紐英崙中華公所主席雷國輝。(檔案照片) |
2022.04.25 CCBA News
1) 1. 每週一至週五下午五時後在中華公所大樓內參加活動者, 可在本樓的停車埸停泊車輛,
每車收費 $5元, 不得轉讓.
時間只限下午五時至十時. 車位有限, 先到先得.
請注意: 泊車手續在中華公所辦公室辦理. 辦公時間至晚上八點.
2) 2. 中華公所一樓全層已經可以免費上網.
3) 3. 2022年5月開始, 中華公所向僑胞大眾提供免費社會福利咨詢服務. 內容包括協助申請糧食券, 公屋,
耆英及幼兒緊急緩助, 燃料補貼, 醫療咭, 辦理護照, 減費電話及電腦網絡服務,
專人服務時間為每星期二及星期四, 上午九時至下午一時. 必須預約.
預約電話: 617 542 2574
1) 1) For the participants who are engaging the activities in the CCBA building, they can park the cars at the CCBA parking lot for $5 flat rate from 5 pm to 10 pm during weekday evenings after 5:00 pm. It is based on first come first serve policy due to the limited number of spaces. Please be aware that the CCBA office, which will collect the parking fee, will be closed at 8:00 pm on weekdays.
2) The free wi-fi service for public use is now available at the first floor of the CCBA building.
3) 3) Starting from May,2022, CCBA will provide complementary paperwork advice and assistance to members of the Chinatown community for services such as the following:
and Children (EAEDC), Social Security, SSI (Supplemental
Security Income) and SSDI (Social
Security Disability Insurance).
Lifeline application.
This program is available every Tuesday and
Thursday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm by appointment only, please contact the CCBA
office by Phone: (617) 542-2574.