State Representative Tommy
Vitolo Endorses Michelle Wu for Mayor
Boston, MA - Today, State
Representative Tommy Vitolo announced his support and endorsement of Michelle
Wu for Mayor of Boston. Representative Vitolo represents the 15th Norfolk
District which covers the town of Brookline. He serves as Vice Chair of the
Joint Committee of Election Laws.
Vitolo said: "I’m proud to endorse my friend Michelle Wu to be the next
mayor of Boston. Michelle’s clear vision and regional collaboration has already
made her a leading voice across the Commonwealth on the issues we both
champion—a transportation system that works for everyone, housing
affordability, and climate justice. Her election as mayor will be
transformative for Boston and its neighbors."
“I am so grateful
to be endorsed by Representative Tommy Vitolo. He’s been a partner on the
climate, housing and transportation justice issues across our region—and a
fellow working parent advocating with a sense of urgency for all our families
to thrive,” said Michelle Wu.
Vitolo and Councilor Wu have previously teamed up to oppose
MBTA fare hikes, call
for transit equity, and push for climate
Vitolo has served Brookline since November 2018 and is currently a member of
the House Committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling, Joint Committee on
Elder Affairs, and Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development.
He has long been an advocate for environmental justice and energy efficiency,
fighting against coal power plants and advocating for wind turbines and solar
farms. Recently, he sponsored many bills including H.953, to ensure charter
school transparency and public accountability and H.2390, to prohibit state
construction or renovation of fossil fuel heating systems.
Vitolo’s endorsement adds to the Michelle for Mayor campaign’s enthusiastic
coalition of multigenerational, multicultural grassroots supporters including
leaders Senator Elizabeth Warren, Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards, State
Senator and Assistant Majority Leader Sal DiDomenico, former State
Representative and Assistant Majority Leader Byron Rushing; unions Teamsters
Local 25, New England Joint Board of Unite Here!, Alliance of Unions at the
MBTA, MBTA Inspectors Union Local 600, OPEIU Local 453; environmental
organizations Sunrise Boston, Sierra Club, the Environmental League of
Massachusetts, 350 Mass Action; Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale; Ward 4
Democrats; Ward 5 Democrats; and fellow municipal elected officials from across
Greater Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For all of Michelle for
Boston’s endorsements, visit