星期四, 4月 07, 2022


CAPAC Chair Chu Statement on Appointment to America COMPETES Act Conference Committee


Washington, D.C. — Today, CAPAC Chair Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) issued the following statement after being appointed to the America COMPETES Act conference committee:


“I am honored to serve on the conference committee for the America COMPETES Act, a comprehensive policy package that will strengthen our supply chains, support American workers, and make our country more competitive.  I’m thrilled to be joined by five of my fellow CAPAC Executive Members - Reps. Ami Bera, Ro Khanna, Doris Matsui, Bobby Scott, and Mark Takano, and many other CAPAC Associate Members. In this conference,  I will work to ensure that the final legislation does not include broad xenophobic, anti-China rhetoric that could endanger the lives of Asian American communities here at home. I will also push back on any language that encourages the racial profiling of Asian Americans by our own government.  I’m optimistic that the final package will increase American resiliency and I am hopeful that this process will set a tone for future policy debates to be focused on policy, not fear. I thank the Speaker for this important appointment and look forward to getting to work.”
