
星期三, 4月 28, 2021

WCVB社區計畫節目邀大波士頓華人談反亞裔仇恨浪潮 (圖片)





WCVB資深記者五沅媚(Janet Wu)訪問4名亞裔社區代表

麻州眾議員陳德基(Tackey Chan)。

亞美社區發展協會主任劉安琪(Angie Liou)。

波士頓市議員暨市長候選人吳弭(Michelle Wu)。

律師李保華(Paul Lee)。

傅萊明罕居民Jeff Chan。

華人前進會榮譽主席李素影(Suzanne Lee)。

越南移民援助中心Lissett Le。





波士頓學校委員會新學生代表Xyra Mercer上任




BOSTON - Wednesday, April 28, 2021 - Boston Mayor Kim Janey yesterday welcomed Boston Public Schools (BPS) student Xyra Mercer to City Hall for a swearing-in ceremony to announce Xyra as the new Student Representative to the Boston School Committee. Xyra was elected by her peers on the Boston Student Advisory Council (BSAC).

“I am excited to welcome Xyra as the newest student representative on the School Committee, and I’m appreciative of the continued leadership of the Boston Student Advisory Council,” said Mayor Janey. “As BPS transitions into five days of in-person learning this week and prepares for a strong summer of enrichment and opportunities, student voices are going to remain at the center of all educational conversations. Xyra and her peers in the BPS community will play a critical role in shaping our plans now and moving forward.”

Xyra is currently a junior at the Dr. William W. Henderson K-12 Inclusion School in Dorchester, where she is deeply engaged and involved in her school and her community at large. Xyra is a tour de force at her school, serving as the captain of the Debate Team, a member of Student Government, a leader of Vanguards (the Henderson’s women's empowerment group), a member of the Black Student Union, a voting member of the Henderson Governing Board, and an active member of the Berkshire Partners Blue Hill Boys & Girls Club. No stranger to public speaking or leadership roles, in 2019, Xyra gave a speech to BPS teachers, principals, and district leaders at the BPS August Leadership Institute.

“I am grateful for the opportunity that my fellow peers have entrusted me with. As a student I believe that it is important and necessary for our voices to be heard in regards to our futures. We should be able to know the changes that are going to come and be able to also make those changes,” said Xyra. “Education is the key to the future. Schools provide many students a safe space, and when sudden changes are made without students' knowledge, that safe feeling can be violated. That is what I am here for, to include the students' voices that need to be heard.”

Xyra Mercer was born and raised in Boston in a Jamaican household. Growing up, she traveled back and forth between the US and Jamaica while learning about her Caribbean culture with family and friends. She intends to pursue a career in education, with the ambition of obtaining a doctorate. She could also see herself pursuing a career in politics, as she believes there are many current issues in the country that are not being addressed. She would like to be a catalyst for change.

“Xyra’s perspective will be critical as we continue to review all of our policies and support systems for students,” said BPS Superintendent Brenda Cassellius. “Our schools are committed to creating joyful and welcoming learning environments that foster the powerful voices of students like Xyra. Students have and will continue to be the focus of all that we do. Incorporating Xyra’s voice into our School Committee will enhance and guide our most important decisions as they directly correlate to our students.”

“The Boston School Committee enthusiastically welcomes Xyra as our colleague,” said Alexandra Oliver-Dávila, Chair of the Boston School Committee. “We have really important work to do in the next few weeks. I am glad Xyra will be there to share her experience and represent her fellow students so the Committee, BPS, and public will have a better understanding of how our decisions impact students and their families.”

Xyra will serve on the Boston School Committee for the remainder of the school year and throughout the 2021-22 school year. Her first School Committee meeting will be today, Wednesday, April 28. 



吳弭參選波士頓市長搶聲勢 一日集滿3000多簽名

             (Boston Orange 綜合報導)波士頓市長選舉,參選者得在518日前繳交3000個有效簽名,才能名列921日的初選選票。波士頓市長候選人吳弭(Michelle Wu)競選陣營今晚427日宣佈,一早拿到表格後,12個小時就已集滿所需簽名。


             27日一早,吳弭馬不停蹄的先去波士頓市政府領來讓民眾簽名支持她的表格,中午12點起,她陸續到任務丘(Mission Hill)的布里根圈,洛士百利的華盛頓公園購物商場,西洛士百利的羅奇兄弟(Roche Bros)超市,親自拜票,也為100多名義工打氣。


             波士頓今年的市長選舉,迄今共有6名參選人。按照市政府的選舉日程表,有意參選者可在511日前申請參選,領取提名表,但早前傳聞的可能參選人,幾乎都已表態不會參選,麻州眾議員Nick Collins也在今日表示不參選,今年的選舉幾乎可確定為6人角逐局面。

             在這6名參選人中,最早宣佈參選的吳弭和Andrea Campbell,籌款成績截至三月底,都高達近百萬元,但第一份出爐的民調,在46%以上的選民表示心意未定之際,支持率最高的是吳弭的19%,波士頓代市長Kim Janey18%。其他幾名候選人的支持率都只在2%6%之間,差距頗大,要迎頭趕上並不容易。

               根據波士頓市的市長選舉歷史,2013年有12人參選,共花了1000多萬元參選,兩名打入大選的候選人,馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),約翰康納利(John Connolly)依序各籌得300萬元和280萬元,兩相對比之下,今年的選舉還沒熱起來。

星期二, 4月 27, 2021

想打新冠疫苗還沒登記? 波士頓華埠機構提供協助

               (Boston Orange)麻州所有16歲以上居民,已從419日起就有資格登記接種新冠疫苗了。你打了沒?

              這幾天,紐英崙中華公所,大同藥房,波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)辦公室,黃氏宗親會婦女組,波士頓華商會,塔芙茨醫療中心,波士頓華埠社區中心,華人前進會等機構及組織,都在社區內探詢,有人需要打疫苗嗎?他們可以協助安排登記。




吳弭,陳德基,劉安琪,李保華今晚上WCVB 為亞裔發聲

           (Boston Orange)反亞裔仇恨(Anti-Asian Hate)”這波浪潮,在時序邁向五月,美國亞裔傳統月即將來到之際,美國主流社會和亞裔社區,已陸續排定座談,探討緣由,應對之策,未來計畫。

             今晚(4/27)8點,WCVB波士頓第5號電視台將撥出一集「亞美聲音(Asian American Voices)」,邀請麻州眾議員陳德基(Tackey Chan),正在競選波士頓市長的波士頓市不分區市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu),亞美社區發展協會(ACDC)主任劉安琪,以及曾任全美亞裔律師協會會長,長年關心波士頓華埠的律師李保華來討論亞裔處境。

             美國民權顧問委員會麻州分會(The Massachusetts Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights),也將在56日美東時間的下午2點,舉辦一場WebEx:網上會議,https://tinyurl.com/533t9psj討論社會中的反亞裔仇恨犯罪事件。該會指出,一個仇恨及極端主義中心最近發表的一份報告指出,在2020年內,美國有16個大城市儘管總體仇恨犯罪率降低了7%,反亞裔仇恨犯罪卻增加了150%。該會將在會議中開放各界表達意見。

             全美亞裔總商會下一代分會(ACE NextGen)也指出,根據皮優(Pew)研究中心最近的一份報告,約有三分之一的亞裔成人擔心自己會遭遇攻擊,這比率比任何一個其他族裔都高。另外有81%的亞裔成人說針對他們的暴力行為增加了,亞裔必須起而行動。

             美國境內從去年三月開始出現反亞裔仇恨(Anti-Asian Hate)”浪潮。起初亞裔民眾似乎秉持亞裔沉默是金的傳統,起初只在網路上輾轉相傳亞裔無故遭遇粗言暴語,甚至暴力襲擊的視頻片段,靜靜提醒各人親友出門小心,直到亞特蘭大槍擊案造成6名亞裔女性死亡,逮捕嫌犯的警察竟然在記者會上說嫌犯那天心情不好(He had a bad day),全美各地亞裔終於忍不住站了出來,上街遊行。不過遊行時的申訴,很是溫文,只說停止仇恨亞裔(Stop Asian Hate)。在陸續仍不斷有亞裔遭遇攻擊事件傳出後,近來已有更多亞裔關注該怎麼做,才能改變這狀況。



            BOSTON — Attorney General Maura Healey has secured $89,000 in payments to students from an online for-profit school offering coding bootcamps to resolve allegations that the school used high pressure enrollment tactics and failed to provide proper disclosures about the program, in violation of the AG’s For-Profit School Regulations.

            The Assurance of Discontinuance, filed on Monday in Suffolk Superior Court against Flatiron School LLC (“Flatiron”), alleges that between March 2016 and February 2020, Flatiron violated the state’s for-profit and occupational school regulations designed to curb deceptive and unfair practices and increase protections for prospective students. Under the terms of the settlement, Flatiron will pay $89,000, which will provide relief to students harmed by the school’s alleged illegal practices. 

            “We have strong regulations in place to protect students from abusive and deceptive practices by for-profit schools,” said AG Healey. “Students looking to make informed decisions about their education should not be met with high pressure enrollment tactics and inadequate information about programs. We are pleased that with this settlement, students harmed will receive some relief.”

            Flatiron is a private for-profit educational institution offering online and on-campus training programs like Software Engineering and Data Science, although they do not have a physical location in Massachusetts. “Coding bootcamps” are intensive coding programs, usually lasting 9-12 weeks, which help students looking for a career in web development.

According to the AG’s settlement, Flatiron failed to make certain disclosures to consumers and prospective students at least 72 hours prior to entering into enrollment agreements. Under the AG’s regulations, both brick-and-mortar and online schools are required to disclose – in their advertisements, website and recruitment literature – accurate and readily comparable information about tuition and fees, employment statistics, graduation rates, and program completion time.

Flatiron is the most recent online bootcamp to be held to account for violations of the AG’s for-profit school regulations. Previously, the AG’s Office settled with the StartUp Institute, recovering over $300,000 in relief for students harmed by the company’s alleged unfair and deceptive practices.

            Addressing fraud and abuse in for-profit school and student lending industry has been a top priority for AG Healey since taking office. The AG’s Office has taken predatory schools to court, changed the practices of student loan servicers, gone after unlawful student loan “debt relief” companies, and helped student borrowers find more affordable repayment solutions through AG Healey’s first-in-the-nation Student Loan Assistance Unit. 

Massachusetts students who are looking for help or information should call the AG’s Student Loan Assistance Unit Helpline at 1-888-830-6277.

            The Flatiron investigation and settlement was handled by Lilia DuBois and Andrew Labadini of AG Healey’s Insurance and Financial Services Division. 


波士頓代市長Kim Janey。
                 (Boston Orange)麻州政府預定430(週五)起,恢復開放步驟推進至第四階段第二步驟。波士頓市長Kim Janey27日表示,波士頓市需做特別準備,三星期後再跟進開放腳步。



             波士頓代市長Kim Janey表示,在重新開放上,波士頓會在適當時機採取適當辦法,以保護人民及企業。大家必須知道,新冠病毒疫情還沒過去,重新開放經濟,並不表示大家可以放下警惕心。

















Modified and delayed guidance of the latest phase of Reopening Massachusetts plan will allow the City of Boston to prepare for industry-specific needs


BOSTON - Tuesday, April 27, 2021 - Mayor Janey today announced that the City of Boston will move into a modified version of the state’s current phase of the Reopening Massachusetts plan, effective Friday, April 30. The City of Boston will delay most of the state’s reopening guidance announced today by three weeks, in an effort to accommodate the unique preparations needed by the City. In late March, the City announced that it would not move forward with additional reopening steps until the citywide positivity rate remained at or below 2.75 percent for two consecutive weeks. It is currently at 3.6 percent. However, given improved trends in the positivity rate and other COVID-19 public health metrics, the City will move cautiously to advance reopening efforts. The latest modified update will support Boston’s economic recovery as COVID-19 health metrics continue to improve. All reopening guidance will be subject to current COVID-19 public health data.

As of April 20, 2021, 33.1 percent of Bostonians are fully vaccinated; 55.1 percent have received at least one dose. The citywide community positivity rate continues to decrease, dropping to 3.6 percent, with three neighborhoods slightly above the 5.0 percent threshold (East Boston, Dorchester and Roslindale). New positive tests in the City of Boston decreased by 34 percent over the past week, averaging 144 new positive tests per day. The percentage of available adult ICU beds remains stable, and the percentage of non-surge ICU beds continues to be below the City’s threshold. Boston has had two reported deaths in the past week. 

“In every aspect of Boston's reopening, we will take the right measures, at the right time, to protect our people and businesses,” said Mayor Janey. “As we look ahead to better days, we must remember that the COVID-19 pandemic is not over. Reopening our economy does not remove our personal and collective responsibility to remain vigilant. Thank you to all Bostonians for your continued efforts and cooperation as we reopen our city.”

Effective Friday, April 30, the City of Boston will align with Commonwealth’s updated Face Coverings Order. This states that face coverings will be required at all times at indoor and outdoor venues and events, except when eating or drinking. Face coverings are recommended to be worn both inside and outside during small gatherings at private homes. Face coverings are not required outside in public spaces when individuals are able to remain at a safe distance from others.

Also effective April 30, public gatherings in Boston may increase to 100 people indoors and 150 people outdoors, in alignment with the Commonwealth's previously announced limits. In Boston, all private gatherings and events in private residences will remain subject to current capacity limits of 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors. However, public and private gathering limits will increase to 200 people indoors and 250 people outdoors on June 19 in Boston, three weeks after the higher limits go into effect in other parts of the Commonwealth. The City of Boston and the Boston Public Health Commission will continue to closely monitor public health data and adjust reopening plans as necessary.

The City of Boston will align with the Commonwealth’s updated guidance for indoor and outdoor stadiums, arenas and ballparks, allowing capacity to increase to 25 percent, effective May 10.

The City of Boston plans to allow the following industries to reopen or resume June 1, subject to certain capacity limits and safety measures, three weeks after the Commonwealth will allow for their reopening in other parts of the state:

·     Road races and other large, outdoor organized amateur or professional group athletic events

·     Youth and adult amateur sports tournaments for moderate and high-risk sports

·     Singing indoors at performance venues, restaurants, event venues and other businesses, subject to the Commonwealth’s Theater and Performance Venue guidance

The City of Boston plans to allow the following industries to reopen or resume starting June 19, subject to certain capacity limits and safety measures, three weeks after the Commonwealth will allow for their reopening in other parts of the state:

·     Street festivals, parades and agricultural festivals, at 50 percent capacity

·     Bars, beer gardens, breweries, wineries and distilleries for seated-service only, subject to a 90-minute table limit, and no dance floors.

·     Food will no longer be required with alcohol service, and 10 people can be seated at a table.

If public health metrics support continued safe reopening in Boston, effective August 22, industry restrictions will be lifted, and 100 percent capacity will be allowed for all industries. This would be three weeks after the Commonwealth takes this step in other parts of the state. Remaining Phase Four, Step Two industries and businesses, including dance clubs and nightclubs; saunas, hot tubs, steam rooms, and health clubs; and ball pits, would be allowed to reopen on August 22 in Boston. All businesses will be expected to adhere to ongoing safety guidance, and mask wearing will continue to be required indoors.

The Mayor’s Office of Economic Development (OED) will also hold two upcoming webinars about updated reopening guidance on Friday, April 30th at 2:00 p.m. and Wednesday, May 5th at 8:30 a.m. OED also hosts weekly small business calls every Tuesday at 3:00 p.m.and Reopen Boston Business Office Hours every Friday 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. These meetings ensure business owners, customers, and workers have access to all of the guidance and details necessary to return safely, as Boston reopens. For more information, please visit boston.gov/smallbusiness.

All of this guidance is subject change based on evolving COVID-19 public health metrics. For more information about reopening in Boston, visit boston.gov/reopening. For more information about the state’s reopening plan, visit mass.gov/reopening.



麻州開放5/10進入第四階段第二步驟 4/30日起部分戶外場合不須戴口罩

             (Boston Orange) 麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)宣佈,430日起,放寬部分戶外場合戴口罩規定,510日起,進入第四階段第二步驟開放,預定529日至81日間會再進一步開放。
















Baker-Polito Administration Announces Plans for Continued Reopening

Face Coverings Order to be Relaxed for Some Outdoor Settings

 BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced that Massachusetts will reopen some outdoor Phase 4, Step 2 industries effective May 10th and put plans in place for further reopening on May 29th and August 1st. The Administration continues to take steps to reopen the Commonwealth's economy with public health metrics continuing to trend in a positive direction. This includes drops in average daily COVID cases and hospitalizations. Massachusetts remains first in the nation for first vaccine doses and total doses administered per capita, among states with more than 5 million people. The Administration will also relax the Face Coverings Order for some outdoor settings, effective April 30th

Phase IV, Step 2 Industries and Gathering Changes:

On March 22, Massachusetts loosened capacity restrictions and advanced to Step 1 of Phase IV of the reopening plan. Since then, case rates dropped by 20%. The positivity rate has dropped to the lowest levels recorded since last summer. 

Effective Monday, May 10th:

Large venues such as indoor and outdoor stadiums, arenas and ballparks currently open as part of Phase 4, Step 1 at 12% will be permitted to increase capacity to 25%.

The Commonwealth will reopen some outdoor Phase 4, Step 2 industries including amusement parks, theme parks and outdoor water parks that will be permitted to operate at a 50% capacity after submitting safety plans to the Department of Public Health.

Road races and other large, outdoor organized amateur or professional group athletic events will be permitted to take place with staggered starts after submitting safety plans to a local board of health or the DPH.

Youth and adult amateur sports tournaments will be allowed for moderate and high risk sports.

Singing will also be permitted indoors with strict distancing requirements at performance venues, restaurants, event venues and other businesses.

Effective May 29th:

Subject to public health and vaccination data, gathering limits will increase to 200 people indoors and 250 people outdoors for event venues, public settings and private settings.

Subject to public health and vaccination data, additional Phase 4, Step 2 industries will be permitted to open including:

  • Street festivals, parades and agricultural festivals, at 50% of their previous capacity and after submitting safety plans to the local board of health.
  • Bars, beer gardens, breweries, wineries and distilleries, will be subject to restaurant rules with seated service only, a 90 minute limit and no dance floors.

Subject to public health and vaccination data, the restaurant guidance will be updated to eliminate the requirement that food be served with alcohol and to increase the maximum table size to 10.

Effective August 1st:

Subject to public health and vaccination data, remaining industries will be permitted to open including:

  • Dance clubs, and nightclubs
  • Saunas, hot-tubs, steam rooms at fitness centers, health clubs and other facilities
  • Indoor water parks
  • Ball pits

All industry restrictions will be lifted at that time, and capacity will increase to 100% for all industries, with businesses encouraged to continue following best practices. The gathering limit will be rescinded.

Depending on vaccine distribution and public health data, the Administration may consider re-evaluating the August 1st date.

The Department of Public Health will also continue to issue guidance as needed, including guidance to still require masks indoors.

Face Coverings Order: 

Effective April 30th, the Face Coverings Order will be relaxed for some outdoor settings.

Face coverings will only be required outside in public when it is not possible to socially distance, and at other times required by sector-specific guidance.

Face coverings will still be required at all times in indoor public places. Face coverings will also continue to be required at all times at events, whether held indoors or outdoors and whether held in a public space or private home, except for when eating or drinking.

At smaller gatherings in private homes, face coverings are recommended but not required. The $300 fine as an enforcement mechanism will be eliminated.

For more information, visit mass.gov/reopening