星期五, 3月 20, 2020

昆士市長: COVID-19確診新增3例 累計12例

              (Boston Orange 編譯)昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)向市民匯報抗疫最新狀況,320日,昆士市新增3宗居民確診病例,全市累計現達12例。
              柯奇在今日較長的報告中,先為麻州州長查理貝克助陣,重述麻州很快就要就地庇護(shelter-in-place)”的說法是謠言,但麻州的確鼓勵民眾留在家,盡可能在家裡工作,要做到保持社交距離(social distancing)”
              根據麻州州長查理貝克的命令,所有的學校將持續關門,直到46日。學生們可以到北昆士高中,昆士高中,Snug Harbor,以及Lincoln-Hancock學校領取拿了就走(Grab and Go)”餐。這些餐食在每天早上11點至中午12點提供。更詳盡的資訊在昆士公校系統網站上可以查到。
March 20, 2020 · Governor Baker today dispelled widespread rumors that a “shelter-in-place” order would be issued imminently for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Residents are, however, encouraged to stay home and work from home when possible and practice safe “social distancing” practices. · All personal care businesses, including barbers, hair salons, nail salons, massage parlors, tattoo studios, gyms and fitness centers are ordered closed until at least April 6. · There are 3 new cases of COVID-19 involving Quincy residents identified by state officials today, bringing the total number of local cases to 12. Testing numbers remain uncertain, so the day-to-day reporting may not reflect the full spread of the virus. · Governor Charlie Baker today announced the creation of Exempt Emergency Childcare Centers to serve families of first-responders and front-line medical personnel. All other day care centers in the state are ordered to close before Monday, March 23. · City offices are closed to the public. The City will still operate and offices will still be staffed, but residents will be required to conduct business via telephone, the Internet or through the mail. No emergency services will be impacted. For a full list of department phone numbers and contact information, residents can visit www.quincyma.gov · Playgrounds are closed, but park spaces are open.

· Per Governor Baker’s order, all schools remain closed through April 6. · Students can pick up “Grab and Go” meals at North Quincy High School, Quincy High, Snug Harbor and Lincoln-Hancock. Meals will be available from 11 a.m. to noon. Additional details will be available on QPS website · All restaurants and bars are not allowed to serve food or beverages on site. · Any gathering of 25 or more people is prohibited. · Any gathering should maintain “social distancing” meaning people stay further six feet away from each other at all times. · All public regulatory boards are postponed until at least March 30. · All public facilities will continue to undergo aggressive environmental cleaning on a daily basis. · Mayor Koch will seek $1 million from the City’s Affordable Housing Trust to assist workers in the City’s hospitality industry and maintain their housing during prolonged closures. The full details of the program will be developed in the coming days. · Residents in potentially vulnerable populations, such as seniors and those with underlying medical conditions, need to be particularly careful in their contacts with other people. · Many of the things you do to help prevent colds and the flu can help protect you against other respiratory viruses such as Coronavirus: o Avoid large gatherings.

o Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. o Cover your coughs and sneezes. o Stay home if you are sick. If you are ill call your healthcare provider for instructions before going to a clinic, office or emergency room. · There are currently no vaccines available to protect against this novel coronavirus infection. It is not recommended that people wear masks when they are in public. Masks can be useful in some settings, such as a clinic waiting room, to prevent someone who has a respiratory illness from spreading it to others. There is no hard evidence that wearing a mask protects the wearer outside of the healthcare setting. · For more information visit the CDC website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/index.html or the state’s website at www.mass.gov · Residents with questions can call the Mayor’s Office of Constituent Services at 617-3761500 or the Quincy Health Department at 617-376-1272.
