
星期二, 6月 30, 2020

麻州進一步開放 7鄰州居民來訪免14天隔離

            (Boston Orange)麻州真的開放了。麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)剛剛在疫情簡報中宣佈,71(週三)起,鄰近7州居民進出麻州,將不再需要自我隔離14天。

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Updated Travel Guidelines to Support COVID-19 Response

BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced new COVID-19 public health guidelines on travel and transportation.

Effective Wednesday, July 1, all travelers arriving to Massachusetts, including residents returning home, are instructed to self-quarantine for 14-days. This guidance does not apply to travelers from Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, New York or New Jersey. Additionally, workers designated by the federal government as essential critical infrastructure workers are also exempt from this directive.
Travelers who are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 are instructed to not travel to Massachusetts. 

All visitors and residents of Massachusetts are also reminded that the use of masks or face coverings in public places where individuals cannot socially distance from others remains required.

These new guidelines replace previously announced Massachusetts travel guidance. For national travel information, please visit www.travel.state.gov
