
星期日, 1月 14, 2024




(Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州在暴風雪後,面對大雨及淹水嚴重等情況,麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 特地發表聲明。

              奚莉州長說,副州長Driscoll和我一直在密切關注麻州各地這幾天面對的天氣及淹水情況。麻州的緊急管理局 (MEMA)正在和市鎮領導聯絡,查察有無任何需求,並協調提供恢復所需的支援。我們了解這天遭對我們的是鎮所造成損和和壓力的程度,我們的整個政府都在這兒,為市鎮提供與公安、水電設施,交通等的需求。




Governor Healey Issues Statement on Recent Extreme Weather, Flooding 


BOSTON – Governor Maura Healey today issued the following statement as regions across the state have experienced severe flooding as a result of heavy rain after a significant snowstorm: 


“Lieutenant Governor Driscoll and I have been closely following the severe weather and flooding that communities across Massachusetts have been experiencing in recent days. Our team at MEMA is in contact with municipal leaders to identify any ongoing needs and coordinate support as communities recover. We understand the level of damage and stress this is causing to our cities and towns, and our entire administration is here to assist with needs related to public safety, utilities, transportation and more.” 


Resources and guidance on recovering from a disaster can be found here. Flood safety tips can be found here. Governor Healey last month also signed a supplemental budget that includes $15 million in flood relief funding for municipalities. 
