星期二, 12月 31, 2024

波士頓洪門致公堂迎接2025 胡振勝、譚偉明就任主席

               (Boston Orange) 波士頓洪門致公堂1229日在波士頓華埠泰勒街會址,舉行新屆職員就職典禮,連任主席胡振勝和新任主席譚偉明在40多名嘉賓、兄弟道賀中,由元老伍伯和和余麗媖主持監交儀式,接掌大任。








波士頓安良新屆會長就職 新人黃展唐與陳偉民搭檔

       (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導波士頓安良工商會1230日在華埠乞臣街 (Hudson) 會所舉辦新屆職員就職典禮,近百名僑團代表出席道賀,恭喜陳偉民連任,黃展唐升任會長,延續年輕人掌舵局勢。




和全美安良工商會元老陳仕維(中右二)監交中,接過印信。 (伍輝民提供)




慶祝2025年到來 柯普利廣場在新年當天部分開放


Northeast Triangle Opens New Year’s Day; Full Project Completion Anticipated by Spring 2025

BOSTON - Tuesday, December 31, 2024 - The City of Boston today announced updates in the reopening timeline for Copley Square Park. The northeast triangle of the park, located between Trinity Church and Boylston Street, will reopen on New Year’s Day 2025 following a renovation. The Plaza and Raised Grove areas are set to reopen as well in January/February 2025, with the fountain, lawn areas, and perimeter sidewalks scheduled for completion after the 2025 Boston Marathon. The park has been under renovation since July 2023. 

“Copley Square is one of the most iconic parks in Boston, offering vibrancy and open space in an area that welcomes visitors and residents alike,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “We’re excited to ring in the New Year by opening a newly renovated piece of this historic park, with the rest of the park’s reopening to follow soon after.”

The $18.9 million renovations will bring upgrades with a focus on enhancing accessibility, functionality, and community use. Key improvements include the renovation of the iconic fountain, increasing the existing tree canopy through a raised grove with shaded seating, updated pathways and lighting, and new flexible event spaces to accommodate events including the Boston Marathon and the Copley Square Farmers Market, as well as daily public use. 

“We're excited to begin reopening Copley Square for public use on New Year's Day and we look forward to unveiling the fully renovated park this spring,” said Boston Parks Interim Commissioner Liza Meyer. “These improvements, from the revitalized fountain to the expanded tree canopy and flexible event spaces, reflect the community’s vision and we can’t wait to share the finished project.”

Recent Progress Highlights:

  • Fountain Vault: Interior work is complete, with exterior work resuming soon.

  • Boylston Street Sidewalk: The east half is finished, with new glass panels in the bus shelter. Once temperatures rise, the west half will be completed in spring 2025.

  • Raised Grove & Plaza: Paver installations are nearly complete, with furnishings already being installed.

  • Tortoise and Hare Statues: The beloved statues have returned to their home in Copley Square.

Upcoming Work:

  • Final touches to the Raised Grove and Plaza will continue in the coming weeks.

  • Porous brick pavements and other elements near Boylston Street and the Kiosk will proceed as weather permits.

For updates and inquiries, visit the project website at boston.gov/copley-improvements. Sign up for our email list at bit.ly/Get-Parks-Emails and follow us on social media @bostonparksdept to stay up-to-date with Boston Parks and Recreation Department news and events. 



星期一, 12月 30, 2024



New Year’s Eve celebration returning to City Hall Plaza

BOSTON - Monday, December 30, 2024 - Today, Mayor Michelle Wu, City of Boston public safety officials, and First Night representatives gathered to share the City’s preparations for First Night 2025, Boston’s annual New Year’s Eve celebration. The free and family-friendly event is returning to City Hall Plaza for the second year, and will feature performances, ice sculptures, fireworks, and more. The City is a partner of the New Year’s Eve event, which is formally run by Boston Celebrations, Inc., and managed by Conventures, Inc. All parties are taking steps to ensure public safety as Boston celebrates the New Year. 

“First Night is a special tradition in our community, bringing family and friends together across Boston to celebrate a fresh start,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “We are grateful to welcome residents and visitors from all over to City Hall Plaza again. I encourage everyone to keep safety in mind as we ring in the new year.”

First Night will feature more than 12 hours of free programming on City Hall Plaza and around Boston. The decades-old tradition first moved to City Hall last year from its usual hub in Copley Square due to the park’s reconstruction. The northeast triangle of Copley Square Park, located between Trinity Church and Boylston Street, will open on New Year’s Day 2025, with the other areas of the park set to reopen later in the winter and spring. New this year to First Night are indoor performances at Boston Public Market, CanalSide Food + Drink, and new faces on the event’s main stage at City Hall Plaza. Also in the plaza, ice sculptures will celebrate the 250th anniversary of Massachusetts, which will be commemorated throughout 2025. 

The Boston Police Department will be present at First Night to support this family-friendly event. Additionally, Boston Police are reminding attendees not to consume alcohol or marijuana in public spaces or prohibited private spaces, not to fly drones at any First Night activities, to dress accordingly for the weather, and to report any suspicious activity.

“Families participating in the official First Night celebrations, as well as residents celebrating in our neighborhoods, will see a strong police presence,” said Commissioner Michael Cox, Boston Police Department. “We are working with our public safety partners to make this family friendly event safe and secure for all. If you see something concerning at the events, in one of our neighborhoods, or if you need to report a party or disturbance, please report it to a nearby officer or call 911.”

A parade from City Hall Plaza to the Boston Common at 6:00 p.m. will lead up to the Family Fireworks over Boston Common starting at 7:00 p.m. Midnight Fireworks over Boston Harbor presented by Meet Boston will cap off the night. More information on programming for Tuesday, December 31, can be found at firstnightboston.org.

“For the 49th time, First Night Boston will unite the residents and visitors of Boston in a night of celebration," said Dusty Rhodes, the executive director of First Night Boston. "We're proud to produce this event, and to keep it entirely free for all to enjoy. We're immensely grateful to the City of Boston and our event sponsors for their ongoing support of the event."

“The Boston Fire Department will have additional personnel on duty and resources on hand to ensure the public’s safety during the fireworks shows and other outdoor activities. We wish to remind everyone that the private use of fireworks is prohibited in the city of Boston,” said Boston Fire Commissioner Paul Burke. “Please leave the fireworks to the professionals! As always, we are ready to respond to any emergency. We can be reached by calling 911 or by visiting any firehouse. The Boston Fire Department wishes everyone a happy and safe new year.”   

Boston EMS will be deploying additional personnel at dispatch operations and in ambulances across the city to support emergency medical needs on New Year’s Eve. 

“Whether you are celebrating with us at First Night in Boston or somewhere else, take steps to ring in the New Year safely. Dress appropriately for the weather, have a transportation plan, and look out for each other. Let’s make sure everyone gets home safely,” said Boston EMS Chief of Department, Jim Hooley. “Boston EMS personnel are posted throughout the City. If anyone requires emergency medical services, please call us. We are incredibly grateful for our EMTs and Paramedics, as well as all members of public safety, healthcare and other industries, working through holidays.”

First Night festivities will impact traffic and parking in Downtown Boston. People coming into the City to celebrate are strongly encouraged not to drive and to instead use public transportation. Details on parking and traffic restrictions can be found here

MBTA General Manager Eng announced that the MBTA will not be collecting fares after 8:00 p.m. on New Year’s Eve. Updated holiday schedules can be found here.

波士頓華埠區域重劃1月15日截止公眾置評 華商會支持蓋酒店 呼籲取消區域細分、放寬高度

               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 波士頓華埠商會 (CBA) 日前召開會議,通過提案,將籲請波士頓市政府拆除菲立普廣場現有的公園式設施,取消波士頓華埠區域重新規劃提案中的小分區,把高度限制更新為250英尺,並表達支持華埠建酒店意願。



              關於波士頓華埠區域劃分部分,華商會提案取消社區商業區(CC)、混合區域 (Mu-10)等細分法,以期波士頓華埠發展可以更有彈性,甚至形成有如在昆士市等地的大規模建設。


                            陳仕維指出,華埠商區大約是CCMU-10是夾在尼倫街 (Kneeland)、益士石街(Essex),以及華盛頓街和表面路 (Surface Road)等街道之間的地塊,其實面積非常小,讓人很不明白,為什麼還要劃分成2個區域,對華埠發展形成更多限制。



              黃氏宗親會元老,也是波士頓華埠居民會 (CRA) 會長的黃國威表示,他個人及黃氏宗親會都支持蓋酒店,但華埠居民會持反對意見。




              波士頓市政府為因應商業環境變化,重新制定城中區 (Downtown)的區域規劃時,聽到民眾意見,決定把波士頓華埠從城中區分割出來,另作符合華埠歷史、文化與民情的區域規劃,並於202427日,在波士頓華埠居民會的月例會中,第一次的向華埠民眾陳述概況,徵詢民意。

              11月底,12月初時,波士頓計畫發展局 (BPDA)再次回到華埠,展示了該局制定的區域重劃草案,闡述該局了解到的華埠概況,包括需要把華埠和穿越馬津尼路 (Margina),跨過麻州付費大道 (Mss Turnpike)之後的南端,重新連結起來,華埠住宅區居民停車許可證的發放規定需重新檢視,街道須制訂車輛慢速區,菲立普廣場應重新設計等與交通相關議題,也解釋了區域重新規劃目的在規範土地利用方式,用途、規模等。

              目前訂出的規則包括土地用途分餐廳、服務及文化等3大類,土地利用規模有2500平方英尺的小型到5萬平方英尺的超大型的不同規定。往年,在尺寸方面,波士頓市只要求申報建築容積率 (FAR)和建築物高度,新規定擴大容積率規範須包括六項細節,建築物高度也增加惟須包括戶外休閒空間,後退高度,外牆空白面積等。

Legislature Enhances Massachusetts Oversight of Pharmaceutical Industry, Lowering Costs and Saving Lives

Legislature Enhances Massachusetts Oversight of Pharmaceutical Industry, Lowering Costs and Saving Lives

Bill includes oversight reforms to improve affordability of and access to prescription drugs


BOSTON (12/30/2024)—Today the Massachusetts Legislature passed comprehensive reforms to lower the cost of prescription drugs at the pharmacy counter and improve oversight of the state’s pharmaceutical industry.


S.3012An Act relative to pharmaceutical access, costs, and transparency, requires health insurers to cover life-saving medications for diabetes, asthma, and certain heart conditions with no or limited out-of-pocket costs for patients. The measure is particularly critical for residents of color, who disproportionately face chronic illnesses.


The bill takes bold action to lower out-of-pocket costs and ensure access to life saving medications by offering immediate price relief for prescription drugs used to treat diabetes, asthma, and certain heart conditions. For each condition, the bill requires insurers to eliminate cost-sharing requirements for one generic drug and to cap co-payments on one brand-name drug at $25 per 30-day supply.


It further brings down consumer costs by ensuring that consumers are not charged a cost-sharing amount, such as a co-pay, if it would be cheaper for them to purchase the drug without using their insurance.


“If you live with a condition that requires prescription medication, you deserve the right to access that drug, without worrying about how expensive it is or whether it will be available,” said Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland). “Today’s legislation will lower costs at the pharmacy counter and hold pharmaceutical companies and pharmacy benefit managers accountable—an important step towards making that right a reality for every resident, and especially those who are disproportionately impacted by chronic illness. I am extremely grateful for the unwavering and tireless work of Senator Friedman, as well as to Senator Cronin, my colleagues in the Senate, and our partners in the House, for getting this bill to the Governor’s desk.”


“Ensuring that patients with chronic illnesses are able to afford the lifesaving medications that are prescribed to them is a prerequisite for establishing health care as a human right, which is why the price caps included in this legislation are so important. At the same time, it is also imperative that lawmakers and regulators have insight into the complex inner workings of the pharmaceutical industry, as that access will make future, necessary reforms possible, said House Speaker Ronald J. Mariano (D-Quincy). “I want to thank Chairman Lawn and the members of the conference committee for their hard work, as well as all my colleagues in the House and our partners in the Senate for voting to send this critical legislation to the Governor’s desk for her signature.”


“Nearly six years after I first introduced this legislation, the Massachusetts Legislature has now taken a strong step towards reining in prescription drug prices while enhancing transparency and oversight within the pharmaceutical industry,” said Senator Cindy F. Friedman (D-Arlington), Senate chair of the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing and Senate Chair of the Conference Committee. “Massachusetts often serves as a national leader, providing ground-breaking health care services and fostering innovative breakthroughs for our biotech and life sciences sector, but everyday residents of our Commonwealth are being priced out of essential and life-saving medications. This bill begins to meet the urgency of this challenge by eliminating cost-sharing for generic drugs and capping out-of-pocket costs for brand name drugs used to treat diabetes, asthma, and certain heart conditions. I deeply believe that Massachusetts deserves a health care system that delivers affordable, high quality and accessible care to all our residents and this bill brings us one step closer to that goal. I thank my colleagues in the House for the collaboration and look forward to continuing our work to providing much needed relief for high-cost drugs.”


“Under the visionary leadership of Speaker Mariano, the House has worked to ensure that all Massachusetts residents have access to high quality affordable health care,” said Representative John Lawn (D-Watertown), House Chairman of the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing. “This legislation continues that legacy by shining a light on pharmacy benefit managers, whose deceptive business practices increase drug prices, decrease transparency, and harm consumers and independent pharmacies.”


“This legislation will save residents with chronic illnesses thousands of dollars and ensure their medication is affordable,” said Senator John J. Cronin (D-Fitchburg), a member of the Conference Committee. “I’m excited to see this legislation reach the finish line and proud of the impact it will have for working families in our Commonwealth.”


“This critical piece of legislation will positively impact every resident in Massachusetts by making life-saving and essential prescription drugs more affordable for individuals and families,” said Representative Frank A. Moran (D-Lawrence), Second Assistant Majority Leader and a member of the conference committee. “This once in a generation bill will lower healthcare costs in our state, while also ensuring that additional oversight is in place to protect patients through market transparency and more. I would like to thank my colleagues on this conference committee for their thoughtful approach to crafting this bill and looking forward to seeing its transformative effects in the future.”


Approximately nine per cent of Massachusetts residents have diagnosed diabetes and 6.2 per cent of adults over 35 live with heart disease. In 2015, more than 10 per cent of residents lived with asthma. Black residents face each at a higher rate—over 12 per cent live with diabetes and nearly 14 per cent of Black adults live with asthma.


The bill drastically increases state oversight of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), which currently negotiate prescription drug prices with little oversight, making it unclear if they consistently act in the best interest of consumers. To do so, the legislation authorizes the Division of Insurance (DOI) to license and regulate PBMs. PBMs are also prohibited from making payments to pharmacy benefit consultants or brokers who work on behalf of health plan sponsors during a contracting or bidding process.


To create a more complete data-driven picture of drug costs in Massachusetts, the Center for Health Information and Analysis (CHIA) will collect a range of drug cost information from pharmaceutical manufacturers and PBMs. With the data, CHIA can offer a more complete examination of the drivers of health care costs in its annual health care cost report, allowing policymakers and consumers to better understand the role of pharmaceutical manufacturers and PBMs in the health care system.


In addition to CHIA’s cost analysis, pharmaceutical manufacturers and PBMs will be included in the Health Policy Commission (HPC)’s Annual Health Care Cost Trends Hearing for the first time. Participation in the hearings will require manufacturers and PBMs to provide public testimony on the factors that influence drug costs, allowing those factors to be taken into account as the commission identifies how to improve care and reduce costs for residents.


Further, the legislation establishes the Office for Pharmaceutical Policy and Analysis within HPC, which will be tasked with analyzing trends related to pharmaceutical access, affordability, and spending in Massachusetts. The office will publish an annual report with recommendations for strategies to mitigate pharmaceutical spending growth, promote affordability and enhance pharmaceutical access.


Both chambers having accepted and enacted the conference committee report, An Act Relative to Pharmaceutical Access, Costs, and Transparency now heads to Governor Healey’s desk for her signature.