主席吳錦城與4名講者從不同角度談疫情對科技的影響,表揚優秀會員,頒獎鼓勵青少年創業賽得獎者,並宣佈戴晨康律師接任新會長,洪銘勝加入董事會。
             網協現任會長高弘表示,新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)大流行影響了整個世界,今年的網協2020年會也不得不改為網上舉行,會議主題更順理成章的從疫情出發,訂為大流行下的創新(Innovation Under Pandemic)”
             已遷居加州的網協榮譽主席吳錦城,以新型冠狀病毒後的創新(Post COVID-19 Innovations)”為題,僅用語音為網協年會做開場演講。他以兩頁提示,扼要闡述新型冠狀病毒對世界的影響,將持續在社會中發酵,各種科技、產業的互相融合,遷就,會引出更多創新機會。
吳錦城認為將來的社會,科技發展,會從多元領域進展到適應性的多元領域,要容許通常被形容為基於意圖的各領域,透過能夠從如何分離出什麼的抽象形式混合起來。可再應用,以及佈署速度極端重要。協變的人工智能是要能夠把機器手臂運動指示從機器分離開來。建築中的生成設計會使得建築,工程及施工的項目進展更為快速。X空間(SpaceX)用可再使用火箭及智能引擎群打破了能源產生的物理極限。下一代的網際網路能夠在即時架構下迅速建構出來。增強現實,綜合現實及虛擬現實(A/R, M/R, V/R)將成為下一代人沉浸式無接觸互動的基石,徹底消除了Zoom這產品。
網協年會的其他講者及講題為Elemental Machines創辦人兼執行長Sridhar Lyengar製藥業可以從Tesla學到什麼Type-Coach共同創辦人兼執行長Rob Toomey遠距團隊溝通及互動創新:工具及最佳範例Modo Labs創辦人兼執行長Andrew Yu大流行之前及之後的教育業移動科技創新CaterCow.com共同創辦人兼執行長Sean Li聆聽及旋轉市場所要求的:從慈善工作到改變企業模式,谷歌人工智能及大數據專家暨網協前會長洪銘勝談大數據及人工智能的未來
比賽結果,冠軍Curi隊,得獎1200元,亞軍EZ Shop隊,得獎800元。社會影響獎Ecore隊,最佳簡報隊ClassDome

Journalists for Diversity stands with Black journalists and Black Americans

Journalists for Diversity stands with Black journalists and Black Americans

Unify is a coalition of the New England chapters of the NABJ, AAJA, NAHJ, and NLGJA

JUNE 26, 2020 -- Unify: Journalists for Diversity stands in solidarity with Black journalists and Black Americans seeking justice in the nation and accuracy in news coverage of their communities.

Formed in 2017, Unify is a collaboration between the New England chapters of the National Association of Black Journalists, the Asian American Journalists Association, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, and the NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ Journalists.

Those of us who are non-Black Latinx, AAPI, and LGBTQ journalists support our Black colleagues, our Black loved ones and neighbors, and the Black and biracial members of our own communities demanding an end to police violence and systemic racism.

We value the voices and professional contributions of Black reporters, editors, producers, and photographers. Black journalists experience trauma reporting on racial injustice, and many have been subjected to racist acts and epithets while working with professionalism and restraint. All journalists in the United States have a First Amendment right to do their jobs without harassment or abuse.

The Black communities we cover are in pain. We pledge to listen for insight and guidance as we support change driven by Black voices, ideas, and priorities. We pledge to foster frank conversations within and among our communities about the anti-Black racism that exists in every community.

We will work within our own newsrooms and with news directors across the region to ensure that our staffs reflect the diversity of the communities we cover, and that we report on those communities with appropriate sensitivity and context, centering Black voices.

For too long, media companies have failed to center the experiences of Black Americans and have relied on narratives that reinforce stereotypes of poverty and criminality. Absent of these voices, news organizations fail to deliver an accurate picture of communities and individuals, and they misrepresent racial disparities, thereby stifling progress.

Our coalition is committed to change.

星期五, 6月 26, 2020

麻州長提案增撥2億7500萬元刺激經濟 2025年前要建135,000戶住宅

                 (Boston Orange編譯)麻州州長辦公室626日宣佈27500萬元刺激經濟方案,以在今年34日提出的為成長促使合作法案基礎上,更進一步改善大受新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)大流行影響的麻州經濟。
               麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker),副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)政府提出的這一方案,26日當天下午還由住宅及經濟發展廳廳長Mike Kennealy在參眾兩會的經濟發展及新興科技聯席委員會面前發言做證,說明立法之必要,並解釋政府當局提案內容的改變。
             婦女,少數族裔,退伍老兵及移民小企業主在取得資金,發展企業上面對著不成比例的挑戰。在新型冠狀病毒大流行期間,那些無法利用聯邦巷木的企業,面對的挑戰更嚴峻。麻州政府因此提議增撥2500萬元,達到總額3500萬元來資助社區發展金融機構(Community Development Financial Institutions),為那些未得到足夠服務的企業提供財務服務,技術援助,以及重建信用的機會。這將是對該項目增撥額的歷史紀錄。
              麻州住宅及經濟發展廳廳長Mike Kennealy表示,藉由這5年計畫,麻州將在舒緩新型冠狀病毒大流行的影響中,有機會更加重點關注住宅,社區發展及企業競爭力。
             該法案內容還包括住宅選擇(Housing Choice)”條文,要讓地方市政可經由大多數而不是現行的三分之二投票通過,採用某些區域規劃的最佳案例。麻州政府計畫在2025年時,建造出135,000戶新住宅單位。(節譯)

Baker-Polito Administration Unveils $275M COVID-19 Economic Relief Package to Promote Equity and Economic Growth

BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration unveiled a COVID-19 economic recovery package to generate economic growth amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The $275 million package, designed to promote equity across the Commonwealth, is an update to the Administration’s Act Enabling Partnerships for Growth, the economic development legislation originally filed on March 4, 2020.

The original legislation was the product of a nearly year-long economic development planning process last year, and the now $275 million proposal represents a targeted package of investments across three core areas: housing, community development, and business competitiveness. In response to the dramatically different economic landscape due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Administration will ask the Legislature to consider an amended scope for several of the proposed programs, reallocate funding among proposed authorizations, and establish new tools to promote equity and drive economic growth.

“By funding more affordable housing, implementing critical zoning reform, stabilizing neighborhoods, and supporting minority-owned businesses with record levels of funding, these proposed changes will bring critical relief and promote equity across Massachusetts amidst the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We look forward to working with our partners in the Legislature to advance this legislation and give communities, especially those most in need, the tools and support they require to move forward.”

“This legislation will help to stabilize the neighborhoods and communities that were hardest hit and bring new tools to bear to promote equity and drive economic growth,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, co-chair of the Economic Development Planning Council. “The feedback we received last year, along with the realities that we are seeing during this pandemic, have informed this legislation and our revised proposal, and we are grateful to the Legislature for their consideration.”

This afternoon, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy will testify during a virtual hearing before the Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technology, highlighting the need for the legislation, and explaining the Administration’s proposed changes.

To address the new realities brought on by COVID-19, while continuing to address the opportunities and challenges already identified in the Partnerships for Growth economic development plan, this package proposes to:

  • Amend the scope of several proposed programs, to target funding towards specific communities including those hardest hit by COVID-19

  • Reallocate funding among proposed authorizations, to better address the significant economic impacts of COVID-19 and to help provide a path for recovery, particularly for those most devastated by the pandemic

  • Establish new tools to promote equity and drive economic growth in communities and among businesses facing barriers to entry in areas like state contracting

To do so, the Administration is proposing allocating an additional $15 million for neighborhood stabilization (for a total of $40 million) to invest in blighted and distressed homes. This funding, paired with collaboration and engagement with community organizations and municipalities, will bring safe, affordable housing units back on the market.

Women, minority, veteran, and immigrant small business owners face disproportionate challenges to accessing capital to grow their enterprises. During the COVID-19 pandemic, gaps worsened for businesses that have not been able to take advantage of federal programs. To allow the state to invest in more small businesses overall, especially those owned by underrepresented populations, and to leverage greater federal and private investment dollars, the Administration is recommending increasing funding for Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) by $25 million (for a total of $35 million), a record increase in this program. These grants to small business lenders allow CDFIs to serve entrepreneurs in underserved populations with financial services, technical assistance, and credit building opportunities.

To help address the disproportionate challenges to accessing early stage business financing, the Administration is asking the Legislature to triple funding for grants to support micro businesses from a total of $5 million to $15 million. Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC) recently launched a pilot program called Biz-M-Power, which offers 1:1 matching grants and technical assistance to microbusinesses (fewer than 20 employees) who have successfully crowdsourced up to $10,000 in seed capital.

“We have an opportunity with this 5-year plan to focus even more of our housing, community development, and business competitiveness efforts on equity and recovery as Massachusetts continues to weather the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Kennealy. “This legislation and our recommended updates tackle the housing crisis through targeted reforms and funding, and invests in the people and places who need support the most, and we look forward to getting this done.”

The legislation also includes the language of An Act to Promote Housing Choices, the Administration’s bill to advance new housing production in Massachusetts, to promote equitable access to opportunity, and to support the administration’s goal to produce 135,000 new housing units by 2025. An Act Enabling Partnerships for Growth includes these Housing Choice provisions to enable cities and towns to adopt certain zoning best practices through a simple majority vote rather than the current two-thirds supermajority.

An Act Enabling Partnerships for Growth was originally filed in March of 2020. For more details, click here. 


波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)在網上舉行的波士頓市議會會議中
                  (Boston Orange周菊子綜合報導)波士頓市不分區市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)發表聲明,稱解決系統性種族歧視問題,必須全方位推動,波市府的採取行動固然令人鼓舞,但再成立一個由市府控制的私營基金,卻令人困擾。


Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu Statement on Boston Racial Equity Fund

Boston, MA— “Addressing systemic racism requires urgent action from every sector, and I’m encouraged to see Boston leaders once again demonstrate willingness to step up.

Leveraging public-private partnerships and supporting philanthropy can make Boston stronger, but I’m troubled that the day after the City passed a $3.6B budget that falls short of the transformational steps toward racial justice needed to meet this moment, we see the Administration unveiling yet another City-controlled private fund. 

We can’t just tackle long-standing racial inequities fund by fund, donation by donation, when communities are calling for structural changes in how the City does business--from the budget, to public contracting practices. Philanthropy in moments of crisis is not a substitute for building resiliency and investing in equity.”