星期日, 3月 29, 2020


(Boston Orange 編譯)麻州政府今(29)日宣佈推出網路門戶,供個人或公司更容易地捐贈或出售個人防護用品,或者支援抗疫行動。
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)表示,麻州已經從數難以計的組織收到慷愾捐贈,推出這網路門戶(https://www.mass.gov/covid-19-ppe-procurement-and-donation-program),將簡化所有程序,讓人更快的把設備送到需要的人那兒去。同時麻州也需要更多志工來幫忙對付這前所未見的公共衛生危機。他鼓勵人們登記,伸出援手。他說麻州會竭盡所能地從各種渠道獲取設備,以支援第一線工作人員度過難關。
麻州健康及人民服務廳廳長暨疫情指揮中心主任Marylou Sudders表示,麻州的第一線工作人員,醫護人員,以及基本服務社區,一直需要個人防護用品。上星期他們已經運送出去28,000個口罩,12萬雙手套,而且麻州還下了50萬元訂單,來購買更多個人防護用品,但麻州還需要更多,而且麻州也在等國家戰略儲備站送第三批物資來。
麻州政府表示,這項目也將讓本地製造商更容易取得資訊,加入麻州最近成立,由麻州住宅及經濟發展卿暨先進製造合作計畫共同主席Mike Kennealyu3ru6AccuRounds執行長Mike Tamasi所率領的生產製造緊急回應隊。
查詢新型冠狀病毒更多資訊,查詢可上網Mass.gov/covid19,可在手機短訊欄寫下COVIDMA ,發送到888-777
Baker-Polito Administration Launches Online Portal for Personal Protective Equipment, Volunteers to Support COVID-19 Outbreak
Massachusetts Asks Organizations & Residents to Contribute to the COVID-19 Response

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration announced an online portal where individuals and companies can easily donate or sell personal protective equipment (PPE) and volunteer to support the COVID-19 outbreak in Massachusetts. This effort will ensure that front line responders get the protective equipment they need to stay and push for more trained volunteers to join the response. 

Massachusetts has already received generous donations from countless organizations, and by launching this portal we’ll make it easier to streamline these offers and quickly distribute supplies to those in need,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We also need more volunteers to help support our response to this unprecedented public health emergency, and urge people to sign up to lend a hand. Our administration will continue making every effort to secure supplies from all possible resources to support our front line workers during these tough times.”

The Commonwealth’s COVID-19 PPE Procurement and Donation Program creates an easy portal allowing companies and organizations to sell or donate protective equipment that is in short supply given the global demands for such items.

By visiting the COVID-19 PPE Procurement and Donation website, businesses and organizations can offer for purchase or donation critically needed personal protective equipment, including:

  • N95/N99 masks (respirators)
  • Surgical/procedure masks
  • Facemasks with integrated shields
  • Powered Air-Purifying Respirators (PAPR)
  • Goggles
  • Gloves
  • Protective suits/gowns
  • Booties/shoe covers
  • Headcovers
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Sanitizing wipes

The initiative announced today bolsters current efforts to leverage traditional and emergency supply chain channels.

“We have a constant demand and need for personal protective equipment (PPE) available to our medical, first responder and essential service communities. Over the past week, hundreds of deliveries of PPE have been made to front line health care providers, and first responders, but we need so much more,” said Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders, the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 Command Center Director. “Last week more than 28,000 masks, and 120,000 pairs of gloves were distributed, and we’ve placed more than $50 million in orders for additional supplies. We are also waiting on our third delivery from the Strategic National Stockpile.”

The program also provides an entry point for local manufacturers to get more information on adapting their businesses to produce more equipment here in Massachusetts, an effort being led by the administration’s recently established Manufacturing Emergency Response Team, co-chaired by Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy, and Mike Tamasi, President and CEO of AccuRounds, a precision components manufacturer located in Avon, MA.

“It comes as no surprise that both manufacturers and university R&D partners across Massachusetts have stepped up during this challenging time to support those saving lives and provide logistical expertise toward stopping the spread of this virus,” said Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy, Co-Chair of the Advanced Manufacturing Collaborative. “This portal serves as a front door for companies that think their operations can be adapted to address manufacturing supply chain issues and produce the equipment needed by those on the front lines.”

A call for volunteers:

To support ongoing COVID-19 emergency response efforts, the Baker-Polito Administration has partnered with the Massachusetts Medical Society to match health and medical volunteers with our communities and health care providers based on skillsets and need. There is an immediate need for respiratory therapists and public health nurses, and the administration is asking health care professionals interested in volunteering to sign up by clicking hereSince launching the initiative, more than 1,000 people have already registered.

For more information on COVID-19, visit Mass.gov/covid19. Get notifications to your phone or other mobile device by texting COVIDMA to 888-777.
