星期二, 3月 31, 2020


             (Boston Orange 編譯)波士頓醫療中心(Boston Medical Center)(31)日透露,為減少新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)大流行造成的財物損失,將遣散700名,大約10%的員工。執行長也將放棄至少一個月的薪水。
             由於新型冠狀病毒的流行,州政府早前規定不准人們做非必要,有選擇性的手術,治療,以減少病毒傳播機會,也留出空位給感染病毒的病人。麻州各醫院業務營收大幅降低,波士頓醫療中心執行長Kate Walsh表示,做這決定,其實很痛苦。
             Kate Walsh還說,為刪減開支,2017年時,基本年薪為120萬元的她將放棄至少一個月的薪資,其他高層員工也將在未來三個月減薪。
             週一時,貝斯以色列拉赫(Beth Israel Lahey)醫療系統執行長Kevin Tabb博士表示,他將領半薪三個月,其他高層人員會減薪20%
             麻州最大的獨立醫師集團Atrius Health也宣佈了遣散和暫扣薪資聲明,但為向外公佈人數。

COVID-19確診人數 麻州6620 新增33人死亡 波士頓確診938 新增1人死亡

(Boston Orange編譯)麻州的新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)確診人數今(31)日陡升至6620,新增868人。死亡人數更驚人,一下子增加33人,累計達到89人。麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)宣佈,非必要企業須持續關門至54日,民眾仍應儘量待在家裏,群聚不可超過10人。
關於霍利奧克(Holyoke)士兵之家一事,麻州健康及人民服務署署長Marylou Sudders表示,州政府已派遣門診小隊去做徹底檢查及診治。該院的所有住民及職工,都以確診,州政府已為院民親屬設立了一條查詢熱線,413-552-4763
昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)將動用100萬元市府可負擔住宅基金,用以援助室內餐飲酒店業員工,在店鋪關門時間延長期中,保住他們的住屋。市府將研擬適當條文。

麻州非必要企業關門禁令效期延至5月4日 群聚不可超過10人

            (Boston Orange 周菊子編譯)麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)(31)日下午宣佈,非必要企業關門令,延長至54日。

Baker-Polito Administration Extends Non-Essential Business Closures and Executive Branch Employee Guidance
Administration Updates Non-Essential Business Categories

BOSTON - Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced several updates related to the COVID-19 outbreak including extending the non-essential business emergency order and guidance for Executive Branch employees until May 4. The Department of Public Health’s Stay-At-Home Advisory remains in effect. The Administration also updated the “COVID-19 Essential Services” categories for businesses and other organizations that provide essential services and workforces related to COVID-19 that are permitted to operate brick and mortar facilities during the emergency.

Essential Services Order: Governor Charlie Baker’s emergency order requiring that all businesses and organizations that do not provide “COVID-19 Essential Services” close their physical workplaces and facilities to workers, customers and the public will be extended until May 4. Businesses and organizations not on the list of essential services are encouraged to continue operations through remote means that do not require workers, customers, or the public to enter or appear at the brick-and-mortar premises closed by the order. This order also prohibits gatherings of more than 10 people until May 4th.

The Administration updated the “COVID-19 Essential Services” list today, which is based on federal guidance that was updated earlier this week. The new list will go into effect tomorrow, April 1, at noon.  While these businesses are designated as essential, they are urged to follow social distancing protocols for workers in accordance with guidance from the Department of Public Health (DPH).

Some of the updates to the essential services list include:

  • Clarity around the supply chain that supports other essential services

  • Adding health care providers like chiropractors and optometrists

  • Expanding the types of workers providing disinfectant and sanitation services

Click here for the essential services extension order.

Click here for the full list of categories of “COVID-19 Essential Services.” (PDF)

Click here for COVID-19 Essential Services FAQs created by the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development.

Hotel/Motel Guidance: As part of the updated essential business list, DPH issued new guidance today around hotels, motels, inns, beds and breakfasts and other short-term residential rentals. Based on this new guidance, hotels, motels, and short-term rentals may only be used for efforts related to fighting COVID-19, like front line health workers or individuals, or for Massachusetts residents who have been otherwise displaced from their residences.

Click here for the Hotel/Motel Guidance.

Stay at Home Advisory: Last week, Governor Charlie Baker directed DPH to issue a stay-at-home advisory, and the Governor announced today that the advisory will remain in effect. Residents are advised to stay home and avoid unnecessary travel and other unnecessary person to person contact during this time period. Residents who are considered at high risk when exposed to COVID-19  should limit social interactions with other people as much as possible

Click here for the Stay-At-Home Advisory.

Executive Branch Employee Guidance: The Baker-Polito Administration today also extended the guidance issued to Executive Branch employees on protocol during the COVID-19 outbreak to ensure state government can continue to provide key services while protecting the health and safety of the public and the Executive Branch workforce. Under the guidance, all employees performing non-core functions who are able to work remotely should continue to do so until May 4. Full guidance will be sent to Executive Branch employees later today.

Some Executive Branch services and walk-in offices remain open, but residents are encouraged to use online services when available. For the status of in-person Executive Branch office locations, please click here.

Field Medical Station Announcement: The Commonwealth, through MEMA, has requested and received approval for a Field Medical Station that will provide additional medical care capacity as the state plans for a surge in cases. The federal Strategic National Stockpile has approved a 250-bed field medical station that will be deployed to the DCU Center in the City of Worcester this week. This temporary facility will be managed by UMass Memorial and staffed by a partnership including the City of Worcester and others. The temporary field medical center will be used to treat lower acuity patients who still need monitoring.

Nursing/Rest Home Program: The Commonwealth is implementing a pilot project that allows for safe, on-site testing of symptomatic residents of nursing and rest homes with a quick turnaround. The pilot will operate under the auspices of the Massachusetts National Guard in partnership with the Department of Public Health and Broad Institute of Cambridge, and samples will be collected by trained personnel from the Massachusetts National Guard. Prior to this launch, the only way for nursing home residents to be tested would be to be transported to a hospital or physician’s office.

Members of the public should continue checking www.mass.gov/covid19 for the latest information on impacts from the COVID-19 outbreak

星期一, 3月 30, 2020

麻州士兵之家驚傳11死訊 其中5人COVID-19確診

(Boston Orange 編譯)麻州霍利奧克市(Holyoke)士兵之家(Soldiers’ Home)”(30)日驚傳11死訊。包括5COVID-19確診,5人仍在等待結果的11名退伍軍人住民,不幸辭世。
根據麻州健康及人民服務廳的聲明,士兵之家的總監Bennett Walsh已於週一起帶薪留職的休假,西麻州醫院的名護士兼執行長Val Liptak將接管該機構。
麻州健康及人民服務署副署長蔡維衡(Daniel Tsai)表示,霍利奧克市士兵之家為退伍軍人住民及職工提供安全環境是非常重要的事。
霍利奧克市長Alex Morse表示,聽到士兵之家爆出來的這消息,心情沉重及了。他在很感激州政府迅速行動,確保該院住民及職工得到必要的照顧與治療之際,更為那些失去親人的家屬難過。

COVID-19-19確診人數 麻州5752 波士頓825 昆市89 摩頓59 劍橋78 牛頓63

             (Boston Orange周菊子綜合報導) 330日,麻州新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)確診病例再增797,累計已達5752人,死亡人數也再增8人,累計56人。全州已有42,793人做過檢測,目前有453人住院。
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)在今(30)日下午一點的疫情匯報中表示,大概下週二,他會宣佈預定47日結束的非必要企業暫停營業禁令是否會延長。
              聯邦政府日前通過鼓勵法案(stimulus bill),容許通常不符合資格的某些人也可申請失業救濟。麻州州長查理貝克昨日表示,州政府還在等聯邦政府通知,該遵循什麼法則來發放款項。他促請這些人在聯邦政府公告發放準則後,再遞交申請。
              波士頓市市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)幾乎每日開記者會,並同步做網上直播。波士頓市的COVID-19確診人數,今日升高為825人,死亡人數仍為2人,痊癒人數增至59人。
              昆士市市長柯奇(Tom Koch)在他的每日臉書直播中表示,昆士市現有89宗確診病例,其中7宗情況危急,目前已有22人痊癒,仍有100人在觀察中。


              摩頓市市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson)在疫情更新匯報中說明,該市現有59宗確診病例,市府衛生居都已親自拜訪,確認所有人都在執行適當的隔離。他表示,為避免病毒傳染,市府將關閉摩頓公園,直至另行通知為止。41(週三)7點,他將上MATV做直播,民眾可上康卡斯22號頻道,委瑞森26號頻道,或youtube上查看。


New partnership to substantially reduce homelessness and prevent displacement among Boston Public Schools students
BOSTON - Monday, March 30, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) and the Boston Public Schools (BPS) are creating a new partnership to house up to 1,000 families with BPS students at risk of displacement and experiencing homelessness over the next year. Outreach to get families into the application process will begin immediately to expand housing support for Bostonians during and after the COVID-19 public health emergency. The first housing placements are expected to begin in May 2020. 

"We know anxiety about housing goes beyond monthly payments. Many families have been struggling to find or hold onto housing, before this public health crisis even began," said Mayor Walsh. "Homelessness creates barriers for our students to grow, learn, and succeed, and schools being closed presents even more challenges for families experiencing housing insecurity. These vouchers we're announcing today will support our students in critical ways and help us get closer to our goal of ending homelessness in Boston." 

The vouchers will allow Boston families experiencing homelessness to seek housing in the private market with a significant rental subsidy. Under the Tenant-Based Housing Choice Voucher Program, families who receive a housing voucher pay 30 percent of their adjusted income for rent, while BHA provides federal funds to the landlord to cover the difference between the tenant share and the Fair Market Rent (FMR). 

The Boston Housing Authority will house up to 500 families living in shelters through the State's Leading the Way Home program, a partnership between the BHA and the State network of family shelters in which the BHA issues vouchers to displaced Boston families in shelter. The BHA has issued over 900 vouchers to Boston displaced families in shelter since June 2018.  There were 1,160 homeless families in Boston shelters, the majority in scattered site apartments or congregate shelter units, as of the most recent count on March 26, 2020.

"There has never been a more urgent time to ensure that homeless families with children have safe, permanent affordable housing," said BHA Administrator Kate Bennett. "In the short term, this initiative is a timely, prudent step that will help reduce the spread of COVID-19, and in the long term, it will allow many more kids to thrive in school and elsewhere."

The other 500 vouchers will be provided to families who are in precarious situations that lack necessary stability or could easily lead to displacement. These families will be served through a direct partnership between the BHA and BPS, in an effort to reach out to the unsheltered homeless population with children enrolled in BPS. There are currently 4,500 students in Boston that lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, as defined by The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. 

"Unfortunately, too many of our students and their families are homeless. A stable home is critical to a child's well-being and their success in school," said Boston Public Schools Superintendent Brenda Cassellius. "In addition to providing access to free meals, delivering laptops and Internet to students who need them, providing mental health support and other necessary services, this is an urgent resource for families while navigating the current public health emergency. Providing permanent, stable housing for over 1,000 families is life-changing for our students and I am incredibly thankful to Mayor Walsh and his entire team for ensuring our families and children are a first priority."

Due to the current COVID-19 public health emergency in the City of Boston, the Boston Public Schools system is closed until at least May 4, 2020. BPS continues to support students and families by providing access to free breakfast and lunch meals, printed learning materials, and toiletries at emergency meals sites. In addition, so far BPS has distributed over 22,000 Chromebooks to ensure our students remain engaged with their learning and their school communities. Thousands of hotspots are expected to be delivered soon to families without internet access. 

This new partnership between BHA and BPS also builds on the comprehensive plan announced yesterday for individuals experiencing homelessness in the City of Boston during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health emergency. The City has secured over 240 additional beds for individuals to increase social distancing in existing shelters and aid those in need of a home to safely quarantine or isolate themselves and reduce the further spread of COVID-19 in Boston.

Following the declaration of the COVID-19 State of Emergency, Mayor Walsh urged landlords and property owners to suspend evictions for loss of income or employment circumstances resulting in a tenant's inability to make rent during the City's public health emergency. Property owners are encouraged to implement a moratorium on evictions that could be in effect for 90 days, with reviews every 30 days. 

In addition, the City of Boston and the Boston Housing Authority issued letters urging housing court to reconsider non-essential evictions of residents. The Boston Housing Authority is also moving to immediately suspend its filing and prosecution of all Housing Court cases and matters with respect to its non-essential eviction actions. This includes cases where the health and safety of others is not part of the suit. It also includes all non-payment, no-fault cases, and cause-related cases. 

The City is also supporting Bill HD 4935, An Act providing for a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures during the COVID19 Emergency, which would prohibit evictions and foreclosures during the COVID-19 State of Emergency, providing more time for households to make up for lost wages and access public assistance. The Governor has also announced a Statewide ban on non-essential evictions until April 21.

"I am calling on the Legislature to move this bill forward as quickly as possible, and we are also asking that these measures stay in place for a period after this emergency is lifted," said Mayor Walsh. "Renters and homeowners will continue to face hardships for the next few months, and will need time to get back on their feet. We're looking forward to working closely with the Legislature as this bill moves forward."

Through the efforts of Boston's Way Home, the City has housed over 1,000 chronically homeless individuals, 1,200 homeless veterans, and ended chronic veteran homelessness in Boston. From 2017 to 2018, Boston also saw a decrease of more than 12 percent in the number of individuals sleeping on the street. Nationally, the number of unsheltered homeless has increased by 9 percent. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) reported in 2017, 2018 and 2019 that Boston maintains the lowest rate of unsheltered people experiencing homelessness among all major U.S. cities.
The BHA was recently awarded $1.8 million from HUD to fund 139 housing vouchers for residents with disabilities, homeless families and chronically homeless individuals. In April 2019, the BHA was able to issue 1,000 new rental housing vouchers after it secured approximately $28 million in additional funding for vouchers by demonstrating the need for a higher Fair Market Rent (FMR), which sets the payment standard housing authorities can set for voucher-subsidized rents and determines subsidy levels for voucher holders. These vouchers increased the BHA's portfolio of vouchers to 13,500.
For more information and updates on COVID-19, text BOSCOVID to 994-11 or visit our COVID-19 website. For information on emergency shelters, day programs, community meals, and street outreach, visit our helping the homeless page.