
星期三, 1月 17, 2024

亞裔企業資金準備線上速成班 免費 1/23截止報名

亞太裔企業資金準備計劃 線上加強速成班



美國亞太裔總商會(National ACE)今天宣布,《資本準備計畫CRP》將於1月23日開始其為期八週的小型企業線上加強速成班歡迎華裔踴躍報名,免貴註冊。






150名與會者將有機會了解更多有關資本獲取、能力建設、撰寫撥款申請以及透過網絡訪問獲取信息。 National ACE正在努力協助為全美各地的亞太裔小型企業主裝備他們邁向成功所需的資源、知識和聯繫網絡。




詳細信息,請上網 nationalace.org   or  https://www.nationalace.org/accelerator1免費註冊,並可成為第一個加速的成功企業家。

The National Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (National ACE) is pleased to announce the Capital Readiness Program will be kicking off its programming with an 8-week small business virtual accelerator starting January 23.

The program, which is funded by the MBDA, is the most significant investment to support the growth of underserved businesses and entrepreneurs in the agency’s history.

The 8-week webinar series will put Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) small business owners from across the country in contact with other AAPI entrepreneurs and industry leaders.

150 attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about access to capital, capacity building, grant application writing, and access to networks. National ACE is working to empower AAPI small business owners with the resources, knowledge, and connections they need to succeed.

By addressing these critical issues, we are providing a vital support system for AAPI entrepreneurs on their journey to success.

To learn more, visit www.nationalace.org or    https://www.nationalace.org/accelerator1
 and register for the first accelerator.
