星期三, 1月 31, 2018


WPI校長樂欣(Laurie Leshin,左四),波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh
, (右四),屋斯特市長派迪(Joe Petty,左三),以及麻州經濟及住宅
發展卿艾許(Jay Ash,右一),波士頓市經濟發展長巴洛斯(John Barros
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 麻州第一及第二大城市,波士頓市和屋斯特市今(131)日正式攜手,剪綵啟用6400平方呎的”WPI海港合作空間,推動麻州創新經濟。
波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),屋斯特市長喬派迪(Joe Petty)和麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito),屋斯特理工學院校長樂欣(Laurie Leshin)在麻州經濟及住宅發展卿艾許(Jay Ash)麻州稽核長邦普(Susan Bump),波士頓市經濟發展長巴洛斯(John Barros)等近百名嘉賓賀客面前剪綵啟用這座落在國會街303號一樓,玻璃窗外有著美麗水景的嶄新空間。
麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito,右)為WPI Seaport剪綵致詞。
屋斯特市市長Joe Petty(右)笑說要分一塊亞馬遜第二總部這蛋糕。
左起Mina Shojaeizadeh,劉雯,趙冰,Chris Lhagnon,Ryan LaMarche,
Prateek Jain, Kodey Converse等七名學生都是"使用者經驗及決策
屋斯特理工學院表示,佔地 6,400平方呎的”WPI海港,設計時特意強調了合作,裡面有著開放空間,鼓勵學生,業界夥伴,企業領袖及該校的許多校友,科技顧問等等互相交流,啟發創業精神。

左起,WPI助理教授Lane T. Harrison和學生馮覓,朱泊霖示範
這裡也有教室,會議室,5個科技套房,都有著堡壘點水道(Fort Point Channel)的美麗水景。WPI打算用這地方作為該校舉辦以企業為主要對象的活動,也用於校友聚會,職業發展講座等等。

超級碗本週六開打 麻州,賓州兩州長下賭注

Governors Baker, Wolf Place Friendly Wagers on Super Bowl LII

New England Patriots to take on Philadelphia Eagles this Sunday

麻州長查理貝克( Charlie Baker)。(圖由州政府提供)
BOSTON — Ahead of Sunday’s Super Bowl matchup between the New England Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles, today Governors Charlie Baker of Massachusetts and Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania announced a friendly wager on the game’s outcome.

Governor Baker wagered a variety of the Commonwealth’s finest local offerings should the Eagles pull off an upset, including:

·       Clam Chowder from Legal Sea Foods in Boston

·       Craisins from Ocean Spray in Middleborough

·       Apple Cider Donuts from Smolak Farms in North Andover

·       Apple Pie, Chicken Pot Pie and Maple Syrup from Hollis Hills Farms in Fitchburg

·       Grillo’s Pickles from Needham

·       Boston Crème Pie Cupcakes and Lemon Squares from Koffee Kup Bakery in Springfield

“As the New England Patriots prepare for their eighth Super Bowl of the last seventeen years, the full force of the Commonwealth and all of New England is behind them every step of the way because we know their jobs are not done yet,”said Governor Charlie Baker. “We are proud to have another opportunity to offer up some of Massachusetts’ finest local products for a good cause and look forward to the Pats bringing home another Super Bowl win.”

Governor Wolf has wagered Federal Donuts, Soup from the Rooster Soup Company,Reading Terminal Market Scrapple, in honor of the market’s 125th anniversary, Coffee from La Colombe in Philadelphia, and donated pizza slices from Rosa’s Fresh Pizza, a pay-it-forward pizzeria that provides hundreds of meals per week to homeless Philadelphians. The Governors have agreed to donate the winnings to a local food pantry of their choice.

“Over the last year, the Eagles have battled adversity and inspired millions of fans, both on and off the field,” Governor Wolf said. “I am putting some of my Philly favorites and Philly’s finest and most iconic food items on the line but look forward to Governor Baker sending some Massachusetts food to Pennsylvania.”

Super Bowl kickoff is at scheduled for 6:30 PM ET on Sunday. 

Harvard Global Health Institute talk on Nexus of Green Building, Public Health and the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals

January 31, 2018
Lucas DiLeo
Contributing writer

The Harvard Global Health Institute hosted a talk by Prof. Joseph Allen on the Nexus of Green Building, Public Health and the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.  

Prof. Allen is Assistant Professor of Exposure Assessment Science at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and founder of the Healthy Buildings program at Harvard’s Center for Health and Global Environment. 

The Healthy Buildings Program is pursing research on how building impact health.  They have launched a number of projects with industry to explore and quantify these impacts and potential for adapting building systems.

According to Dr. Allen, we spend 90% of our lives indoors.   Thus building managers have more impact upon our health than our doctors.

Building also account for 40% of energy consumption, and will have an increasing impact on Climate change.   At the same time, buildings can be resilient and be a refuge for people during extreme weather and increasing heat and air pollution.

Dr. Allen's institute is organizing its programs around the UN's Sustainability Goals as how they relate to buildings.  

He quoted Churchill who said "we shape our buildings and thereafter they shape us" and updated it to "we share our buildings and they shape our public health".

Although we spend the majority of our time in doors, health research is focused upon outdoor air.  Moreover it is easy to measure energy consumption, but hard to measure human health.  This is what his projects are focused upon.

They are looking at noise, lighting, moisture, ventilation, air quality, dust and particles, temperature and life safety.

His lab launched the CogEffect study - of the effect of the indoor environment on cognitive functions of workers.  This study focused upon the impacts of carbon dioxide, ventilation and chemicals in the air upon cognitive function.  He reported that participants scored highest in a building with optimal building conditions and demonstrated how increased CO2 , for instance, reduced worker productivity.  Similarly higher levels of ventilation correlated with lower levels of infectious disease.   

And then the study quantified these impacts/benefits into $$ per employee.

In addition, Prof. Allen reported that people in green buildings report greater satisfaction with their environment.

Their center is now launching a 3 year global study of green buildings and their impact on how people perform over time.  This will take their previous work and expand it other markets and culture.   Sensors will be installed at worker desks to track various environmental quality and comfort metrics and how they vary with different conditions.  The study will also look at lighting and how it effects worker attitudes and productivity.

He was then  joined by Piers MacNaughton, Associate Director of the Healthy Buildings Program, who explained the evolution of the Green Building ROI that they are utilizing - energy costs, market performance, occupancy and tenant opinions.   Most studies are only focused upon lower energy usage and this study hopes to expand the metrics for quantifying impact.

Prof. Allen then went on to discuss the proliferation of chemicals in the environment and in buildings - the overwhelming majority never being studied for human impact - and how they are being incorporated into the food chain and our bodies.   And how to organize information on chemicals to help developers and managers make better decisions.  This has led to the Project on Living Lab and the Healthy Building Materials Academy for Harvard to evaluate chemicals in its own Campus.

There are many areas where chemicals become inserted into the building's environment such as stain repellent chemicals, cooking, clothing, cleaning materials, fabrics, etc.

They are seeking to learn what is the public health impact of our buildings.

Prof. Allen concluded by stating that "75% of the infrastructure we need by 2050 has not yet been built.  Decisions we make now will impact our personal and economic health for years to come."

MIT-CEO 邀余軍分享創投經驗 (圖片)


普莉斯萊(Ayanna Pressley)宣佈參選聯邦眾議員。
Ayanna Pressley競選團隊提供)
(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 波士頓市府公僕,民代今年興向上挑戰,繼波士頓市長幕僚長高丹尼(Daniel Koh)宣佈參選聯邦眾議員,市議員查金(Josh Zakim)參選麻州州務卿之後,市議員普莉斯萊(Ayanna Pressley)130日也宣佈參選聯邦眾議員席位。
身為波士頓市首名非洲裔女性市議員,現年43歲的普莉斯萊,將挑戰同為民主黨,1998年當選,今年66歲,在位滿30年的第7區聯邦眾議員卡普阿諾(Michael E. Capuano)

她由單親母親扶養長大,有個動人的成長故事,克服了許多困難,才成為最高票當選的市議員。她畢業於波士頓大學,曾任本地高層政客的助理,包括當時是聯邦參議員的凱利(John Kerry),聯邦眾議員的約瑟夫甘迺迪。而約瑟夫甘迺迪的繼位者就是卡普阿諾。


Here’s Pressley’s full statement:
“Today, I humbly announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination in the 7th Congressional District. I made this decision after much prayer, deliberation, and thoughtful conversation with my family, friends, and those I hope to have the honor to represent in Congress. This district and these times demand more than just an ally, they demand an advocate and a champion.
My life as an advocate for those most in need is inspired by my mother’s example. She believed in the potential inherent in each of us, and that belief is the foundation of my work. That belief is what drove me to successfully tackle some of society’s most complex issues as a Boston City Councilor, working alongside communities in the policymaking process and never losing sight of who government is meant to serve. It is that belief that will drive me throughout this campaign and beyond.
Our country is facing a critical moment. While the cruel and dangerous tenor of the national political debate is new, the issues we are struggling to address — income inequality, systemic racism, and lack of economic opportunity — have dogged our nation for years. We have not yet delivered on our nation’s foundational promise of equality. Not everyone is granted the opportunity that each of us deserves: to fulfill our God-given potential. Making progress on longstanding challenges requires a different lens and a new approach. I will be a bold voice in Congress, as an advocate for the entire district and as a champion for opportunity. This moment in time demands nothing less.”

大波士顿市议员阿扬娜·普雷斯利(AYANNA PRESSLEY)宣布她的国会候选人资格
波士顿  大波士顿市议员将于130日(星期二)宣布她在马萨诸塞州第七届国会选区民主党提名。议员普雷斯利提出以下声明:



美國溫州總商會舉辦華人商會合作論壇 凝聚海外華商力量
美國溫州總商會1月27日晚在聖蓋博舉辦授牌儀式同時、主辦華人商會合作論壇。 28個當地的華人商會參與論壇,共同探討華人商會的歷史、現狀和發展趨勢。並簽署戰略合作協議,希望通過合作,提昇華人商會服務能力,共同凝聚海外華商力量。這是首次在南加州舉辦的華人商會專題論壇。






美國國會眾議員趙美心、中國駐洛杉磯總領事館僑務組組長湯長安領事、商務組領事郭汝達,當地28個華人商會代表和各界人士近300人等出席了當天儀式和論壇。 (AACYF洛杉磯訊)


【波士頓臺灣人運動協會成立  加強僑胞聯繫交流】





運動協會的英文名稱訂為「Boston Taiwanese Sport Club」,今年的主要活動包括24日與駐波士頓臺北經文處合辦「臺灣動起來」桌球休閒運動,今年6月也將主辦2018年「臺灣盃」壘球賽,未來也會邀約會員一起去看球類比賽,或到現場為旅美的臺灣選手加油。(圖與文:僑教中心提供)


學員實地從事英語教學服務工作。(AID Summer網站照片)。
今年英語服務營預定於630日到728日舉行, 報名時間自201821日至228日止,採網路報名。申請人須先於營隊專屬網站(http://www.aidsummer.net)完成線上報名後,印出「網路登錄確認單」,連同相關報名表件於31日前寄()達波士頓華僑文教服務中心
90 Lincoln St., Newton  Highlands MA 02461


           (Boston Orange)波士頓市長辦公室1月30日發出通知,邀請居民出席剪綵儀式,慶祝華埠圖書館在中華貿易大樓開張。

BOSTON - Tuesday, January 30, 2018 - This Saturday, Mayor Martin J. Walsh and community members will celebrate the opening of Boston Public Library Chinatown at 2 Boylston Street in the China Trade Center. This event marks the return of library services to the neighborhood for the first time in more than 50 years. Regular library hours begin on Monday, February 5, at 10 a.m.

Building on Mayor Walsh's commitment to invest in library and community services throughout all neighborhoods in Boston, the Chinatown Library, an investment of $1 million, includes bilingual staff, books, newspapers, and periodicals in English and Mandarin, children's programming, a 2,500 item collection, DVDs in English and Mandarin, holds pick-up, immigration and citizenship information, laptops for in-library use, and WiFi. Hours will be Monday-Thursday from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. All are welcome.

WHEN:          11:00 a.m
                      Saturday, February 3, 2018

WHERE:        2 Boylston St.
                      China Trade Center, Lower Level, Chinatown

WHO:            Mayor Martin J. Walsh
                      Boston Public Library President David Leonard
                      Boston Public Library Board of Trustees
                      Chief of Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture Julie Burros
                      City of Boston's Chief of Operations Patrick Brophy
                      Boston Planning & Development Agency representatives
                      Community members

星期二, 1月 30, 2018



 2018-01-31 中国驻纽约总领馆 中国驻纽约总领馆






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411 Waverley Oaks Road Building #2, 
Suite 214, Waltham, MA 02452
