星期五, 5月 31, 2024

州市首長出國訪問花了多少錢 3天2至3萬

            (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州州長和波士頓市長在20245月份,飛到梵諦岡,參加氣候高峰會都花了多少錢,這兩天引起英文報章關注。波士頓環球報才報導州長出行3萬元,波士頓前鋒報馬上跟進,增加波士頓市長共花21000元的內容。

            麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey)都是接受教宗方濟各 (Pope Francis) 邀請,飛到義大利,參加了為期3天的會議。

            奚莉州長一行6人,有州長,氣候長 Melissa Hoffer,以及3名助理,共花了30,263元,由麻州旅遊信託基金支付。這基金帳戶還有670萬元,是要用於推廣區域旅遊業的。

            奚莉州長和3名隨員住在4星級酒店Marriott Le Meridien ViscontiMelissa Hoffer住在Carpegna Palace,他們都是搭達美 (Delta)航空的經濟艙。

            奚莉州長這次出訪外國,比去年到愛爾蘭花了83千元少了許多。在訪問期間,她宣佈推出"氣候職業基金 (Climate Careers Fund)”,要彌平氣候人力差距,增加打工人的經濟移動麗。

            吳弭市長帶了3名員工及2名波士頓警察。如果不計算公安費用。他這趟出門花了12781元。吳弭市長住在羅馬的Best Western Plus,搭乘的是ITA Airway航空的經濟艙。

麻州Healey州長到訪梵蒂岡3天 花了納稅人3萬元

            (Boston Orange 編譯) 到義大利出差3天,參加梵諦岡舉辦的氣候變遷高峰會,和世界各國領袖交流,促請國際企業來麻州。這樣的一趟行程,麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey)花了納稅人3萬元。

            波士頓環球報今 (31)日刊登一篇文章,形容奚莉州長和3名員工,一名指派人士這3天的機票,酒店,交通費,共花了納稅人3萬元。


            麻州州長的發言人Karissa Hand在一份聲明中說,這高峰會是展示麻州在世界舞台上,作為全球氣候領袖的很有價值機會,而且也像氣候領域的企業及工作者發出很明確訊息,麻州是個氣候創新的好地方。

            這場梵諦岡氣候高峰會,還有波士頓市長吳弭也參加了。麻州大學波士頓分校校長Marcelo Suárez-Orozco是共同主辦人,麻州大學基金提供了一部份費用。

            Karissa Hand表示,這高峰會容許州長分享在麻州有哪些做得好的地方,同時也在世界上其他國家領袖分享他們因應星球暖化的創新適應之道時學習。在會議結束時,奚莉州長承諾在麻州舉辦區域性高峰會,來為如何在地應用那些學來的教訓制定策略。

            奚莉州長和隨行人員住在風景秀麗的台伯河西岸,別緻Prati區的一家四星酒店,租了一輛車代步。麻州氣候長Melissa Hoffer則是單獨住在梵諦岡市西邊的一家旅館內。



            麻州市場行銷夥伴這機構市麻州議會在2010年攝麗,以推廣麻州商機及旅遊的機構。根據Karissa Hand,旅遊信託基金目前還有的餘額為670萬元。

            奚莉州長的這次行程和她上任州長以後,去年首次出國,帶了6名隨員及指派人員的訪問愛爾蘭,差別頗大。那次花了大約84千元,由公家和私人機構支付,包括由美國銀行,道富集團、薩福克工程公司,以及卡夫特 (Kraft)集團等麻州大企業高管所組成的麻州競爭力夥伴等。


            麻州前州長查理貝克( Charlie Baker)第一次正式出國訪問時,他的政府工作人員就驕傲宣稱,不會用納稅人的錢來支付費用。在安全人員開銷之外,他的行程由新英格蘭-以色列商會等私人團體支付。

            在查理貝克之前的Deval Patrick,曾因他設立信託基金,模糊了錢是怎麼花的的這支付國際旅行費用方式,引發一些爭議。

            波士頓環球報稱,Karissa Hand表示,奚莉州長的國際訪問,帶回了成果。例如愛爾蘭公司ProNAV在劍橋創新中心擴大營運,和愛爾蘭大學的一次會議,啟發了奚莉政府和麻州大學羅爾分校設立清潔能源項目,幫助並支持市鎮樓宇去碳化,減少使用石化燃油。



左起,樂團共同創辦人兼首席單簧管Nicolas Brown,鋼琴家李若婷,
董事會主席Leslie Wu Foley。(周菊子攝)
              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 華人指揮家王麗霞創辦的波士頓節慶交響樂團,訂728(週日)下午3點,在新英格蘭音樂學院喬登廳,推出2024「夏日舞台」壓軸戲。波士頓僑社聞人阮陳金鳳,日前特地辦小型聚會,向僑社鄭重介紹她這位姪孫輩親戚。

前排左起,蔡倩婷、黃周麗桃,後Tim Guen,溫陳美月,都應邀出席。(周菊子攝)

              抱著這心願,王麗霞在阮陳金鳳的兒子Tim協助下,為這場音樂會精心製作了中英雙語海報,提綱契領說明,這場音樂會安排有李若婷演奏陳其鋼索創作「二黃」鋼琴協奏曲,60人的交響樂團演奏Rimsky-Korsakov取材自「一千零一夜故事」所創作的著名古典交響樂,山魯佐德 (Scheherazande)

                         這場音樂會將在有1000個座位的新英格蘭音樂學院喬登廳舉行,門票以「付你所能付( Pay-what-you-you-can)」方式出售。

            為使這場音樂會能夠讓更多的波士頓人知道,波士頓節慶交響樂團這天不但請來麻州大學波士頓分校教授江念祖,昆士中學校長張可仁,昆士小學校長司徒玉英,還邀請了波士頓市府鄰里服務局主任Beata Coloyan4名副主任之一的Christopher Breen,以及華埠/皮革區聯絡員黃楚嵐。

波士頓市府鄰里服務局主任Beata Coloyan (左)4名副主任之一的
Christopher Breen(右),以及華埠/皮革區聯絡員黃楚嵐(中),這天都應邀出席。

波士頓節慶交響樂團的「夏日舞台」,共安排有3場演出,包括714日的「火鳥」,720日的「星球」,以及728日的「山魯佐德」。查詢演出及售票資訊,可上網https:bforchestra.org/summer-stage。 (更新版,訂正內容為李若婷彈奏陳其鋼作品"二黃"。)


The B.A.A. celebrates a week of running in Boston, leading to Global Running Day on June 5. 

Everyone is encouraged to join!  

BOSTON—The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) has planned five consecutive days of running-related activities from June 1 through June 5 all with the objective to encourage everyone on their own fitness journey.   

The B.A.A. has extended the idea of Global Running Day (Wednesday, June 5) to a week for the first time beginning this year, furthering opportunities to run for fun during each of five consecutive days to begin the month of June.   

“The journey towards fitness and a healthy lifestyle can truly begin anywhere, and we will be encouraging that simply with informal fun runs and meet-ups from June 1 through June 5,” said Jack Fleming, B.A.A. President and CEO. “Our vision for B.A.A. Running Week is for new runners and ‘already’ runners – in other words ALL who are interested  -- to see the health benefits from the activity, recreation and sport of running.” 

Team B.A.A. will be present and running in an inviting, fun and relaxed way – with relaxed and easy paces -- at several events each day over the course of the week in Boston. Running week will feature photo opportunities with the Boston Marathon Champions’ Trophy, free give-aways, and the opportunity for casual meet-ups with fellow runners.   

A detailed schedule of events can be found below while daily updates and key information will be shared across the B.A.A.’s social media channels (InstagramX/Twitter, Facebook, and Tik Tok).   


8:45 a.m. – Trophy Tour Visits The Dimock Center in Roxbury 

Join the B.A.A. at the Road to Wellness 5K training run at The Dimock Center in Roxbury. Meeting at 8:45 a.m., the group will go for a run in preparation for the September 7 Road to Wellness 5K, which is free to enter and runs through Roxbury. Photo opportunities with the Boston Marathon Champion’s Trophy and giveaways will be available post-run.  

11:00 a.m. – B.A.A. Neighborhood Fitness Series presented by Boston’s Children's Hospital at Hunt Almont Park in Mattapan 

The B.A.A. welcomes athletes of all ages and abilities to the B.A.A. Neighborhood Fitness Series presented by Boston Children’s Hospital. Held throughout Boston, the Neighborhood Fitness Series features free walk/runs of varying distances, family-friendly activities, and a celebration of getting active. Join in the fun and begin your fitness journey while earning a unicorn medal. Registration for free races at Hunt Almont Park begins at 11:00 a.m., with run/walks starting at 12:00 p.m.  

More information can be found at https://bstnmar.org/BAAFITNESSSERIES   


Show Your Unicorn Spirit on the Boston 10K presented by Brigham and Women’s Hospital Course  

Is that Spike I See? Wear your unicorn gear, head out for a run along the Boston 10K course, tag @TeamBAA and hashtag #RunBAA! We’ll be surprising a few spirited runners who share their runs on social media with free entry into the sold-out Boston 10K.   


6:00 p.m. – Charles River Run with Team B.A.A. Join the B.A.A. for an evening run along the Charles River! At 6:00 p.m., staff and runners from the B.A.A. will meet at the Arthur Fiedler Statue on the Esplanade to begin a casual run along the Charles River. Giveaways and photo ops with the Boston Marathon Champion’s Trophy will be available, all in celebration of Global Running Day coming up on Wednesday. 


6:00 p.m. – Samuel Adams Fun Run  

The B.A.A. and Samuel Adams will host a fun, free community run in Jamaica Plain at 6:00 p.m. Log some miles, take pictures with the Boston Marathon Champion’s Trophy, be entered to win fun giveaways, and raise a glass in celebration of Global Running Day. The B.A.A. will also be giving away entries into the Boston 10K presented by Brigham and Women’s Hospital to a few lucky runners in attendance. Remember to bring a government issued ID to enjoy beverages on site (must be 21+ to enjoy). RSVP here 

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5 | Global Running Day 

12:00 p.m. -- 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. -- 6:00 p.m., Boston Marathon Finish Line   

The Boston Athletic Association will be announcing some exciting news on Global Running Day! Be on the lookout for a sneak peek on Tuesday, June 4, with a grand unveiling on the morning of Global Running Day, June 5.   

In celebration of Global Running Day, runners are encouraged to run or walk to the Boston Marathon Finish Line and break the tape along Boylston Street! From 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. outside the Bank of America branch on Boylston Street, the B.A.A. will be handing out exclusive giveaways and celebrating some extra special Global Running Day news. The Boston Marathon Champion’s Trophy will be available for photo-ops.  

Regardless of where you are, celebrate Global Running Day with the B.A.A.! Wear your Boston Marathon or B.A.A. gear with pride and post online using the hashtag #RunBAA.  

Boston 10K presented by Brigham and Women’s Hospital  

The next B.A.A. road race on the calendar is the Boston 10K presented by Brigham and Women’s Hospital on Sunday, June 23. Media interested in covering the 2024 Boston 10K may apply for credentials here


 Massachusetts School Districts Win $42 Million in Federal Funding for Clean School Buses 

BOSTON – The Healey-Driscoll Administration is celebrating the award of $42 million from the U.S. EPA’s Clean School Bus program to 17 Massachusetts school districts. The program enables school districts to replace fossil-fueled school buses with cleaner electric models, helping communities reduce climate pollution and the resulting health risks for children.   
In addition to strong advocacy from the Massachusetts federal delegation, with leadership from Senator Elizabeth Warren, the awards reflect the Healey-Driscoll administration’s aggressive strategy to pursue federal funding. The Clean School Buses program was the subject of the inaugural Federal Funds Partnership Meeting, a new initiative of the Federal Funds and Infrastructure Office (FFIO) to convene hundreds of municipal and tribal leaders across the state to share information about federal funding opportunities. During the meeting, FFIO highlighted the Clean School Buses program and encouraged municipalities to apply.   
Massachusetts has also supported municipal school bus fleet conversions through the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC). MassCEC has helped municipalities across the state, including several selected for awards in this funding cycle, through grant assistance and technical assistance via the Fleet Advisory Program, the Fleet Deployment Program, the ACTNow Program, as well as guidance through ACT School Bus Open Office Hours.   
The Massachusetts awardees include urban and rural communities, Gateway Cities, and vocational schools. The municipalities include many census tracts with environmental justice populations, highlighting the Healey Driscoll and the Biden administration’s focus on advancing climate and equity initiatives.  
The funding will be used to replace 166 fossil fuel-powered school buses with electric vehicles.  
“Every Massachusetts student deserves to breathe clean air, but diesel school buses are a major source of air pollution and can be harmful to young people’s health,” said Governor Healey. “We’re thrilled to see so many Massachusetts communities win federal funding to make the switch to cleaner electric school buses. We’re grateful to the Biden-Harris Administration for making this funding available and to Senator Warren and our Congressional delegation for their partnership and leadership.”  
“This is just the latest example of how Team Massachusetts is competing hard to bring home federal dollars to our communities,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. “From improving our roads and bridges, to increasing accessibility on public transit, to transitioning to cleaner, healthier school buses – the Biden-Harris administration is making available transformative levels of federal funding, and we’re proud that Massachusetts is winning so much of it.”  
“These new electric school buses from the Biden administration are bright yellow symbols of how Massachusetts is fighting climate change,” said Senator Elizabeth Warren. “I wrote a bill to invest in cleaner transit options and fought for federal funding in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and now these electric school buses will help Massachusetts students breathe cleaner air.”  
“From the cities of Witches, Fish, and Paper to the shores of Cape Cod, the Southcoast and Fitchburg, the Biden administration's new investments in more than 160 clean school buses will deliver a cleaner, greener future for Massachusetts children, on and off the bus.” said Senator Ed Markey. “We fought hard to include this funding in the historic Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. I thank the Healey-Driscoll administration for their leadership in putting it to work for the Commonwealth, and I thank the EPA for driving us all towards a future with cleaner air.”  
“This funding from the EPA ensures that thousands of students in Massachusetts will soon be able to get to and from school on clean, electric-powered buses that don’t pollute the air they breathe,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Rebecca Tepper. “It’s time that we move away from gas-powered school buses and this investment from the Biden-Harris Administration will empower 17 school districts to make that switch.”  
“These municipalities are the leading edge of a Massachusetts clean energy transformation to reduce emissions and improve public health,” said Climate Chief Melissa Hoffer. “Time is short. The Healey-Driscoll administration is laser-focused on working with municipalities to accelerate the adoption of clean vehicles to protect our communities from climate pollution.”  
“This funding is a critical step forward in our efforts to improve air quality for our children and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Director of Federal Funds and Infrastructure Quentin Palfrey. “We are grateful to the Biden Administration and Commissioner Regan for these awards that will help Massachusetts continue its leadership on the transition to a clean energy future.”   
“This is another major clean energy win for Massachusetts, and it’s one that will benefit students and neighborhoods for years to come,” said Massachusetts Clean Energy Center CEO Dr. Emily Reichert. “MassCEC’s clean transportation program has supported two-thirds of the electric school buses in Massachusetts, and these funds from the Biden-Harris Administration will bring the Commonwealth one step closer to electrifying school bus fleets in all of our communities.”     
The Clean Schools Bus program was created by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law in 2021. The most recent funding represents the third round of $5 billion that the EPA will disburse over a five-year period.   
Massachusetts school district awardees include: 
Acton-Boxborough - $200,000 
Advanced Math and Science Academy Charter - $290,000 
Amherst - $600,000
Andover - $5,000,000 
Arlington - $200,000 
Beverly - $1,455,000 
Cape Cod Regional Vocational Technical District – $3,490,000 
Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School District - $1,380,000 
Fall River - $3,450,000 
Fitchburg - $6,210,000 
Gloucester - $1,200,000 
Hingham - $600,000 
Holyoke - $7,245,000 
Ipswich - $5,000,000 
Marblehead - $200,000 
Newburyport - $3,000,000 
Salem - $2,600,000 

波士頓市府員工慶祝亞裔傳統月 市長表揚黃瑞瑜、湯瑞雲等3名亞裔員工

Anthony Nguyen (右一) ,
波士頓市府亞裔資源小組主席黃楚嵐 (左二)。(周菊子攝)
               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓市政府的亞裔資源小組529日在波士頓市政府廣場舉辦第三屆亞裔傳統月慶祝會,以亞裔族群音樂、舞蹈及美食,宴請出席同歡者,並敦請吳弭
311資料分析經理Tyson Tran的女兒高舉父親的表揚狀。 (周菊子攝)
(Michelle Wu) 市長頒獎,表揚黃瑞瑜、湯瑞雲等3人。

              今年的慶祝會由Anthony NguyenHannah Fong擔任司儀,安排有波士頓音樂計畫弦樂合奏,Murphy學校舞蹈團表演扇舞,中華廣教學校跳敦煌舞,祥獅獻瑞,古箏演奏,還有韓國傳統舞蹈,緬甸舞蹈等表演。



              吳弭市長說,在波士頓市府廣場上看到這樣的慶祝,意義重大。她感謝所有為這慶祝會出力的市府同仁,確鑿的讓亞裔社區及文化在這天成為重心,被人們看見。她感謝轄區包括華埠的波士頓市議員愛德華費林 (Ed Flynn)出席,感謝他代表華埠。

到場當義工的紐英崙養生舞協會會員們和吳弭市長合影。 (周菊子攝)
              在慶祝會活動中,吳弭市長還頒發表揚狀,感謝在波士頓市府工作30年,如今在房屋局工作的湯瑞雲;在市府服務27年,如今是311部門資料分析經理的Tyson Tran;以及在波士頓市府服務了15年的波士頓市消防局副局長黃瑞瑜。

波士頓市議員Ed Flynn和波士頓音樂計畫學員合影。(周菊子攝)
亞裔傳統月慶祝會。 (周菊子攝)


羅德島州財政廳長James Diossa 慶祝亞裔傳統月

羅德島州財政廳廳長James Diossa ()和葉超()、吳子平()
           (Boston Orange 周菊子羅德島州報導) 羅德島州財政廳廳長James Diossa 528日在有小白宮之稱的州政府大樓內舉辦亞裔傳統月慶祝會,邀請亞裔出席,期使更多亞裔不再覺得州政府是個遙不可及的官衙。


羅德島州財政廳廳長James Diossa(右四)和他的總法律顧問鄭奇(右一起)
          父親是哥倫比亞移民,現年39歲的James Diossa,因為在擔任中央瀑布市市長期間,和羅德島華人協會創辦人葉超、吳子平結下不解之緣,對亞裔多了不少好感,上任後還聘請鄭奇 (Eileen K. Cheng) 擔任總法律顧問。他今年舉辦這活動,一來是藉由邀請亞裔踏進州政府,參觀他的辦公室,進一步了解財政廳的工作內容,二來是希望為亞裔社區打破藩籬障礙,能夠更自在的和政府打交道。

Barbara Ann Fenton Fung
          由於葉超、吳子平等人在羅德島州的深耕社區服務,過去這十幾年來,羅德島州政壇對亞裔社區,其實都有一定程度的了解,包括現在已貴為美國商務部部長的雷萌朵( Gina Raimondo),羅德島州現任州長Dan Mckee,都是因為他倆才和亞裔社區有了更多互動。

          羅德島州也因為這些政治人物和亞裔社區的來往,20229月時,在州長Dan McKee簽署法案後,成為全美第4個,規定公立學校必須教授亞美歷史的州。
