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- 大波士頓時事新聞
- 波士頓亞美電影節/ Boston International Kids Film Festival
- 波士頓華埠社區中心/華美福利會/華埠社區聯盟/ 華人醫務中心/ 亞美社區發展協會/ 華夏文化協會
- 音樂 - 中華表演藝術基金會 9/27 紀念Russell Sherman
- 波士頓移民進步辦公室通訊/ Office of Women's Advancement/ Community Preservation Act
- 商會 - ACE Nextgen, 128 Cute, OCEAN, TCCNE, TCCYNE,波克萊台商會,波士頓華商會,波士頓亞裔房東會
- 創業 - Startup Boston 2024 Sept. 9-13
- Plays - Huntington, Boston Lyric, Company One
- 博物館 - Guggenheim Presents Wu Tsang: Anthem, Opening July 23
- 生物醫藥 - BTBA Mentor/Mentee 招募 開跑
- Mass Life Science Center 10/4
- Greentown Labs newsletter /MIT ClimateTech
- BIOVision/ Boston MedTech / Mass Life Sciences
- Mass BIO / LaunchBIO
- 麻州州長動態 - Nominates Rachel Hershfang as Associate Justice of the Appeals Court and Asha White as Circuit Justice of the District Court
- 波士頓市、昆士市,摩頓市、羅爾市
- Elections
- Boston City Councilor's updates
- BCA - Erin Genia Curates Yušká: Uncoil — the 27th Drawing Show at Boston Center for the Arts
- MIPIM 2021 - International investors return to Cannes for MIPIM September Edition
- 大學沙龍 第215期 任劍濤-信念與經驗: 現代啟蒙中的英格蘭與蘇格蘭 9/22
- 朱学渊 - 為中國史學的實證化而努力
星期五, 4月 30, 2021
波士頓市府請公眾提意見 減輕自然災害
Baker-Polito Administration Launches Summer Learning Programs, More Than $70 Million in Funding for Schools and Community Partners Across the Commonwealth
CANTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced the establishment of summer learning opportunities and the availability of more than $70 million in funding for school districts and community organizations to offer summer learning and recreational programs that will help students, who have been impacted by a year of remote and hybrid learning, grow academically and socially.
Students at every grade level will have opportunities to take part in a mix of academic and recreational programs offered at schools, after-school providers, community colleges and recreation sites. Governor Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, Education Secretary James Peyser and Elementary and Secondary Education Commissioner Jeffrey C. Riley made the announcement while visiting Galvin Middle School in Canton, where school officials are planning to boost learning opportunities for students this summer.
All middle schools in the Commonwealth were required to return to full time in-person learning this week. Elementary schools returned on April 5, and high schools will be required to return by May 17.
“Our administration has long maintained that children are best served academically, socially and emotionally when learning in-person and in the classroom,” said Governor Baker. “After a challenging school year for students, teachers and staff, the focus must now shift to recouping any learning loss experienced remotely to ensure that our children are equipped for success in the classroom and beyond.”
“As students and teachers return to the routine of learning in classrooms, it is time to partner with schools and communities across the Commonwealth to provide opportunities to students in all grades to learn and have fun this summer,” said Lt. Governor Polito. “To support this effort, our administration has developed several options schools can choose from and will make funding available to cover the costs.”
“As important as this summer will be to jumpstarting educational recovery, we must all embrace the reality that this will not be a one-and-done project,” said Education Secretary James Peyser. “It will be a challenge we will continue work to resolve for both individual children and our public education system as a whole.”
“We are providing students access to academics as well as enrichment opportunities to help them grow and keep connected to school this summer,” said Education Commissioner Jeffrey C. Riley. “I hope all districts across the Commonwealth take advantage of these programs and this funding the Administration has made available.”
Acceleration Academies
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) will help school districts launch Acceleration Academies, which allow students to learn and build skills working intensively on one subject in small, hands-on learning environments with excellent teachers.
Students benefit from small class sizes, longer uninterrupted instructional blocks, individualized attention, project-based lessons and teacher flexibility for learning time. The Baker-Polito Administration will commit up to $25 million in grants for districts to operate Acceleration Academies using federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Response (ESSER) discretionary funds. This will be a multi-year program that the Department anticipates will impact more than 50,000 students statewide each year.
Acceleration Academies will include:
- Early Literacy Academies for incoming kindergarteners, rising 1st and 2nd graders; and
- Math Acceleration Academies for rising 3rd and 4th graders, as well as 8th and 10th graders.
Summer School Matching
DESE will also offer summer school matching grants, up to $15 million in federal ESSER funds, for school districts to offer 4-to-6-week, in-person programs with a mix of in-person academic and recreational activities. The Department is making these funds available to schools to enhance or expand their existing summer programs while also including mental health services and additional supports for students with individualized education plans and English learners.
Summer Acceleration to
High school graduates from the Class of 2021 will be able to participate in Summer Acceleration to College, a new program that provides recent graduates access to credit-bearing math and English courses at no cost to them as they prepare for college.
Fourteen community colleges in the Commonwealth will participate in this program, expected to be funded at $1 million.
Summer Step Up
The Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) will support school districts to offer Summer Step Up, a new program aimed at giving extra support to young learners entering school in the fall.
Young children, who have had limited in-school experiences due to the pandemic, will be able to take part in summer learning opportunities developed in conjunction with community partners to help prepare them for school. With pre-school and kindergarten enrollments down over the last year, Summer Step Up is an opportunity to engage young learners and accelerate learning while smoothing the transition to in-person learning for young children to provide them a stronger foundation for academic success. The Administration will commit up to $10 million to this program.
In addition to these programs, the Baker-Polito Administration will:
- Provide early literacy tutoring grants this summer and during the 2021-22 school year, funded at $10 million.
- Launch a new K-8 Math Acceleration program to help teachers increase student learning over the summer and throughout the school year.
- Expand the Biggest Winner Math Challenge – which was piloted last summer – to serve approximately 2,500 gifted math students, costing approximately $2.5 million.
- Offer college courses over the summer for rising high school juniors and seniors who are enrolled in approved Early College programs, costing approximately $1 million.
- Help camps and community organizations expand educational enrichment as part of their existing summer programs by making at least $3 million in funding available.
空服員協會會長背書支持 吳弭宣佈設立勞工賦能長計畫
Candidate for Mayor Michelle Wu Receives Endorsement of Sara Nelson, President of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, and Unveils Plan for Cabinet-Level Worker Empowerment Chief
Photo by Chutze Chou
Press release from Michelle Wu's campaign team
Sara Nelson, President of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA endorse Michelle Wu for Mayor of Boston. Photo by Chutze Chou |
In recent years, the City of Boston has taken
steps to legislate worker protections, but without protocols in place to
proactively investigate and enforce has continued to see tragic
and preventable fatalities. The responsibility for supporting workers and enforcing labor
standards, as well as investing in workforce development, is currently spread
across several City departments, resulting in a lack of coordination and
As Mayor, Michelle will create a Cabinet-level
Chief of Worker Empowerment with oversight and resources to advance working
Bostonians -- ensuring transparency and accountability for wage theft,
workplace safety, and other labor law violators; partnering with workers’
centers, unions, and community organizations to empower reporting and
coordinate resources for workers to know their rights; setting policy to create
sustainable career pathways in the new economy, especially for gig workers,
care workers, and green jobs, and holding the city accountable to its own
contracting laws. Read the full proposal HERE.
“In this pivotal moment, our economic recovery
must center working families through building healthy, safe, and resilient
communities. I have always been proud to stand with workers and labor unions to
fight for equity, fair wages, and safe working conditions across our city. As
Mayor, I will direct every resource in city government toward supporting our
working families and coordinating our services for full accountability. It’s
beyond time to create a cabinet-level Chief of Worker Empowerment to close
gaps, elevate the dignity of work, and advance the well-being of all Boston
workers and our communities,” said Michelle Wu.
“Michelle Wu’s leadership embodies Boston’s
revolutionary spirit,” said Sara Nelson, President of the Association of
Flight Attendants-CWA. “Her commitment to workers’ rights, affordable
housing, a free MBTA, and climate leadership, are a bold vision that will move
the city forward. As we recover from this pandemic, her plan to create a new
Cabinet-level Chief of Worker Empowerment should be a model for cities across
the country. I stand fully behind Michelle Wu and her vision for a stronger
“Throughout Michelle Wu’s career on the Council,
her support has not wavered for our members. Teamsters Local 25 and the Rest of
the Labor Movement have fought hard for the Middle Class to be able to not only
live and work in the City of Boston…but thrive in the City of Boston. Michelle
has not and will not waver in her commitment to Teamsters Local 25 and
Organized Labor and will continue to fight side by side with us for these
common values,” said Tom Mari, Secretary Treasurer of Teamsters Local 25.
“Michelle Wu’s proposal to establish a Cabinet
Position of Chief of Worker Empowerment shows her commitment to focus on
critical issues at the workplace. It will create a more transparent
process in negotiating future contracts within the government and the private
sector to achieve better pay and benefits and a more diversified workforce. In
the long run this will create a more efficient and productive workplace
environment,” said Timothy W. Lasker, President/Business Agent of OPEIU
Local 453.
Michelle has a long record of standing up for
workers’ rights. In 2014, she passed the Healthcare Equity Ordinance, prohibiting discrimination in health care
coverage for City employees based on gender identity. In 2015, she passed the Paid Parental Leave Ordinance, providing six weeks of paid leave for new moms
and dads working for the City. Her Communications Access Ordinance, passed in 2016, guarantees translation and
interpretation for residents with limited English proficiency, and assistive
technology for residents with hearing or visual impairments to access City
services. She also filed legislation to require a Fair Work Week for workers at city-contracted companies.
Michelle is proud to be endorsed in the Mayor’s race by Teamsters Local 25, OPEIU Local 453 and the Alliance of Unions at the MBTA, and has the most labor endorsements in the race.
Councilor Wu’s proposal for a Cabinet-level Chief of Worker Empowerment follows her bold vision to close the childcare gap, transform our public schools, Boston Green New Deal and Just
Recovery Plan, Food Justice Agenda, Digital Equity Agenda and more.
紐英崙客家鄉親"上課" 羅烈師談傳統創新文化形成
陽明交通大學客家文化教授羅烈師。 |
紐英崙客家鄉親會會長宋玉琴。 |
紐英崙客家鄉親會前會長周一男夫婦。 |
星期四, 4月 29, 2021
波士頓市長Kim Janey拜訪華埠商家 聆聽小企業民意 (圖片)
右起,喜臨門老闆梁國忠,華人前進會榮譽主席李素影, 波士頓市長Kim Janey,波士頓市議員Ed Flynn同席暢談,(周菊子攝) |
波士頓市長Kim Janey和喜臨門老闆梁國忠。(周菊子攝) |
波士頓市長Kim Janey和面包工坊老闆 Wei Liang Chen。 (周菊子攝) |
波士頓警察局A-1區警長也趕到現場,向波士頓市長 Kim Janey報告華埠一帶治安狀況。左起依序為,華埠 主街主任和陳素貞,波士頓警察局A-1區警長,市長聯絡員 許麗莎,肥牛火鍋老闆黃華林,波士頓市長Kim Janey。 (周菊子攝) |
波士頓市長Kim Janey(右二)在華人前進會榮譽主席李素影 (右起),華埠主街主任何陳素貞,波士頓市議員Ed Flynn, 華人前進會主任陳玉珍,前任華埠主街主任,現在 波士頓市府任職的何藹茵等人一起拜訪華埠商家。 (周菊子攝) |
Baker-Polito Administration Announces $2.1 Million in New Funding for Career Technical Initiative
Baker-Polito Administration Announces $2.1 Million in New Funding for Career Technical Initiative
DANVERS – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced $2.1 million in new funding to 10 vocational technical high schools as part of its Career Technical Initiative, to support additional training programs for students and adults. The funds will support training and skill-building programs in the construction, trades and manufacturing spaces across 23 different career pathways. Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito made the announcement at a visit to Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School alongside members of the Governor’s Workforce Skills Cabinet, students and school staff.
“As we vaccinate our residents and reopen our economy, our Administration remains focused on supporting businesses and workers to power our recovery, and the Career Technical Initiative will be a crucial part of that effort,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Our Administration was committed to expanding these training opportunities for students and adults across the Commonwealth before the pandemic, and now this initiative takes on added importance as a crucial tool to connect people with new job opportunities and meet the needs of our employers.”
“The Career Technical Initiative is an important component to our economic recovery, because it helps connect people with career pathways in high-demand fields and expand our skilled workforce so our businesses can grow and thrive,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Congratulations to today’s recipients on these new awards, and we look forward to seeing these programs provide valuable training opportunities for people in growing STEM fields across the Commonwealth.”
Initially launched in January 2020, the Career Technical Initiative aims to train an additional 20,000 skilled trades workers over the next four years to help close skills gaps and meet the needs of businesses across the Commonwealth. The program aims to provide more Massachusetts residents access to career technical training using the state’s existing resources at vocational high schools, while simultaneously helping businesses grow by increasing the population of skilled workers able to be employed in trade and construction jobs.
“Getting people back to work is fundamental to our strategy for economic recovery, and the Career Technical Initiative represents a major component that helps address skill gaps across the Commonwealth and opens doors to new career paths for students and adults looking to join the workforce,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy. “I want to congratulate all of the CTI grant recipients for their willingness to play a key role in maintaining the strength of the Commonwealth’s talent pipeline and wish them the best as they embark on their careers in key industries powered by a skilled, growing workforce.”
"As we look towards re-employment with a collective mission of fixing inequalities in the workforce, CTI will not just help people get jobs, but help them secure jobs in sectors that will remain in high demand for decades to come,” said Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Rosalin Acosta. "CTI could be a pivotal difference maker for eliminating opportunity gaps and helping all communities in Massachusetts access resilient good paying jobs."
“CTI is part of a larger strategy to ensure more students have access to career and vocational technical programs,” said Education Secretary James Peyser. “Students in career and technical education gain not only academic knowledge and technical skills, but they also see how what they are learning applies to the needs of employers, which gives them an advantage in their future careers.”
The Career Technical Initiative takes a multi-pronged approach to increase student enrollment and includes new state funding to help adults pay for classes, boosts business involvement in program development and credentials, and reduces licensure barriers to incentivize mid-career professionals to become vocational teachers. The initiative – developed by the Governor’s Workforce Skills Cabinet – has the support of school leaders and industry stakeholders. The Baker-Polito Administration has proposed $17 million in its Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) budget for this initiative.
An additional $1,480,000 in FY21 funds are also currently available to continue to support the Career Technical Initiative. Vocational technical schools may also apply for funding available to new and existing Career Technical Schools to support additional career pathways and retraining for adult workers or for funding for planning and program design. Learn more about applying.
Since its inception five years ago, the Workforce Skills Cabinet has awarded more than $92 million in Skills Capital Grants to high schools, colleges and other educational institutions to purchase new capital equipment and it has launched early college and early career programs at 60 high schools for over 7,000 students. To address the need to upskill workers and meet talent demand of employers, the WSC has worked across Secretariats to align funding that collectively trained 2,500 workers needing support and training for jobs in health care, finance, IT, and other high demand occupations at more than 700 companies through the Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund and the Learn to Earn Initiative. In addition, the Administration prioritized growth in manufacturing by aligning manufacturing training resources under the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development to train 2,004 individuals since 2016. To support companies’ growth, the Skills Cabinet has invested grant dollars in companies to upskill their workforce through more than $20 million in Workforce Training Funds grants to train existing workers at companies for more than 16,000+ existing employees working at 700+ different businesses in FY20.
Career Technical Initiative Grant Recipients:
Greater Lawrence Technical School, $375,000: Greater Lawrence Technical School will provide training and placement services to prepare unemployed and underemployed participants for Biotech Lab Technician, Carpenter, Electricians, HVAC, Plumber positions. Their grant partners include: MassHIre Merrimack Valley Career Center and Workforce Board and the following employer partners: Jones General Contractors, Ginkgo Bioworks, All-Pro Electricians, Capeless Plumbing & Heating, Marceau Construction Corp., CentiMark Corporation, National Mechanical Service Inc, Central Colling & Heating Inc, Correct Temp HVAC & Millipore Sigma.
Greater Lowell Technical HS, $100,000: Greater Lowell Technical High School will provide training and placement services to prepare unemployed and underemployed participants for Welder and Plumber positions. Their grant partners include: MassHire Lowell Career Center and the following employer partners: UpNovr. Inc, Bouley Trucking, Welfab, Inc. Precise Industries, Ayotte Plumbing, Rick Jean Plumbing and Heating, Marcoux Plumbing and Heating.
Madison Park Technical Vocational High School, $240,000: Madison Park Technical Vocational High School will provide training and placement services to prepare unemployed and underemployed participants for Welder and HVAC Technician positions. Their grant partners include: MassHire Boston Workforce Board and Career Center and the following employer partners: Feeney Utility Support Group, A-plus Welding & Engineering, Inc, Newmarket Business Association, General Air & Heating.
Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District, $100,000: Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District will provide training and placement services to prepare unemployed and underemployed participants for Carpenter, CNC Machine Operator positions. Their grant partners include: MassHire Metro Boston, Metro South/West, Metro North and North Central Career Centers and the following employer partners: Tecomet, Feinmann, North River Builders, Nova Biomedical, Rolls Royce.
Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School, $125,000: Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School will provide training and placement services to prepare unemployed and underemployed participants for Plumber, Welder positions. Their grant partners include: MassHire North Central Career Center, MassHire North Central Workforce Board and the following employer partners: Fitchburg Welding Company, Tim’s Fabricators, Airgas, Brideau, Huhtala Oil Company, Spadafore Oil & Energy.
Nashoba Valley Technical High School, $300,000: Nashoba Valley Technical HS - Community Ed/Adult Ed will be using these grant funds to provide training and placement services to prepare unemployed and underemployed participants for Automotive Services Technician, Plumber positions. Their grant partners include: MassHire Greater Lowell and North Central Career Centers and Workforce Boards and the following employer partners: Triangle Service Center, Acton Toyota of Littleton, Atamian Honda, Stansfield Tire Center, Viega LLC, J. Ellis Plumbing & Heating, Eric C. Foster Plumbing & Heating, Schlager Company, Basnett Plumbing, Heating & AC, and Local 12 Plumber’ Union.
Southeastern Regional School District, $150,000: Southeastern Regional School District will be using these grant funds to provide training and placement services to prepare unemployed and underemployed participants for Welder, CNC Machine Operator positions. Their grant partners include: MassHire Brockton Career Center and Workforce Board and the following employer partners: DeAngelis Iron Works, Pine Hill Equipment, Rens Welding & Fabricating.
Greater Fall River Vocational School District, $100,000: Greater Fall River Vocational School District will be using these grant funds to provide training and placement services to prepare unemployed and underemployed participants for Carpenter, Welder positions. Their grant partners include: MassHire Bristol Workforce Board and Career Centers and the following employer partners: Davico Manufacturing, Dartmouth Building Supply, North Atlantic Corporation.
Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School, $540,000: Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School will be using these grant funds to provide training and placement services to prepare unemployed and underemployed participants for Welding, Electrical Technician, BioLab Technician, Automotive Services Technicians, HVAC, Plumber, Construction Craft positions. Their grant partners include: MassHire North Shore Workforce Board and Career Centers and the following employer partners: T.W. Webb Company, Cranney Home Services, National Mechanical Service, Tremblay Heating, Kelley Automotive Group, Mini of Peabody, Lyon Waugh Auto Group, Groom Construction, Menino Construction, Bilo Plumbing & Heating, Breen Sullivan Mechanical Services, partners: alem Metal, Inc., Krohne, Cotter Brothers Corporation, Local 22 Construction & General Laborer’s Union, Groom Construction, Harmonic Drive, Innovent Technologies, Lyon-Waugh Auto Group, Mini of Peabody, New England Biolabs.
Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School, $90,000: Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School will be using these grant funds to provide training and placement services to prepare unemployed and underemployed participants for CNC Machine Operator, Welder positions. Their grant partners include: MassHire Merrimack Valley Career Center and Workforce Board and the following employer partners: Arwood Machine, Magellan Aerospace, Fairview Machine, Aero Manufacturing, Metacrafters, East Coast Welding & Metal Fabrication, Metal Tronics, LLC.波士頓慈濟志工世界地球日清掃公園
活動前Emerald Necklace 志工(後排二位)與活動參與志工合影。 |
4/24 週六一早 , 志工們依照被分配的時間紛紛來到
, 經由 Emerald Necklace 組織協助填寫
COVID WAIVER 以確保每位民眾的健康狀況
, 更是希望藉由結合社區,大家的力量一起參與環境清潔愛護地球的活動 , 並從中了解「環保 , 茹素 , 愛地球」其實很簡單 ,它就在我們生活中。隨後,慈濟志工蕭惠菁協助手套與清潔器具分發 , NEACP 的主辦人康雅雰協助帶隊出發,行動力陸續展開,過程中
, 就讀中醫研究所的慈濟志工陳慧盈 , 將沿路所見的藥草介紹給其他參與的志工,有如額外的尋寶遊戲,慈濟志工甯靜嘉 、林毓雅介紹「環保 , 茹素」實為一體 , 最重要是鼓勵大家盡量少用一次性用品,並將資源回收再利用,為了珍惜地球與環境保護,志工們精神抖擻,越做越歡喜。
「在疫情之下 , 大家可以參與這個活動,很有意義。」—社區志工 River Yang (慈濟波士頓聯絡處提供)
中華民俗藝術工作坊青少年參加世界地球日活動。攝影者: 甯靜嘉 |