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星期一, 5月 31, 2021
Baker-Polito Administration Recognizes Memorial Day with Video Tribute
The video is available at www.mass.gov/MemorialDay.
Governor Baker’s Remarks:
“Now most of the recipients of that very special class [Medal of Honor recipients] don’t usually make it back.
“And there are plenty of examples of that represented by many of the flags that are behind us today.
“And as one of these people who’s had a chance to spend a big part of my professional career serving in public office at the local and state level, I am acutely aware that it’s the sacrifices and the generosity of spirit, and the courage, of those who serve – and their families – who make it possible for our democracy to continue to operate on behalf of the people that we all serve.
“The debt that’s paid by the flags here and the folks they represent can never be repaid.
“But the one thing I have heard time and time again from Gold Star Families in my conversations with them over the years, is ‘Through the tragedy, I hope you never forget, and you always take time to honor and remember, those who have made possible through their sacrifices, all that we hold dear here in Massachusetts and across the country.’”
In honor of Memorial Day, Governor Baker has ordered that the United States flag and the Commonwealth flag be lowered to half-staff at all state buildings from sunrise until noon and full staff from noon until sunset on Monday, May 31, 2021. The order applies to the main or administration building of each public institution of the Commonwealth, other state-owned or state-controlled buildings and all state military installations.
星期五, 5月 28, 2021
麻州州長:5/29起所有企業可正常營運 6/15起麻州結束緊急狀態
Governor Baker Issues Order Rescinding COVID-19 Restrictions on May 29 and Terminating State of Emergency Effective June 15
BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker joined Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy and Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders to sign an Executive Order terminating the Commonwealth’s State of Emergency effective June 15, 2021. The Order also rescinds most COVID-19 restrictions, including limitations placed on businesses, as of tomorrow, May 29 as Massachusetts nears the goal of vaccinating four million residents. This week, the Commonwealth passed the 3.5 million mark for fully vaccinated residents.
“Today marks an important milestone in our fight against COVID-19 here in the Commonwealth,” said Governor Baker. “Over the last 15 months, the residents of Massachusetts have shown an incredible amount of strength and resiliency, and we are pleased to take this step forward towards a return to normal.”
“With restrictions ending tomorrow and continued progress towards our vaccination goal, Massachusetts is on a path towards renewing our economy and returning to normal,” said Lt. Governor Polito. “We look forward to working with communities across the state to help them get their main streets and downtowns back up and running and for a sustained recovery ahead.”
Effective May 29, all industries will be permitted to open. With the exception of remaining face-covering requirements for masks in public and private transportation systems, hospitals and other facilities housing vulnerable populations, all industry restrictions will be lifted at that time, and capacity will increase to 100% for all industries. All gathering limits will also be rescinded.
To continue certain public health requirements, like requiring face coverings in certain settings, to remain effective past June 15, Governor Baker today issued a modified declaration of a public health emergency under the public health statute.
Under this order, the Executive Office of Health and Human Services and the Department of Public Health will be proposing to the Public Health Council the continuation of some public health orders in the coming weeks to maintain flexibilities and policies for vaccination, testing and other critical operations.
Earlier this week, Governor Baker filed legislation to extend certain emergency measures currently in place via executive orders that are set to expire on June 15 with the end of the State of Emergency. The bill would extend measures providing for a temporary suspension of certain open meeting law requirements, special permits for expanded outside dining at restaurants, and surprise billing protections for COVID-19 patients.
Baker-Polito Administration Re-Files Bill to Honor Veterans Lost to Service-Related Illness
Baker-Polito Administration Re-Files Bill to Honor Veterans Lost to Service-Related Illness
Presented to Families, Medal Would Recognize PTSD and Other Service-Related Injuries and Illnesses
BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration this week re-filed legislation to establish the Massachusetts Medal of Fidelity, which will be presented by the Massachusetts National Guard to the families of veterans who lost their lives to service-related illnesses and injuries.
“The Medal of Fidelity is an important opportunity to honor the brave men and women and their families who have served not just the Commonwealth, but the nation,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Service-related injuries and illnesses can persist long past service, and our administration is proud to offer legislation that, if passed, will demonstrate our gratitude for the sacrifices of our veterans and their loved ones.”
The bill, entitled “An Act Relative to Establishing the Massachusetts Medal of Fidelity,” will authorize the Commonwealth to award the Medal of Fidelity to the next-of-kin of Massachusetts service members who “died as the result of service-connected diseases, conditions or injuries that are related to either exposure to harmful toxins, herbicides, agents, and materials or service-related post-traumatic stress disorder.”
“As we celebrate Memorial Day this weekend, there is no more appropriate time to recommit our administration to our veterans and their service,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Service-related illness and injuries can have devastating impacts on veterans and their families, and these selfless sacrifices should not go unnoticed and unacknowledged.”
Complementing the Medal of Liberty, which is presented to the families of Massachusetts veterans who die of combat-related physical injuries, the Medal of Fidelity will recognize service-connected injuries related to exposure to harmful substances, such as Agent Orange, as well as death attributed to service-related mental illness.
“We remain committed to honoring the Massachusetts veterans whose military service was inextricably linked with sacrifice,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Security Tom Turco. “The Medal of Fidelity will memorialize the call to duty that they answered so bravely, recognize the loss that their loved ones still mourn, and properly reflect our understanding that the invisible injuries of war are very real for military families.”
“Those who have selflessly served in the military can endure trauma long beyond their active duty and while some service related health issues, such as PTSD and traumatic brain injury, which affect individual veterans and their loved ones, may be less obvious, they are equally important,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders. “The Commonwealth recognizes invisible wounds of war with this new honor.”
“The brave men and women who serve in the military suffer visible and invisible trauma. Massachusetts is a leader in providing benefits and services to veterans, and helping veterans access mental health and other services,” said Secretary of Veterans’ Services Cheryl Lussier Poppe. “We can never express enough gratitude for those who have served, but we can take every opportunity to honor and pay our respects to those who give so much to us, and their families.”
“This is the first medal of its kind given by the Commonwealth to recognize veterans who have lost their lives because of service-connected illness and injuries,” said Maj. Gen. Gary W. Keefe, The Adjutant General of the Massachusetts National Guard. “It represents the duty and commitment of service members, as well as their faithfulness to the nation. The medal also demonstrates the Commonwealth’s commitment to support them and their families before, during, and after military service.”
The bill will also authorize a commission to make Medal of Fidelity award recommendations to the Governor. The commission will be composed of The Adjutant General of the Massachusetts National Guard and two field grade officers of the armed forces of the Commonwealth.
星期三, 5月 26, 2021
薩福克郡治安官舉辦首次現場波士頓市長候選人論壇 (now)
黃一峰急需配對骨髓救命 親友集資1萬美元要謝捐贈者
(Boston Orange)加州檢察官黃一峰的親友呼籲,”44歲以下年輕人,請上「亞裔捐贈計畫網站aadp.org」,登記捐贈骨髓,救人一命”。配對成功,獎勵一萬美金。
徐小培彈奏巴哈境界高 樂評家:堪為記錄
徐小培演奏。(中華表演藝術基金會提供) |
Price 1906年畢業於紐英倫音樂學院,是美國非裔女作曲家中作品獲得全美五大樂團之一芝加哥交響樂團首演的第一位。
波士頓音樂雜誌(The Boston Musical
Moran在場仔細傾聽,並以“燦爛明晰的徐小培”做文章標題的來稱讚。他 說: 『徐小培是一位強有力的鋼琴家。她在伊莎貝拉美術館的表現正如一位專業的雕刻家,用鏟子創造出不同風格的作品,每件作品都像是敬業的珠寶師,仔細精準做出的成品,的確可作為他人的榜樣。她所彈的李斯特依據巴哈的幻想曲及賦格曲所寫的兩首鋼琴曲,可謂已達極至,不可能有比她更有改進的表演了。幾十年來我聽過此曲演奏無數次,但沒有比今晚更好的律韻,更清新的音色,能把巴哈彈到如此境界,她已留下了一個永久性的標誌。』
Boston Pops Orchestra)在波士頓交響廳 (Boston Symphony Hall)演出。鋼琴泰斗Martha Argerich 曾公開稱讚她是:
Haskil 比賽的評委收集並發表。
紐英崙中華公所更換4名董事 6月1日起大樓恢復開放
紐英崙中華公所主席鄭慧民。(視頻截圖) |
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)紐英崙中華公所(CCBA) 5月25日晚在網上召開2021年度第三次董事大會,主席鄭慧民宣佈更換4名董事,6月1日起,公所大樓恢復開放,華埠巡邏小組重出江湖,廣徵義工加入行列。
紐英崙中華公所網上開董事大會。(視頻截圖) |
紐英崙中華公所網上開董事大會。(視頻截圖) |
紐英崙中華公所行政主任珠蘇珊報告中華公所營運狀況,發展項目。 |
中華公所英文書記阮鴻燦也是華埠治安巡邏隊召集人。 |
紐英崙中華公所財政陳余寶愛報告財政。(視頻截圖) |