星期三, 3月 25, 2020

波市府宣佈為小企業提供新資源 讓居民知道哪家餐館開門營業

            (波士頓-2020325日,星期三)波士頓市長Martin J. Walsh今天宣佈,受COVID-19(冠狀病毒)影響的波士頓小企業有新資源可用。 波市府經濟發展辦公室設立的所有這些資源,可在boston.gov/small-business上找到,或者在boston.gov/coronavirus的本地資源“經濟發展回應”欄找到。



在波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh)和波士頓牌照委員會(Boston Licensing Board)指示下,波士頓市暫時取消牌照規定,允許所有餐廳外賣/外送。 經濟發展辦公室還為提供外賣和送貨製作了指南,那也可用在雜貨店,藥房和其他商店上。經濟發展辦公室已製作表格,給同意擴大服務,送貨的雇主和僱員填寫。


波士頓的小企業團隊一直在個別鄰里工作,以確保提供了支援,也正在主動解決企業社區的顧慮。作為這項工作的一部分,經濟發展辦公室為小型企業開展了調查,以查明他們在這段時間內需要的幫助和服務。 經濟發展辦公室目前正在為第二次調查收集反饋,迄今已有逾千人回應。


New programs to help small businesses impacted by COVID-19
BOSTON - Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced new resources available for small businesses in Boston impacted by COVID-19 (coronavirus). All resources have been created through the City's Office of Economic Development, and are available online on boston.gov/small-business or under the Local Resources "Economic Development Response" on boston.gov/coronavirus

"Boston is a city that looks out for one another, and during this challenging time, we are doing everything we can to support the small businesses that are the lifeblood of our communities," said Mayor Walsh. "I encourage Boston residents to continue patronizing the businesses most impacted by this pandemic -- purchase a gift card, order take out, or support your local businesses in whatever way you are able to. Our Office of Economic Development is in our neighborhoods, talking with businesses and responding to their immediate needs, and we will keep working to support our small businesses here in Boston." 

The Office of Economic Development (OED) has created the following resources for small businesses in Boston: 

Highlighting Open Businesses in Boston
The Office of Economic Development has created a tool for essential businesses to publicly share that they're open, share gift-card information, and which (if any) delivery/take-out services they use. This guide is available for residents to utilize, and explore what local businesses are open in their neighborhoods. 

The Office of Economic Development encourages all essential businesses that are allowed to remain open during the statewide closure of businesses that are non-essential to the COVID-19 response, to register online if they are still open. The guide is available online on boston.gov/open-businesses

Under the State of Massachusetts' new emergency order all businesses and organizations that do not provide "COVID-19 Essential Services" are required to close their physical workplaces and facilities to workers, customers and the public as of Tuesday, March 24th at noon until Tuesday, April 7th at noon. These businesses are encouraged to continue operations remotely. Businesses with questions on what is deemed essential are encouraged to view the State's guidance on essential businesses

If the function of a business is not listed in the State's directory, but a business believes that it is essential or it is an entity providing essential services or functions, businesses may request designation as an essential business. This is available through the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and can be applied for online.

Boston Restaurant Support 
The Office of Economic Development has created another tool for restaurants to publicly share that they're open, share gift-card information, and which (if any) delivery/take-out services they use. This guide is available for residents to utilize, and explore what local businesses are open in their neighborhoods. 

The Office of Economic Development encourages restaurants to register online if they are still open. The guide is available online on boston.gov/restaurant-support

By direction of Mayor Walsh and the Boston Licensing Board, the City of Boston has lifted licensing regulations to allow takeout/delivery at all restaurants. OED has also created a guidebook for offering take-out and delivery that can also be used for groceries, pharmacies, and others. The Office of Economic Development has created a form for employers and employees to complete if they agree to expand their services to delivery.

Small Business Conference Calls
The next Small Business call will be held on Tuesday March 31st at 3pm as a resource for small businesses. Please email smallbiz@boston.gov to be added to the distribution list. 

Small Business Survey
Boston's Small Business Team has been working in individual neighborhoods to ensure support is given, and is working to proactively address concerns in the business community. As part of that work, the Office of Economic Development has launched surveys for small businesses to pinpoint the help and services they need during this time. OED is currently collecting responses for their second survey, and have had more than a thousands respondents so far. 

The results of the first survey are already available on boston.gov

In addition to the services above, OED has sent a letter to the small business community with guidance on regulations and safety protocols, in 6 languages. The Small Business Team offering one-on-one technical assistance to help get services online. Interested businesses can reach out through smallbiz@gmail.com.
