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Baker-Polito Administration Announces Transition at Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
BOSTON — Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito announced the departure of Executive Office of Public Safety and Security Secretary Thomas Turco, III. Secretary Turco is retiring after more than 30 years of public service. The Administration also announced the appointment of current Undersecretary for Law Enforcement Terrence Reidy as Acting Secretary of Public Safety and Security.
“Since taking office, our Administration has been deeply committed to ensuring the safety and security of the residents, families and communities of the Commonwealth, and we are grateful for the leadership of Secretary Turco in pursuing that goal,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Tom has played an invaluable role in many major efforts to deliver a safer Commonwealth for all, including working with law enforcement, legislators and community justice leaders to deliver landmark police reform legislation. We appreciate his expertise and commitment to public service, and look forward to continuing to work with Acting Secretary Reidy.”
“Over the past three years Secretary Turco led the team at the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security and its agencies with purpose and dedication, and we wish him well in his retirement,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “His commitment to supporting the public safety of our local communities was unsurpassed and his thoughtful leadership was invaluable to our Administration. I want to thank Secretary Turco for his years of service and welcome Acting Secretary Reidy to this new role.”
“Public safety depends on all of us working together to build a culture of preparedness, responsiveness, and care for those in our communities,” said Public Safety and Security Secretary Thomas Turco. “I would like to thank the residents of the Commonwealth for their support of our work, the Governor and Lieutenant Governor for their confidence in me and my colleagues across our agencies whose collective partnership has advanced our vision of excellence. Knowing how our team will rise to this occasion empowers me to make this decision to spend time with my family who have been a source of unwavering support to me in my life of public service.”
“Serving on Secretary Turco’s leadership team at EOPSS has prepared me for the task of succeeding such an effective leader,” said Undersecretary for Law Enforcement Terrence Reidy. “I am honored to be appointed Acting Secretary of Public Safety and Security and lead a talented group of world-class professionals. Together with our partners in the Administration, Legislature, and local communities, we will fulfill our mission to sustain and increase public safety.”
“On behalf of the Massachusetts Major City Chiefs, I would like to extend our collective congratulations to Secretary Turco on his retirement,” said President of the Major City Chiefs, Chelsea Police Chief Brian Kyes. “Tom has been a phenomenal leader who we have benefited from. His wisdom, guidance, and ability to make the most difficult decisions has made the Commonwealth a safer place. His legacy will continue in our law enforcement community for years to come.”
“As Boston Police Commissioner, I experienced an extraordinary collaborative fusion under Tom Turco’s leadership,” said Retired Boston Police Commissioner Willie Gross. “Like Coach Belichick, he leveraged the strength of each local, state, and federal partner - challenging each to do their job and contribute to a shared mission. I thank his family for supporting Tom in his work to make the Commonwealth a safer place for all.”
Under Secretary Turco’s leadership, the Baker-Polito Administration has made several advancements on key public safety and security issues for people and communities across Massachusetts. Key accomplishments include:
About Terrence Reidy:
Terrence Reidy has served as Undersecretary for Law Enforcement within the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security since 2019, where he has provided strategic leadership to the Massachusetts State Police, the Municipal Police Training Committee, and the Office of Grants and Research. In addition, Reidy served as a member of the Governor’s Task Force on Hate Crimes. Drawing on his prosecutorial experience collaborating with community leaders, he oversaw the creation of a hate crime resource guide for Massachusetts schools and partnered with police to ensure that every department in the Commonwealth has a trained, dedicated civil rights officer.
Prior to his work at EOPSS, Reidy was an Assistant Attorney General in the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office and Assistant District Attorney in Worcester and Suffolk Counties. His experience included supervising the Attorney General’s Enterprise, Major Crimes, and Cyber Crime Unit and the Worcester District Attorney’s Gang Unit. In Suffolk County, Reidy was promoted from District Court Prosecutor to Superior Court where he served in the Gang and Safe Neighborhood Initiative Units. In these roles, he developed collaborative relationships with federal, state, and local law enforcement as well as residents and community groups.
Beyond his work in government, Reidy dedicates time to volunteering as a coach for several youth sports organizations. He completed his undergraduate studies at Colby College and earned his juris doctor from New England School of Law.
Annissa Essaibi George及家人。(圖片來自競選網站) |
Essaibi George而言,關鍵在於她丈夫,Douglas R. George,在麻州州政府,波士頓市政府都有多次違規記錄的一名發展商。
波士頓環球報的報導,先以一宗案例,彰顯Annissa Essaibi George和她丈夫Douglas
R. George涉及的政府利益衝突規定。
那是Douglas R.
Essaibi George動用她辦公室的影響力,試圖阻止,派出員工在2019年3月時,慫恿區域規畫上訴委員會(Zoning Board of
Appeal)拒絕該申請案。波士頓環球報稱,根據公聽會的錄影視頻,Annissa Essaibi George的員工並未揭露,Annissa Essaibi George的丈夫正在出售該申請案旁邊,每戶售價逾百萬元的公寓房屋。
Essaibi George辦公室的這些行動,看來違反了州政府的利益衝突法,不只讓人對她市議員辦公室的行為起疑,也強調了這名市長候選人和她那發展商丈夫之間有著糾纏不清關係,而波士頓環球報的調查發現,這名發展商兼房東的地產業生意,經常違反麻州政府和波士頓市政府的房屋法,引得聲稱被詐欺的豪華公寓買家,被驅逐的低收入租客,以及城市稽查員,收稅員都感憤怒。
Essaibi George的競選團隊起初為她參與那區域規畫公聽會的行為辯護,稱那不是她丈夫的項目,她辦公室在該宗案件上的行為恰當,但在看到波士頓環球報秀出來的,關於麻州政府利益衝突法展延至相鄰財產時,她的競選團隊發出了第二份聲明,表示他們正在和律師,以及道德委員會聯繫,準備遞交任何必須拿出來的揭露材料。
R. George或其公司,向房屋法院提出過至少4次刑事起訴,以逼使他遵守房屋法條例,其中一宗是地下室改為居住空間未獲許可,一宗是鼠患,一宗是天花板漏水,第4宗的細節,波士頓環球報沒拿到。這幾宗件最後都解決了,並未控罪。
R. George不斷駁斥、忽視市政府的要求,直到今年一月,也是他太太Annissa Essaibi
Essaibi George做為波士頓市不分區市議員,揚言致力解決流浪漢問題,要為有需要的家庭改善波士頓房屋局的憑證系統(voucher
疫情管制解封後首度一同健行 波士頓地區僑青跨域交流
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紐英崙中華公所主席鄭慧民報並主持董事大會 |
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