勞工部國際事務副次長Thea Lee。 |
Megan Greene將以「2023年經濟新況- 我們將向哪兒去 (Economic Update for 2023 –
Where are we headed)」為主題,發表講談。
Thea Lee 則以「呼籲行動: 漁業做的好是智慧經營 (A Call to Action: Good
Work in Fishing is Smart Business)」。
H&N 集團及食品市場行銷機構的Hy Vee將在「2023年海產力量」年度更新報告中,分享為有興趣增加海產銷售的零售業者提供洞察資訊的購物者行為數據。
在「海產加工衍進及未來(The Evolution and Future of Seafood Processing)」的討論中,來自北美BAADER,Bristol海產,以及Marel的專家們,將會討論加工業是怎樣的已經變遷了,現有市場需求展望,以及未來的機會在哪兒。
在「食品服務的海產趨勢 (Seafood Trends in Foodservice)」中,Datassential的大量資源將為出席者提供有關美國海產趨勢資訊,並為公司可以如何打造更有針對性策略來爭取消費者的建議。
在「運輸及物流的供需趨勢(Supply and Demand Trends in Shipping and
(Blue Water Shipping),Kvarøy
Fiskeoppdrett AS ,以及海洋網路快遞
( Ocean Network Express)等公司將討論影響美國的運輸及物流趨勢,例如從歐洲及/或者智利到美國等。
在「在全球氣候政策中增加海產業聲音(Increasing the Seafood Industry’s Voice
in Global Climate Policy)」的討論中,將有來自COMEPESCA,全球金槍魚聯盟 (Global Tuna Alliance),環境保護基金 (Environmental Defense Fund),海產2030 (Seafood2030)和Walton家族基金的專家,討論海產業更有效溝通影響海洋、漁業及海產等氣候相關議題的價值與機會。
「海產零售: 潮流往哪個方向走?
(Retail Seafood: Where is the Tide Going?)」這講座將審視在新冠病毒疫情衝擊下,零售海產市場的關鍵趨勢在過去10年間已經衍化的情況,並辨識會影響未來的趨勢。
Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America
Announces Keynote and Plenary Speakers, Comprehensive Conference
Portland, Maine
(February 28, 2023) – The organizers
of Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America announce this
year’s keynote speaker, Global Economist Megan
Greene, and plenary speaker,
Deputy Undersecretary for International Affairs Thea Lee, who headline a robust
conference program featuring more than 30 educational sessions. Seafood Expo
North America/Seafood Processing North America, North America’s largest seafood
trade exposition and produced by Diversified Communications, will take place
from March 12-to-14, 2023 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.
Global economist and
keynote speaker Megan Greene’s presentation, “Economic
Update for 2023 – Where are we headed?,” will provide predictions and
an outlook for international supply chain challenges, inflation and climate
change. Greene is a Senior Fellow at the Watson Institute for International and
Public Affairs at Brown University, Global Chief Economist at Kroll and a
regular columnist at the Financial Times, writing about global macroeconomics
and policy.
The conference’s
plenary speaker, Deputy Undersecretary for International Affairs Thea Lee, will lead the
session “A Call to Action: Good Work in Fishing is Smart Business.” A
long-time advocate for workers’ rights, Deputy Undersecretary Lee will address
harmful labor conditions that often are associated with unregulated fishing
globally and underscore the responsibility that the private sector bears in
curbing these widespread abuses.
Led by an impressive
slate of top industry experts and thought
leaders, the three-day conference program will
provide seafood buyers and other industry attendees with engaging and practical
information that will help guide decision-making in their organizations.
Noteworthy educational
sessions topics include:
· In the annual “Power of Seafood 2023” report
update, speakers from Hy-Vee, H&N Group, Publix Super Markets and the Food
Marketing Institute will share shopper behavior data that provides insightful
information for retailers interested in growing seafood sales.
· During “The Evolution and Future of Seafood Processing” discussion,
an expert panel of speakers from BAADER North America, Bristol Seafood and
Marel will address how processing has changed, what the current market demand
looks like and where there are future opportunities.
· The “Seafood Trends in Foodservice” presentation
will draw from Datassential’s extensive resources to offer attendees
information about seafood trends in the U.S. and provide suggestions about how
companies can build more targeted strategies to reach consumers.
· The session “Supply and Demand Trends in Shipping and Logistics” will
feature speakers from Air France KLM Cargo, Blue Water Shipping, Kvarøy
Fiskeoppdrett AS and Ocean Network Express who will discuss shipping and
logistics trends that affect the U.S. such as exports from Europe and/or Chile
to the U.S.
· The session “Increasing the Seafood Industry’s Voice in
Global Climate Policy” will feature speakers from COMEPESCA, Global
Tuna Alliance, Environmental Defense Fund, Seafood2030 and Walton Family
Foundation who will explore the value and opportunity for the seafood industry
to communicate climate-related issues impacting oceans, fisheries and seafood
production more effectively.
· “Retail Seafood: Where is the Tide Going?” will review key trends in how the retail seafood market
has evolved over the past decade, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19
pandemic, and identify trends that will impact its future.
The conference agenda
also features a session for companies interested in learning more about
integrating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives into their
businesses. Through this course, titled “Unpacking DEI: Why it Matters in
the Workplace,” participants will become more aware of their own
mindset related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion while considering ways to
lead with a new, more effective approach to improving relationships, navigating
difficult topics and challenging automatic patterns of thinking.
Seafood industry
buyers and professionals can learn more about Seafood Expo North
America/Seafood Processing North America and register to attend by visiting seafoodexpo.com/north-america.