
星期五, 6月 26, 2020


波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)在網上舉行的波士頓市議會會議中
                  (Boston Orange周菊子綜合報導)波士頓市不分區市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)發表聲明,稱解決系統性種族歧視問題,必須全方位推動,波市府的採取行動固然令人鼓舞,但再成立一個由市府控制的私營基金,卻令人困擾。


Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu Statement on Boston Racial Equity Fund

Boston, MA— “Addressing systemic racism requires urgent action from every sector, and I’m encouraged to see Boston leaders once again demonstrate willingness to step up.

Leveraging public-private partnerships and supporting philanthropy can make Boston stronger, but I’m troubled that the day after the City passed a $3.6B budget that falls short of the transformational steps toward racial justice needed to meet this moment, we see the Administration unveiling yet another City-controlled private fund. 

We can’t just tackle long-standing racial inequities fund by fund, donation by donation, when communities are calling for structural changes in how the City does business--from the budget, to public contracting practices. Philanthropy in moments of crisis is not a substitute for building resiliency and investing in equity.”
