Orange) 波士頓台灣影展協會(TFFB)跨入2021年,策展團隊選定「苦樂參半(Bittersweet)」為主題,繼續藉電影,促請更多海外人士認識台灣。
波士頓台灣影展感恩各方的熱烈支持,讓2020 『Lost & Found』 線上影展系列圓滿落幕。 團隊於今年初開啟第三屆的籌劃,有幸獲得許多熱情有才華的新血加入,讓團隊的組成與視野更加豐富多元。秉持著創造對話、促進交流的初心,經過無數漫漫長夜絞盡腦汁的評估與討論,策展團隊從二十幾個主題中,精選出了本屆的影展主題ー『Bittersweet』。
fusion 餐廳一般,混搭出充滿新鮮感與多元文化的新滋味。波士頓台灣影展團隊期許本屆的 『Bittersweet』系列,能夠讓更多海內外的觀眾,用不同的視角與生命經驗,深度尋根探索台灣獨特文化中的情與味,並且加以傳承與推廣。
本屆影展將於 2021 下半年舉辦,屆時將帶領觀眾細細品味色香味俱全,笑中帶淚,鹹中帶甜, 且令人回味無窮的台灣電影。映後將舉辦座談會,邀請您與影人對話,深度了解電影角色與影人的酸甜苦辣。更多資訊請洽官網。敬請期待!(May 2nd, 2021)
Taiwan Film Festival of Boston selects theme for their third season
BOSTON, Mass. -- Apr. 26, 2021 -- Taiwan Film Festival of Boston (TFFB), a nonprofit organization that emphasizes connection and dialogue through films announces the theme for the upcoming third season as “Bittersweet”.
“People often find connections with each other through food and dining. The goal of our third annual film festival in 2021 is to take our audience through a journey back in time, to rediscover feelings and nostalgia,” said Andrew Lin, Chair of Curation. “These emotional capacities are what makes us human and keeps us connected to each other. The TFFB team commits to sparking conversations and inspiring exploration via different perspectives, and to savor the Taiwanese culture that we all cherish.”
TFFB’s annual film festival will take place in Fall 2021, with the format to be decided.
To learn more about TFFB, visit www.taiwanfilmfest.org. (April 30th, 2021)