星期三, 1月 31, 2024

MIPIM 宣佈40名大獎入圍者

             (Boston Orange 編譯) 全球最大的國際房地產盛會 MIPIM 宣佈 MIPIM 獎從39國的209項報名案件中挑出40個項目入圍決賽。6大類別獎項及特別評審獎的得獎者將於314日在法國坎城影節宮 (Palais des Festivals)舉行的頒獎大會中揭曉。


今年的10名評審,分別為主席PIMCO Prime 房地產全球首席執行官兼首席資訊官François Trausch,以及美國Metaprop聯合創始人兼管理合夥人Aaron Block,英國仲量聯行可持續發展服務和ESG全球主管Guy Grainger,英國牛津地產ESG與運營高級總監Hala El Akl,芬蘭Nrep合夥人兼資訊長Jani Nokkanen,丹麥Bjarke Ingels Group合夥人Kai-Uwe Bergmann,法國Ivanhoe劍橋歐洲及亞太區主管Karim Habra,波蘭SkanskaCEE區域歐洲商業發展董事長兼執行長Katarzyna Zawodna-Bijoch,法國Ardian France房地產主管Stéphanie Bensimon,英國RICS董事長Tina Paillet,法國Nexity執行長 Veronique Bedague

這些評審們將以增強建築環境,符合環境、社會及治理 (ESG) 原則的項目,在現場或線上投票,選出6大類別獎項的得獎者。評審團最喜歡的項目,將獲得「評審團特別獎」。評審的6個關鍵標準為總體可持續性、和社區及環境的整合程度,使用者經驗品質、經濟貢獻、概念原創性,以及建築品質。





Lyf one-north Singapore,一個開創性的共用生活開發專案,旨在實現社會包容性的城市生活(新加坡)

Esbjerg 海事中心,一個開放式設計專案,在海港邊設有水上運動俱樂部和培訓設施(丹麥)


Trojena Ski Village,一種由保護自然的低密度垂直建築組成的新穎村莊類型(沙烏地阿拉伯)

溫思羅普中心是一座 691 英尺高的混合用途塔樓,位於城市擁有的停車場所在地,與麻省理工學院教授(美國)合作開發。

2024年決賽入圍者的完整名單可在 MIPIM Awards 網站上找到: https://mipimawards.com/mipimawards2024/en/page/finalists-2024

MIPIM大獎評審團主席François Trausch表示,今年的主題是轉型。MIPIM今年的大會主講嘉賓,芬蘭前總理Sanna Marin也表示,以符合未來需求的新概念來重新想像現有樓宇,應該讓所有房地產界人士受到啟發。


MIPIM金年還將和Co-Liv合作,在311日舉辦房屋有關係 (Housing Matters!)”,為期半日的高峰會,探討可持續性住宅解決方案,包括擔家庭屋,學生宿舍,建來出租( BTR),後期居住,以及其他的創新模式。

紐英崙華史會頒遊子獎 表揚中華公所及周榮亞、鍾潔姿夫婦 (附視頻)

紐英崙華人歷史協會副會長羅元旭 (右一起)代表該會頒發遊子獎給
                (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙華人歷史協會 (CHSNE)日前在帝苑大酒樓舉行第31屆年會,頒發遊子獎表揚已退休的道富集團前副總裁周榮亞、鍾潔姿夫婦,以及紐英崙中華公所,籲各界關注描述波士頓華埠歷史變遷的「堅韌的街道 (Endurance Streets) 」。

Alice Kane手中領取遊子獎。(周菊子攝)
               當黃兆英,胡國新、葉庭芬等人於1992年創辦紐英崙華人歷史協會時,他們撰就一份有8個要點的使命宣言,仔細描繪了華史會的理想,並在成立初期邀得江念祖、鄭達、杜榮佳等教授級人士出任董事,完成整修望合山 (Mt. Hope) 墓園計畫,其後再有李燦輝教授加入,製作出「波士頓華埠地圖集 (Boston Chinatown Atlas) 」。

               2022年,該會的「李燦輝系列講座」在去年出任華史會副會長的羅元旭策畫下,陸續舉辦有­” 來到美國: 319世紀中國留學生的生活堅韌的街道: 藝術背後的故事等演講。該會還藉由和不同機構合作的項目,強調了華人對美國社會的貢獻,其中包括麻省理工學院的早期中國留學生中國教育團150年以後 (The Chinese Educational Mission 150 Years Later)” ,以及在康可鎮公共圖書館由羅元旭主講的「從排斥到包容: 1798到現在的紐英崙的華人歷史 (From Exclusion to Inclusion: History of Chinese in New England, 1798-Present)等講座,在北美華人排球邀請賽中展出圖片等。

               該會也與波士頓市政府合作展出「波士頓華埠地圖集」,和塔芙茨大學Jonathan M. Tisch 公民生活學院的公共人文學科,合作「堅韌的街道」計畫。

               126日的華史會第31屆年會中,會長曾雪清坦言該會在新冠病毒疫情期間,歷經人事變動,幸有曾於2014年擔任該會董事的余雪華  (Alice Kane) 同意接手執行經理一職,董事會則有張大衛,Peter Tam 2人卸任。



中華頤養院創辦人之一的陳秀英()和該院董事長屈振生(),執行長Bill Graves





會場展示「波士頓華埠地圖集」,分別以拓荒 (Beginnings)、浮現 (Emergence)
(Expansion)、鞏固 (Consolidation)、強化 (Strengthening)為主題的軸幅。
要記錄、保存及宣揚紐英崙華人移民的歷史;要收集、展示口述、印刷,以及各種表現形式,關於華人傳承的文物資料;要研究、詮釋並分享紐英崙華人對美國社會的貢獻;要教育大眾,增強對華人社區的跨文化理解;要辨識、紀念並保存對華人社區發展具有重大歷史意義的場所、結構及地方;要尋求創新的財政和技術手段,以恢復和再利用與華裔美國社區相關或造福華裔美國社區的歷史;要建立一個總部和網絡,以容納、展覽、出版和製作作品、文物,以及其他合適媒體來記錄,展現紐英崙華人經歷; 要和地方上的,以及全國的,追求類似使命和目標的其他實體合作。

塔芙茨大學公民學苑社區夥伴主任麥小燕 (Shirley Mark,左一)等人恭喜
周榮亞、鍾潔姿夫婦獲得遊子獎。 (周菊子攝)

波士頓台灣同鄉會慶龍年 發總統春聯

                (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓台灣同鄉會127日在貝福鎮 (Bedford)John Glenn中學舉行年會,近百鄉親扶老攜幼的來拜年,領總統春聯,聽燈猴故事,回顧去年會務,認識台灣人公共事務會(FAPA),還選出了5名新理事。



1965年時,哈佛應用力學系陳文雄,哈佛東亞系蕭欣義,波士頓大學生物系何汝諧等人受「台灣自救運動宣言」影響, 1965年成立寶島俱樂部 (Formosa Club) ,由連華圻當首任會長,接著1970128日,在全美台灣同鄉會於紐約成立時,成為28個創始分會之一,並正式更名為波士頓台灣同鄉會,由郭清江任會長。



剛當選台灣人公共事務協會 (FAPA) 全國副會長的鍾佳君和麻州分會會長黃立雅接著做了一場專題講座,仔細闡述FAPA創立於1982年,是台裔美國人為推動國際支持台灣,促進台美關係及合作,鼓吹台灣的和平與安全,保護台灣人自決權力的非牟利機構,目前在全美有2700名會員,44個分會。

該會去年推動台灣代表辦公室 (TRO)法案,要過把台灣駐美辦事處 (TECRO) 改名為台灣代表辦公室 (TRO),並規定美國給台灣人實質的外交待遇,今年計劃在62328日舉辦新興領袖工作坊。麻州FAPA則是每月第二個星期六中午在,哈佛廣場扯橫幅,讓人們看見台灣,下一次預訂210日舉行。


               波士頓經文處處長廖朝宏指出,許多海外僑團面對著青黃不接窘境,波士頓台灣同鄉會的幹部卻全都是年輕人,充滿活力、朝氣,讓人印象深刻,也對其未來發展有著更多期待。 (僑務電子報:    https://ocacnews.net/article/361002?cid=2)

鍾佳君剛當選為台灣人公共事務協會全國副會長。 (周菊子攝)

星期二, 1月 30, 2024

波士頓經文處廖朝宏處長投書 Boston Globe 稱台灣讓世界看見民主的勝利

            (Boston Orange) 駐波士頓辦事處處長廖朝宏以「台灣讓世界看到民主終將勝利(Taiwan is showing the world how democracy can prevail)」為題的一篇投書,129日在波士頓環球報上刊載見報。


波士頓環球報專欄作家Jeff Jacoby以「拜登對台灣問題應該這樣回答(The answer Biden should have given on Taiwan)」為題,本月17日發表了一篇專文。廖處長的這篇投書,主要是回應該文。

Jeff Jacoby在那篇文章中表示,拜登總統回答媒體關於台灣選舉結果的提問時,應該強調台灣是美國的民主夥伴及堅定盟友,美國將支持台灣捍衛自由。Jacoby認為,亞洲地區和平穩定的最大威脅,絕非台灣的民主,而是中國的好戰野心。




 Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces $9.2 Million to Boost Microelectronics During U.S. Department of Defense Visit  

Includes $7.7 Million for New Technology at MIT and $1.5 Million to Boost Workforce Development, Education, & Student Engagement across Northeast Region 

 Grants paired with Private-Sector Investment from Applied Materials, a Global Leader in Semiconductor Equipment    

Governor Maura Healey, Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll and Secretary of Economic
Development Yvonne Hao join Massachusetts Technology Collaborative Executive
Director Carolyn Kirk and other officials to announce $9.2 million in new technology
and workforce development grants aimed at spurring the microelectronics and
semiconductor industry across the Northeast Region during a visit from officials and
members from the U.S. Department of Defense at the NEXUS Center in Lincoln
on Jan. 30, 2024. (Joshua Qualls/Governor’s Press Office)

– During a visit from officials and members from the U.S. Department of Defense and the National Security Technology Accelerator (NSTXL) hosted by the NEXUS Center, the Healey-Driscoll administration today announced $9.2 million in new technology and workforce development grants aimed at spurring the microelectronics and semiconductor industry across the Northeast Region. The new awards are the first investments made by the Northeast Microelectronics Coalition (NEMC) Hub, the division of the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative that is overseeing investments made by the federal CHIPS and Science Act following the formal establishment of the Hub in September 2023.    

Chancellor of UMass Lowell Julie Chen greets Governor Healey.
(Joshua Qualls/Governor’s Press Office)
The largest of the new grants will provide $7.7 million in funding to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that will support a project with global semiconductor and display equipment manufacturer Applied Materials to establish new advanced nano-fabrication capabilities within the MIT.Nano research hub. The new equipment will be installed at MIT over the coming year and will include a suite of state-of-the-art 200mm semiconductor wafer fabrication tools, to support research and development at industry-compatible scale, using the same equipment found in high-volume production facilities. The grant from the NEMC Hub, and the agreement between Applied Materials and MIT, together represent an estimated $40 million in new public and private investment. The tools from Applied Materials, which should be online in early 2025, enable the ‘lab-to-fab’ transition of technologies by early-stage startups and boost research critical to defense-focused industries and other vital technology sectors. According to the global trade association SEMI, these fabrication facilities are critical to the development of semiconductors used in a broad range of markets, including consumer electronics, automotive, industrial automation, clean energy, and more.   

Today’s announcement also spotlighted four new awards totaling approximately $1.5 million that will boost education and workforce development programs in the region, helping companies and research labs to develop trained workers that can help domestic companies power the reshoring of microelectronics fabrication and hardware development.   

"Today’s grants are an important milestone for our state, the northeast region, and the nation as a whole,” said Governor Maura Healey. “The investment in this R&D infrastructure will open doors to students, innovators, and entrepreneurs across the region, helping take new discoveries from the drawing board and into the real world. These grants will also open doors to the workforce of the future, providing students and our Veterans a pathway to high-paying, critically important jobs that exist in this sector. This is exactly why Massachusetts competed so hard to win the Northeast Microelectronics Coalition Hub.”    

“These grants focused on expanding our workforce will teach more students that you do not need a four-year degree to excel in this sector, helping open more doors to students as they graduate high school,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll, the co-chair of the Massachusetts STEM Council. “The investment made by Applied Materials in MIT.Nano, and the recent investment from the DoD in the Northeast Microelectronics Coalition Hub highlights the importance this region has to developing next-generation technologies and the required workforce, that is unparalleled anywhere in the world.”     

“The Institute launched MIT.nano in 2018 to drive discovery and innovation on campus, creating a new center of community and collaboration,” said MIT President Sally Kornbluth. “With this new investment by NEMC and Applied Materials, we have an incredible opportunity to supercharge MIT.nano, provide the capabilities most needed in the region and help revitalize US leadership in microelectronics and semiconductor manufacturing.”   

“Applied Materials’ collaboration with MIT, supported by the grant from the NEMC Hub, will help accelerate innovation in a wide range of specialty chip technologies, including silicon and compound semiconductors,that are essential to the products people use every day,” said Dr. Om Nalamasu, Senior Vice President and CTO of Applied Materials. “The new capabilities we are creating at MIT.nano can establish faster pathways for bringing early-stage ideas to commercialization and strengthen the semiconductor industry’s talent pipeline in the United States.”   

“The growth of the NEMC Hub since its launch, shows the strong alignment we have between government and the private sector when it comes to semiconductors and microelectronics,” said Economic Development Secretary Yvonne Hao.“We’re honored to have our partners from the DoD here today, as well as the membership of the NEMC Hub, who are all key partners on these critical investments. Today’s grants are designed to get equipment installed quickly, expedite new training programs, revolutionize our workforce across the state, and bolster our global competitiveness in alignment with the CHIPS Act.”    

The four workforce programs will aim to expand engagement to students across the northeast region, including direct outreach to underrepresented groups and key audiences such as Veterans, and driving new workers for U.S.-based microelectronics companies:  

  • MITRE, Bedford, Mass. - An award of $750,000 to expand the Embedded Capture-the-Flag (eCTF) competition, which aims to attract students and develop their skills in secure microelectronics. The program leverages gamification to bridge the educational gap in embedded systems security and microelectronics, to prepare students to work in this critical field. The eCTF program is designed as a hands-on, project-based learning experience that caters to participants of various skill levels. The program will be aimed at high school, community college, undergraduate, and graduate students, with a focus on underrepresented groups within the industry.  

  • Headlamp, Boston, Mass. - An award of $250,000 to a ‘Veteran transition accelerator’ that will support the Headlamp SkillBridge Fellowships program, which will provide a structured pathway to provide Veterans with general education about the microelectronics industry and employer-specific training, concluding with a fellowship at a member company within the NEMC Hub. The program will support 25 veterans with education and fellowships, helping drive net migration into the northeast region’s workforce.   

  • MIT, Cambridge, Mass. - An award of $75,000 to expand the existing Northeast Microelectronics Summer Internship Program (NMIP) which provides more first- and second-year undergraduate students with internships at microelectronics companies in the northeast. MIT, in partnership with the NEMC Hub, matches students with paid internships at microelectronics companies, plus organizes bi-weekly field trips that educate the students on the local microelectronics ecosystem, the opportunities that exist, and potential mentorship opportunities. By engaging with students with hands-on learning opportunities early in their academic careers, participants will be better equipped to choose a career path that focuses on microelectronics hardware.   

  • Makers of a Better Future - An award of $400,000 will be leveraged to expand the existing 10-hour awareness curriculum developed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Center for Advanced Manufacturing at the MassTech Collaborative. The funding will help scale the program to reach more high schools across the northeast region, expanding from the current curriculum, which is currently deployed in 50 Massachusetts high schools reaching 1,500 students. The current curriculum is focused on education about advanced manufacturing careers, including focus modules on robotics, additive manufacturing, and photonics, with a new module developed focused on semiconductors, including how they are used to solve technical challenges and the wide range of careers within the sector.    

“As our nation works to address critical STEM workforce shortages and grow tech talent, MITRE is proud to be part of the solution,” said Laurie Giandomenico, Ph.D., senior vice president and chief acceleration officer, MITRE. “The United States is making historic investments to secure global leadership in microelectronics and semiconductors, and scalable programs like MITRE’s Embedded Capture the Flag competition can help attract and train a diverse workforce essential to the development of secure microelectronics systems and supply chains. Participating students develop practical skills for securing critical embedded systems, such as unmanned aerial vehicles, smart grids, and medical devices, while gaining exposure to an ecosystem of hardware design and security career opportunities alongside potential employers.”   

“Veterans are an underutilized source of talent, and they stand ready to help rebuild the backbone of infrastructure critical to our national security. Some 150,000 veterans leave the service every year -- we hope many of them will consider bringing their leadership and technical acumen into the Northeast and the microelectronics industry,” said Steve Chang, CEO and founder of Headlamp. “This grant shows that the Northeast is ready to lead the way for transitioning veterans. We are honored to help match the right veteran for the right roles and help illuminate the unique value each individual can bring to the microelectronics value chain.”  

In September 2023, the MassTech Collaborative received a one-year federal award totaling $19.7 million through the Microelectronics Commons program, executed through the Strategic & Spectrum Missions Advanced Resilient Trusted Systems (S2MARTS) other transaction agreement managed by Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division and the NSTXL. Today’s announcement kicked off a one-day visit by officials from the U.S. Department of Defense and NSTXL to engage with members of the Northeast Microelectronic Coalition Hub, including a membership meeting hosted by the NEXUS Center in Lincoln and a site visit to MIT.Nano later in the day.    

“The Microelectronics Commons has already enabled conversations, relationships, and offerings to take place that would not normally have taken place,” said Stephanie Lin, Director of icroelectronics Commons at NSTXL, the National Security Technology Accelerator. “Because of this, many innovative partnerships have been forming, not just as a result of investments made, but also those anticipated. We are highly encouraged to see that this level of collaboration continues to reverberate through the regional levels.”   

Since the initial funding announcement in September, the NEMC Hub has grown from 90 to 160 members, comprising leading companies, universities, and research-focused organizations across eight northeast states and beyond. In addition to review and support for the new grant awards, NEMC Hub members have also been activated to respond to the recent $280 million ‘call for projects’ launched by NSTXL on December 18, 2023.    

"We're excited by the opportunity the CHIPS and Science Act holds for this region and how today's awards will shape the microelectronics sector for decades to come," said Director of Federal Funds and Infrastructure Quentin Palfrey. "Our thanks to President Biden, the Massachusetts congressional delegation and our partners at the DoD and NSTXL for making these investments in the innovation and workers of this region. Today's visit shows how Massachusetts can leverage both a whole-of-government strategy and a regional approach that puts federal dollars to work boosting our defense capabilities while furthering workforce development and economic competitiveness in our communities."   

"The NEMC Hub investments, programs, and project pursuits by our members is the U.S. CHIPS and Science Act in action. The amazing member growth and activity we have seen within our Hub since the federal announcement in September increases the opportunity for unique partnerships to emerge and for us to deliver on the Microelectronics Commons mission for the Department of Defense,” said Ben Linville-Engler, Deputy Director at the MassTech Collaborative and the interim director of the NEMC Hub. “That cohesive collaboration, across industry, academia, and state boarders, will help our region’s competitiveness within the global tech sector, but also as we compete for more federal funding opportunities and leverage the NEMC Hub as an economic development engine for the region.”    

“I am thrilled to see this $9.2 million investment in our microelectronics and semiconductor education and workforce development. I voted for the CHIPS and Science Act because I knew we would be investing in cutting-edge technologies that would not only advance research and innovation, but also boost economic development and create thousands of good-paying jobs here in Massachusetts and across our country,” said Congresswoman Lori Trahan 

“The Chips and Science Act, passed by Congress in 2022, marked the beginning of a once-in-a-generation investment in our future national security,” said Congressman Seth Moulton. “Today, I’m thrilled to see a transformative initiative like the NEMC Hub take flight because of that legislation. The Microelectronic Commons will help reduce our reliance on foreign nations to manufacture chips, and importantly, it will limit opportunities for technology theft. Even better, these NEMC Hub investments will create high-quality, well-paying jobs and offer valuable upskilling opportunities to our workforce. This is exactly how we need to approach national security moving forward: cutting-edge innovation created right here on American soil.”