星期四, 1月 31, 2013

連任、不連任 Menino還未鬆口

今年已高齡七十歲的波士頓市長萬寧路(Thomas M. Menino),廿九日晚發表第廿次市情咨文後,坊間出現更多他將競選第六度連任的猜測。
      萬寧路早前因為呼吸道感染,血液凝塊,脊椎骨折,2型糖尿病等病症而住院八週,波士頓流行交響樂團指揮Keith Lockhart還特地到醫院探望他,錄下他唱聖誕歌的鏡頭。
      出院後的本月廿日,萬寧路在柏文屋(Parkman House)告訴WBZ電視台記者Jon Keller,他還有興趣繼續當市長。
      波士頓環球報的一篇文章指出,今年已七十歲的萬寧路,必須在五月十三日前做出是否競選連任的決定。他從前任雷夫連(Raymond L. Flynn)赴梵帝岡當美國大使後,接下市長職務,到七月十二日就將慶祝當市長廿年。

波市長看未來 要助人發揮潛能 呼籲反槍、婦女平權

波士頓市長萬寧路(Thomas M. Menino)廿九日晚在全體出席者起立鼓掌二分鐘餘的熱情中,發表第十五次市情咨文,第廿次年度講話,強調波士頓市驚人、健全、強大,前景燦爛。
      萬寧路在芬紐廳(Faneuil Hall)描繪出一個更美好、公平、安全的未來波士頓市。他說波市人才,足以推動本市成長,政府要做的是幫助每一個人發揮潛能。
今年起波市要推出一系列新項目,包括在未來三年內投資三千萬元改革教育體系;組織婦女人力會(Women’s Workforce Council),推出「主街婦女(Women on Main)」交流項目,以使波士頓市成為全美第一個達到婦女享有平等待遇的城市;和哈佛大學、麻省理工學院及edX合作,在社區中心提供免費課程,讓一般人也能獲取增加經濟能力的知識;撥出一百萬平方呎的市有土地,為中產家庭建房屋等等。
      他也呼籲市民支持他和紐約市長彭博等人組織的市長反槍枝協會,向充斥槍枝的社會說「真的夠了(Enough is enough)」。
      早前住院八週的萬寧路,體形明顯清瘦不少,神情略顯精力不如以往充沛,但他的發言內容充滿感情,描繪出希望。他表示自己是名謙卑的市長,感恩所有市民與市府員工幫著他挺了過來(pull him through)
萬寧路在州情報告中也歷數了波市過去一年來的成就,包括有價值16億元的22項土地發展計劃已破土動工;包括綠路上的支付友(Paypal)、愛悅(Lovejoy)碼頭的Converse,在布萊頓擴展的新平衡(New Balance),搬進波市城中區的數位(Digital)公司等,已有數以百計的公司把幾千個工作崗位帶進了創新區(innovation district);洛士百利的Shelburne社區中心翻修了;波市公共圖書館多了四萬名持有借書證者,果樹花園(Orchard Gardens)學校已成為全國的成功故事;波市警察和聯邦政府合作,逮捕了27名罪犯,波市的暴力犯罪率較七年前下降了28%,今年新增了68名警察等。
萬寧路打算為學區內的學校爭取更多自由,提議取消區內特許學校(In-district charter schools)數目的上限。他舉例指出,在南波士頓取代了蓋文(Gavin)學校的上學校(UP Academy),教的是同一批小孩,卻極為成功,在全州各中學中,獲得數學成績成長最多榮譽。
萬寧路特地請成員包括前昆士中學校長黃伯勳在內的學校選擇外部顧問委員會(External Advisory Committee on School Choice)起立,指出他們將在未來數日,向波市公校總監卡蘿強森提交最後決定的學校選擇方案建議。
萬寧路表示,波市要發光發亮,必須幫助婦女釋放她們的潛能。他因此宣佈一系列的支持波士頓婦女行動,首先是推出「主街婦女(Women on Main)」項目,為波市各主街區內擁有自營事業的婦女建立一個交流平台。其次他要推出一百萬元的教育者資源金(Capital Resources for Educators),以低息貸款,幫助市內兒童獲得品質更好的托兒照顧。再來,波市要成為第一個幫助年青婦女協商平等薪酬的城市,建立第一個「婦女人力會」。
談到人口時,萬寧路指出,現在是個城市年代,不但老年人紛紛搬進城裏,估計到2017年時波市會有十萬耆英,而且年輕人也是湧入,而不是逃離波士頓。波市將推動使市府的許多服務都能在當天辦完(same day services),擴大課餘活動,支持青少年暑期工作機會等。
波士頓環球報在昨(三十)日刊出的報導中指出,萬寧路進場時,群眾鼓掌時間長達二分四十六秒,發言內容有很大一部份像競選詞。本報記者也聽到有人在會場高喊「再四年」。麻州財政廳廳長葛羅斯曼(Steve Grossman)回應環球報提問時表示,他覺得會場群眾的反應是,「市長,你要繼續做,我們就讓你做」。




            波士頓市長發表市情咨文,聯邦、州、市政要雲集。不但麻州州長派區克(Deval Patrick)與麻州州務卿威廉蓋文,財政廳長葛羅斯曼,總檢察官柯克莉,稽核長邦普,參眾兩會議長狄樂歐,泰瑞莎穆瑞等人全都在座,連國會眾議員馬基(Ed Marky)、林奇(Steven Lynch),以及去年底剛當選為國會議員的甘迺迪家族第三代,約瑟夫甘迺迪三世(見圖),以及已過世聯邦參議員愛德華甘迺迪的遺孀維琪甘迺迪都在座。(菊子攝)

Boston Casting 徵中文男聲

If cast, the project will record this Spring and pay $600 a day.   Male cast will record  4 days a week over a 10-12 week time period.

This is an exciting project.   The audition will be this Friday, February 1st.  Please email a note and tell me about yourself:  bostoncastingsubmit@gmail.com

星期三, 1月 30, 2013

WCVB 1/31晚七點半播放昆市專輯

You've heard of Southie Pride, well, Quincy's got its own positive attitude!
This Thursday January 31st at 7:30 PM please tune into WCVB, Channel 5 to watch The Chronicles report on Quincy. Thanks to John Adams and John Quincy Adams it can claim to be The City of Presidents. And it also looms large in American pop culture as the birthplace of road food icons Howard Johnson's and Dunkin' Donuts, not to mention the punk rock band Dropkick Murphys. But this South Shore city isn't resting on its laurels. Ted Reinstein found homemade pasta that rivals the North End and a 65-foot Sushi bar. And he tells us about a groundbreaking redevelopment project that will change the face of the city forever. Watch this wonderful report on Quincy that also highlights QARI's work with the community!
Mark your calendars: 
Quincy Lunar New Year Festival!
Sunday, February 24, 2013, 10:30 AM - 4:00 PM
The 25th Quincy Lunar New Year Festival presented by Quincy Asian Resources and sponsored by South Cove Community Health Center and many other local businesses, will open at 10:30 a.m. with a traditional Lion Dance followed by hours of entertainment, exhibits, activities and information for people of all backgrounds and cultures.

The festival is just part of the global celebration of the Lunar Year of the Snake. Snakes are revered as good omens in the Chinese zodiac and are considered to be intuitive, refined and graceful.

This year's festival features a Family Area with crafts, games and physical activities for kids organized by the South Shore YMCA; a Cultural Area with painting, Beijing Opera costumes and a mahjong contest; a Green Area sponsored by State Street to educate visitors about the environment; and a Chinese Wishing Tree where people can ask for their dreams to come true.

麻州長宣佈William 'Mo" Cown暫代John Kerry 遺缺

麻州州長派區克(Deval Patrick)(三十)日一早,在州長辦公室旁的會議室宣佈,指派他的前任幕僚長柯文(William “Mo” Cowan)擔任臨時聯邦參議員,暫代克里(John Kerry)就任美國國務卿後所留遺缺。
      克里獲確認為美國國務卿的消息,在一月廿九日東岸時間下午四點多傳出。當晚聯邦、州、市政要,大都聚在芬紐廳(Faneuil Hall),出席波士頓市長萬寧路的市情咨文發表會。麻州州長派區克顯然刻意壓後了宣佈,這臨時參議員席位指派結果。
      現年43歲,也是非洲裔的柯文,2009年起就加入了派區克/穆瑞政府(Patrick-Murray Administration),擔任州長的幕僚長及總法律顧問,去年十一月才辭去他那年薪十四萬四千元的工作。他將成為繼布魯克(Edward Brook)之後,第二位擔任麻州聯邦參議員的非洲裔人。共和黨籍的布魯克在1966年到1978年間,擔任代表麻州聯邦參議員。
在北卡Yadkinville,只有2200人的小鎮成長,畢業於杜克大學,東北大學法學院的柯文,曾任米斗塞郡的特別助理檢察官,在19772009年間是Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo律師樓的律師,後來成為合夥人。他和妻子Stacy以及兩個兒子住在史托頓(Stoughton)
由於本身是非洲裔人的麻州州長派區克,去年十二月中才指派了五十歲出頭,非洲裔的薩福克郡獄政官(Sheriff)卡布蘿(Andrea J. Cabral)出任麻州公安廳廳長(Secretary of Public Safety),如今又指派非洲裔的柯文,擔任這前任麻州眾議員巴尼法蘭克曾公開要求被指派的職位,引來派區克是否刻意指派非洲裔人的提問。
有意參加遞補克里聯邦參議員遺缺特別選舉的人,目前只有民主黨籍的聯邦眾議員馬基(Ed Markey)最高調。其他的可能參選人,包括聯邦眾議員林奇(),以及去年才失去席位的前任聯邦參議員,共和黨籍的布朗(Scott Brown)

Governor Patrick Names William "Mo" Cowan as Interim U.S. Senator
Special election to be held on June 25
BOSTON - Wednesday, January 30, 2013 - Governor Deval Patrick today appointed William “Mo” Cowan as interim United States Senator, filling the seat left vacant by Senator John Kerry. Governor Patrick also announced that the Special Election to fill Senator Kerry’s seat will be held on June 25. Cowan will serve as interim senator until a new senator is elected on that date.
Cowan is the former chief of staff and chief legal counsel to Governor Patrick, having served in the Patrick-Murray Administration since 2009.
"I am proud and delighted to appoint Mo Cowan as interim U.S. Senator from Massachusetts," said Governor Patrick. “Mo's service on the front lines in our efforts to manage through the worst economy in 80 years and build a better, stronger Commonwealth for the next generation has earned him the respect and admiration of people throughout government. The people of the Commonwealth have benefited from his wisdom and good judgment during his time in our office, and will again in the Senate."
“I am honored and humbled by this appointment today,” said Cowan. “I pledge to you and the people of Massachusetts that during this interim period I will work as hard as humanly possible to perform my duties with the needs and aspirations of our state's citizens foremost in mind.”
“Mo has been a tremendous asset to the Commonwealth, and we are more than confidant he will continue to serve the people well as interim U.S. Senator,” said Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray.
From 1997 to 2009, Cowan practiced civil litigation as an associate and later a partner in the Boston office of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, PC and as a Special Assistant District Attorney in the Office of the Middlesex County District Attorney.
Cowan is a graduate of Duke University and Northeastern University School of Law, and lives in Stoughton, Massachusetts with his wife, Stacy, and their two young sons.
“Mo Cowan is someone who is one of the most brilliant and intelligent individuals in his field,” said University of Massachusetts Boston Chancellor J. Keith Motely. “He is capable and uniquely positioned to serve the Governor and the people of the Commonwealth. We all know that we can move forward in positive way, and trust that he knows how to do the job.”
"Governor Patrick has made an excellent choice in Mo Cowan as interim US Senator,” said Representative Dan Winslow. “Mo personifies the dignity, intelligence and calm judgment that we hope are qualities of all members of the US Senate. He has the ability to work across the aisle, which is sorely needed in Washington, DC. Congratulations to Senator-designate Cowan and congratulations to all citizens of Massachusetts who will be served by him in the coming months."
"The Governor has made a solid choice in the appointment of Mo Cowan,” said District Attorney Michael O’Keefe. “He understands government and has rolled up his sleeves to tackle tough problems. I wish him well.”
“Mo is an extraordinary choice,” said Thomas Merrigan, former Governor’s Councilor. “He has the experience, integrity, wisdom and intelligence to represent and protect the interests of the Commonwealth as interim senator. We will be well-served by his exceptional skills.” 

麻州牛頓元極舞會慶五週年 聚餐抽獎好樂








            當年從波士頓拉丁學校畢業,現在北京經營北京國際集團(Beijing International Group),做體育、教育及地產業生意的Tom McCarthy,去年在中國推廣網球運動,舉辦十市巡迴比賽,並邀請波士頓拉丁學校校長Lynne Mooney Teta到北京市鐵路第二中學訪問,為兩校合作奠定了基礎。
            由於徐立軍的女兒刻在薩福克(Suffolk)大學深造,經該校甫於去年獲全美大學體育協會年度體育主任的Jim Nelson推薦,北京市鐵路第二中學訪問團昨日參觀哈佛大學、麻省理工學院之外,還到阿靈頓(Arlington)去參觀一所中學。
            促成北京市鐵路第二中學代表團訪問波士頓的Tom McCarthy,早年在波士頓學院擔任籃球教練,轄區在奧斯頓布萊頓鎮的麻州眾議員凱文侯曼(Kevin Homan)那時還是他的學生。凱文侯曼因此淵源,廿八日十分熱情的接待訪問團,在訪問團到波市府參觀後,再帶他們參觀古色古香的麻州參眾兩會議事廳,以及參議會的閱讀廳,還一一解說文物、歷史。
            麻州兩名華裔眾議員黃子安、陳德基都應邀趕到,和北京團交流。轄區為水城(Watertown),以及部份劍橋市的眾議員何傑森(Jonathan Hecht)因為能講流利中文,也興致盎然的出席,和代表團成員以中文暢談。擔任麻州眾議會教育委員會主席的Alice Peisch也應邀出席致意。


            北京市鐵路第二中學副校長徐立軍(後左八)、麻州眾議員凱文侯曼(Kevin Homan)(後左九),以及麻州眾議員黃子安(後右三)、陳德基(後左三)、何傑森(後左一)Alice Peisch(前右一)等人在麻州參議會議事廳合影留念。(菊子攝)

            北京市鐵路第二中學副校長徐立軍(右四)、北京國際集團Tom McCarthy(左四)獲頒表揚狀後,和薩福克(Suffolk)大學體育主任Jim Nelson(右起)、麻州眾議員何傑森((Jonathan Hecht)、凱文侯曼(Kevin Homan)、黃子安、陳德基、Alice Peisch等人合影。(菊子攝)

            北京市鐵路第二中學副校長徐立軍(左二)特地送給麻州眾議員凱文侯曼(Kevin Homan)(右二),感謝他安排參觀麻州政府。(菊子攝)


紐英崙中華公所昨(廿九)日發出新聞稿,說明摩托羅拉公司基金會(Motorola Solutions Foundation)在十二月十日時捐款一萬元,華埠治安巡邏隊將可因此繼續其一週七日,不假不休,每晚進行的巡邏服務。
            該筆捐款來自摩托羅拉基金會2012年公共安全項目,旨在支持美國與加拿大境內,與維護治安有關,為第一回應者(first responders)及其家庭和公眾提供的教育、培訓項目。
摩托羅拉基金會主任Matt Blakely表示,該公司致力於幫助人們在關鍵時刻做最好表現,也支持諸如華埠治安巡邏隊這樣的組織。


兩名舞蹈老師中的馬嘉, 2002年畢業於北京舞蹈學院,2009年獲香港表演藝術學院藝術碩士文憑,曾在北京舞蹈學院、香港表演藝術學院任教,得過傑出教師獎,北京舞蹈學院最佳論文獎。

台灣惠文高中訪波 與品貴高中交流

台灣台中市惠文高中十名學生,由老師蔡淇華帶隊,廿八日抵達麻州,和南翰彌爾頓市品貴高中(Pingree School)進行為期十二天的交流訪問。
餐後,惠文高中同學們由呂圣筑老師帶領,參觀了波士頓著名的「自由徑(Freedom Trail)」。



星期二, 1月 29, 2013

Boston State of the City Address

Mayor Menino Delivers Annual
State of the City Address

Focus on unleashing human potential through education, partnerships for learning, progress for women, and
availability of middle-income housing

In front of an audience of residents, political leaders, and dignitaries, Mayor Thomas M. Menino tonight delivered his annual State of the City address at Boston’s historic Faneuil Hall. In addition to several other commitments, the Mayor announced $30 million in new funding for underperforming schools, a pilot program to bring online learning to Boston’s neighborhoods, enhanced public safety partnerships, and several initiatives to achieve equity for women in the workplace. Mayor Menino emphasized that the commitment of residents and political leaders to each other, and the City of Boston, will continue to propel the city forward in 2013.

“Our progress is real. Our future is bright. The state of our city is striking, sound, and strong,” Mayor Menino said in his address. “Our untapped human potential is enough to power Boston’s growth if we muster the courage and the creativity to unleash it.”

Before introducing plans for the City’s future, the Mayor expressed his sincere gratitude for the outpouring of support he has received over the past few months.

The State of the City was the Mayor’s 20th annual address and 15th State of the City address. He has given five inaugural addresses.

Advancing Education

Mayor Menino tonight announced the start of a new, $30 million investment to continue quality improvements in Boston Public Schools. Over the next three years, the funds will be used to extend freedoms in hiring and learning time, as well as facility upgrades, at schools that require high support.

The Mayor recognized the tremendous work of his External Advisory Committee on School Choice, which will soon make a final recommendation following a year-long community process to transform the way Boston students are assigned to schools. Mayor Menino acknowledged that quality improvement must be taken together with student assignment reform in order for the District to reach new heights.

“The best way to celebrate our accomplishments is not with applause, but with an encore,” Mayor Menino said. “I’m fighting to gain the power to extend freedoms in hiring and learning time to many more schools across the district. If a school has to fail before it gets flexibility, it’s not just the school that is failing, it’s us!”

In addition to the Quality Improvement Funds, Mayor Menino emphasized the importance of the legislative proposals he filed earlier this month, a second phase of education reform building from the success of his 2010 legislative package. Included in the 2012 legislative package: Extending “turn-around” powers and support grants to Level 3 schools, including High-Support Schools; Eliminating the cap on In-District charter schools; Extending the school day for additional instruction and professional development; Leveling the playing field for charter schools and District schools.

Making Boston the Premier City for Working Women

According to the US Census Bureau, fewer than 30 percent of businesses in Boston are owned by women. While this puts Boston on par with national averages, Mayor Menino acknowledged the numbers fall short of aspirations for the City and its working women. The Mayor tonight announced several proposals as Boston seeks to become the first major city in the U.S. to achieve pay equity for women.

“To outshine all cities we must unlock the potential of all of our women,” Mayor Menino said. “Recent college graduates are earning less than their male classmates in the same jobs and with the same degrees. We can do better than that.”
The Mayor’s proposals include:
·         Appointing a Women’s Workforce Council: Mayor Menino will appoint a Women’s Workforce Council, the first of its kind in the country. Together with the Mayor, the Council will tackle challenges facing Boston’s working women. The first priority will be the wage gap, as Boston seeks to become the first major city to achieve pay equity for women. The Council will include executives, entrepreneurs, industry and workforce leaders, and young women to represent the next generation.
·         Improving access to quality child care: In addition to the investment the City has already made in providing quality early education to more than 2,400 children in Boston Public Schools, Mayor Menino announced a new, $1 million low-interest loan fund to assist family-based early education providers invest in safe, quality child care environments. 
·         Launching “Women on Main”: A networking program aimed to better connect the City’s female-owned Main Streets businesses and foster peer-to-peer learning, “Women on Main” will enable the City to learn more about the unique challenges of female entrepreneurs, and provide them with the tools needed to grow and thrive.

Connecting Boston’s Neighborhoods to the Knowledge Economy

Mayor Menino will launch a new pilot, BostonX, that will partner with MIT, Harvard, and edX on an experiment in blended, online learning.  BostonX would bring place-based enhancements to online edX learners and would help diminish the skills gap facing Boston residents.

Mayor Menino will first launch BostonX in neighborhood community centers. The BostonX spots would provide public computing capacity and basic computer training; online learning training; connections – in-person and electronic – to university or community college faculty, staff, and graduate students; and services for career counseling and job transitioning.  The BostonX and edX teams envision then bringing these connections to high school classrooms and public libraries.

“Imagine a day when our community centers are little campuses in their own neighborhoods, full of vibrant groups of neighbors, exchanging ideas and making progress together,” Mayor Menino said. “This initiative is a first, important step in that direction.”

Improving Public Safety

            Mayor Menino recognized the comprehensive prevention strategies responsible for another drop in homicides in 2012. Citing recent national and local tragedies resulting from gun violence, Mayor Menino vowed to continue his advocacy for common sense gun reform at the national level.
“Mayor Bloomberg and I will keep working with almost one thousand mayors and over one million Americans,” Mayor Menino said. “I ask you to stand with us on guns to say enough is enough.”

The Mayor also announced the task force responsible for a recent crime sweep in the Bowdoin-Geneva community would extend its work for the rest of the year, emphasizing that those seeking to bring guns and drugs into Boston’s neighborhoods will be brought to justice.

The Mayor also announced the City will work with partners to support teens with autism in summer jobs and expand the City’s inclusive after-school programs. Boston will adapt to meet the needs of a growing population of seniors – projected to be 100,000 by 2017. Additionally, the Mayor committed to a new effort to make more city services “same day services,” as well as update climate work to reflect the threats the City faces from storms like Sandy.  In the coming year, the City will make one million square feet of city-owned property available for development into homes for middle-class families.


(實習記者俞國梁衛斯理鎮報導)天使舞蹈團廿六日晚在衛斯理鎮麻省灣大學劇院(Mass Bay College Theater舉辦第七屆大型春晚,搬演十七項節目。五個舞團舞者肢體動作的淋漓酣暢,舞台場面的繽紛多彩,讓座無虛席的五百多名觀眾讚賞不已。
天使舞蹈團將在今年稍後,再演出兩場大型音樂舞蹈劇“舞彩東方”,時間及地點為324日和30日的晚上7點,在Regis CollegeWestonMA
天使舞蹈藝術團主辦的全美中國民族舞蹈大賽526日,在衛斯理鎮麻省灣大學劇院(Mass Bay College TheaterWellesleyMA)舉行




