星期六, 4月 30, 2022

陳孔恩 (James Chin)升任波士頓警察局社區參與局總監

波士頓警察局總監長 Gregory Long,右)在晉級儀式後和陳孔恩夫婦合影。(圖片來自波士頓警察局新聞網)
             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓警察局社區參與副總監陳孔恩 (James K. Chin)429日晉升為總監,成為波士頓警察局內第二位華裔總監。

              根據麻州的警察數據計畫 (Police Data Initiative)”,波士頓警察局共有警員2139人,管轄面積89.63平方英里,人口665258。維基百科上的波士頓警察人數則為2144


              在局長職位之下的波士頓警察局第二把交椅職位是「總監長 (Superintendent-in-Chief)」,目前波士頓市警察局總監長Gregory Long代理局長職務,429日這天下午五點多,在簡單隆重的儀式中,主持了陳孔恩宣誓就任社區參與局總監 (Bureau of Community Engagement , Superintendent)


              在波士頓警察局歷史中,第一位當上波士頓警察局總監的是甫於20206月退休的梅志強 (Ken Fong)。他早從2007年起就曾擔任波士頓警察局行政及政策,專業標準這兩個局的總監,也當過夜間指揮,以及營運副總監。


波士頓警察局總監長 Gregory Long,右)和總監 Nora Baston 在晉級儀式後和陳孔恩夫婦
              陳孔恩在波士頓南端 (South End)出生、長大,上過昆士小學,波士頓拉丁學校,90年代末期,他曾經是毒品小組成員,在掃蕩毒品上為華埠出過不少力。
陳孔恩(左)和梅志強 (Ken Fong)在2014年一同出席波士頓華埠社區安全會議。

              在前任波士頓市警察局局長Dennis White涉及家暴案的陳年舊事引發任命爭議後,時任波士頓代理市長的Kim Janey原本屬意Nora Baston接任局長一職,但在Dennis White提起訴訟後擱置。

              陳孔恩晉級升任社區參與局總監時,Nora Baston在推特上恭喜陳孔恩,坦率表示她的喜悅、驕傲難以言喻。



              在波士頓警察局公佈的最新晉級名單中,也有好幾名華裔警察,包括去年7月晉升為副隊長 (Lieutenant) Peter W. ChuStephen D. Moy,去年915日晉升為巡佐或小隊長的有Allison N. EngRichard C. MoyCary F. ChinKit W. TongTommy YungWilliam L.  ChenPhilip K. Wong等人。

               原任社區參與總監的Nora Baston,卸下原職,轉任培訓警員的專業發展局總監。(更新版) 

星期五, 4月 29, 2022


           (Boston Orange 編譯) 劍橋市市長Sumbul Siddiqui在本週發表市情咨文時宣佈,劍橋市將動用來自美國援救計劃法 (ARPA)2200萬元,給收入在貧窮線以下家庭,每月發500元。


                        去年劍橋市推出「劍橋升起 (Cambridge RISE)」,每月發現金給130個家庭,保障每一個照顧者有收入的試驗計畫。劍橋市市長Sumbul Siddiqui說,對這130個家庭來說,RISE計畫影響,也改變、穩定了他們的生命。



嘉賓們揮鏟,象徵破土動工。前右三,美國檢察官Rachel Rollins,右六為King Boston
創辦人Paul English, King Boston 行政主任Imari Paris Jeffries,波士頓市長吳弭
 (Michelle Wu) 。(周菊子攝)
              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 紀念馬丁路德金 (Martin Luther King Jr.) Coretta Scott King夫婦的高22吋銅雕塑 「擁抱 (The Embrace) 」,籌畫多年後,終於在427日破土動工了,預定20231月在馬丁路德金生日這天完工、揭幕。

             「擁抱 (The Embrace) 」這雕塑作品,是馬丁路德金贏得1964年諾貝爾和平獎後,和妻子擁抱,雙手緊握的象徵,將座落在靠近公園人演奏台 (Parkman Bandstand) ,1965年馬丁路德金率領隊伍遊行並演講的地方。

麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker,前左二))等人出席破土儀式。(周菊子攝)
               破土動工的427日這天,正好是Coretta Scott King95歲生日。

             「金波士頓 (King Boston) 」這為紀念馬丁路德金而成立的機構,這天由行政主任Imari Paris Jeffries主持儀式,包括波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) ,麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie   Baker) ,美國駐麻州檢察官Rachel Rollins,麻州總檢察官Maura Healey

「金波士頓 (King Boston)」行政主任Imari Paris Jeffries。(周菊子攝)
             麻州州長查理貝克在致詞時說,作為參與申請牌照及許可,以及所有紙上作業,以使這件事發生的人之一,我想我知道為什麼要等125年。他指的是在1897Robert Gould Shaw 將軍和第54軍團紀念碑設立之後。他說,他想不出一個比擁抱所傳送特別訊息還要好的方法,來破土。


左起,美國駐麻州檢察官Rachel Rollins,波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu),麻州總檢察長
Maura Healey。 (周菊子攝)

             創辦「金波士頓 (King Boston)」的Paul English表示,建紀念馬丁路德金雕塑只是第一步,未來幾年,他們想要繼續為種族平等,財富平等努力,並將設法為多徹斯特及洛士百利,以及波士頓市的其它社區帶來10萬個以上工作機會。

              「擁抱」這雕塑將由「金波士頓 (King Boston)」從126個競標隊伍中所挑出來的藝術家Hank Willis Thomas,以及MASS Design Group承辦。

「擁抱  (The Embrace)」的設計圖。 (圖片來自King Boston  網站)


麻州州長Charlie Baker。(周菊子攝)


麻州大學總校長Matin Meehan。(周菊子攝)

前任波士頓代理市長Kim Janey。(周菊子攝)
美國檢察官Rachel Rollins。(周菊子攝)

查理貝克政府要員辭職 Beth Card 接掌能源及環境事務廳廳長

             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker) 政府的最後一年才剛過三分之一,能源和環境事務廳廳長Kathleen Theoharides突然宣佈辭職,麻州長指派副廳長Beth Card接掌職務。

麻州能源和環境事務廳廳長Kathleen Theoharides宣佈辭職。後為麻州副州長白莉朵
 (Karen Polito)。(周菊子攝)
             麻州州長查理貝克是427日下午出席紀念馬丁路德金 (Martin Luther King Jr.)夫婦雕塑的破土動工儀式後,回到州政府,和副州長白莉朵 (Karyn Polito)一起,在臨時增加的公開行程中宣佈這人事變動。

Beth Card將接任麻州能源及環境事務廳廳長。(周菊子攝)
             原本是田野生物學家的Kathleen Theoharides2016年時加入貝克政府,擔任氣候及全球暖化解決方案主任,接著貝克政府簽署法令,要把麻州的二氧化碳排放量降低50%,並在2050年時降至零排放。Kathleen Theoharide也從2019年起,成為麻州在環保議題方面的領導人,推動了有95%市鎮參加的市鎮易受傷害準備計畫 (Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program),在201720212度參加聯合國氣候變化會議。

             Kathleen Theoharides辭職的理由是有新的專業機會。她感謝貝克政府給她的機會,以及能源和環境廳同事們的支持。

             查理貝克稱許Kathleen Theoharides的工作成績,指她致力使麻州成為氣候方案的全國性領袖,尤其是推動了離岸風力,以及各項對氣候變化有影響的計畫。

             Kathleen Theoharides也引述她的工作成就包括全美第一個公用事業規模的離岸風電廠。

             麻州政府在發佈Kathleen Theoharides離任的新聞稿中,也列舉她有至少10項成就,包括她挑選了第二、第三輪的採購,可為麻州電網帶來3600萬瓦的清潔、可負擔電力,足以為608000戶人家供電。她設立了領先全美,在麻州和市鎮之間的氣候彈性夥伴計畫,她也引導麻州為氣候方案投資了10億元,她還建立了非常激進的2050年零排放限制,全美第一個的2050年除碳地圖研究。她推出並管理了能源及環境廳有史以來最大的補助項目,5800萬元的食物安全基礎設施補助項目,成立了環境正義工作小組,投資了一億1200萬元保護36500英畝的天然資源等。

             波士頓環球報卻稱,Kathleen Theoharides離開得有點不是時候,因為麻州正預定要在630日前設立一個清潔,完整並有特定目標的計畫,以期藉由訂定2025,以及2030年的排放量限制等作法,達成目標。


             Kathleen Theoharides五月六日離任後,將接任的Beth Card,已有25年的相關經驗,在擔任能源及環境廳副廳長之前,她曾擔任麻州水資源局的環境及法規事務主任,她持有新罕布大學政治學學位,副修環境保存及企業行政,她也有麻州法學院的法學博士學位。

麻州眾議會通過友台決議案 促州政府支持台灣加入國際組織


            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處今 (29)日對外公佈,麻州議會於427日通過決議文,再次確認麻州和台灣的友好,支持美國和台灣的雙邊貿易協議,以及台灣的國際參與。

             波士頓經文處表示,這一決議案由麻州眾議會亞裔小組主席黃子安 (Donald Wong)提出,麻州眾議會議長Ronald Mariano等多名議員支持,160名眾議會議員無異議通過。


               由於台灣是亞洲的空運樞紐,因此在世衛組織 (WHO)、國際刑事警察組織 (INTERPOL)、國際民航組織 (ICAO),以及聯合國氣候變化框架會議 (UNFCCC)等這些國際組織中包括台灣,對國際社區最有利。


             麻州眾議會在425日接受了的這一決議案影本,將由麻州眾議會書記送交美國總統拜登,代表麻州的國會議員,麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker),中華民國 (Taiwan)總統蔡英文,以及駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長孫儉元。

             波士頓經文處表示,十分感謝麻州眾議會議長Ronald Mariano,眾議員黃子安的協助,以及眾議會議員們的的支持,希望將來繼續與麻州各界友人積極合作,加強雙邊關係。


 “Countryfest on the Common” May 15th 

QUINCY, MA – April 26, 2022 Mayor Thomas P. Koch and the City of Quincy invite you to “Countryfest on the Common”, a country music celebration to be held on Saturday, May 15, 2022 on the Hancock Adams Common. 

This year’s New England Music Awards Overall Act of the Year artist Annie Brobst will headline the festival. 

Brobst has also been named Country Act of the Year and Song of the Year winner. 

Performances also include singer-songwriter Daniel Miller, Nashville singer/songwriter AK Cody and singer Houston Bernand. 

The schedule will run between 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. “Countryfest on the Common will be the second event in a series of family events the City has planned for the community throughout the year,” shared Mayor Thomas P. Koch. “Country music has exploded in popularity and it’s wonderful to be able to feature talent of this caliber for all to enjoy.” Bring your own blanket or chairs for seating. Beer and wine will be available for purchase from Hive Mobile Bar and various food options can be purchased throughout the downtown. For more information on this and upcoming events, follow the City of Quincy across social media.



 National Reentry Week announcement showcases administration’s commitment to supporting all residents with access to opportunities despite background


BOSTON - Friday, April 29, 2022 - In commemoration of National Reentry Week, today Mayor Michelle Wu shared her commitment to enhancing opportunities for returning citizens through a proposed $1.38 million Fiscal Year 2023 operating budget investment into the Office of Returning Citizens. This investment increases the office’s total FY23 operating budget to $1.88 million, which will expand the office’s capacity for additional staff, case management, and other wraparound support services. Additionally, Mayor Wu announced today that Project Opportunity will be hosting information sessions and a job fair series to foster opportunities for people returning to the City after release from state, federal, and county facilities.

“The work of the Office of Returning Citizens is a crucial part of the City’s efforts to address the inequitable harms of incarceration and its impacts on communities of color,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “This proposed increased investment represents a step towards building strong pathways towards ensuring that our returning citizens are coming into community with the supports and stability they need to grow and thrive.”

“The Office of Returning Citizens serves as an important reminder of the City’s commitment to promote public safety, end homelessness, and advance racial equity” said Dr. Rufus Faulk, Director of the Mayor’s Office for Public Safety. “We are beyond grateful for Mayor Wu’s leadership and proposed increased investment that will allow us to grow the office and meet the urgent needs of this community.”

The Office of Returning Citizens helps the more than 3,000 people that return to Boston each year from federal, state, and county prisons and jails take healthy steps in their lives through a variety of services. These services include in-person case management with program and intake coordinators, peer mentorships, and warm referrals to key programs and services, including transitional housing, employment, healthcare, education, and legal services. Between the Office’s inception in 2017 and today, the number of yearly clients served by the Office has increased by more than 700%. 

Mayor Wu’s historic investment in the Office of Returning Citizens reflects her belief that every resident can reach their full potential regardless of their background, and that the City must play a crucial role in removing barriers to opportunity for residents of Boston. Mayor Wu proposed this investment as part of her proposed Fiscal Year 2023 budget, which requires approval by the Boston City Council.

“This investment is just the beginning of the work we must do to make sure our city addresses the policy harm that has led to mass incarceration. We must be in deep community partnership with organizations doing the work on the ground to undo past harm and to remove barriers that make re-entry difficult,” said City Councilor Ruthzee Louijeune. “I am looking forward to thinking intentionally about how we use city resources for community investments that can make the greatest impact to prevent harm.”

"I applaud Mayor Wu for her commitment to supporting returning citizens,” said City Councilor Brian Worrell. “This landmark funding will play an important role as we work to support our fellow Bostonians and break cycles of incarceration."

Building on the City’s work to support individuals with previous criminal justice involvement, Project Opportunity is a collaborative City initiative led by the City’s Office of Workforce Development (OWD), the Mayor’s Office of Black Male Advancement, PowerCorpsBOS, and SOAR Boston. The program aims to create equitable opportunities for Boston residents with CORIs.

“Boston is truly a city of second chances,” said Bethany Serota, OWD Deputy Director of Workforce Equity & Inclusion. “In our third year of Project Opportunity, we continue to expand on that vision by hosting CORI sealing and expungement clinics, facilitating internal and external trainings to dispel myths around CORI, hosting community CORI-friendly job fairs and soft skills workshops, and working to create more CORI-friendly opportunities and career tracks to support this vital segment of our workforce.”

In celebration of Reentry Week, Project Opportunity is hosting CORI information sessions and a job fair series to increase awareness of reentry programs and offer direct supports to finding employment opportunities.

Information Session: CORI Sealing/Expungement Clinics

Residents are invited to attend a virtual information session on Tuesday, May 3, 6-7 p.m. to learn about free CORI sealing and expungement clinics, how these clinics operate, and which records are eligible to be sealed or expunged. Interested residents will be invited to apply to attend upcoming virtual clinics which pair participants with volunteer lawyers, provided by Lawyers Clearinghouse, who can review an individual’s legal options for sealing or expunging a CORI. If a participant’s record is found to be eligible for sealing or expungement, the lawyers will provide full legal representation throughout the process. Any costs for legal filings will be covered.

This event is free and open to the public. Register here

Job Fair Series

In partnership with MassHire Downtown Boston Career Center, Project Opportunity is hosting a virtual job fair series to help justice-involved individuals and other job-seekers access job openings, job search skills, educational opportunities, and other resources. The events will be held every Wednesday evening in May:


·       Resume Basics, Wednesday, May 4th, 5-6:30 p.m.

·       Interview Basics, Wednesday, May 11th, 5-6:30 p.m.

·       Resource Fair, Wednesday, May 18th, 5-7 p.m.

·       Job Fair, Wednesday, May 25th, 5-7 p.m.

The series is free and open to the public. Learn more and register for events here.

Additionally, Project Opportunity will host a virtual panel, The CORI Effect: Racial Disparities & Real Solutions, on Tuesday, May 24, 6-7:30 p.m. to explore racial inequities in the criminal justice system and available resources to mitigate their impacts. This panel is free and open to the public. Register here.

星期四, 4月 28, 2022

藥明康德健康論壇2022 進行中



8:00 AM - 8:05 AM


Hui Cai, Program Chair, VP and Head of Content, WuXi AppTec

8:05 AM - 8:10 AM

Opening Remarks

Minzhang Chen, Co-CEO, WuXi AppTec

8:10 AM - 8:45 AM

Opening Plenary: Changing the Games of R&D Productivity

David Berry, Founder and CEO, Valo Health

Diego Miralles, CEO, Laronde

Roger Perlmutter, Chairman & CEO, Eikon Therapeutics

Henrijette Richter, Managing Partner, Sofinnova Partners

Session Leader: Jorge Conde, General Partner, Andreessen Horowitz 

8:45 AM - 9:10 AM

A Special Tribute to Dr. José Baselga

A Conversation between Susan Galbraith, EVP, Oncology R&D, AstraZeneca and David Reese, EVP of R&D, Amgen

9:10 AM - 9:30 AM

A Special Tribute to Dr. Tachi Yamada

A Conversation with James Wilson, Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics of Department of Medicine, and Director of Gene Therapy Program, University of Pennsylvania. Moderated by John Carroll, Chief Editor & Founder, Endpoints News

9:30 AM - 10:10 AM

Investing for Social Impact

Christiana Bardon, Co-Managing Partner of BioImpact Capital, MPM Capital

Jürgen Eckhardt, SVP and Head of Leaps by Bayer

Alice Pomponio, Managing Director, American Cancer Society BrightEdge

Glenn Rockman, Founder and Managing Partner, Adjuvant Capital

Session Leader: Laura Kleiman, Founder and CEO, Reboot Rx

10:10 AM - 10:50 AM

Delivering on the Promise of New Modalities

Debora Barton, CMO, Carisma Therapeutics

John Houston, President and CEO, Arvinas

Eric Kelsic, Founder & CEO, Dyno Therapeutics

Devyn Smith, CEO, Arbor Biotechnologies

Session Leader: Ryan Cawood, CSO, WuXi Advanced Therapies and OXGENE

10:50 AM - 11:10 AM

Closing Keynote

A Conversation with Todd Golub, Director, Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard. Moderated by Kevin Davies, Executive Editor, The CRISPR Journal and GEN Biotechnology; and Author, Editing Humanity


Hui Cai


Dr. Hui Cai joined WuXi AppTec in 2009 as Vice President of Business Development, and is currently Vice President and Head of Content Division.

Prior to WuXi, Dr. Cai spent 10 years at Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development leading multiple drug discovery programs in the therapeutic areas of inflammation and autoimmune diseases. She is a co-author and co-inventor to over 50 scientific publications and issued or pending patents. Dr. Cai is a Councilor of the American Chemical Society (ACS), a member of BayHelix, and a member of the UCSD Alumni Board. In her past capacity, she served as a Commissioner at the City of San Diego Science and Technology Commission, Chair of SABPA, and President of SDCA. Dr. Cai received her BS and MS in Chemistry from Peking University, PhD from The Scripps Research Institute, and MBA from UCSD Rady School of Management as a DLA Piper – Athena Scholar.

Minzhang Chen


Over 20 years of experience in pharmaceutical development and manufacturing. Played important roles in R&D and commercialization of multiple innovative drugs for global launches. Awarded by The Medicine Maker's 2019 & 2020 Power List as one of the global top inspirational medicine makers driving the industry forward. Formerly Director of Technical Operations at Vertex. B.S. in Chemistry from Peking University and Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Minnesota.

David Berry


David Berry is Founder and CEO of Valo Health. He has served as a General Partner at Flagship Pioneering, having founded over 25 companies including Indigo Agriculture, Omega Therapeutics (NASDAQ: OMGA), Inari Agriculture, Seres Therapeutics (NASDAQ: MCRB), Repertoire Immune Medicines, Evelo Biosciences (NASDAQ: EVLO), Axcella Health (NASDAQ: AXLA), and Joule Unlimited. David has been broadly recognized as a world-leading innovator: elected as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, named as Innovator of the Year by Technology Review from amongst its Annual TR35 list, and selected as one of 12 Innovators Reshaping Reality by the U.S. State Department, alongside pioneers such as Tim Berners-Lee. He holds over 200 patents and patent applications. David and his companies have been awarded with over 150 additional awards and honors. David currently serves on the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN), where he was a Founding Leadership Council Member. David received his MD from Harvard Medical School and his PhD from MIT in Biological Engineering.

Diego Miralles


Diego Miralles is a veteran pharmaceutical and biotech leader who joined Flagship Pioneering in 2020, serving as CEO-Partner and CEO of Laronde.

Diego was previously CEO of Vividion Therapeutics, Inc., a biotechnology company focused on the creation of highly selective small molecule medicines that drug traditionally inaccessible targets. As CEO, he led a team that raised over $360 million in venture capital and two large partnerships with BMS/Celgene and Roche. Prior to this role, he was President of Adaptive Therapeutics, a division of Adaptive Biotechnologies focused on clinical therapeutic applications of TCR sequencing.

Diego also spent eleven years at Johnson & Johnson, where he most recently served as Global Head of Johnson & Johnson Innovation. Diego’s many achievements at J&J include leading Janssen’s Research and Early Development Unit in California and establishing the J&J Innovation Centers and Janssen/JLABS. Diego was also Vice President of Clinical Development at Tibotec, a J&J company, where he led a team that put six drugs in the clinic, ultimately garnering five approvals, including PREZISTA® and INTELENCE®. Earlier in his career, he served in R&D roles at Trimeris, Inc. and Triangle Pharmaceutical focusing on the development of antivirals. He worked on the clinical development of a total of 8 compounds, two of which made it to the market: Fuzeon and Emtriva.

Diego began his academic career as an Assistant Professor at Duke University Medical Center, where he practiced as an HIV physician and conducted basic research in T cell development. He received an M.D. from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina and conducted his residency at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN and his fellowship in Infectious Diseases at New York Hospital-Cornell University Medical Center.

Roger Perlmutter


Dr. Perlmutter is President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman of Eikon Therapeutics, Inc., a private biotechnology company that employs advanced imaging technologies to identify novel therapeutic candidates by virtue of their effects on protein dynamics in living cells. A highly accomplished industry as well as academic leader with over 35 years of experience, Dr. Perlmutter was previously Executive Vice President, Merck & Co., and President of Merck Research Laboratories where he supervised the discovery and development of numerous lifesaving medicines including KEYTRUDA™ , Merck's foundational immuno-oncology therapeutic, which continues to transform cancer care throughout the world. Before this, Dr. Perlmutter spent 12 years as Executive Vice President and head of R&D at Amgen, Inc., where he is credited with having revolutionized the development of important biopharmaceuticals for the treatment of osteoporosis and cancer-related bone disease, and for the reduction of hypercholesterolemia-related cardiovascular risk.

Prior to assuming leadership roles in industry, Dr. Perlmutter was a professor in the Departments of Immunology, Biochemistry and Medicine at the University of Washington, Seattle, and also served as Chairman of its Department of Immunology, where he was at the same time an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. His research focused on understanding the signaling pathways that control lymphocyte activation. Prior to his role at the University of Washington, he was a lecturer in the Division of Biology at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena.

Dr. Perlmutter is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and both a Distinguished Fellow and past president of the American Association of Immunologists.

Henrijette Richter


Henrijette Richter is a Managing Partner at Sofinnova Partners and an active member of the Capital Funds team, the venture capital firm’s flagship fund dedicated to early-stage biotechs and medtechs. She joined Sofinnova in 2014 and her investments and board involvements include Mozart Therapeutics, Muna Therapeutics, Nitrase Therapeutics, Nodthera, Twentyeight-Seven Therapeutics, Asceneuron, Delinia (sold to Celgene), and iOmx Therapeutics.
Prior to Sofinnova, Dr. Richter was part of the team that founded Novo Seeds in 2007, and as an Investment Director, she was instrumental in the creation, financing and building of companies such as Orphazyme (ORPHA.CO; ORPH), Avilex Pharma, EpiTherapeutics (sold to Gilead), and Lysogene (LYS, Euronext Paris). Dr. Richter holds a combined Ph.D. and Industrial Scientist degree in Molecular Biology from the University of Copenhagen and Novo Nordisk A/S. She did her postdoctoral fellowship at the MIT Center for Cancer Research in Massachusetts.

Jorge Conde


Jorge Conde is a General Partner at Andreessen Horowitz where he leads investments at the cross section of biology, computer science and engineering.

Prior to joining a16z, Jorge served as Chief Strategy Officer for Syros (NASDAQ: SYRS), which is advancing a new wave of medicines that control expression of disease-driving genes to treat cancer and other diseases. He previously served as the company's Chief Financial Officer and Chief Product Officer, leading the platform strategy for Syros' novel gene regulation technology. Jorge also cofounded Knome, a human genome interpretation company acquired by Tute Genomics in 2015. Earlier in his career, Jorge worked in marketing and operations at MedImmune and as a biotechnology investment banker at Morgan Stanley.

Jorge holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, an MS from the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, and a BA in Biology from Johns Hopkins University.

Jorge was named one of the top 35 young innovators in the world by the MIT Technology Review and is a Henry Crown Fellow of the Aspen Institute and a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network. He previously served on the board of the Museum of Science, Boston.

Susan Galbraith


I lead Oncology R&D, early stage, and am responsible for research and early development from target selection to the initiation of pivotal trials.
I have over 20 years’ experience in drug discovery and development with a background as a Clinical Oncologist. I trained in medicine at Manchester and Cambridge Universities, was admitted to the Royal College of Physicians in 1992, and then trained in Clinical Oncology in London. I gained a Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists in 1997 and completed a PhD at the University of London involving translational work on a vascular-targeting agent. In 2017, I was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Medical Science from the Institute of Cancer Research, and in 2018 I was admitted to the Fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

I moved from medicine to industry in 2001, to Bristol-Myers Squibb where I held increasing levels of responsibility becoming Vice President for the Clinical Discovery Oncology & Immunology and Clinical Biomarkers groups.
I joined AstraZeneca in 2010 as Head of Oncology in the IMED Biotech Unit. Since joining, four programmes have moved into Phase 3 trials; and two are now approved in many countries around the world.

A critical focus for me in the drug development process is on ensuring quality target selection and engagement and selecting the right patients for treatment. This has led to the successful development of several novel treatments and I am proud to have played a part in their development, together with a great team at AstraZeneca. I am also passionate about developing the next generation of scientists and on improving diversity via personal mentorship.

In addition to my role at AstraZeneca, I co-lead the Cambridge Cancer Centre Onco-Innovation group, connecting Cambridge scientists to the biotech and pharmaceutical companies in the region; I am the current Chair of the Board at Definiens AG, a Non-Executive on the Board of Horizon Discovery PLC, and on the Scientific Advisory Board of the ICR Cancer Research Centre of Excellence; and I serve on the AACR Finance Committee and the AACR Annual Meeting Scientific Program Committee.

David Reese


Dr. David M. Reese is executive vice president, Research and Development. In this role, Dr. Reese oversees Discovery Research, Global Development, Global Regulatory Affairs and Safety, as well as Global Medical. Dr. Reese joined Amgen in 2005 and has served in various leadership roles within the Research and Development organization. This includes most recently serving as Senior Vice President of Translational Sciences and Oncology where he oversaw the translation of Amgen’s medicines from the lab into the clinic and the overall oncology strategy.

Prior to joining Amgen, Dr. Reese was director of Clinical Research for the Breast Cancer International Research Group (BCIRG) and a co-founder, president and chief medical officer of Translational Oncology Research International (TORI), a not-for-profit academic clinical research organization. Dr. Reese is a graduate of Harvard College and the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He completed training in Internal Medicine and Hematology/Oncology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Medicine, and subsequently served on the faculty at UCLA and the University of California, San Francisco.

James Wilson


James M. Wilson, MD, PhD, is a Professor in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania where he has led an effort to develop the field of gene therapy. His research career spanning over 40 years has focused on rare diseases and ways to treat them by gene therapy. The Wilson lab identified a new type of vector based on novel isolates of adeno-associated viruses which have become best in class for gene therapy being used by over 40 companies. More recently Dr. Wilson’s laboratory has focused on improved vectors for gene therapy and clinical applications of genome editing and mRNA therapy.

John Carroll


John D. Carroll is a biotech analyst and writer with decades of prize-winning experience in journalism. A co-founder of Endpoints News, he has covered biopharma for the past 17 years. Aside from his daily industry coverage for FierceBiotech, where he was named editor in 2003, leaving in 2016, Carroll has been a regular speaker at biotech events around the globe. He’s been quoted by The New York Times, The New Yorker, Financial Times, The Times of London and more. He’s also keynoted at biotech gatherings around the world and addressed student audiences at MIT and Harvard. Carroll has contributed stories from Central America and Ireland to the Dallas Morning News and Time and wrote for the Houston Press. He spent 6 years as editor and publisher of the Dallas Business Journal, was publisher of Texas Business and early in his career was part of a Pulitzer Prize-winning team of reporters and editors at the Kansas City Star & Times.

Christiana Bardon


Dr. Christiana (Chris) Bardon is Co-Managing Partner of BioImpact Capital, an affiliate manager of MPM and leads MPM’s public market investing as portfolio manager for BioImpact Equities (f/k/a Burrage Capital) and the Oncology Impact Funds.

Previously, Chris was a health care analyst at Fidelity Investments covering biotechnology, life-science tools and diagnostics, and she started her career as an analyst at MPM. She currently serves on the Harvard Medical School Board of Fellows and is a Trustee of the American Association for Cancer Research Foundation.

Chris earned her M.D. magna cum laude from Harvard Medical School and her M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. While at Harvard Medical School, she was the recipient of a Howard Hughes fellowship, and she completed her residency in Internal Medicine at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital at Harvard Medical School. She received her M.S./B.S. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Jürgen Eckhardt


Jürgen Eckhardt is SVP and Head of Leaps by Bayer, the impact investment unit of Bayer. The mission of Leaps is to invest in breakthrough technologies and disruptive business models in the areas of healthcare and agriculture. Jürgen has been a venture investor since 2002 and currently serves on the board of Joyn Bio, Dewpoint, Century, Khloris, Oerth Bio, Immunitas, eGenesis, and others. Previously, Jürgen was a management consultant and Associate Partner with McKinsey & Co. and a member of McKinsey’s Healthcare Leadership Team. He began his career as a radiologist at the University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland. Jürgen received his M.D. from the University of Basel and his MBA from INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France.

Alice Pomponio


Alice Pomponio is an impact investor and social innovation entrepreneur. She currently serves as Managing Director of BrightEdge, American Cancer Society’s impact investment fund that fights cancer with patient-centric innovation by investing in early-stage oncology companies. Her American Cancer Society volunteer leadership includes past Chair Eastern New England Board of Directors and National Board Member of American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. She is on faculty at Harvard-MIT HST Sloan Healthcare Ventures where she teaches biomedical innovation and healthcare entrepreneurship. Before joining BrightEdge, Alice was an advisor at Red Sky Partners advising high-growth life sciences and health tech startup companies on business development and go-to-market strategies.

Alice held prior R&D and commercial leadership roles at Radius Health, AstraZeneca, and Sanofi Genzyme, where she launched multiple U.S. and global specialty products and championed orphan drug policy and health equity initiatives across the globe. She led open innovation and public-private partnerships that have transformed specialty medicines development. Her public sector experience spans innovation, trade, and healthcare policy through roles in the UK Government and U.S. Office of Management and Budget. She holds a Master of Public Policy from Harvard University and a Bachelor of Science in Biology from MIT. Alice serves on the Boards of Massachusetts Biotechnology Council, MassEcon, and PhagePro Inc.

Glenn Rockman


At Adjuvant, Glenn oversees the firm’s investments in VitriVax (board member), Univercells (board member), Themis (acquired by Merck in 2020), X-Vax (board observer), InDevR (board member), and Codagenix (board member). He is also actively engaged with the Research Investment for Global Health Technology Fund (RIGHT Fund) as a board member and a champion of leveraging South Korea’s life sciences industry to bring new public health innovations to market. He is also on the board of WaterEquity.
Prior to Adjuvant, Glenn was a Managing Partner at the Global Health Investment Fund (GHIF), where he oversaw the fund’s investments in EuBiologics (KOSDAQ: 206650), AccessBio (KOSDAQ: 950130), and IanTech (sold to Carl Zeiss Meditec in 2018), among others.

Prior to GHIF, Glenn was an Executive Director in J.P. Morgan’s Social Finance unit, where he helped the firm’s non-profit clients maximize the financial resources available to advance their missions.

Glenn earned an AB in public policy from the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs.

Adjuvant is a global life sciences investment company built to accelerate the development of new technologies for the world’s most pressing public health challenges. Backed by prominent healthcare investors and development finance institutions, Adjuvant invests in companies developing promising new vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics, and devices targeting high-burden infectious diseases, malnutrition, and maternal / child health, with a commitment to make these interventions accessible to those who need them most in low- and middle-income countries.

Laura Kleiman


Laura Kleiman is the Founder and CEO of Reboot Rx, the nonprofit health tech startup dedicated to fast-tracking the development of affordable cancer treatments using repurposed generic drugs, AI technology, and innovative funding models. Laura’s career has focused on building collaborations across disciplines and sectors to expand treatment options for cancer patients. She holds a PhD in Computational and Systems Biology from MIT, was an American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellow at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, and most recently served as Scientific Research Director in the Department of Data Sciences at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Laura has been featured in Forbes and the Boston Business Journal, named a CHM Patrick J. McGovern Tech for Humanity Prize Changemaker finalist, and recognized with awards from Extraordinary Women Advancing Healthcare, 40 Under 40 in Cancer, the Massachusetts Next Generation Initiative, and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Debora Barton


Debora Barton, MD, is a medical oncologist and the Chief Medical Officer of Carisma Therapeutics. She brings over 20 years of oncology experience, both in academia as a practicing physician and investigator in clinical trials, and in the biotechnology/pharmaceutical industry supporting the development of new drugs for the treatment of cancer.
At Carisma, she is leading the clinical development of CT-0508, a HER2 targeted, first of its kind CAR-macrophage, as well as the planning of upcoming pipeline clinical trials including CAR-macrophages against new targets and combinations.
Most recently, she served in key senior executive positions in adoptive cellular therapy and radiopharmaceutical biotech companies including Iovance Biotherapeutics and Advanced Accelerator Applications (the latter being acquired by Novartis during Debora’s tenure). In her leadership roles, Debora built Clinical Development, Medical Affairs and Drug Safety teams setting up the infrastructure for the conduct of registrational clinical studies. She was instrumental in obtaining FDA Breakthrough Designation for a cell therapy product and in the marketing authorization of a radiopharmaceutical agent for the treatment of cancers by both FDA and EMA.
Previously, Debora spent 10 years at Celgene and Novartis in Medical Affairs and Clinical Development roles of increasing responsibility, always focusing on improving the lives of cancer patients. She holds an MD from Pontificia Universidade Catolica Sao Paulo (PUC-SP) and completed her fellowship in Oncology at Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP) in Brazil.

John Houston


Dr. Houston is President and Chief Executive Officer of Arvinas. Previously, he was the SVP of Specialty Discovery at Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS). He spent more than 18 years at BMS in roles of increasing responsibility and had accountability for all Discovery Biology disease teams as well as various Discovery technology departments. Dr. Houston was a member of the BMS R&D Executive Leadership team and chaired the Target Portfolio Committee which had governance oversight in the discovery space. With his teams and research colleagues, he progressed over 200 compounds into early development, several of which advanced into late stage clinical trials, and toward commercialization.

He was also the principal architect and driver of the ‘Leveraging Technology’ initiative at BMS which oversaw the design and implementation of an industry-leading integrated lead discovery and optimization process. This initiative created revolutionary changes in the discovery process at BMS with significant improvements in capacity, speed and cost control resulting in marked increases in research productivity and success rates.

Dr. Houston has over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Prior to joining Bristol-Myers Squibb, he worked at Glaxo Welcome Research and Development in the UK, where he served as head of the Lead Discovery Unit. Dr. Houston currently serves on the boards of directors of NextCure, Inc., Oerth Bio, Cybrexa Therapeutics and BioCT.

Dr. Houston obtained his B.Sc. degree in Medical Microbiology from Glasgow University and obtained his Ph.D. with Professor Brian Catley in Microbial Biochemistry from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. He also completed his post-doctoral studies on an MRC grant with Professor Julia Douglas at Glasgow University.

Eric Kelsic


Dr. Eric Kelsic is CEO and co-founder of Dyno Therapeutics and serves on its Board of Directors.

Prior to founding Dyno, Eric led a team in Prof. George Chuch’s lab at the Wyss Institute of Harvard Medical School. There he measured the first comprehensive fitness landscape of the adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsid protein, co-discovered the AAV MAAP gene, and created the underlying technology for Dyno’s AI-powered engineering platform. Eric earned a PhD in Systems Biology from Harvard University and a BS in Physics from Caltech.
Dyno recently closed their $100M Series A fundraising led by a16z and was named one of Endpoint’s 11 Most Promising Startups in 2021 and Xconomy’s 2020 Startup of the Year. In 2021, Eric was also recognized as one of Endpoint’s 20 under 40 next-gen biotech leaders. Headquartered in Cambridge, MA, Dyno is empowering a diverse team of the best problem solvers to drive cutting edge science towards improving patient health. Visit www.dynotx.com for additional information.

Devyn Smith


Dr. Devyn Smith brings significant cell and gene therapy development and platform expertise from his 20+ year career. Devyn joined Arbor Biotechnologies as Chief Executive Officer on April 27, 2021 after concluding his role as Chief Operating Officer of Sigilon Therapeutics. Prior to Sigilon, Dr. Smith worked in a variety of roles at Pfizer Inc., including COO of the UK-based Neusentis Unit focused on discovering and developing cell therapies. He received his Ph.D. in Genetics from Harvard Medical School. He is an inventor on multiple patents and has published in leading scientific journals throughout his career. Dr. Smith is a board member and officer for ARM (Alliance for Regenerative Medicine), the cell and gene therapy industry group.

Ryan Cawood


Ryan founded Oxford Genetics (trading as OXGENE) in 2011, after earning a degree in genetics and a PhD in gene therapy from Oxford University. The idea behind the company was to simplify and standardise the process of DNA engineering using a proprietary DNA plasmid platform called SnapFast™. Ryan used his background in virology to guide and grow the business through a series of strategic changes that deployed the SnapFast™ technology for cell and gene therapy discovery and manufacturing applications. He has over 20 peer reviewed papers and is the inventor on more than 100 international patent applications. In 2021, Ryan led the sale of the OXGENE to WuXi Advanced Therapies. He is currently the Chief Scientific Officer for WuXi Advanced Therapies and OXGENE.

Todd Golub


Todd Golub is director and a founding core member of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Golub is a world leader in using genomics tools to understand the basis of cancer. He also pioneered the development of new cell-based approaches to drug discovery for cancer and other diseases.

Golub is also the Charles A. Dana Investigator in Human Cancer Genetics at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. He is the recipient of multiple awards, including the Outstanding Achievement Award from the American Association for Cancer Research, the Paul Marks Prize for Cancer Research, and the Daland Prize from the American Philosophical Society. In 2014 he was elected to the National Academy of Medicine.

Kevin Davies


British science writer Kevin Davies, Ph.D., is the author of EDITING HUMANITY: The CRISPR Revolution and the New Era of Genome Editing (Pegasus Books, 2020). Kevin’s latest book is the riveting story of the development of the Nobel Prize-winning technology for editing genes, driving breakthroughs in science, medicine, and agriculture, while igniting ethical controversies about designer babies and the future of humanity. Kevin won a Guggenheim Fellowship for science writing in 2017.

Kevin has 30 years’ experience in science publishing and public speaking. He is the founding editor of Nature Genetics and currently the Executive Editor of The CRISPR Journal. He is spearheading the launch of a new multidisciplinary journal called GEN Biotechnology, in 2022. Kevin’s previous books include Breakthrough: The Race for the Breast Cancer Gene; Cracking the Genome (translated into 15 languages), an inside account of the race for the Human Genome Project hailed by one reviewer as “A rollicking good tale about an enduring intellectual monument”; and The $1000 Genome, which details the revolution in personalized medicine and consumer genetics. He also collaborated with Nobel laureate Jim Watson and Andrew Berry on an updated edition of DNA: The Story of the Genetic Revolution.

Kevin graduated with a degree in Biochemistry from Oxford University and took his PhD in molecular genetics from the University of London. He hung up his lab coat after two inconsequential postdocs in Boston.