星期二, 2月 28, 2023


              (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 紐約房東哥倫比亞物業信託 (Columbia Property Trust) 所擁有,包括一座 15 層高後灣辦公樓的7筆房地產物業組合,拖欠貸款高達 17 億美元。

上週率先報導這消息的彭博社說,哥倫比亞(紐約證券交易所代碼:CXP)的投資組合抵押貸款,包含浮動利率。 隨著美聯儲提高利率,這些貸款的每月還款額在過去一年中升高了。

該投資組合包括哥倫比亞於 2015 年以 1.52 億美元的價格收購,並花費數百萬美元翻修,位於亨廷頓大街 116 號的 273,000 平方英尺的辦公樓。

 去年 12 月,房東宣布了 10 份新簽或延續的租約,總面積達 115,000 平方英尺,其中包括該場地最大租戶美國塔公司 ( American Tower Corp.)的短期延租 40,000 平方英尺辦公室,以及 CVS Digital、人力資源諮詢公司 The Segal Co. 和私募股權公司 Longpoint Realty Partners

投資組合中的其他建築包括加州舊金山的加州街(California St.) 650號和 201號,曼哈頓南部的43229 W.,第17245-249 W.,公園道(Park Ave) 315號,以及和新澤西州澤西市的 Christopher Columbus 95號。 這些建築物的 2021 年估價為 22.7 億美元。

Pimco為名的太平洋管理公司 (Pacific Management Co. LLC )管理的基金,2021年底以39億美元收購了哥倫比亞。


                      哥倫比亞在聲明中說:“我們已經在和貸方就我們更大的全國性投資組合中的七處房產貸款,商討重組架構。” “我們期待協作過程可以產出深思熟慮的解決方案,反映當前的市場狀況並最好地照顧到所有相關者的利益。”


蘇維思 (Julie Su)。 (白宮新聞辦公室提供)
         (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 美國總統拜登 (Joe Biden) 今 (28)日提名蘇維思 (Julie Su) 接任劳工部部長。一旦確認,她將是美國有史以來的第2位華裔勞工部部長,也是拜登總統內閣的首名華裔部長。

        拜登總統任內的第一位勞工部部長是前波士頓市長馬丁華殊 (Marty J. Walsh),於2021年3月23日上任。他將離任的消息,早於去年12月已傳出。日前他正式辭職,轉任全美冰球聯盟球員協會 (NHLPA) 會長。

         蘇維思原任加州勞工與勞力發展廳(California Labor and Workforce Development Agency)廳長,與雇主及工會合作,培訓勞工,推出過「偷竊工資是犯罪 (Wage Theft is a Crime )」等活動。她也當過17年的民權律師,代表過72名被偷渡進美國的泰裔製衣工人。拜登總統上任時,她是勞工部部長人選之一,但後來是馬丁華殊出任部長,蘇維思在2021年7月才獲參議院同意,上任為副部長。



        在拜登總統的內閣中,目前職位最高的亞裔是有一半亞裔血統的副總統哈理斯 (Kamala Harris) ,以及貿易代表戴琪 (Katherine Tai) 。

       在美國歷史中,最早出任內閣首長的亞裔是擔任過商務部部長,日裔的峰田良雄 (Norman Y. Mineta) ,唯一當過2任部長的亞裔是曾任勞工部部長,交通部部長,華裔的趙小蘭。


February 28, 2023
President Biden Nominates Julie Su for Secretary of the Department of Labor
Today, President Biden announced his intent to nominate Julie Su to serve as Secretary of the Department of Labor. Julie is a tested and experienced leader, who will continue to build a stronger, more resilient, and more inclusive economy that provides Americans a fair return for their work and an equal chance to get ahead.
“It is my honor to nominate Julie Su to be our country’s next Secretary of Labor. Julie has spent her life fighting to make sure that everyone has a fair shot, that no community is overlooked, and that no worker is left behind. Over several decades, Julie has led the largest state labor department in the nation, cracked down on wage theft, fought to protect trafficked workers, increased the minimum wage, created good-paying, high-quality jobs, and established and enforced workplace safety standards.
Julie is a champion for workers, and she has been a critical partner to Secretary Walsh since the early days of my Administration. She helped avert a national rail shutdown, improved access to good jobs free from discrimination through my Good Jobs Initiative, and is ensuring that the jobs we create in critical sectors like semiconductor manufacturing, broadband and healthcare are good-paying, stable and accessible jobs for all.
I look forward to continuing to work with Julie to build an economy that works for working people, and I respectfully ask the Senate to take up this nomination quickly so that we can finish the job for America’s workers.”
Julie Su, Secretary of Labor
Julie Su has spent her career fighting for workers, and currently serves as the Deputy Secretary of Labor, a position she has held since her July 2021 Senate confirmation. As Deputy Secretary, Su has worked side by side with Secretary Walsh to advance President Biden’s vision of a strong, resilient, inclusive economy with worker well-being at its center. 
Previously, Su was the Labor Secretary for the State of California where she worked closely with unions and employers to build high road training partnerships to connect people—often those left out of prosperity—to good, union jobs. Su began her life in government service as the California Labor Commissioner where she launched the “Wage Theft is a Crime” campaign with the support of both labor and management. Su spent 17 years as a civil rights attorney representing workers who are often invisible, including 72 Thai garment workers who were trafficked into the US and forced to work behind barbed wire and under armed guard. Her work earned her a MacArthur “genius” award.
Su is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Law School. She is the daughter of immigrants, speaks Mandarin and Spanish, and she has 2 daughters, LiMei and AnLing, who are both in college. 

APIAVote Condemns Rep. Lance Gooden’s Racist Comments, Denounces Larger “Othering” of Asian Americans


駱理德提要求 麻州環境正義草案進華埠辦公聽會

             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 麻州能源與環境事務辦公室215日進昆士小學飯堂,為「環境正義策略」草案舉辦公聽會,期以包括華埠民眾意見。當晚約60多人出席,促請該辦公室關注黃述沾紀念公園修繕,華埠綠地、開放空間太少,空氣汙染等現況。

「環境正義策略」草案公聽會,華埠居民出席踴躍。 (周菊子攝)

麻州能源與環境事務辦公室的環境正義主任Rishi Reddi (左三)   和環境正義外界相關人士協調
Carline Lemoine (右一),能源設施選址助理主任王崧思 (Wayne Wang) (左二)等人
「環境正義策略」草案公聽會。 (周菊子攝)

                   在會議中,麻州能源與環境事務辦公室的環境正義主任Rishi Reddi和環境正義外界相關人士協調副主任Carline Lemoine 12張簡報投影片,說明能源與環境事務辦公室麾下有6個部門,負有為麻州保護土地,水、空氣及野生動物等天然資源,為麻州將來採用清潔能源做供需研究等任務。

Luigi G. Natale (後),伍國龍 (左二)等人出席在座。(周菊子攝)


                     215日晚,參與制定草案的20名政府部門專業人士中,包括能源設施選址助理主任王崧思 (Wayne Wang) 等,有至少6人出席,回答華埠居民的提問。

                  當晚有不少居民發言,包括住在天普街 (Temple)的王嘉接,住在牛頓街的梁龍達,黃述沾公園之友會理事伍國龍,家族經營竹笙餐廳的司徒玉美,在塔芙茨醫療中心做「通過轉化研究解決亞裔人口差異 (ADAPT)」的黃雁清等人,紛紛發言,分別談及華埠開放空間太少、太小,需要更寬闊的休憩、遊樂場地;街道上車輛川流,廢氣汙染嚴重等狀況,希望州政府能協助改善。另有居民熱心提出建議,包括限用塑膠袋,減少24小時都開燈的場地,電器設備,考慮利用海潮發電等等。

環境正義公聽會海報,華埠土地信託會助理主任吳昕設計 。 (駱理德提供)
                    麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz)的助理Luigi G. Natale當晚也全程在場,代表麥家威關注社區事務。



             (Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 和麾下的回歸公民辦公室(ORC)” ( (28) 日宣佈,撥發100萬元支持更生人補助款 (Returning Citizens Support, 簡稱RCS),資助35個協助更生人重新融入社會的機構。

ORC辦公室主任David Mayo說明,其中有29個機構是由有色人種或更生人領導,80%的資金也是分發給這29個機構。這是波士頓市第一次撥款資助為更生人服務的社區組織。所有獲得補助機構都經過具競爭性的審核。波士頓市和這些機構合作,把波士頓變成一個更好的城市。

吳弭市長在2023會計年度預算中編列了260萬元做這歷史性投資,並於202212月公佈了申請流程。這100萬元就是其中的一部分。波士頓市人民服務長José Massó表示,這次的撥款特別著重於資助有色人種及更生人所經營的機構。


·       Baystate Reentry Network

·       Big Hope Project

·       Black and Pink

·       Boston Lesbigay Urban Foundation

·       Charlestown Adult Education

·       City Church Boston

·       College Bound Dorchester

·       Family Nurturing Center

·       Fathers’ Uplift

·       Future Hope Apprenticeship

·       God’s Soldiers, Inc.

·       Greater Boston Legal Services

·       Haley House

·       Healing Our Land

·       Jericho Circle Project

·       Justice 4 Housing Hands on Defense Program

·       Justice Resource Institute, STRIVE

·       Lawyer’s Clearinghouse on Affordable Housing & Homelessness

·       Lena-Park Community Development

·       Louis D Brown Peace Institute

·       New Beginnings Reentry Services

·       New England Innocence Project

·       North Suffolk Community Services

·       Nubian Square Foundation

·       Out for Good Behavioral Services

·       People Affecting Community Change

·       Prophetic Resistance Boston

·       Project Smile, Suits and Smiles

·       Project Turnaround

·       The Center for Teen Empowerment

·       Union of Minority Neighborhoods

·       United Baptist Church

·       Voices of Liberation

·       We Are Better Together

·       Working Credit NFP


更生人辦公室 (ORC)創立於2019


$1 million in grants to be awarded to 35 nonprofits throughout the City of Boston providing services including family reunification; CORI sealing and expungement; transitional and permanent housing supports; career and employment training

BOSTON - Tuesday, February 28, 2023 - Mayor Michelle Wu, the Office of Human Services (OHS), and the Office of Returning Citizens (ORC) today announced the award of over $1 million in funding to 35 organizations that provide reentry support services to individuals who are returning to Boston after being released from federal, state, or county correctional facilities. Of the 35 grantees, 29 organizations are either led by people of color, led by a returning citizen, or both. Over 80% of the total funding being awarded will be going to those 29 organizations. Today’s awards of the Returning Citizens Support (RCS) grants mark the first-ever City funding to support community-based organizations that serve returning citizens. This is a key component of the historic investment of $2.6 million made by Mayor Wu in the FY23 budget for the ORC. The awards are the result of a competitive grant process announced in December. 

“Wrapping around our returning citizens with programming and services is vital to ensuring formerly incarcerated individuals are able to return to their lives and community successfully,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I’m so grateful to all our partner organizations for their commitment to supporting our community members in their reentry.”

“This investment in services will boost the overall impact of the Office of Returning Citizens and help to provide relief and support to individuals who are returning to Boston from incarceration,” said Chief of Human Services José Massó. “In addition to the grants for services available to all returning citizens, we are making a special effort to fund organizations that are led by returning citizens and people of color, and those that have unique expertise in providing support to underserved populations of returning citizens, such as women and people who identify as LGBTQI.” 

“Even though there’s still work to be done, it is gratifying to begin to build a network of resources for returning citizens and especially to be able to support so many of our partners that have been doing this work as a labor of love for so many years,” said David Mayo, Executive Director of the Office of Returning Citizens. “Partnerships like these are what will make Boston a better place to return home.”

"Today, we take another step to right past harms by investing in organizations and nonprofits centering the needs of those returning home from incarceration, many of these led by those very same individuals,” said Councilor Ruthzee Louijeune. “When we talked about investing in our returning citizens during last year's budget, this is a model for what my office wanted to see: organizations led by those directly impacted leading the way for mental health services, family reunification, supportive housing, substance abuse counseling, and workforce training. There’s more to do, but this is a start.”

This announcement marks a significant milestone in the city’s efforts to create a network of services available to formerly incarcerated individuals returning home. The RCS grant will provide non-profit organizations with vital funding to support a variety of services including: family reunification; services specifically tailored to the unique challenges facing LGBTQI returning citizens; services specifically tailored to the unique challenges facing women returning citizens; education; career and employment trainings and professional skills development; clothing, food, and other basic needs; CORI sealing and expungement; transitional and permanent housing supports; Know Your Rights legal trainings; mentorship; and mental health and substance use counseling. 

The following organizations have received grants as part of this funding round:

  • Baystate Reentry Network
  • Big Hope Project
  • Black and Pink
  • Boston Lesbigay Urban Foundation
  • Charlestown Adult Education
  • City Church Boston
  • College Bound Dorchester
  • Family Nurturing Center
  • Fathers’ Uplift
  • Future Hope Apprenticeship
  • God’s Soldiers, Inc.
  • Greater Boston Legal Services
  • Haley House
  • Healing Our Land
  • Jericho Circle Project
  • Justice 4 Housing Hands on Defense Program
  • Justice Resource Institute, STRIVE
  • Lawyer’s Clearinghouse on Affordable Housing & Homelessness
  • Lena-Park Community Development
  • Louis D Brown Peace Institute
  • New Beginnings Reentry Services
  • New England Innocence Project
  • North Suffolk Community Services
  • Nubian Square Foundation
  • Out for Good Behavioral Services
  • People Affecting Community Change
  • Prophetic Resistance Boston
  • Project Smile, Suits and Smiles
  • Project Turnaround
  • The Center for Teen Empowerment
  • Union of Minority Neighborhoods
  • United Baptist Church
  • Voices of Liberation
  • We Are Better Together
  • Working Credit NFP

“Massachusetts residents returning home from incarceration deserve safe and dignified housing. Instead they face stigma, barriers and discrimination. Stable housing is the most crucial resource to promoting public safety, public health and circumventing recidivism. Justice 4 Housing (J4H) is an organization whose leadership is directly affected. Our knowledge and expertise has been paramount to our success,” said Leslie Credle, Founder & Executive Director of Justice 4 Housing. “I am living proof that housing is the gateway to a successful reentry. Our programs have provided permanent housing and legal advocacy support for over 100 formerly incarcerated people in our communities. Justice 4 Housing is proud to be one of the first recipients of the Returning Citizens Support (RCS) grant. We look forward to continuing working side by side with the ORC and its new Executive Director, David Mayo. This year, we will continue to provide the most critical resources which include permanent housing solutions and homeownership to the most vulnerable population in the Commonwealth.”

The ORC was established in 2019 to serve as a central hub for all services related to the reentry of formerly incarcerated individuals into Boston. The ORC's mission is to support individuals returning from incarceration by providing case management, referrals and connections to essential resources and services that can help them rebuild their lives and contribute to their communities. The RCS grant is a crucial part of the ORC's efforts to achieve this mission.


                  (Boston Orange 編譯) 大波士頓商會會長兼執行長James E. Rooney表示,麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 提出的稅收方案,尤其是納入的關於資本利得,以及房地產稅部分,是有很多該支持的地方,而且那也的確代表新政府釋出的第一個,將和企業界合作的好消息。



Statement from James E. Rooney on Governor Healey’s Tax Package

 "There is much to support in this tax package, and it certainly represents a good first signal that the administration will work with the business community, especially with the inclusion of capital gains and estate taxes. However, there remains much work to do to restore Massachusetts’ competitiveness to keep residents and businesses here, and we look forward to working with the legislature on this tax package and the budget in the coming months. With a state budget that increased by $10 billion - 25% - in just four fiscal years because of private sector wage growth, policymakers must find meaningful ways to continue to support the region's employers as they seek to stay and succeed here,” said James E. Rooney, President & CEO, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce.


勞工部國際事務副次長Thea Lee。
               (Boston Orange 節譯) 即將於312日至14日在波士頓會議展覽中心 (BCEC) 舉行,由多元傳播公司製作的第41屆北美海產展/北美海鮮加工業展,今 (28) 日宣佈邀請全球經濟學家Megan Greene為會議主講人,以及勞工部國際事務副次長Thea Lee為全場會議演講者。這一會展將包括30多場教育性會議。


Megan Greene將以「2023年經濟新況- 我們將向哪兒去 (Economic Update for 2023 – Where are we headed)」為主題,發表講談。

Thea Lee 則以「呼籲行動: 漁業做的好是智慧經營 (A Call to Action: Good Work in Fishing is Smart Business)」。


H&N 集團及食品市場行銷機構的Hy Vee將在「2023年海產力量」年度更新報告中,分享為有興趣增加海產銷售的零售業者提供洞察資訊的購物者行為數據。

在「海產加工衍進及未來(The Evolution and Future of Seafood Processing)」的討論中,來自北美BAADERBristol海產,以及Marel的專家們,將會討論加工業是怎樣的已經變遷了,現有市場需求展望,以及未來的機會在哪兒。

在「食品服務的海產趨勢 (Seafood Trends in Foodservice)」中,Datassential的大量資源將為出席者提供有關美國海產趨勢資訊,並為公司可以如何打造更有針對性策略來爭取消費者的建議。

在「運輸及物流的供需趨勢(Supply and Demand Trends in Shipping and Logistics)」中,法國航空KLM貨運,藍水運輸 (Blue Water Shipping)Kvarøy Fiskeoppdrett AS ,以及海洋網路快遞 ( Ocean Network Express)等公司將討論影響美國的運輸及物流趨勢,例如從歐洲及/或者智利到美國等。

在「在全球氣候政策中增加海產業聲音(Increasing the Seafood Industry’s Voice in Global Climate Policy)」的討論中,將有來自COMEPESCA,全球金槍魚聯盟 (Global Tuna Alliance),環境保護基金 (Environmental Defense Fund),海產2030 (Seafood2030)Walton家族基金的專家,討論海產業更有效溝通影響海洋、漁業及海產等氣候相關議題的價值與機會。

「海產零售: 潮流往哪個方向走? (Retail Seafood: Where is the Tide Going?)」這講座將審視在新冠病毒疫情衝擊下,零售海產市場的關鍵趨勢在過去10年間已經衍化的情況,並辨識會影響未來的趨勢。


Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America

Announces Keynote and Plenary Speakers, Comprehensive Conference Agenda

 Portland, Maine (February 28, 2023) – The organizers of Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America announce this year’s keynote speaker, Global Economist Megan Greene, and plenary speaker, Deputy Undersecretary for International Affairs Thea Lee, who headline a robust conference program featuring more than 30 educational sessions. Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America, North America’s largest seafood trade exposition and produced by Diversified Communications, will take place from March 12-to-14, 2023 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. 

Global economist and keynote speaker Megan Greene’s presentation, “Economic Update for 2023 – Where are we headed?,” will provide predictions and an outlook for international supply chain challenges, inflation and climate change. Greene is a Senior Fellow at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University, Global Chief Economist at Kroll and a regular columnist at the Financial Times, writing about global macroeconomics and policy. 

The conference’s plenary speaker, Deputy Undersecretary for International Affairs Thea Lee, will lead the session “A Call to Action: Good Work in Fishing is Smart Business.” A long-time advocate for workers’ rights, Deputy Undersecretary Lee will address harmful labor conditions that often are associated with unregulated fishing globally and underscore the responsibility that the private sector bears in curbing these widespread abuses. 

Led by an impressive slate of top industry experts and thought leaders, the three-day conference program will provide seafood buyers and other industry attendees with engaging and practical information that will help guide decision-making in their organizations.

Noteworthy educational sessions topics include: 

·       In the annual “Power of Seafood 2023” report update, speakers from Hy-Vee, H&N Group, Publix Super Markets and the Food Marketing Institute will share shopper behavior data that provides insightful information for retailers interested in growing seafood sales.  

·       During “The Evolution and Future of Seafood Processing” discussion, an expert panel of speakers from BAADER North America, Bristol Seafood and Marel will address how processing has changed, what the current market demand looks like and where there are future opportunities.

·       The “Seafood Trends in Foodservice” presentation will draw from Datassential’s extensive resources to offer attendees information about seafood trends in the U.S. and provide suggestions about how companies can build more targeted strategies to reach consumers.

·       The session “Supply and Demand Trends in Shipping and Logistics” will feature speakers from Air France KLM Cargo, Blue Water Shipping, Kvarøy Fiskeoppdrett AS and Ocean Network Express who will discuss shipping and logistics trends that affect the U.S. such as exports from Europe and/or Chile to the U.S.

·       The session “Increasing the Seafood Industry’s Voice in Global Climate Policy” will feature speakers from COMEPESCA, Global Tuna Alliance, Environmental Defense Fund, Seafood2030 and Walton Family Foundation who will explore the value and opportunity for the seafood industry to communicate climate-related issues impacting oceans, fisheries and seafood production more effectively.

·       “Retail Seafood: Where is the Tide Going?” will review key trends in how the retail seafood market has evolved over the past decade, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and identify trends that will impact its future. 

The conference agenda also features a session for companies interested in learning more about  integrating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives into their businesses. Through this course, titled “Unpacking DEI: Why it Matters in the Workplace,” participants will  become more aware of their own mindset related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion while considering ways to lead with a new, more effective approach to improving relationships, navigating difficult topics and challenging automatic patterns of thinking. 

Seafood industry buyers and professionals can learn more about Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America and register to attend by visiting seafoodexpo.com/north-america